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The distribution of spore-positive and spore-negative root nodules ofMyrica gale L. was investigated at 34 sites throughout Maine. the sites represented a wide range of environmental conditions, including soils from organic to sand, soil pH from 3.1 to 6.4, elevations from 3 to 529 m, and average number of frost-free days per year from 80 to 162. Habitats included peatlands, streamsides and lakeshores. Spore(−) nodules dominated with 61% of the nodules examined sp(−) and 39% sp(+). Two sites were 100% sp(+), 7 sites were 100% sp(−) and the remaining 25 sites had varying proportions of both types. Overall, sp(+) and mixed sites dominated in the southern interior and coastal regions, areas with lower elevations and longer growing seasons. Spore(−) sites were located primarily in northern and western Maine, areas with higher elevations and shorter growing seasons. In all habitats occurrence of spore(+) modules was positively correlated with the average number of frost-free days per year (r=0.57 for peatlands, r=0.71 for lakeshores and streamsides). In addition, at the 21 lakeshore and streamside sites occurrence of sp(+) nodules was also positively correlated with percent organic matter in the soil (r=0.56) and negatively correlated with pH (r=−0.60). Within mixed sites sp(+) and sp(−) nodules were distribated randomly and were often closely intermingled.  相似文献   

Sixteen leafy and non-leafy edible vegetables were collected from the Northern Al-gour area, Jordan, and analyzed for Pb and Cd using atomic absorption spectrometry. In addition, soil samples were collected from areas adjacent to the sites from which the vegetables samples were collected and about 40 m from the road. Results indicated that the average Pb and Cd concentrations in the selected edible vegetables were found in the following order: Leaves > roots > fruits > seeds. Moreover, Pb and Cd levels in soil samples collected from the near main road were higher than those soil samples collected from the sites 40 meters far from the main road.  相似文献   

We examined the extent of movements of juvenile Florida pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, and gulf kingfish, Menticirrhus littoralis, along an open ocean beach. Fishes were collected by seine at three sites along Masonboro Island and Carolina Beach, NC between 7 June and 7 July 1995. All specimens 40 mm standard length (SL) were tagged with coded wire tags and released at the capture sites. Between 7 July and 9 August and on 15–16 September Masonboro Island and northern Carolina Beach were surveyed for tagged fish. A controlled tag mortality/retention study was conducted for both species. Overall, 1569 Florida pompano (40–135 mm SL) were tagged. Sixty-one (3.9%) of these were recaptured, and only eight moved away from the original tagging sites. The largest movements by two Florida pompano were 2.1 and 10.5 km. Many fish remained at their original tagging sites for 21–27 days. Of 488 gulf kingfish (36–158 mm SL) tagged, 16 (3.3%) were recaptured. Gulf kingfish also exhibited little movement away from tagging sites during the study, with individuals remaining at original tagging sites up to 21 days. Stock size estimates for Florida pompano ranged from 3354 to 4670 among the tagging sites, with densities ranging from 1.9 to 2.6 fish m–2. The remarkable site fidelity exhibited by these two species suggests that resources were not limiting or that predation pressure was not high enough to cause large scale movements during the study. This implies that local disturbances could impact behavior or survival of juvenile fishes in the surf zone.  相似文献   

The composition of mammalian communities in Australia's Eucalyptus forests and woodlands is known to be affected by fire. However, there are few published studies that compare mammal assemblages in recently burnt and long‐unburnt forests because there are few areas with long‐term fire history data. Understanding the value of long‐unburnt forest is important because it is becoming rare in fire‐prone regions of the world, such as south‐eastern Australia, partly because of the widespread use of prescribed burning. We deployed wildlife cameras for 28 trap‐nights at each of 81 sites that ranged from 0.5 to at least 96 years since the last fire. We recorded a total of 15 native mammal species. At least one mammal species was recorded at 80 of the 81 sites. Significantly more species were detected at long‐unburnt sites (>96 years since fire) than sites 0.5–12 years since the last fire. Species composition varied significantly between sites 0.5–12 years and >96 years since the last fire but did not vary between sites 0.5–2 years and 6–12 years since the last fire. Although there was not one category of time since fire (i.e. 0.5–2 years, 6–12 years and >96 years) in which all 15 native mammal species were recorded, long‐unburnt sites were significantly more important for the occurrence of seven mammal species; intermediate and recently burnt sites were significantly more important for one species. Our results suggested that, while a diversity of fire ages is important for conserving mammalian diversity, long‐unburnt forests and woodlands (which comprised only 8% of our study area) are disproportionately important for mammal conservation. Our results add to a growing body of the literature from south‐eastern Australia, suggesting that remaining long‐unburnt forest should be afforded protection from fire and more forest should be transitioned to long unburnt.  相似文献   

