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Chitin is a major component of fungal cell wall and is synthesized by chitin synthases (Chs). Plant pathogenic fungi normally have multiple chitin synthase genes. To determine their roles in development and pathogenesis, we functionally characterized all seven CHS genes in Magnaporthe oryzae. Three of them, CHS1, CHS6, and CHS7, were found to be important for plant infection. While the chs6 mutant was non-pathogenic, the chs1 and chs7 mutants were significantly reduced in virulence. CHS1 plays a specific role in conidiogenesis, an essential step for natural infection cycle. Most of chs1 conidia had no septum and spore tip mucilage. The chs6 mutant was reduced in hyphal growth and conidiation. It failed to penetrate and grow invasively in plant cells. The two MMD-containing chitin synthase genes, CHS5 and CHS6, have a similar expression pattern. Although deletion of CHS5 had no detectable phenotype, the chs5 chs6 double mutant had more severe defects than the chs6 mutant, indicating that they may have overlapping functions in maintaining polarized growth in vegetative and invasive hyphae. Unlike the other CHS genes, CHS7 has a unique function in appressorium formation. Although it was blocked in appressorium formation by germ tubes on artificial hydrophobic surfaces, the chs7 mutant still produced melanized appressoria by hyphal tips or on plant surfaces, indicating that chitin synthase genes have distinct impacts on appressorium formation by hyphal tip and germ tube. The chs7 mutant also was defective in appressorium penetration and invasive growth. Overall, our results indicate that individual CHS genes play diverse roles in hyphal growth, conidiogenesis, appressorium development, and pathogenesis in M. oryzae, and provided potential new leads in the control of this devastating pathogen by targeting specific chitin synthases.  相似文献   

Roxithromycin (RXM), active against prokaryotes, has beneficial side effects such as anti-cancer activities on mammalian cells, but the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear. We found that RXM inhibited the cellular differentiation of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Hence, we screened the targets of RXM by the T7 phage display method with fungal genomic DNA, and identified MoCDC27 (M. oryzae Cell Division Cycle 27) as a candidate. We generated mocdc27 knockdown mutants that the appressoria formation was less affected by RXM. A complemented mutant restored sensitivity against RXM to the level of the wild type. These results suggest that MoCDC27 was involved in the inhibition of appressorium formation by RXM, and that the complex of RXM-MoCDC27 affected another molecule involved in appressorium formation. The T7 phage display method with fungal genomic DNA can be a useful tool in the quest for drug target.  相似文献   

The initial infection stages of Phyllosticta maculata on banana were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Conidial germination on the banana leaf surface commenced within 3 h postinoculation to produce a long and slender germ tube. The hyphae developed secondary branches and mostly grew randomly across the leaf surface. Appressoria were formed at the apex of the germ tubes within 18 h postinoculation and were variable in shape. A layer of an extracellular matrix surrounded the appressoria at the pathogen–host interface. On the fruit surface, conidia germinated to produce predominantly swollen germ tubes which functioned as lateral appressoria together with some slender ones. These germ tubes were formed within 3 h postinoculation. There was no stomatal penetration apparent on the leaf; instead, direct penetration through the cuticle with and without the formation of appressoria was observed. Cuticular degradation on the leaf surface was evident with a circular, darkened area around the point of penetration by hyphae or appressoria. The significant role of pycnidia and conidia in the epidemiology of the disease was further demonstrated in naturally infected leaf samples.  相似文献   

To infect plants, many pathogenic fungi develop specialized infection structures called appressoria. Here, we report that appressorium development in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae involves an unusual cell division, in which nuclear division is spatially uncoupled from the site of cytokinesis and septum formation. The position of the appressorium septum is defined prior to mitosis by formation of a heteromeric septin ring complex, which was visualized by spatial localization of Septin4:green fluorescent protein (GFP) and Septin5:GFP fusion proteins. Mitosis in the fungal germ tube is followed by long-distance nuclear migration and rapid formation of an actomyosin contractile ring in the neck of the developing appressorium, at a position previously marked by the septin complex. By contrast, mutants impaired in appressorium development, such as Δpmk1 and ΔcpkA regulatory mutants, undergo coupled mitosis and cytokinesis within the germ tube. Perturbation of the spatial control of septation, by conditional mutation of the SEPTATION-ASSOCIATED1 gene of M. oryzae, prevented the fungus from causing rice blast disease. Overexpression of SEP1 did not affect septation during appressorium formation, but instead led to decoupling of nuclear division and cytokinesis in nongerminated conidial cells. When considered together, these results indicate that SEP1 is essential for determining the position and frequency of cell division sites in M. oryzae and demonstrate that differentiation of appressoria requires a cytokinetic event that is distinct from cell divisions within hyphae.  相似文献   

