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Studies of the halothane-cooling contractures of skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of transient contractures elicited by rapid cooling of frog or mouse muscles perfused in vitro with solutions equilibrated with 0.5-2.0% halothane are reviewed. The data indicate that these halothane-cooling contractures are dose dependent and reproducible, and their amplitude is larger in muscles containing predominantly slow-twitch type fibers, such as the mouse soleus, than in muscles in which fast-twitch fibers predominate, such as the mouse extensor digitorum longus. The halothane-cooling contractures are potentiated in muscles exposed to succinylcholine. The effects of Ca2+-free solutions, of the local anesthetics procaine, procainamide, and lidocaine, and of the muscle relaxant dantrolene on the halothane-cooling contractures are consistent with the proposal that the halothane-cooling contractures result from synergistic effects of halothane and low temperature on Ca sequestration by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Preliminary results from skinned rabbit muscle fibers support this proposal. The halothane concentrations required for the halothane-cooling contractures of isolated frog or mouse muscles are comparable with those observed in serum of patients during general anesthesia. Accordingly, fascicles dissected from muscle biopsies of patients under halothane anesthesia for programmed surgery develop large contractures when rapidly cooled. The amplitude of these halothane-cooling contractures declined with the time of perfusion of the muscle fascicles in vitro with halothane-free physiological solutions. It is suggested that the halothane-cooling contractures could be used as a simple experimental model for the investigation of the effects of halothane on Ca homeostasis and contractility in skeletal muscle and for study of drugs of potential use in the management of the contractures associated with the halothane-induced malignant hyperthermia syndrome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Caffeine contractures were induced after K+ -conditioning of skeletal muscles from pigs and mice. K+ -conditioning is defined as the partial depolarization caused by increasing external potassium (K) with [K+]×[Cl?] constant. Conditioning depolarizations that rendered muscles refractory to brief electrical stimulation still enhanced the contracture tension elicited by subsequent direct caffeine stimulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release. The effects of K+ -conditioning on caffeine-induced contractures of intact cell bundles reached a maximum at 15–30 mM K and then progressively declined at higher [K+]0. Conditioning with 30 mM K+ for 5 min, which inactivates excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in response to action potentials, both increased the magnitude of caffeine contractures 2–10-fold and shifted the contracture threshold toward lower caffeine concentrations. Enhanced sensitivity to caffeine was inhibited by dantrolene (20 μM) and its watersoluble analogue azumolene (150 μM). These drugs decreased caffeine-induced contractures following depolarization with 4–15 mM K+ to 25–50% of control tension. The inorganic anion perchlorate (CIO), which like caffeine potentiates twitches, increased caffeine-induced contractures ~? twofold after K+ -conditioning (>4 mM). The results suggest that CIO and dantrolene, in addition to caffeine, also influence SR calcium release either directly or by mechanism(s) subsequent to depolarization of the sarcolemma. Moreover, since CIO is known to shift the voltage-dependence of intramembrane charge movement, CIO may exert effects on the transverse-tubule voltage sensors as well as the SR. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. The effects of denervation on the mechanical responses to various concentrations of L-glutamate in retractor unguis muscle of cockroach (Perilpaneta americana) was examined, comparing them with contractures induced by high potassium saline. 2. The dose-response curve was shifted to the lower concentrations of L-glutamate after 9 days of denervation. 3. Following a transient increase in the maximum contracture tension, it decreased with days after denervation and reached a constant level by several days. However, from 16 to 20 days after denervation, the tension ratios of the maximum glutamate to potassium contractures were significantly higher than that of the innervated muscles. 4. A sustained contracture was observed on and after treatment of L-glutamate in the denervated muscle. Pretreatment of the muscle by concanavalin A facilitated to induce L-glutamate contracture. 5. It was suggested that the sensitivity of the muscle membrane to L-glutamate was increased in the denervated muscle.  相似文献   

