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Chiang Muan is the first Miocene fossil site in Southeast Asia, from which large-bodied Miocene hominoids have been discovered (Kunimatsu et al., Primate Res 16:299, 2000a). In this article, we describe a hominoid lower molar (CMu15-501) recovered from the Upper Lignite Member of Chiang Muan. The age of Chiang Muan is estimated to be latest Middle or earliest Late Miocene (around 11 Ma), based on the mammalian fauna.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

First middle Miocene sivaladapid primate from Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sivaladapids are a group of Asian adapiform primates that were previously documented from deposits dating to the middle Eocene through the late Miocene in Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Thailand, and China. The group is notable for the persistence of three genera, Sivaladapis, Indraloris and Sinoadapis, into the late Miocene. In Thailand, sivaladapids were previously documented only from late Eocene deposits of the Krabi mine. Here, we describe the first Southeast Asian Miocene sivaladapid, Siamoadapis maemohensis gen. et sp. nov. from a 13.3 to 13.1 Ma lignite layer from the Mae Moh coal mine, Thailand. It differs from other Miocene sivaladapids by its distinctly smaller size and in features of the dentition. This discovery enhances the paleoecological diversity of the middle Miocene primate fauna of Thailand, which now includes sivaladapids, a loris, tarsiids, and hominoids. In this respect, the fossil primate community from the middle Miocene of Thailand is similar in its composition to roughly contemporaneous assemblages from southern China, India, and Pakistan. However, the Thai fossils represent a distinct genus, suggesting a different biogeographic province with distinctive paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the living hominoids has remained elusive despite years of exploration and the discovery of numerous Miocene fossil ape species. Part of the difficulty can be attributed to the changing nature of our views about the course of hominoid evolution. In the 1950s and 1960s, individual Miocene taxa were commonly viewed as the direct ancestors of specific living ape species, suggesting an early divergence of the modern lineages.1–5 However, in most cases, the Miocene forms were essentially “dental apes,” resembling extant species in dental and a few cranial features, but possessing more primitive postcranial features that suggested arboreal quadrupedalism rather than suspensory habits. With the introduction of molecular methods of phylogenetic reconstruction and the increasing use of cladistic analysis, it has become apparent that the radiation leading to the modern hominoids was somewhat more recent than had been believed, and that most of the Miocene hominoid species had little to do with the evolutionary history of the living apes. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A distal tibia, YGSP 1656, from the early Late Miocene portion of the Chinji Formation in Pakistan is described. The fossil is 11.4 million years old and is one of only six postcranial elements now assigned to Sivapithecus indicus. Aspects of the articular surface are cercopithecoid-like, suggesting some pronograde locomotor activities. However, YGSP 1656 possesses an anteroposteriorly compressed metaphysis and a mediolaterally thick medial malleolus, ape-like features functionally related to orthograde body postures and vertical climbing. YGSP 1656 lacks specializations found in the ankle of terrestrial cercopithecoids and thus Sivapithecus may have been primarily arboreal. Nevertheless, the morphology of this tibia is unique, consistent with other interpretations of Sivapithecus postcranial functional morphology that suggest the locomotion of this ape lacks a modern analog. Based on the limited postcranial remains from S. indicus, we hypothesize that this taxon exhibited substantial body size dimorphism.  相似文献   

牙釉质发育不全是反映牙齿发育过程中遭遇生理性刺激的有效指标。本文对来自云南禄丰石灰坝的禄丰古猿(Lufengpithecus lufengensis)261枚单颗恒齿进行观察分析,发现223枚牙齿普遍罹患带状牙釉质发育不全(LEH),比例为85.4%,高于其它已报道过的中新世古猿、化石人科成员及现生大猿。另一方面,用扫描电镜和数码显微镜着重分析了12枚犬齿,均有多条LEH,且雄性犬齿的LEH条数多于雌性;相邻LEH间的釉面横纹数在14-25条之间。结合禄丰古猿釉面横纹的生长周期(9天),估算相邻LEH之间的时间间隔为4.8-6.6月,季节性营养不良可能是禄丰古猿釉质发育不全的主要原因。  相似文献   

