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We obtained plasma membranes from cultured human skin fibroblasts. The preparation was enriched 10-fold with about 40 percent yield. There was minimal contamination with other cell membranes. Various observations indicated vesicular conformation of a portion of the plasma membranes, notably by electron microscopy and from the effect of osmotic pressure on the distribution of solutes between mass and medium at equilibrium. Other studies indicated that these fibroblast plasma membrane vesicles retained mediated transport processes for a variety of substrates. The evidence included: stereospecific and temperature-dependent uptake of glucose; dependence of L-alanine uptake on sodium ion and an inward-directed transmembrane Na+ gradient; stimulation of L-alanine uptake, with overshoot, by enhancement of the interior-negative transmembrane potential; concentration dependent uptake of methotrexate with apparent competitive inhibition by folinic acid; stimulation of L-lysine uptake by trans-L-arginine. These findings indicate that human fibroblast plasma membrane vesicles could be used to study membrane transport processes and, perhaps, expression of mutant genes that cause inborn errors of transport.  相似文献   

Three different temperature sensitive mutants derived from the Syrian hamster cell line BHK 21 were found to have greatly reduced DNA synthesis at the non-permissive temperature. These mutants are distinct by complementation analysis and behave at the non-permissive temperature as cell cycle traverse defective mutants. Microfluorometric analysis of mutant populations arrested at the non-permissive temperature shows an accumulation of cells with G1 DNA content. Mutants ts 13 and ts HJ4 synchronized in G1 by serum or isoleucine deprivation and shifted to the non-permissive temperature at the time of release do not enter the S phase, while in the case of mutant ts 11 preincubation at the non-permissive temperature before release is required to completely prevent its entry into S. Ts 13 and ts 11 are able to traverse the S phase at the non-permissive temperature when synchronized at the boundary G1/S; in this case, preincubation of ts 11 at the non-permissive temperature before release does not affect the ability of these cells to perform DNA synthesis. On the other hand, ts HJ4 appears to traverse S only partially when tested under similar conditions. Temperature shift experiments of mutant populations at different times after isoleucine synchronization suggest that ts 13 and ts 11 are blocked at the non-permissive temperature in early G1, whereas ts HJ4 is probably affected near the initiation of DNA synthesis, or in some early S function.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate accumulated 8-fold in plasma membrane vesicles derived from simian virus 40-transformed 3T3 mouse fibroblasts when a NaCl gradient (external greater than internal) was artificially imposed across the membrane. Preincubation with Na+ or addition of monensin markedly reduced phosphate accumulation. Na+-stimulated phosphate transport was not affected by addition of either dicarboxylic acids, antimycin A, or ouabain and persisted after addition of proton ionophores. The coupling of phosphate transport to Na+ gradients was pH-dependent, with maximal stimulation by Na+ below pH 7. These findings suggest that monovalent phosphate anion moves across the plasma membrane in co-transport with sodium ion.  相似文献   

1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol, when present at and above 10 nM in an organ-culture system of embryonic chick jejunum, approximately doubled the rate of Na(+)-gradient-driven D-glucose uptake by brush-border membrane vesicles, but had no effect on Na(+)-independent D-glucose transfer. The sterol also had no effect on Na+ influx along an outside/inside Na+ gradient ([Na+]o = 100 mM; [Na+]i = 0 mM). This renders it unlikely that in embryonic intestine, calcitriol raises Na(+)-dependent D-glucose transport through changes in the electrochemical Na+ gradient. D-[U-14C]Glucose tracer exchange, measured under voltage-clamp condition at Na+/D-glucose equilibrium, revealed that addition of calcitriol to the culture medium approximately doubled the activity of the Na+/D-glucose transporter in the brush-border membrane. This was also reflected by an corresponding increase in the maximal velocity of the transfer process. Increased [3H]phlorizin binding after calcitriol treatment suggests that the steroid hormone activates Na+/D-glucose transport through increasing the number of carrier molecules in the brush-border membrane. 10 nM triiodothyronine, which by itself has no effect on Na(+)-dependent D-glucose transport, potentiated the effect of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol such that in the presence of both hormones, Na+/D-glucose-carrier activity was increased fourfold above control levels.  相似文献   

