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Pot culture experiments were established to determine the effects of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Glomus mosseae and G. sp) on maize (Zea mays L.) grown in Pb, Zn, and Cd complex contaminated soils. AMF and non-AMF inoculated maize were grown in sterilized substrates and subjected to different soil heavy metal (Pb, Zn, Cd) concentrations. The root and shoot biomasses of inoculated maize were significantly higher than those of non-inoculated maize. Pb, Zn, and Cd concentrations in roots were significantly higher than those in shoots in both the inoculated and non-inoculated maize, indicating the heavy metals mostly accumulated in the roots of maize. The translocation rates of Pb, Zn, and Cd from roots to shoots were not significantly difference between inoculated and non-inoculated maize. However, at high soil heavy metal concentrations, Pb, Zn, and Cd in the shoots and Pb in the roots of inoculated maize were significantly reduced by about 50% compared to the non-inoculated maize. These results indicated that AMF could promote maize growth and decrease the uptake of these heavy metals at higher soil concentrations, thus protecting their hosts from the toxicity of heavy metals in Pb, Zn, and Cd complex contaminated soils.  相似文献   

探讨了南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林两种优势树种荷木(Schima superba)和黄果厚壳桂(Cryptocarya concinna)幼苗的生物量及其分配对氮沉降增加的响应。实验分为对照(CK)、T5、T10、T15和T30 5个处理,每个处理设置3次重复。所施氮肥为NH4NO3,以溶液方式喷施,5个处理浓度分别为0、0.12、0.24、0.36、0.72 mol N·L-1。每月喷施2次,5个样方1年喷施的总氮量分别相当于氮沉降率0、5、10、15、30 g N·m-2·a-1。经过11个月的施氮处理,两种幼苗对氮沉降的响应存在差异,其中黄果厚壳桂幼苗的基径、株高、全株生物量和相对生长速率除最高处理T30外,均高于对照,但荷木幼苗的基径、全株生物量和相对生长速率除T10外,均小于对照。氮处理也对生物量的分配产生了明显的影响,两种幼苗的叶重比以T30最低,表明高氮处理不利于幼苗叶片的生长;枝重比均以T30最高,反映了高氮处理的幼苗生物量分配到枝干的比例最高;根重比和根冠比均以对照样方幼苗的最高,表明氮处理抑制根的生长,分配到根部分的生物量下降。总的来看,经过11个月的处理,除最高处理T30外,氮处理仍对黄果厚壳桂幼苗的生长有促进作用,而对荷木幼苗的生长则趋向于一定程度的抑制效应,表明黄果厚壳桂幼苗更能耐受高氮条件。  相似文献   

Glasshouse and field studies showed that Vetiver grass can produce high biomass (>100t/tha?1 year?1) and highly tolerate extreme climatic variation such as prolonged drought, flood, submergence and temperatures (?15°–55°C), soils high in acidity and alkalinity (pH 3.3–9.5), high levels of Al (85% saturation percentage), Mn (578 mg kg?1), soil salinity (ECse 47.5 dS m?1), sodicity (ESP 48%), and a wide range of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn). Vetiver can accumulate heavy metals, particularly lead (shoot 0.4% and root 1%) and zinc (shoot and root 1%). The majority of heavy metals are accumulated in roots thus suitable for phytostabilization, and for phytoextraction with addition of chelating agents. Vetiver can also absorb and promote biodegradation of organic wastes (2,4,6-trinitroluene, phenol, ethidium bromide, benzo[a]pyrene, atrazine). Although Vetiver is not as effective as some other species in heavy metal accumulation, very few plants in the literature have a wide range of tolerance to extremely adverse conditions of climate and growing medium (soil, sand, and tailings) combined into one plant as vetiver. All these special characteristics make vetiver a choice plant for phytoremediation of heavy metals and organic wastes.  相似文献   

