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抗逆,高产玉米杂交种陕资1号的稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以两年全国北方夏灭迹主区试资料,用Eberhart法、Tai及变异系数法对陕资1号进行稳定性分析。分析结果与区试、生产示范的实际情况吻合,充分表明陕资1号产高、稳定性好,抗逆性强,适应范围广,是具有一定发展前任的优良杂种。  相似文献   

气候变暖对高寒阴湿地区春小麦生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用甘肃省岷县农业气象观测站1987—2004年的观测资料,探讨了气候变暖对高寒阴湿雨养农业区春小麦生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明:近18年来该地区气候变化呈明显的暖干化趋势,并且变暖的幅度和速率远远大于全国近50年的平均值,春小麦对气候变暖的响应表现在生长期缩短、产量增加;春小麦整个生长过程中,温度升高对各发育阶段的影响不完全一致,各阶段变暖对产量及产量构成要素的影响也存在差异,开花-乳熟期的温度增加和产量的相关性最大,达到极显著水平(P<0.01);出苗-拔节期、开花-成熟期的温度增加以及拔节-孕穗期的温度降低,是引起每穗籽粒数增加而不孕小穗率减少,最终导致产量增加的直接原因;春小麦生长期间日平均气温每升高1 ℃,生长期缩短约9.2 d,产量增加约26.2%;预计随着未来气候进一步变暖该地区的春小麦生长发育和产量将会继续受到影响。  相似文献   

利用甘肃省岷县农业气象观测站1987--2004年的观测资料,探讨了气候变暖对高寒阴湿雨养农业区春小麦生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明:近18年来该地区气候变化呈明显的暖干化趋势,并且变暖的幅度和速率远远大于全国近50年的平均值,春小麦对气候变暖的响应表现在生长期缩短、产量增加;春小麦整个生长过程中,温度升高对各发育阶段的影响不完全一致,各阶段变暖对产量及产量构成要素的影响也存在差异,开花.乳熟期的温度增加和产量的相关性最大,达到极显著水平(P〈0.01);出苗-拔节期、开花.成熟期的温度增加以及拔节-孕穗期的温度降低,是引起每穗籽粒数增加而不孕小穗率减少,最终导致产量增加的直接原因;春小麦生长期间日平均气温每升高1℃,生长期缩短约9.2d,产量增加约26.2%;预计随着未来气候进一步变暖该地区的春小麦生长发育和产量将会继续受到影响。  相似文献   

8个合成群体改良玉米杂交种郑单958的育种潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米群体含有有利等位基因, 可作为改良杂交种的优异种质。针对持续改良我国主要玉米杂交种郑单958产量性状和商品品质的需求, 文章以8个合成群体为供体, 郑单958亲本自交系为受体, 组配16个测交组合。2009和2010年分别在北京顺义和河南新乡测量产量和籽粒容重。4个遗传参数评价显示, 合成群体可以作为新的有利等位基因供体改良杂交种性状, 其中WBMC-4和陕综3号两个群体具有同时改良杂交种产量和籽粒容重的潜力, 可分别用于改良亲本自交系郑58和昌7-2, 以及拓宽我国主要玉米类群PA和四平头的种质基础。  相似文献   

南斯拉夫玉米自交系改良我国优良杂交种的遗传潜势研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李玉玲  王畅 《遗传》2005,27(4):611-616
以9个引进南斯拉夫玉米自交系为母本、11个分属于不同优势类群的8个优良杂交种的亲本自交系为父本,组配107个杂交组合,采用Dudley方法分析了利用南斯拉夫自交系改良我国优良杂交种产量的遗传潜势、利用方法及改良的主要穗粒性状。结果表明,引进自交系具有较高的间接利用价值,9801、9802、9803、9805、9807、9808、9809可以分别通过改良不同亲本自交系的不同穗粒性状提高各杂交种的产量水平。具体改良效果还有待通过进一步的育种实践予以印证。  相似文献   

