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Long‐term studies often rely on natural markings for individual identification across time. The primary method for identification in small cetaceans relies on dorsal fin shape, scars, and other natural markings. However, dorsal fin markings can vary substantially over time and the dorsal fin can become unrecognizable after an encounter with a boat or shark. Although dorsal fins have the advantage in that they always break the water surface when the cetacean breathes, other physical features, such as body scars and pigmentation patterns can supplement. The goal of this study was to explore the use of dorso‐lateral pigment patterns to identify wild bottlenose dolphins. We employed photographic pigment matching tests to determine if pigmentation patterns showed (1) longitudinal consistency and (2) bilateral symmetry using a 30 yr photographic database of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). We compared experienced dolphin researchers and inexperienced undergraduate student subjects in their ability to accurately match images. Both experienced and inexperienced subjects correctly matched dolphin individuals at a rate significantly above chance, even though they only had 10 s to make the match. These results demonstrate that pigment patterns can be used to reliably identify individual wild bottlenose dolphins, and likely other small cetacean species at other sites.  相似文献   

Capture‐recapture methods relying on dorsal fin natural markings have never been applied successfully to striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, and were rarely used to assess abundance of short‐beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis. We used digital photo‐identification to obtain abundance estimates of striped and common dolphins living in mixed groups in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The proportion of either species was calculated based on the relative number of photographs of adult animals showing relevant portions of their body during conspicuous surfacings. Striped dolphins and common dolphins averaged 95.0% and 3.2% of all individuals, respectively. Animals showing intermediate pigmentation accounted for another 1.8%. Striped dolphin numbers were relatively high, with a point estimate of 835 animals (95% CI = 631–1,106). Common dolphins numbers were low (point estimate 28 animals; 95% CI = 11–73) and individuals were scattered within striped dolphin groups, indicating that this common dolphin population may be nonviable. Within a semiclosed Gulf exposed to considerable anthropogenic impact, the future of both dolphin species is of concern due to their suspected geographic isolation and restricted extent of occurrence. Information provided here can be used to inform timely conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari is characterized by pigmentation patterns that are retained for up to 3·5 years. These pigmentations can be used to identify individuals through photo‐identification. Only one study has validated this technique, but no study has estimated the percentage of correct identification of the rays using this technique. In order to carry out demographic research, a reliable photographic identification technique is needed. To achieve this validation for A. narinari, a double‐mark system was established over 11 months and photographs of the dorsal surface of 191 rays were taken. Three body parts with distinctive natural patterns were analysed (dorsal surface of the cephalic region, dorsal surface of the pectoral fins and dorsal surface of the pelvic fins) in order to determine the body part that could be used to give the highest percentage of correct identification. The dorsal surface of the pectoral fins of A. narinari provides the most accurate photo‐identification to distinguish individuals (88·2%).  相似文献   

For species which bear unique markings, such as natural spot patterning, field work has become increasingly more reliant on visual identification to recognize and catalog particular specimens or to monitor individuals within populations. While many species of interest exhibit characteristic markings that in principle allow individuals to be identified from photographs, scientists are often faced with the task of matching observations against databases of hundreds or thousands of images. We present a novel technique for automated identification of manta rays (Manta alfredi and Manta birostris) by means of a pattern‐matching algorithm applied to images of their ventral surface area. Automated visual identification has recently been developed for several species. However, such methods are typically limited to animals that can be photographed above water, or whose markings exhibit high contrast and appear in regular constellations. While manta rays bear natural patterning across their ventral surface, these patterns vary greatly in their size, shape, contrast, and spatial distribution. Our method is the first to have proven successful at achieving high matching accuracies on a large corpus of manta ray images taken under challenging underwater conditions. Our method is based on automated extraction and matching of keypoint features using the Scale‐Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. In order to cope with the considerable variation in quality of underwater photographs, we also incorporate preprocessing and image enhancement steps. Furthermore, we use a novel pattern‐matching approach that results in better accuracy than the standard SIFT approach and other alternative methods. We present quantitative evaluation results on a data set of 720 images of manta rays taken under widely different conditions. We describe a novel automated pattern representation and matching method that can be used to identify individual manta rays from photographs. The method has been incorporated into a website (mantamatcher.org) which will serve as a global resource for ecological and conservation research. It will allow researchers to manage and track sightings data to establish important life‐history parameters as well as determine other ecological data such as abundance, range, movement patterns, and structure of manta ray populations across the world.  相似文献   

