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Acid phosphatase activity (orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase, EC increased during the first 24 h of maize (Zea mays) seed germination. The enzyme displayed a pH optimum of 4.5-5.5. Catalytic activity in vitro displayed a linear time course (60 min) and reached its half maximum value at 0.47 mM p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP). Phosphatase activity towards phosphoamino acids was greatest for phosphotyrosine. The phosphatase activity was strongly inhibited by ammonium molybdate, vanadate and NaF and did not require divalent cations for the catalysis. The temperature optimum for pNPP hydrolysis was 37 degrees C. Under the same conditions, no enzyme activity was detected with phytic acid as substrate. Western blotting of total homogenates during seed germination revealed proteins/polypeptides that were phosphorylated on tyrosine residues; a protein of approximately 14 kDa is potentially a major biological substrate for the phosphatase activity. The results presented in this study suggest that the acid phosphatase characterized under the tested conditions is a member of the phosphotyrosine phosphatase family.  相似文献   

Free and bound acid phosphatase were investigated biochemically and electrophoretically in male sterile and fertile plants. Scutella at the 72-hr seedling stage and anthers with enclosed reproductive tissue at the premeiosis, meiosis, and mature developmental stages were tested. Biochemical data show that while the total amount of free acid phosphatase behaved similarly in fertile and sterile plants, specific activities decreased in fertile plants and remained unchanged or increased in sterile plants. Total amounts of bound acid phosphatase increased significantly in fertile plants while specific activities decreased. In sterile anthers both specific activity and amount of bound acid phosphatase decreased significantly (except cms-S). Electrophoretic results indicated that the basic form of the enzyme was very similar in each location.Published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Paper No. 1573. Based in part on a dissertation by C. V. W. submitted to the Division of Plant Science, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.  相似文献   

When intact maize (Zea mays) mesophyll chloroplasts were illuminated in the presence of [32P]orthophosphate and subsequently subjected to sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, a major polypeptide species of Mr 100000 was found to be heavily labelled. This polypeptide was not found in maize mesophyll thylakoid or cytoplasmic fractions, but was localized solely in the chloroplast stroma. No phosphorylation of polypeptides in the 100000-Mr region was observed in the mesophyll chloroplasts from C3 species (where the primary product of CO2 fixation is a 3-carbon compound), suggesting that this polypeptide arises from a protein associated with C4 metabolism (where the first product of CO2 fixation is a 4-carbon compound). The 100kDa polypeptide was major component of the maize mesophyll chloroplast, comprising 10-15% of the total protein, which banded in an identical position to the apoprotein of the enzyme pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase, which catalyses a reaction of the C4 cycle [Edwards & Walker (1983) C3, C4: Mechanisms, and Cellular and Environmental Regulation, of Photosynthesis, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and London]. Phosphorylation in the 100kDa species was prohibited by treatment of lysed chloroplasts with antibody to pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase (EC These data suggest that the phosphorylated polypeptide observed after sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis is the monomeric form of this enzyme. The 100kDa polypeptide was partially phosphorylated in darkness, but a significant increase in the degree of phosphorylation was found on illumination. This polypeptide was found to be dephosphorylated only slowly when the chloroplasts were returned to darkness. Maximum phosphorylation was observed in the presence of pyruvate or dihydroxyacetone phosphate, which also caused maximum activation of pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase. Phosphorylation of the 100kDa polypeptide did not coincide with deactivation of pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase, but maximum phosphorylation occurred under conditions that promoted maximum activity of the enzyme, at which time one phosphate group was associated with each enzyme molecule. Protein phosphorylation did not appear to arise from the reaction mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency decreased pollen viability in maize (Zea mays L. cv. G2) grown in sand culture. On restoring normal zinc supply to zinc-deficient plants before the pollen mother cell stage of anther development, the vegetative yield of plants and pollen fertility could be recovered to a large extent, but the recovery treatment was not effective when given after the release of microspores from the tetrads. If zinc deficiency was induced prior to microsporogenesis it did not significantly affect vegetative yield and ovule fertility, but decreased the fertility of pollen grains, even of those which visibly appeared normal. If the deficiency was induced after the release of microspores from the tetrads, not only vegetative yield and ovule fertility but pollen fertility also remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary Three flint and three dent maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, their possible F1 crosses, F2 and backcross progenies, and all possible three-way crosses were evaluated in a three-year experiment for yield, ear moisture, and plant height. The purpose was to estimate genetic parameters in European breeding materials from (i) generation means analysis, (ii) diallel analysis of generation means, and (iii) analysis of F1 and three-way cross hybrids. Method (i) was based on the F-metric model and methods (ii) and (iii) on the Eberhart-Gardner (1966) genetic model; both models extended for heterotic maternal effects.Differences among generation means for yield and plant height were mainly attributable to dominance effects. Epistatic effects were significantly different from zero in a few crosses and considerably reduced heterosis in both traits. Additive x additive and domiance x dominance effects for yield were consistently positive and negative, respectively. Significant maternal effects were established to the advantage of generations with a heterozygous seed parent. In the diallel analysis, mean squares for dominance effects were greater than for additive effects for yield and plant height but smaller for ear moisture. Though significant for yield and plant height, epistatic variation was small compared to additive and dominance variation. Estimates of additive x additive epistasis for yield were significantly negative in 11 of 15 crosses, suggesting that advantageous gene combinations in the lines had been disrupted by recombination in the segregating generations. The analysis of hybrids supported the above findings regarding the analysis of variance. However, the estimates of additive x additive epistasis for yield were considerably smaller and only minimally correlated with those from the diallel analysis. Use of noninbred materials as opposed to materials with different levels of inbreeding is considered the main reason for the discrepancies in the results.  相似文献   

