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The major O-linked oligosaccharide structures attached to human glycophorin A (GPA) have been extensively characterized previously. Our own recent findings, obtained by immunochemical methods, suggested the presence of blood group A and B determinants in O-glycans of human glycophorin originating from blood group A or B erythrocytes, respectively. Here, we elucidate the structure of O-glycans, isolated from GPA of blood group A, B, and O individuals by reductive beta-elimination, carrying A, B or H blood group epitopes, respectively. Structural studies based on nanoflow electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry and earlier reported data on the carbohydrate moiety of GPA and ABH antigens allowed us to conclude that these blood group epitopes are elongations of the beta-GlcNAc branch attached to C-6 of the reducing GalNAc. The galactose linked to C-3 of the reducing GalNAc carries NeuAcalpha2-3 linked residue. Identified here O-glycans were found in low amounts, their content estimated at about one percent of all GPA O-glycans. These O-glycans with type-2 core, carrying the blood group A, B or H determinants, have not been identified in GPA so far. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of nanoESI MS/MS in detecting minor oligosaccharide components present in a mixture with much more abundant structures.  相似文献   

The origin of blood group ABH activity in human gastric content was investigated. Dialyzed and lyophilized samples of ten individual gastric secretions were assayed for ABH antigen under various conditions. The native activity persisted in delipidated residue of the respective secretions, but was completely missing in the lipid extracts of the analyzed samples. The alkaline degradation of the native and delipidated samples led to total loss of blood group activity of the analyzed materials, but no effect on A-active glycosphingolipid was evolved. Purified glycolipid portion of the lipid extract was lacking ABH activity and was shown to have distinct composition. This fraction contained only glyceroglucolipids and neither sphingosine nor other carbohydrates were present. On the basis of blood group activity assays of the native, delipidated, alkaline degraded samples and also on glycolipid analysis it was established that the ABH blood group activity of stomach secretion originated entirely from the glycoprotein portion of these samples.  相似文献   

We previously showed that a small proportion of the O-linked oligosaccharide chains of human glycophorin A (GPA) contains blood group A, B or H antigens, relevant to the ABO phenotype of the donor. The structures of these minor O-glycans have been established (Podbielska et al. (2004) [20]). By the use of immunochemical methods we obtained results indicating that ABH blood group epitopes are also present in N-glycan of human GPA (Podbielska and Krotkiewski (2000) [22]). In the present paper we report a detailed analysis of GPA N-glycans using nanoflow electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. N-glycans containing A-, B- and H-related sequences were identified in GPA preparations obtained from erythrocytes of blood group A, B and O donors, respectively. The ABH blood group epitopes are present on one antenna of the N-glycan, whereas a known sialylated sequence NeuAcα2-6Galβ1-4GlcNAc- occurs on the other antenna and other details are in agreement with the known major structure of the GPA N-glycan. In the bulk of the biantennary sialylated N-glycans released from GPA preparations, the blood group ABH epitopes-containing N-glycans, similarly O-glycans, constituted only a minor part. The amount relative to other N-glycans was estimated to 2-6% of blood group H epitope-containing glycans released from GPA-O preparations and 1-2% of blood group A and B epitope-containing glycans, released from GPA-A and GPA-B, respectively.  相似文献   

A polar non-acid glycolipid fraction has been isolated from human kidney. It was shown by thin-layer chromatography to be a mixture of glycolipids having more than four carbohydrate residues. Immunological testing revealed strong blood group Lea and A activity together with weak Leb, P1 and B activity. Mass spectrometry of the permethylated and permethylated-reduced (LiAlH4) glycolipid fraction showed that the two major components were a five sugar fucolipid (isomer of Lea) and a glycolipid having four hexoses and one N-acetylhexosamine. In addition, blood group Leb, B and A type hexaglycosylceramides were present. Evidence for small amounts of more complex glycolipids was also found. Acid degradation and gas chromatography of the native fraction revealed fucose, glucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine. This is the first chemical isolation and characterization of complex blood group active glycolipids in human kidney. The existence of these molecules is discussed in view of their possible role as transplantation antigens.  相似文献   

