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Cell surfaces are decorated by a variety of proteins that facilitate interactions with their environments and support cell stability. These secreted proteins are anchored to the cell by mechanisms that are diverse, and, in archaea, poorly understood. Recently published in silico data suggest that in some species a subset of secreted euryarchaeal proteins, which includes the S‐layer glycoprotein, is processed and covalently linked to the cell membrane by enzymes referred to as archaeosortases. In silico work led to the proposal that an independent, sortase‐like system for proteolysis‐coupled, carboxy‐terminal lipid modification exists in bacteria (exosortase) and archaea (archaeosortase). Here, we provide the first in vivo characterization of an archaeosortase in the haloarchaeal model organism Haloferax volcanii. Deletion of the artA gene (HVO_0915) resulted in multiple biological phenotypes: (a) poor growth, especially under low‐salt conditions, (b) alterations in cell shape and the S‐layer, (c) impaired motility, suppressors of which still exhibit poor growth, and (d) impaired conjugation. We studied one of the ArtA substrates, the S‐layer glycoprotein, using detailed proteomic analysis. While the carboxy‐terminal region of S‐layer glycoproteins, consisting of a putative threonine‐rich O‐glycosylated region followed by a hydrophobic transmembrane helix, has been notoriously resistant to any proteomic peptide identification, we were able to identify two overlapping peptides from the transmembrane domain present in the ΔartA strain but not in the wild‐type strain. This clearly shows that ArtA is involved in carboxy‐terminal post‐translational processing of the S‐layer glycoprotein. As it is known from previous studies that a lipid is covalently attached to the carboxy‐terminal region of the S‐layer glycoprotein, our data strongly support the conclusion that archaeosortase functions analogously to sortase, mediating proteolysis‐coupled, covalent cell surface attachment.  相似文献   

The gene encoding dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase from the halophilic archaeon, Haloferax volcanii, has been subcloned and overexpressed in the parent organism by using the halophilic archaeal rRNA promoter. The recombinant protein has been purified to homogeneity and characterized with respect to its kinetic, molecular, and salt-dependent properties. A dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase-minus mutant of H. volcanii has been created by homologous recombination with the subcloned gene after insertion of the mevinolin resistance determinant into the protein-coding region. To explore the physiological function of the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, the growth properties of the mutant halophile have been examined.  相似文献   

Sec11b is one of two signal peptidases (SPases) in the haloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed Ser-72, His-137 and Asp-187 as essential for signal peptide cleavage. Thus, like the SPase of the methanoarchaeon Methanococcus voltae, H. volcanii Sec11b uses a catalytic mechanism reminiscent of its eukaryal rather than its bacterial counterpart. The availability of an additional model system to study the archaeal SPase, now in the form of the purified protein, promises additional insight into the behavior of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Type I signal peptidases (SPases) are required for the removal of signal peptides from translocated proteins and, subsequently, release of the mature protein from the trans side of the membrane. Interestingly, prokaryotic (P-type) and endoplasmic reticular (ER-type) SPases are functionally equivalent, but structurally quite different, forming two distinct SPase families that share only few conserved residues. P-type SPases were, so far, exclusively identified in eubacteria and organelles, whereas ER-type SPases were found in the three kingdoms of life. Strikingly, the presence of ER-type SPases appears to be limited to sporulating Gram-positive eubacteria. The present studies were aimed at the identification of potential active site residues of the ER-type SPase SipW of Bacillus subtilis, which is required for processing of the spore-associated protein TasA. Conserved serine, histidine, and aspartic acid residues are critical for SipW activity, suggesting that the ER-type SPases employ a Ser-His-Asp catalytic triad or, alternatively, a Ser-His catalytic dyad. In contrast, the P-type SPases employ a Ser-Lys catalytic dyad (Paetzel, M., Dalbey, R. E., and Strynadka, N. C. J. (1998) Nature 396, 186-190). Notably, catalytic activity of SipW was not only essential for pre-TasA processing, but also for the incorporation of mature TasA into spores.  相似文献   

