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Holliday junctions (HJs) can be formed between sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes during the recombinational repair of DNA lesions. A variety of pathways act upon HJs to remove them from DNA, in events that are critical for appropriate chromosome segregation. Despite the identification and characterization of multiple enzymes involved in HJ processing, the cellular mechanisms that regulate and implement pathway usage have only just started to be delineated. A conserved network of core cell-cycle kinases and phosphatases modulate HJ metabolism by exerting spatial and temporal control over the activities of two structure-selective nucleases: yeast Mus81-Mms4 (human MUS81-EME1) and Yen1 (human GEN1). These regulatory cycles operate to establish the sequential activation of HJ processing enzymes, implementing a hierarchy in pathway usage that ensure the elimination of chromosomal interactions which would otherwise interfere with chromosome segregation. Mus81-Mms4/EME1 and Yen1/GEN1 emerge to define a special class of enzymes, evolved to satisfy the cellular need of safeguarding the completion of DNA repair when on the verge of chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activities that cleave Holliday junctions are required for the resolution of recombination intermediates and for the restart of stalled replication forks. Here we show that human cell-free extracts possess two distinct endonucleases that can cleave Holliday junctions. The first cleaves Holliday junctions in a structure- and sequence-specific manner, and associates with an ATP-dependent branch migration activity. Together, these activities promote branch migration/resolution reactions similar to those catalysed by the Escherichia coli RuvABC resolvasome. Like RuvC-mediated resolution, the products can be religated. The second, containing Mus81 protein, cuts Holliday junctions but the products are mostly non-ligatable. Each nuclease has a defined substrate specificity: the branch migration-associated resolvase is highly specific for Holliday junctions, whereas the Mus81-associated endonuclease is one order of magnitude more active upon replication fork and 3'-flap structures. Thus, both nucleases are capable of cutting Holliday junctions formed during recombination or through the regression of stalled replication forks. However, the Mus81-associated endonuclease may play a more direct role in replication fork collapse by catalysing the cleavage of stalled fork structures.  相似文献   

The structure of the Holliday junction, and its resolution   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
The Holliday (four-way) junction is a critical intermediate in homologous genetic recombination. We have studied the structure of a series of four-way junctions, constructed by hybridization of four 80 nucleotide synthetic oligonucleotides. These molecules migrate anomalously slowly in gel electrophoresis. Each arm of any junction could be selectively shortened by cleavage at a unique restriction site, and we have studied the relative gel mobilities of species in which two arms were cleaved. The pattern of fragments observed argues strongly for a structure with two-fold symmetry, based on an X shape, the long arms of which are made from pairwise colinear association of helical arms. The choice of partners is governed by the base sequence at the junction, allowing a potential isomerization between equivalent structural forms. Resolvase enzymes can distinguish between these structures, and the resolution products are determined by the structure adopted, i.e., by the sequence at the junction. In the absence of cations, the helical arms of the junction are fully extended in a square configuration, and unstacking results in junction thymines becoming reactive to osmium tetroxide.  相似文献   

Enzymatic formation and resolution of Holliday junctions in vitro   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
B Müller  C Jones  B Kemper  S C West 《Cell》1990,60(2):329-336
E. coli RecA protein promotes homologous pairing and reciprocal strand exchange reactions between duplex DNA molecules in vitro. Reaction intermediates contain Holliday junctions that are driven along the DNA at a maximal rate approaching 1000 bases per minute. T4 endonuclease VII cleaves Holliday junctions in vitro, and its inclusion in RecA-mediated reactions leads to the rapid formation of heteroduplex products. Product analysis indicates patch and splice recombinant molecules similar to those expected from in vivo recombination events. The combined formation and resolution of Holliday junctions has led us to propose a model for resolution based on the structure of RecA-DNA helices. One feature of this model is that resolution, which gives rise to the two types of recombinant product, may occur without need for isomerization of the junction.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombinases XerC and XerD function in the segregation of circular bacterial replicons. In a recombining nucleoprotein complex containing two molecules each of XerC and XerD, coordinated reciprocal switches in recombinase activity ensure that only XerC or XerD is active at any one time. Mutated recombinases that carry sub?stitutions of a catalytic arginine residue stimulate cleavage and strand exchange mediated by the partner recombinase on DNA substrates that are normally recombined poorly by the partner. This is associated with a reciprocal impairment of the recombinase's own ability to initiate catalysis. The extent of this switch in catalysis is modulated by changes in recombination site sequence and is not a direct consequence of any catalytic defect. We propose that altered interactions between the mutated proteins and their wild-type partners lead to an increased level of an alternative Holliday junction intermediate that has a conformation appropriate for resolution by the partner recombinase. The results indicate how subtle changes in protein-DNA architecture at a Holliday junction can redirect recombination outcome.  相似文献   