We have investigated a subset of restoration practices applied to a degraded pasture at Fazenda Nova Vida, a 22000 ha cattle ranch in Rond^onia, Brazil. Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soils were measured in conventional tillage and current pasture sites to assess N and C losses. Mean daily NO emissions from tilled plots were at least twice those from the pasture. Nitric oxide emissions from the tilled sites showed a strong diurnal pattern, while those from the pasture sites did not. Mean daytime NO emissions from the tilled sites were 9.7 g NO-N m–2 h–1, while mean nighttime emissions were 29.7 g NO-N m–2 h–1. In the pasture sites, NO emissions were 7.6 g NO-N m–2 h–1 during the day, and 7.7 g NO-N m–2 h–1 at night. Surface soil temperature was a good inverse predictor (r 2=0.75) of NO emissions from the tilled sites. Carbon dioxide emissions from the tilled sites were generally larger than CO2 emissions from the pasture sites. The mean CO2 emission rate from the tilled sites was 179 mg C m–2 h–1, while it was 123 mg C m–2 h–1 from the pasture sites. There was no distinct diurnal pattern for CO2 emissions. We found that the very high temperatures measured at the soil surface in the tillage plots, in the range of 40–45°C, reduced the rate of NO emission. The reduction in NO emissions may be because of the sensitivity of autotrophic nitrifiers to high temperatures. This study provides insights on how land-use change may alter regional NO fluxes by exposing certain microbial communities to extreme environmental conditions. Future studies of NO emissions in tropical agricultural systems where soils are bare for extend periods need to make diurnal measurements or the daily fluxes will be substantially underestimated.  相似文献   

Human disturbance from tourism and other non-consumptive activities in protected areas may be stressful to wildlife. Animals may move away in space or time to avoid human interaction. For species of particular conservation concern, such as Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) and jaguars (Panthera onca), a better understanding of how they respond to different levels and types of disturbance is needed in order to manage human visitation to parks in ways that minimize negative outcomes for wildlife. We describe the overlap in activity patterns of tapirs, jaguars, and humans at logged and unlogged sites and at places with low versus high human visitation using camera survey data from protected areas of NW Belize, 2013–2016. Tapirs were nocturnal in all study sites, with > 80% of all tapir detections occurring between 1900 hr and 0500 hr. Their activity patterns were not different in unlogged versus logged sites and did not change with increased human traffic. Jaguars were cathemeral across sites but had more nocturnal activity at the site with the most human impact. Activity pattern overlap between tapirs and jaguars did not differ significantly between logged and unlogged sites, nor between areas with low and high human activity. Human traffic increased from 2013 to 2016 at most of the study locations. In conclusion, this camera trap dataset suggests that non-consumptive human disturbance does not alter the activity patterns of tapirs and jaguars in protected areas lacking hunting pressure.  相似文献   

Peat mining causes major degradation to bogs and natural regeneration of these sites is slow and often incomplete. Thus, restoration is an important tool for re-establishing natural ecosystem properties (although perhaps not the original species pool) in mined bogs. Because faunal recovery cannot be taken for granted following plant restoration, we assessed community assembly of higher flies (Diptera: Brachycera) in previously mined bogs 7 years after restoration. Species assemblages in restored sites were compared to those in nearby natural and abandoned mined sites. The three treatment types did not differ significantly in overall species composition, suggesting high resilience to disturbance. However, species richness and evenness were generally lower in abandoned sites than restored and natural sites, which had similar abundance distributions, indicating that restoration enhanced recovery of species diversity and community structure. Functional traits (trophic group, body size) provided a different insight into the status of restored sites. Trophic and small size-class (<5 mm) composition in restored sites were similar to those in abandoned sites. However, high species richness estimates indicated that predators and saprophages successfully colonized restored sites. Species assemblages were mostly affected by coverage of bare peat, Sphagnum mosses and ericaceous shrubs; trophic assemblages were affected by variables directly linked to feeding habits. Our results suggest that active restoration is needed for the renewal of high species and trophic diversity, although it is clear from environmental conditions and functional traits that the restored sites are not yet fully functioning peatlands 7 years after restoration.  相似文献   

