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Abstract. Differential responses of the mosquitoes Anopheles arabiensis and An. gambiae sensu stricto to house-spraying with DDT or lambda-cyhalothrin were evaluated in relation to chromosomal inversion polymorphism, feeding and resting behaviour of these malaria vectors in Tanzania. Blood-fed mosquitoes from pit traps outdoors, exit traps on windows and indoor-resting catches were identified cytogenetically and the chromosomal inversion frequencies compared between samples and species. Their outdoor-resting behaviour was assessed by a mark–release–recapture experiment and by determining the proportion of freshly blood-fed individuals in exit traps. The source of bloodmeals was analysed by an ELISA method. Endophagic females of An. arabiensis were more likely than those of An. gambiae to exit from a house on the night of blood-feeding. Only in one out of three villages was there evidence that chromosomally distinct individuals within a species had different preferences for resting sites. There were indications, but not conclusive evidence, that mosquitoes caught indoors or outdoors had a tendency to return to the same type of resting site. In villages sprayed with either insecticide, the mean age of the vector populations was greatly reduced, compared with those in the unsprayed villages. An. arabiensis females exited from DDT sprayed houses after blood-feeding, whereas with lambda-cyhalothrin those exiting were mostly unfed and there was a decline in the human blood index. The excitorepellency of DDT was perceived as a disadvantage, whereas lambda-cyhalothrin apparently had more impact on malaria transmission by An. arabiensis.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory investigations revealed phenotypic, target site and metabolic resistance to permethrin in an Anopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) population in Bungoma District, a region in western Kenya in which malaria is endemic and rates of ownership of insecticide‐treated bednets are high. The sensitivity of individual An. gambiae s.l. females as indicated in assays using World Health Organization (WHO) test kits demonstrated reduced mortality in response to permethrin, deltamethrin and bendiocarb. Estimated time to knock‐down of 50% (KDT50) of the test population in Centers for Disease Control (CDC) bottle bioassays was significantly lengthened for the three insecticides compared with that in a susceptible control strain. Anopheles arabiensis from all three sites showed higher mortality to all three insecticides in the WHO susceptibility assays compared with the CDC bottle assays, in which they showed less sensitivity and longer KDT50 than the reference strain for permethrin and deltamethrin. Microplate assays revealed elevated activity of β‐esterases and oxidases, but not glutathione‐S‐transferase, in An. gambiae s.s. survivors exposed to permethrin in bottle bioassays compared with knocked down and unexposed individuals. No An. arabiensis showed elevated enzyme activity. The 1014S kdr allele was fixed in the Bungoma An. gambiae s.s. population and absent from An. arabiensis, whereas the 1014F kdr allele was absent from all samples of both species. Insecticide resistance could compromise vector control in Bungoma and could spread to other areas as coverage with longlasting insecticide‐treated bednets increases.  相似文献   

Host preference and blood feeding are restricted to female mosquitoes. Olfaction plays a major role in host-seeking behaviour, which is likely to be associated with a subset of mosquito olfactory genes. Proteins involved in olfaction include the odorant receptors (ORs) and the odorant-binding proteins (OBPs). OBPs are thought to function as a carrier within insect antennae for transporting odours to the olfactory receptors. Here we report the annotation of 32 genes encoding putative OBPs in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae and their tissue-specific expression in two mosquito species of the Anopheles complex; a highly anthropophilic species An. gambiae sensu stricto and an opportunistic, but more zoophilic species, An. arabiensis. RT-PCR shows that some of the genes are expressed mainly in head tissue and a subset of these show highest expression in female heads. One of the genes (agCP1588) which has not been identified as an OBP, has a high similarity (40%) to the Drosophila pheromone-binding protein 4 (PBPRP4) and is only expressed in heads of both An. gambiae and An. arabiensis, and at higher levels in female heads. Two genes (agCP3071 and agCP15554) are expressed only in female heads and agC15554 also shows higher expression levels in An. gambiae. The expression profiles of the genes in the two members of the Anopheles complex provides the first step towards further molecular analysis of the mosquito olfactory apparatus.  相似文献   