Interaction of nucleoredoxin with protein phosphatase 2A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A trimeric protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A(T55)) composed of the catalytic (PP2Ac), structural (PR65/A), and regulatory (PR55/B) subunits was isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle by thiophosphorylase affinity chromatography, and contained two additional proteins of 54 and 55 kDa, respectively. The 54 kDa protein was identified as eukaryotic translation termination factor 1 (eRF1) and as a PP2A interacting protein. The 55 kDa protein is now identified as nucleoredoxin (NRX). The formation of a complex between GST-NRX, PP2A(C) and PP2A(D) was demonstrated by pull-down experiments with purified forms of PP2A, and by immunoprecipitation of HA-tagged NRX expressed in HEK293 cells complexed endogenous PP2A subunits. Analysis of PP2A activity in the presence of GST-NRX showed that NRX competed with polycations for both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on different forms of PP2A.  相似文献   

The scutellum is a shield-shaped structure surrounding the embryo axis in grass species. The scutellar epithelium (Sep) is a monolayer of cells in contact with the endosperm. The Sep plays an important role during seed germination in the secretion of gibberellins and hydrolytic enzymes and in the transport of the hydrolized products to the growing embryo. We identified 30 genes predominantly expressed after imbibition in the Sep as compared to other parts of the scutellum. A high proportion of these genes is involved in metabolic processes. Some other identified genes are involved in the synthesis or modification of cell walls, which may be reflected in the changes of cell shape and cell wall composition that can be observed during imbibition. One of the genes encodes a proteinase that belongs to a proteinase family typical of carnivorous plants. Almost nothing is known about their role in other plants or organs, but the scutellar presence may point to a "digestive" function during germination. Genes involved in the production of energy and the transport of peptides were also identified.  相似文献   