Little is known about the ecology and behavior of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). This hinders assessment of their conservation status and informed decision‐making concerning their management. We used boat‐based surveys and photo‐identification data to investigate site fidelity, residency patterns, and the abundance of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins in Adelaide's coastal waters. Sighting rates and site fidelity varied amongst individuals, and agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis led to the categorization of individuals into one of three groups: occasional visitors, seasonal residents, or year‐round residents. Lagged identification rates indicated that these dolphins used the study area regularly from year to year following a model of emigration and reimmigration. Abundance estimates obtained from multisample closed capture‐recapture models ranged from 95 individuals (SE ± 45.20) in winter 2013 to 239 (SE ± 54.91) in summer 2014. The varying levels of site fidelity and residency, and the relatively high number of dolphins found throughout the study area highlights the Adelaide metropolitan coast as an important habitat for bottlenose dolphins. As these dolphins also appear to spend considerable time outside the study area, future research, conservation, and management efforts on this population must take into account anthropogenic activities within Adelaide's coastal waters and their adjacencies.  相似文献   

The population structure of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, along the U.S. Atlantic coast has recently been redefined from one homogenous population into five coastal stocks. Local studies indicate even finer structure, primarily based on isolation of dolphins inhabiting estuaries. We identified population structuring of non‐estuarine coastal bottlenose dolphins during a study in New Jersey, the northern range along the Atlantic Coast. Using photo‐identification and distribution survey results, an analysis identified two major clusters of individuals significantly separated by five variables (distance from shoreline, group size, occurrence of the barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis, avoidance behavior, and individual coloration). Sightings assigned to cluster 1 occurred in nearshore shallow waters (0–1.9 km, x?= 3.5 m), and those assigned to cluster 2 occurred further offshore in deeper waters (1.9–6 km, x?= 9.5 m). Only eight of 194 individuals (4%) were identified in both regions. Collectively, this suggests an occurrence of two stocks that are spatially, physically, and behaviorally distinguishable over a small distance. These results indicate that complexity in Tursiops population structure is not limited to latitudinal gradients or barriers created by estuarine habitats, but also by partitioning of habitat as a function of distance from shore and depth over small distances.  相似文献   

On a global scale, false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) remain one of the lesser‐known delphinids. The occurrence, site fidelity, association patterns, and presence/absence of foraging in waters off northeastern New Zealand are examined from records collected between 1995 and 2012. The species was rarely encountered; however, of the 61 distinctive, photo‐identified individuals, 88.5% were resighted, with resightings up to 7 yr after initial identification, and movements as far as 650 km documented. Group sizes ranged from 20 to ca. 150. Results indicate that all individuals are linked in a single social network. Most observations were recorded in shallow (<100 m) nearshore waters. Occurrence in these continental shelf waters is likely seasonal, coinciding with the shoreward flooding of a warm current. During 91.5% of encounters, close interspecific associations with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were observed. Photo‐identification reveals repeat inter‐ and intraspecific associations among individuals with 34.2% of common bottlenose dolphins resighted together with false killer whales over 1,832 d. While foraging was observed during 39.5% of mixed‐species encounters, results suggest that social and antipredatory factors may also play a role in the formation of these mixed‐species groups.  相似文献   

