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Coral growth and reef growth: a brief review   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The growth potential of modern zooxanthellate corals from the major reef provinces is reviewed with respect to Holocene reef growth. Both coral growth and reef growth is enhanced globally at the beginning of the Holocene and is maintained regionally in the Caribbean Sea up to the present in contrast to reefs of the Indo-Pacific Ocean. This regional difference is mainly caused by the siphoning effect of the tropical Atlantic, which is characterised still by a rising sea level in contrast to global ocean. Hence, Indo-Pacific reefs exhibit a well-cemented reef crest and reef roof barren of living corals. The evaluation of reef growth rates throughout the Phanerozoic shows reduced growth rates of more than one order of magnitude in comparison to their modern counterparts. This is a result of compaction and diagenesis but also strongly biased by uncertainties in absolute dating. Point counting of individual framebuilders with known growth rate may result in more comparative figures for growth rates of fossil reefs with respect to modern ones.  相似文献   

Regional anthropogenic processes such as pollution, dredging, and overfishing on coral reefs currently threaten the biodiversity of stony corals and other reef-associated organisms. Global climate change may interact with anthropogenic processes to create additional impacts on coral diversity in the near future. In order to predict these changes, it is necessary to understand the magnitude and causes of variation in scleractinian coral diversity throughout their 240 million year history. The fossil record documents long periods of speciation in corals, interrupted repeatedly by events of mass extinction. Some of these events relate clearly to changes in global climate. Diversity in reef corals has increased since their last period of extinction at the end of the Cretaceous (65 My bp ), and is still rising. During the last 8 million years, the fragmentation of the once pantropical Tethys Sea separated corals into two major biogeographical provinces. Periods of glaciation also have caused major changes in sea level and temperature. Accumulated evidence supports the theory that relative habitat area and changing patterns of oceanic circulation are mainly responsible for the two observed centres of recent coral diversity at the western tropical margins of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. At predicted rates of climate change in the near future, coral reefs are likely to survive as an ecosystem. Increases in sea level may actually benefit corals and lead to regional increases in diversity if new habitat area on back reefs is opened to increased water circulation and thus coral dispersal. Rising temperature may cause higher rates of coral mortality and even local extinction in isolated, small populations such as those on oceanic islands. The effects of increases in ultraviolet radiation (UV) are largely unknown, but likely to be negative. UV may damage planktonic coral propagules in oceanic surface waters and thus decrease rates of gene flow between coral populations. This may result in increased local extinctions, again with the strongest impact on widely separated reefs with small coral populations. The largest threats to coral diversity are regional anthropogenic impacts, which may interact with global climate change to exacerbate rates of local species extinctions. Centres of high reef coral diversity coincide with human population centres in south-east Asia and the Caribbean, and thus the greatest potential for species loss lies in these geographical areas.  相似文献   

Elevated ocean temperatures can cause coral bleaching, the loss of colour from reef‐building corals because of a breakdown of the symbiosis with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. Recent studies have warned that global climate change could increase the frequency of coral bleaching and threaten the long‐term viability of coral reefs. These assertions are based on projecting the coarse output from atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (GCMs) to the local conditions around representative coral reefs. Here, we conduct the first comprehensive global assessment of coral bleaching under climate change by adapting the NOAA Coral Reef Watch bleaching prediction method to the output of a low‐ and high‐climate sensitivity GCM. First, we develop and test algorithms for predicting mass coral bleaching with GCM‐resolution sea surface temperatures for thousands of coral reefs, using a global coral reef map and 1985–2002 bleaching prediction data. We then use the algorithms to determine the frequency of coral bleaching and required thermal adaptation by corals and their endosymbionts under two different emissions scenarios. The results indicate that bleaching could become an annual or biannual event for the vast majority of the world's coral reefs in the next 30–50 years without an increase in thermal tolerance of 0.2–1.0°C per decade. The geographic variability in required thermal adaptation found in each model and emissions scenario suggests that coral reefs in some regions, like Micronesia and western Polynesia, may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. Advances in modelling and monitoring will refine the forecast for individual reefs, but this assessment concludes that the global prognosis is unlikely to change without an accelerated effort to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.  相似文献   

