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Successful treatment of torticollis with electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback has been reported in a number of single case and single group studies. The present investigation represents the first controlled outcome study. Twelve torticollis patients were randomly assigned to EMG biofeedback or relaxation training and graded neck exercises (RGP). The procedure involved three sessions of baseline assessment, 15 sessions of EMG BF or RGP, 6 sessions of EMG BF or RGP plus home-management, 6 sessions of home-management alone, and follow-up 3 months after the end of treatment. A variety of outcome measures were used including physiological (EMG from the two sternocleidomastoid muscles, skin conductance level), behavioral (angle of head deviation, range of movement of the head), and self-report (depression, functional disability, body concept), therapist and significant other reports and independent observer assessment of videos. In both groups, neck muscle activity was reduced from pre- to posttreatment. This reduction was greater in the EMG biofeedback group. There was evidence of feedback-specific neck muscle relaxation in the EMG biofeedback group. Therefore, the outcome was not due to nonspecific factors and could be attributed to feedback-specific effects. Changes in skin conductance level showed that neck muscle relaxation was not simply mediated by a general reduction of arousal. Significant improvements of extent of head deviation, and range of movement of the head, as well as reductions of depression were present, which were not different in the two groups. At the end of treatment, no patient was asymptomatic. Any therapeutic benefit was generally maintained at follow-up. The results and the procedural simplicity of RGP make the issue of cost-efficacy of EMG biofeedback a pertinent one. Further controlled outcome studies of EMG biofeedback treatment of torticollis with larger samples are required.This work was funded by grants from the Medical Research Council and the Dystonia Society.  相似文献   

The self-regulation literature contains very few reports of negative side-effects stemming from biofeedback training. Nevertheless, the case reported here is unique in that immediately following each of several early EMG feedback sessions, an otherwise headache-free patient reported an acute attack of headache and nausea. These attacks, the conditions under which they appeared, and the conditions leading to their remission will be described. Discussion will focus on the possible physiological mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Factors that may confound comparisons between electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback training and its control conditions include feedback quality and experience of success. We investigated the usefulness of a control procedure designed to overcome these potential sources of confounding. The procedure consisted of training muscle tension stability. We used it as a control for frontal EMG relaxation training in children with asthma. To equate the groups for feedback quality and experience of success, we gave each child in the control condition audio feedback decreasing in pitch when muscle tension was at or near baseline levels, and feedback increasing in pitch when muscle tension was either substantially above or below baseline levels. Children in both groups were instructed to decrease the pitch of the tone. In comparison to children in the relaxation condition, the children in the control condition exhibited stable levels of muscle tension throughout eight training sessions. We concluded that feedback for stable muscle tension may be a useful control procedure for EMG biofeedback training whenever experimental and control procedures differ in either feedback quality of degree to which they permit subjects to experience success.  相似文献   

EMG biofeedback from the frontal area (FFB) was compared to EMG biofeedback from the neck (NFB) in the treatment of chronic muscle-contraction headache. Both treatment groups (N=10) evidenced significant decreases in reported headache activity, with the NFB group also significantly reducing medication consumption. An analysis of EMG changes suggested that subjects were able to produce large within-session changes in EMG activity during initial sessions, with the major effect of additional training being an increase in speed with which these changes occurred. In neither group, however, did changes in EMG activity correspond closely to changes in reported headache activity.  相似文献   

Factors that may confound comparisons between electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback training and its control conditions include feedback quality and experience of success. We investigated the usefulness of a control procedure designed to overcome these potential sources of confounding. The procedure consisted of training muscle tension stability. We used it as a control for frontal EMG relaxation training in children with asthma. To equate the groups for feedback quality and experience of success, we gave each child in the control condition audio feedback decreasing in pitch when muscle tension was at or near baseline levels, and feedback increasing in pitch when muscle tension was either substantially above or below baseline levels. Children in both groups were instructed to decrease the pitch of the tone. In comparison to children in the relaxation condition, the children in the control condition exhibited stable levels of muscle tension throughout eight training sessions. We concluded that feedback for stable muscle tension may be a useful control procedure for EMG biofeedback training whenever experimental and control procedures differ in either feedback quality of degree to which they permit subjects to experience success.This research was supported by NIH-Grant HL 27402. We are grateful to Paul Schnitter who constructed the EMG stability feedback device.  相似文献   

