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Lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria were screened of their ability to ferment fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on MRS agar. Of 28 strains of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria examined, 12 of 16 Lactobacillus strains and 7 of 8 Bifidobacterium strains fermented FOS. Only strains that gave a positive reaction by the agar method reached high cell densities in broth containing FOS.  相似文献   

Studies on the rate and extent of galacturonic acid and isolated pectin digestion were carried out with nine strains of rumen bacteria (Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens H10b and D16f, Bacteroides ruminicola 23 and D31d, Lachnospira multiparus D15d, Peptostreptococcus sp. D43e, B. succinogenes A3c, Ruminococcus flavefaciens B34b, and R. albus 7). Only three strains, 23, D16f, and D31d, utilized galacturonic acid as a sole energy source, whereas all strains except A3c and H10b degraded (solubilized) and utilized purified pectin. Nutrient composition of the basal medium and separate sterilization of the substrate affected the rate and extent of fermentation for both substrates. Pectin degradation and utilization were measured with two maturity stages each of intact bromegrass and alfalfa. For bromegrass I, all strains tested (B34b, 23, D16f, D31d, D15d, and D43e) degraded a considerable amount of pectin and, with the exception of B34b, utilized most of what was degraded. Similar, but lower, results were obtained with bromegrass II, except for the two strains of B. ruminicola, 23 and D31d, which were unable to degrade and utilize pectin from this forage. All strains were able to degrade and utilize pectin from both maturity stages of alfalfa; however, values were considerably lower for strains 23 and D31d. Synergism studies, in which a limited utilizing strain, B34b, was combined with the limited degrading strain, D31d, resulted in a slight increase in degradation and a very marked increase in utilization of the pectin in all four forages. Similar results were obtained on both alfalfa substrates with a combination of strains B34b and D16f; however, no increases were observed with this combination on bromegrass.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to systematically assess the bifidogenic effect of three commonly used prebiotic products using in vitro cultures of infant fecal samples. Fresh stool samples collected from six term infants, each exclusively fed human milk (n = 3) or infant formula (n = 3), at 28 days of age were used as inocula. The following prebiotic products were added at concentrations applicable to infant formula: Vivinal GOS 15 (containing 28.5% galacto-oligosaccharide [GOS]) at 7.2 g/liter, Beneo HP (99.5% long-chain inulin [IN]) at 0.8 g/liter, Beneo Synergy 1 (enriched oligofructose and inulin [OF-IN]) at 4 g/liter, and a combination of Vivinal GOS 15 (7.2 g/liter) and Beneo HP (0.8 g/liter) (GOS-IN). The growth of total bacteria, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium longum, and Escherichia coli was quantified using specific quantitative PCR (qPCR). Bifidobacterium was also enumerated on selective Beerens agar plates, with representative colonies identified by sequencing of their 16S rRNA genes. Volatile fatty acids (VFA) and pH in the cultures were also determined. Irrespective of the feeding methods, the GOS product, either alone or in combination with Beneo HP, resulted in substantially higher growth of total bifidobacteria, and much of this growth was attributed to growth of B. longum. Beneo Synergy 1 also increased the abundance of total bifidobacteria and B. longum. Corresponding to the increases in these two bacterial groups, acetic acid concentrations were higher, while there was a trend of lower E. coli levels and pH. The lower pH and higher acetic acid concentration might be directly responsible for the lower E. coli population. At the concentrations studied, the GOS product was more bifidogenic and potent in inhibiting E. coli than the other products tested. These results suggest that supplementation of infant formula with GOS may increase intestinal bifidobacteria and benefit infant health.  相似文献   