Coral reef communities face unprecedented pressures at local, regional and global scales as a consequence of climate change and anthropogenic disturbance. Remote sensing, from satellites or aircraft, is possibly the only means to measure the effects of such stresses at appropriately large spatial scales. In the past 30 years, remote sensing of coral reefs has made rapid progress. However, the current technology is still not mature enough to monitor complicated coral reef ecosystems. Compared with foreign research in this field, our work lags far behind. There are still deficiencies in many aspects, such as basic data collection, theoretical research and platform construction. In our nation, it is even unclear how coral reefs disperse and where they may be unhealthy. In this paper, general characteristics of coral reef ecosystems and spectral features of different reef benthos have been summarized, based initially on a review of relevant literature in recent years. Based on the spectral separability of different reef types or benthos, remote sensing can be used to monitor two aspects of coral reefs: (1) Measurement of the ecological properties of reefs. (2) Health assessment of the coral reef ecosystem. In the first part, optical remote sensing methods are widely used to map reef geomorphology and habitats or biotopes. The investigation of geomorphologic zonation has proven to be one of the most successful applications, as different geomorphologic zones are associated with characteristic benthic community structures and occur at spatial scales of tens to hundreds of meters, they are amenable to remote detection by moderate to high resolution sensors. With more and more attention on the ecological problems of coral reefs, a number of studies have used high resolution sensors to map reef communities. The number of classes distinguishable depends on many factors, including the platforms, resolution (spectral, spatial and temporal resolution) and environmental conditions (water depth, water clarity, surface roughness, etc.). Compared with deep water color remote sensing, or terrestrial remote sensing, three techniques for the measurement of reef ecological properties are examined in this paper: (1) Coral reef classification system using remote sensing. (2) Techniques of sea surface correction and water column correction. (3) Techniques of coral reef information extraction from images. In terms of the complexity of coral reef ecosystems, the current techniques still need further improvement or optimization. In the health assessment of coral reef ecosystems, there are two ways to carry out the monitoring using remote sensing: (1) Monitoring the pigment or symbiotic zooxanthellae contents in corals. (2) Measuring the environmental properties of reefs. The first way is theoretically feasible, but difficult to achieve in practice. Currently, most reef health assessments are carried out by measuring environmental parameters, including sea surface temperature, solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation, water color, wind speed and direction, rainfall, ocean acidification, sea level, etc., of which sea surface temperature has been routinely measured by NOAA to monitor coral bleaching. In addition to the contents above, this article puts forward five main prospects for development in the future: (1) Establishment of a coral reef classification system using remote sensing. (2) Satellite launch for monitoring coral reefs. (3) Theoretical and methodological development. (4) Establishment of a spectral database for different reef benthos. (5) Integrated application of multi-source remote sensing data. It is hoped that the information provided here will be a reference for subsequent similar studies.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Projected global increases in temperature, sea level,storminess and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are likely tocause changes in reef coral communities which the present humangeneration will view as deleterious. It is likely coral communitytrajectories will be influenced as much by the reduction inintervals between extreme events as the projected increasesin means of environmental parameters such as temperature, atmosphericCO2 and sea-level. Depressed calcification rates in corals causedby reduced aragonite saturation state of water may increasevulnerability of corals to storms. Moreover, reduction in intervalsbetween storms and other extreme events causing mass mortalityin corals (coral predators, diseases, bleaching) are likelyto more frequently "set back" reef coral communities to earlysuccessional stages or alternate states characterized by non-calcifyingbenthos (plants, soft corals, sponges). The greater the areaand the longer the duration of dominance of putative "coral/corallinealgae" zones of coral reefs by non-calcifying stages, the lesswill be the reefs capacity to accrete limestone bulk lockedup in the big skeletal units of late successional stages (i.e.,very large old corals). Averaged over decades to centuries,the effects of such changes on the coral community's carryingcapacity for other biota such as fish are unpredictable. A "shiftingsteady-state mosaic" null model may provide a useful conceptualtool for defining a baseline and tracking changes from thatbaseline through time.  相似文献   