Although F1 female hybrids between Anopheles gambiae and A. arabiensis are fully fertile, sterility is present in backcross females. Here we report the results of a study into the genetic basis of backcross female sterility. Using 23 markers, we performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping analyses to identify chromosomal regions involved in hybrid female sterility. We found that female sterility in backcrosses in both directions is primarily caused by interspecific interactions between a heterozygous X chromosome and recessive autosomal factors. In addition, our data provide support for two theories implicated in Haldane's rule in a single taxon. A comparison with data from a previous study shows that male hybrid sterility QTL are present in higher numbers than female hybrid sterility QTL. Furthermore, autosomal female sterility factors tend to be recessive, supporting the dominance theory for female sterility. Finally, our data indicate a very large effect of the X chromosome from both species on hybrid female sterility, despite the fact that the X chromosome represents less than 9% of the genome. However, this could be the result of a lack of introgression of the X chromosome between A. gambiae and A. arabiensis, rather than a faster evolution of sterility factors on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

Abstract.Laboratory colonies of the human malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae Giles and An. arabiensis Patton have distinct flight tones. If flight tone similarly distinguishes natural populations of these sympatric sibling species, it may play a role in reproductive isolation of swarms that are otherwise behaviourally identical. To assess the fidelity of flight tone differences in natural populations, flight tone was measured in the F1 progeny of mosquitoes of both species captured in western Kenya. Flight tone distributions of wild An . gambiae and An. arabiensis were similar to their laboratory conspecifics. However, interspecies comparisons of flight tone of wild mosquitoes revealed significantly different but overlapping distributions for both sexes. Furthermore, when the effect of body size on flight tone was determined, there was a positive correlation between wing length and flight tone for both sexes of An. gambiae and An. arabiensis , suggesting that mosquito size is a significant variable affecting flight tone. Although these findings diminish any practical benefit of flight tone as a diagnostic tool in species identification, its potential role in pre‐mating species recognition needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. and Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) are major vectors of malaria in Nigeria. We used 1115 bp of the mitochondrial COI gene to assess their population genetic structures based on samples from across Nigeria (n = 199). The mtDNA neighbour-joining tree, based on F(ST) estimates, separated An. gambiae M and S forms, except that samples of An. gambiae M from Calabar clustered with all the An. gambiae S form. Anopheles arabiensis and An. gambiae could be combined into a single star-shaped, parsimonious haplotype network, and shared three haplotypes. Haplotype diversity values were high in An. arabiensis and An. gambiae S, and intermediate in An. gambiae M; all nucleotide diversities were relatively low. Taken together, patterns of haplotype diversity, the star-like genealogy of haplotypes, five of seven significant neutrality tests, and the violation of the isolation-by-distance model indicate population expansion in An. arabiensis and An. gambiae S, but the signal was weak in An. gambiae M. Selection is supported as an important factor shaping genetic structure in An. gambiae in Nigeria. There were two geographical subdivisions in An. arabiensis: one included all southern localities and all but two central localities; the other included all northern and two central localities. Re-analysing an earlier microsatellite dataset of An. arabiensis using a Bayesian method determined that there were two distinctive clusters, northern and southern, that were fairly congruent with the mtDNA subdivisions. There was a trend towards decreasing genetic diversity in An. arabiensis from the northern savannah to the southern rainforest that corroborated previous data from microsatellites and polytene chromosomes.  相似文献   

In Madagascar we used odour-baited entry traps (OBETs) for host choice tests of wild female anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) at representative localities on the East and West sides of the island (villages Fenoarivo and Tsararano, respectively) and at the southern margin of the central plateau (Zazafotsy village, 800 m altitude). No insecticide house-spraying operations have been undertaken at these villages. Odours from a man and a calf of similar mass, concealed in different tents, were drawn by fans into separate OBETs set side by side. Traps were alternated to compensate for position effects, and different pairs of individual baits were employed for successive replicates. Totals of 266 An. funestus Giles sensu stricto and 362 An. gambiae Giles sensu lato were collected in 48 trap nights during March-June 1999. For each mosquito species the 'index of anthropophily' was defined as the proportion of females caught in the human-baited trap. For An. funestus this index was found to be consistently greater than 0.5 (value for random choice between traps/hosts), indicating that this species 'preferred' human to calf odour (index=0.83). Conversely, the index of anthropophily for An. gambiae s.l. indicated they 'chose' calf in preference to human odour (index=0.26). No significant differences of relative preference for calf or man were detected between villages; geographical variance accounted for <8% of the total experimental variance. Molecular identifications of 181 specimens of the An. gambiae complex (approximately 50% of the samples) revealed only An. arabiensis Patton at Tsararano and Zazafotsy, but >97% An. gambiae Giles sensu stricto at Fenoarivo, in accordance with prior knowledge of the differential distributions of these sibling species on the island. Predominant zoophily (i.e. intrinsic 'preference' for cattle odours) by both An. arabiensis and An. gambiae s.s. in Madagascar contrasts with their greater anthropophily in continental Africa.  相似文献   