For over a century, a Neogene fossil mammal fauna has been known in the Irrawaddy Formation in central Myanmar. Unfortunately, the lack of accurately located fossiliferous sites and the absence of hominoid fossils have impeded paleontological studies. Here we describe the first hominoid found in Myanmar together with a Hipparion (s.l.) associated mammal fauna from Irrawaddy Formation deposits dated between 10.4 and 8.8 Ma by biochronology and magnetostratigraphy. This hominoid documents a new species of Khoratpithecus, increasing thereby the Miocene diversity of southern Asian hominoids. The composition of the associated fauna as well as stable isotope data on Hipparion (s.l.) indicate that it inhabited an evergreen forest in a C3-plant environment. Our results enlighten that late Miocene hominoids were more regionally diversified than other large mammals, pointing towards regionally-bounded evolution of the representatives of this group in Southeast Asia. The Irrawaddy Formation, with its extensive outcrops and long temporal range, has a great potential for improving our knowledge of hominoid evolution in Asia.  相似文献   

本文叙述了制作禄丰古猿雌性复原头像的根据和过程。复原像以宽阔的眶间宽和中面部,以及低平的鼻根和鼻梁硬骨部为其显著的特点。它的“鼻—前颌部”侧面轮廓和软鼻形态与猩猩的较相似。它的鼻属猿型鼻,有类似大猩猩的和人形化的性状。  相似文献   

Shape analyses of cross-sectional mandibular molar morphology, using Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis, were performed on 79 late Miocene hominoid lower molars from Yuanmou of Yunnan Province, China. These molars were compared to samples of chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan,Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Sivapithecus, Australopithecus afarensis, and human mandibular molars. Our results indicate that the cross-sectional shape of Yuanmou hominoid lower molars is more similar to the great apes that to humans. There are few differences between the Yuanmou,L. lufengensis, andSivapithecus molars in cross-sectional morphology, demonstrating strong affinities between these three late Miocene hominoids. All three of the fossil samples show strong similarities to orangutans. From this, we conclude that these late Miocene hominoids are more closely related to orangutants than to either the African great apes or humans.  相似文献   

A hamate and the proximal part of a first metacarpal from the type locality of the Nagri Formation in Pakistan, and attributed to Sivapithecus parvada, are described. In overall proportions, the hamate is rather robust, showing most similarity to that of Gorilla. Unlike extant hominoids it lacks a well-developed hamulus, and its triquetral facet is morphologically dissimilar to that in extant anthropoids. The morphology of the hamate indicates effective weight transmission through the ulnar side of the wrist, limited ulnar deviation and restricted extension in the triquetrohamate joint, and stability of the hamatometacarpal joints. The morphology of the partial first metacarpal is most similar to that of Pan. Previously described postcranial bones of S. parvada indicate that its locomotor behaviour included both quadrupedalism and climbing. This is consistent with the limited evidence of the first metacarpal, whereas the hamate strongly emphasizes the quadrupedal aspect of the locomotor repertoire.  相似文献   