Glomerella cingulata f.sp. phaseoli and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum are the teleomorph and anamorph, respectively, of the pathogen causing anthracnose in common bean. The mechanisms relating to the sexual reproduction of this plant pathogen are still unclear, as are the infection structures involved and the symptoms produced. In the present study, bean plants were inoculated with ascospores and conidia, and the events taking place within the following 120 h were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The symptoms exhibited by plants inoculated with the ascospores were milder than in those inoculated with conidia. Microscopy revealed that most of ascospores produced germ tubes and appressoria at an early stage (24 h after inoculation). From 48 h onwards, the formation of hyphae and the production of germ tubes and appressoria were great. In contrast, infections originating from conidia developed more slowly, and at 24 and 48 h, many non‐germinated conidia were present, whereas only few conidia developed germ tubes and appressoria. Ascospore germination and appressorium formation were similar on both resistant and susceptible cultivars. Hence, the symptoms and the temporal sequence of events associated with the infection of bean plants by the two fungal forms differed, although the structures produced were similar. This is the fist report comparing symptoms and prepenetration events between anamorph and teleomorph of G. cingulata f.sp. phaseoli in common bean.  相似文献   

Surface recognition and penetration are critical steps in the infection cycle of many plant pathogenic fungi. In Magnaporthe oryzae, cAMP signaling is involved in surface recognition and pathogenesis. Deletion of the MAC1 adenylate cyclase gene affected appressorium formation and plant infection. In this study, we used the affinity purification approach to identify proteins that are associated with Mac1 in vivo. One of the Mac1-interacting proteins is the adenylate cyclase-associated protein named Cap1. CAP genes are well-conserved in phytopathogenic fungi but none of them have been functionally characterized. Deletion of CAP1 blocked the effects of a dominant RAS2 allele and resulted in defects in invasive growth and a reduced intracellular cAMP level. The Δcap1 mutant was defective in germ tube growth, appressorium formation, and formation of typical blast lesions. Cap1-GFP had an actin-like localization pattern, localizing to the apical regions in vegetative hyphae, at the periphery of developing appressoria, and in circular structures at the base of mature appressoria. Interestingly, Cap1, similar to LifeAct, did not localize to the apical regions in invasive hyphae, suggesting that the apical actin cytoskeleton differs between vegetative and invasive hyphae. Domain deletion analysis indicated that the proline-rich region P2 but not the actin-binding domain (AB) of Cap1 was responsible for its subcellular localization. Nevertheless, the AB domain of Cap1 must be important for its function because CAP1 ΔAB only partially rescued the Δcap1 mutant. Furthermore, exogenous cAMP induced the formation of appressorium-like structures in non-germinated conidia in CAP1 ΔAB transformants. This novel observation suggested that AB domain deletion may result in overstimulation of appressorium formation by cAMP treatment. Overall, our results indicated that CAP1 is important for the activation of adenylate cyclase, appressorium morphogenesis, and plant infection in M. oryzae. CAP1 may also play a role in feedback inhibition of Ras2 signaling when Pmk1 is activated.  相似文献   

