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The molecular architecture of versatile peroxidase (VP) includes an exposed tryptophan responsible for aromatic substrate oxidation and a putative Mn2+ oxidation site. The crystal structures (solved up to 1.3 A) of wild-type and recombinant Pleurotus eryngii VP, before and after exposure to Mn2+, showed a variable orientation of the Glu36 and Glu40 side chains that, together with Asp175, contribute to Mn2+ coordination. To evaluate the involvement of these residues, site-directed mutagenesis was performed. The E36A, E40A, and D175A mutations caused a 60-85-fold decrease in Mn2+ affinity and a decrease in the Mn2+ oxidation activity. Transient-state kinetic constants showed that reduction of both compounds I and II was affected (80-325-fold lower k2app and 103-104-fold lower k3app, respectively). The single mutants retained partial Mn2+ oxidation activity, and a triple mutation (E36A/E40A/D175A) was required to completely suppress the activity (<1% kcat). The affinity for Mn2+ also decreased ( approximately 25-fold) with the shorter carboxylate side chain in the E36D and E40D variants, which nevertheless retained 30-50% of the maximal activity, whereas similar mutations caused a 50-100-fold decrease in kcat in the case of the Phanerochaete chrysosporium manganese peroxidase (MnP). Additional mutations showed that introduction of a basic residue near Asp175 did not improve Mn2+ oxidation as found for MnP and ruled out an involvement of the C-terminal tail of the protein in low-efficiency oxidation of Mn2+. The structural and kinetic data obtained highlighted significant differences in the Mn2+ oxidation site of the new versatile enzyme compared to P. chrysosporium MnP.  相似文献   

Interest in production of ligninolytic enzymes has been growing over recent years for their use in various applications such as recalcitrant pollutants bioremediation; specifically, versatile peroxidase (VP) presents a great potential due to its catalytic versatility. The proper selection of the fermentation mode and the culture medium should be an imperative to ensure a successful production by an economic and available medium that favors the process viability. VP was produced by solid-state fermentation (SSF) of Pleurotus eryngii, using the agricultural residue banana peel as growth medium; an enzymatic activity of 10,800 U L?1 (36 U g?1 of substrate) was detected after 18 days, whereas only 1800 U L?1 was reached by conventional submerged fermentation (SF) with glucose-based medium. The kinetic parameters were determined by evaluating the H2O2 and Mn2+ concentration effects on the Mn3+-tartrate complex formation. The results indicated that although the H2O2 inhibitory effect was observed for the enzyme produced by both media, the reaction rates for VP obtained by SSF were less impacted. This outcome suggests the presence of substances released from banana peel during the fermentation, which might exhibit a protective effect resulting in an improved kinetic behavior of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Versatile peroxidases are heme enzymes that combine catalytic properties of lignin peroxidases and manganese peroxidases, being able to oxidize Mn(2+) as well as phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds in the absence of mediators. The catalytic process (initiated by hydrogen peroxide) is the same as in classical peroxidases, with the involvement of 2 oxidizing equivalents and the formation of the so-called Compound I. This latter state contains an oxoferryl center and an organic cation radical that can be located on either the porphyrin ring or a protein residue. In this study, a radical intermediate in the reaction of versatile peroxidase from the ligninolytic fungus Pleurotus eryngii with H(2)O(2) has been characterized by multifrequency (9.4 and 94 GHz) EPR and assigned to a tryptophan residue. Comparison of experimental data and density functional theory theoretical results strongly suggests the assignment to a tryptophan neutral radical, excluding the assignment to a tryptophan cation radical or a histidine radical. Based on the experimentally determined side chain orientation and comparison with a high resolution crystal structure, the tryptophan neutral radical can be assigned to Trp(164) as the site involved in long-range electron transfer for aromatic substrate oxidation.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding the new versatile peroxidase from the ligninolytic basidiomycete Pleurotus eryngii has been expressed in the ascomycete Emericella nidulans. In recombinant E. nidulans cultures, the pH reached values as high as 8.3, correlating with a sharp decrease in peroxidase activity. Peroxidase was rapidly inactivated at alkaline pH, but was comparatively stable at acidic pH. The peroxidase inactivation in alkaline buffer could be reversed by adding Ca2+ and lowering the pH. However, reactivation did not result after incubating the enzyme in non-buffered E. nidulans cultures that reached pH 7.5. To optimize recombinant peroxidase production, the effect of controlling the pH in E. nidulans bioreactor cultures was studied. An extended growth period, and a significant increase in the recombinant peroxidase level (5.3-fold higher activity than in the bioreactor without pH control) was obtained when the pH was maintained at 6.8, showing that culture pH is an important parameter for recombinant peroxidase production.  相似文献   