Mosquito larvae of the sibling species Anopheles arabiensis Patton and An. gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) were investigated for interspecific competition. Single-species and mixed-species populations were reared at 27 degrees C from the first instar to pupation at different densities (100, 200 or 400 larvae/200 cm2 tray) with a constant amount of food, 0.2 mg/larva/day. Pupae obtained from mixed populations were identified to species using PCR. Both species had a 1:1 sex ratio at pupation. Development time to pupation averaged about one day less for An. arabiensis compared to An. gambiae, ranging from 0.93-1.49d for males and from 0.44-0.84 d for females in single populations. In mixed species populations the difference for males ranged from 0.99-1.58d and for females from 0.93-1.62d. Survival rates of An. gambiae s.s. were significantly higher than those of An. arabiensis in both the single-species and mixed-species populations. Mixed-species rearing did not have an effect on the survival of An. gambiae, whereas the mortality rate of An. arabiensis was significantly higher in mixed populations than when only this species was reared at the same densities, suggesting a competitive disadvantage for An. arabiensis in mixed populations. High proportions of larvae (4-35%) were lost during development; these losses could not be accounted for by corpses found in the rearing pans. The possibility of cannibalism was investigated by rearing each species separately in small containers (five per 50 ml), inspected every 6h, but no cannibalism was detected at any stage of development in either species. It was concluded that, under these experimental circumstances, interspecific competition between both species did occur but with a detrimental effect on An. arabiensis only. Relevance of these findings to the ecology of both species in the field is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The species composition of malaria vector mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae) from >40 localities in Sudan, representing most ecological situations, was determined by analysis of ovarian polytene chromosomes. Of 2162 females, 93% were identified as An. arabiensis Patton and 7% were An. gambiae Giles sensu stricto. No hybrids were found between the two species. Anopheles arabiensis occurred in all but two sites, whereas An. gambiae s.s. was effectively limited to the southernmost, more humid localities. For chromosomal paracentric inversions, the degree of polymorphism was low in An. gambiae s.s. (inversions 2La, 2Rb and 2Rd), higher in An. arabiensis (inversions Xe, 2Ra, b, bc, d1, s; 3Ra, d). Anopheles gambiae samples from Sudan were all apparently panmictic, i.e. they did not show restricted gene flow such as observed among West African populations (interpreted as incipient speciation). Chromosomal inversion patterns of An. gambiae in southern Sudan showed characteristics of intergrading Savanna/Forest populations similar to those observed in comparable eco-climatic situations of West Africa. Anopheles arabiensis was polymorphic for inversion systems recorded in West Africa (2Ra, 2Rb, 2Rdl, 3Ra) and for a novel 2Rs polymorphism, overlapping with inversion systems 2Rb and 2Rd1. Samples carrying the 2Rs inversion were mostly from Khashm-el-Girba area in central-eastern Sudan. In the great majority of the samples all polymorphic inversions were found to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Sudan populations of An. arabiensis should therefore be considered as generally panmictic. Anopheles arabiensis shows more inversion polymorphism in west than in east African populations. Sudan populations have more evident similarities with those from westwards than those from eastwards of the Great Rift Valley. The possible influence of the Rift on evolution of An. arabiensis is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Three sibling species of mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex are found in the Senegal River Basin: An. melas Theobald, An. gambiae Giles and An. arabiensis Patton. 2. An. melas is restricted to the river delta and environs where saltwater breeding places are present. 3. An. gambiae and An. arabiensis are sympatric in the study area; An. arabiensis predominates in coastal zones where it breeds also during the dry season; An. gambiae predominates in inland areas where breeding is mostly restricted to the rainy season (July-September). 4. An. arabiensis is chromosomally polymorphic all over the study area, with much variation of inversion frequencies, particularly for the 2Ra arrangement. 5. An. gambiae is characterized by a very high frequency of the 2Rb-2La inversion arrangement which is typical of the Savanna chromosomal form.  相似文献   