A series of sites were established on Hawaiian volcanic deposits ranging from about 18 to 300 years old. Three sites occurred in areas that supported tropical rain forests; the remaining sites were in areas that supported little or no plant growth. Sites >26 years old consumed atmospheric CO and hydrogen at rates ranging from about 0.2 to 5 mg of CO m−2 day−1 and 0.1 to 4 mg of H2 m−2 day−1, respectively. Respiration, measured as CO2 production, for a subset of the sites ranged from about 40 to >1,400 mg of CO2 m−2 day−1. CO and H2 accounted for about 13 to 25% of reducing equivalent flow for all but a forested site, where neither substrate appeared significant. Based on responses to chloroform fumigation, hydrogen utilization appeared largely due to microbial uptake. In contrast to results for CO and hydrogen, methane uptake occurred consistently only at the forest site. Increasing deposit age was generally accompanied by increasing concentrations of organic matter and microbial biomass, measured as phospholipid phosphate. Exoenzymatic activities (acid and alkaline phosphatases and α- and β-glucosidases) were positively correlated with deposit age in spite of considerable variability within sites. The diversity of substrates utilized in Biolog Ecoplate assays also increased with deposit age, possibly reflecting changes in microbial community complexity.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from fen,bog and swamp peatlands in Quebec   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
A static chamber technique was used weekly from spring thaw to winter freezing to measure methane emissions from 10 sites representing subarctic fens and temperate swamps and bogs. Rates of < 200 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 were recorded in subarctic fens: within-site emissions were primarily controlled by the evolution of the peat thermal regime, though significant releases during spring thaw were recorded at some sites. Between subarctic fens, topography and water table elevation were important controls on methane emissions, with the general sequence: pool = horizontal fen> string. Emission rates from the 2 swamp sites were lower (< 20 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 ), except during the spring thaw and when the sites were saturated. The low water table ( < 80 cm depth) in abnormally dry years reduced emission rates; rates were also low from a swamp site which had been drained and cleared of vegetation for horticulture. Methane emission rates were also low (< 5 mg CH4 m–2 d–1) from 2 ombrotrophic bog sites. Laboratory measurements of rates of methane production under anaerobic conditions and methane consumption under aerobic conditions revealed that production rates were generally highest in the surface layers (0 to 2.5 cm depth); production was high in the fens and very low in the bogs. The swamp samples were able to produce methane under anaerobic conditions, but were also able to consume methane under aerobic conditions. Annual methane emission rates are estimated to be 1 to 10 g CH4 m–2 from the fens, 1 to 4 g CH4 m–2 from the swamps and <0.2 g CH4 m–2 from the bogs and drained swamp.  相似文献   

Lepidium latifolium is an aggressive plant species that is invading both wetlands and uplands across a wide range of salinities. This study examined how salinity and moisture gradients influence the potential for invasion by L. latifolium. Three sites in the San Francisco Bay Delta with varying salinity and moisture levels were chosen as research sites. These sites corresponded to a dry (18.32%) freshwater (3.88‰) site, a wet (40.53%) brackish (23.16‰) site, and a moderately wet (38.33%) saline (32.33‰) site. Our results showed that inflorescence number and height were unaffected by salinity or soil moisture. Seed production was significantly affected by salinity (P = 0.0297) and moisture levels (P = 0.0004). Seed production at the high salinity site was reduced by 29% from the freshwater site. Seed production at the wettest site had an 87% reduction from the driest site. Seed viability was also reduced by both salinity (< 0.0001) and soil moisture (< 0.0001). Viability at the highest salinity site was reduced by 49% from freshwater sites and was reduced by 8% from the wettest to driest sites. Mean seed dispersal distance was 0.23 m greater at the freshwater site, which was not statistically significant (P = 0.1815). The deleterious effects of salinity and moisture resulted in reduced L. latifolium densities in high salinity and moisture locations, but only at the highest salinity site. With increased seed production and viability, drier freshwater sites experience greater propagule pressure, resulting in an increased invasion potential. Therefore, variability along salinity and soil moisture gradients serve as useful metrics for prioritizing control and eradication efforts of L. latifolium.  相似文献   

Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGoM) loggerheads (Caretta caretta) make up one of the smallest subpopulations of this threatened species and have declining nest numbers. We used satellite telemetry and a switching state-space model to identify distinct foraging areas used by 59 NGoM loggerheads tagged during 2010–2013. We tagged turtles after nesting at three sites, 1 in Alabama (Gulf Shores; n = 37) and 2 in Florida (St. Joseph Peninsula; n = 20 and Eglin Air Force Base; n = 2). Peak migration time was 22 July to 9 August during which >40% of turtles were in migration mode; the mean post-nesting migration period was 23.0 d (±13.8 d SD). After displacement from nesting beaches, 44 turtles traveled to foraging sites where they remained resident throughout tracking durations. Selected foraging locations were variable distances from tagging sites, and in 5 geographic regions; no turtles selected foraging sites outside the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Foraging sites delineated using 50% kernel density estimation were located a mean distance of 47.6 km from land and in water with mean depth of −32.5 m; other foraging sites, delineated using minimum convex polygons, were located a mean distance of 43.0 km from land and in water with a mean depth of −24.9 m. Foraging sites overlapped with known trawling activities, oil and gas extraction activities, and the footprint of surface oiling during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill (n = 10). Our results highlight the year-round use of habitats in the GoM by loggerheads that nest in the NGoM. Our findings indicate that protection of females in this subpopulation requires both international collaborations and management of threats that spatially overlap with distinct foraging habitats.  相似文献   

Yeast counts were made at 24 marine and estuarine sites in the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mean salinities of estuarine sites ranged from 14.2 to 27.4‰, and mean temperatures ranged from 25 to 28°C. Total coliform counts varied from 80% above 100,000 colony-forming units (CFU)/100 ml at heavily polluted sites to 100% below 100 CFU/100 ml at unpolluted sites. Total yeast counts above 100 CFU/100 ml were typical of heavily and moderately polluted water but atypical of lightly polluted and unpolluted water. Mean total yeast counts were 2,880 CFU/100 ml for heavily polluted sites, 202 CFU/100 ml for moderately polluted sites, and 3 CFU/100 ml for lightly polluted and unpolluted sites. Total yeast counts had a positive response to increased pollution levels, and Candida krusei and phenotypically similar yeasts as a group were prevalent in polluted estuarine water but rare in unpolluted seawater. The 549 strains of yeasts and yeast-like organisms isolated were grouped into 67 species, of which the 21 most prevalent made up 86% of the total yeast population. The prevalent genera in the polluted estuary were Candida, Rhodotorula, Torulopsis, Hanseniaspora, Debaryomyces, and Trichosporon.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal and endophytic fungi of Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var. japonica Hara seedlings were investigated by bioassay using soils from sites where the surface layer had been removed by destructive disturbances. Soil samples were taken from sites A, B, C and D, where 1, 2–3, 4–5, and 7–8 years, respectively had passed since disturbance. Naturally regenerated B. platyphylla var. japonica seedlings grew at sites C and D, but not at sites A or B. The percentages of ectomycorrhizal formation in seedlings were significantly lower in the soils from site A (4%) and site B (13%), compared to those in the soils from site C (53%) and site D (37%). The numbers of ectomycorrhizal morphologic types in sites A, B, C, and D were eight, five, one, and seven, respectively. The same dominant type of ectomycorrhiza was found in sites C and D, and this type was different from those in sites A and B. The frequencies of colonization of seedling roots by endophytic fungi, especially Mycelium radicis atrovirens Melin (MRA) in soils from sites A and B were 31 and 33%, respectively; these frequencies were significantly higher than those for site C (0%) and site D (2%). During the initial stage of establishment of vegetation following disturbance, the quantities and types of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the field that have the potential to associate with B. platyphylla var. japonica might rapidly change after invasion of the host plant. Ectomycorrhizal fungi seemed to compete with endophytic MRA fungi for colonization of the roots of B. platyphylla var. japonica seedlings.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are among the most degraded systems in the landscape, and there has been substantial investment in their restoration. Consequently, monitoring restoration interventions offers opportunities to further develop the science of riparian restoration, particularly how to move from small‐scale implementation to a broader landscape scale. Here, we report on a broad range of riparian revegetation projects in two regions of south‐western Victoria, the Corangamite and Glenelg‐Hopkins Catchment Management Areas. The objectives of restoration interventions in these regions have been stated quite broadly, for example, to reinstate terrestrial habitat and biodiversity, control erosion and improve water quality. This study reports on tree and shrub composition, structure and recruitment after restoration works compared with remnant vegetation found regionally. Within each catchment, a total of 57 sites from six subcatchments were identified, representing three age‐classes: <4, 4–8 and >8–12 years after treatment, as well as untreated (control) sites. Treatments comprised fencing to exclude stock, spraying or slashing to reduce weed cover, followed by planting with tube stock. Across the six subcatchments, 12 reference (remnant) sites were used to provide a benchmark for species richness, structural and recruitment characteristics and to aid interpretation of the effects of the restoration intervention. Vegetation structure was well developed in the treated sites by 4–8 years after treatment. However, structural complexity was higher at remnant sites than at treated or untreated sites due to a higher richness of small shrubs. Tree and shrub recruitment occurred in all remnant sites and at 64% of sites treated >4 years ago. Most seedling recruitment at treatment sites was by Acacia spp. This assessment provides data on species richness, structure and recruitment characteristics following restoration interventions. Data from this study will contribute to longitudinal studies of vegetation processes in riparian landscapes of south‐western Victoria.  相似文献   

