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The bloom-forming alga Phaeocystis is ingested by a varietyof zooplankton grazers, but is thought to be a poor source offood. We examined copepod grazing on solitary Phaeocystis cellsby adult females of Temora stylifera, and survival, fecal pelletproduction, egg production and egg hatching success in Calanushelgolandicus and T. stylifera over periods of 15 consecutivedays. Phaeocystis cell concentrations were high (1.2–3.6x 104 cells ml–1 for C. helgolandicus and 2.5–7.9x 104 cells ml–1 for T. stylifera), but within the rangeof maxima recorded for natural blooms. Both copepods survivedwell and continuously produced fecal pellets (indicating continuousgrazing) on a diet of Phaeocystis. However, egg production ratesfor both copepods were low, even though hatching success ofthe few eggs produced was high. Clearance rates for T. styliferawere higher than for most previous measurements of other copepodsfeeding on Phaeocystis solitary cells at lower cell concentrations.We conclude that even though copepods feed well upon Phaeocystis,resulting poor fecundity on this diet may inhibit copepod populationincreases during blooms, thereby contributing to the perpetuationof blooms. However, the high egg hatching success on this dietargues against Phaeocystis containing chemical compounds thatact as mitotic inhibitors reducing copepod egg viability, suchas those found in some other phytoplankters.  相似文献   

In situ rates of egg production and hatching success are reportedfor Calanus simillimus, one of the most abundant calanoid speciesin peri-Antarctic regions, during the Italian ‘Italics’cruise in the Straits of Magellan in March-April 1995. Low fecundity(8.6 eggs female–1 day–1) and fecal pellet production(0.8 fecal pellets female–1 day–1) in this periodindicate that the species was feeding very poorly. Sixty-sixof the 126 females sampled did not produce eggs and 80 of thesedid not produce any fecal pellets during the 24 h period ofincubation. Striking abnormal naupliar and embryonic developmentwas recorded in 81.8% of the eggs spawned. Aberrant eggs didnot undergo normal cleavage, and failed to develop to hatching.Deformed nauplii were asymmetrical and presented strong anatomicalanomalies in the total body length and number of swimming appendages.These results are discussed in the light of recent findingson the causes of low hatching success in copepods.  相似文献   

Peptide pheromones synchronize crustacean egg hatching and larval release   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At the time of egg hatching in the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii,pheromones are released from the eggs. These pheromones inducea stereotypic larval release behaviour in which the female vigorouslypumps her abdomen. This action breaks open the unhatched eggsand results in the synchronizes release of larvae. A previousstudy suggested the pheromone was composed of a group of smallpeptides. The present study identifies active peptides. Thisbehaiour is evoked by di-and tripeptides, which have a neutralamino acid at the amino terminus and a basic amino acid at thecarboxy terminus. The most effective peptides also have a hydrophohicfunctionality at the amino terminus. The two most active peptidestested were leucylarginine and glycyl-glycyl-arginine, whichhad lower thresholds of 10–10 and 9.0 x 10–9 M respectiely.These peptides are predicted to be present in the pheromonemixture, and the concentrations that evoke reponses are consistentwith their predicted aailability in natie material, Free aminoacids composing the active peptides inituate the female's laralrelease behaiour but only at concentrations > 10–6M. Thus specific small paptides appear to act as crustaeeanpheromones  相似文献   

