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L. Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):105-110
Primary production and phytoplankton in polyhumic lakes showed a very distinct seasonal succession. A vigorous spring maximum produced by Chlamydomonas green algae at the beginning of the growing season and two summer maxima composed mainly of Mallomonas caudata Iwanoff were typical. The annual primary production was ca. 6 g org. C · m–2 in both lakes. The mean epilimnetic biomass was 1.1 in the first lake and 2.2 g · m–2 (ww) in the second one. The maximum phytoplankton biomass, 14 g · m–2, was observed during the vernal peak in May.  相似文献   

L. Arvola 《Ecography》1984,7(4):390-398
Vertical distribution of primary production and phytoplankton was studied in a polyhumic brownwater lake and in an oligo-mesohumic lake. During summer both lakes were thermally, chemically and biologically stratified. In the brownwater lake primary production was restricted to the uppermost layer of 1–1.5 m of epilimnion. In the oligo-mesohumic lake noticeable primary production was detected down to depths of 2–3 m. The ice-free period primary production was about 20% higher in the oligo-mesohumic lake, though occasionally the surface production was 2–3 times higher in the brownwater lake. Epilimnetic total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations were higher in the brownwater lake, while nitrate-nitrite, ammonium and phosphate concentrations were very low in both lakes.
Phytoplankton was confined to the uppermost productive layer in the brownwater lake. In the oligo-mesohumic lake phytoplankton was distributed more evenly, though the mean maximum biomass was at the depth of 3–4 m. Below the oxic water layer biomass decreased abruptly in both lakes. In the oligo-mesohumic lake chlorophyll concentration was extremely high (max. 320 mg chl a m−3) in the anoxic hypolimnion, due to green sulphus bacteria.
Flagellated chlorophytes and thrysophytes dominated in the brownwater lake; in spring Chlamydomonas species, followed by Mallomonas caudata . In the oligo-mesohumic lake small coccal green algae, such as Oocystis, Scenedesmus and Westella -like species, dominated in mid-summer, and chrysophytes and cryptomonads in autumn.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling across two small lakes shows that phytoplanktonpatchiness is greatly enhanced during winter ice-cover relativeto the open-water seasons of exposure to wind stress and rapidturbulent mixing.  相似文献   

Spring phytoplankton of 54 small lakes in southern Finland   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Lauri Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1986,137(2):125-134
The abundance and species composition of phytoplankton communities were studied rapidly following the spring ice-melt in 54 small Finnish lakes that form a unique mosaic of water bodies. Phytoplankton biomass and cell density varied among the study lakes with a factor 100 between the lowest and highest values. Highest biomass and densities of phytoplankton characterized small ( < 0.05 km2) lakes with moderate or high water colour (> 80 mg Pt l–1). In contrast, biomass was low in clear-water lakes and lakes where water throughflow was strong. Typically one species dominated most phytoplankton communities, and usually comprised up to about 45% of the total phytoplankton biomass. Two-thirds of the 103 taxa observed were Chrysophyceans and Chlorophyceans. The most common taxa wereChlamydomonas spp. (Chlorophyceae) andCryptomonas ovata (Cryptophyceae).  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of the larvae of Chironomidae are compared in three water systems in The Netherlands, which vary in trophic state and oxygen regimes. The life cycles and flying periods of some dominant chironomid species in two of the investigated lakes, Lakes Maarsseveen I and II, are determined by comparing data on the seasonal variations in larval densities with existing literature on Chironomidae in the Maarsseveen lakes. In the oligo-mesotrophic Lake Maarsseveen I (LM I), hypoxic or anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion are observed only at the end of the stratification period. A clear zonation of the chironomid fauna is present in this lake. The littoral zone is dominated byCladotanytarsus gr.mancus andStictochironomus sticticus, the littoriprofundal zone byTanytarsus bathophilus, and the profundal zone byChironomus anthracinus. In comparison with the other species in LM I,T. bathophilus larvae show the most variable distribution patterns over time. Larvae are found in all depths from July to September, but disappear from the hypolimnion as soon as oxygen conditions deteriorate. In the eutrophic Lake Maarsseveen II (LM II), oxygen depletion of the hypolimnion starts immediately after the onset of the thermal stratification in June, and continues until autumnal turnover in November. In this lake, the chironomid community consists primarily ofS. sticticus andCl. gr.mancus, and is confined to the narrow littoral zone. No chironomid larvae are found in the deeper parts of the lake. The eutrophic Lake Gijster in the Brabantse Biesbosch is a deep, man-made reservoir, that is artificially destratified during the summer. In this lakeTanytarsus bathophilus is found in the profundal sediments, whereas almost noChironomus is found in this zone. It is concluded that oxygen conditions existing in the deeper regions of the investigated lakes in large part determine the occurrence and distribution of chironomid species. The distribution ofT. bathophilus is limited by unfavorable oxygen conditions and not by the trophic state of the lake. These findings are part of a thesis (HEINIS, 1993).  相似文献   