Uptake of lipophilic metal complexes by freshwater algae has recently been shown to be pH dependent. Here we look at different physiological aspects that could influence the diffusion of the lipophilic Cd complex, Cd(diethyldithiocarbamate)20 (Cd(DDC)20), into algal cells at different exposure pH values. Changes in cell membrane permeability were assessed as a function of pH for three species of green algae [Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. Dang., Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korshikov) Hindák, and Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata Shihira et R. W. Kraus] using two neutral, nonionic probes, fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and D‐sorbitol. In parallel experiments, we exposed algae to inorganic Cd or to Cd(DDC)20 and monitored Cd intracellular metal distribution, together with phytochelatin synthesis. For the three algal species acclimated at pH 5.5 (w/wo DDC 1 μM) and exposed at this pH, their permeability to FDA and D‐sorbitol was consistently lower than for algae growing at pH 7.0 and exposed at this pH (P < 0.001). The ratio of the FDA hydrolysis rate measured at pH 7.0 with respect to the rate measured at pH 5.5 (both in the presence of DDC) correlated with the ratio of the Cd(DDC)20 initial internalization rate constant obtained at pH 7.0 versus that obtained at pH 5.5 (three algae species, n = 9, r = 0.85, P = 0.004). Our results strongly suggest that acidification affects metal availability to algae not only by proton inhibition of facilitated metal uptake but also by affecting membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Biosolids (B) may contain various types of environmental pollutants, which can exert phytotoxic effects in plants. The effect of aqueous extracts on seed germination and the primary root growth of discaria (Discaria americana) obtained from different soil-application rates of B and a mixture of B and incinerated B were investigated. The objective was to evaluate the potential use of discaria for the stabilization of B-amended soils. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was used for comparison. Compared to ryegrass, relative seed germination (RSG) was significantly lower for discaria. RSG of discaria and rye grass was inversely correlated to the electrical conductivity of extracts, although a significant adverse effect was only observed for ryegrass with the highest dose of the mixture of B and incinerated B. This dose also produced a reduction in the germination index of discaria, which could not be correlated with the parameters studied. The B extracts did not exert any significant adverse effect on the relative root growth of both species. An increase in relative root growth and germination index was observed for discaria with a field application rate equivalent of 156 t DW ha?1 of B, suggesting a stimulating effect of the amendment. The results obtained in this study suggest that germinated seedlings of discaria might be used for the stabilization of B-amended soils. However, further greenhouse and field experiments should be performed to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

六种植物对Pb的吸收与耐性研究   总被引:107,自引:0,他引:107       下载免费PDF全文
 为了选择和筛选重金属Pb的耐性与富集植物,在温室砂培盆栽条件下对铅锌尾矿区附近生长的6种植物(山野豌豆(Vicia amoena Fisch)、草木樨(Melilotus suavena Ledeb)、披碱草(Elymus dahuricus Turca)、酸模(Rumex acetosa)、紫苜蓿(Medicago sativa)和羽叶鬼针草(Bidens maximowicziana Oett))体内Pb的含量与分布、重金属Pb的迁移总量、根系的耐性指数做了研究;拟定了6种植物对Pb的耐性临  相似文献   

Estimates of the timing of divergence are central to testing the underlying causes of speciation. Relaxed molecular clocks and fossil calibration have improved these estimates; however, these advances are implemented in the context of gene trees, which can overestimate divergence times. Here we couple recent innovations for dating speciation events with the analytical power of species trees, where multilocus data are considered in a coalescent context. Divergence times are estimated in the bird genus Aphelocoma to test whether speciation in these jays coincided with mountain uplift or glacial cycles. Gene trees and species trees show general agreement that diversification began in the Miocene amid mountain uplift. However, dates from the multilocus species tree are more recent, occurring predominately in the Pleistocene, consistent with theory that divergence times can be significantly overestimated with gene‐tree based approaches that do not correct for genetic divergence that predates speciation. In addition to coalescent stochasticity, Haldane's rule could account for some differences in timing estimates between mitochondrial DNA and nuclear genes. By incorporating a fossil calibration applied to the species tree, in addition to the process of gene lineage coalescence, the present approach provides a more biologically realistic framework for dating speciation events, and hence for testing the links between diversification and specific biogeographic and geologic events.  相似文献   

西双版纳茶林及橡胶林区鸟类调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
1983年5—7月,作者对云南省西双版纳的勐海、勐养和勐腊三个地区的茶林和橡胶林区的鸟类区系组成情况进行了调查,其结果若与开发前(郑作新、郑宝赉,1961,1962;A.И.伊万诺夫,1961)的记录对照,在季节时间上有所不同,但该地区的热带雨林和季雨林被开垦种植为茶林、橡胶林及其它经济作物之后,反映出各林区现在的繁殖鸟种类减少很多,鸟类区系组成情况有显著的变化。  相似文献   