. Clutch size and egg viability were examined for wild femalesof Pseudocalanus newmani collected from four different stationsinside and outside Funka Bay, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan,during pre-phytoplankton-bloom conditions in 1997, and froma single station outside the bay during the period from pre-to post-blooming seasons in 1998, to examine spatio-temporalvariability of the reproductive parameters and to detect deleteriouseffects of diatom blooms on in situ copepod reproduction. Clutchsize and hatching success in P.newmani were relatively similarat the four stations in 1997. The eggs almost always hatchedcompletely, but deformed nauplii occurred in 20–40% ofthe cases. The proportion of deformed nauplii gradually decreasedwhen the females were fed on non-diatom Pavlova sp. in the laboratory,suggesting that the occurrence of deformed nauplii was relatedto the quality of in situ food particles, including diatoms.Clutch size varied from 12 to 30 eggs female–1 duringthe study period in 1998; more than 90% of the variation couldbe explained by the body size of the females which dependedon ambient water temperature. Hatching success also varied,from 15 to 80%, but was not related to either clutch size, femalebody size, water temperature or diatom biomass. These resultssuggest that not only egg production but also hatchability shouldbe measured routinely when estimating recruitment of the copepodinto the planktonic population, and show that neither clutchsize nor egg viability are directly affected by diatom biomass.Although we could not obtain clear evidence of in situ deleteriouseffects of diatoms on abnormal embryos and nauplii, this mightbe related to methodological problems and properties or characteristicsof prey–predator interactions. Also, deformities of copepodnauplii have not yet been observed for reasons other than feedingon diatoms.  相似文献   

Egg production and hatching success were determined for individualCentropages typicus fed two diatoms (Thalassiosira rotula andPhaeodactylum tricomutum) and two dinoflagellates (Prorocen-trumminimum and Gonyaulaxpolyedrd). Both reproductive responseswere strongly affected by food type. Females incubated withoutmales produced eggs with all diets, but fecundity was twiceas high with the larger T. rotula and G.polyedra cells. In contrast,hatching success was 2–3 times higher with the dinoflagellatediets. The presence of males did not enhance egg productionrates. Males also did not improve hatching success when thediet consisted of the diatom T.rotula. However, egg viabilitywas higher for couples fed the dinoflagellate G.polyedra, indicatingthat egg viability was possibly being controlled by both rematingand food type. Egg viability was artificially lowered by exposingnewly spawned eggs to high concentrations (104–109 pgC) of extracts from T.rotula, whereas the development of eggsproceeded normally at all concentrations of extracts from P.minimum.Blockage of egg development was not due to anoxia, but to thepresence of intracellular, deleterious chemical compounds indiatoms, suggesting that bottom-up prey control mechanisms underlieseasonal fluctuations in C.typicus populations at sea.  相似文献   

Post-embryonic development time, egg production rate and adultbody size of calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis from Lake Ohnuma,Japan, were determined under six temperature-food conditions(103,5 x 103, 104 and 5 x 104 cells ml–1 at 15°C,5 x 104 cells ml–1 at 10and20°C) in the laboratory.The measured parameters varied with both temperature and foodconcentration. Development time from hatching to adult femalewas 9.2, 11.4 and 22.8 days at 20, 15 and 10°C respectively,at the highest food concentration. The males developed to adultat one to two days earlier than the females. An effect of foodshortage on development time occurred at the lowest food concentration.This development time was 24.8 days even at 15°C, beingtwice as long as that at the highest food concentration. Prosomelength of these food-limited females was approximately 75% ofwell-fed ones, which reduced by only 10% with increasing temperaturefrom 10 to 20°C. Clutch size (C, eggs clutch–1) ofwell-fed individuals depended on prosome length of the adultfemale (L, mm), and was expressed as an equation: C = 65.2 L383. Clutch size of individuals reared at less than 104 cellsml–1, however, mostly laid below the estimated curve,especially at the lowest food concentration being only 10% ofthat at the highest food concentration. These results suggestthat food availability is a more important factor affectingpopulation growth of E.affinis in Lake Ohnuma than variationof temperature.  相似文献   