Dong L  Ermolova NV  Chollet R 《Planta》2001,213(3):379-389
The activity and allosteric properties of plant phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC are controlled posttranslationally by specific reversible phosphorylation of a strictly conserved serine residue near the N-terminus. This up/down-regulation of PEPC is catalyzed by a dedicated and highly regulated serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) kinase (PEPC-kinase) and an opposing type-2A Ser/Thr phosphatase (PP2A). In marked contrast to PEPC-kinase, the PP2A holoenzyme from photosynthetic tissue has been virtually unstudied to date. In the present investigation, we have partially purified and characterized the native form of this PP2A from illuminated leaves of maize (Zea mays L.), a C4 plant, using maize [32P]PEPC as substrate. Various conventional chromatographic matrices, together with thiophosphorylated C4 PEPC-peptide and microcystin-LR affinity-supports, were exploited for the enrichment of this PP2A from soluble leaf extracts. Biochemical and immunological results indicate that the C4-leaf holoenzyme is analogous to other eukaryotic PP2As in being a approximately 170-kDa heteromer comprised of a core PP2Ac-A heterodimer (approximately 38- and approximately 65-kDa subunits, respectively) complexed with a putative, approximately 74-kDa B-type regulatory/targeting subunit. This heterotrimer lacks any strict substrate specificity in that it dephosphorylates C4 PEPC, mammalian phosphorylase a, and casein in vitro. This activity is independent of free Me2+, insensitive to levamisole and the Inhibitor-2 protein that targets PP1, activated by several polycations such as protamine and poly-L-lysine, and highly sensitive to inhibition by microcystin-LR and okadaic acid (IC50 approximately 30 pM), all of which are diagnostic features of yeast and mammalian PP2As. In addition, this C4-leaf PP2A holoenzyme (i) is inhibited in vitro by physiological concentrations of certain C4 PEPC-related metabolites (L-malate, PEP, glucose 6-phosphate, but not the activator glycine) when either 32P-labeled maize PEPC or rabbit muscle phosphorylase a is used as substrate, suggesting a direct effect on this Ser/Thr phosphatase; and (ii) displays, at best, only modest light/dark effects in vivo on its apparent molecular mass, component core subunits and activity against C4 PEPC, in marked contrast to the opposing activity of PEPC-kinase in C4 and Crassulacean acid metabolism leaves. This report represents one of the few studies of a heteromeric PP2A holoenzyme from photosynthetic tissue that dephosphorylates a known target enzyme in plants, such as PEPC, sucrose-phosphate synthase or nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L. subsp.mays) has been identified in archaeological contexts by a high proportion of large cross-shaped phytoliths. Given the numerous races of maize, this study was undertaken to determine if differences below the species level could be noted. It was also designed to see if phytoliths differed in various plant parts at various stages of growth. Several races were grown under experimental conditions. No significant differences were found. Furthermore, few phytoliths alleged to be diagnostic of maize were discovered. Systemic studies of maize and analyses of prehistoric cultivation by means of phytoliths seem not to be as promising as some researchers have argued.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the 28 KD protein of the glutelin-(G2) fraction was followed in developing maize endosperm, using sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and peak integration of scanned gels. 28 KD glutelin-2 could already be observed from 15 days after pollination and its accumulates reached a plateau during the second half of the development period. The process of biosynthesis of 28 KD glutelin-2 and zeins occurs in a parallel way. Subcellular fractions obtained from linear sucrose gradient centrifugation of developing maize endosperms were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using a serum reacting against glutelin-2 and 14 KD Z2. Glutelin-2 was found to be present in the protein bodies when subcellular fractionation was carried out without dithiothreitol (DTT). The presence of a reducing agent causes the elution of glutelin-2 from protein bodies. Immunocytochemical labelling using the protein A-colloidal gold technique in protein bodies incubated with anti-G2 IgG revealed that G2 is located mainly in the periphery of protein bodies. These results are interpreted as indicating a structural role for glutelins in protein bodies.  相似文献   

A strategy for assembling the maize (Zea mays L.) genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Because the bulk of the maize (Zea mays L.) genome consists of repetitive sequences, sequencing efforts are being targeted to its 'gene-rich' fraction. Traditional assembly programs are inadequate for this approach because they are optimized for a uniform sampling of the genome and inherently lack the ability to differentiate highly similar paralogs. RESULTS: We report the development of bioinformatics tools for the accurate assembly of the maize genome. This software, which is based on innovative parallel algorithms to ensure scalability, assembled 730,974 genomic survey sequences fragments in 4 h using 64 Pentium III 1.26 GHz processors of a commodity cluster. Algorithmic innovations are used to reduce the number of pairwise alignments significantly without sacrificing quality. Clone pair information was used to estimate the error rate for improved differentiation of polymorphisms versus sequencing errors. The assembly was also used to evaluate the effectiveness of various filtering strategies and thereby provide information that can be used to focus subsequent sequencing efforts.  相似文献   

