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Genome constitution and genetic relationships between six Elymus species were assessed by physical mapping of different repetitive sequences using a technique of sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization and genomic in situ hybridization.The six Elymus species are all naturally growing species in northwest China,namely,E.sibiricus,E.nutans,E.barystachyus,E.xiningensis,E.excelsus,and E.dahuricus.An StStHH genome constitution was revealed for E.sibiricus and StStHHYY for the remainder species.Each chromosome could be clearly characterized by physical mapping with 18S-26S rDNA,5S rDNA,Afa-family,and AAG repeats,and be allocated to a certain genome by genomic in situ hybridization.Two 5S rDNA sites,each in the H and St genomes,and three 18S-26S rDNA sites,two in the St genome and one in the Y genome,were uncovered in most of the species.The strong Afa-family hybridization signals discriminated the H genome from the St and Y genomes.The H and Y genome carried more AAG repeats than St.A common non-Robertsonian reciprocal translocation between the H and Y genomes was revealed in E.barystachyus,E.xiningensis,E.excelsus and E.dahuricus.Comparison of molecular karyotypes strongly suggests that they can be classified into three groups,namely,E.sibiricus,E.nutans,and others.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosomes of four Vicia species (V. sativa, V. grandiflora, V. pannonica and V. narbonensis) were subjected to in situ hybridization with probes derived from conserved plant repetitive DNA sequences (18S-25S and 5S rDNA, telomeres) and genus-specific satellite repeats (VicTR-A and VicTR-B). Numbers and positions of hybridization signals provided cytogenetic landmarks suitable for unambiguous identification of all chromosomes, and establishment of the karyotypes. The VicTR-A and -B sequences, in particular, produced highly informative banding patterns that alone were sufficient for discrimination of all chromosomes. However, these patterns were not conserved among species and thus could not be employed for identification of homologous chromosomes. This fact, together with observed variations in positions and numbers of rDNA loci, suggests considerable divergence between karyotypes of the species studied.  相似文献   

 Three repetitive DNA sequences were isolated from a genomic DNA library of the ornamental Alstroemeria aurea Graham. Two repeats, A001-I and A001-II, were quite homologous and highly A. aurea-specific. A001-I was a 217-bp sequence with several telomeric TTTAGGG repeats at the 5′ end and a unique sequence of 98 bp at the other end. The third repeat, A001-IV, was a 840-bp sequence which contained two sub-sequences of 56 and 74 bp respectively, previously found in chloroplast (cp) DNA of tobacco and spinach and to a lesser extent in the cpDNA of maize and rice. Repeat A001-IV was not species-specific and its hybridization signal was weaker than the other repeats. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed the A. aurea-specific repeats to be located in the heterochromatic regions of all A. aurea chromosomes. The differences in FISH pattern make them useful tools for karyotype analysis. The non-species-specific sequence A001-IV gave a dispersed signal over all the Alstroemeria chromosomes in an interspecific hybrid. The potential use of these repetitive DNA sequences for the study of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Alstroemeria is discussed. Received: 24 November 1996/Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

The properties of DNA segments containing foldback elements were studied after their selection from a ‘random’ recombinant library of Physarum polycephalum nuclear DNA sequences, cloned using the plasmid vector pBR322. Hybridisation of in vitro labelled recombinant plasmids to Southern blots of genomic restriction fragments demonstrated that each cloned segment contained repetitive elements located at several hundred sites in the genome. Two of the DNA clones generated hybridisation patterns which suggested that they contain repetitive elements with internal cleavage sites for the restriction endonuclease HaeIII. Cross-hybridisation of all combinations of the cloned sequences showed that most contain different arrangements of repetitive elements derived from different sequence families. The results are consistent with a model proposed previously on the basis of studies on total nuclear DNA, for the organisation of sequences closely associated with foldback elements in the Physarum genome  相似文献   

Knobs are blocks of heterochromatin present on chromosomes of maize (Zea mays L.) and its relatives that have effects on the frequency of genetic recombination, as well as on chromosome behavior. Knob heterozygosity and instability in six maize inbred lines and one Z. diploperennis Iltis Doebley line were investigated using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with knob-associated tandem repeats (180 bp and 350 bp (TR- 1)) as probes. Signals of seven heterozygous knobs containing 180- bp repeats and of one heterozygous knob containing TR- 1 were captured in chromosomes of all materials tested according to the results of FISH, which demonstrates that the 180-bp repeat is the main contributor to knob heterozygosity compared with the TR- 1 element. In addition, one target cell with two TR- 1 signals on one homolog of chromosome 2L, which was different from the normal cells in the maize inbred line GB57, was observed, suggesting knob duplication and an instability phenomenon in the maize genome.  相似文献   