We monitored the hatching frequencies and clutch sizes of Eurytemoraaffinis, and environmental variables in the Gulf of Bothnia,between May and October 2003. We tested the hypothesis thatthe hatching frequency of the copepod would be negatively affectedduring time periods with high diatom concentrations. Resultsfrom two stations showed significant differences between thedifferent sampling occasions, with the lowest observed hatchingfrequency during the spring diatom bloom. The reverse was truefor clutch size, with the highest average egg number duringthe diatom bloom. These results were not correlated to ambienttemperature, salinity or chlorophyll a (Chl a). In a separatelaboratory experiment, nine different local clones of the diatomSkeletonema costatum were used as food for adult E. affinisfemales, in order to screen for possible differences in toxicitywithin the Skeletonema community. The resulting average copepodhatching frequency varied between 5 and 75% for the differentclones, indicating that there can be large within-species variationin the toxic properties of diatoms. The significance of suchvariations in natural communities remains to be tested in futurestudies.  相似文献   

Measurements of hydrography, chlorophyll, moulting rates ofjuvenile copepods and egg production rates of adult female copepodswere made at eight stations along a transect across the Skagerrak.The goals of the study were to determine (i) if there were correlationsbetween spatial variations in hydrography, phytoplankton andcopepod production rates, (ii) if copepod egg production rateswere correlated with juvenile growth rates, and (iii) if therewas evidence of food-niche separation among co-occumng femalecopepods The 200 km wide Skagerrak had a stratified water columnin the center and a mixed water column along the margins. Suchspatial variations should lead to a dominance of small phytoplanktoncells in the center and large cells along the margins; however,during our study blooms of Gyrodinium aureolum and Ceratium(three species) masked any locally driven differences in cellsize: 50% of chla was >11 µm, 5% in the 11–50µm fraction and 45% <50 µm. averaged for allstations. Chlorophyll ranged from 0.2 to 2.5 µg l–1at most depths and stations. Specific growth rates of copepodsaveraged 0.10 day–1 for adult females and 0.27 day–1for juveniles The latter is similar to maximum rates known fromlaboratory studies, thus were probably not food-limited. Eggproduction rates were food-limited with the degree of limitationvarying among species: 75% of maximum for Centropages typicus, 50% for Calanus finmarchicus, 30% for Paracalanus parvus and 15% for Acartia longiremis and Temora longicornis. Thedegree of limitation was unrelated to female body size suggestingfood-niche separation among adults. Copepod production, summedover all species, ranged from 3 to 8 mg carbon m–3day–1and averaged 4.6 mg carbon m–1 day–1. Egg productionaccounted for 25% of the total.  相似文献   

We measured in laboratory experiments the ingestion, egg production and egg hatching rates of female Temora longicornis as a function of diet. The diets consisted of a diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii), an autotrophic dinoflagellate (Heterocapsa triquetra), and a bacterivorous ciliate (Uronema sp.) given as sole foods, or combinations of these single-food items: diatom+dinoflagellate, diatom+ciliate, dinoflagellate+ciliate, and diatom+ciliate+dinoflagellate. For the three single-item diets, the functional response was similar; i.e., ingestion rate increased linearly with food concentration (food range: ∼25 to ∼600 μg C l−1). When all diets were considered, maximum daily carbon ration (∼70% of body weight) was independent of food type. However, the maximum daily egg production rate (12% of body carbon) was obtained with the diatom diet. For all diets, both ingestion and egg production rates increased with food concentration. Ingestion and egg production rates were affected differently by the interaction of food concentration and food type: at low food concentrations, ingestion rates were highest on diets containing the diatom. At high food concentrations, egg production rates were highest on the two phytoplankter diets and their combination. The presence of the ciliate in the diet did not enhance ingestion rate or egg production. Mixed-food diets did not enhance egg production relative to single-food diets. Hence, dietary diversity did not appear to be particularly advantageous for reproduction. Carbon-specific egg production efficiency (EPE; egg production/ingestion) was independent of food concentration and type, and equaled 9%. Egg hatching success was low (mean<30%) and independent of food concentration and type, and egg production rates. Our results are consistent with previous observations that egg production in T. longicornis is enhanced during diatom blooms. However, the relatively low EPE and egg hatching success suggest that reproduction and recruitment in this study were severely constrained by the biochemical composition of the diet, or the physiological condition of the females towards the end of their season of growth in Long Island Sound.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis can induce a range of sex ratio distortions including parthenogenesis. Recently Wolbachia has been detected in the diploid, parthenogenetic, collembolan species Folsomia candida. In this paper we address the effect of Wolbachia on reproduction in F. candida. Wolbachia infection was removed by antibiotic and heat treatment, and quantitative PCR techniques confirmed the success of the treatments. Complete loss of Wolbachia-infection led to the production of normal clutch sizes, but was associated with full egg hatching failure. Our results demonstrate that F. candida is strictly dependent on Wolbachia to produce viable offspring. This is one of the few cases of obligatory Wolbachia infection in arthropods. Our data suggest a unique mechanism underlying Wolbachia-dependence of egg development. One of our more salient results is that hatching success increased in consecutive egg clutches of antibiotic-treated individuals, probably due to restoration of bacterial densities over time. These observations suggest that reproduction in F. candida is a threshold effect requiring a critical Wolbachia density as is hypothesized by the bacterial dosage model. Quantitative PCR analysis showed that heat or antibiotic treated individuals with egg hatching failure had low average bacterial densities, but bacterial densities were not significantly different from those of treated individuals with successfully eclosing eggs. Additional experiments with partially cured F. candida are needed to prove the dosage model.  相似文献   

