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1.  Currently, there is a debate among plant ecologists on the concepts of the intensity of competition and the importance of competition, which is central to many issues of modern plant population ecology and plant community ecology.
2.  It is problematic that the current measures of intensity and importance of competition, typically, are reported as dimensionless indices because they hide the fact that both indices are functions of plant density and the level of the environmental gradient.
3.  Here, a new formulation of the concepts is suggested, which explicitly highlights the functional dependencies on plant density and the level of the environmental gradient. The new measures are a generalization of the previous indices and correspond to the previous indices in the case of a simple experimental design.
4.  The suggested measures of the intensity and importance of competition are exemplified using data from a response surface competition experiment between Agrostis capillaris and Festuca ovina along a herbicide gradient, where the expected clear effect of plant density was demonstrated.
5.   Synthesis . As the suggested measures of the intensity and importance of competition explicitly highlight the functional dependencies on plant density and the level of the environmental gradient, we think that they will help to ensure a closer connection between experimental plant ecology and the attempts to model plant populations and communities.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that intraspecific competition should be stronger than interspecific competition for any pair of stably coexisting species, yet previous literature reviews found little support for this pattern. We screened over 5400 publications and identified 39 studies that quantified phenomenological intraspecific and interspecific interactions in terrestrial plant communities. Of the 67% of species pairs in which both intra‐ and interspecific effects were negative (competitive), intraspecific competition was, on average, four to five‐fold stronger than interspecific competition. Of the remaining pairs, 93% featured intraspecific competition and interspecific facilitation, a situation that stabilises coexistence. The difference between intra‐ and interspecific effects tended to be larger in observational than experimental data sets, in field than greenhouse studies, and in studies that quantified population growth over the full life cycle rather than single fitness components. Our results imply that processes promoting stable coexistence at local scales are common and consequential across terrestrial plant communities.  相似文献   

It is well documented that pathogens can affect the survival, reproduction, and growth of individual plants. Drawing together insights from diverse studies in ecology and agriculture, we evaluate the evidence for pathogens affecting competitive interactions between plants of both the same and different species. Our objective is to explore the potential ecological and evolutionary consequences of such interactions. First, we address how disease interacts with intraspecific competition and present a simple graphical model suggesting that diverse outcomes should be expected. We conclude that the presence of pathogens may have either large or minimal effects on population dynamics depending on many factors including the density-dependent compensatory ability of healthy plants and spatial patterns of infection. Second, we consider how disease can alter competitive abilities of genotypes, and thus may affect the genetic composition of populations. These genetic processes feed back on population dynamics given trade-offs between disease resistance and other fitness components. Third, we examine how the effect of disease on interspecific plant interactions may have potentially far-reaching effects on community composition. A host-specific pathogen, for example, may alter a competitive hierarchy that exists between host and non-host species. Generalist pathogens can also induce indirect competitive interactions between host species. We conclude by highlighting lacunae in our current understanding and suggest that future studies should (1) examine a broader taxonomic range of pathogens since work to date has largely focused on fungal pathogens; (2) increase the use of field competition studies; (3) follow interactions for multiple generations; (4) characterize density-dependent processes; and (5) quantify pathogen, as well as plant, population and community dynamics.  相似文献   

Aims The volume of soil beyond a plant's roots from which that plant is able to acquire a particular nutrient depends upon the mobility of that nutrient in the soil. For this reason it has been hypothesized that the strength of competitive interactions between plants vary with soil nutrient mobility. We aimed to provide an experimental test of this hypothesis.Methods We devised two experimental systems to investigate specifically the effect of nutrient transport rates upon intraspecific competition. In the first, the exchange of rhizosphere water and dissolved nutrients between two connected pots, each containing one plant, was manipulated by alternately raising and lowering the pots. In the second experiment, the roots systems of two competing plants were separated by partitions of differing porosity, thereby varying the plants' access to water and nutrients in the other plant′s rhizosphere. In this second experiment, we also applied varying amounts of nutrients to test whether higher nutrient input would reduce competition when competition for light is avoided, and applied different water levels to affect nutrient concentrations without changing nutrient supply.Important findings In both experiments, lower mobility reduced competitive effects on plant biomass and on relative growth rate (RGR), as hypothesized. In the second experiment, however, competition was more intense under high nutrient input, suggesting that low nutrient supply rates reduced the strength of the superior competitor. Competitive effects on RGR were only evident under the low water level, suggesting that under lower nutrient concentrations, competitive effects might be less pronounced. Taken together, our results provide the first direct experimental evidence that a reduction in nutrient mobility can reduce the intensity of competition between plants.  相似文献   