Maize [Zea mays L. ssp. mays (Poaceae)] was domesticated from Balsas teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doebley) in present‐day Mexico. Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is among the most important pests of maize in Mexico and Central America. We compared the strength of plant defenses against fall armyworm between micro‐sympatric landrace maize and Balsas teosinte in the field and laboratory. The field comparison, conducted in Mexico, consisted of comparing the frequency of fall armyworm infestation between young maize and Balsas teosinte plants in dryland agricultural fields in which Balsas teosinte grew as a weed. The laboratory comparison contrasted the performance of fall armyworm larvae provided a diet of leaf tissue excised from maize or Balsas teosinte plants that were intact or had been primed by larval feeding. In the field, maize plants were more frequently infested with fall armyworm than Balsas teosinte plants: over 3 years and three fields, maize was infested at a ca. 1.8‐fold greater rate than Balsas teosinte. In the laboratory, larval growth, but not survivorship, was differently affected by feeding on maize vs. Balsas teosinte, and on primed vs. intact plants. Specifically, survivorship was ca. 98%, and did not differ between maize and Balsas teosinte, nor between primed and intact plants. Larvae grew less on intact vs. primed maize, and similarly on intact vs. primed Balsas teosinte; overall, growth was 1.2‐fold greater on maize compared to Balsas teosinte, and on primed compared to intact plants. Parallel observations showed that the differences in growth could not be attributed to the amount of leaf tissue consumed by larvae. We discuss our results in relation to differences in the strength of plant defenses between crops and their ancestors, the relevance of unmanaged Balsas teosinte introgression in the context of fall armyworm defenses in maize, and whether greater growth of larvae on primed vs. intact plants signifies herbivore offense.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen grains containing either the Wx, wx, Su 1, su 1, Sh 2 or sh 2 alleles were stored at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days at 2 °C. After each storage period, a portion of pollen from each genotype was analyzed for free amino acid content. Over all genotypes, storage significantly altered the content of all 16 amino acids measured. With increasing storage, a relatively consistent increase in aspartic acid, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, ethanolanine, aminobutyric acid, NH3 and lysine was found. A relatively consistent decrease in glutamic acid, proline, glycine and alanine occurred with increasing storage. No consistent response to storage was obtained with threonine-serine, valine, histidine and the unknown. Apparently, storage or stage of viability loss has a pronounced effect on amino acid metabolism in maize pollen grains. The experiment was designed so that comparisons free of genetic background effects could be made between alleles at each locus. Significant allele X storage interactions at each locus were found as follows: at the waxy locus, aspartic acid, glycine, alanine and ethanolanine; at the sugary locus, aspartic acid, alanine, ethanolanine and aminobutyric acid; and at the shrunken locus, aspartic acid, alanine, valine, leucine and ethanolanine. Amino acid metabolism is apparently influenced by the action of the alleles at these loci. The differences between the loci in the amino acids affected indicate the different areas of amino acid metabolism are influenced by each locus.Journal Series Paper No. 4425, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Summary Mean percentages of sugars, water-soluble polysaccharides, starch, total carbohydrates and lipids were 40.1, 7.4, 28.6, 76.1, and 1.8 respectively. Differences among the mutants were found only for water-soluble polysaccharides with both wx and sh 2 decreasing the percentage a small but significant amount. In terms of the various carbohydrates measured, no correlation was found between the expression of these mutants in the pollen and the kernel.
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung des Kohlenhydrat- und Lipid-Gehaltes im Pollen der Endosperm-Mutanten waxy, shrunken und sugary vom Mais ergab einen gemittelten Gehalt an Zucker von 40,1%, wasserlöslichen Polysacchariden 7,4%, Stärke 28,6, Gesamtkohlenhydraten 76,1% und Lipiden 1,8%.Unterschiede zwischen den Mutanten wurden lediglich hinsichtlich der wasserlöslichen Polysaccharide gefunden, und zwar bei wx und sh 2, die einen signifikant niedrigeren Gehalt aufwiesen.Hinsichtlich der verschiedenen analysierten Kohlenhydrate wurde keine Korrelation zwischen der Expression der Mutanten im Pollen und in den Karyopsen gefunden.

Herrn Professor Dr. J. Straub (Köln-Vogelsang) zu seinem 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Journal Series Paper No. 3621, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of a maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) non-symbiotic hemoglobin (Hbm) was modeled using computer tools and the known tertiary structure of rice Hb1 as a template. This method was tested by predicting the tertiary structure of soybean leghemoglobin a (Lba) using rice Hb1 as a template. The tertiary structures of the predicted and native Lba were similar, indicating that our computer methods could reliably predict the tertiary structures of plant Hbs. We next predicted the tertiary structure of Hbm. Hbm appears to have a long pre-helix A and a large CD-loop. The positions of the distal and proximal His are identical in Hbm and rice Hb1, which suggests that heme-Fe is hexacoordinate in Hbm and that the kinetic properties of Hbm and rice Hb1 are expected to be very similar, i.e. that Hbm has a high O2-affinity. Thermostability analysis showed that Hbm CD-loop is unstable and may provide mobility to amino acids located at the heme pocket for both ligand binding and stabilization and heme-Fe coordination. Analysis of the C-terminal half of Hbm showed the existence of a pocket-like region (the N/C cavity) where interactions with organic molecules or proteins could be possible. Lys K94 protrudes into the N/C cavity, suggesting that K94 may sense the binding of molecules to the N/C cavity. Thus, it is likely that the instability of the CD-loop and the possibility of binding molecules to the N/C cavity are essential for positioning amino acids in the heme pocket and in regulating Hbm activity and function.  相似文献   