In 1987, there was an episode of shellfish poisoning in Canada with human fatalities caused by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, which produced the toxin domoic acid. In order to examine whether domoic acid in this diatom serves as a grazing deterrent for copepods, we compared feeding rates, egg production rates, egg hatching success and mortality of the calanoid copepods Acartia tonsa and Temora longicornis feeding on unialgal diets of the toxic diatom P. multiseries and the similarly-sized non-toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pungens. Copepods were collected in summers of 1994, 1995 and 1996 from Shediac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada, near Prince Edward Island, the site of the 1987 episode of domoic acid shellfish poisoning. Rates of ingestion of the toxic versus the non-toxic diatom by A. tonsa and T. longicornis were similar, with only one significantly different pair of values obtained in 1994, for which A. tonsa had a higher mean rate of ingestion of the toxic than the non-toxic diatom. Thus, domoic acid did not appear to retard grazing. Analyses of copepods with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that copepods accumulated domoic acid when feeding on P. multiseries. Egg production rates of copepods when feeding on P. multiseries and P. pungens were very low, ranging from 0 to 2.79 eggs female–1 d–1. There did not appear to be differential egg production or egg hatching success on diets of the toxic and non-toxic diatoms. Mortality of females on the toxic diet was low, ranging from 0 to 20%, with a mean of 13%, and there was no apparent difference between mortality of copepods feeding on toxic versus non-toxic diatoms. Egg hatching success on both diets, although based on few eggs, ranged between 22% and 76%, with a mean percentage hatching of 45%. Diets of the non-toxic diatom plus natural seawater assemblages supplemented with dissolved domoic acid, revealed similar rates and percentages when compared to previous experiments. In summary, none of the variables measured indicated adverse effects on copepods feeding on the toxic compared to the non-toxic diatom.  相似文献   