The present study utilized EMG biofeedback in the treatment of functional bladder-sphincter dyssynergia, a learned incoordination of bladder and urethral sphincter activity during voiding. The condition is usually associated with a history of painful urination due to bladder infections, surgery, or harsh toilet training. The subject was an 8-year-old girl with chronic diurnal urinary frequency, urge incontinence, and nocturnal enuresis. Treatment consisted of intensive instruction in alternately tensing and relaxing her lower pelvic musculature, as well as relaxing during voiding. These exercises were accompanied by EMG biofeedback from perianal and perivaginal surface electrode sites. Home practice consisted of the tense-relax exercise, relaxation during voiding, and self-monitoring and record-keeping. There were 17 sessions over a period of 9 months. No medication was used. Marked reduction (to normal levels) in diurnal urgency and frequency occurred by the 3rd week of therapy, and complete recovery of normal function, including nocturnal continence without waking, occurred by the 13th therapy session, 5 months after therapy began. Follow-up 1 year after therapy revealed that these gains were being maintained. Pre- and posttherapy urodynamic studies corroborated the achievement of normal urinary function.  相似文献   

The self-regulation literature contains very few reports of negative side-effects stemming from biofeedback training. Nevertheless, the case reported here is unique in that immediately following each of several early EMG feedback sessions, an otherwise headache-free patient reported an acute attack of headache and nausea. These attacks, the conditions under which they appeared, and the conditions leading to their remission will be described. Discussion will focus on the possible physiological mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Blepharospasm is a chronic condition characterized by involuntary spasmodic closure of the eyelid(s). The present investigation empirically evaluated the relative efficacies of a current pharmacological and a psychological approach in the treatment of blepharospasm. An A-B-A-C-A single-case design was used to compare trihexyphenidyl [Artane] with EMG biofeedback. EMG activity in the frontalis muscle and number of eyeblinks were the dependent variables. The results indicated that Artane had no effect on either dependent measure and that biofeedback had a dramatic treatment effect on both dependent variables. Treatment gains were maintained at a 42-week follow-up. These results are discussed in light of the methodological considerations, the efficacy of psychological intervention, and the need for future research.  相似文献   

Five young adults received audio biofeedback training to reduce trapezius EMG levels while they engaged in reading in an office, seated at a table. A multiple-baseline-across subjects design was employed in two separate studies. After training, all subjects demonstrated reduced EMG levels while reading in a home or library setting. The first study suggested that subjects reduced EMG levels by minimizing movements and altering their postures; the second study systematically demonstrated changes in such behavior, which was correlated with EMG levels. The data provide evidence that EMG biofeedback resulted in response generalization across several motoric classes, and in stimulus generalization from the training setting to the natural environment. The importance of assessing generalization is discussed.  相似文献   

Five young adults received audio biofeedback training to reduce trapezius EMG levels while they engaged in reading in an office, seated at a table. A multiple-baseline-across subjects design was employed in two separate studies. After training, all subjects demonstrated reduced EMG levels while reading in a home or library setting. The first study suggested that subjects reduced EMG levels by minimizing movements and altering their postures; the second study systematically demonstrated changes in such behavior, which was correlated with EMG levels. The data provide evidence that EMG biofeedback resulted in response generalization across several motoric classes, and in stimulus generalization from the training setting to the natural environment. The importance of assessing generalization is discussed.  相似文献   

An elderly hemiplegic patient participating in an EMG biofeedback training program was observed to produce a synergistic flexion movement of the plegic (determined by functional evaluations) upper limb while yawning. In the course of the training sessions the electrical activity of the anterior deltoid (the target muscle) was recorded during yawning. These peak EMG values were greatly facilitated in comparison with the session mean peak values obtained during an attempted maximum voluntary isometric contraction (shoulder flexion) of the same limb (e.g., Trial 1: 85.00 vs. 4.33 microV). The possibility of yawning as a confounding variable in EMG biofeedback studies is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Underlying most research on biofeedback learning is a theoretical model of the processes involved. The current study tested a prediction from the Awareness Model: High initial EMG awareness should facilitate response control during EMG biofeedback training. Seventy-two undergraduates were assessed for forehead EMG awareness by asking them to produce target responses from 1.0 to 5.0 µV every 15 s for 16 trials. Based on this assessment, two groups (high and low awareness) were trained for 64 trials to produce these target levels with either EMG biofeedback, practice (no feedback), or noncontingent EMG feedback. A transfer task was identical to the initial assessment. During training, the biofeedback group deviated less from target than the practice and noncontingent groups. The biofeedback group was the only group to improve from initial EMG awareness activity. During transfer, only the low awareness biofeedback group remained below initial EMG awareness level. These findings can be interpreted in terms of the Two-Process Model.  相似文献   

