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Ribonuclease (RNase) T2 from Aspergillus oryzae was modified by diethyl pyrocarbonate and iodoacetic acid. RNase T2 was rapidly inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate above pH 6.0 and by incorporation of a carboxymethyl group. No inactivation occurred in the presence of 3'AMP. 1H-NMR titration and photo-chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization experiments demonstrated that two histidine residues were involved in the active site of RNase T2. Furthermore, analysis of inactive carboxymethylated RNase T2 showed that both His53 and His115 were partially modified to yield a total of one mole of N tau-carboxymethylhistidine/mole enzyme. The results indicate that the two histidine residues in the active site of RNase T2 are essential for catalysis and that modification of either His53 or His115 inactivates the enzyme.  相似文献   

Mondal MS  Ruiz A  Hu J  Bok D  Rando RR 《FEBS letters》2001,489(1):14-18
Lecithin retinol acyl transferase (LRAT) is a novel membrane bound enzyme that catalyzes the formation of retinyl esters from vitamin A and lecithin. The enzyme is both essential for vision and for the general mobilization of vitamin A. The sequence of LRAT defines it as a novel enzyme unrelated to any other protein of known function. LRAT possesses a catalytically essential active site cysteine residue. The enzyme also contains six histidine residues. It is shown here that two of these residues (H57 and H163) are essential for catalysis. A mechanistic hypothesis is presented to account for these observations.  相似文献   

1. When ribonuclease T1 [EC] (0.125% solution) was treated with a 760-fold molar excess of iodoacetamide at pH 8.0 and 37 degrees, about 90% of the original activity was lost in 24 hr. The half-life of the activity was about 8 hr. The binding ability for 3'-GMP was lost simultaneously. Changes were detected only in histidine and the amino-terminal alanine residues upon amino acid analyses of the inactivated protein and its chymotryptic peptides. The inactivation occurred almost in parallel with the loss of two histidine residues in the enzyme. The pH dependences of the rate of inactivation and that of loss of histidine residues were similar and indicated the implication of a histidine residue or residues with pKa 7.5 to 8 in this reaction. 3'-GMP and guanosine showed some protective effect against loss of activity and of histidine residues. The reactivity of histidine residues was also reduced by prior modification of glutamic acid-58 with iodoacetate, of lysine-41 with maleic or cis-aconitic anhydride or 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonate or of arginine-77 with ninhydrin. 2. Analyses of the chymotryptic peptides from oxidized samples of the iodoacetamide-inactivated enzyme showed that histidine-92 and histidine-40 reacted with iodoacetamide most rapidly and at similar rates, whereas histidine-27 was least reactive. Alkylation of histidine-92 was markedly slowed down when the Glu58-carboxymethylated enzyme was treated with iodoacetamide. On the other hand, alkylation of histidine-40 was slowed down most in the presence of 3'-GMP. These results suggest that histidine-92 and histidine-40 are involved in the catalytic action, probably forming part of the catalytic site and part of the binding site, respectively, and that histidine-27 is partially buried in the enzyme molecule or interacts strongly with some other residue, thus becoming relatively unreactive.  相似文献   

The pK values of the histidine residues in ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) are unusually high: 7.8 (His-92), 7.9 (His-40), and 7.3 (His-27) [Inagaki et al. (1981) J. Biochem. 89, 1185-1195]. In the RNase T1 mutant Glu-58----Ala, the first two pK values are reduced to 7.4 (His-92) and 7.1 (His-40). These lower pKs were expected since His-92 (5.5 A) and His-40 (3.7 A) are in close proximity to Glu-58 at the active site. The conformational stability of RNase T1 increases by over 4 kcal/mol between pH 9 and 5, and this can be entirely accounted for by the greater affinity for protons by the His residues in the folded protein (average pK = 7.6) than in the unfolded protein (pk approximately 6.6). Thus, almost half of the net conformational stability of RNase T1 results from a difference between the pK values of the histidine residues in the folded and unfolded conformations. In the Glu-58----Ala mutant, the increase in stability between pH 9 and 5 is halved (approximately 2 kcal/mol), as expected on the basis of the lower pK values for the His residues in the folded protein (average pK = 7.1). As a consequence, RNase T1 is more stable than the mutant below pH 7.5, and less stable above pH 7.5. These results emphasize the importance of measuring the conformational stability as a function of pH when comparing proteins differing in structure.  相似文献   

