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Abstract: The Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation from the vicinity of Qujing City, Yunnan, China is interpreted as a terrestrial‐fluviatile‐lacustrine sequence. It contains important nonmarine biotas including plants, fish and invertebrates. The plants are particularly interesting as they include many endemic taxa. Dispersed spore assemblages have been recovered from the upper part of this formation. The spores are well preserved and of moderate thermal maturity. They are systematically described and four new species erected: Aneurospora xujiachongensis sp. nov., Chelinospora ouyangii sp. nov., Camptozonotriletes? luii sp. nov. and Leiozonospora xichongensis sp. nov. One new combination is proposed: Aneurospora conica (Ouyang and Lu) comb. nov. This is a rare report of a Lower Devonian dispersed spore assemblage from the South China Plate. Indeed, few dispersed spore assemblages of this age are known outside of Euramerica and Northern Gondwana. It is suggested that the Xujiachong Formation spore assemblages can all be equated to the polygonalisemsiensis Spore Assemblages Biozone (PE SAB) of Richardson and McGregor (1986) indicating an early (but not earliest) Pragian to ?earliest Emsian age. However, caution is urged, because biostratigraphical interpretation is difficult owing to distinct differences between dispersed spore assemblages from South China and Euramerica/Northern Gondwana. This almost certainly reflects palaeophytogeographical variation and regional endemism among early land plant floras on widely separated land masses. Palynofacies analysis supports a nonmarine origin for the deposits of the Xujiachong Formation, with the very rare marine palynomorphs that were encountered interpreted as reworked.  相似文献   

The Tidikelt region forms an outstanding area for subsurface Lower Devonian stratigraphy in the central Algerian Sahara. Sediments from five boreholes have revealed abundant and diverse assemblages of miospores, acritarchs, chitinozoa, scolecodont and microplant remains. The miospores are moderately well preserved. Three new miospore species (Dibolisporites saharansis nov. sp. Hassan Kermandji, Acinosporites conatus nov. sp. Hassan Kermandji and Scylaspora tidikeltense nov. sp. Hassan Kermandji) are described. Miospore assemblages vary through the regressive and transgressive sequences. Seven miospore assemblage biozones, including six new miospore assemblage biozones (Scylaspora tidikeltense-Perotrilites microbaculatus, Dictyotriletes emsiensis-Emphanisporites spinaeformis, Apiculiretusispora arenorugosa-Camptozonotriletes caperatus, Verrucosisporites polygonalis-Dictyotriletes subgranifer, Emphanisporites annulatus-Geminospora svalbardiae, Hystricosporites microancyreus-Grandispora protea, Calyptosporites velatus-Rhabdosporites langii) are proposed for the Lower and early Middle Devonian rocks of Tidikelt Plateau. The combined use of distinctive, wide distribution cosmopolitan and Gondwanan forms as biozonal and species characteristics permits accurate subdivision, dating and correlation of Tidikelt successions with other similar miospore zones of the Lower Devonian of Europe, Canada and other parts of Gondwana plate. The miospore data provide new explanations to stratigraphic relationships of regional rock units, sedimentary cycles and stratigraphic hiatus. The miospore biozones are proposed as a provincial biozonation, which may also be applied to other Palaeozoic rocks of similar miospore content.  相似文献   

Four new foraminiferal species, Parathuramminites mutilatus sp. nov., P. stelliformis sp. nov., P. subrus sp. nov., and P. minutus sp. nov., and a new genus and species, Algaeformis porosus gen. et sp. nov. from clayey limestones and marls of the basal Karpinsky Horizon (Emsian Stage, Lower Devonian) of the Severouralsk Bauxite Mine are described.  相似文献   

Five new Upper Devonian species of the suborder Athyrididina are described from the Pripyat?? Depression (Belarus): Athyris? parvulus Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., Crinisarina neutra Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., C. ligularis Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., C. reticulatiformis Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., and Pachyplax rudis Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Two fertile ferns from the Stephanian of the Massif Central (France) are described in detail. One has been found in the Blanzy basin and is assigned to Oligocarpia (Sphenopteris) leptophylla (Bunbury) nov. comb., according to the morphology of the sterile pinnae and of the fructifications. Its spores agree with the «sporae dispersae Granulatisporites parvus (Ibr.) Potonié and Kremp. The other fern has been collected in the St Etienne basin and is assigned to Senftenbergia plumosa (Artis) Radforth var. ligerensis nov. var. Its spores agree with the morphographic genus Raistrickia (S., W. and B.) Potonié and Kremp but do not look like any described species; therefore the new species name R. polymorpha nov. sp. has been given to that spore.  相似文献   

