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秦岭作为我国重要的地理分界线,其亚高山针叶林生态系统在区域乃至更大尺度范围的水源涵养、生物多样性维护、气候调节等方面具有重要价值。近几十年,秦岭地区大幅升温且存在空间异质性。研究秦岭针叶林带树木生长对气候变化的响应规律对于气候变化下山地森林保护与管理具有重要价值。本文综述了秦岭西部、中部和东部不同海拔针叶树种树木生长与气候的响应关系,从树木径向生长、NDVI、物候和物种分布范围等方面探讨了气候变化对针叶树种的影响,并对树木生长响应气候变化研究中可能存在的问题和研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

为了探讨针叶树皮生黏菌的物种多样性,通过收集不同种类的针叶树皮作为基物进行湿室培养,共获得40种黏菌和一变种,其中粗网筛菌(Cribraria pachydictyon)和疣网发菌(Comatricha reticulospora)为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

害虫及害螨对阿维菌素抗药性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阿维菌素(avermectins)是一类新型高效广谱的生物源农药,对多种害虫及害螨具有极好的防效。随着阿维菌素在害虫及害螨防治中的广泛应用,害虫和害螨对其的抗性问题日益受到关注。文章综述国内外的最新研究结果表明:小菜蛾Pluttella xylostella(L.)、二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticate Koch等已对阿维菌素产生抗性,对阿维菌素产生抗性的害虫和螨并不总是表现适合度劣势,且抗性一旦产生敏感性较难以恢复;抗性遗传多数由多基因、不完全隐性控制;抗性机理涉及多种因素。综合分析发现害虫和螨对阿维菌素存在较大的、潜在抗性风险。  相似文献   

木腐真菌在森林生态系统中具有丰富的物种多样性, 并在倒木的降解过程中发挥重要的生态功能。针叶树是大小兴安岭森林生态系统的优势树种, 因此研究针叶树倒木木腐真菌物种多样性和影响其物种分布的相关环境因子有助于揭示大小兴安岭森林生态系统物质循环的机理。本研究收集了近16年对大小兴安岭地区冷杉属(Abies)、落叶松属(Larix)、云杉属(Picea)和松属(Pinus) 4类针叶树倒木上1,561份木腐真菌标本的采集信息, 统计了物种种类及其腐朽类型, 并选取具有代表性的地点开展木腐真菌群落多样性及其与环境因子的相关性分析。结果显示, 大小兴安岭针叶树倒木木腐真菌有166种, 隶属于70属, 其中白腐真菌有111种, 占所有种类的66.9%, 褐腐真菌为55种, 占所有种类的33.1%。在4类针叶树倒木上均能生长的真菌种类有19种, 占所有种类的11.5%, 其中柔丝干酪孔菌(Oligoporus sericeomollis)是各类倒木上木腐真菌群落中的优势种。大兴安岭地区落叶松属为优势寄主, 其倒木上生长的木腐真菌种类数和个体数在4类倒木中均为最高; 而小兴安岭地区松属倒木上木腐真菌种类数和个体数比其他3类倒木高, 是该地区的优势寄主。对6个代表性地区木腐真菌群落的研究显示, 有11种真菌在6个地区均有分布, 小兴安岭地区木腐真菌多样性普遍高于大兴安岭地区; 聚类分析显示树种比地理位置对木腐真菌物种分布的影响更大。  相似文献   

叶树根腐病是北温带地区一种重要的森林病害,其病原为异担子菌Heterobasidion,应用大伏革菌对该病害进行生物防治是目前最常用的方法。而随着分子生物学、转录组学及基因组学的发展,未来的研究重点将集中在与大伏革菌拮抗效率相关的基因上。从异担子菌的防治入手,重点阐述了用大伏革菌防治针叶树根腐病的国内外研究进展,包括大伏革菌防病历史、商业化制剂产生、防病机制、生态影响和筛选过程等。  相似文献   

