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Jiang Y  Yao S  Helinski D  Toukdarian A 《Plasmid》2006,55(3):194-200
Two autonomously replicating elements previously isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa were characterized in vitro for pre-priming complex formation using combinations of replication proteins from P. aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The results of these studies showed that the P. aeruginosa DnaA and DnaB proteins could form a pre-priming complex on plasmid templates containing either of the two autonomously replicating elements of P. aeruginosa, pYJ50 (containing oriCI), and pYJ52 (containing oriCII), or the E. coli chromosomal origin (plasmid pYJ2). The E. coli DnaA, DnaB, and DnaC proteins were also able to form a pre-priming complex on pYJ2, pYJ50, and pYJ52. Neither pYJ50 nor pYJ52 could be established in E. coli, suggesting a block in steps subsequent to the formation of the pre-priming complex. Similarly, pYJ2 could not be established in P. aeruginosa. Since pYJ50 and pYJ52 could be established in P. aeruginosa and both putative origins form a pre-priming complex in vitro, attempts were made to delete each of these two putative origins. The results indicate that the oriCI sequence is essential for cell viability under typical laboratory growth conditions but that oriCII is not.  相似文献   

Fur mutants FPA12 and FF13 of strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and Fe10, respectively, were prepared and their production of pyoverdin evaluated. The strains were cultivated in stirred bioreactor in iron-deficient and iron-supplemented medium containing Casamino acids (CA) or succinate as a source of carbon and energy. When the pyoverdin production rate reached its maximum, the demand of iron-depleted cultures for O2 was decreased. Mutant FF13 overproduced pyoverdin in both iron-depleted (862 mg l–1) and iron-supplemented (428 mg l–1) CA medium and could also be used to produce pyoverdin when grown in a conventional stirred tank fermenter.  相似文献   

We report here novel array of gene cassettes found in single variable region of class 1 integron disseminated in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from a teaching hospital in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. 29 of 47 (61%) P. aeruginosa strains were confirmed haboured class 1 integron, and all the positive strains have the same variable region confirmed by PCR and RFLP methods. The variable region contained an unreported order of four gene cassettes aac(6′)-II-aadA13-cmlA8-oxa-10. Of those, cmlA8 gene was a variant of cmlA5 encoding non-enzymatic protein which putatively confer resistance to chloramphenicol. Susceptibility testing revealed multidrug-resistant mechanisms were involved in the class 1 integron positive clinical isolates. And the class 1 integron located on an about 15 kb transferable plasmid was certified by conjugation experiment and plasmid DNA analysis. The macro restriction profile indicated those clinical strains were clonally related. These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, phosphate limitation results in the synthesis of several protein species. We report the cloning of the P. aeruginosa alkaline phosphatase structural gene, phoA, and we show that this gene is regulated normally in Escherichia coli. We have also identified and cloned two P. aeruginosa genes which can complement phoB and phoR mutations in E. coli. This suggests that a pho regulon system similar to that in E. coli may exist in P. aeruginosa, using at least two similar regulatory factors.  相似文献   

In Pseudomonas aeruginosa the formation of urease, histidase and some other enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation is repressed by ammonia in the growth medium. The key metabolite in this process appears to be glutamine or a product derived from it, since ammonia and glutamate did not repress urease and histidase synthesis in a mutant lacking glutamine synthetase activity when growth was limited for glutamine. The synthesis of these enzymes was repressed in cells growing in the presence of excess glutamine. High levels of glutamine were also required for the derepression of NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase formation in the glutamine synthetase-negative mutant.  相似文献   

TnphoA mutagenesis identified an open reading frame,roa307, immediately upstream of the partition locusqsopAB on theCoxiella burnetii plasmid QpH1. The protein sequence deduced fromroa307 displayed homology to Orf290 ofPseudomonas putida, Orf283 and Orf282 (SpoOJ) ofBacillus subtilis —hypothetical products of genes in the chromosomal replication origin region. Expression ofroa307 was demonstrated by PhoA activity of an Roa307-PhoA fusion.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were isolated from rough-type mutant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Delta algC) derived from wild-type strains PAO1 (serogroup O5) and PAC1R (serogroup O3). Structural studies of the LPS core region with a special focus on the phosphorylation pattern were performed by 2D NMR spectroscopy, including a 1H,(31)P HMQC-TOCSY experiment, MALDI-TOF MS, and Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance ESIMS using the capillary skimmer dissociation technique. Both LPS were found to contain two residues each of 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) and L-glycero-D-manno-heptose (Hep), one residue of N-(L-alanyl)-D-galactosamine and one O-carbamoyl group (Cm) on the distal Hep residue. The following structures of a tetrasaccharide trisphosphate from strain PAC1R Delta algC and that carrying an additional ethanolamine phosphate group (PEtN) from strain PAO1 Delta algC were elucidated: [carbohydrate structre: see text] where R=P in PAC1R Delta algC and PPEtN in PAO1 Delta algC. To our knowledge, in this work the presence of ethanolamine diphosphate is unambiguously confirmed and its position established for the first time in the LPS core of a rough-type strain of P. aeruginosa. In addition, the structure of the complete LPS core of wild-type strain P. aeruginosa PAO1 was reinvestigated and the position of the phosphorylation sites was revised.  相似文献   