The use of the indirect ELISA techniques did not ensure the sharp differentiation of the antigens of the blood groups A and B on the polystyrene sorbent by means of heteroimmune sera, though such differentiation could be achieved by means of monoclonal antibodies. The test system known as "the lectin-antibody sandwich" was found to have the optimum sensitivity and specificity permitting the detection of soluble ABH antigens. This variant of ELISA permitted the detection of blood group A antigen both in native biological materials and in traces of blood and saliva, thus making it possible to carry out its quantitative determination.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical localization of blood group ABH antigens was examined in secretory cells of human cervical glands by application of a post-embedding lectin-gold as well as immuno-gold labeling procedure using monoclonal antibodies. Blood group specific lectins such as Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin I-B4 (GSAI-B4) and Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) reacted with secretory granules but not with other cytoplasmic organellae such as nucleus and cell membrane. The reactivity of secretory granules with these lectins showed strict dependence on the blood group and secretor status of tissue donors. The binding patterns with these lectins were not homogeneous, but exhibited marked cellular and subcellular heterogeneity. Thus, for example, in blood group A individuals, some granules were stained strongly with DBA and others were weakly or not at all with the lectin. Such a heterogenous labeling with the lectin was observed even in the same cells. Similar results were obtained with UEA-I and GSAI-B4 staining in blood group O and B secretor individuals, respectively. Monoclonal antibodies likewise reacted specifically with the granules but they occasionally bound to some nucleus. The labeling pattern of the antibodies with the granules was essentially the same as those of lectins. However, difference was also observed between monoclonal antibody and lectin staining, that is, monoclonal anti-A antibody reacted weakly but consistently with granules from blood group A nonsecretors but DBA (HPA) did not; staining with UEA-I was observed in granules from the secretor individuals of any blood groups whereas monoclonal anti-H antibody reacted with granules from blood group O and some A secretor individuals but not from B and AB secretor individuals; GSAI-B4 reacted uniformly with granules throughout the cells whereas monoclonal anti-B antibody bound to limited number of granules in the same cells. This was confirmed by the double labeling experiments with the lectin and the antibody. These results suggest that the different types of antigens as to the binding ability for monoclonal antibodies and lectins are expressed on different granules in the same cell.  相似文献   

Summary The monoclonal antibody 5-D-4 recognizes heavily sulphated forms of keratan sulphate epitope. It reacted strongly with the cell surfaces of most thyroid papillary carcinomas from all the individuals examined, independently of the blood group of the patients. Cells of follicular variants of papillary carcinomas were also labelled by 5-D-4. In contrast, no labelling with this antibody was observed in other types of thyroid neoplasms, or in normal tissues. The reactivity of 5-D-4 with papillary carcinomas was markedly reduced or abolished by prior digestion with endo-β-galactosidase keratanase II, or N-glycosidase F. Although keratanase digestion had no effect on 5-D-4 labelling, it revealed the binding sites ofGriffonia simplicifolia agglutinin II (GSA-II), which recognizes terminalN-acetylglucosamine in a limited number of carcinoma cells from some individuals. Blood group ABH antigens, which are simultaneously expressed together with keratan sulphate epitope in cancer cells, were eliminated by digestion with endo-β-galactosidase and N-glycosidase F, but were resistant to keratanase and keratanase II treatment. These results indicate that keratan sulphate oligosaccharides are cancer-associated and are probably oncofoetal antigens, as are the blood group antigens in human thyroid glands. The results suggests that poly-N-acetyllactosamine, which is ubiquitously and consistently produced in papillary carcinomas, is modified in two different ways: sulphation on the 6-position of at least some units of either galactose, orN-acetylglucosamine or both, and decoration of non-reducing termini with the blood group antigens. Along with the endo-β-galactosidase-GSA-II labelling procedure, labelling with 5-D-4 may be a useful diagnostic means for distinguishing papillary carcinoma from other types of thyroid neoplasms.  相似文献   

We investigated the subcellular localization of ABH antigens in human submandibular, sublingual, and buccal glands by applying a post-embedding immunogold method using monoclonal antibodies specific for A, B, and H antigens. In most glands the immunoreactivity was usually restricted to mucous cells, in which only secretory granules and sometimes Golgi cisternae were specifically labeled. A and B antigens were demonstrated only in the glands of type A, B, and AB subjects, while H antigen was visualized in glands from individuals of all blood types. Moreover, differences were observed in the relative distribution of ABH antigens, depending on the type of gland.  相似文献   

Summary The reactivity was examined of horseradish peroxidase labelledUlex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) andGriffonia simplicifolia agglutinin I-B4 (GSAI-B4) with red blood cells and vascular endothelium in formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissues from 18 primate species. The expression of blood group ABH antigens in these cells as well as secretions from other tissues was also examined by the indirect immunoperoxidase method using monoclonal anti-ABH antibodies as primary antibodies. In Prosimians and New World monkeys which lack ABH antigens on both red blood cells and endothelial cells, but produce these antigens in other tissue secretions, GSAI-B4 always reacted with both red blood cells and endothelial cells. In Old World monkeys, which express blood group antigens on endothelial cells but not on red blood cells, neither GSAI-B4 nor UEA-I reactivity were observed, except the endothelial cells from blood group B or O individuals occasionally reacted with GSAI-B4 or UEA-I, respectively. Although UEA-I reactivity was not observed in the endothelial cells of gibbon, it reacted with these cells from chimpanzees. In these two anthropoid apes, both endothelial cells and red blood cells expressed ABH antigens as in humans. These results suggest the close evolutionary relationship between the expression of blood group ABH antigens and lectin binding properties of red blood cells and endothelial cells in primate species.  相似文献   