Summary Proline was the most abundant amino acid with a mean value of 186.28 moles/mg dry pollen. The other amino acids tested were below 33 moles/mg dry pollen. The mutant wx significantly increased aspartic acid, valine, histidine and an unknown but significantly decreased aminobutyric acid. The mutant sh 2 significantly increased glutamic acid, proline, lysine, histidine and an unknown but significantly decreased aspartic acid and aminobutyric acid. The effect of su 1 was altered by the genetic background involved. In one genetic background, su 1 did not significantly increase any amino acid but significantly decreased alanine and aminobutyric acid. However, in a distinctly different background, su 1 significantly increased aminobutyric acid but significantly decreased aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Apparently the genetic background is capable of producing major shifts in the amino acid pattern in addition to the action of these mutants.The fatty acids, palmitic and linolenic were the most common with percentages of 54.1 and 34.4 respectively. The mutants tested did not affect the fatty acid distribution.
Zusammenfassung Prolin war die am reichlichsten vorkommende Aminosäure mit einem mittleren Gehalt von 186,28 Mikromol per mg trockenen Pollen. Die anderen Aminosäuren erreichten weniger als 33 Mikrogramm per mg trockenen Pollen.Die Mutante wx zeigte einen signifikant erhöhten Gehalt an Asparaginsäure, Valin, Histidin, sowie einer nicht identifizierten Komponente, während der Gehalt an -Aminobuttersäure signifikant erniedrigt war. Die Mutante sh 2 ist gekennzeichnet durch einen signifikant erhöhten Gehalt an Glutaminsäure, Prolin, Lysin, Histidin, sowie einer unbekannten Fraktion; der Gehalt an Asparaginsäure und -Aminobuttersäure war dagegen signifikant erniedrigt. Die Wirkung des mutierten Gens su 1 wurde durch das übrige Genom, in dem es sich befand, geändert. In dem einen genetischen Milieu verursachte su 1 keine signifikante Erhöhung des Gehaltes irgend einer Aminosäure, während der Gehalt an Alanin und -Aminobuttersäure signifikant erniedrigt war. In einem anderen genetischen Milieu jedoch zeigte su 1 eine signifikante Erhöhung der -Aminobuttersäure; Asparaginsäure und Glutaminsäure waren signifikant erniedrigt.Offensichtlich ist das übrige Genom zusätzlich zu der Wirkung der genannten Mutanten in der Lage, wesentliche Verschiebungen im Verteilungsmuster der Aminosäuren zu verursachen.Von den Fettsäuren wurden am häufigsten Palmitin- und Linolen-Säure mit einem Gehalt von 54,1 bzw. 34,4% gefunden. Die untersuchten Endosperm-Mutanten zeigten keinen Einfluß auf die Fettsäureverteilung im Pollen.

Journal Series Paper No. 3468, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

To assess the alternative responses to aluminum toxicity, maize (Zea mays L. cv Karadeniz y?ld?z?) roots were exposed to different concentrations of AlCl3 (150, 300 and 450 μM). Aluminum reduced the root elongation by 39.6% in 150 μM, 44.1% in 300 μM, 50.1% in 450 μM AlCl3 after 96 h period. To correlate the root elongation with the alternative stress responses including aluminum accumulation, lipid peroxidation, mitotic abnormalities, reduction of starch content, intracellular Ca2+ accumulation, callose formation, lignin deposition and peroxidase activity, cytochemical and biochemical tests were performed. The results indicated that aluminum accumulation and lipid peroxidation were observed more densely on the root cap and the outer cortex cells. In addition to morphological deformations, cytochemical analysis displayed cellular deformations. Furthermore, mitotic abnormalities were observed such as c-mitosis, micronuclei, bi- and trinucleated cells in aluminum treated root tips. Aluminum treatment induced starch reduction, callose formation, lignin accumulation and intracellular Ca2+ increase. Moreover, the peroxidase activity increased significantly by 3, 4.4 and 7.7 times higher than in that of control after 96 h, respectively. In conclusion, aluminum is significantly stressful in maize culminating in morphological and cellular alterations.  相似文献   

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