Patterns of hard coral and sea urchin assemblage structure (species richness, diversity, and abundance) were studied in Kenyan coral reef lagoons which experienced different types of human resource use. Two protected reefs (Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks) were protected from fishing and coral collection, but exposed to heavy tourist use. One reef (Mombasa MNP) received protection from fishermen for one year and was exploited for fish and corals prior to protection and was defined as a transitional reef. Three reefs (Vipingo, Kanamai, and Diani) were unprotected and experienced heavy fishing and some coral collection. Protected and unprotected reefs were distinct in terms of their assemblage structure with the transitional reef grouping with unprotected reefs based on relative and absolute abundance of coral genera. Protected reefs had slightly higher (p<0.01) coral cover (23.6 ± 8.3 % ± S.D.) than unprotected reefs (16.7 ± 8.5), but the transitional reef had the highest coral cover (30.8 ± 6.4) which increased by 250% since measured in 1987: largely attributable to a large increase inPorites nigrescens cover. Protected reefs had higher coral species richness and diversity and a greater relative abundance ofAcropora, Montipora andGalaxea than unprotected reefs. The transitional reef had high species richness, but lower diversity due to the high dominance ofPorites. Sea urchins showed the opposite pattern with highest diversity in most unprotected reefs. Coral cover, species richness, and diversity were negatively associated with sea urchin abundance, but the relative abundance ofPorites increased with sea urchin abundance to the point wherePorites composed >90% of the coral cover at sites with the highest sea urchin abundance. Effects of coral overcollection was only likely for the genusAcropora (staghorn corals). A combination of direct and indirect effects of human resource use may reduce diversity, species richness, and abundance of corals while increasing the absolute abundance of sea urchins and the relative cover ofPorites.  相似文献   

Coral reefs worldwide are threatened by thermal stress caused by climate change. Especially devastating periods of coral loss frequently occur during El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events originating in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). El Niño‐induced thermal stress is considered the primary threat to ETP coral reefs. An increase in the frequency and intensity of ENSO events predicted in the coming decades threatens a pan‐tropical collapse of coral reefs. During the 1982–1983 El Niño, most reefs in the Galapagos Islands collapsed, and many more in the region were decimated by massive coral bleaching and mortality. However, after repeated thermal stress disturbances, such as those caused by the 1997–1998 El Niño, ETP corals reefs have demonstrated regional persistence and resiliency. Using a 44 year dataset (1970–2014) of live coral cover from the ETP, we assess whether ETP reefs exhibit the same decline as seen globally for other reefs. Also, we compare the ETP live coral cover rate of change with data from the maximum Degree Heating Weeks experienced by these reefs to assess the role of thermal stress on coral reef survival. We find that during the period 1970–2014, ETP coral cover exhibited temporary reductions following major ENSO events, but no overall decline. Further, we find that ETP reef recovery patterns allow coral to persist under these El Niño‐stressed conditions, often recovering from these events in 10–15 years. Accumulative heat stress explains 31% of the overall annual rate of change of living coral cover in the ETP. This suggests that ETP coral reefs have adapted to thermal extremes to date, and may have the ability to adapt to near‐term future climate‐change thermal anomalies. These findings for ETP reef resilience may provide general insights for the future of coral reef survival and recovery elsewhere under intensifying El Niño scenarios.  相似文献   