The possible conformations for the ABH and Lewis blood group oligosaccharides have been studied by an energy-minimisation procedure using empirical potential functions. It has been found that the conformation of the core structure is not altered significantly by the addition of l-fucose, galactose or N-acetyl galactosamine residues at the non-reducing end. Correlation of the preferred conformations with their known binding properties suggests that the differences between type 1 and type 2 structures become significant only when a large enough fragment of the determinant is considered. It is suggested that non-specific reagents may have small binding sites while the reagents that are specific for type 1 or type 2 structures may have larger binding sites. A two-pocket model has been proposed for antibodies and lectins which can distinguish the A1 and A2 antigens.  相似文献   

Summary Although infantile hemangioma (IH) are the most common tumors of infancy, the mechanism of their proliferation and involution remains vague. Proliferation, differentiation and death of endothelial cells are the basic processes involved in their pathobiology. Here we hypothesize that the glycoconjugates ABH histo-blood group antigens (HBGA) and lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) might be implied in both the differentiation and death of endothelial cells during vascular remodeling in IH. Proliferating and involuting IH were examined immunohistochemically for HGBA and LAMP expression together with vWF and CD31. Proliferative and apoptotic indices were determined. LAMPs were found in immature endothelium of proliferating IH. In involution an increased number of immunopositive cells stained with higher intensity was detected. The enhanced expression might be associated with augmented autophagy required for tissue remodeling during tumor involution. HBGA presented an opposite pattern of expression – they stained intensely the endothelium of mature capillaries, while the immature ones were positive for vWF. The presence of HBGA in endothelial cells of IH may be related to the differentiation process only, as well as to endothelial adhesion and angiogenesis. Novel evidence for differential expression of HBGA and LAMPs in proliferative and involutive phases of IH is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve different kinds of blood group-specific lectins have been used along with monoclonal anti-A,-B and-H antibodies for detecting the corresponding antigens in selected human tissues. Although most of the lectins recognized the antigens in the tissue sections examined, they displayed marked differences in their recognition patterns in certain tissues.Helix asparsa agglutinin (HAA),Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) and monoclonal anti-A antibody recognized A antigens in the mucous cells of salivary glands from blood group A or AB nonsecretor as well as secretor individuals, whereasDolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA).Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin-I (GSA-I),Sophora japonica agglutinin (SJA) andVicia villosa agglutinin (VVA) did not bind to them from nonsecretors. A antigens in endothelial cells, lateral membrane of pancreatic acinar cells and small mucous-like cells of submandibular glands from some individuals were likewise recognized by HAA and HPA but not by other blood group A-specific lections. In contrast, both HAA and HPA did not recognize the A antigens in mucous cells of Brunner's glands while other A-specific lectins and monoclonal anti-A antibody reacted specifically with the antigens. Such a difference was not observed with lectins specific for blood group B. However, the B antigens in Brunner's glands were recognized by these lectins but not with monoclonal anti-B antibody. The difference in labelling ability was also noted among the blood group H-specific lectins and monoclonal anti-H antibody in endothelial cells of blood vessels.Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I reacted with these cells irrespective of ABO and the secretor status of the individuals, whileAnguilla anguilla agglutinin and monoclonal anti-H antibody reacted only with those cells from blood group O individuals. No reaction was observed withLotus tetragonolobus agglutinin in these tissue sites. These results suggest a great diversity of blood group antigens in different human tissues.  相似文献   

Simultaneous staining of nuclear DNA and blood group cell-surface antigens is proposed as a means of studying the prognosis of superficial bladder cancer. The quality of the results obtained on urothelial cells from bladder irrigation fluid, as shown by fluorescence microscopy, suggests that this staining technique may be suitable for flow cytometry.  相似文献   

The oligosaccharide structures specifying the blood-group ABH determinants occur in the human erythrocyte membrane in different classes of compounds. The majority occur in a novel class of complex carbohydrate chains called the polyglycosyl chains. They are bound by an alkali-stable bond to glycoproteins (band 3, band 4.5) and occur also in glycolipids. Conventional glycosphingolipids as well as alkalilabile carboyhydrate chains of glycoproteins (in the PAS-bands) are also carriers of the blood-group determinants.  相似文献   

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