Constantinou A  Davies AA  West SC 《Cell》2001,104(2):259-268
During homologous recombination, DNA strand exchange leads to Holliday junction formation. The movement, or branch migration, of this junction along DNA extends the length of the heteroduplex joint. In prokaryotes, branch migration and Holliday junction resolution are catalyzed by the RuvA and RuvB proteins, which form a complex with RuvC resolvase to form a "resolvasome". Mammalian cell-free extracts have now been fractionated to reveal analogous activities. An ATP-dependent branch migration activity, which migrates junctions through >2700 bp, cofractionates with the Holliday junction resolvase during several chromatographic steps. Together, the two activities promote concerted branch migration/resolution reactions similar to those catalyzed by E. coli RuvABC, highlighting the preservation of this essential pathway in recombination and DNA repair from prokaryotes to mammals.  相似文献   

The Holliday junction-resolving enzyme Hjc is conserved in the archaea and probably plays a role analogous to that of Escherichia coli RuvC in the pathway of homologous recombination. Hjc specifically recognizes four-way DNA junctions, cleaving them without sequence preference to generate recombinant DNA duplex products. Hjc imposes an X-shaped global conformation on the bound DNA junction and distorts base stacking around the point of cleavage, three nucleotides 3' of the junction center. We show that Hjc is autoinhibitory under single turnover assay conditions and that this can be relieved by the addition of either competitor duplex DNA or the architectural double-stranded DNA-binding protein Sso7d (i.e. by approximating in vivo conditions more closely). Using a combination of isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescent resonance energy transfer, we demonstrate that multiple Hjc dimers can bind to each synthetic four-way junction and provide evidence for significant distortion of the junction structure at high protein:DNA ratios. Analysis of crystal packing interactions in the crystal structure of Hjc suggests a molecular basis for this autoinhibition. The wider implications of these findings for the quantitative study of DNA-protein interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Rap endonuclease targets recombinant joint molecules arising from phage lambda Red-mediated genetic exchange. Previous studies revealed that Rap nicks DNA at the branch point of synthetic Holliday junctions and other DNA structures with a branched component. However, on X junctions incorporating a three base-pair core of homology or with a fixed crossover, Rap failed to make the bilateral strand cleavages characteristic of a Holliday junction resolvase. Here, we demonstrate that Rap can mediate symmetrical resolution of 50 bp and chi Holliday structures containing larger homologous cores. On two different mobile 50 bp junctions Rap displays a weak preference for cleaving the phosphodiester backbone between 5'-GC dinucleotides. The products of resolution on both large and small DNA substrates can be sealed by T4 DNA ligase, confirming the formation of nicked duplexes. Rap protein was also assessed for its capacity to influence the global conformation of junctions in the presence or absence of magnesium ions. Unlike the known Holliday junction binding proteins, Rap does not affect the angle of duplex arms, implying an unorthodox mode of junction binding. The results demonstrate that Rap can function as a Holliday junction resolvase in addition to eliminating other branched structures that may arise during phage recombination.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions (HJs) that physically link sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes are formed as intermediates during DNA repair by homologous recombination. Persistent recombination intermediates are acted upon by structure-selective endonucleases that are required for proper chromosome segregation at mitosis. Here, we have purified full-length human GEN1 protein and show that it promotes Holliday junction resolution by a mechanism that is analogous to that exhibited by the prototypic HJ resolvase E. coli RuvC. We find that GEN1 cleaves HJs by a nick and counter-nick mechanism involving dual co-ordinated incisions that lead to the formation of ligatable nicked duplex products. As observed with RuvC, cleavage of the first strand is rate limiting, while second strand cleavage is rapid. In contrast to RuvC, however, GEN1 is largely monomeric in solution, but dimerizes on the HJ. Using HJs containing non-cleavable phosphorothioate-containing linkages in one strand, we show that the two incisions can be uncoupled and that the first nick occurs upon GEN1 dimerization at the junction. These results indicate that the mechanism of HJ resolution is largely conserved from bacteria to man, despite a lack of sequence homology between the resolvases.  相似文献   

