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In the Melilla-Nador basin, the diatomites represent one of the main sedimentary components of the Messinian together with reefal carbonate platforms. Two vertical sections were realised in the diatomitic levels from distal platform. Diatom assemblages are for the first time described in this basin. A total of 125 diatom species were determined: 73 centrics and 52 pennates. Significant diatom assemblages defined from the statistical analysis indicate ecological variations concerning diatomitic levels or parts of diatomitic levels. Using the data sets we propose paleoenvironmental models showing the complexity of the ecological interactions. This study point the permanence of opened marine environment, the impulse of cold waters from Atlantic origin, a general decrease in bathymetry in the Messinian marls-diatomitic series, the influence of the carbonate platform progradation and the occurrence of upwelling systems.  相似文献   

The “Aleria formation”, described in northeastern Corsica, consists of siliciclastic deposits referred to a deltaic environment and comprises diatomitic lenses exposed at Casabianda. The Aleria formation fills a depression of the Messinian erosional surface and is overlain by Early Pliocene sediments in several places. This suggests a late Messinian-earliest Pliocene age. Diatom microflora is well-preserved and contains 59 species. Pennates indicate a very large diversity with 54 species, while Centrics are represented only by five species. Diatom assemblages show a relative constant composition along the studied interval. The species Aulacoseiragranulata is the dominant taxon with about 90% in all samples. Taxa are of different salinity classes and different modes of life (planktic, tychoplanktic, benthic, epiphytic…), suggesting multiple environmental factor interactions. The environmental model suggested by sedimentological and biological data led as to assume a pond-like coastal receptacle common in deltaic system. This receptacle was slightly influenced by the close marine waters and was supplied by permanent freshwaters from continental run-off and alluvial sheet. This model based on diatom assemblages provides new data for palaeoenvironmental and chronological interpretations of the so-called Messinian Lago-Mare deposits.  相似文献   

The Messinian pre-evaporitic sedimentary succession of Gavdos Island (Metochia section) is a nearly uninterrupted succession of marine sediments, dominated by finely laminated diatomaceous marls, which are cyclically alternating with clayey diatomites and white diatomites. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna allowed the recognition of nine bioevents, which have been astronomically dated for the Mediterranean. The base of the diatomitic succession in Gavdos Island is dated at 6.722 Ma and the top at 6.015 Ma. The studied section contains benthic foraminiferal genera characteristic of an outer shelf to slope environment. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of this microfauna revealed three benthic foraminiferal fossil assemblages and the occurrence of allochthonous species transported into the bathyal environment by current activity. The cyclical pattern of the benthic foraminifera assemblages indicates that the studied sediments have been affected by repeated episodes of basin restriction characterized by low diversity benthic foraminifera populations, and a limited planktonic foraminifer association typified by shallow, surface-dwelling forms. This restriction was partly due to Antarctic cooling, which produced palaeo-Mediterranean sea-level oscillations during the Early Messinian, as a prelude to closure of the Atlantic connections. The relative impact of climatic versus tectonic control on sedimentation patterns within this basin is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Sorbas basin, the diatomites represent one of the main sedimentary components of the Messinian together with its two marginal carbonate platforms and the central gypsum deposits. Several vertical sections were taken in the infra-gypsum diatomites from successively more distal paleogeographic areas, ranging from the reef slopes (Cariatiz) to the basin (Los Yesos, Los Molinos). A total of 88 diatom species were determined: 50 centric and 38 pennate. Characteristic assemblages were defined for each category type, revealing ecological variations. In the three sections, plankton forms represent 90 % of the diatoms, with oceanic forms dominating the meroplanktonic and neritic. Nevertheless, some levels clearly indicate a coastal environment, attesting to the carbonate platform influence which progrades toward the basin. The diatom assemblages are relatively homogeneous throughout the three sections, indicating that, before gypsum deposition, the basin was still substantially open to the ocean, with waters sufficiently warm to allow coral reef development. Nevertheless, the basin might also have experienced episodes of colder Atlantic influences.  相似文献   