当今世界工农业生产迅速发展,人口急剧增加,对能源的消耗也与日俱增。因此大气层中的 CO_2浓度不断升高。有专家预计,到21世纪后期,全球的 CO_2浓度将会升高一倍。伴随着 CO_2浓度的升高,全球的气温也将升高5—6℃。随着大气和温度的变化,其他气候因子也会发生相应变化,这些都将给植物生长发育带来预想不到的影响。因此 CO_2浓度  相似文献   

赵曼  郭线茹  李为争  罗梅浩  闫凤鸣 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4707-4714
玉米蚜Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)是为害玉米的重要害虫.为评价不同玉米品种(系)对玉米蚜生长发育的适合性,从而为抗性品种(系)的鉴定及其抗性机制分析提供依据,在室内条件下,组建了玉米蚜实验种群在8个玉米品种(系)上的特定时间生命表.结果表明:玉米蚜1龄若虫在供试的4个玉米品种郑单958、浚单20、先玉335和良玉88上的发育历期长于供试的4个自交系87-1、濮改340-1-1、旱21和齐319,其中良玉88和先玉335与4个自交系之间差异显著;成蚜寿命和世代历期在4个自交系上较长;4个供试玉米品种上各虫龄的存活率显著小于4个自交系;成蚜产蚜量在各品种(系)间也存在显著差异,以取食齐319品系时最大,平均产蚜量64.4头,其次是濮改340-1-1,为56.53头,以取食浚单20时最小,只有19.93头.生命表参数表明,玉米蚜在供试的玉米品种(系)上均能繁殖,但与4个玉米自交系相比,玉米蚜在4个玉米品种上的种群净增殖率R0、内禀增长率rm和周限增长率λ均减小或显著减小,而平均世代周期和种群加倍时间则延长,说明供试的4个玉米品种对玉米蚜生长发育和繁殖均有不利影响.  相似文献   

低锌和缺锌对玉米生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以玉米沈单10号为材料,用溶液培养的方法研究了缺锌、低锌和正常供锌对玉米生长发育的影响,进一步明确了一定量低锌比缺锌对玉米的伤害更大,并对其POD、SOD、CAT同工酶谱及蛋白质表达进行了分析、结果表明:一定浓度的低锌培养使玉米生长受抑及受害最重,且地上部分比地下部分更敏感。低锌和缺锌处理时3种同工酶的酶谱和蛋白表达与正常供锌时均有明显的差异,尤其在一定量低锌浓度时,有些同工酶的表达增强或被特异性诱导,而另一些酶的合成受阻;低锌和缺锌处理都诱导出了新的蛋白组分,也缺失了部分蛋白组分,且低锌比缺锌时缺失的蛋白组分更多。这些变化可能与玉米生长发育及受害密切相关。  相似文献   

根区湿润方式对玉米根系生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将厚塑料紧密地固定在盆栽试验用桶壁和底的中央,玉米种子播种于厚塑料布的正上方,在均匀灌水、固定部分根区灌水和根系分区交替灌水3种方式下,分期测定两个1/2根区根系的长度、面积、干重以及单位面积的平均根长和比根长,研究不同根区根系的生长发育特征。结果表明,处理40d时,与其他根区相比,固定灌水非灌水区的比根长和单位面积平均根长明显增大,说明土壤水分减少使根系直径变小。根面积、长度以及干重的增长速率均表现为,处理0~5d内,与均匀灌水及其非灌水区相比,两种局部灌水的灌水区均显著增大;处理10~15d内,交替灌水的灌水区较其他根区明显增大,固定灌水的灌水区与均匀灌水相近。固定灌水时,灌水区根系的面积、长度、干重及其增长速率较之非灌水区显著增大;交替灌水时,两个根区的增长速率呈交替变化,其绝对数值随时间延长趋于相同。表明交替灌水不仅可刺激供水区根系的补偿生长,而且对恢复供水区也有补偿效应,并能够促使不同根区的根系均衡发展。  相似文献   