Interaction of linear homologous DNA duplexes by formation of Holliday junctions was revealed by electrophoresis and confirmed by electron microscopy. The phenomenon was demonstrated using a model of five purified PCR products of different size and sequence. The double-stranded structure of interacting DNA fragments was confirmed using several consecutive purifications, S1-nuclease analysis, and electron microscopy. Formation of Holliday junctions depends on DNA concentration. A thermodynamic equilibrium between duplexes and Holliday junctions was shown. We propose that homologous duplex interaction is initiated by nucleation of several dissociated terminal base pairs of two fragments. This process is followed by branch migration creating a population of Holliday junctions with the branch point at different sites. Finally, Holliday junctions are resolved via branch migration to new or previously existing duplexes. The phenomenon is a new property of DNA. This type of DNA-DNA interaction may contribute to the process of Holliday junction formation in vivo controlled by DNA conformation and DNA-protein interactions. It is of practical significance for optimization of different PCR-based methods of gene analysis, especially those involving heteroduplex formation.  相似文献   

S H Kho  A Landy 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(11):2714-2724
A reciprocal strand exchange between two DNA helices generates the crossed-strand intermediate, or Holliday junction, which is common to many pathways of homologous and site-specific recombination. The Int family of recombinases are unique in their ability to both make and resolve Holliday junctions. Previous experiments utilizing 'synthetic' att site Holliday junctions to study the mechanisms associated with the cleavage, transfer and ligation of DNA strands have been confined to studying reciprocal strand exchanges (a pair of temporally overlapping strand cleavages). To circumvent this limitation, we have designed synthetic suicide Holliday junctions that make it possible to monitor individual DNA strand cleavage events. These substrates contain a pre-existing nick in the vicinity of the Int binding site; when Int introduces a second nick into these substrates, the 5'OH nucleophile required for ligation (in either the forward or reverse reaction) is lost by diffusion, thus trapping the covalent protein-DNA intermediate. The results indicate that resolution (involving two partner Ints) is stimulated by additional 'cross-core' Ints as a result of enhanced cleavage rates, and not as a result of enhanced co-ordination of cleavage. Several models for the role of the 'cross-core' Ints during resolution are discussed, as well as the usefulness of these substrates for studying additional aspects of the Holliday junction resolution reaction.  相似文献   