Length-tension relationship of mammalian diaphragm muscles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Experiments on rats were made to study the effect of cytostatics on the rest membrane potentials (RMP) of muscle fibres and chemosensitivity of the botulinum toxin (BT) poisoned m. soleus. Intramuscular injection of the sublethal dose of BT on the 5th day evoked the blockade of the synaptic neuromuscular transmission, depolarization of the muscle cells and the decreased sensitivity to acetylcholine. Daily intraperitoneal injections of vincristine (25 micrograms/100 g) and fluorouracil (5 mg/100 g) to rats did not affect the development of the neuromuscular transmission blockade induced by BT. The cytostatics did not change the RMP of the myocytes or chemosensitivity of the normal muscles. However, both the drugs prevented the depolarization of myocytes and the decreased chemosensitivity of the muscles paralyzed with BT. It is assumed that the delayed appearance of the cytostatic-induced denervation is a consequence of the suppressed division of the satellite cells.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes found in the endomysium of rats after denervation of the diaphragm and m. plantaris were studied. Within the first week after crossing the peripheral nerve in the nedomysium there appeared an increased amount of neutrophils and monocytes as well as phagocytic material in the cytoplasm of histocytes. Activization of the cytoplasm of fibroblasts which manifested itself in the appearance of numerous vesicles and multiple free and bound ribosomes was detected by the end of the second and the beginning of the third weeks after denervation. At the same period eosinophils invaded the endomysium and became closely surrounded by numerous collagenic fibres. After reparation of neuromuscular synapses these changes disappeared. On the basis of these results and others founded in previous studies of denervated and reinnervated skeletal muscles the authors consider these changes in the endomysium appearing under the above experimental conditions to be manifestations of metabolic interrelations between the endomysium connective tissue and muscle fibres.  相似文献   

The leaching of electrolytes in normal and denervated chick gastrocnemius muscle has been studied by recording electroconductivity changes in donor-solvent (muscle-water) system at 11 intervals leading to a total immersion of 5 hr 15 min, at days 1,5,10,21 and 28, post-hatching. The results show age related changes in the permeability properties of normal muscle membrane system. The loss of neural control induces a blocking of electrolytes 10 days post-denervation. The possible nature of blocking mechanism has been related to the non-availability of neuro-trophic factors in the tissue.  相似文献   

Nonpolar and polar lipids extracted from denervated rat gastrocnemius, plantaris, and soleus muscles were measured 7–9 days after unilateral sciatic nerve transection. The contralateral muscle (CCON) was used to obtain control lipid levels. After denervation changes in lipid concentrations were found in all three muscles. These alterations in lipid levels were generally in the same direction but not to the same extent. The change in total nonpolar lipids (NL) was an increase in soleus > gastrocnemius > plantaris concentration. This change in lipid concentration was more apparent than real since the wet weight of muscle was decreased after denervation. Since polar lipid (PL) concentrations were not increased under these conditions of muscle weight loss, an actual decrease of polar lipids after denervation may be inferred.In contrast to the other two muscles, a marked difference was noted for polar lipids of denervated gastrocnemius muscle. An unidentified spot near the origin was detected. This area is the location of a nerve sprouting factor(s). The compound(s) was not detectable for the other two muscles. When the gastrocnemius from an unoperated animal rather than a CCON muscle was used as a benchmark, slight increases were found for total nonpolar, polar, and plasmalogen fractions following denervation. The changes for individual lipid fractions were less definable, except for the significant increase for the unknown polar compound near the origin. This spot was noted in extracts from CCON and DEN muscles but not in untouched control muscle. The CCON gastrocnemius muscle is therefore a poor control for determining effects of denervation on lipid levels and perhaps other biochemical parameters as well.  相似文献   

Most models of in vivo musculoskeletal function fail to take into account the diversity of force trajectories defined by muscle fiber architecture. It has been shown for many muscles, across species, that muscle fibers commonly end within muscle fascicles without reaching a myotendinous junction, and that many of these fibers show a progressive decline in cross-sectional area along the length of the muscle. The significance of these anatomical observations is that the tapering would seem to preclude forces generated at the largest cross-sectional area of the fibers being transmitted to the sarcomeres toward the ends of the tapered fiber. If all of the forces are transmitted via the sarcomeres arranged in series, those few sarcomeres at the smaller ends of the fibers must tolerate the stress exerted by the more numerous sarcomeres arranged in parallel at the portions of the fiber with larger cross-sectional areas. A logical alternative would be for forces to be transmitted laterally along the length of a fiber to the cell membrane and the extracellular matrix. Such a structural arrangement would permit an alternative force transmission vector and minimize the necessity for a precise level of force to be generated along the entire length of a fiber. There are cytoarchitectural and biochemical data demonstrating the presence of a subcellular network which is appropriately located to transmit forces from the active intracellular contractile elements to the extracellular intramuscular connective tissues. However, to fully comprehend how forces are transmitted from individual cross bridges to the tendon, it will be necessary to understand the interactions of all of the components of the muscle tendon complex from the molecular to the multicellular level. It is insufficient to know the physiology of the individual components in a restricted experimental paradigm and assume that these conditions account for the functional characteristics in vivo. Thus, the challenge is to understand how the sarcomeres and all of the associated structures transmit the forces of the whole muscle to its attachments.  相似文献   

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