Coprolites are fossilized feces that can be used to provide information on the composition of the intestinal microbiota and, as we show, possibly on diet. We analyzed human coprolites from the Huecoid and Saladoid cultures from a settlement on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. While more is known about the Saladoid culture, it is believed that both societies co-existed on this island approximately from 5 to 1170 AD. By extracting DNA from the coprolites, followed by metagenomic characterization, we show that both cultures can be distinguished from each other on the basis of their bacterial and fungal gut microbiomes. In addition, we show that parasite loads were heavy and also culturally distinct. Huecoid coprolites were characterized by maize and Basidiomycetes sequences, suggesting that these were important components of their diet. Saladoid coprolite samples harbored sequences associated with fish parasites, suggesting that raw fish was a substantial component of their diet. The present study shows that ancient DNA is not entirely degraded in humid, tropical environments, and that dietary and/or host genetic differences in ancient populations may be reflected in the composition of their gut microbiome. This further supports the hypothesis that the two ancient cultures studied were distinct, and that they retained distinct technological/cultural differences during an extended period of close proximity and peaceful co-existence. The two populations seemed to form the later-day Taínos, the Amerindians present at the point of Columbian contact. Importantly, our data suggest that paleomicrobiomics can be a powerful tool to assess cultural differences between ancient populations.  相似文献   

Continuous cultures in which a high-pressure chemostat was used were employed to study the growth responses of (i) deep-sea microbial populations with the naturally occurring carbon available in seawater and with limiting concentrations of supplemental organic substrates and (ii) pure cultures of copiotrophic barophilic and barotolerant deep-sea isolates in the presence of limiting carbon concentrations at various pressures, dilution rates, and temperatures. We found that the growth rates of natural populations could not be measured or were extremely low (e.g., a doubling time of 629 h), as determined from the difference between the dilution rate and the washout rate. A low concentration of supplemental carbon (0.33 mg/liter) resulted in positive growth responses in the natural population, which resulted in an increase in the number of cells and eventually a steady population of cells. We found that the growth responses to imposed growth pressure by barophilic and barotolerant pure-culture isolates that were previously isolated and characterized under high-nutrient-concentration conditions were maintained under the low-nutrient-concentration limiting conditions (0.33 to 3.33 mg of C per liter) characteristic of the deep-sea environment. Our results indicate that deep-sea microbes can respond to small changes in substrate availability. Also, barophilic microbes that are copiotrophic as determined by their isolation in the presence of high carbon concentrations and their preference for high carbon concentrations are versatile and are able to compete and grow as barophiles in the low-carbon-concentration oligotrophic deep-sea environment in which they normally exist.  相似文献   

Azospirillum spp. were shown to utilize both straw and xylan, a major component of straw, for growth with an adequate combined N supply and also under N-limiting conditions. For most strains examined, a semisolid agar medium was satisfactory, but several strains appeared to be capable of slow metabolism of the agar. Subsequently, experiments were done with acid-washed sand supplemented with various carbon sources. In these experiments, authenticated laboratory strains, and all 16 recent field isolates from straw-amended soils, of both A. brasilense and A. lipoferum possessed the ability to utilize straw and xylan as energy sources for nitrogen fixation. Neither carboxymethyl cellulose nor cellulose was utilized. The strains and isolates differed in their abilities to utilize xylan and straw and in the efficiency of nitrogenase activity (CO2/C2H2 ratio). Reasonable levels of activity could be maintained for at least 14 days in the sand cultures. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) was confirmed by 15N2 incorporation. The level of nitrogenase activity observed was dependent on the time of the addition of acetylene to the culture vessels.  相似文献   

Based on the presence and absence of enzyme activities, the biochemical pathways for the fermentation of inulin by Clostridium thermosuccinogenes DSM 5809 are proposed. Activities of nine enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, malate dehydrogenase, fumarase, fumarate reductase, phosphotransacetylase, acetate kinase, pyruvate kinase, and alcohol dehydrogenase) were measured at four temperatures (37, 47, 58, and 70°C). Each of the enzymes increased 1.5 to 2.0-fold in activity between 37 and 58°C, but only lactate dehydrogenase, fumarate reductase, malate dehydrogenase, and fumarase increased at a similar rate between 58 and 70°C. No acetate kinase activity was observed at 70°C. Arrhenius energies were calculated for each of these nine enzymes and were in the range of 9.8 to 25.6 kcal/mol. To determine if a relationship existed between product formation and enzyme activity, serum bottle fermentations were completed at the four temperatures. Maximum yields (in moles per mole hexose unit) for succinate (0.23) and acetate (0.79) and for biomass (29.5 g/mol hexose unit) occurred at 58°C, whereas the maximum yields for lactate (0.19) and hydrogen (0.25) and the lowest yields for acetate (0.03) and biomass (19.2 g/mol hexose unit) were observed at 70°C. The ratio of oxidized products to reduced products changed significantly, from 0.52 to 0.65, with an increase in temperature from 58 to 70°C, and there was an unexplained detection of increased reduced products (ethanol, lactate, and hydrogen) with a concomitant decrease in oxidized-product formation at the higher temperature.  相似文献   

