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A total of 529 well and distribution potable water samples were analyzed for total coliforms by the most-probable-number and membrane filter (MF) techniques. Standard plate count bacteria and MF noncoliform bacteria were also enumerated. Frequency of coliform detection, turbidity in most-probable-number tubes, and extensive overgrowth by noncoliforms on MF filters were directly proportional to standard plate counts. Recovery of coliforms was greatest by the MF method at low (less than 100 CFU/ml) standard plate count densities and better by the most-probable-number method (confirming gas and turbid tube) at high (greater than 500 CFU/ml) standard plate count densities. In the latter case, overgrowth by noncoliforms on MF filters suppressed sheen development and, in turn, masked coliform detection. Of 341 atypical (no sheen) MF colonies verified by parallel inoculation of lauryl sulfate broth and billiant green-bile broth, 156 were aerogenic in the latter medium. Of atypical isolates, 84% were identified as either Citrobacter or Enterobacter species. A 4.3-fold reduction in numbers of overgrown MF filters and an 2.2-fold increase in numbers of coliforms recovered from 127 water samples was accomplished by anaerobic incubation of MF cultures. This anaerobic modification of the standard MF technique significantly reduced overgrowth and enhanced recovery of coliforms from potable groundwater. This technique is simple, cost effective, and suitable for monitoring of untreated ground water common to some small water systems and private water supplies.  相似文献   

A total of 2,601 water samples from six different water systems were tested for coliform bacteria by Clark's presence-absence (P-A) test and by the membrane filter (MF) method. There was no significant difference in the fraction of samples positive for coliform bacteria for any of the systems tested. It was concluded that the two tests are equivalent for monitoring purposes. However, 152 samples were positive for coliform bacteria by the MF method but negative by the P-A test, and 132 samples were positive by the P-A test but negative by the MF method. Many of these differences for individual samples can be explained by random dispersion of bacteria in subsamples when the coliform density is low. However, 15 samples had MF counts greater than 3 and gave negative P-A results. The only apparent explanation for most of these results is that coliform bacteria were present in the P-A test bottles but did not produce acid and gas. Two other studies have reported more samples positive by Clark's P-A test than by the MF method.  相似文献   

A total of 2,601 water samples from six different water systems were tested for coliform bacteria by Clark's presence-absence (P-A) test and by the membrane filter (MF) method. There was no significant difference in the fraction of samples positive for coliform bacteria for any of the systems tested. It was concluded that the two tests are equivalent for monitoring purposes. However, 152 samples were positive for coliform bacteria by the MF method but negative by the P-A test, and 132 samples were positive by the P-A test but negative by the MF method. Many of these differences for individual samples can be explained by random dispersion of bacteria in subsamples when the coliform density is low. However, 15 samples had MF counts greater than 3 and gave negative P-A results. The only apparent explanation for most of these results is that coliform bacteria were present in the P-A test bottles but did not produce acid and gas. Two other studies have reported more samples positive by Clark's P-A test than by the MF method.  相似文献   

The effect of the length of time between sampling potable water and performing coliform analyses has been a long-standing controversial issue in environmental microbiology. The issue is of practical importance since reducing the sample-to-analysis time may substantially increase costs for water analysis programs. Randomly selected samples (from those routinely collected throughout the State of Wisconsin) were analyzed for total coliforms after being held at room temperature (20 +/- 2 degrees C) for 24 and 48 h. Differences in results for the two holding times were compared with differences predicted by probability calculations. The study showed that storage of the potable water for up to 48 h had little effect on the public health significance of most samples containing more than two coliforms per 100 ml.  相似文献   

We describe here a technique called phase tracking that greatly improves the accuracy of measurements of the membrane capacitance of single cells. We have modified the original phase detection technique to include a method for creating calibrated changes in the resistance in series with the cell. This provides a method to automate the adjustment of the phase detector to the appropriate phase angle for measuring membrane capacitance. The phase determination depends only on the cell's electrical parameters and does not require matching of the cell impedance with that of the slow capacitance cancellation circuitry of the patch-clamp amplifier. We show here that phase tracking can accurately locate the phase of the capacitance signal and can keep the detector aligned with this signal during measurements of exocytosis in mast cells, irrespective of the large drifts which occur in cell membrane resistance, membrane capacitance, or series resistance. The phase tracking technique is a valuable tool for quantifying exocytosis and endocytosis in single cells.  相似文献   