外源有机酸对玉米磷吸收及其生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米品种郑单958为材料,通过施加外源有机酸的盆栽试验方法,设置了土壤中不施磷肥和有机酸(CKo)、仅施磷肥(CKP)、施柠檬酸(Tca)、施苹果酸(Tma)和施草酸(Toa)处理,研究外源有机酸对玉米生长过程中的磷素吸收及其生长发育的影响.结果显示:(1)3种外源有机酸均可显著提高土壤中速效磷含量和磷素利用效率,Tca、Tma和Toa处理玉米根际土壤的速效磷含量分别为CKo的2.25、1.96和2.04倍,且各处理间的磷素利用效率依次为:CKp>Tca>Tma>Toa>CKo.(2)在拔节期、抽雄期和成熟期,Tca处理玉米的磷素利用效率依次为CKo的1.16、1.05和1.04倍.(3)3种外源有机酸均可显著提高玉米根系体积和根系活力、单株玉米的氮磷钾的累积量、玉米的生物量及相对籽粒产量.研究表明,外源柠檬酸、苹果酸和草酸均可显著提高玉米根际土壤中固态磷的溶解,促进植株体内营养元素的累积,保证植物生长发育的需要,从而提高玉米的生物量和产量;并以外源柠檬酸处理对玉米磷吸收及其生长发育效果最好.  相似文献   

弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:54,自引:5,他引:54  
以不同基因型玉米为材料,在玉米生长发育的3个主要阶段(苗期、穗期、粒期)进行分期遮光试验,研究不同时期弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明,遮光延缓了玉米叶片的出生速度,使叶片变薄;遮光可以延缓叶片的衰老,但遮光解除后则加速叶片的衰老;遮光造成植株高度增加,但恢复正常光照后,其株高却逐渐低于对照;遮光使干物质积累下降,抽雄吐丝日期推迟,尤其是吐丝日期推迟更多,并使产量降低,但不同基因型玉米不同遮光处理下降程度不同。试验的4个品种中,掖单2 2和豫玉2号受遮光影响较小,而掖单36 38和丹玉13受影响较大,即不同基因型玉米对弱光胁迫的敏感性不同  相似文献   

In previous papers we found that the frequency of B chromosomes in native races of maize varies considerably in different populations. Moreover, we found genotypes that control high and low transmission rates (TR) of B chromosomes in the Pisingallo race. In the present work crosses were made to determine whether the genes controlling B-TR are located on the normal chromosome set (As) or on the B chromosomes (Bs). We made female f.0B × male m.2B crosses between and within high (H) and low (L) B-TR groups. The Bs were transmitted on the male side in all cases. The mean B-TR from the progeny of f.0B (H) × m.2B (H) and f.0B (H) × m.2B (L) crosses was significantly higher than that from f.0B (L) × m.2B (L) and f.0B (L) × m.2B (H) crosses. The results show that the B-TR of the crosses corresponds to the H or L B-TR of the 0B female parents irrespective of the Bs of the male parent. This indicates that B-TR is genetically controlled by the 0B female parent and that these genes are located on the A chromosomes.  相似文献   

Twenty-one native populations (1120 individuals) of maize from Northern Argentina were studied. These populations, which belong to 13 native races, were cultivated at different altitudes (80-3620 m). Nineteen of the populations analyzed showed B chromosome (Bs) numerical polymorphism. The frequency of individuals with Bs varied from 0 to 94%. The number of Bs per plant varied from 0 to 8 Bs, with the predominant doses being 0, 1, 2, and 3. Those populations with varying number of Bs showed a positive and statistically significant correlation of mean number of Bs with altitude. The DNA content, in plants without Bs (A-DNA)(2n = 20), of 17 populations of the 21 studied was determined. A 36% variation (5.0-6.8 pg) in A-DNA content was found. A significant negative correlation between A-DNA content and altitude of cultivation and between A-DNA content and mean number of Bs was found. This indicates that there is a close interrelationship between the DNA content of A chromosomes and doses of Bs. These results suggest that there is a maximum limit to the mass of nuclear DNA so that Bs are tolerated as long as this maximum limit is not exceeded.  相似文献   

