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A method for the in vitro perfusion of isolated guinea-pig mammary tissue is described that allows the radiolabelling of secretory and membrane proteins. Glands were depleted of methionine, labelled with [35S]methionine for 5 min and perfused with medium containing an excess of unlabelled methionine for varying times. The structural integrity of the alveoli in the perfused glands appeared well maintained. Epithelial polarity was preserved and junctional complexes were evident. About 20% of the methionine provided in the medium was extracted by glands of 10 g wet weight under the labelling conditions employed. With chase periods from 15 to 40 min, 50-70% of the methionine was incorporated into trichloroacetic-acid (TCA)-precipitable material. The principal radiolabelled proteins recovered from the tissue fractions had Mrs and isoelectric points similar to the major secretory proteins (i.e. caseins and alpha-lactalbumin) of guinea-pig milk. Autoradiography of tissue sections at the resolution of the light microscope showed that secretory proteins were transported from sites of synthesis within secretory cells to the alveolar lumina after 45 min. These highly labelled secretory proteins could be almost completely removed from microsomal fractions by treatment with sodium carbonate solutions. Proteins with Mrs from 30 000 to 200 000 were detected in the washed membranes by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and fluorography. These labelled membrane-associated proteins persisted in the microsomal membrane fraction after chase periods from 7.5 to 40 min.  相似文献   

Entactin, a sulfated glycoprotein with a molecular weight (MW) of about 150 kD, is present in vascular basement membranes and in the interstitial connective tissue of the mammary glands of virgin rats. It does not appear to be present in the basement membrane surrounding the mammary ductal system. However, in lactating mammary glands entactin is also present in the basement membrane region surrounding the secretory alveoli. Ultrastructural localisation of entactin reveals that it is present on the basal surface of epithelial cells, with patchy staining in the lamina lucida and lamina densa. Entactin also appears to be associated with interstitial collagen fibres. Mammary fibroblastic cells in culture are able to produce entactin, whereas mammary epithelial and myoepithelial cells, which synthesise the basement membrane proteins laminin and type IV collagen, fail to synthesise entactin.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation has been shown to alter various plasma membrane functions. To investigate the role of phosphorylation in human placental trophoblast, microvillous membrane vesicles were incubated with [gamma-32-P]ATP and the phosphorylation of endogenous and exogenous protein substrates was measured. The microvillous membrane was shown to possess both adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-independent and cAMP-dependent kinases. Both endogenous proteins and exogenous proteins were phosphorylated and these processes were enhanced by the presence of Triton or the ionophore alamethicin. The phosphorylation of histone and of endogenous peptides of molecular weights (MW) 147 000, 97 000 and 53 000 was increased by the addition of cAMP. cAMP stimulation required the presence of Triton or alamethicin. The cAMP-dependent kinases are apparently located at the internal (cytoplasmic) surface of the membrane. This location would allow stimulation by cAMP produced by the basal (fetal-facing) plasma membrane. cAMP-stimulated protein phosphorylation may serve as a means of communication between the syncytial plasma membranes facing the fetal and maternal surfaces.  相似文献   

A class of proteins from mouse mammary epithelial cells has been isolated which, like the calcium-binding protein calmodulin (CaM), binds to phenothiazine in a calcium-dependent manner. These proteins do not bind to phenothiazine through binding to CaM; we infer that they are calcium-binding proteins, and that they may be related to the similarly isolated 'calcimedins' of Moore, P D & Dedman, J, J biol chem 257 (1982) 9663 [8]. In primary cultures of mouse mammary cells on collagen gels, synthesis of certain of these proteins is associated with the spreading of cells to form monolayers; failure of cells to spread and differentiate, through omission of serum from culture medium, results in the inhibition of calcium-binding protein synthesis, with the exception of CaM and a 15 kD species. The CaM/15 kD pair are prominent during all phases of culture, and are secreted during the secretory differentiation phase of culture (floating gels). We propose that these calcium-binding proteins play a specific role in the motility of mammary epithelial cells and that they may also be involved in mammary secretory differentiation.  相似文献   