Centropages abdominalis is a neritic, omnivorous, temporallyabundant copepod present throughout the subarctic Pacific andits marginal seas. The two main objectives of this study wereto determine how temperature influences the development of C.abdominalis and whether growth rates of in situ populationsmay be limited by available food. At 6.9°C, median developmenttime from eggs laid to 50% adults was 42 days and the averageweight-specific somatic growth rate was 0.17 day–1. At4.6°C, median development time to adult was 59 days (projected)and growth rate averaged 0.08 day–1, suggesting that 4.6°Cmay be approaching the lower temperature for development andgrowth in this species. The functional relationship betweendevelopment time and temperature was established over the temperaturerange in which this species occurs. The in situ adult growthrates between 10 and 13°C averaged 0.14 day–1 andwere generally lower than the laboratory-reared juvenile growthrates, which may indicate that adult C. abdominalis are foodlimited in the field during summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Egg production rate (EPR) of the copepod Acartia steueri wasinvestigated by in situ incubation in Ilkwang Bay, Korea. EPRranged from 3.8 to 10.1 eggs female–1 d–1, and weight-specificgrowth rate decreased with increasing body weight of the adultfemale.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the hypothesis that clutch size covaries with egg volume and hatching success in the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis. We determined clutch size and egg volume in a sample of 131 nests, and we used the data to check whether egg volume varied among nests according to clutch size, while taking into account the effects of egg laying order. We also estimated hatching success rate and investigated the relationship between hatching success and clutch size. Egg volume varied among clutches according to clutch size, with eggs being larger in three-egg clutches than in two-egg clutches. Moreover, three-egg clutches showed higher daily survival rates, and hence hatching success, than two-egg clutches. Overall, our results suggest that in the Yellow-legged Gull clutch size covaries with egg volume and hatching success, which could possibly reflect an age effect through different mechanisms. Indeed, older females could be hypothesised to exhibit greater breeding performance than younger females because of their higher experience in tapping energy resources for egg formation and defending nests from dangers. Moreover, due to their age, older females are likely to have lower residual reproductive potential and should invest more heavily in current breeding attempts.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod Temora longicornis and its food (seston of size < 200 μm) was sampled during three successive seasons (2002-04) in the Trondheimsfjord, Central Norway. Egg production (24 h) and hatching success (72 h) was determined by incubation experiments, and the essential fatty acid (EFA) content of their in situ food was analysed. The dominant EFA in the seston were DHA (22:6n-3) and EPA (20:5n-3), whereas ARA (20:4n-6) were present in low quantities. Egg production and hatching success was relatively low during early spring and late autumn (~ 10 eggs female- 1 day- 1 and ~ 30%), and relatively high during summer. Spring phytoplankton, dominated by diatoms, contained low amounts of DHA. Dinoflagellates, small flagellates, and ciliates dominated during summer, when a high content of DHA was recorded.The rate of egg production of T. longicornis did not show any relationship with food concentration (r2 = 0.003), but was positively correlated to temperature, although not statistically significantly (r2 = 0.48, p = 0.05). The quantitative and percent DHA contents of the food was significantly related to the rate of egg production (r2 = 0.96 and 0.95, respectively, p < 0.001), but no such relationship were observed for the quantitative or percent content of EPA and ARA in the seston. The egg production of T. longicornis during May-August was 43-47 eggs female- 1 day- 1, with dietary DHA contents higher than 7-8 mg DHA g- 1 DW. Also the hatching success of T. longicornis was positively correlated to the quantitative content of DHA in the diet (r2 = 0.88), but hatching was also inversely related to the percentage ARA (r2 = 0.84). The maximum hatching success was found when the ARA content was < 0.15% of total fatty acids and the DHA:ARA ratio was > 50. The conclusion that DHA most strongly affected egg production whereas ARA affected hatching, fit well with earlier findings for fish. Our results do not exclude that toxic aldehydes interact with reproduction of calanoid copepods when diatoms are present, but we observed a consistent pattern where dietary DHA and ARA alone explained a majority of the variability in egg production and hatching of T. longicornis.  相似文献   

