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The complete genomic sequence of the dairy Lactobacillus helveticus bacteriophage ΦAQ113 was determined. Phage ΦAQ113 is a Myoviridae bacteriophage with an isometric capsid and a contractile tail. The final assembled consensus sequence revealed a linear, circularly permuted, double-stranded DNA genome with a size of 36,566 bp and a G+C content of 37%. Fifty-six open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted, and a putative function was assigned to approximately 90% of them. The ΦAQ113 genome shows functionally related genes clustered together in a genome structure composed of modules for DNA replication/regulation, DNA packaging, head and tail morphogenesis, cell lysis, and lysogeny. The identification of genes involved in the establishment of lysogeny indicates that it may have originated as a temperate phage, even if it was isolated from natural cheese whey starters as a virulent phage, because it is able to propagate in a sensitive host strain. Additionally, we discovered that the ΦAQ113 phage genome is closely related to Lactobacillus gasseri phage KC5a and Lactobacillus johnsonii phage Lj771 genomes. The phylogenetic similarities between L. helveticus phage ΦAQ113 and two phages that belong to gut species confirm a possible common ancestral origin and support the increasing consideration of L. helveticus as a health-promoting organism.  相似文献   

Carex nigra plants forming elevated dense tussocks are often named C. nigra subsp. juncella, as opposed to rhizomatous C. nigra subsp. nigra. It is uncertain, however, whether the cespitose growth form is a hereditary trait useful for definition of the distinct taxon or a site modification of little taxonomic value. We used vegetation analyses (phytosociological relevés) to reveal main patterns in ecological demands of the cespitose C. nigra plants in the Czech Republic, and three cultivation experiments to assess changes in clonal growth of C. nigra under various environmental conditions. In the field the cespitose C. nigra plants were typically found in abandoned wet meadows near open water, whereas the rhizomatous morphotypes frequently occurred also in regularly mown wet meadows and in peat bogs. The cespitose growth form disappeared in the cultivations, and the rhizome system responded plastically to immediate environmental stimuli. Number of rhizome branches and mean rhizome length decreased after defoliation of aboveground parts and denudation of belowground parts, whereas increased due to inundation. In the population from a cold site in high altitude (Modrava, Šumava Mts.), however, the originally cespitose plants repeatedly produced shorter and less numerous rhizome branches than the rhizomatous plants cultivated in the same conditions. This suggests ecotypic (genetic) differentiation in some populations of C. nigra, driven by environmental selection for more compact growth form in climatically severe sites. The cespitose C. nigra plants thus arise polytopically, by different mechanisms. The growth form itself therefore cannot serve as the character reliably delimiting C. nigra subsp. juncella as the distinct taxon.  相似文献   

This is the first report on a complete genome sequence and biological characterization of the phage that infects Arthrobacter. A novel virus vB_ArS-ArV2 (ArV2) was isolated from soil using Arthrobacter sp. 68b strain for phage propagation. Based on transmission electron microscopy, ArV2 belongs to the family Siphoviridae and has an isometric head (∼63 nm in diameter) with a non-contractile flexible tail (∼194×10 nm) and six short tail fibers. ArV2 possesses a linear, double-stranded DNA genome (37,372 bp) with a G+C content of 62.73%. The genome contains 68 ORFs yet encodes no tRNA genes. A total of 28 ArV2 ORFs have no known functions and lack any reliable database matches. Proteomic analysis led to the experimental identification of 14 virion proteins, including 9 that were predicted by bioinformatics approaches. Comparative phylogenetic analysis, based on the amino acid sequence alignment of conserved proteins, set ArV2 apart from other siphoviruses. The data presented here will help to advance our understanding of Arthrobacter phage population and will extend our knowledge about the interaction between this particular host and its phages.  相似文献   

The genera Agrobacterium, Allorhizobium, and Rhizobium belong to the family Rhizobiaceae. However, the placement of a phytopathogenic group of bacteria, the genus Agrobacterium, among the nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the unclear position of Rhizobium galegae have caused controversy in previous taxonomic studies. To resolve uncertainties in the taxonomy and nomenclature within this family, the phylogenetic relationships of generic members of Rhizobiaceae were studied, but with particular emphasis on the taxa included in Agrobacterium and the “R. galegae complex” (R. galegae and related taxa), using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of six protein-coding housekeeping genes among 114 rhizobial and agrobacterial taxa. The results showed that R. galegae, R. vignae, R. huautlense, and R. alkalisoli formed a separate clade that clearly represented a new genus, for which the name Neorhizobium is proposed. Agrobacterium was shown to represent a separate cluster of mainly pathogenic taxa of the family Rhizobiaceae. A. vitis grouped with Allorhizobium, distinct from Agrobacterium, and should be reclassified as Allorhizobium vitis, whereas Rhizobium rhizogenes was considered to be the proper name for former Agrobacterium rhizogenes. This phylogenetic study further indicated that the taxonomic status of several taxa could be resolved by the creation of more novel genera.  相似文献   