Fossil eurypterids from the Lake Shunet area (Lower Devonian of the Republic of Khakassia) and the Torgashino locality (Devonian of Krasnoyarsk Region) have been reexamined. New species of eurypterids are described: Stylonuroides orientalis sp. nov., Parahughmilleria longa sp. nov., and Nanahughmilleria notosibirica sp. nov.  相似文献   

New bryozoans from the Middle-Upper Devonian (Eifelian-Frasnian) and the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) of the Holy Cross Mountains in central Poland are described: Bigeyella sparsa gen. et sp. nov., B. separata gen. et sp. nov., Eridopora singula sp. nov., Leptotrypa pulchra sp. nov., Kysylschinipora klarae sp. nov., Coelotubulipora rara sp. nov., Alternifenestella genuina sp. nov., Exfenestella polonica sp. nov., and Rectifenestella localis sp. nov. Some paleogeographic and stratigraphic aspects of the Paleozoic deposits of this region are discussed and main bryozoan localities are described.  相似文献   

A palynofloral assemblage is described from the Upper Triassic Dockum Group of Texas. Forty palynomorph species are recorded and these are correlated with European Upper Triassic assemblages. The Dockum Group assemblage is considered to be of late Karnian age.Two new genera, Tulesporites gen. nov., type species T. briscoensis sp. nov., and Daughertyspora gen. nov., type species D. chinleanus (Daugherty) comb. nov. have been erected; new species are Converrucosisporites matsenii sp. nov., Pyramidosporites traversei sp. nov., Callialasporites triassicus sp. nov., Plicatipollenites minutotriletus sp. nov., Triadispora dockumensis sp. nov., Bhardwajispora jansonii sp. nov., Protodiploxypinus americus sp. nov., P. ujhelyi sp. nov., Klausipollenites gouldii sp. nov., Pityosporites old-hamensis sp. nov., Abietineaepollenites bujakii sp. nov., Falcisporites oviformis sp. nov. and F. tecovasensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

The age of Rock Units B1 and B2 of the Middle Silurian-Lower Devonian of Sahara (Algeria) is assessed and confirmed as late Homerian to ?earliest Lochkovian on the basis of moderately well preserved miospore assemblages. The data upon which this age assessment is provided by recent palynological studies in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain), the type Wenlock area, Shropshire (England), south and south-west Wales, the Midland Valley of Scotland and the Ghadames Basin, Libya. Quantitative study shows that cryptospores decrease in number and variety upwards, laevigate miospores are prevalent and the representatives of the rugulate, crassitate genus Scylaspora are dominant. The occurrence and range of these species as well as other miospore taxa recorded during this study provide the basis for recognizing three miospore assemblage and one interval biozones, namely Scylaspora vetusta-Scylaspora kozlica, Chelinospora sanpetrensis-Cymbosporites triangulatus, Chelinospora hemiesferica and Scylaspopra radiata-Apiculiretusispora synoria. Of these biozones, two assemblage biozones are proposed as new. Core samples of Rock Unit B1 from borehole NGS-1 of the Triassic Province contain the oldest two miospore assemblage biozones. Rock Unit B2 from the boreholes GMD-2, ISS-1 (Tidikelt Plateau) and NGS-1 (Triassic Province) comprise the youngest two miospore biozones. The assemblage and interval biozones allow inter-regional correlation with latest Middle Silurian to probably earliest Devonian strata. The inadequacy of coverage of core samples result in the absence of critical palynological evidence, to determine the exact position of the base of the Ludlow, Pridoli and Lochkovian. Comparison with the zonal and sub-zonal divisions of Mid-Palaeozoic sequences from other parts of the world shows crucial differences in the distribution of the spore flora within Gondwanan and Euramerican regions during Pridoli and early Lochkovian. Six new miospore species namely Retusotriletes delicatus nov. sp., Scylaspora cymba nov. sp., S. distincta nov. sp., S. radiata nov. sp., S. undulata nov. sp. and Cymbosporites triangulatus nov. sp. are described. Three more possibly new miospore forms are described and illustrated but not specifically named.  相似文献   

Anew genus, Zezinia gen. nov., and two new species, Zezinia multicostata sp. nov. and Zaigunrostrum nakhichevanense sp. nov., are described from the Upper Devonian of Transcaucasia. The first genus is one of the last Frasnian representatives of the family Uncinulidae. The Famennian Z. nakhichevanense sp. nov. belongs to punctate rhynchonellids of the family Trigonirhynchiidae.  相似文献   