以1株能够直接利用菊糖产乙醇的酿酒酵母L610为出发菌株,对其利用菊糖生产乙醇的发酵条件进行了一系列研究。结果表明,L610最适乙醇发酵温度为37℃,且40℃高温发酵对其产乙醇能力无显著影响;L610对酸性发酵环境有良好的耐受性,当发酵液p H值降至3.5时,其糖醇转化率及乙醇产量仍保持较高水平;以0.025~0.10 vvm的通气量通气12 h有利于L610发酵菊糖产乙醇;L610对350 g/L的高浓度菊糖有良好的转化率,乙醇浓度和生产强度分别达到129 g/L和1.35 g/(L·h);当直接以300 g/L菊芋粗粉为唯一底物进行发酵时,L610发酵产乙醇浓度达到89.6 g/L,为理论产量的78.1%。本研究所取得的成果为酿酒酵母一步法发酵菊芋生产乙醇的工业化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The hydrolysis and fermentation of insoluble cellulose (Avicel) by continuous cultures of Ruminococcus albus 7 was studied. An anaerobic continuous culture apparatus was designed which permitted gas collection, continuous feeding, and wasting at different retention times. The operation of the apparatus was controlled by a personal computer. Cellulose destruction ranged from ca. 30 to 70% for hydraulic retention times of 0.5 to 2.0 days. Carbon recovery in products was 92 to 97%, and the oxidation-reduction ratios ranged from 0.91 to 1.15. The total product yield (biomass not included) per gram of cellulose (expressed as glucose) was 0.83 g g−1, and the ethanol yield was 0.41 g g−1. The product yield was constant, indicating that product formation was growth linked.  相似文献   

A comparative TLC analysis of lipid extracts from Bifidobacterium longum B 379 M, B. bifidum 791, and B. adolescentis 94 BIM has been performed. It is demonstrated that carbohydrate-containing lipid components were present in the bacteria, which differed in their chromatographic mobility (R f ) from similar compounds isolated from actinomycetes Stomatococcus mucilaginosus PCM 2415T, Nocardiopsis dassonvillei PCM 2492, Propionibacterium propionicum PCM 2431, Saccharopolyspora hirsuta PCM 2279 (= ATCC 27875T), Rhodococcus equi PCMT 559 (= ATCC 3969), and Gordonia bronchialis PCM 2167. Polar lipids of bifidobacteria exhibited the closest similarity to their counterparts from propionic acid bacteria. Preparative chromatography (silica gel column I; elution with chloroform, acetone, and methanol) of the lipid extract of B. adolescentis 94 BIM made it possible to isolate fractions containing nonpolar lipids, glycolipids, and phospholipids. Further purification of the glycolipid fraction (column II; eluant, methanol gradient in chloroform) produced preparations of glycolipids and phospholipids. The preparations were studied by two-dimensional TLC using solvent systems chloroform-methanol-H2O MiLi Q (65 : 25 : 4, v/v/v) and n-butanol-acetic acid-H2O MiLi Q (60 : 20 : 20, v/v/v) for directions I and II, respectively. Two major glycolipids were revealed (G1 and G2), in addition to compounds characteristic of the polar lipid group and minor glycolipids (g), the latter being present in considerably lesser amounts.  相似文献   

Four closely related strains of thermophilic bacteria were isolated via enrichment in batch and continuous culture with inulin as the sole source of carbon and energy by using inoculations from various sources. These new strains were isolated from beet pulp from a sugar refinery, soil around a Jerusalem artichoke, fresh cow manure, and mud from a tropical pond in a botanical garden. The cells of this novel species of strictly anaerobic, gram-positive bacteria were rod shaped and nonmotile. Growth on inulin was possible between 40 and 65°C, with optimum growth at 58°C. All strains were capable of fermenting a large number of sugars. Formate, acetate, ethanol, lactate, H2, and succinate were the main organic fermentation products after growth on fructose, glucose, or inulin. Synthesis of inulinase in batch culture closely paralleled growth, and the enzyme was almost completely cell bound. Strain IC is described as the type strain of a new species, Clostridium thermosuccinogenes sp. nov., with a G+C content of 35.9 mol%.  相似文献   