The malaria control programme of KwaZulu‐Natal Province, South Africa, includes Mamfene and Mlambo communities. Western‐type houses there are currently sprayed with deltamethrin, whereas traditional houses are sprayed with DDT for malaria control. In 2002, mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected from DDT‐sprayed houses, by window exit traps, and from man‐baited nets outdoors. Larval collections were also carried out at Mzinweni Pan near Mlambo. Species of the An. gambiae complex were identified by rDNA polymerase chain reaction assay. The majority of samples collected by window trap and baited nets were identified as the malaria vector An. arabiensis Patton, with a few An. merus Dönitz and An. quadriannulatus (Theobald). The larval collections were predominantly An. quadriannulatus with a small number of An. arabiensis. Standard WHO insecticide susceptibility tests using 4% DDT and 0.05% deltamethrin were performed on both wild‐caught females and laboratory‐reared progeny from wild‐caught females. Wild‐caught An. arabiensis samples from window traps gave 63% and 100% mortality 24‐h post‐exposure to DDT or deltamethrin, respectively. Wild‐caught An. arabiensis samples from man‐baited net traps gave 81% mortality 24‐h post‐exposure to DDT. The F1 progeny from 22 An. arabiensis females showed average mortality of 86.5% 24‐h post‐exposure to DDT. Less than 80% mortality was recorded from five of these families. Biochemical analyses of samples from each of the families revealed comparatively high levels of glutathione‐S‐transferases and non‐specific esterases in some families, but without significant correlation to bioassay results. Wild‐caught An. quadriannulatus larvae were reared through to adults and assayed on 4% DDT, giving 47% (n = 36) mortality 24‐h post‐exposure. Finding DDT resistance in the vector An. arabiensis, close to the area where we previously reported pyrethroid‐resistance in the vector An. funestus Giles, indicates an urgent need to develop a strategy of insecticide resistance management for the malaria control programmes of southern Africa.  相似文献   

~~Identification and expression profiling of putative odorant-binding proteins in the malaria mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae and A. arabiensis1. Curtis, C. F., Introduction 1: An overview of mosquito biology, behaviour and importance, in Olfaction in Mosquito-Host Interactions (eds. Bock, G. R.. Cardew, G.), New York: Wiley, 1996, 3-7. 2. Nighom, A., Hildebrand. J. G.. Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of olfaction in a malaria-vector mosquito, PNAS, 2002, 99(3): 1113-…  相似文献   

A nonradiometric method has been developed for distinguishing between the sibling species Anopheles gambiae Giles and An. arabiensis Patton, two important Afrotropical vectors of malaria. DNA fragments of species diagnostic length are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a small amount of unknown DNA and three different PCR primers. All three PCR primers are based on ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences. A universal plus-strand primer (A0) is derived from a conserved region at the 3' end of the 28S rDNA coding region. Two species-specific minus-strand primers (Aa0.5 and Ag1.3) are derived from sequences in the intergenic spacers. The Ag1.3 sequence is approximately 1.3 kb downstream of A0; the Aa0.5 sequence is about 0.5 kb downstream of A0. When mosquito DNA is amplified in the presence of all three primers, a 1.3 kb fragment is produced if An. gambiae DNA is used as template, and a 0.5 kb fragment is produced if An. arabiensis DNA is used. Amplification of DNA from An.gambiae/An. arabiensis hybrids produces both the 1.3 kb and the 0.5 kb fragments. Neither diagnostic fragment is produced when DNA from other species in the An. gambiae complex is used as template.  相似文献   

A total of 232 mosquitoes were collected and dissected for leishmanial parasites in the Baringo District, Kenya. Anopheles gambiae sensu lato comprised 90.9% of the sample. One female A. gambiae was found to be infected with leishmanial promastigotes. The parasites when injected into Balb C mice caused skin lesions characterized by heavy amastigote infections. The average size of the parasite was: body length, 11.7 ± 0.19 μm; width, 1.3 ± 0.04 μm; flagellum length, 15.5 ± 0.28 μm.  相似文献   