A little‐studied common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population inhabits the offshore waters surrounding Saint Paul's Rocks, a Brazilian marine protected area in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Five field expeditions (May 2011–May 2013) were conducted to characterize the habitat use, population size, and site fidelity of this population. Three different survey methods were employed: line‐transect surveys, land‐based surveys, and photo‐identification surveys. A population size of 23 individuals (19–28, CI 95%), which were present on most sampling days (>90% of surveys), was estimated. The maximum resighting interval of photo‐identified animals was 9 yr and 3 mo for five distinct individuals, based on data from nonsystematic efforts that have been ongoing since 2004. The dolphins exhibited strong site fidelity, as the minimum convex polygon (MCP, 95%) method revealed that they restricted their movements to a 0.5 km2 area across seasons and a 0.99 km2 area across years (95% kernel). The dolphins preferred shallow waters close to the archipelago (<1.2 km from the islands), especially on the eastern and southeastern sides, where oceanographic models have revealed persistent upwelling that may result from underwater currents and where food may be more predictably available.  相似文献   

The identification of species and population boundaries is important in both evolutionary and conservation biology. In recent years, new population genetic and computational methods for estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses in a quantitative manner have emerged. Using a Bayesian framework and a quantitative model‐testing approach, we evaluated the species status and genetic connectedness of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.) populations off remote northwestern Australia, with a focus on pelagic ‘offshore’ dolphins subject to incidental capture in a trawl fishery. We analysed 71 dolphin samples from three sites beyond the 50 m depth contour (the inshore boundary of the fishery) and up to 170 km offshore, including incidentally caught and free‐ranging individuals associating with trawl vessels, and 273 dolphins sampled at 12 coastal sites inshore of the 50 m depth contour and within 10 km of the coast. Results from 19 nuclear microsatellite markers showed significant population structure between dolphins from within the fishery and coastal sites, but also among dolphins from coastal sites, identifying three coastal populations. Moreover, we found no current or historic gene flow into the offshore population in the region of the fishery, indicating a complete lack of recruitment from coastal sites. Mitochondrial DNA corroborated our findings of genetic isolation between dolphins from the offshore population and coastal sites. Most offshore individuals formed a monophyletic clade with common bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), while all 273 individuals sampled coastally formed a well‐supported clade of Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus). By including a quantitative modelling approach, our study explicitly took evolutionary processes into account for informing the conservation and management of protected species. As such, it may serve as a template for other, similarly inaccessible study populations.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have individually distinctive signature whistles. Each individual dolphin develops its own unique frequency modulation pattern and uses it to broadcast its identity. However, underwater sound localization is challenging, and researchers have had difficulties identifying signature whistles. The traditional method to identify them involved isolating individuals. In this context, the signature whistle is the most commonly produced whistle type of an animal. However, most studies on wild dolphins cannot isolate animals. We present a novel method, SIGnature IDentification (SIGID), that can identify signature whistles in recordings of groups of dolphins recorded via a single hydrophone. We found that signature whistles tend to be delivered in bouts with whistles of the same type occurring within 1–10 s of each other. Nonsignature whistles occur with longer or shorter interwhistle intervals, and this distinction can be used to identify signature whistles in a recording. We tested this method on recordings from wild and captive bottlenose dolphins and show thresholds needed to identify signature whistles reliably. SIGID will facilitate the study of signature whistle use in the wild, signature whistle diversity between different populations, and potentially allow signature whistles to be used in mark‐recapture studies.  相似文献   