Two strains of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, Streptococcus cremoris AM2 and Leuconostoc lactis CNRZ 1091, were grown in pure and mixed cultures in the presence or absence of citrate (15 mM) and at controlled (pH 6.5) or uncontrolled pH. Microbial cell densities at the end of growth, maximum growth rates, the pH decrease of the medium resulting from growth, and the corresponding acidification rates were determined to establish comparisons. The control of pH in pure cultures had no effect on L. lactis CNRZ 1091 populations. The final populations of S. cremoris AM2, however, were at least five times higher than when the pH was not controlled (4 × 108 vs. 2 × 109 CFU · ml−1). The pH had no effect on the growth rate of either strain. That of S. cremoris AM2 (0.8 h−1) was about twice that of L. lactis CNRZ 1091. When the pH fell below 5, the growth of both strains decreased or stopped altogether. Citrate had no effect on S. cremoris AM2, while final populations of L. lactis CNRZ 1091 were two to three times higher (3 × 108 CFU · ml−1); it had no effect on the maximum growth rates of the two strains. Citrate attenuated the pH decrease of the medium and reduced the maximum acidification rate of the culture by 50%, due to the growth of S. cremoris AM2. Acidification due to L. lactis CNRZ 1091, however, was very slight. Regardless of the conditions of pH and citrate, the total bacterial population in mixed culture was lower (by 39%) than that of the sum of each pure culture. Mixed culture improved the maximum growth rate of L. lactis CNRZ 1091 (0.6 h−1) by 50%, while that of S. cremoris AM2 was unaffected. The acidification rate of the growth medium in mixed culture, affected by the presence of citrate, resulted from the development and activity of S. cremoris AM2.  相似文献   

Seven strains of heterotrophic iron-oxidizing acidophilic bacteria were examined to determine their abilities to promote oxidative dissolution of pyrite (FeS2) when they were grown in pure cultures and in mixed cultures with sulfur-oxidizing Thiobacillus spp. Only one of the isolates (strain T-24) oxidized pyrite when it was grown in pyrite-basal salts medium. However, when pyrite-containing cultures were supplemented with 0.02% (wt/vol) yeast extract, most of the isolates oxidized pyrite, and one (strain T-24) promoted rates of mineral dissolution similar to the rates observed with the iron-oxidizing autotroph Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Pyrite oxidation by another isolate (strain T-21) occurred in cultures containing between 0.005 and 0.05% (wt/vol) yeast extract but was completely inhibited in cultures containing 0.5% yeast extract. Ferrous iron was also needed for mineral dissolution by the iron-oxidizing heterotrophs, indicating that these organisms oxidize pyrite via the “indirect” mechanism. Mixed cultures of three isolates (strains T-21, T-23, and T-24) and the sulfur-oxidizing autotroph Thiobacillus thiooxidans promoted pyrite dissolution; since neither strains T-21 and T-23 nor T. thiooxidans could oxidize this mineral in yeast extract-free media, this was a novel example of bacterial synergism. Mixed cultures of strains T-21 and T-23 and the sulfur-oxidizing mixotroph Thiobacillus acidophilus also oxidized pyrite but to a lesser extent than did mixed cultures containing T. thiooxidans. Pyrite leaching by strain T-23 grown in an organic compound-rich medium and incubated either shaken or unshaken was also assessed. The potential environmental significance of iron-oxidizing heterotrophs in accelerating pyrite oxidation is discussed.  相似文献   