The Streptomyces albidoflavus 16S rRNA gene clade contains 10 species and subspecies with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and very similar numerical taxonomic data, including Streptomyces griseus subsp. solvifaciens. Type strains of this clade, as well as three CGMCC strains which were received as Streptomyces galilaeus, Streptomyces sioyaensis and Streptomyces vinaceus, respectively, that shared the same 16S rRNA gene sequences with the clade, were subjected to multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) and phenotypic characterization for a comprehensive reevaluation. The 13 strains still formed a distinct, albeit loosely related, clade in the phylogenetic tree based on concatenated sequences of aptD, gyrB, recA, rpoB and trpB genes, supported by a high bootstrap value and different tree-making algorithms, with MLSA evolutionary distances ranging from 0 to 0.003. DDH values among these strains were well above the 70% cut-off point for species delineation. Based on the genotypic data of MLSA and DDH, combined with key phenotypic properties in common, it is proposed that the 10 species and subspecies of the S. albidoflavus clade, namely S. albidoflavus, S. canescens, S. champavatii, S. coelicolor, S. felleus, S. globisporus subsp. caucasicus, S. griseus subsp. solvifaciens, S. limosus, S. odorifer and S. sampsonii, should be merged into a single genomic species, for which the name S. albidoflavus is retained, and that the three strains S. galilaeus CGMCC 4.1320, S. sioyaensis CGMCC 4.1306 and S. vinaceus CGMCC 4.1305 should be assigned to S. albidoflavus as well. The results also indicated that MLSA could be the procedure of choice for distinguishing between species within Streptomyces 16S rRNA gene clades.  相似文献   

Female Ophyrotrocha puerilis Clap. Mecz. were coupled. Certain parts of the prostomium and of the pygidium in one or both partners of a couple were amputated in order to prove that they are responsible for the mutual influence which partners normally exert on their sexual differentiation. The results demonstrate that the palps and the ventrolateral prostomial cirri are the transmitters and the ciliated lateral pits on the prostomium the receivers of the mutual influence. The antennae and the pygidial cirri are not necessary as far as the ‘Paarkultureffekt’ is concerned. The nature of the stimulus is still unknown. At the present stage of these investigations, the favoured conception is of a pheromone transmitted during the contact of the partners.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to employ the Salmonella/microsomal assay (Ames test) to investigate the mutagenic potential of a thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni. Bacteria are ideal for the detection of infrequently occurring point mutations because the large number of organisms (200 to 400 million bacteria per plate) exposed to the mutagen at any one time increases the possibility of observing a random mutational event. The exotoxin used in this study was produced using the shaker flask fermentation procedure with mineral casein broth. A Petri dish method of bioassay using fresh bovine feces was used to determine the efficacy of the exotoxin against horn flies. The LD50 was found to be 5.35 μl/g of feces. Five bacterial tester strains were identified and characterized for the genetic markers described by Ames et al. (B. N. Ames et al., 1975, Mutat. Res., 31, 347–364). Appropriate doses of the B. thuringiensis supernatant, solvent or positive control were added to agar plates. The supernatant was tested at five dose levels against all five strains of bacteria. Controls of bacteria only were included for spontaneous reversions. All treatments were performed in triplicate. The numbers of revertant colonies from each set of triplicate plates were averaged and the standard deviation calculated and compared to that found with the solvent control. The negative controls, positive controls, and sterility controls all fulfilled requirements for determination of a valid test. No detectable mutagenic activity was found for the thermostable exotoxin of B. thuringiensis morrisoni.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage Φγ, though related to the lambdoid phage ϕ80, has unusual features in its specialized transduction and is being investigated to determine the mechanism of the transduction process. Genetic analysis of the transducing element gives evidence for a relatively long and uniform linear segment, up to about 1% of the E. coli chromosome, extending in either direction from the prophage attachment site, e.g., on the right side: att80-tonB-trpABCDE-cysB-pryF. The att end includes a variable amount of phage genome, probably very short in most particles. In a small fraction of the transducing particles the phage segment may be more extensive and, conversely, the bacterial segment is shorter, ending around cysB. The transducing segment from modificationless bacteria carries a site susceptible to the K-restriction system which affects the efficiency of transduction.  相似文献   