花粒期光照对夏玉米光合特性和叶绿体超微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大田条件下,以夏玉米品种‘登海605’为试验材料,研究花粒期不同光照强度(正常光照、开花至收获期遮阴和开花至收获期增光)对夏玉米叶片光合、荧光性能和叶绿体超微结构的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,花粒期遮阴影响叶绿体排布及内部结构发育,基粒个数和基粒片层数均有不同程度减少,叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、叶绿素含量下降,PSⅡ反应中心的实际光化学效率和最大光化学效率降低,非光化学淬灭系数数值增加,导致产量降低;增光后叶绿体结构良好,基粒片层排列紧致、清晰且数量增加,PSⅡ反应中心的实际光化学效率增加,净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、叶绿素含量上升,叶片光合性能增强,产量增加.即花粒期遮阴破坏了夏玉米叶片叶绿体超微结构,降低了叶片光合能力,产量下降;花粒期增光增加了叶肉细胞中叶绿体的基粒和基粒片层,导致基粒片层排列紧密有序,有利于增加作物产量潜力.  相似文献   

氮对冬玉米干物质生产及生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张石宝  李树云  胡虹  尹树华  普琼芬 《广西植物》2002,22(6):543-546+552-546,552
通过对不同施氮水平下冬玉米的干物质生产及其生理特性的研究表明 :(1 )随着施氮量的提高 ,叶面积指数增大 ,叶片衰老延缓 ,花后保持有更大的叶面积持续期和光合势 ,有利于干物质的生产 ;(2 )施氮量的增加促进了花丝期前后植株各部分氮和干物质的累积 ,产量显著提高 ,但是营养体干物质和氮的转移率降低 ,尤其高氮条件下尚有大量干物质不能转移 ,库 /源比不协调 ,氮的生产力随之降低。  相似文献   

马树庆  王琪  罗新兰 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2131-2131~2139
利用在东北地区中部开展玉米(Zea mays)分期播种试验资料,分析气候变化对玉米出苗速度、生长发育速度、灌浆过程、植株干物质积累和产量的影响,进而分析未来气候变化对东北地区玉米生产的影响及适应性对策.结果表明,气候变化对玉米生长发育和产量的影响十分明显,在水分基本适宜的条件下,东北地区气候变暖导致玉米生长季气温升高、积温增加,使玉米生长发育和灌浆速度加快,生物量增加,从而提高单产.但气候变暖的同时,气候变干会限制热量资源的利用,将缩短玉米灌浆时间,降低灌浆速率,使千粒重下降,从而造成明显减产,而且减产幅度明显大于温度升高的增产幅度.在水分条件基本得到满足的条件下,未来夏半年气候变暖对东北地区玉米生产是有利的,偏晚熟玉米品种比例可以适当扩大,东北玉米带可以向北部和东部扩展,单产和总产都会增加;但如果水分得不到满足,气候的暖干化趋势会使东北地区的中、西部玉米主产区的农业干旱变得更加严重且频繁,造成产量下降和不稳定,给玉米生产带来严重威胁,因而更应加强农业干旱的综合防御工作.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental conditions on ear-shoot initiation have been investigated in three inbred genotypes of Zea mays L. which are used for seed production. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and binocular examination during the vegetative phase showed that axillary meristems are initiated at the same rate as the leaf primordia on the apical meristem, but with a delay of 5.6–7.0 plastochrons, depending on the genotype. Furthermore, the topmost axillary meristem is initiated on the same day as the tassel, whatever the genotype. One of the inbreds (B22) used in this study has been reported to exhibit, in field conditions, a reproductive failure affecting car initiation, causing the topmost car to be replaced at maturity by a sterile, leaf-like, structure. Scanning electron microscopic study of the formation of the abnormal axillary buds indicated that ear failure resulted from the early collapse of the axillary meristem followed by elongation of the prophyll or of the meristem itself. Using controlled environments, ear abortion was mimicked by a chilling treatment (10°C), given just before tassel initiation. Other factors, such as high irradiance and flooding, enhanced the abortive response. The critical stage for the main car was just before the initiation of the topmost axillary meristem which also corresponded to tassel initiation. Chilling the plants before or after tassel initiation either induced an acclimation response or had no effect. The three inbreds showed differential responses to the stress treatment, indicating that a genetic factor is implicated as well. It is suggested that chilling causes a perturbation of apical dominance which, in the responsive genotypes, represses axillary meristem development. The use of a stress-sensitive inbred such as B22 as a model system could yield some interesting clues to the mechanism of endogenous control of ear initiation in maize.  相似文献   