Numata T  Suzuki A  Yao M  Tanaka I  Kimura M 《Biochemistry》2001,40(2):524-530
The ribonuclease MC1 (RNase MC1), isolated from seeds of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), consists of 190 amino acids and is characterized by specific cleavage at the 5'-side of uridine. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to evaluate the contribution of four amino acids, Asn71, Val72, Leu73, and Arg74, at the alpha4-alpha5 loop between alpha4 and alpha5 helices for recognition of uracil base by RNase MC1. Four mutants, N71T, V72L, L73A, and R74S, in which Asn71, Val72, Leu73, and Arg74 in RNase MC1 were substituted for the corresponding amino acids, Thr, Leu, Ala, and Ser, respectively, in a guanylic acid preferential RNase NW from Nicotiana glutinosa, were prepared and characterized with respect to enzymatic activity. Kinetic analysis with a dinucleoside monophosphate, CpU, showed that the mutant N71T exhibited 7.0-fold increased K(m) and 2.3-fold decreased k(cat), while the mutant L73A had 14.4-fold increased K(m), although it did retain the k(cat) value comparable to that of the wild-type. In contrast, replacements of Val72 and Arg74 by the corresponding amino acids Leu and Ser, respectively, had little effect on the enzymatic activity. This observation is consistent with findings in the crystal structure analysis that Asn71 and Leu73 are responsible for a uridine specificity for RNase MC1. The role of Asn71 in enzymatic reaction of RNase MC1 was further investigated by substituting amino acids Ala, Ser, Gln, and Asp. Our observations suggest that Asn71 has at least two roles: one is base recognition by hydrogen bonding, and the other is to stabilize the conformation of the alpha4-alpha5 loop by hydrogen bonding to the peptide backbone, events which possibly result in an appropriate orientation of the alpha-helix (alpha5) containing active site residues. Mutants N71T and N71S showed a remarkable shift from uracil to guanine specificity, as evaluated by cleavage of CpG, although they did exhibit uridine specificity against yeast RNA and homopolynucleotides.  相似文献   

Park C  Schultz LW  Raines RT 《Biochemistry》2001,40(16):4949-4956
His12 and His119 are critical for catalysis of RNA cleavage by ribonuclease A (RNase A). Substitution of either residue with an alanine decreases the value of k(cat)/K(M) by more than 10(4)-fold. His12 and His119 are proximal to the scissile phosphoryl group of an RNA substrate in enzyme-substrate complexes. Here, the role of these active site histidines in RNA binding was investigated by monitoring the effect of mutagenesis and pH on the stability of enzyme-nucleic acid complexes. X-ray diffraction analysis of the H12A and H119A variants at a resolution of 1.7 and 1.8 A, respectively, shows that the amino acid substitutions do not perturb the overall structure of the variants. Isothermal titration calorimetric studies on the complexation of wild-type RNase A and the variants with 3'-UMP at pH 6.0 show that His12 and His119 contribute 1.4 and 1.1 kcal/mol to complex stability, respectively. Determination of the stability of the complex of wild-type RNase A and 6-carboxyfluorescein approximately d(AUAA) at varying pHs by fluorescence anisotropy shows that the stability increases by 2.4 kcal/mol as the pH decreases from 8.0 to 4.0. At pH 4.0, replacing His12 with an alanine residue decreases the stability of the complex with 6-carboxyfluorescein approximately d(AUAA) by 2.3 kcal/mol. Together, these structural and thermodynamic data provide the first thorough analysis of the contribution of histidine residues to nucleic acid binding.  相似文献   