A complete cDNA encoding the NADPH–cytochrome P450 reductase (haCPR) and its genomic sequence from the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera were cloned and sequenced. The open reading frame of haCPR codes for a protein of 687 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 77.4 kDa. The haCPR gene spans over 11 kb and its coding region is interrupted by 11 introns. haCPR is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues and at various stages of development. Escherichia coli produced haCPR enzyme exhibited catalytic activity for NADPH-dependent reduction of cytochrome c, following Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The functionality of CPR was further demonstrated by its capacity to support cytochrome P450 (e.g. haCYP9A14 and chicken CYP1A5) mediated O-dealkylation activity of alkoxyresorufins. The flavoprotein-specific inhibitor (diphenyleneiodonium chloride, DPI) showed a potent inhibition to haCPR activity (IC50 = 1.69 μM). Inhibitory effect of secondary metabolites in the host plants (tannic acid, quercetin and gossypol) on CPR activity (with an IC50 value ranged from 15 to 90 μM) was also observed.  相似文献   

In addition to triglochinin, taxiphyllin has been detected as a cyanogenic glucoside in seedlings of Triglochin maritima. Taxiphyllin at first increases during seedling development and then decreases, whereas tri-glochinin increases to a level higher than that ever reached by taxiphyllin and remains there during further seedling development. Two β-glucosidases have also been characterized in these seedlings. One of these shows a distinct specificity for triglochinin, whereas taxiphyllin appears to be the preferred substrate of the other.  相似文献   

Species are usually defined by reproductive isolation and are characterized by their gene repertoire. These two aspects are consequences of events fixed during evolution, including whole genome duplications and other polyploidizations. Thanks to the recent progress in genome sequencing, new light has been shed on these events. In this review, we will summarize these findings and discuss the methodology involved. Evolutionary traces of such events have been evidenced in various lineages in plants, animals, fungi and protozoa. Comparative analysis of synteny is a powerful approach to unveil evolutionary footprints of these events. According to expectations, these events would facilitate speciation since some of them are thought to be at the base of major radiations such as teleostei or eudicotyledons. After an initial amplification, the gene repertoire would be shaped by constraints such as expression level and functional interactions that would tend to maintain only a tiny fraction of the duplicates over the long term. Functional innovation from duplication may be a secondary effect, enabled by these duplicate retention mechanisms. To cite this article: O. Jaillon et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

For many years, the binomial Hygrophorus hypothejus was widely applied to collections from various geographical regions in different continents, assuming a circum-boreal and circum-mediterranean distribution for this species. This hypothesis, however, had never been put to the test. To assess the diversity and species-limits within this complex of yellow-coloured waxcaps, a phylogenetic, morphological and taxonomical investigation into Hygrophorus sect. Aurei and similar species in sect. Olivaceoumbrini was carried out, including material of pan-European origin, as well as the east and west coasts of North America. Following sequencing of the ITS rDNA locus, nine lineages are confirmed in sect. Aurei, most of them highly continentalised. Of these, two are new to science, introduced here as Hygrophorus boyeri sp. nov., from Pinus banksiana and P. rigida forests in eastern North America and from P. muricata and P. contorta forests in western North America, and Hygrophorus meridionalis sp. nov., from Pinus brutia and Pinus halepensis forests in the island of Cyprus and mainland Greece. H. hypothejus is lectotypified and epitypified, and here resolved as a strictly European species, with the old forgotten taxon Hygrophorus siccipes revived as its North American vicariant. The placement of Hygrophorus fuligineus in sect. Aurei is phylogenetically confirmed and detailed comparisons between morphologically similar and phylogenetically affiliated taxa in sect. Aurei and sect. Olivaceoumbrini are provided. The chronic confusion associated with Hygrophorus fuscoalbus, a highly controversial taxon described from Germany nearly two centuries ago and variously interpreted since, is discussed, concluding that this name is too ambiguous to be applied to any currently recognized species.  相似文献   

The paper of B.P. Vjuschkov considering Late Permian vertebrates from the Vyazniki locality, prepared more than half a century ago and remained unpublished until the present time, was the first preliminary generalization of the geological and paleontological data on this burial. The material of this study collected by Vjuschkov during excavations in 1955–1957 revealed a unique composition of the local tetrapod assemblage compared to previously known contemporaneous analogues. Further studies of the Vyazniki fauna performed during the last decades provided a better understanding of its composition and age, showing that it is of paramount importance as a record of the terminal episode in the history of the Paleozoic precrisis biota.  相似文献   