Summary The Upper Rhaetian coral limestone of Adnet, southeast of Salzburg Austria has been repeatedly referred to as one of the most spectacular examples of an ancient ‘autochthonous’ coral reef structure. The ‘Tropfbruch’ quarry is probably the best outcrop for interpreting the distributional patterns of biotic successions and communities of a late Triassic patch reef. Our study is based on the interpretation of a) outcrop photographs, b) reef maps resulting from quadrat transects, and c) the analysis of quantitative data describing the distribution and frequency of reef organisms and sediment. A new methodological approach (combination of reef mapping and photo-transects) is used to obtain quantitative field data which can be compared in greater detail with data from modern coral reefs investigated by corresponding quantitative surveys. Three unconformities and three well-defined ‘reef growth stages’ reflecting the vertical and lateral development of the reef structure were differrentiated using transects: Stage 1, representing the reef growth optimum, is characterized by laterally differentiated coral reef knobs with corals in growth position. Criteria supporting this interpretation are the extraordinary size of the corals, their preservation in situ and the great thickness of this interval. The massive coralPamiroseris grew under higher energy conditions at the rim of the reef knob, whereas branchingRetiophyllia colonies preferred less agitated water in the center. Vertical changes are reflected by an increase in frequency of the dasycladacean algaDiplopora adnetensis and by the decreasing size ofRetiophyllia. These sedimentological and biological criteria together with the unconformity above indicate a fall in the sea level as a major control mechanism. Stage 2, separated from stage 1 by an unconformity caused by partial subaerial exposure and karstification, is characterized by vertically stacked coral successions with diverse reef debris. Facies heterogeneity is reflected by differences in the diversity, taphonomy and packing density of reef-building organisms as well as by differences in sediment input from the platform. Water depths and accommodation space were lower, therefore minor sea level fluctuations had a stronger effect on the biotic composition. The high percentage of coral debris and corals reworked by storms and the increase in the input of platform sediment led to a reduction of reef growth. Stage 3, again separated at the base by an unconformity associated with karstification, is characterized by bioclastic sediments with isolated reefbuilders forming a level-bottom community. The distribution of different coral morphotypes suggests that sea level fluctuations were not the only controlling factor. Variations in the substrate were caused by differences in the input of platform sediment. The three-step development seen in Adnet documents the response of low-diverse coral associations to variations caused by small-scale sea level changes, storm activity and sedimentation. The vertical changes in reef community structures correspond to a sequence of ‘allogenic replacements’. The Adnet reef structure should not be regarded as a general model of Alpine Upper Rhaetian reefs, because of the particular setting of the patch reef. Only the ‘capping beds’ of the Upper Rhaetian Reef Limestone of the Steinplatte exhibit criteria similar to Adnet. Potential modern analogues of features seen in the coral communities of Adnet are the internal structure of theRetiophyllia thickets, the key role of branching corals within the communities, the scattered distribution and low and even diversity of corals subsequent to breaks in settlement, segration patterns of corals indicating ‘contact avoidance’, toppling of large coral colonies by intensive boring, and decreasing coral coverage from deeper and sheltered settings to more shallower water depths.  相似文献   