Verification of membrane filter total coliform colonies was compared in lauryl tryptose broth, and m-LAC broth primary media and brilliant green-lactose-bile broth and EC broth secondary media. Verification in m-LAC broth yielded the greatest number of aerogenic isolates for both untreated surface water and drinking water samples. Verification in brilliant green-lactose-bile broth increased the number of false-negative reactions. At least 90% of the isolates aerogenic in primary verification media and anaerogenic in brilliant green-lactose-bile broth were representative of the coliform genera. The addition of a resuscitation step in the membrane filter technique did not yield greater numbers of verified coliforms per sample. Verification of both typical and atypical colonies in m-LAC broth resulted in a 10-fold increase in coliform numbers from untreated surface water. With drinking water, verification of both colony types resulted in an increase from less than 1 coliform per 100 ml to greater than 1/100 ml. A single-step verification in m-LAC broth is proposed as a more rapid and sensitive coliform verification procedure than the standard technique.  相似文献   

The effect of the length of time between sampling potable water and performing coliform analyses has been a long-standing controversial issue in environmental microbiology. The issue is of practical importance since reducing the sample-to-analysis time may substantially increase costs for water analysis programs. Randomly selected samples (from those routinely collected throughout the State of Wisconsin) were analyzed for total coliforms after being held at room temperature (20 +/- 2 degrees C) for 24 and 48 h. Differences in results for the two holding times were compared with differences predicted by probability calculations. The study showed that storage of the potable water for up to 48 h had little effect on the public health significance of most samples containing more than two coliforms per 100 ml.  相似文献   

Four membrane filter methods fecal coliform enumeration were evaluated and compared in six laboratories based on determination of accuracy, specificity, upper counting limit, and recovery comparability. Recovery accuracy with pure cultures ranged from 89 to 100% for m-FC, mTEC (a procedure developed for thermotolerant Escherichia coli), and m-FC2 methods (the latter incorporating a 2-h, 35 degrees C resuscitation period), but was less than 60% for the MacConkey membrane broth method. These figures dropped by approximately 40 to 55% when the cultures were subjected to temperature (10 degrees C) stress. Close to 800 colonies were verified to determine specificity. False-positive colonies occurred most frequently with the m-FC2 method (18%), whereas false-negative colonies were most common on MacConkey membrane broth (26%). In counting range experiments using a variety of samples, the highest upper counting limit was 130 colonies per filter with the mTEC procedure. Recovery comparisons were based on over 130 samples including raw surface waters, raw sewage, and chlorinated and unchlorinated sewage effluents. In general, recoveries were significantly higher with the m-FC2 and mTEC methods; however, on m-FC2, growth of nontarget background organisms was also higher in most cases. Highest recoveries from chlorinated sewage effluents were obtained by the mTEC method, and the addition of a similar resuscitation period to the m-FC procedure (m-FC2) improved fecal coliform recovery from such samples. The best overall performance for fecal coliform enumeration was obtained with the mTEC method with high recovery and low levels of background colonies, good specificity and accuracy, and a high upper counting limit. This procedure also offers the advantage of enumerating E. coli within 24 h.  相似文献   

Development of an improved reactor configuration of anaerobic filter was carried out for the elimination of clogging of filter media. The experiments over different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) indicated that the HRT of 12 h was the most appropriate one for the system studied while treating the municipal wastewater, which resulted 90% and 95% BOD and COD reduction, respectively. Reduction up to 95% in suspended solids concentration could be achieved without any pretreatment. The specific biogas yield obtained was 0.35 m(3) CH(4)/kgCODr with 70% of CH(4) content in the biogas generated from the system at the HRT of 12 h. Operational problems such as clogging of filter media were not observed throughout the period of study over 600 d.  相似文献   

A new membrane filter medium was developed for the improved recovery of injured coliforms from drinking water. The new medium, termed m-T7, consists of 5.0 g of Difco Proteose Peptone no. 3, 20 g of lactose, 3.0 g of yeast extract, 0.4 ml of Tergitol 7 (25% solution), 5.0 g of polyoxyethylene ether W-1, 0.1 g of bromthymol blue, 0.1 g of bromcresol purple, and 15 g of agar per liter of distilled water. Additional selectivity may be obtained by aseptically adding 0.1 microgram of penicillin G per ml to the medium after autoclaving. In laboratory studies, m-T7 agar recovered 86 to 99% more laboratory-injured coliforms than did m-Endo agar. m-T7 agar also recovered an average of 43% more verified coliforms from 67 surface and drinking water samples than did the standard m-Endo membrane filter technique. From drinking water, m-T7 agar recovered nearly three times more coliforms than did m-Endo agar. Less than 0.5% of the colonies on m-T7 agar gave false-negative reactions, whereas greater than 70% of the typical yellow colonies from m-T7 agar produced gas in lauryl tryptose broth. Most of the verified coliforms isolated on m-T7 agar belonged to one of the four common coliform genera: Escherichia, 17.6%; Klebsiella, 21.7%; Citrobacter, 17.3%; Enterobacter, 32.2%. The results demonstrate that m-T7 agar is superior to m-Endo agar, especially for the isolation of injured coliforms from drinking water.  相似文献   