In the present study, using a high-fidelity digital microscope, we observed the sequence of appressorial development on the germ tubes of a powdery mildew fungus isolated from red clover leaves. Based on its morphological characteristics and rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, the fungus was identified as Erysiphe trifoliorum, and one of its isolates, designated as KRCP-4N, was used in this work. The conidial germination of isolate KRCP-4N was studied on host (red clover) and non-host (barley) leaves, as well as on an artificial hydrophobic membrane (Parafilm). More than 90% of conidia germinated synchronously and developed dichotomous appressoria (symmetrical double-headed appressoria) on all substrata used. On host leaves, all appressorium-forming conidia developed hyphae (colony-forming hyphae) from conidial bodies without extending germ tubes from the tips of the appressoria. On non-host leaves and on Parafilm-covered glass slides, however, all conidia extended germ tubes from one side of dichotomous appressoria (two-step germination). In addition to the dichotomous appressoria, we detected a few conidia that produced hooked appressoria and extended germ tubes from the tip of the appressorium. Penetration attempts by KRCP-4N conidia on barley leaves were impeded by papillae formed at penetration sites beneath these two types of appressorium. From these results, we conclude that the “two-step germination” of E. trifoliorum KRCP-4N conidia is the result of an unsuccessful penetration attempt, causing diversity in appressorial shape.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe oryzae causes rice blast disease, which seriously threatens the safety of food production. Understanding the mechanism of appressorium formation, which is one of the key steps for successful infection by Moryzae, is helpful to formulate effective control strategies of rice blast. In this study, we identified MoWhi2, the homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Whi2 (Whisky2), as an important regulator that controls appressorium formation in M. oryzae. When MoWHI2 was disrupted, multiple appressoria were formed by one conidium and pathogenicity was significantly reduced. A putative phosphatase, MoPsr1, was identified to interact with MoWhi2 using a yeast two-hybridization screening assay. The knockout mutant ΔMopsr1 displayed similar phenotypes to the ΔMowhi2 strain. Both the ΔMowhi2 and ΔMopsr1 mutants could form appressoria on a hydrophilic surface with cAMP levels increasing in comparison with the wild type (WT). The conidia of ΔMowhi2 and ΔMopsr1 formed a single appressorium per conidium, similar to WT, when the target of rapamycin (TOR) inhibitor rapamycin was present. In addition, compared with WT, the expression levels of MoTOR and the MoTor signalling activation marker gene MoRS3 were increased, suggesting that inappropriate activation of the MoTor signalling pathway is one of the important reasons for the defects in appressorium formation in the ΔMowhi2 and ΔMopsr1 strains. Our results provide insights into MoWhi2 and MoPsr1-mediated appressorium development and pathogenicity by regulating cAMP levels and the activation of MoTor signalling in M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Using a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tubulin fusion protein, we have investigated the dynamic rearrangement of microtubules during appressorium formation of Colletotrichum lagenarium. Two alpha-tubulin genes of C. lagenarium were isolated, and GFP-alpha-tubulin protein was expressed in this fungus. The strain expressing the fusion protein formed fluorescent filaments that were disrupted by a microtubule-depolymerizing drug, benomyl, demonstrating successful visualization of microtubules. In preincubated conidia, GFP-labeled interphase microtubules, showing random orientation, were observed. At conidial germination, microtubules oriented toward a germination site. At nuclear division, when germ tubes had formed appressoria, mitotic spindles appeared inside conidia followed by disassembly of interphase microtubules. Remarkably, time-lapse views showed that interphase microtubules contact a microtubule-associated center at the cell cortex of conidia that is different from a nuclear spindle pole body (SPB) before their disassembly. Duplicated nuclear SPBs separately moved toward conidium and appressorium accompanied by astral microtubule formation. Benomyl treatment caused movement of both daughter nuclei into 70% of appressoria and affected appressorium morphogenesis. In conidia elongating hyphae without appressoria, microtubules showed polar elongation which is distinct from their random orientation inside appressoria.  相似文献   

Kelch repeat proteins are important mediators of fundamental cellular functions and are found in diverse organisms. However, the roles of these proteins in filamentous fungi have not been characterized. We isolated a kelch repeat-encoding gene of Colletotrichum lagenarium ClaKEL2, a Schizosaccharomyces pombe tea1 homologue. Analysis of the clakel2 mutant indicated that ClaKEL2 was required for the establishment of cellular polarity essential for proper morphogenesis of appressoria and that there is a plant signal-specific bypass pathway for appressorium development which circumvents ClaKEL2 function. Clakel2p was localized in the polarized region of growing hyphae and germ tubes, and the localization was disturbed by a microtubule assembly blocker. The clakel2 mutants formed abnormal appressoria, and those appressoria were defective in penetration hypha development into cellulose membranes, an artificial model substrate for fungal infection. Surprisingly, the clakel2 mutants formed normal appressoria on the host plant and retained penetration ability. Normal appressorium formation on the artificial substrate by the clakel2 mutants was restored when cells were incubated in the presence of CaCl2 or exudates from cucumber cotyledon. Furthermore, calcium channel modulators inhibited restoration of normal appressorium formation. These results suggest that there could be a bypass pathway that transduces a plant-derived signal for appressorium development independent of ClaKEL2 and that a calcium signal is involved in this transduction pathway.  相似文献   