The origin of Jurassic reefs: Current research developments and results   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary In order to elucidate the control of local, regional and global factors on occurrence, distribution and character of Jurassic reefs, reefal settings of Mid and Late Jurassic age from southwestern Germany, Iberia and Romania were compared in terms of their sedimentological (including diagenetic), palaeoecological, architectural, stratigraphic and sequential aspects. Upper Jurassic reefs of southern Germany are dominated by siliceous sponge—microbial crust automicritic to allomicritic mounds. During the Oxfordian these form small to large buildups, whereas during the Kimmeridgian they more frequently are but marginal parts of large grain-dominated massive buildups. Diagenesis of sponge facies is largely governed by the original composition and fabric of sediments. The latest Kimmeridgian and Tithonian spongiolite development is locally accompanied by coral facies, forming large reefs on spongiolitic topographic elevations or, more frequently, small meadows and patch reefs within bioclastic to oolitic shoal and apron sediments. New biostratigraphic results indicate a narrower time gap between Swabian and Franconian coral development than previously thought. Palynostratigraphy and mineralostratigraphy partly allow good stratigraphic resolution also in spongiolitic buildups, and even in dolomitised massive limestones. Spongiolite development of the Bajocian and Oxfordian of eastern Spain shares many similarities. They are both dominated by extensive biostromal development which is related to hardground formation during flooding events. The Upper Jurassic siliceous sponge facies from Portugal is more localised, though more differentiated, comprising biostromal, mudmound and sponge-thrombolite as well as frequent mixed coral-sponge facies. The Iberian Upper Jurassic coral facies includes a great variety of coral reef and platform types, a pattern which together with the analysis of coral associations reflects the great variability of reefal environments. Microbial reefs ranging from coralrich to siliceous sponge-bearing to pure thrombolites frequently developed at different water depths. Reef corals even thrived within terrigeneous settings. In eastern Romania, small coral reefs of various types as well as larger siliceous sponge-microbial crust mounds grew contemporaneously during the Oxfordian, occupying different bathymetric positions on a homoclinal ramp. Application of sequence stratigraphic concepts demonstrates that onset or, in other cases, maximum development of reef growth is related to sea level rise (transgressions and early highstand) which caused a reduction in allochthonous sedimentation. The connection of reef development with low background sedimentation is corroborated by the richness of reefs in encrusting organisms, borers and microbial crusts. Microbial crusts and other automicrites can largely contribute to the formation of reef rock during allosedimentary hiatuses. However, many reefs could cope with variable, though reduced, rates of background sedimentation. This is reflected by differences in faunal diversities and the partial dominance of morphologically adapted forms. Besides corals, some sponges and associated brachiopods show distinct morphologies reflecting sedimentation rate and substrate consistency. Bathymetry is another important factor in the determination of reefal composition. Not only a generally deeper position of siliceous sponge facies relative to coral facies, but also further bathymetric differentiation within both facies groups is reflected by changes in the composition, diversity and, partly, morphology of sponges, corals, cementing bivalves and microencrusters. Criteria such as authigenic glauconite, dysaerobic epibentic bivalves,Chondrites burrows or framboidal pyrite in the surrounding sediments of many Upper Jurassic thrombolitic buildups suggest that oxygen depletion excluded higher reefal metazoans in many of these reefs. Their position within shallowing-upwards successions and associated fauna from aerated settings show that thrombolitic reefs occurred over a broad bathymetric area, from moderately shallow to deep water. Increases in the alkalinity of sea water possibly enhanced calcification. Reefs were much more common during the Late Jurassic than during the older parts of this period. Particularly the differences between the Mid and Late Jurassic frequencies of reefs can be largely explained by a wider availability of suitable reef habitats provided by the general sea level rise, rather than by an evolutionary radiation of reef biota. The scarcity of siliceous sponge reefs on the tectonically more active southern Tethyan margin as well as in the Lusitanian Basin of west-central Portugal reflects the scarcity of suitable mid to outer ramp niches. Coral reefs occurred in a larger variety of structural settings. Upper Jurassic coral reefs partly grew in high latitudinal areas suggesting an equilibrated climate. This appears to be an effect of the buffering capacity of high sea level. These feedback effects of high sea level also may have reduced oceanic circulation particularly during flooding events of third and higher order, which gave rise to the development of black shales and dysaerobic thrombolite reefs. Hence, the interplay of local, regional and global factors caused Jurassic reefs to be more differentiated than modern ones, including near-actualistic coral reefs as well as non-actualistic sponge and microbial reefs.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are declining worldwide due to increased incidence of climate-induced coral bleaching, which will have widespread biodiversity and economic impacts. A simple method to measure the sub-bleaching level of heat-light stress experienced by corals would greatly inform reef management practices by making it possible to assess the distribution of bleaching risks among individual reef sites. Gene expression analysis based on quantitative PCR (qPCR) can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine coral condition in situ. We evaluated the expression of 13 candidate genes during heat-light stress in a common Caribbean coral Porites astreoides, and observed strong and consistent changes in gene expression in two independent experiments. Furthermore, we found that the apparent return to baseline expression levels during a recovery phase was rapid, despite visible signs of colony bleaching. We show that the response to acute heat-light stress in P. astreoides can be monitored by measuring the difference in expression of only two genes: Hsp16 and actin. We demonstrate that this assay discriminates between corals sampled from two field sites experiencing different temperatures. We also show that the assay is applicable to an Indo-Pacific congener, P. lobata, and therefore could potentially be used to diagnose acute heat-light stress on coral reefs worldwide.  相似文献   