The epidemiological role of and control options for any mosquito species depend on its degree of 'anthropophily'. However, the behavioural basis of this term is poorly understood. Accordingly, studies in Zimbabwe quantified the effects of natural odours from cattle and humans, and synthetic components of these odours, on the attraction, entry and landing responses of Anopheles arabiensis Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) and Anopheles quadriannulatus Theobald. The numbers of mosquitoes attracted to human or cattle odour were compared using electrocuting nets (E-nets), and entry responses were gauged by the catch from an odour-baited entry trap (OBET) relative to that from an odour-baited E-net. Landing responses were estimated by comparing the catches from E-nets and cloth targets covered with an electrocuting grid. For An. arabiensis, E-nets baited with odour from a single ox or a single man caught similar numbers, and increasing the dose of human odour from one to three men increased the catch four-fold. For An. quadriannulatus, catches from E-nets increased up to six-fold in the progression: man, three men, ox, and man + ox, with catch being correlated with bait mass. Entry responses of An. arabiensis were stronger with human odour (entry response 62%) than with ox odour (6%) or a mixture of cattle and human odours (15%). For An. quadriannulatus, the entry response was low (< 2%) with both cattle and human odour. Anopheles arabiensis did not exhibit a strong entry response to carbon dioxide (CO2) (0.2-2 L/min). The trends observed using OBETs and E-nets also applied to mosquitoes approaching and entering a hut. Catches from an electrocuting target baited with either CO2 or a blend of acetone, 1-octen-3-ol, 4-methylphenol and 3-n-propylphenol - components of natural ox odour - showed that virtually all mosquitoes arriving there alighted on it. The propensity of An. arabiensis to enter human habitation seemed to be mediated by odours other than CO2 alone. Characterizing 'anthropophily' by comparing the numbers of mosquitoes caught by traps baited with different host odours can lead to spurious conclusions; OBETs baited with human odour caught around two to four times more An. arabiensis than cattle-baited OBETs, whereas a human-baited E-net caught less ( approximately 0.7) An. arabiensis than a cattle-baited E-net. Similar caution is warranted for other species of mosquito vectors. A fuller understanding of how to exploit mosquito behaviour for control and surveys requires wider approaches and more use of appropriate tools.  相似文献   

In the Zambezi valley, mosquito females of the Anopheles gambiae Giles complex (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected from a hut containing pairs of cattle distinguishable by known DNA markers. DNA was extracted from the blood-fed mosquito abdomens and primer sets for ungulate and mosquito DNA loci were used to identify the mosquito sibling species and individual host source(s) of their bloodmeals. The 67 mosquitoes comprised a mixture of An. arabiensis Patton (31%) and An. quadriannulatus Theobald (69%). DNA from one or both of the cattle present in the hut was detected in 91% of samples. When the hut contained an adult and a calf, the percentage of bloodmeals from the adult, the calf and adult + calf were 58%, 27% and 15%, respectively; the trend towards meals from the adult host was consistent but not always significant. When the pair of cattle comprised two adults of roughly equal size and age, then mosquitoes generally showed no significant bias towards feeding from one individual. There was no significant difference in the pattern of host selection made by An. arabiensis and An. quadriannulatus but the former had a significantly higher percentage (20%) of mixed meals than An. quadriannulatus (9%). These two members of the An. gambiae complex appear to be less selective in their choice of cattle hosts compared to day-active Diptera such as tsetse and Stomoxys, possibly because the hosts are generally asleep when Anopheles are active and there is therefore less selective pressure to adapt to host defensive behaviour. The slight bias of Anopheles towards older and/or larger cattle may be related to the host's larger surface area.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) is known to feed on plant sugars, but this is the first experimental study to consider whether it discriminates between plant species. Thirteen perennial plant species were selected on the basis of their local availability within the vicinity of human dwellings and larval habitats of An. gambiae s.s. in western Kenya. Groups of 100 or 200 mosquitoes were released into cages either with a cutting of one plant type at a time (single-plant assay) or with cuttings of all 13 plants simultaneously (choice assay), respectively, and left overnight. In the choice assay, direct observations of the percentages of mosquitoes perching or feeding on each plant were recorded over four 1-h periods each night. For both types of assay, mosquitoes were recaptured and the percentage that had fed on plants was assessed by testing them individually for the presence of fructose. To identify which plants the choice-assay mosquitoes had fed on, gas chromatography (GC) profiles of samples of mosquito homogenates were compared with GC profiles of extracts from relevant parts of each plant. Four of the plants that were observed to have been fed on most frequently in the choice assay (Parthenium hysterophorus L., Tecoma stans L., Ricinus communis L., and Senna didymobotrya Fresen) were also shown to have been ingested most often by mosquitoes in both types of assay, suggesting that An. gambiae is differentially responsive to this range of plants, regardless of whether the plants were presented singly or mixed together. Significantly more females than males fed on plants, with the exception of P. hysterophorus L., one of the plants most frequently fed on. For most plant species (ten of 13), GC profiles indicated that An. gambiae obtained sugars primarily from flowers. The exceptions were P. hysterophorus L., Lantana camara L. and R. communis L., on which An. gambiae fed more often from leaves and stems than from flowers.  相似文献   