In the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea, the Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase is essential for appressorium formation and infectious growth. PMK1 is homologous to yeast Fus3 and Kss1 MAP kinases that are known to be regulated by the Ste20 PAK kinase for activating the pheromone response and filamentation pathways. In this study, we isolated and characterized two PAK genes, CHM1 and MST20, in M. grisea. Mutants disrupted in MST20 were reduced in aerial hyphae growth and conidiation, but normal in growth rate, appressorium formation, penetration, and plant infection. In chm1 deletion mutants, growth, conidiation, and appressorium formation were reduced significantly. Even though appressoria formed by chm1 mutants were defective in penetration, chm1 mutants were able to grow invasively on rice leaves and colonize through wounds. The chm1 mutants were altered in conidiogenesis and produced conidia with abnormal morphology. Hyphae of chm1 mutants had normal septation, but the length of hyphal compartments was reduced. On nutritionally poor oatmeal agar, chm1 mutants were unstable and produced sectors that differed from original chm1 mutants in growth rate, conidiation, or colony morphology. However, none of the monoconidial cultures derived from these spontaneous sectors were normal in appressorial penetration and fungal pathogenesis. These data suggest that MST20 is dispensable for plant infection in M. grisea, but CHM1 plays a critical role in appressorium formation and penetration. Both mst20 and chm1 deletion mutants were phenotypically different from the pmk1 mutant that is defective in appressorium formation and infectious hyphae growth. It is likely that MST20 and CHM1 individually play no critical role in activating the PMK1 MAP kinase pathway during appressorium formation and infectious hyphae growth. However, CHM1 appears to be essential for appressorial penetration and CHM1 and MST20 may have redundant functions in M. grisea.  相似文献   

Bruno KS  Tenjo F  Li L  Hamer JE  Xu JR 《Eukaryotic cell》2004,3(6):1525-1532
A mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase gene, PMK1, is known to regulate appressorium formation and infectious hyphal growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. In this study, we constructed a green fluorescent protein gene-PMK1 fusion (GFP-PMK1) to examine the expression and localization of PMK1 in M. grisea during infection-related morphogenesis. The GFP-PMK1 fusion encoded a functional protein that complemented the defect of the pmk1 deletion mutant in appressorium formation and plant infection. Although a weak GFP signal was detectable in vegetative hyphae, conidia, and germ tubes, the expression of GFP-Pmk1 was increased in appressoria and developing conidia. Nuclear localization of GFP-Pmk1 proteins was observed in a certain percentage of appressoria. A kinase-inactive allele and a nonphosphorylatable allele of PMK1 were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. Expression of these mutant PMK1 alleles did not complement the pmk1 deletion mutant. These data confirm that kinase activity and activation of PMK1 by the upstream MAP kinase kinase are required for appressorium formation and plant infection in M. grisea. When overexpressed with the RP27 promoter in the wild-type strain, both the kinase-inactive and nonphosphorylatable PMK1 fusion proteins caused abnormal germ tube branching. Overexpression of these PMK1 mutant alleles may interfere with the function of native PMK1 during appressorium formation.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets (LDs) serve as one of the major reservoirs in conidia of Magnaporthe oryzae and are quickly utilized during appressorium formation. Here, we identified a gene, LDP1, encoding a perilipin that is important for LD formation and utilization during appressorium maturation. LDP1 is highly expressed in conidium and immature appressorium. Disruption mutants of LDP1 were significantly reduced in virulence, due to appressorial turgor reduction and difficulty in penetration. LDs were significantly reduced in the Δldp1 mutant, indicating LDP1 was required for LDs formation. LDP1 was colocalized with the LDs in conidium and immature appressorium but was gradually separated during appressorium maturation. A typical intracellular triacylglycerol lipase, TGL1-2, was clearly separated with LDs in conidium and immature appressorium but was well colocalized with LDs during appressorium maturation. The subcellular localization of TGL1-2 was affected by LDP1. These data suggested that LDP1 was bound to LDs for protecting from utilization in conidia and at the early appressorium stage but was separated from LDs for lipase entering and degradation. LDP1 was phosphorylated by CPKA at Thr96, which was essential for its localization and functions. These data indicate perilipin LDP1 can coordinate LD formation and utilization for appressorium-mediated infection of M. oryzae.  相似文献   