Deeper coral reefs experience reduced temperatures and light and are often shielded from localized anthropogenic stressors such as pollution and fishing. The deep reef refugia hypothesis posits that light‐dependent stony coral species at deeper depths are buffered from thermal stress and will avoid bleaching‐related mass mortalities caused by increasing sea surface temperatures under climate change. This hypothesis has not been tested because data collection on deeper coral reefs is difficult. Here we show that deeper (mesophotic) reefs, 30–75 m depth, in the Caribbean are not refugia because they have lower bleaching threshold temperatures than shallow reefs. Over two thermal stress events, mesophotic reef bleaching was driven by a bleaching threshold that declines 0.26 °C every +10 m depth. Thus, the main premise of the deep reef refugia hypothesis that cooler environments are protective is incorrect; any increase in temperatures above the local mean warmest conditions can lead to thermal stress and bleaching. Thus, relatively cooler temperatures can no longer be considered a de facto refugium for corals and it is likely that many deeper coral reefs are as vulnerable to climate change as shallow water reefs.  相似文献   

The impacts of the unusually strong Cyclone Erica (March 2003) on coral reef habitats at a site located on the northwest coast of New Caledonia (South Pacific) were assessed using a 6-year data set (2002–2007). We examined the interannual variations of key variables describing reef habitats (live hard and soft corals, dead corals in place, coral debris, algae and relative proportion of mechanically vulnerable and resistant live hard corals). The cyclone-induced disturbances of habitats differed according to three reef types: patch reefs, barrier reefs far from passes (more than 3 km from the nearest pass) and barrier reefs near passes (less than 3 km from the nearest pass). Short-term mechanical damage was detected on the three-dimensional structure of reef habitats with a notable shift from a community dominated by mechanically vulnerable corals to one dominated by resistant corals on barrier reefs far from passes. The history of habitats and their pre-disturbance characteristics, in link with local hydrodynamics, was found to influence their short-term susceptibility to extreme events such as cyclones. However, the most significant effects appeared in the midterm (within 2 years after the cyclone) as the cover of live hard corals significantly decreased by approximately 45% between 2002 and 2004 on all reef types. The short- and midterm disturbances of coral reef habitats are discussed with regard to published temporal variations in reef fish assemblages, underlining the delayed effects of this cyclonic event on fish as well as benthic habitats. Coral reef habitats and live corals had shown significant patterns of recovery 4 years after the cyclone, followed by similar recovery in fish community, suggesting good resilience in a face of this major natural disturbance in an area under moderate anthropogenic pressure.  相似文献   

鱼类和大型底栖生物等礁栖生物是珊瑚礁生态系统的重要组成部分,其群落信息是全面评价珊瑚礁生态系统健康状况的必要基础数据.基于录像样带法,分析了2018年12月底海南省三亚市亚龙湾珊瑚礁区17个站位礁栖鱼类和大型底栖生物的群落结构、数量分布及相似性,揭示了其中的生态警示,并提出相应的监管建议,旨在保护和恢复亚龙湾的珊瑚礁....  相似文献   