In studies of behaviour, ecology and evolution, identification of individual organisms can be an invaluable tool, capable of unravelling otherwise cryptic information regarding group structure, movement patterns, population size and mating strategies. The use of natural markings is arguably the least invasive method for identification. However, to be truly useful natural markings must be sufficiently variable to allow for unique identification, while being stable enough to permit long‐term studies. Non‐invasive marking techniques are especially important in fishes of the Family Syngnathidae (pipefishes, seahorses and seadragons), as many of these taxa are of conservation concern or used extensively in studies of sexual selection. Here, we assessed the reliability of natural markings as a character for individual identification in a wild population of Nerophis lumbriciformis by comparing results from natural markings to individual genetic assignments based on eight novel microsatellite loci. We also established a minimally invasive method based on epithelial cell swabbing to sample DNA. All pipefish used in the validation of natural markings, independently of sex or time between recaptures, were individually recognized through facial colouration patterns. Their identities were verified by the observation of the same multilocus genotype at every sampling event for each individual that was identified on the basis of natural markings. Successful recaptures of previously swabbed pipefish indicated that this process probably did not induce an elevated rate of mortality. Also, the recapture of newly pregnant males showed that swabbing did not affect reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

Capture‐recapture methods are frequently employed to estimate abundance of cetaceans using photographic techniques and a variety of statistical models. However, there are many unresolved issues regarding the selection and manipulation of images that can potentially impose bias on resulting estimates. To examine the potential impact of these issues we circulated a test data set of dorsal fin images from bottlenose dolphins to several independent research groups. Photo‐identification methods were generally similar, but the selection, scoring, and matching of images varied greatly amongst groups. Based on these results we make the following recommendations. Researchers should: (1) determine the degree of marking, or level of distinctiveness, and use images of sufficient quality to recognize animals of that level of distinctiveness; (2) ensure that markings are sufficiently distinct to eliminate the potential for “twins” to occur; (3) stratify data sets by distinctiveness and generate a series of abundance estimates to investigate the influence of including animals of varying degrees of markings; and (4) strive to examine and incorporate variability among analysts into capture‐recapture estimation. In this paper we summarize these potential sources of bias and provide recommendations for best practices for using natural markings in a capture‐recapture framework.  相似文献   

The tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) is a small dolphin endemic to the Amazon River basin. Because the abundance and trends are currently unknown for the species, this study aimed to estimate its abundance in a lake system of the Central Amazon. A total of 10 two‐day sampling periods were carried out from March to June of 2013 throughout a 13.5 km2 area in the Mamirauá Reserve. In the 104 encounters with the species, a minimum number of 389 dolphins were sighted and photographed, which allowed the positive identification of 49 individuals. Mark‐recapture models were used to estimate an abundance of 119 individuals (95% CI = 105–150) (corrected for the proportion of identifiable individuals). This is the first estimation of S. fluviatilis abundance using mark‐recapture analyses and, together with the photo‐id catalog made available, provides a useful reference for future studies regarding tucuxi dolphins.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen an increasing interest in individual behavioral variation. However, the implications of such variation for population dynamics are often unknown. We studied the dynamics of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus) population from southern Brazil, where some individuals forage cooperatively with artisanal fishermen. We fitted mark‐recapture models to 10 yr of photo‐identification data to investigate the influence of this foraging specialization on dolphins’ population parameters, controlling for sex and ranging behavior. We estimated adult survival to be high (0.949 ± 0.015 SE), weakly influenced by home range size, sex or the frequency of interaction with fishermen. The slightly higher survival probability for individuals with smaller home ranges could stem from the benefits of reduced spatial requirements implied by the specialized foraging. Foraging also influenced the probability of resighting individuals, and there was no temporary or permanent emigration. Abundance fluctuated slightly over the years from 54 (95% CI = 49–59) to 60 (95% CI = 52–69) individuals, with no evident population trend. Despite such apparent population stability, we confirm this population remains small and geographically isolated which may threaten its viability and the viability of its unusual, localized foraging specialization. Our study also illustrates how accounting for individual variation can portray animal population dynamics more realistically.  相似文献   