Treatment of human placental brush-border membrane vesicles with four tyrosine group-specific reagents, N-acetylimidazole, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl), tetranitromethane and p-nitrobenzesulfonyl fluoride, inhibited NaCl gradient-driven taurine uptake in these vesicles without affecting the vesicle integrity. The relative potency of these reagents to inhibit the transporter was in the following order: tetranitromethane greater than NBD-Cl greater than p-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride greater than N-acetylimidazole. The inhibition by N-acetylimidazole was reversible with hydroxylamine and the inhibition by NBD-Cl was reversible with 2-mercaptoethanol. Kinetic analysis of taurine uptake in control and in N-acetylimidazole-treated membrane vesicles revealed that the inhibition was primarily due to a reduction in the maximal velocity. There was no change in the affinity of the transporter for taurine in control and treated vesicles. The transporter could be protected from the N-acetylimidazole-induced inhibition by Na+. The dependence of taurine uptake rate on extravesicular Na+ concentration was sigmoidal and analysis of the data revealed that two Na+ ions were involved per transport of one taurine molecule. It is concluded that tyrosine residues are essential for optimal transport function of the human placental taurine transporter and that these critical tyrosine residues are located at or near the Na+-binding site of the transporter.  相似文献   

Chalcone isomerase form soybean is inactivated by treatment with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP). The competitive inhibitor 4',4-dihydroxychalcone provides kinetic protection against inactivation by DEP with a binding constant at the site of protection in agreement with its binding constant at the active site. Very high concentrations of the competitive inhibitors 4',4-dihydroxychalcone or morin hydrate offer a 10- to 40-fold maximal protection, suggesting a second slower mechanism for inactivation which cannot be prevented by blockage of the active site. Blockage of the only cysteine residue in chalcone isomerase with p-mercuribenzoate does not affect the rate constant for DEP-dependent inactivation and indicates that the modification of the cysteine residue is not responsible for the activity loss observed in the presence of DEP. Treatment of inactivated enzyme with hydroxylamine does not restore catalytic activity, indicating that the modification of histidine or tyrosine residues is not responsible for the activity loss. All five histidines of chalcone isomerase are modified by DEP at pH 5.7 and ionic strength 1.0 M. The rate constant for the modification of the histidine residues of chalcone isomerase is close to that for the reaction of N-acetyl histidine with DEP, indicating that the histidine residues are quite accessible to the modifying reagent. The rate of histidine modification is the same in native enzyme, in urea-denatured enzyme, and in the presence of a competitive inhibitor. In the presence of the competitive inhibitor morin hydrate, all of the histidine residues of chalcone isomerase can be modified without significant loss in catalytic activity. These results demonstrate that the histidine residues of chalcone isomerase are not essential for catalysis and therefore cannot function as nucleophilic catalysts as previously proposed.  相似文献   

R Gajardo  P Vende  D Poncet    J Cohen 《Journal of virology》1997,71(3):2211-2216
Rotavirus maturation and stability of the outer capsid are calcium-dependent processes. It has been shown previously that the concentration of Ca2+-solubilizing outer capsid proteins from rotavirus particles is dependent on the virus strain. This property of viral particles has been associated with the gene coding for VP7 (gene 9). In this study the correlation between VP7 and resistance to low [Ca2+] was confirmed by analyzing the origin of gene 9 from reassortant viruses prepared under the selective pressure of low [Ca2+]. After chemical mutagenesis, we selected mutant viruses of the bovine strain RF that are more resistant to low [Ca2+]. The genes coding for the VP7 proteins of these independent mutants have been sequenced. Sequence analysis confirmed that these mutants are independent and revealed that all mutant VP7 proteins have proline 75 changed to leucine and have an outer capsid that solubilized at low [Ca2+]. The mutation of proline 279 to serine is found in all but two mutants. The phenotype of mutants having a single proline change can be distinguished from the phenotype of mutants having two proline changes. Sequence analysis showed that position 75 is in a region (amino acids 65 to 78) of great variability and that proline 75 is present in most of the bovine strains. In contrast, proline 279 is in a conserved region and is conserved in all the VP7 sequences in data banks. This region is rich in oxygenated residues that are correctly allocated in the metal-coordinating positions of the Ca2+-binding EF-hand structure pattern, suggesting that this region is important in the Ca2+ binding of VP7.  相似文献   