Rapidly deposited Thalassionema-Thalassiothrix pennate diatom oozes previously have been described in Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene sediment beneath the frontal boundary of the eastern equatorial Pacific. Here we document a new occurrence of Thalassionema-Thalassiothrix ooze in Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene sediment beneath the frontal boundary of the subarctic North Pacific. The ooze is a 6 m interval of siliceous sediment at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 885/886 that was rapidly deposited between approximately 5.0 and 5.9 Ma. Bulk sediment in this interval may contain greater than 85% pennate diatom tests. There are also abundant laminae and pockets that are composed entirely of Thalassionema and Thalassiothrix diatoms. The presence of a rapidly deposited ooze dominated by pennate diatoms indicates unusual past conditions in the overlying surface waters. Time coincident deposition of such oozes at two distinct frontal boundary locations of the Pacific suggests that the unusual surface water conditions were causally linked to large-scale oceanographic change. This same oceanographic change most likely involved (1) addition of nutrients to the ocean, or (2) redistribution of nutrients within the ocean. The occurrence and origin of pennate diatom oozes may be a key component to an integrative understanding of late Neogene paleoceanography and biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

Natural phytoplankton populations have been grown in outdoor continuous cultures at three dilution rates (D = 0.5, 0.25, and 0.1 · day?1) under nitrogen (N) or silicon (Si) limitation and two light intensities. At a high specific nutrient flux (high dilution rate) under N limitation an assemblage of primarily small, fast growing centric diatoms such as Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve and Chaetoceros spp. dominated with a low percentage of flagellates. At a low specific nutrient flux, a mixture of larger, slower growing centric diatoms, small flagellates, and pennate diatoms was obtained. Similar trends were observed under silicate limitation. Decreasing the light intensity at the lowest dilution rate selected for an assemblage similar to that observed at the high dilution rate and high light intensity.The results of these competition experiments suggest that specific nutrient flux (dilution rate) is an important factor in determining between group dominance (e.g., centric and pennate diatoms and small flagellates). Successful competitors representing broad phytoplankton groups can be arranged along a resource gradient of specific nutrient flux (dilution rate), with groups such as centric and pennate diatoms, represented as high and medium flux species, respectively.  相似文献   

The pollen analysis of sediments of two boreholes located in the northeastern Morocco (Nador 1) and in the southeastern Spain (Andalucia G1) has allowed shedding a new light on the vegetation and climate of the North African littoral plains, the Rif Massif and the Betic Range during the Pliocene. The vegetation around the Alboran Sea was open and xeric during the Zanclean, dominated by herbs including subdesertic elements as Calligonum, Lygeum, Nitraria and Neurada. This type of vegetation indicates a dry and hot climate. The southwestern Mediterranean steppes have therefore a climatic character; they existed before the presence and the heavy pressure of Man on the environment. From the Piacenzian, the development, at Andalucia as well as at Nador, of Artemisia and the appearance of some altitude trees such as Cedrus and Cathaya indicate a vegetation change linked to a climatic change. Modifications in the vegetation observed during the same period in northwestern Mediterranean seem to indicate that the vegetation changes observed at Andalucia and Nador are controlled by the appearance of the first arctic glacial-interglacial cycles. The cedar tree appears at Nador only at the end of the Piacenzian, at time of the first cooling, while it has been found punctually in Messinian and early Pliocene sediments of Habibas in Algeria and in Messinian sediments of the Bou Regreg section at Salé in Morocco. The regular presence of Cedar at Bou Regreg during the Messinian, allows supposing that it was present in the Middle Atlas Mountains and that its development was favoured by colder conditions.  相似文献   