The structure of the Leviviridae bacteriophage φCb5 virus-like particle has been determined at 2.9 Å resolution and the structure of the native bacteriophage φCb5 at 3.6 Å. The structures of the coat protein shell appear to be identical, while differences are found in the organization of the density corresponding to the RNA. The capsid is built of coat protein dimers and in shape corresponds to a truncated icosahedron with T = 3 quasi-symmetry. The capsid is stabilized by four calcium ions per icosahedral asymmetric unit. One is located at the symmetry axis relating the quasi-3-fold related subunits and is part of an elaborate network of hydrogen bonds stabilizing the interface. The remaining calcium ions stabilize the contacts within the coat protein dimer. The stability of the φCb5 particles decreases when calcium ions are chelated with EDTA. In contrast to other leviviruses, φCb5 particles are destabilized in solution with elevated salt concentration. The model of the φCb5 capsid provides an explanation of the salt-induced destabilization of φCb5, since hydrogen bonds, salt bridges and calcium ions have important roles in the intersubunit interactions.Electron density of three putative RNA nucleotides per icosahedral asymmetric unit has been observed in the φCb5 structure. The nucleotides mediate contacts between the two subunits forming a dimer and a third subunit in another dimer. We suggest a model for φCb5 capsid assembly in which addition of coat protein dimers to the forming capsid is facilitated by interaction with the RNA genome. The φCb5 structure is the first example in the levivirus family that provides insight into the mechanism by which the genome-coat protein interaction may accelerate the capsid assembly and increase capsid stability.  相似文献   

Phototrophic consortia represent valuable model systems for the study of signal transduction and coevolution between different bacteria. The phototrophic consortium “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” consists of a colorless central rod-shaped bacterium surrounded by about 20 green-pigmented epibionts. Although the epibiont was identified as a member of the green sulfur bacteria, and recently isolated and characterized in pure culture, the central colorless bacterium has been identified as a member of the β-Proteobacteria but so far could not be characterized further. In the present study, “C. aggregatum” was enriched chemotactically, and the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the central bacterium was elucidated. Based on the sequence information, fluorescence in situ hybridization probes targeting four different regions of the 16S rRNA were designed and shown to hybridize exclusively to cells of the central bacterium. Phylogenetic analyses of the 1,437-bp-long sequence revealed that the central bacterium of “C. aggregatum” represents a so far isolated phylogenetic lineage related to Rhodoferax spp., Polaromonas vacuolata, and Variovorax paradoxus within the family Comamonadaceae. The majority of relatives of this lineage are not yet cultured and were found in low-temperature aquatic environments or aquatic environments containing xenobiotica or hydrocarbons. In CsCl-bisbenzimidazole equilibrium density gradients, genomic DNA of the central bacterium of “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” formed a distinct band which could be detected by quantitative PCR using specific primers. Using this method, the G+C content of the central bacterium was determined to be 55.6 mol%.  相似文献   

A photosynthetically competent mutant strain of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides was isolated. In addition to bacteriochlorophyll, this organism produced particle-bound precursor 4-vinylprotochlorophyllide. The spectral characteristics of the pigment complex(es) accumulated in the culture medium were very variable. The spectral form occurring within the bacteria was characterized from fluorescence data. Its particle weight, 130 000, was determined by Sephadex G200 filtration. The main components of the complex were protein, lipid and pigment (6.8 : 6 : 1, w/w). As indicated by qualitative analysis, the lipid components were characteristic constituents of the photosynthetic membrane.Kinetics of pigments synthesis showed that the total pigment synthesis was not affected by the mutation; bacteriochlorophyll content was always lower in the mutant than in the parent strain. The repigmentation process was followed by fluorescence emission. The results indicated that the mutation affected membrane component synthesis required for the bacteriochlorophyll(ide) incorporation.The pigment complex was concluded to be an authentic intermediate in photosynthetic apparatus morphogenesis. The reasons for its excretion are discussed.  相似文献   

The resonance Raman spectrum of the reaction center of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides G1C as well as those of the cis-trans isomers of β-carotene (all-trans, 9-cis, 13-cis, 15-cis and 9-cis, 13-cis- (or 9-cis, 13′-cis)) have been recorded at liquid N2 temperature by use of the 457.9, 488.0 and 514.5 nm excitation lines. Comparison of the spectra indicated that the carotenoid in the reaction center takes the 15-cis configuration.  相似文献   

Dark septate endophytes of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. – Acephala applanata species complex (PAC) are presumed to be the most abundant root colonizing endophytes of conifers across the Northern hemisphere. To test the competitiveness of different PAC strains, PAC-free Picea abies saplings were inoculated with five different PAC strains by planting them in pre-colonized substrates. Saplings were left to grow for six weeks and then transplanted crosswise into a substrate colonized by one of the other four strains for a further two weeks. PAC were isolated and genotyped using microsatellite markers. The power of colonization, i.e. the ability of colonizing roots already colonized by another PAC strain, and the power of retention, i.e. the ability of a resident strain of not being suppressed by an invading PAC strain, were calculated for each strain in every combination. The experiment was run twice under two different climatic conditions. Our results show that PAC strains differ (1) in their ability to colonize PAC-free, non-sterile roots, (2) in resistance against being suppressed by another PAC strain and (3) in their ability to invade roots already colonized by another PAC strain. In addition, both the PAC–PAC and the PAC-host interactions depend on the climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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