From 2003 to 2007, entomological surveys were conducted in Lobito town (Benguela Province, Angola) to determine which Anopheles species were present and to identify the vectors responsible for malaria transmission in areas where workers of the Sonamet Company live. Two types of surveys were conducted: (1) time and space surveys in the low and upper parts of Lobito during the rainy and dry periods; (2) a two‐year longitudinal study in Sonamet workers' houses provided with long‐lasting insecticide‐treated nets (LLIN), “PermaNet,” along with the neighboring community. Both species, An. coluzzii (M molecular form) and An. gambiae (S molecular form), were collected. Anopheles coluzzii was predominant during the dry season in the low part of Lobito where larvae develop in natural ponds and temporary pools. However, during the rainy season, An. gambiae was found in higher proportions in the upper part of the town where larvae were collected in domestic water tanks built near houses. Anopheles melas and An. listeri were captured in higher numbers during the dry season and in the low part of Lobito where larvae develop in stagnant brackish water pools. The infectivity rates of An. gambiae s.l. varied from 0.90% to 3.41%.  相似文献   

Malaria vector mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex were studied in four hamlets in The Gambia. All inhabitants were given bednets treated either with a placebo (milk) in two hamlets or with the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin (500 mg/m2) in two other hamlets. Malaria transmission occurred mainly during a few weeks of the rainy season, in September and October 1987. The indoor resting densities of mosquitoes in permethrin-treated hamlets were reduced, and we estimated over 90% reduction in biting on man by An. gambiae Giles sensu stricto in these hamlets. No mosquitoes were found under permethrin-treated bednets compared with eighty-one recovered from placebo-treated bednets. Mosquitoes exited more readily from rooms where permethrin-treated bednets were used than from rooms with placebo-treated nets. The annual mean probability that a child would receive an infective bite was estimated to be 0.09 in hamlets with insecticide-treated bednets, compared with 1.9 where placebo-treated bednets were used. Permethrin-treated bednets are therefore recommended as a means of effectively reducing the risk of exposure to malaria transmission, particularly in areas of low seasonal transmission.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour of the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) was monitored for 12 months (March 2003-February 2004) in the Konso District of southern Ethiopia (5 degrees 15'N, 37 degrees 28'E). More than 45 000 An. arabiensis females were collected by host-baited sampling methods (light-traps, human landing catches, cattle-baited traps) and from resting sites (huts and pit shelters). In the village of Fuchucha, where the ratio of cattle : humans was 0.6 : 1, 51% of outdoor-resting mosquitoes and 66% of those collected indoors had fed on humans, human baits outdoors caught > 2.5 times more mosquitoes than those indoors and the mean catch of mosquitoes from pit shelters was about five times that from huts. Overall, the vast majority of feeding and resting occurred outdoors. In the cattle camps of Konso, where humans slept outdoors close to their cattle, approximately 46% of resting mosquitoes collected outdoors had fed on humans despite the high cattle : human ratio (17 : 1). In both places, relatively high proportions of bloodmeals were mixed cow + human: 22-25% at Fuchucha and 37% in the cattle camps. Anthropophily was also gauged experimentally by comparing the numbers of mosquitoes caught in odour-baited entry traps baited with either human or cattle odour. The human-baited trap caught about five times as many mosquitoes as the cattle-baited one. Notwithstanding the potential pitfalls of using standard sampling devices to analyse mosquito behaviour, the results suggest that the An. arabiensis population is inherently anthropophagic, but this is counterbalanced by exophagic and postprandial exophilic tendencies. Consequently, the population feeds sufficiently on humans to transmit malaria (sporozoite rates: 0.3% for Plasmodium falciparum and 0.5% for P. vivax, by detection of circumsporozoite antigen) but also takes a high proportion of meals from non-human hosts, with 59-91% of resting mosquitoes containing blood from cattle. Hence, classical zooprophylaxis is unlikely to have a significant impact on the malaria vectorial capacity of An. arabiensis in Konso, whereas treating cattle with insecticide might do.  相似文献   

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