运用树木年代学的原理和方法,对普达措国家公园大果红杉、长苞冷杉、高山松和麦吊云杉4个优势针叶树种的年轮宽度进行测量,建立年轮宽度差值年表。分析年表与香格里拉气象站的日、月气候数据的相关性,研究4个优势针叶树种的径向生长对气候因子的响应。结果表明: 大果红杉的年生长速率最高,长苞冷杉的年生长速率最低;4种针叶树径向生长对气候因子的响应存在物种特异性,大果红杉与气候因子的相关性最强,麦吊云杉的径向生长对气候因子的响应不敏感;长苞冷杉树轮宽度年表与上年冬季(11、12月)和当年夏季(7月)的平均温度呈显著正相关;大果红杉树轮宽度年表与生长季早期(6月)温度呈显著正相关,与同期降水量和相对湿度呈显著负相关;而高山松树轮宽度年表与生长季早期(5月)的降水量和相对湿度呈显著正相关,与同期最高温度呈显著负相关,表明高山松的径向生长主要受生长季早期水分可利用性的影响。  相似文献   

北京市春季天气状况对针叶树叶面颗粒物附着密度的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王蕾  哈斯  刘连友  高尚玉 《生态学杂志》2006,25(8):998-1002
对北京市侧柏、圆柏、油松和云杉冲洗与未冲洗植株春季1个月内叶面颗粒物附着密度进行了观测,并对照逐日气象数据和测试树种叶表面微形态,分析了天气状况对叶面颗粒物附着密度的影响。结果表明,春季降雨、大风、沙尘等天气状况交替出现导致叶面颗粒物附着密度随之变化,大多数时间低于冬季。测试树种叶面部分颗粒物附着牢固,不能被中等强度15 mm降雨冲掉。5~6级大风不会使叶面颗粒物附着密度减少。与本地扬尘相比,外来入侵沙尘可使叶面颗粒物附着密度较大增加。侧柏和圆柏叶表面密集脊状突起间的沟槽可深藏许多颗粒物,且颗粒物固着牢固,不易被降雨和大风去除。油松叶表面光滑、粘性大,易于小颗粒物的附着,但颗粒物容量较低,附着不牢固。云杉气孔周围较宽凹槽利于牢固滞留较大颗粒物,能有效捕获粒径较大的外来沙尘。  相似文献   

桉树与针叶树、阔叶树生理生化指标季节变化的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对广西桂林灵田乡桉树、针叶树和阔叶树生理生化季节变化进行了比较研究。结果表明:桉树与其它4个针阔叶树种的生理生化指标因季节更替而呈现不同的变化规律,其中5个树种叶片的比叶面积是在夏季最高、冬季最低,其均值依次为桉树>红锥>黧蒴栲>杉木>马尾松;叶片叶绿素含量为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,总叶绿素含量四季平均值为桉树>黧蒴栲>红锥>杉木>马尾松;叶片可溶性糖含量的季节变化为夏季>春季>冬季>秋季,桉树的平均可溶性糖最高;叶片蛋白质含量都在春季最高、夏季最低,阔叶树种的蛋白质含量显著高于针叶树种,桉树的平均蛋白质含量最高;叶片硝酸还原酶活性顺序为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,桉树的平均硝酸还原酶活性最高。综上所述,在自然生长环境下,这5个树种的生理生化等指标对季节的响应机制不同,但桉树的生理指标大于其他几个树种。这反映了人工种植的桉树具有高生产力和生长优势。  相似文献   

植物类胡萝卜素生物合成及功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详述了植物类胡萝卜素生物合成途径,并从突破类胡萝卜素合成途径中上游瓶颈限制、类胡萝卜素代谢各分支途径的改造、提高植物细胞对类胡萝卜素物质积累能力三个方面探讨了类胡萝卜素生物合成酶基因在植物基因工程中的研究现状,最后对植物类胡萝卜素代谢的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

