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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in applications of fluorescence measurements to studies on many physiological mechanisms in living cells. However, few studies have taken advantage of DNA quantification by fluorometry for dynamic assessment of chromatin organization. This type of approach involves both optimal conditions for DNA staining and the use of image cytometry. In this context, this report describes the application of an internal grey-level segmentation method for the assessment of real time modifications of chromatin organization in living cells. These developments are based on a specific, stoichiometric method for nuclear DNA content measurement. Preliminary data obtained from Hela cells suggests the possibility of following variations of nuclear texture (heterogeneity, granularity, condensation, radial distribution) related to the cell cycle progression of cells that are maintained alive.  相似文献   

机械力普遍存在于活细胞的生命活动中,而细胞内力学活动必须依赖骨架结构传递,这种独特的力学形式被称为细胞结构力学.单位时间内细胞结构力学变化受多因素调控,如外力、渗透压、动力分子、张力敏感性离子通道、胞内力学感受器及骨架组装等,构成了细胞结构动力学研究的重要内容.基于荧光共振能量转移(FRET)原理开发的荧光张力探针能整合到细胞骨架内,将细胞结构力学变化转化为光学信号,可能带来细胞力学研究的革命.随着细胞结构动力学研究内容的不断深入,特别是太空时代细胞力学稳态的打破,细胞结构动力学将在生命及医学研究领域显露出越来越重要的地位.  相似文献   

Cell screening or, in other words, identification of cells with certain properties is now increasingly used in scientific and medical research, e.g., in diagnostics, drug testing, and production of cell clones with desired characteristics. In this review, we discuss existing methods of cell screening and their classification according to the cell presentation format. We describe the principles of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional formats and compare the main advantages and drawbacks of these formats. The first part describes the methods based on the 2D-format of cell presentation, when cells are immobilized in the same plane by various techniques. The second part describes the methods of the 1D-screening, when cells are aligned in a line in a stream of fluid and scanned one-by-one while passing through a detector. The final part of the review describes the method of high-performance cell analysis based on the merged gel technique. This technique combines the advantages of both 1D and 2D formats and, according to the authors, might become an effective alternative to many modern methods of cell screening.  相似文献   

During the course of an infection, viruses take advantage of a variety of mechanisms to travel in cells, ranging from diffusion within the cytosol to active transport along cytoskeletal filaments. To study viral motility within the intrinsically heterogeneous environment of the cell, we have developed a motility assay that allows for the global and unbiased analysis of tens of thousands of virus trajectories in live cells. Using this assay, we discovered that poliovirus exhibits anomalously rapid intracellular movement that was independent of microtubules, a common track for fast and directed cargo transport. Such rapid motion, with speeds of up to 5 μm/s, allows the virus particles to quickly explore all regions of the cell with the exception of the nucleus. The rapid, microtubule-independent movement of poliovirus was observed in multiple human-derived cell lines, but appeared to be cargo-specific. Other cargo, including a closely related picornavirus, did not exhibit similar motility. Furthermore, the motility is energy-dependent and requires an intact actin cytoskeleton, suggesting an active transport mechanism. The speed of this microtubule-independent but actin-dependent movement is nearly an order of magnitude faster than the fastest speeds reported for actin-dependent transport in animal cells, either by actin polymerization or by myosin motor proteins.  相似文献   

Microscope cytometry provides a powerful means to study signaling in live cells. Here we present a quantitative method to measure protein relocalization over time, which reports the absolute fraction of a tagged protein in each compartment. Using this method, we studied an essential step in the early propagation of the pheromone signal in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: recruitment to the membrane of the scaffold Ste5 by activated Gβγ dimers. We found that the dose response of Ste5 recruitment is graded (EC50 = 0.44 ± 0.08 nM, Hill coefficient = 0.8 ± 0.1). Then, we determined the effective dissociation constant (Kde) between Ste5 and membrane sites during the first few minutes when the negative feedback from the MAPK Fus3 is first activated. Kde changed during the first minutes from a high affinity of <0.65 nM to a steady-state value of 17 ± 9 nM. During the same period, the total number of binding sites decreased slightly, from 1940 ± 150 to 1400 ± 200. This work shows how careful quantification of a protein relocalization dynamic can give insight into the regulation mechanisms of a biological system.  相似文献   

