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The distributions of many plant taxa in China at the present day indicate centres of floristic importance which may be ancient,and have evolutionary significance,or which may be only their latest locations in a Cenozoic history of migrations.This paper summarizes the present and Cenozoic distributions in China of the following taxa:Nitraria,Ephedra,Carya,Liquidamber,Pterocarya,Betulaceae.It is concluded that the centres of importance of the named genera are different now from what they were at some time in the Cenozoic past;each has accomplished major migrations and suffered significant extinctions during that period.The history of the Betulaceae is less clear but in principle soluble.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the heart rate (HR) responses, the rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and the feeling during physical education schooling while performing traditional games activities compared to intermittent exercise. Nineteen pre-pubertal children randomly performed on different days two types of lessons (intermittent running mode vs. traditional Tunisian “Raqassa” game) lasting 12-min each. HR was continuously recorded during both lessons, while ratings of perceived exertion and Feeling values were recorded after the sessions. The mean HR value during the traditional game was significantly higher than during intermittent exercise (p<0.05). Conversely, the perceived exertion score was significantly higher after intermittent exercise than the traditional exercise game (p<0.05), showing that the higher cardiovascular strain of the game was perceived as “lighter” than the run. Simultaneously, the children''s Feeling was significantly higher after the traditional game than intermittent exercise (p<0.001), showing a higher satisfaction from playing with respect to running. Exercise based on the “Raqassa” traditional game could be used in pre-pubertal children as an alternative or as an additional method for suitable cardiovascular stimulation during physical education lessons with lower perceived exertion and better feeling compared to intermittent running.  相似文献   

Senescence of shoot apices of Pisum sativum L. ‘Alaska’ as measured by cessation of stem elongation was delayed by removal of flowers and by treatment with gibberellin A3 and was hastened by treatment with AMO-1618 (2 isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperi-dinecarboxylate methyl chloride). Ontogenetic changes in relative endogenous gibberellin levels and in capability of gibberellin biosynthesis in deflowered and control plants were determined indirectly by studying time-course changes in the sensitivity, as indicated by the growth response, of these plants to applied gibberellin and AMO-1618. The results of these experiments suggest that the endogenous gibberellin level varies directly with the growth rate. Analyses of total RNA and protein in shoot tips of deflowered and control plants revealed that the levels of these substances also vary directly with growth rate throughout ontogeny. It is concluded that decreases in endogenous gibberellin, RNA and protein are factors correlated with senescence of the shoot apex.  相似文献   


The constricted ‘waist’ of the metamorphosing larva of the polychaete Arenicola cristata is described, using light and electron microscopy. The constriction is shown to be the consequence of the discharge and collapse of a post-trochal ring of epithelial cells which remain as functional components of the post-metamorphic juvenile. Morphological differentiation of neuro-effector and interneuronal contacts is initiated at this time. Muscular and neural changes are discussed in terms of their role in effecting metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Nerve net transmission in Metridium at 21°C. varies from 121 to 146 mm. per second.  相似文献   

Stein , Diana B. and o . L. Stein . (Montana State U., Missoula.) The growth of the stem tip of Kalanchoë cv. ‘Brilliant Star.‘ Amer. Jour. Bot. 47 (2) : 132—140. Illus. I960.–The purposes of this investigation were (1) to define as clearly as possible the events in the shoot apex and its immediate derivatives during the ontogeny of the shoot; and (2) to determine the changes which occur during the transition from a vegetative to a reproductive meristem. Rate of leaf production in Kalanchoë is basically constant. The rate of leaf growth subsequent to the early primordial state is, however, dependent on the age of the plant and on the environment in which the plant is grown. By keeping these factors constant a correlation can be demonstrated between the size of the youngest visible leaf and the microscopic primordia. Throughout its ontogeny the general architecture of the shoot apex remains essentially the same. Two tunica layers cover the corpus in the vegetative shoot apex, and even in the flowering meristem these 2 layers can be detected. The apex is essentially flat and blends into the adjacent leaf primordia early in the plastochron. About 10 days after flower induction has been started the apex changes its form to a dome, primarily by increased cell division. At the same time the rate of elongation of the youngest internodes increases thus placing the flowering stem tip atop an elongated stem. Axillary development is ultimately responsible for the development of a dichasium.  相似文献   

The transpiration from normal, intact, growing sporophores of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus cv ‘White’ was determined by a gravimetric method. A simple method was devised to estimate the surface area of a sporophore. Under different conditions of temperature and relative humidity, the quotient of transpiration/cm2 sporophore surface area and evaporation/cm2 free-water surface area did not significantly differ from 1. Transpiration from the underside of an open-veil mushroom was related to the planar area rather than to the total exposed gill area. Normally growing sporophores transpired up to 3 mg/cm2/hr. It was estimated that during development to the open-veil stage, a sporophore transpired a quantity of water equal to ca. one-half of its fresh weight. There was no evidence of factors other than environmental affecting the evaporation of water from the surface of the normally growing sporophore. Our data were not extensive enough, however, to provide evidence for or against Schütte's hypothesis that transpiration in a mature agaric fructification may be intimately linked with a physiological process.  相似文献   

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