Fucoxanthin–chlorophyll proteins (FCP) are the major light-harvesting proteins of diatom algae, a major contributor to marine carbon fixation. FCP complexes from representatives of centric (Cyclotella meneghiniana) and pennate (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) diatoms were prepared by sucrose gradient centrifugation and studied by means of electron microscopy followed by single particle analysis. The oligomeric FCP from a centric diatom were observed to take the form of unusual chain-like or circular shapes, a very unique supramolecular assembly for such antennas. The existence of the often disputed oligomeric form of FCP in pennate diatoms has been confirmed. Contrary to the centric diatom FCP, pennate diatom FCP oligomers are very similar to oligomeric antennas from related heterokont (Stramenopila) algae. Evolutionary aspects of the presence of novel light-harvesting protein arrangement in centric diatoms are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a biostratigraphic analysis of pyritized diatom assemblages in the Saint-Josse core (CC82) located in the northern part of the Paris basin (coordinates: X =555?000, Y =307?324 and Z =56.9 m). During the Paleocene-Eocene this locality was situated in a small bight of the North Sea Basin. The results are obtained from sediments of the Thanet and Mont-Bernon group equivalents belonging to the Paleocene-Eocene interval. Thirteen samples were studied and eleven contain pyritized diatoms. By epigenesis, the siliceous frustule of the diatom is changed into a pyritized skeleton with all the ornamentation very well preserved such as the velum, the areolae, the labiate processes, etc. Dispersive X-Ray analyses show this complete replacement of silica by pyrite. Another form of pyritization is crystallization of pyrite (in cubes, pyritohedrons, octahedrons, framboids) in internal cavities of the diatoms to produce internal moulds, also called steinkerns, which preserve the external morphology of the diatoms and some details such as the girdle. Despite pyritization, diatoms can often be recognized at the species level; brackish and marine species were observed but no fresh water specimens were encountered. Pyrite is easily altered into iron oxides. In outcrops, pyritized diatoms can be obscured or destroyed by oxidation. We have chosen borehole samples for this study to avoid the affects of weathering. Deposits from the Sorrus Unit (of the Thanet Group) have low abundances of pyritized diatoms (3 to 25 specimens per sample). This unit contains allochtonous diatom assemblages comprising Actinoptychussenarius, Coscinodiscus morsianus var. morsianus, and Coscinodiscus morsianus var. moelleri. Sample 34.31-34.45 from this unit is particularly interesting. It contains three specimens of Paralia siberica var. laevis, which is typical of an estuarine or littoral paleoenvironment, and corresponds to the more continental deposit of the Sorrus Unit. Seven samples, taken in the Argile de Saint-Aubin Unit (from the Mont-Bernon Group), contain more than 200 pyritized diatoms and between 9 to 16 different species per sample. A brackish assemblage (Actinoptychus senarius, Coscinodiscus commutatus and Stellarima microtrias) and a marine assemblage (C. morsianus var. morsianus, Coscinodiscus var. moelleri, Fenestrella antiqua, Odontellaheibergii, Rhizosolenia sp. 1 and Trinacria regina) are observed. The brackish assemblage expands in the upper part of the Saint-Aubin Unit indicating more widespread brackish paleoenvironmental conditions. Pyritized diatoms are important fossil markers in the Paris basin mainly when siliceous fossils (silicoflagellates or radiolarians) and others microfossils (foraminifers and dinoflagellates) are very poor or absent. Two diatom assemblages have been identified in the Saint-Josse borehole. The first assemblage D1, comprising C. morsianus var. moelleri (high occurrence), C. morsianus (a few) and T. regina (rare), is recorded in the Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and lower Saint-Aubin Units. The second assemblage D2, characterized by great abundance of F. antiqua and decreasing numbers of C. morsianus species, is found in the upper part of the Saint-Aubin Unit. These diatom assemblages can be correlated with other biozonations established in the North Sea basin and based on nannoplankton and diatoms (King, 1983), diatoms (Mitlehner, 1996) and calcareous nannoplankton (Martini, 1971). F. antiqua and C. morsianus var. moelleri are the more important diatom species encountered. F. antiqua (previously named Coscinodiscus sp. 1, King, 1983) is the fossil marker used by King to define his NSP4 biozone. The base of NSP4 corresponds to the lowest occurrence of F. antiqua and the top is marked by the highest occurrence of this species. The Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and Saint-Aubin (“Sparnacian” stage) Units, the last one comprising F. antiqua (increasing to acme), correspond to the NSP4 zone of King (1983). The Mont-Hulin and Château de la Bruyère Units correspond probably to the NSP5 zone of King (1983). F. antiqua and C. morsianus var. moelleri were also used by Mitlehner (1996) to differentiate the NSP4a zone (low abundance of F. antiqua and abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri) from the NSP4b zone (great abundance and acme of F. antiqua). The abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri is recorded in the lower part of Saint-Aubin Unit and the abundance of F. antiqua (high peak at 46% in the sample 17.87) is found in the upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit. Therefore, Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and the lower part of Saint-Aubin Units are correlated with the NSP4a zone and the upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit with the NSP4b zone. By correlating the calcareous nannoplankton biozonation (NP) of Martini (1971) with the biozonation of King (1983), adapted by Mitlehner (1996), the boundary between the NP9 and NP10 zones could be located in the 18.75-17.87 interval and the NP10-NP11 boundary at the top of Saint-Aubin Unit. Lithostratigraphic correlations between the units of the Saint-Josse borehole (Paris basin) and the formations of the North Sea basin can be established. The great abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri and the great abundance (including acme) of F. antiqua are respectively recorded in the Sele and Balder Formations. Therefore, the interval Sorrus/lower Saint-Aubin Units is correlated with the Sele Formation and upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit with the Balder Formation.  相似文献   