Following previous reports indicating a remarkable high diversity of sessile rotifers in Southeast Asian freshwaters, we report on an extensive study of the diversity of Collothecidae rotifers from fifteen freshwater habitats in Thailand. A total of 13 species, including two additional infraspecific variants, of Collothecidae are recorded, one of which is described as a new species of Collotheca. We further add taxonomic remarks on some of the taxa on record and illustrate the uncinate trophi of several representatives by scanning electron microscopic images. Finally, we provide illustrated identification keys to the Collothecidae recorded to date from Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Seasonal tropical forests exhibit a great diversity of leaf exchange patterns. Within these forests variation in the timing and intensity of leaf exchange may occur within and among individual trees and species, as well as from year to year. Understanding what generates this diversity of phenological behaviour requires a mechanistic model that incorporates rate-limiting physiological conditions, environmental cues, and their interactions. In this study we examined long-term patterns of leaf flushing for a large proportion of the hundreds of tree species that co-occur in a seasonal tropical forest community in western Thailand. We used the data to examine community-wide variation in deciduousness and tested competing hypotheses regarding the timing and triggers of leaf flushing in seasonal tropical forests. We developed metrics to quantify the nature of deciduousness (its magnitude, timing and duration) and its variability among survey years and across a range of taxonomic levels. Tree species varied widely in the magnitude, duration, and variability of leaf loss within species and across years. The magnitude of deciduousness ranged from complete crown loss to no crown loss. Among species that lost most of their crown, the duration of deciduousness ranged from 2 to 21 weeks. The duration of deciduousness in the majority of species was considerably shorter than in neotropical forests with similar rainfall periodicity. While the timing of leaf flushing varied among species, most (∼70%) flushed during the dry season. Leaf flushing was associated with changes in photoperiod in some species and the timing of rainfall in other species. However, more than a third of species showed no clear association with either photoperiod or rainfall, despite the considerable length and depth of the dataset. Further progress in resolving the underlying internal and external mechanisms controlling leaf exchange will require targeting these species for detailed physiological and microclimatic studies.  相似文献   

The proboscidean fauna of the middle Miocene of Thailand consists of five taxa, including four elephantoids and one deinothere. The Thai association is dominated by the genera Stegolophodon and Gomphotherium. Stegolophodon is represented by S. nasaiensis and S. praelatidens. The latter species, considered invalid and possibly conspecific with S. latidens, is re‐erected. Its phylogenetic relationships are discussed. The Thai Gomphotherium matches with G. browni from the middle Miocene of Indo‐Pakistan. However, the open nomenclature is employed for the Thai material because it differs from G. browni in terms of curvature of the upper tusk. Intraspecific molar size variation observed in G. cf. browni and Stegolophodon praelatidens is attributed to sexual dimorphism. The Thai proboscidean asssemblage is mainly endemic compared with other contemporaneous Asian faunas although the recognition of Gomphotherium cf. browni denotes faunal affinities with Pakistan. The biostratigraphical implications of the taxa are examined in a regional context. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 703–721.  相似文献   

Laccopithecus robustus is a siamang-sized fossil ape from the Miocene site of Lufeng, China. The species is known from a partial cranium, numerous mandibles, and scores of isolated teeth. This species shows striking dental similarities to Pliopithecus from the Miocene of Europe and a number of cranial similarities to extant gibbons. Laccopithecus differs from extant gibbons and resembles other fossil and extant apes in showing marked sexual dimorphism in the size and shape of the canines and anterior lower premolars. Evidence for sexual differences in either the size or shape of other teeth is less clear. There is some evidence for a sexual size dimorphism based on the variability of molar teeth.  相似文献   

Bulbuls (family Pycnonotidae) are a diverse family of songbirds that carry out a number of ecologically important functions associated with seed dispersal. Since, 2003, a puff-throated bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus) population in the Mo-Singto Long-term Biodiversity Research Plot in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand has served as a model system for examining how bulbul behavior, movement, and demographics affect Southeast Asian forests. In this study, we used 454 pyrosequencing to discover microsatellites from A. pallidus that will enable the long-term mark-recapture work conducted at Mo-Singto to be complemented by molecular ecology and population genetic studies. In addition, we conducted fragment analysis to examine the level of genetic diversity exhibited by the Mo-Singto population. In total, we identified 103 DNA fragments containing microsatellite repeats and 66 fragments with sufficient flanking sequences to allow for primer design. Upon screening 26 loci via PCR-based genotyping assays, we identified nine polymorphic loci and used eight of these to examine genetic diversity in the Mo-Singto population. The results of these analyses suggest that the Mo-Singto population is moderately diverse (mean number of effective alleles across eight loci = 3.36, standard deviation = 1.78), is more-or-less in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and has not recently been subject to severe population reduction.  相似文献   

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