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The effect of the synthetic amino-terminal fragment of bovine parathyroid hormone, bPTH-(1-34), on the adenylate cyclase of microvessels and glomeruli isolated from rabbit kidney cortex was studied in the presence and absence of guanosine triphosphate (GTP). bPTH-(1-34) stimulated the vascular and glomerular adenylate cyclase in a dose-dependent manner with apparent ED50 values of 11.5 nM and 64 nM respectively, in the absence of GTP. 10(-4)M GTP greatly amplified the vascular response to bPTH-(1-34) while, in the glomeruli, both GTP and bPTH-(1-34) had only additive effects. In the presence of GTP, vascular and glomerular apparent ED50 were 190 nM and 64 nM respectively. [Nle8, Nle18, Tyr34] -bPTH-(3-34) amide, described as a PTH antagonist, inhibited the action of bPTH-(1-34) in the microvessels and to a lesser extent in the glomeruli. PTH is therefore a potent stimulator of adenylate cyclase in rabbit renal microvessels and glomeruli, and may play a role in the regulation of renal blood flow and glomerulo-tubular feedback control.  相似文献   

Arginine vasopressin (AVP)- and parathyroid hormone (PTH)-sensitive adenylate cyclase were studied in the renal tissue of thyroparathyroidectomized dogs. The results indicate that AVP-sensitive adenylate cyclase activity was highest in the inner medulla followed by the middle medulla, outer medulla, and cortex, in declining order. In contrast, PTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase was absent in the inner medulla, and the highest stimulation was found in the cortex with lesser activity in outer and middle medulla. When 1 mm EGTA was included in the incubation mixture, the addition of both AVP- and PTH to the middle medullary homogenate resulted in additive responses suggesting two separate receptors for each hormone. This EGTA-induced additive effect was eliminated by the addition of calcium into the system, indicating that calcium concentration may be critical in modulating the interaction of AVP and PTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase. In contrast to some previous reports, a particulate fraction prepared from the middle medullary tissue was completely insensitive to either AVP or PTH. Hormonal sensitivity was restored by the addition of GTP or the supernatant.  相似文献   

The middle medullary membrane of canine renal tissue was completely insensitive to parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulation in the absence of GTP or tissue supernatant. In contrast, removal of endogenous GTP did not eliminate the PTH stimulation of cAMP formation in the renal cortical membrane preparation (P3). Addition of boiled cortical P3 to native cortical P3 enhanced PTH stimulation in a dose-dependent manner. The boiled cortical P3 was not active in middle medullary tissue. The minimum concentration of GTP which was required to cause stimulation in both cortical and middle medullary preparations was similar. The results suggest that (1) there are two classes of PTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase; one class is GTP dependent, while the other is GTP independent. (2) A new factor, as yet unidentified, in addition to GTP, is important in the regulation of adenylate cyclase by PTH in the renal cortex.  相似文献   

Inhibition of parathyroid hormone (PTH)-sensitive adenylate cyclase by {Nle-8, Nle-18, Tyr-34} bPTH-(3–34) amide was studied in thyroparathyroid-ectomized dogs. The inhibitory effect was shown to be markedly enhanced by the addition of calcium ions into the in, vitro assay system. At 0.1 mM Ca2+, complete inhibition by the antagonist was obtained. Chelation of exogenous Ca2+ by EGTA eliminated the Ca2+-induced inhibition. Both the basal and hormone-stimulated activities were decreased in the presence of 0.1 mM Ca2+, whereas the addition of EGTA increased both activities. Our results suggest that Ca2+ modulates canine renal PTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase and its inhibition by substituted bPTH-(3–34).  相似文献   

Free-flow electrophoresis allows the separation of different cell populations from a cell suspension isolated from rabbit kidney cortex after perfusion of the kidneys with a calcium-binder, followed by gentle mechanical treatment. After electrophoretic separation, analysis of the adenylate cyclase activities after stimulation by various hormones allows the precise determination of the origin of the cell populations with different electrophoretic mobilities. Adenylate cyclase from the slow-moving main cell population was only sensitive to parathyroid hormone. These cells had also high alkaline phosphatase content, further demonstrating their proximal origin. The various fast- moving cell populations had adenylate cyclase sensitive to isoproterenol and arginine vasopressin but were less sensitive to parathyroid hormone than the slow-moving cells. Their alkaline phosphatase content was also much lower. This indicates that these fast- moving cell populations originate from both the granulous segment of the distal tubule and from the collecting ducts. The adenylate cyclase activity and the cyclic AMP contents of isolated proximal cells maintained in culture medium were also investigated.  相似文献   