Asymmetric competition between plant species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The role of larval intraspecific competition in laboratory populations ofDrosophila subobscura was investigated. Mortality is density-independent during the first 3 days after hatching but becomes density dependent as development proceeds to pupation. Although total biomass per patch was independent of initial egg density, competition betweenDrosophila larvae leads to the formation of smaller pupae. This resulted in a population that was dominated by suppressed individuals. Development rate ofD. subobscura larvae was not affected by high larval densities. Smaller pupae give rise to females with fewer eggs in their ovarioles. A simple simulation model, predicting the effects of intraspecific competition on the fecundity of the nextDrosophila generation is described.  相似文献   

Indices of plant competition   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  

Size-asymmetric competition among plants is usually defined as resource pre-emption by larger individuals, but it is usually observed and measured as a disproportionate size advantage in the growth of larger individuals in crowded populations (“size-asymmetric growth”). We investigated the relationship between size-asymmetric competition and size-asymmetric growth in a spatially explicit, individual-based plant competition model based on overlapping zones of influence (ZOI). The ZOI of each plant is modeled as a circle, growing in two dimensions. The size asymmetry of competition is reflected in the rules for dividing up the overlapping areas. We grew simulated populations with different degrees of size-asymmetric competition and at different densities and analyzed the size dependency of individual growth by fitting coupled growth functions to individuals. The relationship between size and growth within the populations was summarized with a parameter that measures the size asymmetry of growth. Complete competitive symmetry (equal division of contested resources) at the local level results in a very slight size asymmetry in growth. This slight size asymmetry of growth did not increase with increasing density. Increased density resulted in increased growth asymmetry when resource competition at the local level was size asymmetric to any degree. Size-asymmetric growth can be strong evidence that competitive mechanisms are at least partially size asymmetric, but the degree of size-asymmetric growth is influenced by the intensity as well as the mode of competition. Intuitive concepts of size-asymmetric competition among individuals in spatial and nonspatial contexts are very different.  相似文献   

To successfully colonize new habitats, organisms not only need to gain access to it, they also need to cope with the selective pressures imposed by the local biotic and abiotic conditions. The number of immigrants, the preadaptation to the local habitat and the presence of competitors are important factors determining the success of colonization. Here, using two experimental set-ups, we studied the effect of interspecific competition in combination with propagule pressure and preadaptation on the colonization success of new habitats. Our model system consisted of tomato plants (the novel habitat), the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae as our focal species and the red spider mite Tetranychus evansi as a competitor. Our results show that propagule pressure and preadaptation positively affect colonization success. More successful populations reach larger final population sizes either by having higher per capita growth rates (due to preadaptation effects) or by starting a population with a larger number of individuals. Although populations are more successful colonizing non-competitive environments than competitive ones, propagule pressure and preadaptation counteract the negative effects of competition, promoting colonization success. Our study shows the importance of propagule pressure and preadaptation for successful colonization of new habitats by providing the ability to cope with both the exigencies of new environments and the community context.  相似文献   

A Kolmogorov-type competition model featuring allocation profiles, gain functions, and cost parameters is examined. For plant species that compete for sunlight according to the canopy partitioning model [R.R. Vance and A.L. Nevai, Plant population growth and competition in a light gradient: a mathematical model of canopy partitioning, J. Theor. Biol. 245 (2007), pp. 210–219] the allocation profiles describe vertical leaf placement, the gain functions represent rates of leaf photosynthesis at different heights, and the cost parameters signify the energetic expense of maintaining tall stems necessary for gaining a competitive advantage in the light gradient. The allocation profiles studied here, being supported on three alternating intervals, determine “interior” and “exterior” species. When the allocation profile of the interior species is a delta function (a big leaf) then either competitive exclusion or coexistence at a single globally attracting equilibrium point occurs. However, if the allocation profile of the interior species is piecewise continuous or a weighted sum of delta functions (multiple big leaves) then multiple coexistence states may also occur.  相似文献   

Abstract How does the process of life‐history evolution interplay with population dynamics? Almost all models that have addressed this question assume that any combination of phenotypic traits uniquely determine the ecological population state. Here we show that if multiple ecological equilibria can exist, the evolution of a trait that relates to competitive performance can undergo adaptive reversals that drive cyclic alternation between population equilibria. The occurrence of evolutionary reversals requires neither environmentally driven changes in selective forces nor the coevolution of interactions with other species. The mechanism inducing evolutionary reversals is twofold. First, there exist phenotypes near which mutants can invade and yet fail to become fixed; although these mutants are eventually eliminated, their transitory growth causes the resident population to switch to an alternative ecological equilibrium. Second, asymmetrical competition causes the direction of selection to revert between high and low density. When ecological conditions for evolutionary reversals are not satisfied, the population evolves toward a steady state of either low or high abundance, depending on the degree of competitive asymmetry and environmental parameters. A sharp evolutionary transition between evolutionary stasis and evolutionary reversals and cycling can occur in response to a smooth change in ecological parameters, and this may have implications for our understanding of size‐abundance patterns.  相似文献   