Age-dependent polyploidization of cultured chick embryo fibroblasts was quantitated using flow microfluorometry. The results confirm the previous observation that ploidy classes developing as a function of fibroblast population doubling are defined as 2nC. Immediately after isolation from embryos, the proportion of 2C nuclei was 95.2–35.7%, decreasing with advancing in vitro age. The proportion of 4C nuclei was only 3.8% at the onset of culture, increasing to 34.5% in senescent cells. The proportion of nuclei 8C and greater increased during the last stage of culture, the highest ploidy class being 128C. On the basis of the polyploidization index, which indicates relative DNA content/cell, chick cells were shown to be considerably polyploidized when they stopped growing.  相似文献   

In the mammary gland of non-ruminant animals, glucose is utilized in a characteristic and unique way during lactation [11]. By measuring the incorporation of glucose carbon from [U-14C]glucose into intermediary metabolites and metabolic products in mammary epithelial cells from virgin, pregnant, and lactating mice, we demonstrate that glucose metabolite patterns can be used to recognize stages of differentiated function. For these cells, the rates of synthesis of glycogen and lactose, the ratio of lactate to alanine, and the ratio of citrate to malate are important parameters in identifying the degree of expression of differentiation. We further show that these patterns can be used as markers to determine the differentiated state of cultured mammary epithelial cells. Cells maintained on plastic substrates lose their distinctive glucose metabolite patterns while those on floating collagen gels do not. Cells isolated from pregnant mice and cultured on collagen gels have a pattern similar to that of their freshly isolated counterparts. When isolated from lactating mice, the metabolite patterns of cells cultured on collagen gels are different from that of the cells of origin, and resembles that of freshly isolated cells from pregnant mice. Our findings suggest that the floating collagen gels under the culture conditions used in these experiments provide an environment for the functional expression of the pregnant state, while additional factors are needed for the expression of the lactating state.  相似文献   

Nucleoli of normal and leukemic lymphocytes were studied by cytochemical and immunofluorescence methods to provide more information on the nucleolar presence and distribution of proteins B23 and C23. Annular nucleoli of human lymphocytes represent a very convenient subject for such studies, since they consist of one centrally located large fibrillar center surrounded by RNP components. In such nucleoli, protein C23 was present mainly in the central nucleolar region and protein B23 was found mostly in the periphery. The nucleolar area immunostained for protein B23 was usually larger than that stained for protein C23. The distribution of protein C23 appeared to be similar to that of intensely stained nucleolar argyrophilic components. No substantial differences were found between the distribution of proteins B23 and C23 in nucleoli of normal and leukemic lymphocytes. In lymphocytes of patients treated with chemotherapy, the immunofluorescence was diminished for protein B23 and particularly so for protein C23.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells from different stage embryos of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus were compared in their adhesion to various substrates. Micromeres from 16-cell stage embryos bind to tissue culture and Petri dishes but not to Petri dishes coated with human plasma fibronectin. Other cell types did not adhere to any of the substrates tested. By hatched blastula stage, about 28% of the cells adhered to fibronectin as well as to tissue culture dishes. By the mesenchyme blastula stage, there was a further increase in the proportion of cells adhering to these substrates. At no stage did cells adhere to native rat tail collagen. Primary mesenchymal cells were isolated by their selective adhesion to tissue culture dishes in the presence of horse serum. These cells were then examined for their migratory capacity. Cell spreading and migration followed adhesion and occurred on fibronectin but not on the other substrates tested. Based on analysis of video tapes, greater than 60% of these cells moved faster than 1 micron/min. On the other hand, cells from sulfate-deprived embryos, in which primary mesenchyme migration is blocked in situ, failed to spread and migrated little on the same substratum. This defect was reversed by a 6 h pretreatment of the cells in normal sea water. Thus, the in vitro migratory behavior parallels that observed in vivo. These results support the hypothesis that the primary mesenchymal cells produce a sulfate-dependent component that is required for cell spreading and migration.  相似文献   