The discovery of ubiquitin‐like small archaeal modifier protein 2 (SAMP2) that forms covalent polymeric chains in Haloferax volcanii has generated tremendous interest in the function and regulation of this protein. At present, it remains unclear whether the Hfx. volcanii modifier protein SAMP1 has such polyubiquitinating‐like activity. Although SAMP1 and SAMP2 use the same conjugation machinery to modify their target proteins, each can impart distinct functional consequences. To better understand the mechanism of SAMP2 conjugation, we have sought to characterize the biophysical and structural properties of the protein from Hfx. volcanii. SAMP2 is only partially structured under mesohalic solution conditions and adopts a well‐folded compact conformation in the presence of 2.5M of NaCl. Its 2.3‐Å‐resolution crystal structure reveals a characteristic α/β central core domain and a unique β‐hinge motif. This motif anchors an unusual C‐terminal extension comprising the diglycine tail as well as two lysine residues that can potentially serve to interlink SAMP2 moieties. Mutational alternation of the structural malleability of this β‐hinge motif essentially abolishes the conjugation activity of SAMP2 in vivo. In addition, NMR structural studies of the putative ubiquitin‐like protein HVO_2177 from Hfx. volcanii show that like SAMP1, HVO_2177 forms a classic β‐grasp fold in a salt‐independent manner. These results provide insights into the structure–function relationship of sampylating proteins of fundamental importance in post‐translational protein modification and environmental cues in Archaea.  相似文献   

The neprilysin (NEP)/endothelin-converting enzyme (ECE) family of metalloproteases contains a highly conserved carboxyl-terminal tetrapeptide sequence, CXAW, where "C" is cysteine, "X" is a polar amino acid, "A" is an aliphatic residue, and "W" is tryptophan. Although this sequence strongly resembles a prenylation motif, human ECE-1 did not appear to be prenylated when labeled in vivo using various isoprenoid precursors in cell lines expressing ECE-1. We used site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the role of the CXAW motif and determined that the conserved cysteine residue of the CXAW motif in ECE-1, Cys(755), is critical for proper folding of the enzyme, its export from the endoplasmic reticulum, and its maturation in the secretory pathway. In addition, site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the conserved tryptophan residue of the sequence CEVW appears to be important for endoplasmic reticulum export and is essential for enzyme activity. Deletion of Trp(758) or substitution with alanine greatly slowed maturation of the enzyme, and resulted in more than a 90% loss of enzyme activity relative to the wild type. Conservative substitution of the tryptophan with phenylalanine did not reduce activity, whereas replacement with tyrosine, methionine, or leucine reduced enzyme activity by 50%, 75%, and 85%, respectively. Together, these data indicate that the conserved CEVW sequence does not serve as a prenylation signal and that both the conserved cysteine and tryptophan residues are necessary for proper folding and maturation of the enzyme. Furthermore, the conserved tryptophan appears to be critical for enzyme activity.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein mutants S430A/T and S1073A/T, affecting conserved Walker A Ser residues, were characterized to elucidate molecular roles of the Ser and functioning of the two P-glycoprotein catalytic sites. Results showed the Ser-OH is critical for MgATPase activity and formation of the normal transition state, although not for initial MgATP binding. Mutation to Ala in either catalytic site abolished MgATPase and transition state formation in both sites, whereas Thr mutants had similar MgATPase to wild-type. Trapping of 1 mol of MgADP/mol of P-glycoprotein by vanadate, shown here with pure protein, yielded full inhibition of ATPase. Thus, congruent with previous work, both sites must be intact and must interact for catalysis. Equivalent mutations (Ala or Thr) in the two catalytic sites had identical effects on a wide range of activities, emphasizing that the two catalytic sites function symmetrically. The role of the Ser-OH is to coordinate Mg(2+) in MgATP, but only at the stage of the transition state are its effects tangible. Initial substrate binding is apparently to an "open" catalytic site conformation, where the Ser-OH is dispensable. This changes to a "closed" conformation required to attain the transition state, in which the Ser-OH is a critical ligand. Formation of the latter conformation requires both sites; both sites may provide direct ligands to the transition state.  相似文献   

Recent insight into the N-glycosylation pathway of the haloarchaeon, Haloferax volcanii, is helping to bridge the gap between our limited understanding of the archaeal version of this universal post-translational modification and the better-described eukaryal and bacterial processes. To delineate as yet undefined steps of the Hfx. volcanii N-glycosylation pathway, a comparative approach was taken with the initial characterization of N-glycosylation in Haloarcula marismortui, a second haloarchaeon also originating from the Dead Sea. While both species decorate the reporter glycoprotein, the S-layer glycoprotein, with the same N-linked pentasaccharide and employ dolichol phosphate as lipid glycan carrier, species-specific differences in the two N-glycosylation pathways exist. Specifically, Har. marismortui first assembles the complete pentasaccharide on dolichol phosphate and only then transfers the glycan to the target protein, as in the bacterial N-glycosylation pathway. In contrast, Hfx. volcanii initially transfers the first four pentasaccharide subunits from a common dolichol phosphate carrier to the target protein and only then delivers the final pentasaccharide subunit from a distinct dolichol phosphate to the N-linked tetrasaccharide, reminiscent of what occurs in eukaryal N-glycosylation. This study further indicates the extraordinary diversity of N-glycosylation pathways in Archaea, as compared with the relatively conserved parallel processes in Eukarya and Bacteria.  相似文献   