Bao X  Liu A  Lu X  Li JJ 《Biotechnology letters》2012,34(8):1537-1543
The vpl2 gene, encoding versatile peroxidase (VP) from Pleurotus eryngii, was synthesized with codon optimization and cloned into vector-pET-32a(+) and over-expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). An active peroxidase fused to the thioredoxin-hexahistidine tag was directly obtained by IPTG induction in the presence of hemin. Most of over-expressed protein was in the soluble form, and was purified on a nickel column with >85 % purity at a yield of 12.5 mg/l. The purified fusion protein, having an Rz value (A(407)/A(280), a measure of hemin content of the peroxidases) of 1.2, oxidized ABTS veratryl alcohol, Mn(2+), and Reactive Black 5. Activity of the enzyme increased after removing the tag. It lost only 5 % of its activity in 6.4 mM H(2)O(2). This is the first report on direct over-expression of active VP in E. coli.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis has been used to prepare two mutant forms of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase from Salmonella typhimurium in which either cysteine-81 or cysteine-118 is replaced by a serine residue. These mutant proteins are potentially useful for x-ray crystallographic studies since a heavy metal binding site is specifically eliminated in each mutant. The purified mutant proteins are fully active in four reactions catalyzed by the wild type alpha 2 beta 2 complex of tryptophan synthase. However, the mutant alpha 2 beta 2 complexes dissociate more readily and are less heat-stable than the wild type alpha 2 beta 2 complex. Thus, cysteine-81 and cysteine-118 of the alpha subunit serve structural but not functional roles.  相似文献   

A haem peroxidase different from other microbial, plant and animal peroxidases is described. The enzyme is secreted as two isoforms by dikaryotic Pleurotus eryngii in peptone-containing liquid medium. The corresponding gene, which presents 15 introns and encodes a 361-amino-acid protein with a 30-amino-acid signal peptide, was isolated as two alleles corresponding to the two isoforms. The alleles differ in three amino acid residues and in a seven nucleotide deletion affecting a single metal response element in the promoter. When compared with Phanerochaete chrysosporium peroxidases, the new enzyme appears closer to lignin peroxidase (LiP) than to Mn-dependent peroxidase (MnP) isoenzymes (58–60% and 55% identity respectively). The molecular model built using crystal structures of three fungal peroxidases as templates, also showed high structural affinity with LiP (Cα-distance 1.2 Å). However, this peroxidase includes a Mn2+ binding site formed by three acidic residues (E36, E40 and D175) near the haem internal propionate, which accounts for the ability to oxidize Mn2+. Its capability to oxidize aromatic substrates could involve interactions with aromatic residues at the edge of the haem channel. Another possibility is long-range electron transfer, e.g. from W164, which occupies the same position of LiP W171 recently reported as involved in the catalytic cycle of LiP.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding Taka-amylase A (EC., TAA) was isolated to identify functional amino acid residues of TAA by protein engineering. The putative catalytic active-site residues and the substrate binding residue of TAA were altered by site-directed mutagenesis: aspartic acid-206, glutamic acid-230, aspartic acid-297, and lysine-209 were replaced with asparagine or glutamic acid, glutamine or aspartic acid, asparagine or glutamic acid, and phenylalanine or arginine, respectively. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain YPH 250 was transformed with the expression plasmids containing the altered cDNA of the TAA gene. All the transformants with an expression vector containing the altered cDNA produced mutant TAAs that cross-reacted with the TAA antibody. The mutant TAA with alteration of Asp206, Glu230, or Asp297 in the putative catalytic site had no alpha-amylase activity, while that with alteration of Lys209 in the putative binding site to Arg or Phe had reduced activity.  相似文献   

Formation of H2O2 during the oxidation of three lignin-derived hydroquinones by the ligninolytic versatile peroxidase (VP), produced by the white-rot fungus Pleurotus eryngii, was investigated. VP can oxidize a wide variety of phenols, including hydroquinones, either directly in a manner similar to horseradish peroxidase (HRP), or indirectly through Mn3+ formed from Mn2+ oxidation, in a manner similar to manganese peroxidase (MnP). From several possible buffers (all pH 5), tartrate buffer was selected to study the oxidation of hydroquinones as it did not support the Mn2+-mediated activity of VP in the absence of exogenous H2O2 (unlike glyoxylate and oxalate buffers). In the absence of Mn2+, efficient hydroquinone oxidation by VP was dependent on exogenous H2O2. Under these conditions, semiquinone radicals produced by VP autoxidized to a certain extent producing superoxide anion radical (O2*-) that spontaneously dismutated to H2O2 and O2. The use of this peroxide by VP produced quinone in an amount greater than equimolar to the initial H2O2 (a quinone/H2O2 molar ratio of 1 was only observed under anaerobic conditions). In the presence of Mn2+, exogenous H2O2 was not required for complete oxidation of hydroquinone by VP. Reaction blanks lacking VP revealed H2O2 production due to a slow conversion of hydroquinone into semiquinone radicals (probably via autooxidation catalysed by trace amounts of free metal ions), followed by O2*- production through semiquinone autooxidation and O2*- reduction by Mn2+. This peroxide was used by VP to oxidize hydroquinone that was mainly carried out through Mn2+ oxidation. By comparing the activity of VP to that of MnP and HRP, it was found that the ability of VP and MnP to oxidize Mn2+ greatly increased hydroquinone oxidation efficiency.  相似文献   