Stink bugs and shield bugs of the family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) generally produce a clutch of densely deposited eggs. In a few species of this family, embryos hatch in response to some form of cues associated with the preceding hatching to synchronize egg hatching with clutch mates. The aim of the present study is to obtain a family‐wide understanding of the extent to which the hatching response to clutch mates accelerates hatching within egg clutches. Accordingly, the hatching patterns in intact egg clutches and eggs individually detached from egg clutches are compared in eight species among different genera. In Halyomorpha halys, hatching is significantly and highly synchronized by the effect of the hatching response: when eggs are not attached to each other, the hatching rate is only 3.8% at 15 min and exceeds 95% at 200 min. By contrast, when eggs are attached to each other, the hatching rate reaches more than 95% at 15 min. Hatching is also significantly synchronized by the hatching response in Nezara viridula (which shows relatively high hatching synchronization) and in Piezodorus hybneri and Plautia stali (both of which show milder hatching synchronization). Synchronization of hatching is not found to be promoted by a hatching response in Aelia fieberi, Dolycoris baccarum, Eurydema rugosum or Palomena angulosa. These findings reveal that the hatching response varies depending on the species in Pentatomidae, with a wide spectrum of effects on the hatching patterns of the egg clutches.  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests that heterotrophic protists could improve the biochemical constituents of poor quality algae for subsequent use by higher trophic levels, a phenomenon dubbed “trophic upgrading”. We conducted experiments to test trophic upgrading effects on the omnivorous calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. Two heterotrophic protists, Oxyrrhis marina and Gymnodinium dominans, were grown on three algal species of different nutritional qualities: Dunaliella tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana and Rhodomonas salina. In parallel incubations, the copepods were fed the heterotrophic protists or the algae that the protists grew on. We measured the ingestion rate, egg production rate and egg hatching success of the copepods in each treatment. Comparison of the egg production efficiency (EPE; egg carbon production/carbon ingestion×100%) between parallel diet treatments allowed us to calculate the trophic upgrading index (TUI; ratio of EPE-heterotrophic protist to EPE-alga). The copepods ingested similar amount, or 20-30% more algae than heterotrophic protists. Daily rations ranged 50-122% of body C per day. Copepods feeding on O. marina that grew on D. tertiolecta had higher egg production rate and egg hatching success than copepods feeding on D. tertiolecta directly, and the resultant TUI between the two treatments was 19.7. Similarly, the copepod egg production was improved by G. dominans that grew on D. tertiolecta and the resultant TUI was 23.3. TUI was near 1 between I. galbana treatment and the parallel heterotrophic protist treatments, indicating no or little trophic upgrading effects on the copepod's egg production. However, egg hatching success was significantly lower with G. dominans growing on I. galbana. O. marina that grew on R. salina induced a lower EPE relative to the alga itself, yielding a TUI of less than 1. Biochemical data showed that the heterotrophic protists contained eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) even when they fed on alga that lacked these essential fatty acids, which may explain some of the observed trophic upgrading effects and species-specific differences in our experiments. However, our data also suggested that dietary EPA and DHA could not be the sole factors regulating the copepod's reproductive output, and that egg production and egg hatching appeared to have different nutritional requirements and respond differently to the copepod's diets.  相似文献   

A mismatch of {small tilde}2–3 months was observed betweenreproductive rates and population abundances in the planktoniccopepod Centropages typicus, with the highest production atrelatively low female abundance and low production at high abundance,during the course of a 2 year study in 1989 and 1990 in neriticwaters of the Gulf of Naples. During this period, egg mortalitywas at times severe, with values as high as 59% in February1989. The seasonal trend in percentage hatching success didnot match seasonal fluctuations in breeding intensity, and wasnot correlated with variations in environmental variables suchas temperature and chlorophyll a. The results of experimentsusing the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 showed that unhatchedeggs had been fertilized and that in most cases developmenthad proceeded to an advanced stage before death of the embryo.The causes of high egg mortality are uncertain, but here wegive evidence, for the first time, that egg mortality may notonly be due to infertility caused by failure to remate.  相似文献   

