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Lnk, SH2-B, and APS form a conserved adaptor protein family. All of those proteins are expressed in mast cells and their possible functions in signaling through c-Kit or FcRI have been speculated. To investigate roles of Lnk, SH2-B or APS in mast cells, we established IL-3-dependent mast cells from Ink-/-, SH2-B-/-, and APS -/- mice. IL-3-dependent growth of those cells was comparable. Proliferation or adhesion mediated by c-Kit as well as degranulation induced by cross-linking FcRI were normal in the absence of Lnk or SH2-B. In contrast, APS-deficient mast cells showed augmented degranulation after cross-linking FcRI compared to wild-type cells, while c-Kit-mediated proliferation and adhesion were kept unaffected. APS-deficient mast cells showed reduced actin assembly at steady state, although their various intracellular responses induced by cross-linking FcRI were indistinguishable compared to wild-type cells. Our results suggest potential roles of APS in controlling actin cytoskeleton and magnitude of degranulation in mast cells.  相似文献   

Background: Resistin-like molecules (RELM) are expressed in many tissues and among those, RELMβ is most abundantly expressed in the colon. Based on animal studies, RELMβ is induced by high fat diets, obesity, and intestinal microflora and may play a role in insulin resistance and intestinal inflammation. In the present study, we evaluated whether RELMβ could be measured in human plasma and the influence of selected host and behavioral factors on RELMβ levels, including known risk factors for colorectal cancer. Methods: The subjects for this pilot study were derived from healthy controls who participated in a population-based case–control study of colorectal cancer in Metropolitan Detroit. The subjects were 45–80 years of age without history of cancer or colorectal resection. Results: RELMβ was present in human plasma, with levels in the range of 0.08–0.26 ng/mL. Lower RELMβ levels were found in subjects with non-Caucasian race, lower pack-years of smoking, and higher physical activity index scores. Other variables such as dietary intakes, gender, obesity, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and history of polyps were not associated with RELMβ levels. Conclusions: The direct association of RELMβ with smoking and inverse association with physical activity, both of which are risk factors for colon cancer, indicates that RELMβ may be involved in mediating the effects of these two lifestyle factors on risk of colon cancer.  相似文献   

Electroconvulsive shock (ECS) has been used as an effective treatment for patients suffering from major depression disorders and schizophrenia. However, the exact mechanisms underlying the action of ECS are poorly understood. Using high-density oligonucleotide microarrays, we identified 60 ECS-induced genes whose gene products are involved in the neuronal signaling, neuritogenesis and tissue remodeling. In situ hybridization and depolarization-dependent expression assay were performed to characterize 4 genes (lysyl oxidase, Ab1-046, SOX11, and T-type calcium channel 1G subunit) which have not yet been reported to be induced by ECS. Interestingly, the induction of these genes was observed mainly in the dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation and piriform cortex, where ECS-induced neural activation is highlighted, and depolarization of cultured cortical neurons also induced the expression of these genes. Taken together, our results suggest that therapeutic actions of ECS may be manifested by the activity-dependent induction of genes related to the plastic changes of the brain such as neuronal signaling neuritogenesis, and tissue remodeling.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two novel members of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) gene family expressed in K562 erythroleukemia cells. Here we report cDNA cloning and analysis of one of these genes, named FGFR-4. The deduced amino acid sequence of FGFR-4 is 55% identical with both previously characterized FGFRs, flg and bek, and has the structural characteristics of a FGFR family member including three immunoglobulin-like domains in its extracellular part. Antibodies raised against the carboxy terminus of FGFR-4 detected 95 and 110 kd glycoproteins with a protein backbone of 88 kd in COS cells transfected with a FGFR-4 cDNA expression vector. The FGFR-4 protein expressed in COS cells could also be affinity-labeled with radioiodinated acidic FGF. Furthermore, ligand binding experiments demonstrated that FGFR-4 binds acidic FGF with high affinity but does not bind basic FGF. FGFR-4 is expressed as a 3.0 kb mRNA in the adrenal, lung, kidney, liver, pancreas, intestine, striated muscle and spleen tissues of human fetuses. The expression pattern of FGFR-4 is distinct from that of flg and bek and the yet additional member of the same gene family, FGFR-3, which we have also cloned from the K562 leukemia cells. Our results suggest that FGFR-4 along with other fibroblast growth factor receptors performs cell lineage and tissue-specific functions.  相似文献   