Settlement of microalgae was investigated on Perspex®, aluminium and zinc coupons immersed in Port Blair Bay waters for over 3 months. Commencement of fouling was exceptionally slow, and few microalgae were found until 14 days. Settlement occurred thereafter, and 47 microalgal species contributed to the fouling. The dominant forms belonged to the genera Navicula and Nitzschia, whereas Coscinodiscus eccentricus, Gyrosigma balticum and Trichodesmium erythraeum also accounted for high proportions of the settlements. The dominance of Nitzschia sigma was particularly marked on zinc coupons, suggesting an ability by the organism to resist toxicity. Settlement of both centric and pennate diatoms was observed in the early and mid periods, and absolute dominance of the pennate diatoms subsequently. The fouling mass was low even after 103 days, and it is speculated that strong ultraviolet radiation might be the prime reason for the sluggish development of marine biofouling in these oceanic island waters.  相似文献   

A stratigraphical chart of marine ostracoda from Lower Miocene to Recent is established. Selected species (approximatively 220) are those morphologicaly well characterized and known from different parts of the Mediterranean area. It appears that: • lower Miocene ostracodes are still poorly known; • specific diversity is high during the Tortonian and the Lower Messinian before the complete disappearance of marine Mediterranean species during the Upper Messinian évaporitic episodes; • during the early Pliocene, about half of the Upper Miocene marine species are reintroduced with the Atlantic waters; other species migrate for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea by the same way; • at the end of the Pliocene or at the beginning of the Pleistocene several species known in Mediterranean since the Middle Miocene or before, such as Cytherella sp. gr. transversa and Ruggieria tetraptera, as well some “nordic guests” such as Hemicythere villosa and Cythere lutea, appear. This work is an opportunity to confirme a Late Miocene age for the Neogene of Skyros (Aegean Sea), to assign the “Upper Pliocene” of Terquem to the Lower Pleistocene and to refute the existence of a pliocene psychrosphere.  相似文献   

A boron requirement has been shown for 12 species of marine pennate diatoms, 4 species of marine centric diatoms, and S freshwater diatom species. It can be concluded that boron is essential for the growth of most, probably all, diatoms. It is much easier to demonstrate a requirement for the marine species than for the freshwater species. Some species of marine algal flagellates also require boron for growth; others apparently do not.  相似文献   

Fossil diatom total abundances (# valves/g) in 54 surface-sediment samples from the northeast (NE) Pacific Ocean reflect the position of high primary production associated with coastal upwelling and that possible biases associated with dilution or dissolution are small. Diatom species assemblages, defined by Q-mode factor analysis in 30 samples with abundant diatoms, are related to modern oceanographic properties. Five statistical assemblages, given by five specific diatom species and/or groups, are related to upwelling (Chaetoceros spores), subtropical (Thalassionema nitzschioides), subarctic (Rhizosolenia hebetata), transitional (Neodenticula seminae) and freshwater (freshwater diatoms) ecological environments. These factors are significantly correlated with primary productivity, temperature, nutrient concentrations and salinity, although the strongest relationship is that between diatom assemblages and productivity. However, it is not possible to distinguish between coastal and open-ocean (curl-driven) upwelling based on Chaetoceros spores relative percentages by themselves or on the floral factors.  相似文献   

Diatoms have co‐evolved with the silicon cycle and are largely responsible for reducing surface concentrations of silicate in the ocean to their present levels. We quantify silicification in marine diatoms at a range of high silicate concentrations representative of environments found over their geological history. The species examined include Stephanopyxis turris, an ancient centric species found throughout the Cenozoic, Thalassiosira pseudonana and Thalassiosira weissflogii, two younger centric species, and two pennate ecotypes of Staurosirella pinnata isolated from different nutrient regimes. Frustule thickness and micromorphological structure are strongly affected by silicate concentration. All species become increasingly silicified with silicate concentrations at concentrations vastly in excess of surface ocean concentrations today. In contrast, the half‐saturation constant for silicate uptake for most modern diatoms is below 2 μm . Based on the results, we hypothesize that silicate uptake is multiphasic in diatoms and that multiple silicate transport systems may have evolved in response to decreases in surface silicate concentration over geological time. The oldest species examined is more heavily silicified than the more modern species, presumably reflecting the conditions under which it originated. Yet diversification in silicification can be rapid, as illustrated by greater silicification in onshore versus the offshore ecotype of the same modern species. This work suggests that silicification of fossil frustules may eventually provide a paleoproxy for surface silicate concentrations over the Cenozoic, although development of species‐specific calibrations will be necessary and the effects of a range of environmental conditions must be investigated.  相似文献   