The capacity of Amoeba proteus to form pinocytotic channels after pretreatment with either puromycin, cycloheximide, emetine or a long period of starvation was studied. The effect on pinocytosis of the three inhibitors of protein synthesis was similar. They preferentially affected pinocytosis induced by Na+ with little effect on K+-induced pinocytosis. In Ca2+-deficient media, Na+-induced pinocytosis was inhibited, while the addition of Ca2+ restored channel formation. The degree of inhibition of Na+-induced pinocytosis was influenced by the concentration of Ca2+ in the inducing solution. Selective Ca2+-reversible inhibition of Na+-induced pinocytosis also occurred after starvation or treatment with a proteolytic enzyme, subtilisin. The membrane potential in starved or emetine-treated cells in culture medium was normal and their depolarising response to inducers was not diminished in solutions containing Na+. The resting input resistance of these cells was higher than in normal amoebae, but no significant difference in electrical parameters was observed after pinocytosis was induced. It is suggested that starvation, inhibition of protein synthesis, and enzyme digestion deplete the membrane of structures which are necessary for normal Ca2+ functions during induction of pinocytosis by Na+-like inducers.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts, TIG-1, cease to proliferate at about 60-62 population doubling level. In their senescent state used in this study, the percentage of nuclei labeled by [3H]thymidine for 48 h was around 1-2% in fresh medium containing 5-40% fetal bovine serum. The percentage of labelled nuclei increased up to 10-fold after infection with SV40. This increase reflects stimulation of cell DNA synthesis because: 1. The increase also occurred when ts A900 was used for infection at the non-permissive temperature, under these conditions viral DNA synthesis is inhibited; 2, the increase paralleled the stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in a Hirt-precipitate fraction from SV40-infected cells. UV-irradiated SV40 had reduced ability to induce DNA synthesis. A viable deletion mutant of SV40, d1940, had almost the same activity to induce cell DNA synthesis as did wild-type SV40. Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation analysis of DNA labelled with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) supported semiconservative replication rather than repair synthesis. We conclude that a considerable fraction of human diploid cells in a senescent population initiate host DNA replication by infection with SV40, although these cells cannot be stimulated with fetal bovine serum.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary epithelial cells cultivated on floating collagen gels secrete, as judged by immunoblotting, the full array of caseins found in mouse milk. The secreted caseins are all phosphorylated and have estimated minimum molecular weights (MWs) of 45, 40, 27, and 23 kD in SDS-PAGE. Intracellular caseins of epithelia from collagen gel cultivation or from lactating mammary glands are a combination of mature caseins identical with the secreted molecules and novel caseins whose apparent size in SDS-PAGE is different from the secreted molecules. The novel caseins were shown to be non-phosphorylated species apparently insufficiently mature for secretion. Our data indicate that, with regard to casein expression, cultivation of mouse mammary epithelia on collagen gels essentially duplicates their behavior in the lactating mouse mammary glands.  相似文献   

Explants of small intestinal tissue have been cultured from fetal and young rats (from 13-day fetuses to 3-week-old rats). Growth of morphologically typical epithelial cells was obtained from explants of tissue from 14–20 day fetuses. Optimal growth was obtained using tissue from 17-day fetuses with outgrowth from the explant being observed 1-day after explant. Eighty per cent of explants developed epithelial growth by 11 days in culture. Initially, the epithelial outgrowth showed no morphological evidence of differentiation but after 5–10 days in culture differentiation into goblet or elongated cells with alkaline phosphatase activity occurred. Cells with brush borders and goblet cells were identified using electron microscopy. No differentiation occurred if the explant was removed even though growth continued.It was very difficult to culture tissue from fetuses older than 20 days' gestation, and when small intestine of 18–20-day fetuses was divided into two parts (proximal and distal) and cultured separately, growth of epithelial cells from explants of the proximal segment was less successful than that of the distal segment, indicating that the growth ability of these epithelial cells in vitro was closely related to tissue maturation in vivo. In contrast to the apparent relationship between fetal age and successful growth of intestinal epithelial cells, squamous epithelial cells of the esophagus could be grown from explants of 14-day fetus through newborn and 3-week-old rats.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA is associated with polypeptides covalently bound to internal DNA ends. Since these polypeptides can only be released from chromosomal DNA by enzymes or other agents hydrolysing phosphodiester bonds they were termed 'the most tightly bound' (MTB) polypeptides in DNA. Antibodies developed against the MTB polypeptides are shown to form immunocomplexes with major 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides as well as with polypeptides which are still associated with 'nuclear matrix' DNA isolated by means of SDS/proteinase K and phenol. Immuno-complex formation is revealed by immunoblotting and by indirect immunofluorescence. Thus, since MTB polypeptides, major 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides and 'nuclear matrix' DNA-associated polypeptides share common antigenic sites they can be considered to be identical or at least closely related. This suggests that a fraction of distinct 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides is either transiently or permanently linked to DNA by covalent bonds. Consistently, isolated eukaryotic 'bulk' DNA is inevitably associated with residual 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides.  相似文献   