HTLV-1 [HTLV (human T-cell lymphotrophic virus) type 1] is associated with a number of human diseases. HTLV-1 protease is essential for virus replication, and similarly to HIV-1 protease, it is a potential target for chemotherapy. The primary sequence of HTLV-1 protease is substantially longer compared with that of HIV-1 protease, and the role of the ten C-terminal residues is controversial. We have expressed C-terminally-truncated forms of HTLV-1 protease with and without N-terminal His tags. Removal of five of the C-terminal residues caused a 4-40-fold decrease in specificity constants, whereas the removal of an additional five C-terminal residues rendered the protease completely inactive. The addition of the N-terminal His tag dramatically decreased the activity of HTLV-1 protease forms. Pull-down experiments carried out with His-tagged forms, gel-filtration experiments and dimerization assays provided the first unequivocal experimental results for the role of the C-terminal residues in dimerization of the enzyme. There is a hydrophobic tunnel on the surface of HTLV-1 protease close to the C-terminal ends that is absent in the HIV-1 protease. This hydrophobic tunnel can accommodate the extra C-terminal residues of HTLV-1 protease, which was predicted to stabilize the dimer of the full-length enzyme and provides an alternative target site for protease inhibition.  相似文献   



Sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) mediates the active transport and accumulation of iodide from the blood into the thyroid gland. His-226 located in the extracellular region of NIS has been demonstrated to be critical for iodide transport in our previous study. The conserved charged amino acid residues in the extracellular region of NIS were therefore characterized in this study.  相似文献   

Successful adherence, colonization, and survival of Gram‐positive bacteria require surface proteins, and multiprotein assemblies called pili. These surface appendages are attractive pharmacotherapeutic targets and understanding their assembly mechanisms is essential for identifying a new class of ‘anti‐infectives’ that do not elicit microbial resistance. Molecular details of the Gram‐negative pilus assembly are available indepth, but the Gram‐positive pilus biogenesis is still an emerging field and investigations continue to reveal novel insights into this process. Pilus biogenesis in Gram‐positive bacteria is a biphasic process that requires enzymes called pilus‐sortases for assembly and a housekeeping sortase for covalent attachment of the assembled pilus to the peptidoglycan cell wall. Emerging structural and functional data indicate that there are at least two groups of Gram‐positive pili, which require either the Class C sortase or Class B sortase in conjunction with LepA/SipA protein for major pilin polymerization. This observation suggests two distinct modes of sortase‐mediated pilus biogenesis in Gram‐positive bacteria. Here we review the structural and functional biology of the pilus‐sortases from select streptococcal pilus systems and their role in Gram‐positive pilus assembly.  相似文献   

A dilution/quench technique was used to monitor the time course of chemical modification on the heparin-cofactor (a) and progressive thrombin-inhibitory (b) activities of human antithrombin III. Treatment of antithrombin III (AT III) with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonate at pH 8.3 and 25 degrees C leads to the loss of (a) at 60-fold more rapid rate than the loss of (b). This is consistent with previous reports [Rosenberg & Damus (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6490-6505; Pecon & Blackburn (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 935-938] that lysine residues are involved in the binding of heparin to AT III, but not in thrombin binding. Treatment of AT III with phenylglyoxal at pH 8.3 and 25 degrees C again leads to a more rapid loss of (a) than of (b), with the loss of the former proceeding at a 4-fold faster rate. The presence of heparin during modification with phenylglyoxal significantly decreases the rate of loss of (a). Full loss of (a) correlates with the modification of seven arginine residues per inhibitor molecule, whereas loss of (b) does not commence until approximately four arginine residues are modified and is complete upon the modification of approximately eleven arginine residues per inhibitor molecule. This suggests that (the) arginine residue(s) in AT III are involved in the binding of heparin in addition to the known role of Arg-393 at the thrombin-recognition site [Rosenberg & Damus (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6490-6505; Jörnvall, Fish & Björk (1979) FEBS Lett. 106, 358-362].  相似文献   