The diffusive motion of DNA-containing chromatin in live cells and isolated nuclei is investigated using a two-photon standing wave fluorescence photobleaching experiment with 100 nm spatial resolution. The chromatin is labeled using the minor groove binding dye Hoechst 33342. In live cells, the mean diffusion rate is 5 × 10−4 μm2/s, with considerable cell-to-cell variation. This diffusion is highly constrained and cannot be observed in a standard, single beam fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiment. To determine the chemical origin of the diffusion, we study motion in isolated nuclei and vary the strength of the histone-DNA interactions by changing the ionic strength and using chemical and photocross-linking experiments. At higher NaCl concentrations, we see increased chromatin diffusion as the histone-DNA interaction is weakened due to ionic screening, whereas photocross-linking the core histones to the DNA results in a complete absence of diffusive motion. These trends are consistent with the 100 nm scale motion being correlated with the interactions of histone proteins with the DNA. If chromatin diffusion is connected to the nucleosomal dynamics on much smaller length scales, this may provide a way to assay biochemical activity in vivo based on larger scale macromolecular dynamics observed via fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Replication of Chromatin in Mouse Mammary Epithelial Cells Grown in Vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kathleen Church 《Genetics》1965,52(4):843-849

Single-molecule imaging enables biophysical measurements devoid of ensemble averaging, gives enhanced spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit, and permits superresolution reconstructions. Here, single-molecule and superresolution imaging are applied to the study of proteins in live Caulobacter crescentus cells to illustrate the power of these methods in bacterial imaging. Based on these techniques, the diffusion coefficient and dynamics of the histidine protein kinase PleC, the localization behavior of the polar protein PopZ, and the treadmilling behavior and protein superstructure of the structural protein MreB are investigated with sub-40-nm spatial resolution, all in live cells.Since its advent 20 years ago, single-molecule fluorescence imaging has given rise to a host of exciting experiments (Ambrose and Moerner 1991). Beyond enabling fundamental investigations of the physics of emissive molecules, one main advantage of this technique is its use in biologically relevant, live-cell experiments. Optical fluorescence microscopy is an important instrument for cell biology, as light can be used to noninvasively probe a sample with relatively small perturbation of the specimen, enabling dynamical observation of the motions of internal structures in living cells. Single-molecule epifluorescence microscopy extends these capabilities by achieving nanometer-scale resolution, taking advantage of the fact that one can precisely characterize the point spread function (PSF) of a microscope, allowing the center of a distribution, and thus the exact position of an emitter, to be localized with accuracy much better than the diffraction limit itself. This localization accuracy improves beyond the diffraction limit roughly as one over the square root of the number of detected photons (Thompson et al. 2002). Detecting 100 photons from a single, isolated molecule can therefore improve the resolution of an optical measurement from the ∼250-nm diffraction limit down to 25 nm.Single-molecule imaging has been used in the investigation of a number of live-cell samples. In 2000, the lateral heterogeneity of the plasma membrane was investigated by tracing the motion of single dye-labeled lipids in native human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cells (Schütz et al. 2000), and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signaling was explored with a fluorescent protein fusion and a labeled ligand (Sako et al. 2000). Single fluorophore-labeled molecules have subsequently been used in many ways (Moerner 2003), for instance to investigate the effect of varying cholesterol concentration on the mobility of proteins in the plasma membrane of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (Vrljic et al. 2002; Vrljic et al. 2005) and to explore the real-time dynamic behavior of cell-penetrating-peptide (CPP) molecular transporters on the plasma membrane of CHO cells (Lee et al. 2008). Furthermore, in 2001, Harms et al. characterized the emission of fluorescent proteins in biocompatible environments and noted that the yellow fluorescent protein EYFP was well-suited to single-molecule imaging in cells (Harms et al. 2001). Such fluorescent proteins can be genetically encoded as tags for native proteins in cells; these fusions have been used in many live-cell single-molecule experiments.More recently, single-molecule epifluorescence microscopy has been used to probe the inner workings of live bacteria. The small size of prokaryotic cells makes the optical diffraction limit particularly noticeable, which has stimulated the push toward superlocalization and superresolution to overcome this obstacle. As a result, the nascent field of bacterial structural biology has benefited greatly from single-molecule investigations of proteins in live cells. The overall shapes of such cells can be seen in a standard light microscope, but those interested in probing subcellular details, such as protein structure and localization, have typically had to resort to in vitro characterization combined with extrapolation to the cellular environment, as well as to indirect methods such as biochemical assays. Although cryo-electron microscopy can provide extremely high spatial resolution, fixation or plunge-freezing is essential, and methods for identifying specific proteins out of many are still lacking. As a consequence, bacterial cell biology is an area of study ripe for investigation with direct, noninvasive optical methods of probing position, coupling and structure, with resolution below the standard diffraction limit.Several groups have extended single-molecule imaging techniques to live bacterial samples. In 2004, single PleC proteins were visualized in Caulobacter crescentus cells (Deich et al. 2004), and the behavior of this system is described in more detail later. More recently, Xie and coauthors have used single-molecule fluorescence techniques to study DNA-binding proteins, mRNA, and membrane proteins to provide much insight into the mechanisms of bacterial gene expression; these efforts have been documented in a recent review (Xie et al. 2008). As well, Conley et al. used covalently linked Cy3-Cy5-thiol switchable fluorophores to illuminate the stalks of C. crescentus cells with high resolution (Conley et al. 2008). In this article, we focus on the application of single-molecule imaging and single-molecule-based superresolution imaging to investigate the localization, movement, and structure of three important proteins, PleC, PopZ, and MreB, in live C. crescentus cells.  相似文献   