嗅觉对昆虫的生存、繁殖等起着重要的作用。依据家蚕Bombyx mori全基因组序列设计特异引物,扩增得到了两个信息素结合蛋白BmPBP2和BmPBP3基因的cDNA片段。结合已报道的家蚕信息素结合蛋白BmPBP1和两个普通气味结合蛋白BmGOBP的信息,对其基因结构分析表明,这5个基因均由3个外显子组成,具有保守的外显子/内含子边界和典型的6个Cys残基,且3个PBP基因在基因组上串联分布。序列同源性分析表明,BmPBP2和BmPBP3与烟草天蛾的PBP2和PBP3的同源性高达69%和63%。半定量RT-PCR分析结果显示,BmPBP2和BmPBP3基因在成虫触角中特异表达,且雌雄表达水平相当。这些结果表明BmPBP2和BmPBP3可能起着性信息素识别的作用。  相似文献   

The SNARE proteins are essential components of the intracellular fusion machinery. It is thought that they form a tight four-helix complex between membranes, in effect initiating fusion. Most SNAREs contain a single coiled-coil region, referred to as the SNARE motif, directly adjacent to a single transmembrane domain. The neuronal SNARE SNAP-25 defines a subfamily of SNARE proteins with two SNARE helices connected by a longer linker, comprising also the proteins SNAP-23 and SNAP-29. We now report the initial characterization of a novel vertebrate homologue termed SNAP-47. Northern blot and immunoblot analysis revealed ubiquitous tissue distribution, with particularly high levels in nervous tissue. In neurons, SNAP-47 shows a widespread distribution on intracellular membranes and is also enriched in synaptic vesicle fractions. In vitro, SNAP-47 substituted for SNAP-25 in SNARE complex formation with the neuronal SNAREs syntaxin 1a and synaptobrevin 2, and it also substituted for SNAP-25 in proteoliposome fusion. However, neither complex assembly nor fusion was as efficient as with SNAP-25.  相似文献   

Sponges are known to harbour an exceptional diversity of uncultured microorganisms, including members of the phylum Actinobacteriota. While members of the actinobacteriotal class Actinomycetia have been studied intensively due to their potential for secondary metabolite production, the sister class of Acidimicrobiia is often more abundant in sponges. However, the taxonomy, functions, and ecological roles of sponge-associated Acidimicrobiia are largely unknown. Here, we reconstructed and characterized 22 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of Acidimicrobiia from three sponge species. These MAGs represented six novel species, belonging to five genera, four families, and two orders, which are all uncharacterized (except the order Acidimicrobiales) and for which we propose nomenclature. These six uncultured species have either only been found in sponges and/or corals and have varying degrees of specificity to their host species. Functional gene profiling indicated that these six species shared a similar potential to non-symbiotic Acidimicrobiia with respect to amino acid biosynthesis and utilization of sulfur compounds. However, sponge-associated Acidimicrobiia differed from their non-symbiotic counterparts by relying predominantly on organic rather than inorganic sources of energy, and their predicted capacity to synthesise bioactive compounds or their precursors implicated in host defence. Additionally, the species possess the genetic capacity to degrade aromatic compounds that are frequently found in sponges. The novel Acidimicrobiia may also potentially mediate host development by modulating Hedgehog signalling and by the production of serotonin, which can affect host body contractions and digestion. These results highlight unique genomic and metabolic features of six new acidimicrobiial species that potentially support a sponge-associated lifestyle.  相似文献   


The immunophilins are an important group of regulatory molecules in the immune system. FKBP5, expressed throughout mammals and in fish and birds, functions in both physiological and pathogenic pathways, including innate immunity and steroid-based diseases. In this study, we cloned the first porcine FKBP5 from Rongchang pig by the rapid amplification of cDNA ends technique. The full-length cDNA is 4097?bp, with an open reading frame of 1371?bp that codes for a 457-aa protein. Western blotting detected the porcine FKBP5 protein at highest levels in thymus, followed by spleen and lung. Immunohistochemistry detected the porcine FKBP5 protein in lymphocytes and granulocytes of the blood, and flow cytometry identified greater expression in unactivated (vs. activated) T lymphocytes. Finally, the expression level of porcine FKBP5 in the granulocytes was found to decline significantly from the time of birth to one-year-old. These collective data suggest that the newly identified porcine FKBP5 may function in activation of T cells in pig and in innate immunity in the newborn pig in particular.  相似文献   