Knobs are blocks of heterochromatin present on chromosomes of maize (Zea mays L.) and its relatives that have effects on the frequency of genetic recombination, as well as on chromosome behavior.Knob heterozygosity and instability in six maize inbred lines and one Z. diploperennis Iltis Doebley line were investigated using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with knob-associated tandem repeats (180 bp and 350 bp (TR-1)) as probes. Signals of seven heterozygous knobs containing 180-bp repeats and of one heterozygous knob containing TR- 1 were captured in chromosomes of all materials tested according to the results of FISH, which demonstrates that the 180-bp repeat is the main contributor to knob heterozygosity compared with the TR-1 element. In addition, one target cell with two TR-1 signals on one homolog of chromosome 2L, which was different from the normal cells in the maize inbred line GB57,was observed, suggesting knob duplication and an instability phenomenon in the maize genome.  相似文献   

西藏半野生小麦LMW-GS基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

In the course of transferring the brown planthopper resistance from a diploid, CC-genome wild rice species, Oryza eichingeri (IRGC acc. 105159 and 105163), to the cultivated rice variety 02428, we have isolated many alien addition and introgression lines. The O. eichingeri chromatin in some of these lines has previously been identified using genomic in situ hybridization and molecular-marker analysis. Here we cloned a tandemly repetitive DNA sequence from O. eichingeri IRGC acc105163, and detected it in 25 introgression lines. This repetitive DNA sequence showed high specificity to the rice CC genome, but was absent from all the four tetraploid species with BBCC or CCDD genomes. The monomer in this repetitive DNA sequence is 325–366-bp long, with a copy number of about 5,000 per 1 C of the O. eichingeri genome, showing 88% homology to a repetitive DNA sequence isolated from Oryza officinalis (2n=2x=24, CC). Fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed 11 signals distributed over eight O. eichingeri chromosomes, mostly in terminal or subterminal regions. Received: 28 November 2000 / Accepted: 3 April 2001  相似文献   

A repetitive DNA sequence, ZmCR2.6c, was isolated from maize based on centromeric sequence CCS1 of the wild grass Brachypodium sylvaticum. ZmCR2.6c is 309 bp in length and shares 65% homology to bases 421–721 of the sorghum centromeric sequence pSau3A9. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) localized ZmCR2.6c to the primary constrictions of pachytene bivalents and to the stretched regions of MI/AI chromosomes, indicating that ZmCR2.6c is an important part of the centromere. Based on measurements of chromosome lengths and the positions of FISH signals of several cells, a pachytene karyotype was constructed for maize inbred line KYS. The karyotype agrees well with those derived from traditional analyses. Four classes of tandemly repeated sequences were mapped to the karyotype by FISH. Repeats 180 bp long are present in cytologically detectable knobs on 5L, 6S, 6L, 7L, and 9S, as well as at the termini and in the interstitial regions of many chromosomes not reported previously. A most interesting finding is the presence of 180-bp repeats in the NOR-secondary constriction. TR-1 elements co-exist with 180-bp repeats in the knob on 6S and form alone a small cluster in 4L. 26S and 5S rRNA genes are located in the NOR and at 2L.88, respectively. The combination of chromosome length, centromere position, and distribution of the tandem repeats allows all chromosomes to be identified unambiguously. The results presented form an important basis for using FISH for physical mapping and for investigating genome organization in maize. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

Summary A set of species-specific repetitive DNA sequences was isolated from Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea. The degree of their species specificity as well as possible homologies among them were determined by dot-blot hybridization analysis. In order to understand the genomic organization of representative Lolium and Festuca-specific repetitive DNA sequences, we performed Southern blot hybridization and in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes.Southern blot hybridization analysis of eight different repetitive DNA sequences of L. multiflorum and one of F. arundinacea indicated either tandem and clustered arrangements of partially dispersed localization in their respective genomes. Some of these sequences, e.g. LMB3, showed a similar genomic organization in F. arundinacea and F. pratensis, but a slightly different organization and degree of redundancy in L. multiflorum. Clones sequences varied in size between 100 bp and 1.2 kb. Estimated copy number in the corresponding haploid genomes varied between 300 and 2×104. Sequence analysis of the highly species-specific sequences from plasmids pLMH2 and pLMB4 (L. multiflorum specific) and from pFAH1 (F. arundinacea specific) revealed some internal repeats without higher order. No homologies between the sequences or to other repetitive sequences were observed. In situ hybridization with these latter sequences to metaphase chromosomes from L. multiflorum, F. arundinacea and from symmetric sexual Festulolium hybrid revealed their relatively even distribution in the corresponding genomes. The in situ hybridization thus also allowed a clearcut simple identification of parental chromosomes in the Festulolium hybrid.The potential use of these species-specific clones as hybridization probes in quantitative dot-blot analysis of the genomic make-up of Festulolium (sexual and somatic) hybrids is also demonstrated.Abbreviations bp Base pair (s) - CMA chromomycin A3 - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - IPTG isopropyl -D-thio-galactopyranoside - kb kilobase pair(s) - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium chloride - X-gal 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-inonyl -D-galactopyranoside  相似文献   