广东黑石顶常绿阔叶林生物量及其分配的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用标准木和回归分析法(乔木层)及样方收获法(灌木层、草本层)研究了黑石顶自然保护区南亚热带常绿阔叶林的生物量及其分配规律。1.四种回归模型:(a)Y=a+bX,(b)Y=aXb,(c)Y=acbx,(d)Y=a+blnX都能成功地应用于该森林的生物量研究,但一般以(b)及(c)的相关系数较高。对较大胸径的样木组(D≥10cm)直线方程是唯一显著的模型。2.森林总生物量为357.976t·ha-1,其中树干223.017(62.30%),枝45.834(12.80%),叶15.609(4.36%),根(D≤3mm的细根除外1))73.517(20.54%)。生物量绝大部分集中于乔木层(353.520t·ha-1,98.76%)。总生物量及树干生物量随高度分布呈金字塔形,而枝的生物量相反。叶生物量以15m以上的林冠层比例较大,但林下层仍有相当比例,反映了森林结构的复杂性。叶面积指数为17.1。生物量径级分布显示出正态分布特点。3,地上部分生物量和总生物量分别是树干生物量的1.27倍和1.60倍。对其他热带亚热带森林分析也得到相似的结果。  相似文献   

海南五针松人工林分生物量的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 本文是对海拔930m的17年生海南五针松(Pinus fanzeliana)人工林分生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究。按平均标准木法和样方收获法分别调查了乔木层,灌木层,草本地被物层和枯枝落叶层。据调查数,建立了估测乔木层单株林木各器官干重的回归方程。方程的相关系数和估测精度都较高,具有参考价值.分析结果表明:林分总生物量平均为161.152t/ha,生产力为10630.69kg/(ha·a),其中:乔木层生物量为149.351t/ha,生产力为11095kg/(ha·a),叶面积为199248.734m2/ha,叶面积指数为19.9149m2/m2。  相似文献   

An investigation into the phylogenetic variation of plant tolerance and the root and shoot uptake of organic contaminants was undertaken. The aim was to determine if particular families or genera were tolerant of, or accumulated organic pollutants. Data were collected from sixty-nine studies. The variation between experiments was accounted for using a residual maximum likelihood analysis to approximate means for individual taxa. A nested ANOVA was subsequently used to determine differences at a number of differing phylogenetic levels. Significant differences were observed at a number of phylogenetic levels for the tolerance to TPH, the root concentration factor and the shoot concentration factor. There was no correlation between the uptake of organic pollutants and that of heavy metals. The data indicate that plant phylogeny is an important influence on both the plant tolerance and uptake of organic pollutants. If this study can be expanded, such information can be used when designing plantings for phytoremediation or risk reduction during the restoration of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton deal with metal toxicity using a variety of biochemical strategies. One of the strategies involves glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs), which are metal‐binding thiol peptides produced by eukaryotes and these compounds have been related to several intracellular functions, including metal detoxification, homeostasis, metal resistance and protection against oxidative stress. This paper assesses our state of knowledge on the production of PCs and GSH by marine phytoplankton in laboratory and field conditions and the possible applications of PCs for environmental purposes. Good relationships have been observed between metal exposure and PC production in phytoplankton in the laboratory with Cd, Pb, and Zn showing the greatest efficacy, thereby indicating that PCs have a potential for application as a biomarker. Fewer studies on PC distributions in particulate material have been undertaken in the field. These studies show that free Cu has a strong relationship with the levels of PC in the particulate material. The reason for this could be because Cu is a common contaminant in coastal waters. However it could also be due to the lack of measurements of other metals and their speciation. GSH shows a more complex relationship to metal levels both in the laboratory and in the field. This is most likely due to its multifunctionality. However, there is evidence that phytoplankton act as an important source of dissolved GSH in marine waters, which may form part of the strong organic ligands that control metal speciation, and hence metal toxicity.  相似文献   

落叶松落叶前后重金属元素内外迁移循环规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
余国营  吴燕玉 《生态学报》1998,18(2):203-209
供试元素在落叶松各部位的含量和贮量顺序为Zn〉Cu〉As〉Pb〉Cd,并与环境中相应元素浓度呈正相关。元素的迁移主要发生在叶和枝、干、根之间,落叶时叶中6%的Zn迁移到枝、干中,且贮量均有增加,存在明显的内循环,占总循环量的25%;Cu、Pb、Cd、As主要为外循环,其循环量占总贮量的20% ̄71%,循环率分别为30%、68%、27%和23%。  相似文献   