Amyloid‐β (Aβ)‐peptide, the major constituent of the plaques that develop during Alzheimer's disease, is generated via the cleavage of Aβ precursor protein (APP) by β‐site APP‐cleaving enzyme (BACE). Using live‐cell imaging of APP and BACE labeled with pH‐sensitive proteins, we could detect the release events of APP and BACE and their distinct kinetics. We provide kinetic evidence for the cleavage of APP by α‐secretase on the cellular surface after exocytosis. Furthermore, simultaneous dual‐color evanescent field illumination revealed that the two proteins are trafficked to the surface in separate compartments. Perturbing the membrane lipid composition resulted in a reduced frequency of exocytosis and affected BACE more strongly than APP. We propose that surface fusion frequency is a key factor regulating the aggregation of APP and BACE in the same membrane compartment and that this process can be modulated via pharmacological intervention.   相似文献   

Fluorescent markers that bind endogenous target proteins are frequently employed for quantitative live-cell imaging. To visualize the actin cytoskeleton in live cells, several actin-binding probes have been widely used. Among them, Lifeact is the most popular probe with ideal properties, including fast exchangeable binding kinetics. Because of its fast kinetics, Lifeact is generally believed to distribute evenly throughout cellular actin structures. In this study, however, we demonstrate misdistribution of Lifeact toward the rear of lamellipodia where actin filaments continuously move inward along the retrograde flow. Similarly, phalloidin showed biased misdistribution toward the rear of lamellipodia in live cells. We show evidence of convection-induced misdistribution of actin probes by both experimental data and physical models. Our findings warn about the potential error arising from the use of target-binding probes in quantitative live imaging.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(9):2319-2332
The nuclear morphology of eukaryotic cells is determined by the interplay between the lamina forming the nuclear skeleton, the chromatin inside the nucleus, and the coupling with the cytoskeleton. Nuclear alterations are often associated with pathological conditions as in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, in which a mutation in the lamin A gene yields an altered form of the protein, named progerin, and an aberrant nuclear shape. Here, we introduce an inducible cellular model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome in HeLa cells in which increased progerin expression leads to alterations in the coupling of the lamin shell with cytoskeletal or chromatin tethers as well as with polycomb group proteins. Furthermore, our experiments show that progerin expression leads to enhanced nuclear shape fluctuations in response to cytoskeletal activity. To interpret the experimental results, we introduce a computational model of the cell nucleus that explicitly includes chromatin fibers, the nuclear shell, and coupling with the cytoskeleton. The model allows us to investigate how the geometrical organization of the chromatin-lamin tether affects nuclear morphology and shape fluctuations. In sum, our findings highlight the crucial role played by lamin-chromatin and lamin-cytoskeletal alterations in determining nuclear shape morphology and in affecting cellular functions and gene regulation.  相似文献   

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