巴雷  李志坚  杨雪茹 《生态学报》2023,43(13):5281-5288
植物表观竞争既影响群落结构和组成,也与生态系统功能密切相关。目前,国内尚缺乏对植物表观竞争的实验研究和机制探索。对植物表观竞争概念和研究进展进行了系统梳理和阶段性总结,分析了草食动物为媒介的表观竞争主要通过食物和生境介导植物竞争过程,以及ELP-采食者关系对表观竞争的影响;植物参与的表观竞争通常与资源竞争共同作用;AM真菌为媒介的表观竞争不仅受到宿主植物菌根依赖性的影响,还与AM真菌对资源的需求和环境资源供给状况有密切关系。未来研究既要注重实验设计的合理性,也要考虑测定方法和评价参数的有效性;重视植物群落和生态系统水平上表观竞争的功能研究。这不仅能够为植物群落结构和物种共存提供机制性解释,而且能够丰富经典的植物竞争理论和多营养级相互作用的食物网理论。  相似文献   

A review of competition in north temperate dung beetle communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. 1. Studies of north temperate dung beetle communities frequently invoke competition as an influential ecological process. In this review, the evidence for competition in north temperate dung beetle communities is evaluated and the role of competition as a factor affecting community structure is assessed.
2. Resource limitation and the evidence for interspecific competition are assessed by collating the available experimental and observational evidence for both the adult and larval stages of the dung beetle life cycle. The role of competition as a structuring force in dung beetle communities is discussed under the following headings: niche dynamics, migration to and from individual pats, the aggregation model of co-existence, and metapopulations.
3. Some of the main conclusions are that competition for space is much more likely to occur than competition for food; the effects of competition on community structure are poorly understood; several of the influential studies of competition in north temperate dung beetle communities need to be evaluated carefully. The differences in ecology between tropical and temperate dung beetle communities are clarified.
4. As priorities for future research, resource utilisation and competition should be researched experimentally: density-dependent relationships should be investigated, particularly for the larval stages, as should competitive interactions with other dung fauna. If such experimental approaches establish convincingly the occurrence of competition, then the extent of competition in the field and under real world conditions needs to be established. A functional group classification of dung beetles and other dung fauna is described, which may improve the generality of interpretation from individual, site-specific results.  相似文献   

生境片断化对濒危植物景东翅子树种群结构与动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境的破坏及其片断化是生物多样性丧失的主要原因, 了解生境片断化对植物种群动态的影响十分必要。本文比较分析了不同大小生境片断(5 ha和15 ha)和连续森林中濒危植物景东翅子树(Pterospermum kingtungense)种群的结构与动态, 目的是明确影响景东翅子树种群动态的关键生活史阶段及其种群保护的目标, 为濒危植物种群保护和管理策略的制定提供科学依据。在上述3种生境中分别设立3个50 m × 100 m的1.5 ha固定样地, 调查景东翅子树所有个体的胸径(其中幼苗和幼树为地径)和高度、个体的存活及幼苗的补充情况。基于上述统计参数, 建立预测种群动态的Lefkovitch矩阵模型, 同时应用矩阵模型的弹性分析方法量化种群统计参数对种群增长率的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)在5 ha和15 ha生境片断及连续森林各1.5 ha的样地中, 2018年首次调查到景东翅子树的个体数分别为34、82和88株, 2019年复查时的个体数分别为33、82和87株。3种生境中景东翅子树种群的年龄结构均以幼树为主, 但5 ha生境片断森林缺乏幼苗和大树(包括成树和亚成树), 而15 ha生境片断森林幼苗较丰富。(2)在3种生境中景东翅子树种群的增长率等于1 (15 ha生境片断)或趋近于1 (5 ha生境片断和连续森林), 说明不同生境中的景东翅子树种群比较稳定, 这主要是因为其各生活史阶段的存活率均较高。(3)景东翅子树成树和亚成树阶段的存活率对种群增长率的贡献最大, 是影响其种群动态的关键生活史阶段。因此对于大树(包括成树和亚成树)的保护是极度濒危植物景东翅子树种群维持的关键。研究结果揭示小生境片断降低了景东翅子树种群的数量, 改变了种群的结构, 但对种群动态的影响效应尚未显现。因此对于这些小生境片断中濒危植物种群的保护和恢复是可行的, 也是有价值的。  相似文献   

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