The traditional membrane filter (American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., 1985) and presence-absence (P-A) (J. A. Clark, Can. J. Microbiol. 14:13-18, 1968) techniques for the detection of coliform bacteria were compared in a small nonchlorinated drinking water distribution system by using total positive samples and frequency-of-occurrence analyses. No significant differences (P less than 0.05) were found in detection of the presence of coliform bacteria or in changes in the frequency of occurrence with time. A reduction in P-A sample volume (to 50 ml) was not found to statistically affect the comparative results of traditional membrane filter and P-A tests.  相似文献   

The Colilert (CL) and Coliquik (CQ) systems were compared in a presence-absence format against the Standard Methods membrane filtration (MF) technique to determine whether differences existed in total coliform detection. Approximately 750 water samples were collected from distribution systems, covered and uncovered storage reservoirs, well sites, and the influent to drinking water treatment plants. Samples were analyzed for total coliforms and heterotrophic bacteria with MF, CL, and CQ. The agreements between CL and MF and between CQ and MF were both greater than 94.8%, which indicates that both may be acceptable methods for total coliform detection. Disagreement between the CL and CQ methods was primarily due to false-negative results. Furthermore, laboratory and field inoculation methods were compared for CL, more than 98% agreement was obtained. This finding indicates that sampling and immediate field inoculation may be an alternative to the traditional laboratory inoculation.  相似文献   

Four membrane filter methods for the enumeration of fecal coliforms were compared for accuracy, specificity, and recovery. Water samples were taken several times from 13 marine, 1 estuarine, and 4 freshwater sites around Puerto Rico, from pristine waters and waters receiving treated and untreated sewage and effluent from a tuna cannery and a rum distillery. Differences of 1 to 3 orders of magnitude in the levels of fecal coliforms were observed in some samples by different recovery techniques. Marine water samples gave poorer results, in terms of specificity, selectivity, and comparability, than freshwater samples for all four fecal coliform methods used. The method using Difco m-FC agar with a resuscitation step gave the best overall results; however, even this method gave higher false-positive error, higher undetected-target error, lower selectivity, and higher recovery of nontarget organisms than the method using MacConkey membrane broth, the worst method for temperate waters. All methods tested were unacceptable for the enumeration of fecal coliforms in tropical fresh and marine waters. Thus, considering the high densities of fecal coliforms observed at most sites in Puerto Rico by all these methods, it would seem that these density estimates are, in many cases, grossly overestimating the degree of recent fecal contamination. Since Escherichia coli appears to be a normal inhabitant of tropical waters, fecal contamination may be indicated when none is present. Using fecal coliforms as an indicator is grossly inadequate for the detection of recent human fecal contamination and associated pathogens in both marine and fresh tropical waters.  相似文献   

The traditional membrane filter (American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., 1985) and presence-absence (P-A) (J. A. Clark, Can. J. Microbiol. 14:13-18, 1968) techniques for the detection of coliform bacteria were compared in a small nonchlorinated drinking water distribution system by using total positive samples and frequency-of-occurrence analyses. No significant differences (P less than 0.05) were found in detection of the presence of coliform bacteria or in changes in the frequency of occurrence with time. A reduction in P-A sample volume (to 50 ml) was not found to statistically affect the comparative results of traditional membrane filter and P-A tests.  相似文献   

The Colilert (CL) and Coliquik (CQ) systems were compared in a presence-absence format against the Standard Methods membrane filtration (MF) technique to determine whether differences existed in total coliform detection. Approximately 750 water samples were collected from distribution systems, covered and uncovered storage reservoirs, well sites, and the influent to drinking water treatment plants. Samples were analyzed for total coliforms and heterotrophic bacteria with MF, CL, and CQ. The agreements between CL and MF and between CQ and MF were both greater than 94.8%, which indicates that both may be acceptable methods for total coliform detection. Disagreement between the CL and CQ methods was primarily due to false-negative results. Furthermore, laboratory and field inoculation methods were compared for CL, more than 98% agreement was obtained. This finding indicates that sampling and immediate field inoculation may be an alternative to the traditional laboratory inoculation.  相似文献   

Anaerobic incubation of membrane filter cultures significantly enhanced detection of fecal coliforms in surface-water samples from recreational beaches. In contrast to standard aerobic incubation, anaerobic incubation suppressed overgrowth of masking, noncoliform bacteria but did not increase the frequency of fecal coliform recovery.  相似文献   

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