Two radiolarian assemblages were recovered from upper Norian strata of the Kotel’nyi Island (Russia); the first assemblage, from the Monotis zabaikalica Subzone (lower part of Upper Norian), is represented by Betraccium inornatum Blome, Dumitricaella (?) parva Sugiyama, Ferresium titulense Blome and 24 other species; the second assemblage, from the Monotis subcircularis Subzone (upper part of Upper Norian), is represented by Crucella sp. cf. C. angulosa Carter, Kahlerosphaera acris Bragin, K. sp. cf. K. parvispinosa Kozur & Mostler, Pseudohagiastrum crassum (Carter) and 11 other species. Both assemblages have common taxa with Upper Norian and Rhaetian radiolarian assemblages of British Columbia and they display clear Boreal features: low taxonomic diversity, abundance of taxa known from high-latitude regions, absence or rare presence of taxa known from low-latitude areas. The presence of early representatives of nassellarian genera Droltus and Parahsuum is very distinctive. Six new species are described: Pseudohagiastrum spinosum nov. sp., Cantalum boreale nov. sp., Plafkerium carteri nov. sp., Droltus guttaeformis nov. sp., Laxtorum blomei nov. sp., L. glacialis nov. sp.  相似文献   

New bryozoans of the suborder Ptilodictyina of the order Cryptostomida are described from the Upper Famennian of Transcaucasia: those of the family Worthenoporidae, i.e., a genus Geranopora gen. nov. comprising three species G. fabulosa sp. nov. (type species), G. fida sp. nov., and G. finitima sp. nov., and those of a new family Mysticellidae fam. nov., i.e., a genus Mysticella gen. nov. comprising four species M. labyrinthica sp. nov. (type species), M. laudativa sp. nov., M. sacrosancta sp. nov., and M. ortiva sp. nov. Thus, a Late Devonian part of the evolutionary line of ptilodictyines is revealed that shows their radiation at the levels of families, genera, and species.  相似文献   

In a revision of previously published materials, two new spiriferid species from the Late Tournaisian, Unispirifer subtornacensis sp. nov. and Mesochorispira ussuilensis sp. nov., and Atylephorus nalivkini sp. nov. from the Lytva Horizon of the Upper Devonian of Bashkiria are described. Based on the original collection, a new Serpukhovian subspecies, Podtsheremia duplicicosta triplicicosta, from the southern Ural Mountains and a new Late Carboniferous species, Purdonella kalashnikovi, from the polar Ural Mountains and adjacent islands are established.  相似文献   

Permian gastropods from the Kulogory Formation (Sakmarian) were studied based on the author’s material and the collection of Yakowlew (Central Research Geological Prospecting Museum (TsNIGR Museum), St. Petersburg). Lectotypes for Arribazona tschernyschewi (Yakowlew, 1899) and Microdoma kulogorae (Yakowlew, 1899) were designated. Six species are described; four of them are new and two are assigned to the new genera (Biarmeaspira verideclinata gen. et sp. nov., Globodoma yakowlewi gen. et sp. nov., Glabrocingulum (Glabrocingulum) stankovskyi sp. nov., and Euconospira? pinegensis sp. nov.). The high degree of polymorphism in the dominant species of uniform assemblages is probably the result of their development in “undersaturated” paleocommunities of closed lagoons with gradually increasing concentration of sulfate ions.  相似文献   

Bryozoans from the Mitikha Formation (Lower Famennian, Upper Devonian) in the Kuznetsk depression are described for the first time. This bryozoan assemblage comprises both the well-known species Leioclema numerosum Moroz., L. ramosum Nekh., and Nicklesopora graciosa Troiz. and new taxa: L. kusmense sp. nov. and Megacanthopora glubokaensis sp. nov. The bryozoan assemblage contains some species common with the Famennian bryozoan assemblage of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

New conodont species of the genus Polygnathus (P. krutoensis sp. nov., P. makhlinae sp. nov., P. menneri sp. nov., P. obruchevae sp. nov.) are described from the Evlanovian-Livnian (Upper Devonian) deposits of the Voronezh Anteclise (central regions of the Rassian platform). The ontogenetic series of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

Five new species of sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia and Mongolia (localities Khasurty, Baissa, and Bon-Tsagan). The new species belong to the subfamilies Ghilarellinae and Trematothoracinae: Ghilarella alexialis sp. nov., G. masculina sp. nov., Trematothorax zhangi sp. nov., T. brachyurus sp. nov., and T. extravenosus sp. nov. The genus Trematothoracoides Zhang et al., 2001 (syn. nov.) is synonymized with Trematothorax Rasnitsyn, 1988. A complete list of species of Sepulcidae is provided.  相似文献   

U. D. Bongale 《Hydrobiologia》1989,171(2):103-106
Six new taxa including two new species (Cosmarium bourrellyi Bongale sp. nov. andC. desikacharyi Bongale sp. nov.) and four new varieties (C. auriculatum var.protrusum Bongale var. nov.,C. pachydermum var.inflatum Bongale var. nov.,C. pseudoconnatum var.tuberculans Bongale var. nov. andC. quadrum var.rotundatum Bongale var. nov.) are reported. Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum.  相似文献   

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