Cyanide binding to fully reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa cd(1) nitrite reductase (Pa cd(1) NiR) has been investigated for the wild-type enzyme and a site-directed mutant in which the active-site His369 was replaced by Ala. This mutation reduces the affinity toward cyanide (by approximately 13-fold) and especially decreases the rate of binding of cyanide to the reduced d(1) heme (by approximately 100-fold). The crystal structure of wild-type reduced Pa cd(1) NiR saturated with cyanide was determined to a resolution of 2.7 A. Cyanide binds to the iron of the d(1) heme, with an Fe-C-N angle of 168 degrees for both subunits of the dimer and only His369 is within hydrogen bonding distance of the nitrogen atom of the ligand. These results suggest that in Pa cd(1) NiR the invariant distal residue His369 plays a dominant role in controlling the binding of anionic ligands and allow the discussion of the mechanism of cyanide binding to the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   



ExoU, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytotoxin with phospholipase A2 activity, was shown to induce vascular hyperpermeability and thrombus formation in a murine model of pneumosepsis. In this study, we investigated the toxin ability to induce alterations in pulmonary fibrinolysis and the contribution of the platelet activating factor (PAF) in the ExoU-induced overexpression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1).


Mice were intratracheally instilled with the ExoU producing PA103 P. aeruginosa or its mutant with deletion of the exoU gene. After 24 h, animal bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALF) were analyzed and lung sections were submitted to fibrin and PAI-1 immunohistochemical localization. Supernatants from A549 airway epithelial cells and THP-1 macrophage cultures infected with both bacterial strains were also analyzed at 24 h post-infection.


In PA103-infected mice, but not in control animals or in mice infected with the bacterial mutant, extensive fibrin deposition was detected in lung parenchyma and microvasculature whereas mice BALF exhibited elevated tissue factor-dependent procoagulant activity and PAI-1 concentration. ExoU-triggered PAI-1 overexpression was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. In in vitro assays, PA103-infected A549 cells exhibited overexpression of PAI-1 mRNA. Increased concentration of PAI-1 protein was detected in both A549 and THP-1 culture supernatants. Mice treatment with a PAF antagonist prior to PA103 infection reduced significantly PAI-1 concentrations in mice BALF. Similarly, A549 cell treatment with an antibody against PAF receptor significantly reduced PAI-1 mRNA expression and PAI-1 concentrations in cell supernatants, respectively.


ExoU was shown to induce disturbed fibrin turnover, secondary to enhanced procoagulant and antifibrinolytic activity during P. aeruginosa pneumosepsis, by a PAF-dependent mechanism. Besides its possible pathophysiological relevance, in vitro detection of exoU gene in bacterial clinical isolates warrants investigation as a predictor of outcome of patients with P. aeruginosa pneumonia/sepsis and as a marker to guide treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The immediate threat of the cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi Maskell (Homoptera: Margarodidae), to the conservation of endangered flora in the Galápagos islands prompted conservation groups to assess the risks associated with the introduction of its natural enemy, Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Although R. cardinalis has been widely used for controlling this exotic pest, little information was found to confirm its presumed narrow feeding range. Consequently, studies were deemed necessary to determine whether the introduction of R. cardinalis would harm the island’s native invertebrate fauna, in particular rare or threatened species. Using no-choice trials, we tested neonate and third instar larvae of R. cardinalis against 16 and 11 potential prey species, respectively. Adults with prior feeding experience on I. purchasi were tested against eight non-target species and naïve adults (those that had not fed on I. purchasi) were tested against six. These trials included up to 35% of the Homoptera species of conservation value presumed to have the highest risk of being preyed upon by R. cardinalis. To maximize the range of species exposed to R. cardinalis, feeding trials were also carried out with some introduced species representative of groups containing potential non-target species that were not located for testing. R. cardinalis was unable to complete its life cycle on any of the test prey species and only fed on Margarodes similis Morrison (Homoptera: Margarodidae), a species closely related to the cottony cushion scale. M. similis, however, is subterranean and in its natural habitat is not at risk from foraging by R. cardinalis. Based on these trials, we believe that immature stages of R. cardinalis will have no impact on the non-target invertebrate fauna of the Galápagos islands because they specialize on Margarodidae. Although the limited nature of our testing prevents us from reaching a definitive conclusion about the prey range of R. cardinalis adults, our results indicate that it is also narrow. According to our field and laboratory studies, niche overlap with native predators of Homoptera will be minimal and intraguild predation should not occur.  相似文献   

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