More than 25% of natural World Heritage (WH) sites worldwide are estimated to be under pressure from existing or future mining and energy activities (IUCN 2008; UNESCO 2009). However, that ‘pressure’ has yet to be quantitatively defined and assessed for many regions of the world. We conducted a GIS-based analysis of overlap and proximity between natural WH sites and areas allocated to oil and gas concessions as well as pipelines and oil wells for all of sub-Saharan Africa. We found that oil and gas concessions were located within 27% of the WH sites, though no currently active oil wells were operating directly within the WH sites. A proximity-based assessment of oil and gas concessions within 5 km of WH site boundaries included only one additional WH site, suggesting that sites susceptible to indirect impacts from oil and gas development are likely to be those already overlapped by concessions. Our findings indicate that activity from oil and gas development in sub-Saharan WH sites has to date been limited; however, future pressure cannot be ruled out, due to continued presence of concessions within more than one quarter of the network, and projected expansion of oil and gas exploration within the region. Our results may be used to inform the inclusion of new sites into the WH network.  相似文献   

Meiofauna abundance, biomass and community structure were investigated in two comparable deep sites of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) characterized by different trophic and sediment characteristics. Site B (567 m depth, dominated by muddy sediments) and site C (439 m depth, characterized by the presence of calcareous debris and coarse sand) were located at increasing distance from the polynyas and were subject to different inputs of organic material to the seabed. Total meiofauna abundance ranged from 192.0 to 1191.2 ind. 10 cm−2, and total biomass varied between 9.5 and 50.3 μgC 10 cm−2. Meiofauna densities from the Ross Sea are, on average, 2–7 times lower than those reported from other similar deep polar regions and displayed significant differences between the sites. Nematodes dominated the samples at both sites, but their relative significance changed between the sites (80% at site B and 56% at site C), followed by copepods (1.6% and 35% at sites B and C, respectively). Meiofauna composition at site B appeared similar to that reported for deep-sea antarctic or temperate sediments, whereas the composition at site C was similar to that of coastal areas. On a macroscale, the different inputs of utilizable organic material at the two sites were reflected in meiofaunal distribution patterns, indicating that meiofaunal communities from the Ross Sea are dependent on particulate organic matter fluxes from the photic layer and are coupled to pelagic phenomena. Very low microscale variations (i.e. between replicates) in meiofauna density contrasted with large mesoscale variability, which was related to the concentration of the main food indicators (phytopigments, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids). Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