A "random-hit" matrix model is proposed to account for the dynamic and steady state relationship between occupation of bovine renal medullary membrane receptors by [Lys8]vasopressin (LVP) and neurohypophyseal hormones (NHH) and the associated activation of membrane-bound adenylate cyclase. The model was developed by systematic introduction of specific rules concerning receptor coupling into a general structural model which consists of two square matrices of identical size, one composed of homogeneous R ("receptor") units, the second of homogeneous C ("cyclase") units. R units are either occupied (RO) or unoccupied (RU); C units are either active (CA) or inactive (CI). Hormone molecules are envisioned to "collide" with R units randomly; collision with RU leads to "binding", and occupation is maintained for a characteristic mean occupancy time, TO. In this structure, each R unit has an "interaction field" which consists of the "twin" unit in the "C" matrix, and the 4 nearest neighbor C units surrounding the twin. Occupation of an R unit leads to activation of all CI units in the interaction field of that R; CA units in the interaction field are refractory. Thus binding at a given R may "recruit" a variable number of inactive neighboring C units (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0). The model requires that there be individual coupling delays between the moment of binding at a given R and subsequent activation of CI units (mean coupling delay (Td) approximately 10% To). Activation of C units persists as long as the "parent" R is occupied and is maintained for an additional short time interval (Tp) after RO reverts to RU, corresponding to hormone dissociation from receptor. The model accounts for the following previously demonstrated relations between LVP occupation of receptors and adenylate cyclase activation in bovine renal medullary membranes: 1) the shape of the nonlinear steady state relation between normalized (percentage maximal) receptor occupation (O) and cyclase activation (A), uniformly observed in different membrane preparations: 2) variable hormone concentration-dependent trajectories of approach to the final steady state A:O value (A:Oss) which may be either monophasic or biphasic; 3) the loss of intrinsic adenylate cyclase activity observed in bovine membranes for a series of NHH analogs with progressively diminishing affinity for receptors. The model represents an explicit theory of coupling where a successive series of temporal events are quantitatively related to each other and privide major constraints to any interpretation of the molecular organization of receptors and adenylate cyclase units in membranes. The model excludes a number of mechanistic proposals and suggests a new hypothesis for membrane coupling with features which may be generally applicable to other hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase systems.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activity was detected and characterized in cell-free preparations of different strains ofEscherichia coli; it was localized not only in the membrane fraction but also in the cytoplasm, the localization differing from strain to strain. The adenylate cyclase activity is highly dependent on the method used for disintegration of cells. The best results were obtained when using vortexing of the cell suspension with ballotini beads. The pH optimum of adenylate cyclase in cell-free preparations was found to be 9.0 –9.5. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for Mg2+ and is inhibited by sodium fluoride and inorganic diphosphate. Release of adenylate cyclase from the membrane leads to an immediate loss of the activity; it was found that adenylate cyclase is quite labile and hence it could not yet been purified. The method used to determine adenylate cyclase activity and cyclic AMP is described.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase can be resolved into at least two proteins, a thermolabile, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive component and a second protein (or proteins) that is more stable to either of these treatments. Neither component by itself catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP using MgATP as substrate. However, mixture of the two reconstitutes MgATP-dependent fluoride- and guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p)-stimulatable adenylate cyclase activity. The more stable component can be resolved from the first in various tissues or cultured cells by treatment of membrnes or detergent extracts with heat or N-ethylmaleimide. The two proteins have also been resolved genetically in two clonal cell lines that are deficient in adenylate cyclase activity. An adenylate cyclase-deficient variant of the S49 lymphoma cell (AC-) contains only the thermolabile activity, while the activity of the more stable protein is found in a complementary hepatoma cell line (HC-1). In addition, AC-S49 cell plasma membranes contain MnATP-dependent adenylate cyclase activity. The protein that catalyzes this reaction appears to be the same as that which can combine with the thermostable component to reconstitute Mg2+-dependent enzyme activity because both activities co-fractionate by gel exclusion chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation, both activities have identical denaturation kinetics at 30 degrees C, and both activities are stabilized at 30 degrees C and labilized at 0 degree C by various nucleotides and divalent cations with similar specificity. It is thus hypothesized that the thermolabile factor is the catalytic subunit of the physiological adenylate cyclase and that the Mn2+-dependent activity is a nonphysiological expression of the catalytic protein. The thermostable moiety of the enzyme, which is proposed to serve a regulatory function, appears to consist of two functional components, based upon differential thermal lability of its ability to reconstitute hormone-, NaF-, or Gpp(NH)p-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. These components have not, however, been physically separated. The thermolabile and thermostable components can interact in detergent solution or in a suitable membrane. Mixing of the detergent-solubilized regulatory component with AC-membranes that contain only the catalytic protein and beta-adrenergic receptors reconstitutes catecholamine-stimulatable adenylate cyclase activity; however, addition of the catalytic protein to membranes that contain receptor and the regulatory component yields MgATP-dependent enzymatic activity that is unresponsive to hormone.  相似文献   