Viral and bacterial Holliday junction resolvases differ in specificity with the former typically being more promiscuous, acting on a variety of branched DNA substrates, while the latter exclusively targets Holliday junctions. We have determined the crystal structure of a RuvC resolvase from bacteriophage bIL67 to help identify features responsible for DNA branch discrimination. Comparisons between phage and bacterial RuvC structures revealed significant differences in the number and position of positively‐charged residues in the outer sides of the junction binding cleft. Substitutions were generated in phage RuvC residues implicated in branch recognition and six were found to confer defects in Holliday junction and replication fork cleavage in vivo. Two mutants, R121A and R124A that flank the DNA binding site were purified and exhibited reduced in vitro binding to fork and linear duplex substrates relative to the wild‐type, while retaining the ability to bind X junctions. Crucially, these two variants cleaved Holliday junctions with enhanced specificity and symmetry, a feature more akin to cellular RuvC resolvases. Thus, additional positive charges in the phage RuvC binding site apparently stabilize productive interactions with branched structures other than the canonical Holliday junction, a feature advantageous for viral DNA processing but deleterious for their cellular counterparts.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage lambda site-specific recombinase (Int), in contrast to other family members such as Cre and Flp, has an amino-terminal domain that binds "arm-type" DNA sequences different and distant from those involved in strand exchange. This defining feature of the heterobivalent recombinases confers a directionality and regulation that is unique among all recombination pathways. We show that the amino-terminal domain is not a simple "accessory" element, as originally thought, but rather is incorporated into the core of the recombination mechanism, where it is well positioned to exert its profound effects. The results reveal an unexpected pattern of intermolecular interactions between the amino-terminal domain of one protomer and the linker region of its neighbor within the tetrameric Int complex and provide insights into those features distinguishing an "active" from an "inactive" pair of Ints during Holliday junction resolution.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions are four-way branched DNA structures that are formed during recombination and by replication fork regression. Their processing depends on helicases that catalyze junction branch migration, and endonucleases that resolve the junction into nicked linear DNAs. Here we have investigated the role of a DNA binding motif called SAP in binding and resolving Holliday junctions by the fission yeast mitochondrial resolvase SpCCE1. Mutation or partial/complete deletion of the SAP motif dramatically impairs the ability of SpCCE1 to resolve Holliday junctions in a heterologous in vivo system. These mutant proteins retain the ability to recognize the junction structure and to distort it upon binding. However, once formed the mutant protein-junction complexes are relatively unstable and dissociate much faster than wild-type complexes. We show that binding stability is necessary for efficient junction resolution, and that this may be due in part to a requirement for maintaining the junction in an open conformation so that it can branch migrate to cleavable sites.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that mitotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells contain an endonuclease that cleaves Holliday junctions. In this paper, the cleavage of a number of model branched substrates has been characterized in detail. Three-armed Y-branched molecules were not substrates for the enzyme. Holliday junction substrates constructed from wild-type lambda att sites were resolved in a concerted reaction by paired single-strand breaks that contained 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl groups and were often symmetrically related. Holliday junctions were also constructed using DNAs derived from lambda safG and safT mutants to alter the nucleotide sequence immediately flanking the cross-strand exchange. These one to six base-pair changes in nucleotide sequence were observed to have dramatic effects on both the directionality and rate of resolution. More than 90% of wild-type junctions were cleaved in only one direction, while Holliday junctions composed of safT DNA were cleaved equally in both possible directions. Hybrid junctions composed of half wild-type DNA and half safG DNA were cleaved in the same orientation as the wild-type junction but at one-seventh of the rate, while junctions constructed completely from safG DNA were not cleaved at all. The cleavage sites were mapped at the nucleotide level and the locations of the paired nicks made by the endonuclease were also found to be affected by the sequence of the substrates and in such a way as to account for the directionality of cleavage. These results have important consequences for the interpretation of genetic experiments, since they provide biochemical evidence that some of the non-random nature of genetic recombination might be due to non-randomly distributed resolution processes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the four-stranded DNA Holliday junction has now been determined in the presence and absence of junction binding proteins, with the extended open-X form of the junction seen in all protein complexes, but the more compact stacked-X structure observed in free DNA. The structures of the stacked-X junction were crystallized because of an unexpected sequence dependence on the stability of this structure. Inverted repeat sequences that contain the general motif NCC or ANC favor formation of stacked-X junctions, with the junction cross-over occurring between the first two positions of the trinucleotides. This review focuses on the sequence dependent structure of the stacked-X junction and how it may play a role in structural recognition by a class of dimeric junction resolving enzymes that themselves show no direct sequence recognition.  相似文献   