比较研究了紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)和飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)的形态、生物量分配、生长和光合特性对氮营养的可塑性反应,探讨其与入侵性的关系。结果表明:1) 两种入侵植物对氮营养变化表现出很高的可塑性。随供氮量的增加,两种植物的根冠比、根生物量比降低,叶生物量比(LMR)、叶面积比和叶根比升高。低氮时,增加吸收器官的生物量分配,有利于养分吸收;高氮时,更多的生物量投入同化器官,有利于碳积累。相比之下紫茎泽兰对氮素的适应性更强。2) 两种入侵植物偏好较高的氮营养环境,土壤氮含量升高利于紫茎泽兰和飞机草的入侵。在较大的氮范围内,其相对生长速率(RGR)、总生物量、株高、分枝数、叶面积指数、最大净光合速率和光合色素含量都随供氮量的增加而显著增加,过量氮素对上述参数的抑制不显著。在本地种基本停止生长的干季,紫茎泽兰和飞机草仍维持较高的RGR,这与它们的入侵性密切相关。3) 在决定RGR对氮营养的响应过程中,平均叶面积比和净同化速率同等重要。LMR对两种植物的RGR有重要的影响,是决定处理间和种间RGR差异的重要因素。随氮素的增加,紫茎泽兰的比叶面积(SLA)降低,飞机草的SLA升高,但在所有氮水平下,前者的SLA都高于后者,紫茎泽兰SLA的变化规律更利于植物适应氮环境。  相似文献   

The effectr of phosphate starvation and subsequent uptake on distribution and concentration of phosphate metabolic intermediates and metals were studied in Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada by 31P-NMR spectroscopy, neutron activation analysis and ESR spectroscopy. Excess orthophosphate (4.5 μM Pi, as NaH2PO4) added to a medium with P-depleted H. akashiwo cells was rapidly taken up resulting in an increase in P cell quota (qp)from 68.2 to 99.6 fmol. cell-1in 2 h and to 156.3 fmol. cell-1in 6 h. After three days, qp approached about 190 fmol. cell?1. Polyphosphate (PPi) rapidly increased from 0 to 11.4 fmol· cell?1in 2 h and to 24.7 fmol·cell?1in 6 h. Diel variation of cell quota indicated that cellular Pi increase was synchronized with cellular PPi decrease and vice versa. The average chain length of PPi increased from ca. 0 to ca. 10.2 phosphate residues in 2 h after addition of Pi and one day later, from ca. 9.8 to ca. 12.5. The cell quota of Mn (qMn), and to a lesser extent Co, increased rapidly from 4.87 fg. cell?1in the P- starved condition to 50.48 fg·cell?12 h afer addition of Pi but decreased to 8.63 fg. Cell?1by 6 h. Concentrations of Zn, As, Hf, Cu and sometimes Al, Mg, K, and Ca changed in a manner opposite to that of Mn and Co. The excretion of these cations, which was synchronized with the uptake of Mn and Co, may be important for a charge balancing in the cells. The ESR spectra showed that the high cellular Mn observed at 2 h after P addition was Mn2+which was taken up by the cells rather than adsorbed on the cell surface. These data combined with PPi data suggested that the behavior of qMn is synchronized with the behavior of average chain length of PPi.  相似文献   

We measured maximum ammonium uptake rates of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson and the blue-green alga Microcystis novacekii (Kom.) Comp. grown in nitrogen (ammonium)–limited chemostats. Maximum uptake rates per cellular carbon were larger in S. quadricauda than in M. novacekii. These rates increased with increased specific growth rates. Maximum uptake rates per cellular nitrogen were also larger in S. quadricauda than in M. novacekii. The maximum uptake rates per cellular nitrogen were nearly constant against increased cellular N:C ratios under nitrogen-limited conditions. The higher maximum uptake rates indicate that S. quadricauda had higher uptake abilities for ammonium than M. novacekii when grown under nitrogen limitation. We examined the competition between both species under two distinct nutrient supply modes, using measured maximum uptake values and computer simulations. Microcystis novacekii prevailed in the small-pulse, high-frequency nutrient supply mode, whereas S. quadricauda became competitively superior in the large-pulse, low-frequency nutrient supply mode. These results indicate that we could control nuisance blooms of blue-green algae in lakes and reservoirs by changing the nutrient supply modes.  相似文献   