The TagF protein from Bacillus subtilis 168 is the poly(glycerol phosphate) polymerase responsible for the synthesis of wall teichoic acid and is the prototype member of a poorly understood family of similar teichoic acid synthetic enzymes. Here we describe in vitro and in vivo characterization of TagF, which localizes the active site to the carboxyl terminus of the protein and identifies residues that are critical for catalysis. We also establish the first mechanistic link among TagF and similar proteins by demonstrating that the identified residues are also critical in the function of TagB, a homologous enzyme implicated as the glycerophosphotransferase responsible for priming poly(glycerol phosphate) synthesis. We investigated the dependence of TagF activity on pH and showed that deprotonation of a residue with a pK(a) near neutral is critical for proper function. Alteration of histidine residues 474 and 612 by site-directed mutagenesis abolished TagF activity in vitro (5000-fold reduction in k(cat)/K(m)) while variants in four other conserved acidic residues showed minimal loss of activity. Complementation using H474A and H612A mutant alleles failed to suppress a lethal temperature-sensitive tagF defect in vivo despite confirmation of robust expression by Western blot. When corresponding mutations were made to the homologous tagB gene, these alleles were unable to suppress a tagB temperature-sensitive lethal phenotype. These results extend the mechanistic observations for TagF across a wider family of enzymes and provide the first biochemical evidence for the relatedness of these two enzymes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial proton-translocating NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) couples the transfer of two electrons from NADH to ubiquinone to the translocation of four protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Subunit PSST is the most likely carrier of iron-sulfur cluster N2, which has been proposed to play a crucial role in ubiquinone reduction and proton pumping. To explore the function of this subunit we have generated site-directed mutants of all eight highly conserved acidic residues in the Yarrowia lipolytica homologue, the NUKM protein. Mutants D99N and D115N had only 5 and 8% of the wild type catalytic activity, respectively. In both cases complex I was stably assembled but electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the purified enzyme showed a reduced N2 signal (about 50%). In terms of complex I catalytic activity, almost identical results were obtained when the aspartates were individually changed to glutamates or to glycines. Mutations of other conserved acidic residues had less dramatic effects on catalytic activity and did not prevent assembly of iron-sulfur cluster N2. This excludes all conserved acidic residues in the PSST subunit as fourth ligands of this redox center. The results are discussed in the light of the structural similarities to the homologous small subunit of water-soluble [NiFe] hydrogenases.  相似文献   

Zinc at micromolar concentrations hyperpolarizes rat pancreatic beta-cells and brain nerve terminals by activating ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP). The molecular determinants of this effect were analyzed using insulinoma cell lines and cells transfected with either wild type or mutated KATP subunits. Zinc activated KATP in cells co-expressing rat Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunits, as in insulinoma cell lines. In contrast, zinc exerted an inhibitory action on SUR2A-containing cells. Therefore, SUR1 expression is required for the activating action of zinc, which also depended on extracellular pH and was blocked by diethyl pyrocarbonate, suggesting histidine involvement. The five SUR1-specific extracellular histidine residues were submitted to site-directed mutagenesis. Of them, two histidines (His-326 and His-332) were found to be critical for the activation of KATP by zinc, as confirmed by the double mutation H326A/H332A. In conclusion, zinc activates KATP by binding itself to extracellular His-326 and His-332 of the SUR1 subunit. Thereby zinc could exert a negative control on cell excitability and secretion process of pancreatic beta-and alpha-cells. In fact, we have recently shown that such a mechanism occurs in hippocampal mossy fibers, a brain region characterized, like the pancreas, by an important accumulation of zinc and a high density of SUR1-containing KATP.  相似文献   