A case is described in which a juvenile-onset insulin-requiring diabetic was given frontalis EMG biofeedback. For 6 years prior to biofeedback training, the subject had been healthy and stable on 22–24 units regular insulin injected once daily. During 8 weeks of standard feedback training for relaxation of frontalis muscle activity, the subject twice reduced her daily insulin dosages. At the end of 8 weeks, the subject was receiving 17–18 units regular insulin daily but was still unstable, sometimes being hyperglycemic, sometimes hypoglycemic. Because of disturbing symptoms associated with this instability, biofeedback was discontinued for 6 months, at which time the subject was again healthy and stable on the equivalent of 18–19 units regular insulin daily. After this period, biofeedback was again given for 1 week, but the subject again became highly unstable and biofeedback was permanently stopped. Caution is suggested when dealing with diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Blepharospasm is a chronic condition characterized by involuntary spasmodic closure of the eyelid(s). The present investigation empirically evaluated the relative efficacies of a current pharmacological and a psychological approach in the treatment of blepharospasm. An A-B-A-C-A single-case design was used to compare trihexyphenidyl [Artane] with EMG biofeedback. EMG activity in the frontalis muscle and number of eyeblinks were the dependent variables. The results indicated that Artane had no effect on either dependent measure and that biofeedback had a dramatic treatment effect on both dependent variables. Treatment gains were maintained at a 42-week follow-up. These results are discussed in light of the methodological considerations, the efficacy of psychological intervention, and the need for future research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of performance feedback and EMG biofeedback on perceptions of the self (i.e., self-esteem, self-control, self-efficacy, and locus of control) as well as on a self-control behavior (study skills) the subjects performed outside the laboratory. Forty-seven college students were randomly assigned to one of four groups in a 2(high and low success feedback) × 2(true and false EMG biofeedback) factorial experiment with repeated measures. All of the participants received four sessions of EMG biofeedback, and later they were asked to self-monitor their study habits for 2 weeks. Results showed that the self-esteem measure and perceptions of study skills improvement were differentially affected by success feedback but unrelated to the true or false EMG manipulation. Shifts toward an internal locus of control and perceptions of improved self-control were also noted, but they were independent of the subjects' group membership. Implication of the results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In an effort to study the role of cognitive skills training in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, two single-case design experiments were conducted to assess the relative effectiveness of biofeedback procedures and cognitive coping techniques in the alleviation of tension headaches. For both subjects, biofeedback training influenced mean frontalis EMG levels, although such changes were not associated with concomitant reductions in headache activity. It was the presence or absence of cognitive skills training, however, that determined whether each subject reported changes in headache levels. These results suggest that a more efficient treatment approach for tension headaches would involve an increased emphasis on the modification of maladaptive cognitive activity. The present findings support the general view that a comprehensive approach in the treatment of stress-related disorders requires a concomitant focus on the cognitive, behavioral, and affective dimensions of the symptom. It was also suggested that biofeedback technology may be a useful tool for studying the physiological consequences of particular cognitive processes and in identifying particular cognitions with anxiety-provoking properties.  相似文献   

Noncontingent feedback is frequently used as a placebo control procedure in biofeedback research. Researchers, however, have criticized this procedure for lacking credibility because of easy detection. The present study examined detection of false feedback in biofeedback with EMG. Contingent feedback (CF), truly random false feedback (FF), and controlled false feedback (CFF) groups were compared for changes in EMG levels, report of inaccurate feedback, and report of learning muscle activity reduction. The results indicated that FF procedures are easily detected; therefore, difference found between the FF and CF groups may be influenced by extraneous variables. The CFF group did not detect false feedback, but subjects reported some suspicions in later trials. With more trials, CFF may have also been detected. These results indicate a need for more attention to appropriate placebo control procedures in evaluating the parameters and efficacy of biofeedback.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of EMG biofeedback training for tension headache has been well established. Previous studies evaluating changes in an average EMG activity score from pre- to posttreatment have not consistently found a relationship between a reduction in average EMG activity and headache improvement at posttreatment. The current study is a preliminary analysis of the utility of EMG variance as another possible mechanism of change. Frontalis EMG average activity and variances from 6 chronic tension-type headache sufferers who demonstrated significant improvement in headache activity at posttreatment (at least 70%) and 6 chronic tension-type headache sufferers who did not demonstrate improvement (less than 30%) were examined across 6 sessions of biofeedback treatment. The improved group demonstrated larger time-specific EMG variance in relation to mean EMG amplitudes during all treatment sessions. A dramatic decline in time-specific variance was observed during the later treatment sessions for improved participants; this pattern was not observed in the group who demonstrated little or no improvement. Results from the current study suggest that the inclusion of both average EMG activity and EMG variance may provide a more comprehensive measure to evaluate possible physiological changes responsible for improvement in headache activity following EMG biofeedback training.  相似文献   

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