The longitudinal distribution and seasonal fluctuation of phytoplankton communities was studied along the middle to lower part of a regulated river system (Nakdong River, Korea). Phytoplankton biomass decreased sharply in the middle part of the river (182 km upward the estuary dam), and then increased downstream reaching a maximum at the last sampling station (27 km upward the estuary dam). In contrast, there was little downstream fluctuation in species composition, irrespective of pronounced differences in nutrient concentrations (TN, TP, NO3, NH4, PO4) as well as in algal biomass. In the main river channel, small centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana) and pennate diatoms (Synedra, Fragilaria, Nitzschia) were dominant from winter to early spring (November–April). A mixed community of cryptomonads, centric and pennate diatoms, and coenobial greens (Pediastrum, Scenedesmus) was dominant in late spring (May–June). Blue-green algae (Anabaena, Microcystis, Oscillatoria) were dominant in the summer (July–September). A mid-summer Microcystis bloom occurred at all study sites during the dry season, when discharge was low, though the nutrient concentration varied in each study site. Nutrients appeared everywhere to be in excess of algal requirement and apparently did not influence markedly the downstream and seasonal phytoplankton compositional differences in this river.  相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):35-35
Millie, D. F.1, Fahnenstiel, G. L.2, Carrick, H. J.3, Lohrenz, S. E.4, & Schofield, O. M. E.5 1USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Sarasota, FL 34236, USA, 2NOAA-Lake Michigan Field Station, Muskegon, MI 49441, USA, 3Institute of Marine Science, University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529, USA, 4Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14060, USA; 5Isttitute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Road New Brunswick NJ 08901 USA, Sediment resuspension is an annually recurrent feature during spring holomixis in southern Lake Michigan. Relationships between resuspension events and phyt-oplankton biomass, compositional dynamics, and pro-duction were evaluated during 1998 and 1999. Increased water-column light attenuation (KPAR) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations corresponded with resuspension events within nearshore regions. However, neither KPAR nor SPM corresponded with chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations, indicating no impact of resuspension on instantaneous biomass accumulation. Diatoms and cryptophytes dominated phytoplankton assemblages and together typically comprised greater than 85% of the Chl a. The associations of SPM/KPAR with diatom Chl a, and the inverse relationship between relative diatom and crypto-phyte Chl a corresponded with the dominance of diatoms and cryptophytes in near- and offshore waters, respectively. Moreover, a spatial variation in species composition occurred during resuspension events; small, centric diatoms exhibiting meroplanktonic life histories and large, pennate diatoms considered benthic in origin were associated with sediment resuspension whereas large, net diatoms and cryptophytes typically comprising phytoplankton of the annual spring bloom and of optically-clear, offshore waters were not. The presence of viable diatom photopigments and the abundance of small centric diatoms within the surficial sediments, established this layer as the source of meroplankton. Integral production was dramatically reduced within sediment-impacted waters; however, nearshore assemblages appeared to have greater photosynthetic capacities than offshore assemblages. Although resuspension dramatically influenced near-shore phytoplankton assemblages, it appeared to have little, if any relationship with the compositional development of the annual spring bloom.  相似文献   

Diatoms have been classified historically as either centric or pennate based on a number of features, cell outline foremost among them. The consensus among nearly every estimate of the diatom phylogeny is that the traditional pennate diatoms (Pennales) constitute a well‐supported clade, whereas centric diatoms do not. The problem with the centric–pennate classification was highlighted by some recent analyses concerning the phylogenetic position of Toxarium, whereby it was concluded that this “centric” diatom independently evolved several pennate‐like characters including an elongate, pennate‐like cell outline. We performed several phylogenetic analyses to test the hypothesis that Toxarium evolved its elongate shape independently from Pennales. First, we reanalyzed the original data set used to infer the phylogenetic position of Toxarium and found that a more thorough heuristic search was necessary to find the optimal tree. Second, we aligned 181 diatom and eight outgroup SSU rDNA sequences to maximize the juxtapositioning of similar primary and secondary structure of the 18S rRNA molecule over a much broader sampling of diatoms. We then performed a number of phylogenetic analyses purposely based on disparate sets of assumptions and found that none of these analyses supported the conclusion that Toxarium acquired its pennate‐like outline independently from Pennales. Our results suggest that elongate outline is congruent with SSU rDNA data and may be synapomorphic for a larger, more inclusive clade than the traditional Pennales.  相似文献   