2,3-Butanediol (2,3-BD) is an important starting material for the manufacture of bulk chemicals. For efficient and large-scale production of 2,3-BD through fermentation, low-cost substrates are required. One such substrate, inulin, is a polydisperse fructan found in a wide variety of plants. In this study, a levanase with high inulinase activity and high pH and temperature stability was identified in Bacillus licheniformis strain ATCC 14580. B. licheniformis strain ATCC 14580 was found to efficiently produce 2,3-BD from fructose at 50°C. Then, the levanase was used for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of inulin to 2,3-BD. A fed-batch SSF yielded 103.0 g/liter 2,3-BD in 30 h, with a high productivity of 3.4 g/liter · h. The results suggest that the SSF process developed with the thermophilic B. licheniformis strain used might be a promising alternative for efficient 2,3-BD production from the favorable substrate inulin.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the effects of chitosan and orlistat on fecal fat excretion. Research Methods and Procedure: A randomized, open‐label, two‐period sequential design study was used. A total of 12 healthy adult volunteers within 20% of their ideal body weight entered a 7‐day run‐in diet period before being randomized to orlistat (120 mg) or chitosan (890 mg) three times daily for 7 days. Subjects then crossed over treatment regimens for an additional 7‐day period. Subjects followed a standardized diet (2500 kcal/d, 30% as fat) for the entire 21‐day study. Feces were collected on days 4 to 7 of the run‐in period (baseline) and during the two treatment periods. Mean daily fecal fat excretion was measured at baseline and during each treatment regimen. Results: Mean baseline fecal fat excretion for all subjects was 1.36 ± 0.45 g/d. During orlistat treatment, mean fecal fat excretion significantly increased from baseline (+16.13 ± 7.27 g/d; p < 0.001). No significant effect was observed with chitosan (+0.27 ± 1.02 g/d; p = 0.379). Fecal fat excretion was significantly greater with orlistat than with chitosan (p < 0.001; 95% confidence intervals: 11.73; 20.00 g/d). Discussion: This study provides additional evidence of the inhibitory effect of orlistat on dietary fat absorption. Chitosan, however, has no effect on fecal fat excretion.  相似文献   

Data from analyses of continuous culture fermentation of insoluble cellulose by Ruminococcus albus 7 were used to derive constants for the rate of cellulose hydrolysis and fermentation, growth yield, and maintenance. Cellulose concentration was 1% in the nutrient reservoir, and hydraulic retention times of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, and 2.0 days were used. Concentrations of reducing sugars in the cultures were negligible (less than 1%) compared with the amount of hydrolyzed cellulose, indicating that cellulose hydrolysis was the rate-limiting step of the fermentation. The rate of utilization of cellulose depended on the steady-state concentration of cellulose and was first order with a rate constant (k) of 1.18 day−1. The true microbial growth yield (Y) was 0.11 g g−1, the maintenance coefficient (m) was 0.10 g g−1 h−1, and the maximum YATP was 7.7 g of biomass (dry weight) mol of ATP−1.  相似文献   


Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) or PHB is an important member of the family of polyhydroxyalkanoates with properties that make it potentially competitive with synthetic polymers. In addition, PHB is biodegradable. While the biochemistry of PHB synthesis by microorganisms is well known, improvement of large-scale productivity requires good fermentation modeling and optimization. The latter aspect is reviewed here.

Current models are of two types: (i) mechanistic and (ii) cybernetic. The models may be unstructured or structured, and they have been applied to single cultures and co-cultures. However, neither class of models expresses adequately all the important features of large-scale non-ideal fermentations. Model-independent neural networks provide faithful representations of observations, but they can be difficult to design. So hybrid models, combining mechanistic, cybernetic and neural models, offer a useful compromise. All three kinds of basic models are discussed with applications and directions toward hybrid model development.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine whether supplemental fructooligosaccharides (FOS) plus mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) influenced immune function and ileal and fecal microbial populations of adult dogs. Eight adult dogs surgically fitted with ileal cannulas were used in a crossover design. Dogs were fed 200g of a dry, extruded, kibble diet twice daily. At each feeding, dogs were dosed with either 1g sucrose (placebo) or 2g FOS plus 1g MOS orally via gelatin capsule. Fecal, ileal, and blood samples were collected at the end of each 14-d period to measure microbial populations and immune characteristics. Treatment least squares means were compared using the GLM procedure of SAS. Supplementation of FOS plus MOS increased fecal bifidobacteria and fecal and ileal lactobacilli concentrations. Dogs fed FOS plus MOS also tended to have lower blood neutrophils and greater blood lymphocytes vs placebo. Serum, fecal, and ileal immunoglobulin concentrations were unchanged by treatment. Supplementation of FOS plus MOS beneficially altered indices of gut health by improving ileal and fecal microbial ecology. Supplementation of FOS plus MOS also altered immune function by causing a shift in blood immune cells.  相似文献   

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