The fecundity and somatic growth rates of Calanus agulhensisand Calanoides carinatus, the dominant large calanoid copepodsin the southern Benguela upwelling system, as well as the fecundityof several other common copepods, were measured between Septemberand March of 1993/94 and 1994/95. Mean egg production of mostcopepods was low at >30 eggs female-1 day-1 {Calanoides carinatus23.7, Calanus agulhensis 19.0, Neocalanus tonsus 16.1 and Rhincalanusnasutus 26.1), whereas the mean fecundity of Centropages brachiatuswas significantly greater (83.6 eggs female–1 day-1).This study also presents the first comprehensive field estimatesof the fecundity of Nanno-calanus minor (mean: 26.1 eggs female–1day–1, range: 0.0–96.2 eggs female–1 day–1)and of somatic growth of N6 and all copepodite stages of Calanoidescarinatus (decreasing from 0.58 day–1 for N6 to 0.04 day–1for C5). Somatic growth rates of Calanus agulhensis also declinedwith age: from 0.57 day1 for N6 to 0.09 day1 for C5. Data ongrowth rates were used to assess the relative importance offood [as measured by total chlorophyll (Chi) a concentration],phytoplankton cell size (proportion of cells >10 µm)and temperature to the growth of copepods. Multiple regressionresults suggested that fecundity and somatic growth rates werepositively related to both Chi a concentration and phytoplanktoncell size, but not to temperature. Although it was not possibleto separate the effects of Chi a concentration and phytoplanktoncell size, data from previous laboratory experiments suggestthat copepod growth is not limited by small cells per se, butby the low Chi a concentrations that are associated with theseparticles in the field. Despite growth not being directly relatedto temperature, a dome-shaped relationship was evident in somespecies, with slower growth rates at cool (<13°C) andwarm (>18°C) temperatures. The shape of this relationshipmirrors that of Chi a versus temperature, where poor Chi a concentrationsare associated with cool and warm temperatures. It is concludedthat the effect of food limitation on growth of copepods outweighsthat of temperature in the southern Benguela region. Sourcesof variability in relationships between growth and Chi a concentrationare discussed.  相似文献   

Females of the sac-spawning euphausiid Nyctiphanes simplex Hansenwere incubated under shipboard laboratory conditions to observethe embryonic and larval development time and hatching mechanism.Females ready to spawn have a pale pink ovary that extends fromthe back of the stomach to the first abdominal segment, fillingmost of the haemocoel. This species usually behaves as a totalspawner (produces one batch of oöcytes per cycle of theovary) leaving an ‘empty’ space in the cephalothoraxwhere the spent ovary is located. After spawning, the youngoöcytes mature and turn pale pink. The eggs do not havea measurable perivitelline space (PVS) in any of the embryonicstages (6.6 x magnification). The embryos hatch as nauplius(80–91 h after spawning, 16°C ± 1°C). Theyfurther develop into pseudometanauplii (PMN, 90–105 hafter spawning) and metanauplii (MN, 92–140 h after spawning)inside the ovigerous sac. The nauplius breaks the thin and fragilechorion by increasing the volume of the body and by using thefirst and second antennae. We call this an ‘expansion’hatching mechanism, the fifth distinct hatching mechanism observedso far among euphausiids. N. simplex larvae escape from theovigerous sac late in the MN stage (5 days after spawning),just a few hours before molting into calyptopis 1 (C1) (0.5–4h). This delayed release extends protection by the female, likelydecreasing the risk of predation or early cannibalism. Additionally,this may save energy by not swimming independently increasingthe time of not return if the calyptopis does not find favorablefeeding conditions. Females are not ready to spawn again untilat least two days after the previous batch of embryos leavesthe ovigerous sac. The interbrood period (IBP) observed rangedbetween 7 and 15 days at 16–18°C. This IBP is aboutone-fourth to half than was previously assumed for this speciessuggesting a significant underestimation of the fecundity ofthis species. N. simplex hatching success usually was 100%,except for a few females with all of their embryos dying duringembryonic development. Other females either molted before releasingthe embryos, or the oöcytes were spawned unfertilized (0%hatching success), particularly during winter conditions. Efficienthatching and late free-swimming strategy may partially explainwhy this species is the most abundant neritic euphausiid inthe southern part of the California Current System (CCS) andin the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

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