Conventional homogenizing methods produced membrane preparations of canine trachealis airway smooth muscle which contained adenylate cyclase activity that was stimulated by fluoride but not by isoproterenol. We have devised methods using collagenase digestion of minced trachealis which destroy most of the tough connective tissues but leave dissociated canine trachealis cells in suspension. Gentle homogenization of these cells permitted preparation of a particulate fraction containing adenylate cyclase that was readily stimulated by beta-adrenergic agonist of prostaglandin E2. Isoproterenol stimulation was 2.34 +/- 0.58 (S.E.) times basal and 122 +/- 25% of the stimulation induced by NaF. The beta-adrenergic blocking agent propranolol prevented isoproterenol-induced stimulation of the cyclase but had no effect on prostaglandin E2 stimulation. Catecholamine order of potency was isoproterenol greater than epinephrine greater than norepinephrine. These methods enable demonstration of stimulatory effects of hormones in broken cell preparations of airway smooth muscle that are comparable to those when hormone-stimulated cyclic AMP formation is measured in intact muscle strips.  相似文献   

Intact pieces or homogenates of rabbit retina were exposed to various established or putative retinal neurotransmitters for the study of receptors (or receptor-subtypes) linked to the production of cAMP. Since a dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase has been previously characterized in the retina of several species, the novel D1-agonist SKF 38393 was applied under similar experimental conditions. This compound was found to be more potent (although less efficacious) than dopamine, confirming the existence of a population of D1-receptors. On the other hand, the novel D1-antagonist SCH 23390 was able to inhibit the stimulating effects of dopamine and of SKF 38393 in a concentration-dependent manner. Attempts to detect D2-receptors (negatively coupled with adenylate cyclase) were not conclusive, when a selective D2-agonist (quinpirole) was applied in the absence or presence of a D2-antagonist (sulpiride).

A stimulation of cAMP production (mediated by A2-receptors) was also detected in response to adenosine or adenosine-analogs, which was blocked by IBMX in a concentration-dependent manner. The effects of adenosine were potentiated in the presence of dipyridamole, an adenosine uptake inhibitor. Compared to the effects of dopamine and adenosine, the stimulation induced by VIP, a retinal neuropeptide, was found to be much more pronounced.

These results indicate that retinal cAMP can be generated by three different neurotransmitters in an independent way via the stimulation of specific receptors.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activity associated to wild type Neurospora membranes is highly dependent on Mn2+ and insensitive to fluoride, guanyl nucleotides, and cholera toxin. These membranes are able to interact with components of detergent extracts from turkey erythrocyte ghosts. The reconstituted cyclase system is catalytically active in the presence of Mg2+ and it is activated by guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate plus isoproterenol and fluoride. When detergent extracts were prepared from avian erythrocyte membranes treated with cholera toxin, the reconstituted system was stimulated by guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate in the absence of isoproterenol and cyclase activities were higher than those observed with extracts from membranes not treated with the toxin. Dose-response curves for isoproterenol and fluoride in the reconstituted system were similar to those reported for avian erythrocyte and liver membranes, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigated whether pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PA-CAP27 and PACAP38) had any effect on gallbladder motility in conscious dogs, in which force transducers were chronically implanted in the gastric antrum, duodenum and gallbladder. PACAP27 and PACAP38 were administered intravenously during the digestive and interdigestive states at doses of 30, 100 and 300 pmol/kg. By way of comparison, cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) was administrated at doses of 3, 9 and 27 pmol/kg. As a result, each peptide evoked transient and tonic contractions both in the digestive and interdigestive states, and the effect on the motor index was dose dependent. PACAP27 and PACAP38 were 0.11 +/- 0.03 and 0.04 +/- 0.01 as potent as CCK-OP in the digestive state, and 0.18 +/- 0.04 and 0.02 +/- 0.01 in the interdigestive state, respectively, on a molar basis. Although PACAP27 and PACAP38 belong to the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) family, intravenous administration of 300 pmol/kg of VIP had no effect on interdigestive gallbladder motility, but on the other hand inhibited gallbladder motility in the digestive state. The contractile effects of PACAP27 and PACAP38 were almost completely abolished by pretreatment with atropine or hexamethonium, but not with L364718. An in vitro study using canine gallbladder strips showed that PACAP27 and PACAP38 had no effect on spontaneous gallbladder motor activity evoked by electric field stimulation, CCK-OP or acetylcholine. It was concluded that PACAP27 and PACAP38 stimulate gallbladder motility in conscious dogs through a preganglionic cholinergic mechanism.  相似文献   