Cytoplasts were prepared from senescent human diploid fibroblasts. Brief treatments of the senescent cells with cycloheximide or puromycin prior to or after enucleation eliminated the ability of senescent cytoplasts to block initiation of DNA synthesis in senescent-young cybrids. Senescent cells treated with cycloheximide, enucleated and allowed to recover in complete medium without cycloheximide, regained the ability to block initiation of DNA synthesis in senescent-young cybrids. These results support the hypothesis that senescent cells synthesize an inhibitor of DNA synthesis which is either a protein(s) or its activity is mediated by a protein(s) found in the cytoplasm of the senescent cell.  相似文献   

Individual myogenic cells were isolated from the pectoralis muscles of chick embryos from days 8-14 of embryogenesis. When separately cloned, these cells produced three types of colonies in culture: (1) Positive: all cells in the clone were terminally differentiated muscle cells; (2) negative: no cells in the clone were terminally differentiated muscle; (3) mixed: some cells in the clone were terminally differentiated muscle. Positive clones from all ages tended to contain 2n cells (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). Negative clones were found in all sizes and did not cluster around powers of 2 in cell number. Mixed clones were, by far, the most common type among those clones larger than 24 in cell number. Estimates of cell numbers in embryonic muscle tissue revealed that, while the numbers of cells in all myogenic compartments increased steadily with embryonic age, the number and percentage of precursor cells that produced large mixed clones increased dramatically. Subclones, prepared from populations of cells equivalent to large mixed clones, yielded both small positive and large mixed colonies. This indicated that the precursors to the large mixed clones were also precursors to the smaller positive clones. These observations suggest a model for the myogenic lineage in which there exists a stem cell that can generate, by a series of asymmetric divisions, cohorts of terminally differentiated muscle cells. The model can explain the asynchrony of production of terminally differentiated muscle cells both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Our results showed that the expression of the src gene in chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) released the density-dependent inhibition (DDI) of phosphate metabolism (phosphate uptake and phosphorylation of small organic compounds). With increasing cell density, phosphate metabolism decreased by 58% in normal CEF and, in contrast, increased by 20% in Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-transformed CEF. The same change in the DDI was observed in CEF infected by NY68 (a ts mutant for transformation of RSV) and maintained at the permissive temperature (37 degrees C) instead of the restrictive temperature (41.5 degrees C) for the expression of transformation. An interesting feature was that the release of the DDI of phosphate metabolism was an early event in the process of transformation, since it was almost concomitant with the stimulation of the pp60 src kinase activity following the shift from 41.5 to 37 degrees C of NY68 CEF. The phosphorylation of small organic compounds (Po) was more strongly increased by the change in temperature than was 32Pi accumulation. Furthermore, the percentage increases of Po and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) labelling with 32P were similar, suggesting that the expression of src gene enhanced ATP synthesis. In glucose-free medium, the stimulation of Po-labelling was still observed but was decreased. Therefore the activation of glycolytic activity is not an absolute requirement, but is necessary for the maximum effect of transformation on the release of DDI of phosphate metabolism. Oligomycin added in complete medium did not prevent the increase in Po-labelling. From these results, we assumed that ATP turnover was stimulated as a consequence of enhanced ATP degradation. We verified that the stimulation of Po phosphorylation was not a consequence of increased ATP utilization for RNA or protein synthesis. The stimulation of Po labelling was specifically abolished by quercetin. This drug inhibited the transformed cells more strongly than the non-transformed cells.  相似文献   