ClpB from Escherichia coli is a member of a protein-disaggregating multi-chaperone system that also includes DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE. The sequence of ClpB contains two ATP-binding domains that are enclosed between the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions. The N-terminal sequence region does not contain known functional sequence motifs. Here, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of four polar residues within the N-terminal domain of ClpB (Thr7, Ser84, Asp103 and Glu109). These residues are conserved in several ClpB homologs. We found that the mutations, T7A, S84A, D103A, and E109A did not significantly affect the secondary structure and thermal stability of ClpB, nor did they inhibit the self-association of ClpB, its basal ATPase activity, or the enhanced rate of the ATP hydrolysis by ClpB in the presence of poly-L-lysine. We observed, however, that three mutations, T7A, D103A, and E109A, reduced the casein-induced activation of the ClpB ATPase. The same three mutant ClpB variants also showed low chaperone activity in the luciferase reactivation assay. We found, however, that the four ClpB mutants, as well as the wild-type, bound similar amounts of inactivated luciferase. In summary, we have identified three essential amino acid residues within the N-terminal region of ClpB that participate in the coupling between a protein-binding signal and the ATP hydrolysis, and also support the chaperone activity of ClpB.  相似文献   

Non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) is critical for the maintenance of genetic integrity and DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair. NHEJ is regulated by a series of interactions between core components of the pathway, including Ku heterodimer, XLF/Cernunnos, and XRCC4/DNA Ligase 4 (Lig4). However, the mechanisms by which these proteins assemble into functional protein–DNA complexes are not fully understood. Here, we show that the von Willebrand (vWA) domain of Ku80 fulfills a critical role in this process by recruiting Aprataxin‐and‐PNK‐Like Factor (APLF) into Ku‐DNA complexes. APLF, in turn, functions as a scaffold protein and promotes the recruitment and/or retention of XRCC4‐Lig4 and XLF, thereby assembling multi‐protein Ku complexes capable of efficient DNA ligation in vitro and in cells. Disruption of the interactions between APLF and either Ku80 or XRCC4‐Lig4 disrupts the assembly and activity of Ku complexes, and confers cellular hypersensitivity and reduced rates of chromosomal DSB repair in avian and human cells, respectively. Collectively, these data identify a role for the vWA domain of Ku80 and a molecular mechanism by which DNA ligase proficient complexes are assembled during NHEJ in mammalian cells, and reveal APLF to be a structural component of this critical DSB repair pathway.  相似文献   

The effect of various organic solvents on the catalytic activity, stability and substrate specificity of alchohol dehydrogenase from Haloferax volcanii (HvADH2) was evaluated. The HvADH2 showed remarkable stability and catalysed the reaction in aqueous?Corganic medium containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanol (MeOH). Tetrahydrofuran and acetonitrile were also investigated and adversely affected the stability of the enzyme. High concentration of salt, essential to maintain the enzymatic activity and structural integrity of the halophilic enzyme under standard conditions may be partially replaced by DMSO and MeOH. The presence of organic solvents did not induce gross changes in substrate specificity. DMSO offered a protective effect for the stability of the enzyme at nonoptimal pHs such as 6 and 10. Salt and solvent effects on the HvADH2 conformation and folding were examined through fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence findings were consistent with the activity and stability results and corroborated the denaturing properties of some solvents. The intrinsic tolerance of this enzyme to organic solvent makes it highly attractive to industry.  相似文献   

In‐depth proteome analysis of the haloarchaeal model organism Haloferax volcanii has been performed under standard, low/high salt, and low/high temperature conditions using label‐free mass spectrometry. Qualitative analysis of protein identification data from high‐pH/reversed‐phase fractionated samples indicates 61.1% proteome coverage (2509 proteins), which is close to the maximum recorded values in archaea. Identified proteins match to the predicted proteome in their physicochemical properties, with only a small bias against low‐molecular‐weight and membrane‐associated proteins. Cells grown under low and high salt stress as well as low and high temperature stress are quantitatively compared to standard cultures by sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH‐MS). A total of 2244 proteins, or 54.7% of the predicted proteome, are quantified across all conditions at high reproducibility, which allowed for global analysis of protein expression changes under these stresses. Of these, 2034 are significantly regulated under at least one stress condition. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis shows that several major cellular pathways are part of H. volcanii’s universal stress response. In addition, specific pathways (purine, cobalamin, and tryptophan) are affected by temperature stress. The most strongly downregulated proteins under all stress conditions, zinc finger protein HVO_2753 and ribosomal protein S14, are found oppositely regulated to their immediate genetic neighbors from the same operon.  相似文献   

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