We mutated the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) Asp(3) residue and two VPAC(1) receptor second transmembrane helix basic residues (Arg(188) and Lys(195)). VIP had a lower affinity for R188Q, R188L, K195Q, and K195I VPAC(1) receptors than for VPAC(1) receptors. [Asn(3)] VIP and [Gln(3)] VIP had lower affinities than VIP for VPAC(1) receptors but higher affinities for the mutant receptors; the two basic amino acids facilitated the introduction of the negatively charged aspartate inside the transmembrane domain. The resulting interaction was necessary for receptor activation. 1/[Asn(3)] VIP and [Gln(3)] VIP were partial agonists at VPAC(1) receptors; 2/VIP did not fully activate the K195Q, K195I, R188Q, and R188L VPAC(1) receptors; a VIP analogue ([Arg(16)] VIP) was more efficient than VIP at the four mutated receptors; and [Asn(3)] VIP and [Gln(3)] VIP were more efficient than VIP at the R188Q and R188L VPAC(1) receptors; 3/the [Asp(3)] negative charge did not contribute to the recognition of the VIP(1) antagonist, [AcHis(1),D-Phe(2),Lys(15),Arg(16),Leu(27)] VIP ()/growth hormone releasing factor (8-27). This is the first demonstration that, to activate the VPAC(1) receptor, the Asp(3) side chain of VIP must penetrate within the transmembrane domain, in close proximity to two highly conserved basic amino acids from transmembrane 2.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible involvement of a Cys thiol in the catalysis of the human glutathione transferase M1a-1a, we constructed mutants of this enzyme wherein the four Cys residues present in the native enzyme were replaced by Ala residues. Three mutants, one where all four Cys residues had been replaced and two mutants where three out of four Cys residues were changed into Ala, were characterized regarding their catalytic activities with three different substrates as well as by their binding of three different inhibitors. All three Cys-deficient mutant forms of glutathione transferase M1a-1a were catalytically active with the tested substrates and their binding of inhibitors, measured by I50, were not significantly different from the values previously obtained for the wild-type enzyme. We therefore conclude that none of the Cys residues in this class Mu glutathione transferase are directly involved in the catalysis performed by this enzyme.  相似文献   

The VWF A1 domain seems to possess two heparin binding regions (residues 565-587 and 633-648) displaying positively charged amino acids, but the overall polyanion-A1 domain interaction scheme remains essentially elusive. To probe this molecular reaction as well as the role of electrostatic forces in VWF-heparin interaction, we performed mutagenesis and molecular modeling experiments. Fifteen mutated rVWFs were expressed [R571A, K572A, R573A, K585A, R571A/K572A/R573A, R578A/R579A, R578A/R579A/K585A, R571A/K572A/R573A/R578A/R579A/K585A (6A), K642G, K643G, K644G, K645G, K642G/K645G, K643G/K644G, and K642G/K643G/K644G/K645G (4G)]. Experimental results indicate that the multimeric structure of the mutants was similar to that of wild-type (WT) rVWF and that all rVWFs displayed normal binding to four conformation-dependent mAbs directed against the A1 domain. Three variants displayed significant reductions in the level of heparin binding. The 6A variant showed 39.2 +/- 1.3% of the WT rVWF level (p < 0.005), while mutants K643G/K644G and 4G showed 63.6 +/- 3.2 and 53.3 +/- 5% of the WT rVWF level, respectively (p < 0.005). Computational investigations showed that one face of the A1 domain is strongly electropositive, indicating that electrostatic forces should be essential in steering heparin onto its binding site. In agreement with our experimental data, the most striking alterations of the electrostatic potential contours were seen for mutants 4G, K643G/K644G, and 6A. Our data suggest that two clusters, one at positions 571-573, 578, 579, and 585 and the other at positions 642-645, act in concert for the recognition of heparin, forming a single extended binding surface across the electropositive face of the VWF A1 domain. A structural model of the VWF A1 domain-heparin complex is proposed, taking into account both experimental and computer modeling data.  相似文献   

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