Chitinase is an enzyme used by insects to degrade the structural polysaccharide, chitin, during the molting process. Tryptophan 145 (W145) of Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) chitinase is a highly conserved residue found within a second conserved region of family 18 chitinases. It is located between aspartate 144 (D144) and glutamate 146 (E146), which are putative catalytic residues. The role of the active site residue, W145, in M. sexta chitinase catalysis was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. W145 was mutated to phenylalanine (F), tyrosine (Y), isoleucine (I), histidine (H), and glycine (G). Wild-type and mutant forms of M. sexta chitinases were expressed in a baculovirus-insect cell line system. The chitinases secreted into the medium were purified and characterized by analyzing their catalytic activity and substrate or inhibitor binding properties. The wild-type chitinase was most active in the alkaline pH range. Several of the mutations resulted in a narrowing of the range of pH over which the enzyme hydrolyzed the polymeric substrate, CM-Chitin-RBV, predominantly on the alkaline side of the pH optimum curve. The range was reduced by about 1 pH unit for W145I and W145Y and by about 2 units for W145H and W145F. The W145G mutation was inactive. Therefore, the hydrophobicity of W145 appears to be critical for maintaining an abnormal pKa of a catalytic residue, which extends the activity further into the alkaline range. All of the mutant enzymes bound to chitin, suggesting that W145 was not essential for binding to chitin. However, the small difference in Km's of mutated enzymes compared to Km values of the wild-type chitinase towards both the oligomeric and polymeric substrates suggested that W145 is not essential for substrate binding but probably influences the ionization of a catalytically important group(s). The variations in kcat's among the mutated enzymes and the IC50 for the transition state inhibitor analog, allosamidin, indicate that W145 also influences formation of the transition state during catalysis.  相似文献   

Versatile peroxidase (VP) from Bjerkandera adusta is a structural hybrid between lignin (LiP) and manganese (MnP) peroxidase. This hybrid combines the catalytic properties of the two above peroxidases, being able to oxidize typical LiP and MnP substrates. The catalytic mechanism is that of classical peroxidases, where the substrate oxidation is carried out by a two-electron multistep reaction at the expense of hydrogen peroxide. Elucidation of the structures of intermediates in this process is crucial for understanding the mechanism of substrate oxidation. In this work, the reaction of H(2)O(2) with the enzyme in the absence of substrate has been investigated with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The results reveal an EPR signal with partially resolved hyperfine structure typical of an organic radical. The yield of this radical is approximately 30%. Progressive microwave power saturation measurements indicate that the radical is weakly coupled to a paramagnetic metal ion, suggesting an amino acid radical in moderate distance from the ferryl heme. A tryptophan radical was identified as a protein-based radical formed during the catalytic mechanism of VP from Bjerkandera adusta through X-band and high-field EPR measurements at 94 GHz, aided by computer simulations for both frequency bands. A close analysis of the theoretical model of the VP from Bjerkandera sp. shows the presence of a tryptophan residue near to the heme prosthetic group, which is solvent-exposed as in the case of LiP and other VPs. The catalytic role of this residue in a long-range electron-transfer pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

S A Berger  P R Evans 《Biochemistry》1992,31(38):9237-9242
Six active site mutants of Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase have been constructed and characterized using steady-state kinetics. All but one of the mutants (ES222) have significantly lower maximal activity, implicating these residues in the catalytic process. Replacement of Asp127, the key catalytic residue in the forward reaction with Glu, results in an enzyme with wild-type cooperative and allosteric behavior but severely decreased Fru6P binding. Replacement of the same residue with Tyr abolishes cooperativity while retaining sensitivity to allosteric inhibition and activation. Thus, this mutant has uncoupled homotropic from heterotropic allostery. Mutation of Asp103 to Ala results in an enzyme which retains wild-type Fru6P-binding characteristics with reduced activity. GDP, which allosterically activates the wild-type enzyme, acts as a mixed inhibitor for this mutant. Mutation of Thr125 to Ala and Asp129 to Ser produces mutants with impaired Fru6P binding and decreased cooperativity. In the presence of the activator GDP, both these mutants display apparent negative cooperativity. In addition, ATP binding is now allosterically altered by GDP. These results extend the number of active site residues known to participate in the catalytic process and help to define the mechanisms behind catalysis and homotropic and heterotropic allostery.  相似文献   