In maize (Zea mays L.), GSp1, the predominant GS isozyme of the developing kernel, is abundant in the pedicel and pericarp, but absent from the endosperm and embryo. Determinations of GSp1 tissue distribution in vegetative tissues have been limited thus far to root and leaves, where the isozyme is absent. However, the promoter from the gene encoding GSp1 has been shown to drive reporter gene expression not only in the maternal seed-associated tissues in transgenic maize plants, but also in the anthers, husks and pollen (Muhitch et al. 2002, Plant Sci 163: 865-872). Here we report chromatographic evidence that GSp1 resides in immature tassels, dehiscing anthers, kernel glumes, ear husks, cobs and stalks of maize plants, but not in mature, shedding pollen grains. RNA blot analysis confirmed these biochemical data. In stalks, GSp1 increased in the later stages of ear development, suggesting that it plays a role in nitrogen remobilization during grain fill.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency decreased pollen viability in maize (Zea mays L. cv. G2) grown in sand culture. On restoring normal zinc supply to zinc-deficient plants before the pollen mother cell stage of anther development, the vegetative yield of plants and pollen fertility could be recovered to a large extent, but the recovery treatment was not effective when given after the release of microspores from the tetrads. If zinc deficiency was induced prior to microsporogenesis it did not significantly affect vegetative yield and ovule fertility, but decreased the fertility of pollen grains, even of those which visibly appeared normal. If the deficiency was induced after the release of microspores from the tetrads, not only vegetative yield and ovule fertility but pollen fertility also remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary Three-way cross means were predicted with formulae involving linear functions of general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects estimated from single-cross factorials between genetically divergent populations. Data from an experiment with 66 single-cross and 66 three-way cross forage maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids was used for comparing the prediction formulae. The genotypic correlation (r) between observed and predicted three-way crosses increased with increasing , the weighting factor of SCA effects, for plant height and ear dry matter (DM) content. It displayed slightly convex curves for total and stover DM yield, ear percentage, and metabolizable energy content of stover. For Jenkins' method B, r was considerably less than 1.0 for all traits, indicating the presence of epistasis. The square root of heritability (h) of the predicted means decreased with increasing , the reduction being small with a greater number of test environments. Using the product r·h as a criterion of efficiency, none of the prediction methods was consistently superior and the differences among them were rather small (< 7.5%) for all traits, irrespective of the number of test environments. We recommend evaluating the GCA of a greater number of lines from each parent population in testcrosses with a small number of elite lines from the opposite population. All possible three-way or double crosses between both sets of lines should be predicted by Jenkins's method C. This procedure allows one to select with a higher intensity among the predicted hybrids and thus should increase the genetic gain.Extended version of a paper (Geiger et al. 1986) read at the sixth meeting of the EUCARPIA Section Biometrics in Plant Breeding held at Birmingham, UK, July 28–August 1, 1986  相似文献   

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