The RecU protein from Mycoplasma genitalium, RecU(Mge), is a 19.4-kDa Holliday junction (HJ) resolvase that binds in a nonspecific fashion to HJ substrates and, in the presence of Mn(2+), cleaves these substrates at a specific sequence (5'-G/TC↓C/TTA/GG-3'). To identify amino acid residues that are crucial for HJ binding and/or cleavage, we generated a series of 16 deletion mutants (9 N- and 7 C-terminal deletion mutants) and 31 point mutants of RecU(Mge). The point mutations were introduced at amino acid positions that are highly conserved among bacterial RecU-like sequences. All mutants were purified and tested for the ability to bind to, and cleave, HJ substrates. We found the five N-terminal and three C-terminal amino acid residues of RecU(Mge) to be dispensable for its catalytic activities. Among the 31 point mutants, 7 mutants were found to be inactive in both HJ binding and cleavage. Interestingly, in 12 other mutants, these two activities were uncoupled; while these proteins displayed HJ-binding characteristics similar to those of wild-type RecU(Mge), they were unable to cleave HJ substrates. Thus, 12 amino acid residues were identified (E11, K31, D57, Y58, Y66, D68, E70, K72, T74, K76, Q88, and L92) that may play either a direct or indirect role in the catalysis of HJ resolution.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage lambda integrase catalyzes four site-specific recombination pathways with distinct protein and DNA requirements and nucleoprotein intermediates. Some of these intermediates are very transient and difficult to obtain in significant amounts, due to the high efficiency and processivity of integrase, the lack of requirements for external energy factors or metal ions, and the highly reversible nature of each of the intermediates. We have previously used mixture-based combinatorial libraries to identify hexapeptides that trap 40-60% of recombination substrates at the Holliday junction stage of the reaction. These inhibitors discriminate between the four pathways, blocking one of them (bent-L recombination) more severely than the others and blocking the excision pathway least. We presume that these differences reflect specific conformational differences of the nucleoprotein intermediates in each pathway. We have now identified new inhibitors of the excision pathway. One of these, WRWYCR, is over 50-fold more potent at inhibiting excision than the previously identified peptides. This peptide stably traps Holliday junction complexes in all recombination pathways mediated by integrase as well as Cre. This finding and other data presented indicate that the peptide's target is a common feature shared by the Holliday junction complexes assembled by tyrosine recombinases. We have taken advantage of reversible inhibition by the active peptides to develop a new assay for Holliday junction resolution. This assay is particularly useful for determining junction resolution rates in cases where complexes directly assembled on junction substrates undergo little or no catalysis.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda integrase (Int) catalyzes the integration and excision of the phage lambda chromosome into and out of the Esherichia coli host chromosome. The seven carboxy-terminal residues (C-terminal tail) of Int comprise a context-sensitive regulatory element that links catalytic function with protein multimerization and also coordinates Int functions within the multimeric recombinogenic complex. The experiments reported here show that the beta5-strand of Int is not simply a placeholder for the C-terminal tail but rather exerts its own allosteric effects on Int function in response to the incoming tail. Using a mutant integrase in which the C-terminal tail has been deleted (W350ter), we demonstrate that the C-terminal tail is required for efficient and accurate resolution of Holliday junctions by tetrameric Int. Addition of a free heptameric peptide of the same sequence as the C-terminal tail partially reverses the W350ter defects by stimulating Holliday junction resolution. The peptide also stimulates the topoisomerase function of monomeric W350ter. Single residue alterations in the peptide sequence and a mutant of the beta5 strand indicate that the observed stimulation arises from specific contacts with the beta5 strand (residues 239-243). The peptide does not stimulate binding of W350ter to its cognate DNA sites and therefore appears to recapitulate the effects of the normal C-terminal tail intermolecular contacts in wild-type Int. Models for the allosteric stimulation of Int activity by beta5 strand contacts are discussed.  相似文献   

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