Protein turnover in senescent cultured chick embryo fibroblasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The over-all rates of protein synthesis, degradation and net accumulation were estimated in rapidly growing young and slowly doubling old cultures of chick fibroblasts. We find that not only the rate of protein synthesis is reduced in senescent cultures, but the average rate of protein degradation is also slowed down considerably. This decrease in the rate of protein breakdown in aging cells stands in contrast with the previously observed acceleration of this process by other conditions (such as serum deprivation or overcrowding) that lead to the cessation of cellular growth. Though the retarded protein degradation may contribute to the acculation of abnormal proteins in senescent cells we find that the breakdown of grossly abnormal puromycin peptides proceeds equally rapidly in young and old cultures. The protein content of senescent cells increases by 1.8-fold as compared to young cells, while the average cell volume is increased even more (almost 5-fold). By contrast, consideration of the over-all balance of protein metabolism in these cells indicates that the average concentration of metabolically turning-over proteins is somewhat higher in senescent than in young fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The uptake of Na(+)-dependent D-glucose by renal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) isolated from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was decreased as compared with controls. Since a Vmax of 4.8 nmol/mg protein per 30 s in diabetic BBMV was significantly decreased as compared with that of controls (Vmax = 7.0 nmol/mg protein per 30 s) without changing an apparent affinity for D-glucose, the decrease in the Na(+)-dependent D-glucose uptake in diabetic rats is likely to be due to the reduction in the number of the transporter. These results are also confirmed by the binding study of [3H]phlorizin to diabetic BBMV. When the blood glucose level is lowered in diabetic rats by both the treatment with insulin and starvation, the decreased Na(+)-dependent D-glucose uptake is returned to control level. These results suggest that Na(+)-dependent D-glucose reabsorption through the apical membrane in proximal tubular kidney cells is dynamically regulated by the change in blood glucose level.  相似文献   

The transport of adenosine was studied in pure cultures of glial cells from chick embryo brain. In order to avoid complications in uptake measurements due to adenosine metabolism, cultures were depleted of ATP by incubation with cyanide and iodoacetate prior to addition of [3H]adenosine. Under the 5- to 25-s periods used for the transport assay, no adenosine metabolism could be detected. Initial rates of adenosine transport under these conditions obeyed the Michaelis-Menten relationship with Km = 370 μM and Vmax = 10.3 nmol/min/mg cell protein. ATP depletion or elimination of Na+ from the assay medium had no significant effect on initial rates of adenosine uptake. However, when assays were carried out under conditions of significant adenosine metabolism (10-min uptake in the absence of metabolic inhibitors), a high-affinity incorporation process could be demonstrated in the glial cells (Km = 12 μM; Vmax = 0.34 nmol/ min/mg protein). The transport activity expressed in ATP-depleted glial cells was most sensitive to inhibition by nitrobenzylthioinosine, dipyridamole, and N6-benzyladenosine. In decreasing order of potency, N6-methyladenosine, 2-chloroadenosine, inosine, and thymidine also blocked adenosine translocation in glial cultures. Thus, adenosine transport by cultured glial cells occurs by means of a low-affinity, facilitated diffusion system which is similar to the nucleoside transporter in cells of nonneural origin.  相似文献   

The stoichiometric properties of the glycine transporter were studied in synaptic plasma membrane vesicles from rat brain. The present results, together with previous data from our laboratory, allow us to suggest a stoichiometry of 2 Na+ and 1 Cl- per glycine zwitterion for the translocation cycle catalyzed by the glycine carrier. We propose a kinetic model with an ordered mechanism for the binding/debinding of solutes.  相似文献   

Cell surface glycopeptides were obtained from cultured chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) by digestion with Pronase E, and a fraction exerting growth-inhibitory activity on CEF was isolated by high performance gel permeation chromatography. The active fraction, tentatively termed cell surface glycopeptide-2 (CSGP-2), was soluble in 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or 75% ethanol. It inhibited the growth of CEF reversibly at 10-20 micrograms sugar/ml, but did not inhibit BALB/c mouse 3T3, SV40-transformed 3T3, and human diploid cells at similar concentration. The growth-inhibitory activity of CSGP-2 was reduced or lost after digestion with neuraminidase or oxidation with sodium metaperiodate. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis revealed that CSGP-2 was a mixture of sialoglycopeptides. A similar growth inhibitor was also isolated from chicken embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

At 5 μg/ml, insulin stimulates hexose, A-system amino acid, and nucleoside transport by serum-starved chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF). This stimulation, although variable, is comparable to that induced by 4% serum. The sulfhydryl oxidants diamide (1–20 μM). hydrogen peroxide (500 μM), and methylene blue (50 μM) mimic the effect of insulin in CEF. PCMB-S,1 a sulfhydryl-reacting compound which penetrates the membrane slowly, has a complex effect on nutrient transport in serum- and glucose-starved CEF. Hexose uptake is inhibited by 0.1–1 mM PCMB-S in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, whereas A-system amino acid transport is inhibited maximally within 10 min of incubation and approaches control rates after 60 min. A differential sensitivity of CEF transport systems is also seen in cells exposed to membrane-impermeant glutathione-maleimide I, designated GS-Mal. At 2 mM GS-Mal reduces the rate of hexose uptake 80–100% in serum- and glucose-starved CEF; in contrast A-system amino acid uptake is unaffected. D-glucose, but not L-glucose or cytochalasin B, protects against GS-Mal inhibition. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that sulfhydryl groups are involved in nutrient transport and that those sulfhydryls associated with the hexose transport system and essential for its function are located near the exofacial surface of the membrane in CEF.  相似文献   