The caterpillars of Eutachytptera psidii (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) mark trails between their nest and distant feeding sites with a trail pheromone secreted from the ventral surfaces of their last abdominal segments. The threshold sensitivity to artificial trails prepared from an hexane extract of the pheromone was 0.75 × 10−3 caterpillar-equivalents per cm of trail. In tests of trail-specificity involving four other social species, the caterpillars responded only to trails prepared from a pheromone extract of the closely related genus Gloveria. Tests were conducted to determine the efficiency with which colonies abandon exhausted feeding sites in favor of new food finds. On their first forays after their food sources were experimentally moved from established feeding sites to new sites, 67.5 ± 3.6% of all the evening’s activity occurred on pathways leading to the previously established sites. During their next two forays, 86.3 ± 3.7% and 92.1 ± 2.0% of all activity occurred on pathways leading to the new sites. Efficient abandonment of exhausted feeding sites is attributed to the persistence of the trail pheromone, differential marking of new and old pathways and to the caterpillar’s ability to discern trail strength and to choose stronger over weaker trails at choice points.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of mutation-induced aberrant 3′ splice sites (3′ss) in exons and introns is more complex than for 5′ splice sites, largely owing to sequence constraints upstream of intron/exon boundaries. As a result, prediction of their localization remains a challenging task. Here, nucleotide sequences of previously reported 218 aberrant 3′ss activated by disease-causing mutations in 131 human genes were compared with their authentic counterparts using currently available splice site prediction tools. Each tested algorithm distinguished authentic 3′ss from cryptic sites more effectively than from de novo sites. The best discrimination between aberrant and authentic 3′ss was achieved by the maximum entropy model. Almost one half of aberrant 3′ss was activated by AG-creating mutations and ~95% of the newly created AGs were selected in vivo. The overall nucleotide structure upstream of aberrant 3′ss was characterized by higher purine content than for authentic sites, particularly in position −3, that may be compensated by more stringent requirements for positive and negative nucleotide signatures centred around position −11. A newly developed online database of aberrant 3′ss will facilitate identification of splicing mutations in a gene or phenotype of interest and future optimization of splice site prediction tools.  相似文献   

Behavioral traits of individuals are important phenotypes that potentially interact with many other traits, an understanding of which may illuminate the evolutionary forces affecting populations and species. Among the five axes of temperament is the propensity to behave boldly in the presence of a perceived risk. To determine the effect of different predatorial regimes on boldness and fearfulness, we assessed the behavior of individuals in a novel portable swim chamber (i.e., forced open‐field test) by Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora (n = 633). We used an information theoretic framework to compare generalized (logistic) linear fixed‐effects models of predatorial regime (predator‐free [n = 6] and predator [n = 4] sites), sex, and standard length (SL). Fish from predator sites were much more fearful in the novel arena than fish from nonpredator sites. This varied by length, but not by sex. At 48 mm SL, fish from nonpredator sites were 4.9 times more likely to express bold behavior (ambulation) in the novel swim chamber as fish from predator sites. Probabilities of “ambulating” within the swim chamber increased with size for nonpredator sites and decreased with size for predator sites.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping is an efficient self-sampling method for capturing epigeal arthropods for ecological and faunistic studies. During the present study, conducted between March 2009 and March 2015, pitfall trapping was undertaken in five study sites of different habitats in Abu Dhabi Emirate. During the study period a total of 94 monitoring visits were made to collect data from the pitfall traps at five sites in Abu Dhabi. A total of 36,238 individuals of ground-dwelling arthropods of 121 different species belonging to 14 orders and 46 families were recorded from all the study sites using pitfall traps. The order Coleoptera (beetles) was recorded to be the most dominant order with 46 species followed by Hymenoptera (ants, bees & wasps) with 24 species. On average 37.5 ± 3 (mean ± SE) species were recorded every month from all the study sites and number of species did not vary significantly across the months (df = 11, F = 0.48, p = 0.91 one-way – ANOVA). The arthropod fauna was recorded to be highly diversified in different habitat types, but the number of individuals were not evenly distributed across the study sites (H) 1.10, (E) 0.53, Shannon Diversity Index). The highest diversity of arthropods was recorded from a site Wadi Tarabat, followed by Al Wathba Wetland Reserve (AWWR) and Abu Al Abyed. Our findings indicate that to study ground dwelling invertebrate species, pitfall trapping is an efficient method. Moreover, capture efficiency of pitfall traps can be affected by climatic factors and habitat types of Abu Dhabi Emirate. The ideal period to encounter the highest number of species is between March to April and September to November across all the habitat types.  相似文献   

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