The development and pathogenicity of the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of destructive rice blast disease, require it to perceive external environmental signals. Opy2, an overproduction-induced pheromone-resistant protein 2, is a crucial protein for sensing external signals in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the biological functions of the homologue of Opy2 in M. oryzae are unclear. In this study, we identified that MoOPY2 is involved in fungal development, pathogenicity, and autophagy in M. oryzae. Deletion of MoOPY2 resulted in pleiotropic defects in hyphal growth, conidiation, germ tube extension, appressorium formation, appressorium turgor generation, and invasive growth, therefore leading to attenuated pathogenicity. Furthermore, MoOpy2 participates in the Osm1 MAPK pathway and the Mps1 MAPK pathway by interacting with the adaptor protein Mst50. The interaction sites of Mst50 and MoOpy2 colocalized with the autophagic marker protein MoAtg8 in the preautophagosomal structure sites (PAS). Notably, the ΔMoopy2 mutant caused cumulative MoAtg8 lipidation and rapid GFP-MoAtg8 degradation in response to nitrogen starvation, showing that MoOpy2 is involved in the negative regulation of autophagy activity. Taken together, our study revealed that MoOpy2 of M. oryzae plays an essential role in the orchestration of fungal development, appressorium penetration, autophagy and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The development of infection structures by the directly infecting soybean rust fungus of different artificial membranes was followed by light and scanning electron microscopy. On water agar uredospores developed germ tubes without appressoria. On dialysis membranes more than 80% of the uredospores formed appressoria. With low frequencies (1–7%) also primary hyphae and/or penetration hyphae were present. When cellulose nitrate membrane filters with pore diameters ≤ 0.2 μm were used, uredospores germinated but showed a strongly reduced appressoria formation. Membranes with pores ≥ 0.1 μm allowed a development of infection structures similar to that on dialysis membranes. In experiments with paraffin oil incorporated into collodion membranes more than 90% of the uredospores formed appressoria, about 50% of the appressoria developed hyphae. Ungerminated spores and germ tubes always contained 2 nuclei. In fully developed appressoria 4 nuclei were present. Compared with stomata entering rust fungi appressoria formation by Phakopsora pachyrhizi occurred more frequently and seemed to be less dependent on specific stimuli. Moreover, in most cases only few of the appressoria formed penetration or primary hyphae. The induction of these structures seemed to be dependent on further unknown stimuli.  相似文献   

Various surface signals are recognized by Magnaporthe oryzae to activate the Pmk1 MAP kinase that is essential for appressorium formation and invasive growth. One of upstream sensors of the Pmk1 pathway is the MoMsb2 signalling mucin. However, the activation of MoMsb2 and its relationship with other sensors is not clear. In this study, we showed that the cleavage and transmembrane domains are essential for MoMsb2 functions. Cleavage of MoMsb2 was further confirmed by western blot analysis, and five putative cleavage sites were functionally characterized. Expression of the extracellular region alone partially rescued the defects of Momsb2 in appressorium formation and virulence. The cytoplasmic region of MoMsb2, although dispensable for appressorium formation, was more important for penetration and invasive growth. Interestingly, the Momsb2 cbp1 double mutant deleted of both mucin genes was blocked in Pmk1 activation. It failed to form appressoria on artificial surfaces and was non‐pathogenic. In addition, we showed that MoMsb2 interacts with Ras2 but not with MoCdc42 in co‐immunoprecipitation assays. Overall, results from this study indicated that the extracellular and cytoplasmic regions of MoMsb2 have distinct functions in appressorium formation, penetration and invasive growth, and MoMsb2 has overlapping functions with Cbp1 in recognizing environmental signals for Pmk1 activation.  相似文献   

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