MS‐based proteomics characterizes protein contents of biological samples. The most common approach is to first match observed MS/MS peptide spectra against theoretical spectra from a protein sequence database and then to score these matches. The false discovery rate (FDR) can be estimated as a function of the score by searching together the protein sequence database and its randomized version and comparing the score distributions of the randomized versus nonrandomized matches. This work introduces a straightforward isotonic regression‐based method to estimate the cumulative FDRs and local FDRs (LFDRs) of peptide identification. Our isotonic method not only performed as well as other methods used for comparison, but also has the advantages of being: (i) monotonic in the score, (ii) computationally simple, and (iii) not dependent on assumptions about score distributions. We demonstrate the flexibility of our approach by using it to estimate FDRs and LFDRs for protein identification using summaries of the peptide spectra scores. We reconfirmed that several of these methods were superior to a two‐peptide rule. Finally, by estimating both the FDRs and LFDRs, we showed for both peptide and protein identification, moderate FDR values (5%) corresponded to large LFDR values (53 and 60%).  相似文献   

The population of Irrawaddy dolphins that occupies the Mekong River in southern Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia is classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. Based on capture‐recapture of photo‐identified individuals, we estimated that the total population numbered 93 ±  SE 3.90 individuals (95% CI 86–101), as of April 2007. The combined photo‐identification and carcass recovery program undertaken from 2001 to 2007 established that the Irrawaddy dolphin population inhabiting the Mekong River has reached a critical point with regards to its continued survival, where immediate research and management actions are required to greatly reduce adult mortality, and establish the cause of newborn mortality. In addition, community consultation is required to initiate, and evaluate, urgently required conservation measures. An ongoing well‐designed combined program of abundance estimation (i.e., photo‐identification) and carcass recovery is required to monitor total population size and mortality rates, to inform and evaluate management initiatives. The conclusions of this paper are likely generic to river dolphin populations, particularly where photo‐identification is possible.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can be lethal in marine species and cause illness in humans, are increasing worldwide. In the Gulf of Mexico, HABs of Karenia brevis produce neurotoxic brevetoxins that cause large‐scale marine mortality events. The long history of such blooms, combined with the potentially severe effects of exposure, may have produced a strong selective pressure for evolved resistance. Advances in next‐generation sequencing, in particular genotyping‐by‐sequencing, greatly enable the genomic study of such adaptation in natural populations. We used restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing to investigate brevetoxicosis resistance in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). To improve our understanding of the epidemiology and aetiology of brevetoxicosis and the potential for evolved resistance in an upper trophic level predator, we sequenced pools of genomic DNA from dolphins sampled from both coastal and estuarine populations in Florida and during multiple HAB‐associated mortality events. We sequenced 129 594 RAD loci and analysed 7431 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The allele frequencies of many of these polymorphic loci differed significantly between live and dead dolphins. Some loci associated with survival showed patterns suggesting a common genetic‐based mechanism of resistance to brevetoxins in bottlenose dolphins along the Gulf coast of Florida, but others suggested regionally specific mechanisms of resistance or reflected differences among HABs. We identified candidate genes that may be the evolutionary target for brevetoxin resistance by searching the dolphin genome for genes adjacent to survival‐associated SNPs.  相似文献   

Pollen monitoring is an important and widely used tool in allergy research and creation of awareness in pollen‐allergic patients. Current pollen monitoring methods are microscope‐based, labour intensive and cannot identify pollen to the genus level in some relevant allergenic plant groups. Therefore, a more efficient, cost‐effective and sensitive method is needed. Here, we present a method for identification and quantification of airborne pollen using DNA sequencing. Pollen is collected from ambient air using standard techniques. DNA is extracted from the collected pollen, and a fragment of the chloroplast gene trnL is amplified using PCR. The PCR product is subsequently sequenced on a next‐generation sequencing platform (Ion Torrent). Amplicon molecules are sequenced individually, allowing identification of different sequences from a mixed sample. We show that this method provides an accurate qualitative and quantitative view of the species composition of samples of airborne pollen grains. We also show that it correctly identifies the individual grass genera present in a mixed sample of grass pollen, which cannot be achieved using microscopic pollen identification. We conclude that our method is more efficient and sensitive than current pollen monitoring techniques and therefore has the potential to increase the throughput of pollen monitoring.  相似文献   

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