The genomes of barley and wheat, two of the world's most important crops, are very large and complex due to their high content of repetitive DNA. In order to obtain a whole-genome sequence sample, we performed two runs of 454 (GS20) sequencing on genomic DNA of barley cv. Morex, which yielded approximately 1% of a haploid genome equivalent. Almost 60% of the sequences comprised known transposable element (TE) families, and another 9% represented novel repetitive sequences. We also discovered high amounts of low-complexity DNA and non-genic low-copy DNA. We identified almost 2300 protein coding gene sequences and more than 660 putative conserved non-coding sequences. Comparison of the 454 reads with previously published genomic sequences suggested that TE families are distributed unequally along chromosomes. This was confirmed by in situ hybridizations of selected TEs. A comparison of these data for the barley genome with a large sample of publicly available wheat sequences showed that several TE families that are highly abundant in wheat are absent from the barley genome. This finding implies that the TE composition of their genomes differs dramatically, despite their very similar genome size and their close phylogenetic relationship.  相似文献   

Kawabe A  Nasuda S 《Genetica》2006,126(3):335-342
The chromosomal localizations of repetitive DNA clusters (ribosomal DNA and centromere satellites) were analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization in five strains of Arabidopsis halleri ssp. gemmifera. All five A. gemmifera strains have three chromosome pairs with 45S (5.8S-16S-26S) rDNA loci, and one pair with both 5S and 45S rDNA loci. These localizations are different from that of A. thaliana. Very unusually, there are three families of centromeric satellite DNAs (pAa, pAge1, and pAge2), and they showed polymorphism among the five strains studied. Overall, we found four different centromere satellite compositions. A plant from Fumuro was heterozygous for the chromosome specificities of centromere satellite families, possibly due to a reciprocal translocation involving centromere regions. Changes of centromeric satellite repeats appear to be rapid and frequent events in the history of A. gemmifera, and seem to occur by exchanging clusters as units.  相似文献   

为分析中国莲C_0t-1 DNA在其中期染色体上的分布,从中国莲基因组DNA中分离出C_0t-1 DNA,将基因组和所分离的C_0t-1 DNA用生物素标记后作探针,对中国莲染色体进行原位杂交。杂交结果用耦联有荧光素Cy3的生物素抗体检测,发现在每对染色体上均显示出特定的荧光原位杂交带。同时分析了FISH和GISH信号分布的异同。基于C_0t-1 DNA荧光原位杂交带型及染色体型,构建了中国莲核型。  相似文献   

 The present study analyzed the distribution pattern of the Ae. speltoides–derived repetitive clone pGc1R-1 in the Triticum/Aegilops complex. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that clone pGc1R-1 is a S-genome-specific repetitive sequence that hybridized to the S-genome of three species in the section Sitopsis, Aegilops speltoides (S), Ae. longissima (Sl), and Ae. sharonensis (Ssh), but not to Ae. bicornis (Sb) and Ae. searsii (Ss), nor to any other diploid Aegilops species. This clone also hybridized to the very closely related G-genome of T. timopheevii subsp. armeniacum and T. timopheevii ssp. timopheevii, but not to the B-genome of T. turgidum and T. aestivum. Hybridization also was observed in the polyploid Aegilops species, Ae. kotschyi (UkSk), Ae. peregrina (UpSp), and Ae. vavilovii (XvaDvaSva). Large inter- and intraspecific variations were observed. Our results confirm that the S genome is related more to the Sl and Ssh genomes than to the Sb and Ss genomes; there is a greater affinity between the G and S genomes than between the B and S genomes. Mechanisms to account for the variation in the FISH pattern with different genomes include sequence amplification and deletion. Variation in the distribution of this genome-specific DNA sequence, pGc1R-1, on chromosomes can be used to reveal evolutionary relationships in the Triticum and Aegilops complex. Received April 10, 2002; accepted July 12, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Address of the authors: Peng Zhang, Bernd Friebe (e-mail: friebe@ksu.edu), Bikram S. Gill, Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton, Plant Sciences Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA.  相似文献   

Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is a relatively young crop and has a narrow gene pool. In order to introduce genetic variability into the crop, interspecific hybrids, selected from crosses with wild beets of the sections Corollinae and Procumbentes, have been generated. The introgressed B. procumbens chromatin carries resistance genes to beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii Schm. These lines are important for breeding of nematode-resistant sugar beet, while Corollinae species are potential donors of tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses such as drought or saline soils. We have used in situ hybridization of genomic DNA to discriminate the parental chromosomes in these interspecific hybrids. Suppression of cross-hybridization by blocking DNA was not necessary indicating that the investigated Beta genomes contain sufficient species-specific DNA enabling the unequivocal determination of the genomic composition of the hybrids. Interspecific hybrid lines with an additional chromosome (2n = 18 + 1), chromosome fragment (2n = 18 + fragment) or translocation of B. procumbens (2n = 18) were analysed by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) at mitosis and meiosis. Species-specific satellites and ribosomal genes used in combination with genomic DNA or in rehybridization experiments served as landmark probes for chromosome identification in hybrid genomes. The detection of a B. procumbens translocation of approx. I Mbp demonstrated the sensitivity and resolution of GISH and showed that this approach is a powerful method in genome analysis projects of the genus Beta.  相似文献   

In fifteen geographically isolated populations of five species of Alstroemeria L. (A. aurea, A. hookeri, A. ligtu, A. pelegrina and A. presliana) collected in Chile, karyotypes and variation of RAPD markers were investigated. Tandemly repeated DNA sequences - 5S and 18/25S rDNA genes and the sequence A001-1 (De Jeu et al. 1997) were used to characterize karyotypes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Ten somatic metaphases per population were used for measurement of chromosome length. Differences in RAPD marker bands were used for characterization of populations, creating a similarity index. FISH with all three DNA probes shows a high degree of polymorphism between and sometimes also within accessions of A. aurea, A. hookeri and A. ligtu. The number of chromosome pairs showing 5S rDNA signals is more different for the investigated species A. aurea, A. hookeri, A. ligtu, A. pelegrina and A. presliana with 5, 7, 5, 3 and 7, respectively, than the number of 18/25S rDNA signals in this succession with 7, 7, 6, 5 and 7 chromosome pairs, showing a high evolutionary dynamics within the genus. Furthermore, among the four populations of A. hookeri, accession 4181 was different in arm length of chromosome 3. RAPD markers (index of similarity) also showed a greater genetic distance of accession 4181 from the other three accessions of A. hookeri. The possible evolutionary mechanisms providing these polymorphisms were discussed.  相似文献   

长芒猬草与华山新麦草属间杂种的形态学和细胞学研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为研究长芒猬草Hystrix duthiei ssp.longearistata的染色体组成,将其与华山新麦草Psathyrostachys huashanica进行了人工杂交,获得杂种F1。对亲本及杂种F1,花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体配对行为、繁育 特性和形态特征进行了比较分析。结果表明:杂种F1的许多形态特征介于父母本之间,花粉完全不育, 结实率为0;杂种F1花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对较高,55.12%的细胞形成5个或6个二价 体,其构型为:9.83Ⅰ+5.46Ⅱ+0.07Ⅲ,C-值为0.57。以上结果表明H.duthiei ssp.Longearistata含有Ns染色体组。本文还讨论了Hystrix与Leymus的关系。  相似文献   

In the present study, we developed a method for detecting sequences whose similarity to a target sequence is statistically significant and we examined the distribution of these sequences in the E. coli K-12 genome. Target sequences examined are as follows: (i) short repeat: Crossover hot-spot instigator (Chi) sequence, replication termination (Ter) sequence, and DnaA binding sequence (DnaA box); (ii) potential stem-loop structure repeats: palindromic unit (PU), boxC sequences, and intergenic repeat unit (IRU); (iii) potential RNA coding repeats: rRNAs, PAIR, TRIP, and QUAD; and (iv) potential protein coding repeats: insertion elements (ISs) and Long Direct Repeats (LDRs). We also examined the distribution of these sequences on leading and lagging strands. We obtained another four statistically significant LDR sequences with more than 187 bp matched to LDR-A near the LDR loci, suggesting that these regions might be used as high recombination hot spots for LDR. Adaptation of individual LDRs to E. coli genome is also discussed on the basis of codon usage.  相似文献   

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