以2020年在黑龙江省林口林业局与孟家岗林场选取的3种典型针叶树种红松、长白落叶松、樟子松为研究对象,对节子直径、疏松节长度、健全节长度3种属性构建基础模型、哑变量模型和混合模型,分析不同树种节子属性的差异,简化模型的建模工作。首先通过剖析法收集相关节子属性数据,结合相关文献,转换模型形式以及替换相关变量,构建基础模型;将树种作为定性因子,转化为哑变量,引入基础模型中,构建相关属性的哑变量模型;在构建混合模型时,引入样木与样地水平的随机效应,通过比较赤池信息准则(AIC)、贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)等评价指标,选出拟合效果最佳的混合模型。之后对基础模型、哑变量模型、混合模型的拟合精度进行对比,选出最优的通用方程。结果表明:3种模型中,哑变量模型与混合模型的拟合精度均大于基础模型。AIC、BIC等评价指标显示,混合模型对节子属性的拟合效果优于哑变量模型。模型对比结果中,健全节长度、疏松节长度、节子直径混合模型的R2相较于基础模型分别提升了13.2%、84.8%、40.3%。不同树种3种节子属性基础模型的预测精度均大于90%,哑变量模型与混合模型的预测精度均在94%以上...  相似文献   

Conifers are long-lived organisms, and part of their success is due to their potent defense mechanisms. This review focuses on bark defenses, a front line against organisms trying to reach the nutrient-rich phloem. A major breach of the bark can lead to tree death, as evidenced by the millions of trees killed every year by specialized bark-invading insects. Different defense strategies have arisen in conifer lineages, but the general strategy is one of overlapping constitutive mechanical and chemical defenses overlaid with the capacity to up-regulate additional defenses. The defense strategy incorporates a graded response from 'repel', through 'defend' and 'kill', to 'compartmentalize', depending upon the advance of the invading organism. Using a combination of toxic and polymer chemistry, anatomical structures and their placement, and inducible defenses, conifers have evolved bark defense mechanisms that work against a variety of pests. However, these can be overcome by strategies including aggregation pheromones of bark beetles and introduction of virulent phytopathogens. The defense structures and chemicals in conifer bark are reviewed and questions about their coevolution with bark beetles are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,由于抗生素的广泛、大量使用,耐药菌株急剧增多,加剧了耐药菌对人类健康和生态环境的威胁。有研究表明,益生菌自身含有的耐药基因或耐药质粒等可通过基因水平转移传递给人体肠道中的致病菌,导致耐药菌感染。随着双歧杆菌相关微生态制剂的广泛应用,通常以活菌形式进入人体的双歧杆菌,与肠道内原籍群混合生长,致使其携带的耐药性基因片段在肠道菌群中水平转移,从而导致某些致病菌具有耐药性。因此,研究双歧杆菌等益生菌的耐药性基因转移有着十分迫切的意义。本文总结了双歧杆菌的耐药性,分析了双歧杆菌的耐药机理,为进一步筛选安全的双歧杆菌菌株提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The pit membrane in bordered pits of conifer tracheids is characterized by a porous margo and central thickening (torus), which is traditionally considered to function as an impermeable safety valve against air-seeding. However, electron microscopy based on 33 conifer species, including five families and 19 genera, reveals that pores occur in the torus of 13 of the species studied. The pores have a plasmodesmatal origin with an average diameter of 51 nm and grouped arrangement. Evidence for embolism spreading via pores in tori is supported by the pore sizes, which correspond relatively well with the pressure inducing cavitation. Predictions based on earlier correlations between pit structure and cavitation resistance were only weakly supported for species with punctured tori. Moreover, species with punctured tori are significantly less resistant to cavitation than species with non-punctured tori. Nevertheless, absolute pore diameters must be treated with caution and correlations between theoretical and measured air-seeding pressures are weak. Because most pores appear not to traverse the torus but are limited to one torus pad, only complete pores would trigger air-seeding. Embolism spreading through a leaky torus is not universal across gymnosperms and unlikely to represent the only air-seeding mechanism.  相似文献   

亚洲稻区灰飞虱抗药性研究进展   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus(Fallen)是亚洲稻区的一种重要传毒昆虫。20世纪60年代以来,灰飞虱先后对有机氯、有机磷以及氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂产生了不同程度的抗药性,其抗性机理主要涉及解毒代谢增强和靶标敏感性下降。随着吡虫啉等新型药剂使用面积的扩大,加强抗性监测,制定科学合理的抗性治理策略势在必行。  相似文献   