Calmodulin activates adenylate cyclase from rabbit heart plasma membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It was shown that calmodulin (CM) activates the adenylate cyclase (AC) of rabbit heart light sarcolemma in the presence of micromolar free Ca2+ concentrations and this effect is blocked by trifluoroperazine and troponin I. GTP (in the presence of isoproterenol) and Gpp(NH)p are able to increase the CM-dependent activity of enzyme. It was concluded that there is no special CM-dependent "form' of AC in the heart and the common catalytic component of AC can be regulated both by CM and guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory component (N-protein). In the presence of Ca2+ and guanine nucleotide heart AC exists as a complex: CM-catalytic component-N-protein.  相似文献   

We have characterized the ANF-R2 receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase with respect to its modulation by several regulators. ANF (99–126) inhibits adenylate cyclase activity only in the presence of guanine nucleotides. The maximal inhibition ( 45%) was observed in the presence of 10-30 M GTPS, and at higher concentrations, the inhibitory effect of ANF was completely abolished. ANF-mediated inhibition was not dependent on the presence of monovalent cations, however Na+ enhanced the degree of inhibition by about 60%, whereas K+ and Li+ suppressed the extent of inhibition by about 50%. On the other hand, divalent cation, such as Mn2+ decreased the degree of inhibition in a concentration dependent manner, with an apparent Ki of about 0.7 mM, and at 2 mM; the inhibition was completely abolished. In addition, proteolytic digestion of the membranes with trypsin (40 ng/ml) resulted in the attenuation of ANF-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase. Other membrane disrupting agents such as neuraminidase and phospholipase A2 treatments also inhibited completely, the ANF-mediated inhibition of enzyme activity. N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM), phorbol ester and Ca2+-phospholipid dependent protein kinase (C-kinase) which have been shown to interact with inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulating protein (Gi) also resulted in the attenuation of ANF-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. These results indicate that in addition to the Gi, the phospholipids and glycoproteins may also play an important role in the expression of ANF-R2 receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase.Abbreviations ANF Atrial Natriuretic Factor - GTPS Guanosine 5-0-(Thiotriphosphate) - Gi inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein - NEM N-Ethylmaleimide - PMA Phorbol, 12-Myristate, 13-Acetate, C-kinase, Ca 2+, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase - PHL-A2 Phospholipase A,  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were broken in a Dounce homogenizer and subcellular fractions enriched in plasma membranes or microsomal particles and mitochondria were isolated by centrifugation through a discontinuous sucrose gradient. Various agents that promote cyclic AMP accumulation in intact lymphocytes were compared in their ability to stimulate adenylate cyclase activity in the individual fractions. Plasma-membrane-rich fractions that were essentially free of other subcellular particles as judged by electron microscopy and marker enzyme measurements responded to fluoride, but weakly or not at all to prostaglandin E1 and other prostaglandins. Microsomal and mitochondrial-rich fractions responded markedly to both prostaglandin E1 and fluoride. In some, but not all, experiments phytohaemagglutinin produced a modest increase in enzyme activity in plasma-membrane-rich fractions. Catecholamines, histamine, parathyrin, glucagon and corticotropin produced little or no response. In the absence of theophylline, adenosine (1-10 micronM) stimulated basal enzyme activity, although at higher concentrations the responses to prostaglandin E1 and fluoride were inhibited. GTP (1-100 micronM) and GMP(5-1000 micronM) respectively inhibited or stimulated the response to fluoride, whereas the converse was true with prostaglandin E1.  相似文献   

Abalone sperm adenylate cyclase activity is particulate in nature and displays a high Mg2+-supported activity (Mg2+/Mn2+ = 0.8) as compared to other sperm adenylate cyclases. Approximately 90% of the enzyme activity in crude homogenates is inhibited by EGTA in a concentration-dependent manner which is overcome by added micromolar free Ca2+. The EGTA-inhibited Ca2+-stimulated enzyme activity is also inhibited by phenothiazines. Added calmodulin, however, has no effect on enzyme activity prepared from crude homogenates. Preparation of a twice EGTA-extracted 48,000 X g pellet fraction yields a particulate enzyme activity that can be stimulated 10-65% by added calmodulin in the presence of micromolar free Ca2+. Detergent extraction (1% Lubrol PX) of the EGTA-washed 48,000 X g pellet solubilizes 2-5% of the total particulate adenylate cyclase activity, and this solubilized enzyme is activated up to 125% by calmodulin. The ability of the different enzyme preparations to be stimulated by calmodulin is inversely proportional to the endogenous calmodulin concentration. Calmodulin stimulation of the Lubrol PX-solubilized enzyme is specific to this Ca2+-binding protein and is mediated as an effect on the velocity of the enzyme. This stimulation is completely Ca2+ dependent and is fully reversible. These data suggest that the control of sperm cAMP synthesis by changes in Ca2+ conductance may be mediated via this Ca2+-binding protein.  相似文献   

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