The disastrous effects of the intense 1982–83 El Niño-SouthernOscillation (ENSO) bring new insight into the long-term developmentof eastern Pacific coral reefs. The 1988–83 ENSO sea surfacewarming event caused extensive reef coral bleaching (loss ofsymbiotic zooxanthellae), resulting in up to 70–95% coralmortality on reefs in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador.In the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), most coral reefs experienced>95% coral mortality. Also, several coral species experiencedextreme reductions in population size, and local and regionalextinctions. The El Niño event spawned secondary disturbances,such as increased predation and bioerosion, that continue toimpact reef-building corals. The death of Pocillopora colonieswith their crustacean guards eliminated coral barriers now allowingthe corallivore Acanthaster planci access to formerly protectedcoral prey. Sea urchins and other organisms eroded disturbedcorals at rates that exceed carbonate production, potentiallyresulting in the elimination of existing reef buildups. In otherreefbuilding regions following extensive, catastrophic coralmortality, rapid recovery often occurs through the growth ofsurviving corals, recruitment of new corals from nearby sourcepopulations, and survival of consolidated reef surfaces. Inthe eastern Pacific, however, the return of upwelling conditionsand the survival of coral predators and bioeroders hamper coralreef recovery by reducing recruitment success and eroding coralreef substrates. Thus, coral reef growth that occurs betweendisturbance events is not conserved. Repeated El Niñodisturbances, which have occurred throughout the recent geologichistory of the eastern Pacific, prevent coral communities fromincreasing in diversity and limit the development and persistenceof significant reef features. The poor development of easternPacific coral reefs throughout Holocene and perhaps much ofPleistocene time may result from recurrent thermal disturbancesof the intensity of the 1982–83 El Niño event.  相似文献   

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on corals and other coral reef organisms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The discovery of the importance of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as a factor affecting the biology of coral reefs dates only to about 1980. Interest has heightened during the past five years owing to the demonstration of loss of stratospheric ozone through human activities. We have only begun to document gross, qualitative effects of UVR on coral reef organisms, usually in experiments comparing the biological response to the presence or absence of UVR through the use of UV-cutoff filters, or to varying levels of UVR in transplantation studies. Most such studies have not distinguished between the effects of UVA (320–400 nm) and those of UVB (290–320 nm), although in the context of global change involving stratospheric ozone loss, it is the latter wavelengths that are relevant. To date we have been addressing physiological and ecological questions, not yet attempting to evaluate quantitatively the impact of forecast increases in solar UVB penetration. Interacting and synergistic effects of UVR with increased temperature, pollutants, sedimentation, visible light, etc. have scarcely been studied but will be essential to understanding and predicting the fate of coral reefs under conditions of global change. Here we comprehensively review the effects of UVR on corals and other reef macroorganisms, mindful that although much is known of proximal effects, little of this knowledge is directly useful in making long-term predictions regarding the health of coral reefs. We conclude that even small anthropogenic increases in UVB levels will have sublethal physiological manifestations in corals and other reef organisms, but that this will have relatively small impact on the distribution of reef corals and coral reefs, perhaps affecting their minimum depths of occurrence.  相似文献   

The main motivation for Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310 to the Tahitian Archipelago was the assumption that the last deglacial sea‐level rise is precisely recorded in the coral reefs of this far‐field site. The Tahitian deglacial succession typically consists of coral framework subsequently encrusted by coralline algae and microbialites. The high abundance of microbialites is uncommon for shallow‐water coral reefs, and the environmental conditions favouring their development are still poorly understood. Microbioerosion patterns in the three principal framework components (corals, coralline algae, microbialites) are studied with respect to relative light availability during coral growth and subsequent encrustation, in order to constrain the palaeobathymetry and the relative timing of the encrustation. Unexpectedly for a tropical, light‐flooded setting, ichnotaxa typical for the deep‐euphotic to dysphotic zone dominate. The key ichnotaxa for the shallow euphotic zone are scarce in the analysed sample set, and are restricted to the base of the deglacial succession, thus reflecting the deglacial sea‐level rise. At the base of the deglacial reef succession, the ichnocoenoses present in the corals indicate shallower bathymetries than those in the encrusting microbialites. This is in agreement with radiocarbon data that indicate a time gap of more than 600 years between coral death and microbialite formation. At the top of the deglacial reef succession, in contrast, the microbioerosion patterns in the three framework components indicate a uniform palaeobathymetry, and radiocarbon ages imply that encrustation took place shortly after coral demise. An enigma arises from the fact that the ichnocoenoses imply photic conditions that appear very deep for zooxanthellate coral growth. During the deglacial sea‐level rise increased nutrients and fluvial influx may have led to (seasonal?) eutrophication, condensing the photic zonation. This would have exerted stress on the coral ecosystem and played a significant role in initiating microbialite development.  相似文献   