Any change in a plant that occurs following herbivory or environmental factors is an induced response. These changes include phytochemical induction, increases in physical defenses, emission of volatiles that attract predators and parasitoids of herbivores, and reduction in plant nutritional quality for herbivores, which is termed induced resistance. Induced resistance has been demon-strated ubiquitously in plants. It is one of our goals to review what is known about the induced resistance to herbivorous insects in cotton, including three resistance secondary metabolites (terpenoid, tannin, and flavonoids) that are contained at any significant levels of resistance to herbivorous insects in cotton cultivates. In many cases, the quantities or quality of secondary metabolites in plant are changed after attacked by insects. This review focuses on induced plant resistance as quantitative or qualitative enhancement of defense mechanism against insect pests, especially on the abiotic-elicitors-induced resistance in cotton plants. The abiotic-elicitor of cupric chloride, an exogenous inorganic compound, may induce the second-ary metabolites accumulation and is referred to as a copper-inducible elicitor (CIE). Finally, we discuss how copper-inducible elicitor may be used in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system for cotton resistance control.  相似文献   

Any change in a plant that occurs following herbivory or environmental factors is an induced response. These changes include phytochemical induction, increases in physical defenses, emission of volatiles that attract predators and parasitoids of herbivores, and reduction in plant nutritional quality for herbivores, which is termed induced resistance. Induced resistance has been demonstrated ubiquitously in plants. It is one of our goals to review what is known about the induced resistance to herbivorous insects in cotton, including three resistance secondary metabolites (terpenoid, tannin, and flavonoids) that are contained at any significant levels of resistance to herbivorous insects in cotton cultivates. In many cases, the quantities or quality of secondary metabolites in plant are changed after attacked by insects. This review focuses on induced plant resistance as quantitative or qualitative enhancement of defense mechanism against insect pests, especially on the abiotic-elicitors-induced resistance in cotton plants. The abiotic-elicitor of cupric chloride, an exogenous inorganic compound, may induce the secondary metabolites accumulation and is referred to as a copperinducible elicitor (CIE). Finally, we discuss how copperinducible elicitor may be used in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system for cotton resistance control.  相似文献   

Conifers are an excellent group in which to explore how changing ecological interactions may have influenced the allocation of reproductive tissues in seed plants over long time scales, because of their extensive fossil record and their important role in terrestrial ecosystems since the Palaeozoic. Measurements of individual conifer pollen-producing and seed-producing cones from the Pennsylvanian to the Recent show that the relative amount of tissue invested in pollen cones has remained constant through time, while seed cones show a sharp increase in proportional tissue investment in the Jurassic that has continued to intensify to the present day. Since seed size in conifers has remained similar through time, this increase reflects greater investment in protective cone tissues such as robust, tightly packed scales. This shift in morphology and tissue allocation is broadly concurrent with the appearance of new vertebrate groups capable of browsing in tree canopies, as well as a diversification of insect-feeding strategies, suggesting that an important change in plant-animal interactions occurred over the Mesozoic that favoured an increase in seed cone protective tissues.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is important in evolutionary processes and speciation. We used multiple tests to identify several candidate genes that may be involved in local adaptation from 1026 loci in 14 natural populations of Cryptomeria japonica, the most economically important forestry tree in Japan. We also studied the relationships between genotypes and environmental variables to obtain information on the selective pressures acting on individual populations. Outlier loci were mapped onto a linkage map, and the positions of loci associated with specific environmental variables are considered. The outlier loci were not randomly distributed on the linkage map; linkage group 11 was identified as a genomic island of divergence. Three loci in this region were also associated with environmental variables such as mean annual temperature, daily maximum temperature, maximum snow depth, and so on. Outlier loci identified with high significance levels will be essential for conservation purposes and for future work on molecular breeding.  相似文献   

近年来,光滑念珠菌侵入性感染及其耐棘白菌素治疗失败的病例不断增多,深入研究其耐药机制十分有必要。Fks突变在光滑念珠菌棘白菌素耐药发生的过程中有着极其重要的地位,其与棘白菌素的MIC值及体内治疗结果密切相关,且有很多因素可以对Fks突变的发生及其作用产生影响。  相似文献   

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