Summary This review describes the uptake of L-glutamate by well-characterized preparations of renal brush border (luminal) and baso-lateral membrane vesicles derived from the plasma membrane of the polar proximal tubular cell. L-glutamate is taken up against its concentration gradient, from both sides, by co-transport systems in which the movement of the amino acid into the cell is coupled to the influx of Na+ and efflux of K+ down their respective electrochemical gradients. The presence of these ion gradient-energized systems, specific for L-glutamate, may account for the exceedingly high intracellular concentration of this metabolically important amino acid in the renal tubule.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from guinea pig peritoneal exudate neutrophils, using nitrogen cavitation to rupture the plasma membrane and differential centrifugation to separate the vesicles. The vesicles were enriched 13.2-fold in (Na+, K+)-ATPase activity and had a cholesterol:protein ratio of 0.15, characteristic of plasma membranes. Contamination of the vesicle preparation with DNA or marker enzyme activities for intracellular organelles was very low. Studies designed to determine vesicle sidedness and integrity indicated that 33% were sealed, inside-out; 41% were sealed, right side-out, and 26% were leaky. The vesicles accumulated 45Ca2+ in a linear fashion for 45 min. The uptake was dependent on the presence of oxalate and MgATP in the incubating medium. Uptake showed a Ka for free Ca2+ of 164 nM and a Vmax of 17.2 nmol/mg . min (based on total protein). GTP, ITP, CTP, UTP, ADP, or AMP supported uptake at rates less than or equal to 11% of ATP. Ca2+ uptake was maximal at pH 7-7.5. Calcium stimulated the hydrolysis of ATP by the vesicles with a Ka for free Ca2+ of 440 nM and Vmax of 17.5 nmol/mg . min (based on total protein). When the Ca2+ uptake rate was based upon those vesicles expected to transport Ca2+ (33% sealed, inside-out vesicles) and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity was based upon those vesicles expected to express that activity (26% leaky + 33% sealed, inside-out vesicles), the molar stoichiometry of Ca2+ transported:ATP hydrolyzed was 2.12 +/- 0.12. Calmodulin did not increase either Vmax or Ka for free Ca2+ of the uptake system in the vesicles, even when they were treated previously with ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid. The high affinity of this system for Ca2+, specificity for ATP, physiological pH optimum, and stoichiometry of Ca2+ transported:ATP hydrolyzed suggest that it represents an important mechanism by which neutrophils maintain low levels of cytoplasmic free Ca2+.  相似文献   

A Cl-stimulated ATPase activity, which is sensitive to both thiocyanate and vanadate, has been localized to the plasma membrane of Aplysia enterocytes. Utilizing plasma membrane vesicles from Aplysia enterocytes, ATP stimulated Cl uptake to approximately 2.5-times that of control in a Na+, K+ and HCO3-free medium. This ATP-dependent Cl uptake was sensitive to both thiocyanate and vanadate. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the active Cl absorptive process in Aplysia intestine could be a Cl-stimulated ATPase found in the enterocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of uridine transport were studied in basolateral plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat liver. Uridine was not metabolized under transport measurement conditions and was taken up into an osmotically active space with no significant binding of uridine to the membrane vesicles. Uridine uptake was sodium dependent, showing no significant stimulation by other monovalent cations. Kinetic analysis of the sodium-dependent component showed a single system with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Parameter values were K M 8.9 m and V max 0.57 pmol/mg prot/sec. Uridine transport proved to be electrogenic, since, firstly, the Hill plot of the kinetic data suggested a 1 uridine: 1 Na+ stoichiometry, secondly, valinomycin enhanced basal uridine uptake rates and, thirdly, the permeant nature of the Na+ counterions determined uridine transport rates (SCN > NO 3 > Cl > SO 4 2– ). Other purines and pyrimidines cis-inhibited and trans-stimulated uridine uptake.This work has been partially supported by grant PM90-0162 from D.G.I.C.Y.T. (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain). B.R.-M. is a research fellow supported by the Nestlé Nutrition Research Grant Programme.  相似文献   

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