Based on predictions of the structure of proteinase 3C of poliovirus, mutations have been made at residues that are supposed to constitute the catalytic triad. Wild-type and mutant 3C were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and characterized by the ability to cleave a synthetic peptide substrate or an in vitro translated polypeptide consisting of part of the polyprotein of poliovirus. Additionally, the ability of autocatalytic processing of a precursor harboring wild-type or mutant 3C sequences was tested. Single substitutions of the residues His-40, Glu-71, and Cys-147 by Tyr, Gln, and Ser, respectively, resulted in an inactive enzyme. Replacement of Asp-85 by Asn resulted in an enzyme that was as active as wild-type enzyme in trans cleavage assays but whose autoprocessing ability was impaired. Our results are consistent with the proposal that residues His-40, Glu-71, and Cys-147 constitute the catalytic triad of poliovirus 3C proteinase. Furthermore, residue Asp-85 is not required for proper proteolytic activity despite being highly conserved between different picornaviruses. This indicates that Asp-85 might be involved in a different function of 3C.  相似文献   

The acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS), which is involved in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), is the target of several classes of herbicides. The catalytic (CSU) and regulatory subunits (RSU) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis AHAS (MtbAHAS) were cloned, expressed, and purified to homogeneity. A homology model of MtbAHAS CSU showed three residues (L141, F147 and W516) at the sulfonylurea (SU) herbicide binding site. The residues were mutated and the variant enzymes characterized with respect to its catalytic properties and sensitivity to two SU herbicides. All the tested mutants showed a decrease in Vmax compared to the wild-type protein. The mutants (F147A, F147R, and W516R) showed strong resistance to the two SU herbicides tested, indicating that the compounds related to these herbicides which target these critical residues, may serve as potent and specific anti-tuberculosis drugs. Furthermore, among the mutants of RSU (S27A, L89A and R101A), the S27A mutation caused 56-fold decrease in Vmax of the holoenzyme, whereas the L89A and R101A showed 4- and 12-fold decrease, respectively. The holoenzymes with S27A and L89A showed resistance to leucine. These results reveal characteristics of SU herbicide-resistant mutants of the CSU, and catalytically important residues of the RSU in MtbAHAS.  相似文献   

Bacterial fructosyltransferases (FTFs) are retaining-type glycosidases that belong to family 68 of glycoside hydrolases. Recently, the high-resolution 3D structure of the Bacillus subtilis levansucrase has been solved [Meng, G. and Futterer, K., Nat. Struct. Biol. 10 (2003) 935–941]. Based on this structure, the catalytic nucleophile, general acid/base catalyst, and transition state stabilizer were identified. However, a detailed characterization of site-directed mutants of the catalytic nucleophile has not been presented for any FTF enzyme. We have constructed site-directed mutants of the three putative catalytic residues of the Lactobacillus reuteri 121 levansucrase and inulosucrase and characterized the mutant proteins. Changing the putative catalytic nucleophiles D272 (inulosucrase) and D249 (levansucrase) into their amido counterparts resulted in a 1.5–4×105 times reduction of total sucrase activity.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of Tyr70 in the active site of Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) followed by kinetic studies has elucidated the roles of the hydroxyl group and benzene ring of Tyr70. X-ray crystallographic analysis showed that replacement of Tyr70 by Phe did not alter the active-site conformation of the enzyme. Comparison of the kinetic parameters of the four half-transamination reactions (the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate form of the enzyme with L-aspartate or L-glutamate and the pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate form with oxalacetate or 2-oxoglutarate) between the wild-type and [Tyr70----Phe]AspATs showed that the mutation increases the energy level of the transition state by 2 kcal.mol-1 for all the four substrates, suggesting some contribution of the hydroxyl group of Tyr70 to the transition state. When Phe70 was further replaced by Ser, the energy level of the transition state for L-glutamate or 2-oxoglutarate, but not for L-aspartate or oxalacetate, was further increased by 2-3 kcal.mol-1, suggesting that the presence of a benzene ring at position 70 is essential for recognizing the L-glutamate-2-oxoglutarate pair as substrates.  相似文献   

对新疆阿魏菇与杏鲍菇的氨基酸成分进行系统分析,结果显示新疆本地的阿魏菇和杏鲍菇中17种氨基酸含量丰富,种类齐全,阿魏菇中氨基酸总量为16.80%高于杏鲍菇中氨基酸总量(14.34%);两种菇中必需氨基酸含量(EAA)占总氨基酸含量的比例分别为34.72%和37.92%。新疆阿魏菇与杏鲍菇种富含人体必需的氨基酸,可作为饮食氨基酸来源的重要补充。  相似文献   

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