We examined diatom assemblages in a series of remarkable laminated diatomaceous ooze (LDO) horizons in the marine sediments from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1304 to reconstruct the middle-to-late Pleistocene paleoceanographic evolution of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Four confirmed diatom biohorizons combined with calcareous nannofossil and paleomagnetic stratigraphies established the chronological framework for the material. The planktonic, araphid, needle-like species Thalassiothrix longissima was the greatest contributor to the LDO facies. From the results of a principal component analysis using the percent abundances of 65 significant (p = 5%) diatom taxa, except for Tx. longissima, which was extremely dominant in almost all horizons observed, we identified two principal component (PC) axes. Taxa probably associated with the stratigraphic distribution of the major zonal marker Neodenticula seminae (ranging from 1.26 to 0.84 Ma in this ocean) loaded on PC1 with a high value. PC2 was related to the ocean surface temperature. The stratigraphic variability of the PC2 score indicated that switching between warm- and cold-water assemblages occurred concurrently with LDO deposition (or extreme Tx. longissima dominance) episodes in several horizons (particularly after 0.84 Ma), suggesting that the Subarctic Convergence (SAC) oceanic front passed over Site U1304 during Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles. Our floral evidence supports the model of nearly monospecific LDO formation caused by the enhanced physical accumulation of particular diatoms such as Tx. longissima. On the other hand, Nd. seminae, which probably contributes to spring phytoplankton blooms in the modern ocean, was present only between 1.26 and 0.84 Ma in this area. Thus, we infer that the main contributor of export flux in the regional annual primary production cycle would have shifted drastically from one of a spring phytoplankton bloom leader (Nd. seminae) to minor but mass dump assemblages (Tx. longissima etc.) in the mid-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The study of otolith assemblages from the pre-evaporitic Messinian deposits allows the reconstruction of a fauna of 79 taxa of which 35 could be identified at the specific level. Three of these are new: Diaphus rubus, Myctophum coppa, and Uranoscopus ciabatta. The assemblages reflect mainly a neritic environment influenced by the oceanic realm. Analysis of the global present-day geographic distribution of 42 of the recognised Messinian genera indicates that 88% of these are still living in the Mediterranean, 98% in the Atlantic and 78% in the Indo-Pacific realm. These results are in good agreement with the evolutionary trends documented for the Oligocene and Miocene teleost fauna, specifically an increase in percentage of genera inhabiting the modern Mediterranean, a very high percentage of Atlantic and Indo-Pacific genera, and a slight fall of the importance of present-day Indo-Pacific genera from the Rupelian up to the Late Miocene. Analysing the composition of the Early Messinian fauna at the level of nominal species indicates that about 53% of the species represented in the assemblages are still living in the Recent Mediterranean, and that a significant number of these were already present in the Tortonian. It is interesting that these species are mainly neritic. This seems to confirm that the close affinity of the fossil assemblage with the present-day Mediterranean neritic fauna, which was already recorded at the genus level for the Rupelian fauna, persists during the Neogene and continues until the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Jagadish S. Patil 《Biofouling》2013,29(3-4):189-206

Diatoms, which are early autotrophic colonisers, are an important constituent of the biofouling community in the marine environment. The effects of substratum and temporal variations on the fouling diatom community structure in a monsoon-influenced tropical estuary were studied. Fibreglass and glass coupons were exposed every month for a period of 4 days and the diatom population sampled at 24 h intervals, over a period of 14 months. The planktonic diatom community structure differed from the biofilm community. Pennate diatoms dominated the biofilms whilst centric diatoms were dominant in the water column. Among the biofilm diatoms, species belonging to the genera Navicula, Amphora, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma and Thalassionema were dominant. On certain occasions, the influence of planktonic blooms was also seen on the biofilm community. A comparative study of biofilms formed on the two substrata revealed significant differences in density and diversity. However species composition was almost constant. In addition to substratum variations, the biofilm diatom community structure also showed significant seasonal variations, which were attributed to physico-chemical and biological changes in both the water and substratum. Temporal variations in the tychopelagic diatoms of the water were also observed to exert an influence on the biofilm diatom community. Variations in diatom communities may determine the functional ecosystem of the benthic environment.  相似文献   

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