Aminoethyldextran (AED) was used to trigger the synchronous release of trichocysts from Paramecium tetraurelia cells (see [8]) by a mechanism involving exocytotic membrane fusion and resealing (see [5]). Ultrastructural changes were analyzed by quantitative evaluation of ultrathin sections. In resting cells the percentage of potential trichocyst-docking sites which are actually occupied by a trichocyst was 58%; 36% of potential docking sites contained ghosts and 6% a "plug" of electron-dense material. We derived from our data that paramecia would discharge permanently and spontaneously trichocysts (without AED) at a rate of 2-3 per min (which we then also verified by counting the spontaneous release rate) and that this value is equivalent to the docking rate. For the synchronous expulsion of trichocysts in response to AED we had determined that the degree of synchrony is more than a hundred times better than in most other systems (see [8]). We have determined the half-lives (HL) for different events involved in exocytosis and re-docking as follows: approximately 3 sec for trichocyst discharge, approximately 3 sec for the formation of ghosts, 8 min for the clearing of ghosts from the cell surface, 4 min for the formation of "plugs". Trichocysts are docked with a HL of 40 min and "plugs" (considered as receptor-type structures for trichocyst docking) disappear with a concomitant HL of 50 min. Evidently the clearing of ghosts allows for re-formation of "plugs" but the respective HL values signal that "plugs" may also be formed anew. The relatively slow decline of the percentage of "plugs" (after their azimuth 15 min after AED triggering) may also indicate the synthesis of new docking sites. After a period of over approximately 3 h following AED triggering, the original situation is roughly re-established and maintained over the whole period of population growth analyzed.  相似文献   

On day 17 postestrus or postmating, heifers were given intrauterine injections of saline (2 pregnant, 2 non-pregnant) or 200 μg PGF2α (7 pregnant, 6 nonpregnant) through cannulae installed surgically into the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum bearing ovary. Jugular blood samples were collected prior to the laparotomy at which the cannulae were installed during surgery, and for 90 min following the intrauterine injection. Plasma was assayed for progesterone and 13,14-dihyro-15-keto-PGF2α )PGFM). Laparotomies were reopened to confirm proper cannula placement and to determine if blastocysts were present in mated heifers. Concentrations of PGFM were higher in pregnant compared to nonpregnant heifers during the presurgery (68 26 24 26 pg/ml; P < 0.25) and surgery (186 47 65 17 pg/ml; P < .05) periods. Pregnancy status did not alter the mean concentrations of PGFM (pregnant, 554 70 pg/ml; nonpregnant, 422 81 pg/ml) or the half-life of its decline in concentration (18 min) following intrauterine injection of PGF2α. Pregnancy at 17 days in cattle does not appear to influence PGF2α transport from the uterine lumen or its metabolism in the uterus or elsewhere in response to an acute intrauterine injection.  相似文献   

Ts-131b, one of the temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants isolated from mouse FM3A cells, was found to be defective in DNA replication at a non-permissive temperature. After the cells were transferred to 39.5 °C, the cell number increased by only 10% and the rate of incorporation of precursors into cellular DNA decreased rapidly. Cell cycle analysis by a flow cytometric method with the cells incubated at 39.5 °C revealed that progression of the cells through the S phase was inhibited and most of the cells were arrested in the S phase. To study the defect in DNA replication of this ts-mutant at 39.5 °C, DNA-fiber autoradiography was performed to measure the rate of DNA-chain elongation. The results showed that the rate of DNA-chain elongation was decreased at 6 h after the temperature shift. However, since the decrease in the rate of DNA-chain elongation was not sufficient to account for the decrease in the rate of incorporation of the precursors, it was suggested that there was also a decrease in the rate of initiation of DNA replication at some of the replicon origins.  相似文献   

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