Small molecules have played an important role in delineating molecular pathways involved in embryonic development and disease pathology. The need for novel small molecule modulators of biological processes has driven a number of targeted screens on large diverse libraries. However, due to the specific focus of such screens, the majority of the bioactive potential of these libraries remains unharnessed. In order to identify a higher proportion of compounds with interesting biological activities, we screened a diverse synthetic library for compounds that perturb the development of any of the multiple organs in zebrafish embryos. We identified small molecules that affect the development of a variety of structures such as heart, vasculature, brain, and body-axis. We utilized the previously known role of retinoic acid in anterior-posterior (A-P) patterning to identify the target of DTAB, a compound that caused A-P axis shortening in the zebrafish embryo. We show that DTAB is a retinoid with selective activity towards retinoic acid receptors gamma and beta. Thus, conducting zebrafish developmental screens using small molecules will not only enable the identification of compounds with diverse biological activities in a large chemical library but may also facilitate the identification of the target pathways of these biologically active molecules.  相似文献   

To identify novel psoriasis-associated genes, we focused on several ESTs (expressed sequence tags) whose expression was predominantly increased in the affected skin in patients with psoriasis vulgaris, as assessed by microarray assay. In this paper, a full-length cDNA corresponding to one of those ESTs (AI440266) was isolated by screening of cultured human keratinocyte cDNA libraries. This cDNA has an open reading frame of a 309-amino-acid protein, sharing significant homology to one of the short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) families that can catalyze the first and rate-limiting step that generates retinaldehyde from retinol. So, this gene was designated as hRDH-E2 (human epidermal retinal dehydrogenase 2). The hRDH-E2 gene has a single functional copy on chromosome 8q12.1, spanning approximately 20kb with seven exons. The deduced amino acid sequence contains three motifs that are conserved in the SDR family. Qualitative RT-PCR demonstrated that the mRNA levels of hRDH-E2 were significantly elevated in the affected skin in psoriasis patients as compared to the unaffected skin in patients and the normal skin in healthy individual. These results suggest that hRDH-E2 may be involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis through its critical role in retinol metabolism in keratinocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

In the study presented here, the effect of zinc deficiency on mRNA expression levels in liver and jejunum of adult rats was analyzed. Feed intake was restricted to 8 g/day. The semi-synthetic diet was fortified with pure phytate and contained either 2 μg Zn/g (Zn deficiency, n = 6) or 58 μg Zn/g (control, n = 7). After 29 days of Zn depletion feeding, entire jejunum and liver were retrieved and total RNA was extracted. Tissue specific expression pattern were screened and quantified by microarray analysis and verified individually via real-time RT-PCR. A relative quantification was performed with the newly developed Relative Expression Software Tool © on numerous candidate genes which showed a differential expression.

This study provides the first comparative view of gene expression regulation and fully quantitative expression analysis of 35 candidate genes in a non-growing Zn deficient adult rat model. The expression results indicate the existence of individual expression pattern in liver and jejunum and their tissue specific regulation under Zn deficiency. In addition, in jejunum a number of B-cell related genes could be demonstrated to be suppressed at Zn deficiency. In liver, metallothionein subtype 1 and 2 (MT-1 and MT-2) genes could be shown to be dramatically repressed and therefore represent putative markers for Zn deficiency. Expression results imply that some genes are expressed constitutively, whereas others are highly regulated in tissues responsible for Zn homeostasis.  相似文献   

FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide)-dependent monoamine oxidases play very important roles in many biological processes. A novel monoamine oxidase, named renalase, has been identified in human kidney recently and is found to be markedly reduced in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Here, we reported the identification of a renalase homologue from mouse, termed mMAO-C (mouse monoamine oxidase-C) after the monoamine oxidase-A and -B (MAO-A and -B). This gene locates on the mouse chromosome 19C1 and its coding region spans 7 exons. The deuced amino acid sequences were predicted to contain a typical secretive signal peptide and a conserved amine oxidase domain. Phylogenetic analysis and multiple sequences alignment indicated that mMAO-C-like sequences exist in all examined species and share significant similarities. This gene has been submitted to the NCBI GenBank database (Accession number: DQ788834). With expression vectors generated from the cloned mMAO-C gene, exogenous protein was effectively expressed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Recombinant mMAO-C protein was secreted out of human cell lines, indicating the biological function of its signal peptide. Moreover, tissue expression pattern analysis revealed that mMAO-C gene is predominantly expressed in the mouse kidney and testicle, which implies that kidney and testicle are the main sources of renalase secretion. Shortly, this study provides an insight into understanding the physiological and biological functions of mMAO-C and its homologues in endocrine.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and expression of a novel adhesion molecule, SC1   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
SC1, an integral membrane glycoprotein of 100 kd, is uniquely and transiently expressed on spinal cord motoneurons early in development and appears in peripheral neurons and several other tissues during development. SC1 has been purified by immunoaffinity techniques, and SC1 cDNA clones have been obtained by screening an E4 chick embryo phage expression library with a rabbit polyclonal antibody produced against purified SC1. The deduced protein sequence of 588 amino acids consists of a signal peptide, five immunoglobulin-like domains, a transmembrane region, and a short cytoplasmic tail. The sequence is most similar to MUC18, reported as a tumor progression marker in human melanoma. Transfection of SC1 cDNA into mammalian cells leads to cell surface expression of SC1 antigen and a subsequent increase in cell-cell adhesion. SC1 molecules bind to each other via a homophilic adhesion mechanism, independently of calcium or magnesium ions. SC1 may have a role in lateral motor column formation or neurite growth or fasciculation.  相似文献   

12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) is a potent tumor promoter with wide ranging, diverse, and sometimes opposite cellular effects. Using oligonucleotide microarray analysis, we have identified a novel gene that is upregulated following treatment with TPA in the pancreatic cancer cell line CD18. Real-time PCR validated the microarray results in CD18 and HeLa cells, and showed that upregulation of the gene is time- and concentration-dependent. In silico analysis showed the gene product to be a single-pass transmembrane protein of 217 residues that is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, thus the name TPA induced trans-membrane protein (TTMP). A luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that upregulation of TTMP by TPA is triggered at the promoter level.  相似文献   

Epithelial differentiation is a very early event during development of most species. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, with its well-defined and invariant lineage, offers the possibility to link cell lineage, cell fate specification and gene regulation during epithelial differentiation. Here, we focus on the regulation of the gene lin-26, which is required for proper differentiation of epithelial cells in the ectoderm and mesoderm (somatic gonad). lin-26 expression starts in early embryos and remains on throughout development, in many cell types originating from different sublineages. Using GFP reporters and mutant rescue assays, we performed a molecular dissection of the lin-26 promoter and could identify almost all elements required to establish its complex spatial and temporal expression. Most of these elements act redundantly, or synergistically once combined, to drive expression in cells related by function. We also show that lin-26 promoter elements mediate activation in the epidermis (hypodermis) by the GATA factor ELT-1, or repression in the foregut (pharynx) by the FoxA protein PHA-4. Taken together, our data indicate that lin-26 regulation is achieved to a large extent through tissue-specific cis-regulatory elements.  相似文献   

Chitinases are ubiquitous chitin-fragmenting hydrolases. Recently we discovered the first human chitinase, named chitotriosidase, that is specifically expressed by phagocytes. We here report the identification, purification, and subsequent cloning of a second mammalian chitinase. This enzyme is characterized by an acidic isoelectric point and therefore named acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase). In rodents and man the enzyme is relatively abundant in the gastrointestinal tract and is found to a lesser extent in the lung. Like chitotriosidase, AMCase is synthesized as a 50-kDa protein containing a 39-kDa N-terminal catalytic domain, a hinge region, and a C-terminal chitin-binding domain. In contrast to chitotriosidase, the enzyme is extremely acid stable and shows a distinct second pH optimum around pH 2. AMCase is capable of cleaving artificial chitin-like substrates as well as crab shell chitin and chitin as present in the fungal cell wall. Our study has revealed the existence of a chitinolytic enzyme in the gastrointestinal tract and lung that may play a role in digestion and/or defense.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone from Zea mays coding for a novel glycine-rich protein (GRP) is described. The corresponding 1.4 kb mRNA accumulates exclusively in roots (primary, lateral seminal and crown roots) of young maize seedlings, following developmentally specific patterns. In agreement with previously described GRPs from other plant species the derived protein sequence exhibits a hydrophobic domain at the N-terminal region followed by repeated glycine-rich motifs. Genomic Southern analysis indicates that the zmGRP3 gene is present in the maize genome as one or two copies or at a low copy number.  相似文献   

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