Flower, fruit and immature seed abortion was studied in seven self-incompatible species of trees in a tropical lowland semideciduous forest. The species showed considerable variability in fruit and seed set and the rate at which flowers and fruits were aborted. The amount of flower and fruit abortion also varied over time within species. Small samples of open-pollinated flowers in three species showed adequate amounts of pollen on the stigma, but it could not be determined whether the pollen was compatible or incompatible. In a species with multiseeded fruits, the aborted fruits contained significantly fewer seeds than those retained on the plant. Position of fruit within the inflorescence and of seed within the ovary also had a marked effect on abortion: fruits and seeds at certain positions had a higher probability of abortion than those at other positions. Experiments to test the effect of pollen source on abortion were inconclusive. The factors underlying abortions were evaluated in the context of three mutually non-exclusive hypotheses. It is concluded that selection for increased pollen dispersal and uncertainty in paternity of the zygotes are major factors underlying abortions.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of the application of fly ash (FA) into Garden soil (GS), with and without inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB), on the growth and metal uptake by Zea mays plants. Three FA tolerant PGPB strains, Pseudomonas sp. PS5, PS14, and Bacillus sp. BC29 were isolated from FA contaminated soils and assessed for their plant growth promoting features on the Z. mays plants. All three strains were also examined for their ability to solubilize phosphate and to produce Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), siderophores, and hydrogencynide acid (HCN) production. Although inoculation of all strains significantly enhanced the growth of plants at both the concentration of FA but maximum growth was observed in plants inoculated with BC29 and PS14 at low level (25%) of FA concentration. The experimental results explored the plant growth promoting features of selected strains which not only enhanced growth and biomass of plants but also protected them from toxicity of FA.  相似文献   

按离路基不同距离采集土壤、麦苗和籽粒样品, 在测定样品重金属 (Pb、Cd、Zn、Cr和Cu) 的基础上, 开展了路旁土壤-小麦系统重金属分布、积累和污染状况分析, 并对膳食小麦 (Triticumaestivum) 引起的健康风险进行了评价。结果表明:1) 土壤-小麦系统重金属含量随着离开路基距离的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势, 土壤重金属含量>麦苗重金属含量>籽粒重金属含量。2) 麦苗和小麦籽粒对土壤重金属富集能力的大小顺序均为Cu>Cd>Zn>Pb>Cr, 麦苗对重金属的富集能力大于小麦籽粒。3) 膳食小麦所致的Cd个人健康风险较大。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高与氮沉降增加对陆地生态系统的耦合作用已成为全球变化的研究热点。应用大型开顶箱 (OTC) 人工控制手段研究了人工生态系统在1) 高CO2 (700±20μmol·mol-1) +高氮沉降 (100kg N·hm-2·a-1) (CN) ;2) 高CO2 (700±20μmol·mol-1) +背景氮沉降 (C+) ;3) 高氮沉降 (100kg N·hm-2·a-1) +背景CO2 (N+) ;4) 背景CO2+背景氮沉降处理 (CK) 4种处理条件下荷木 (Schima superba) 、红锥 (Castanopsis hystrix) 、海南红豆 (Ormosia pinnata) 、肖蒲桃 (Acmena acuminatissima) 、红鳞蒲桃 (Syzygium hancei) 等主要南亚热带森林植物的生物量积累模式及其分配格局。连续近3年的实验结果表明:不同处理条件下, 各参试植物生物量积累具有不同的响应特征, N+处理显著促进荷木、肖蒲桃及红鳞蒲桃生物量的积累;C+处理显著促进肖蒲桃、海南红豆生物量的积累;CN处理显著促进除红锥外其他物种生物量的积累, 并且具有两者单独处理的叠加效应。不同处理改变物种生物量的分配模式, N+处理降低植物的根冠比, 促进地上部分生物量的积累;C+处理增加红锥和红鳞蒲桃地下部分生物量的分配, 却促进荷木和海南红豆地上部分的积累;CN处理仅促进红磷蒲桃地下部分的积累。群落生物量的积累与分配格局取决于优势物种的生物量及其分配格局在群落中所 占的权重。  相似文献   

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