The symbiotic relationship between corals and photosynthetic algae is the foundation of coral reef ecosystems. This relationship breaks down, leading to coral death, when sea temperature exceeds the thermal tolerance of the coral-algae complex. While acclimation via phenotypic plasticity at the organismal level is an important mechanism for corals to cope with global warming, community-based shifts in response to acclimating capacities may give valuable indications about the future of corals at a regional scale. Reliable regional-scale predictions, however, are hampered by uncertainties on the speed with which coral communities will be able to acclimate. Here we present a trait-based, acclimation dynamics model, which we use in combination with observational data, to provide a first, crude estimate of the speed of coral acclimation at the community level and to investigate the effects of different global warming scenarios on three iconic reef ecosystems of the tropics: Great Barrier Reef, South East Asia, and Caribbean. The model predicts that coral acclimation may confer some level of protection by delaying the decline of some reefs such as the Great Barrier Reef. However, the current rates of acclimation will not be sufficient to rescue corals from global warming. Based on our estimates of coral acclimation capacities, the model results suggest substantial declines in coral abundances in all three regions, ranging from 12% to 55%, depending on the region and on the climate change scenario considered. Our results highlight the importance and urgency of precise assessments and quantitative estimates, for example through laboratory experiments, of the natural acclimation capacity of corals and of the speed with which corals may be able to acclimate to global warming.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of the coral-killing seastar Acanthaster planci are intense disturbances that can decimate coral reefs. These events consist of the emergence of large swarms of the predatory seastar that feed on reef-building corals, often leading to widespread devastation of coral populations. While cyclic occurrences of such outbreaks are reported from many tropical reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific, their causes are hotly debated, and the spatio-temporal dynamics of the outbreaks and impacts to reef communities remain unclear. Based on observations of a recent event around the island of Moorea, French Polynesia, we show that Acanthaster outbreaks are methodic, slow-paced, and diffusive biological disturbances. Acanthaster outbreaks on insular reef systems like Moorea''s appear to originate from restricted areas confined to the ocean-exposed base of reefs. Elevated Acanthaster densities then progressively spread to adjacent and shallower locations by migrations of seastars in aggregative waves that eventually affect the entire reef system. The directional migration across reefs appears to be a search for prey as reef portions affected by dense seastar aggregations are rapidly depleted of living corals and subsequently left behind. Coral decline on impacted reefs occurs by the sequential consumption of species in the order of Acanthaster feeding preferences. Acanthaster outbreaks thus result in predictable alteration of the coral community structure. The outbreak we report here is among the most intense and devastating ever reported. Using a hierarchical, multi-scale approach, we also show how sessile benthic communities and resident coral-feeding fish assemblages were subsequently affected by the decline of corals. By elucidating the processes involved in an Acanthaster outbreak, our study contributes to comprehending this widespread disturbance and should thus benefit targeted management actions for coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Coral reef monitoring is a reliable tool to assess the effect of climate change as corals are sensitive to increases in water temperatures between 30 °C and 35 °C resulting in bleaching - a whitening process when the corals lose their color and the reefs begin to die. Existing satellite-based monitoring products facilitate coral bleaching monitoring over large spatial scales, but their use in predicting local scale stress that influences the bleaching severity across reefs is limited. In this paper, we describe a Stationary Reef Monitoring System (SRMS) that monitors the time evolution of coral reefs through the photography of nearby coral clusters. Simultaneously, the SRMS measures and records environmental parameters such as temperature, solar irradiance (PAR), and salinity in the waters surrounding the coral colonies. When deployed in the sea, the SRMS detected a 0.1–0.4 °C variability in temperature between the in situ and satellite datasets. The SRMS uses color photography along with quantitative data on environmental parameters to monitor the health of corals and eliminates the need for physical/visual verification of coral health by a diver. By this approach, one can determine the stress thresholds of corals and identify the vulnerable and resilient reefs so as to prioritize conservation efforts.  相似文献   

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