The seasonal succession of phytoplankton diversity, and the variations in the diel vertical distribution of phyto‐ and zooplankton were investigated in a small shallow pond (1.7 m water depth) in 2003. It was inferred that the water tended to stratify weakly in the daytime from February to June. In February and April, the green alga Golenkinia radiata Chodat dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. The cell density of G. radiata greatly decreased in April, when rotifers increased near the bottom. The vertical mixing was attenuated in June, large populations of the euglenoids (Lepocinclis salina Fritsch, Phacus acuminatus Stokes, Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein et Deflandre) developed, and the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae var. klebahnii Elenk. appeared at low density. Euglenoids and A. flos‐aquae were mostly distributed in the bottom layer. In late September, when the water was mixed throughout the day, euglenoids and A. flos‐aquae were distributed evenly throughout the water column. The zooplankton (cyclopoid copepods and rotifers) densities in September were the lowest throughout the year. The vertical mixing increased in November, and the phytoplankton community was composed of A. flos‐aquae, P. acuminatus, T. hispida and the green alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs. In November, at the final stage of water bloom of A. flos‐aquae, its population density decreased with depth. The two euglenoids exhibited similar cell distributions at 0.8 m and 1.6 m during 1–3 November. A. falcatus was distributed evenly throughout the water column; however, when the vertical mixing lessened, the cells at the surface started to sink. Copepod nauplii and rotifers appeared at high densities in November. Seasonal variation in the phytoplankton community structure in the pond seemed to be related to the vertical mixing of the water. In addition, zooplankton, especially rotifers, might play an important role in initiating a spring clear‐water phase and in the bloom collapse of A. flos‐aquae.  相似文献   

秸秆还田对土壤有机碳不同活性组分储量及分配的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王虎  王旭东  田宵鸿 《生态学杂志》2014,25(12):3491-3498
通过田间试验,研究了不同秸秆还田模式下土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)和矿物结合有机碳(MOC)储量及其在总有机碳(TOC)中的分配比例.结果表明: 相对于翻压还田(WR),小麦秸秆覆盖还田(WM)0~20 cm耕层TOC和MOC储量显著降低,降幅为4.1%和9.7%,DOC和POC储量显著提高,增幅为207.7%和11.9%;20~40 cm犁底层TOC和POC储量显著提高.玉米秸秆覆盖还田(MM)与MR相比,犁底层TOC和MOC储量显著提高,增幅为13.6%和14.6%.小麦-玉米秸秆均覆盖还田(WM-MM)相对于均翻压还田(WR-MR),耕层TOC和MOC储量显著降低,降幅为8.5%和10.3%.玉米秸秆还田耕层TOC和POC储量显著高于小麦秸秆还田.与对照(秸秆不还田)相比,6种还田模式耕层TOC储量增幅为5.2%~18.0%,差异达显著水平;除WM和MM模式外,犁底层TOC储量显著降低(降幅8.0%~11.5%).6种还田模式下土壤耕层DOC储量及DOC/TOC比值显著降低,在WM和WM-MM还田模式下耕层POC储量显著提高、POC/TOC比值增大,WR模式的耕层MOC储量显著提高、MOC/TOC比值增大,其余3种模式耕层POC和MOC储量均显著提高.秸秆覆盖还田有利于土壤有机碳活性组分积累,翻压还田有利于较稳定性有机碳组分积累.在提高关中地区农田TOC储量方面,玉米秸秆还田好于小麦秸秆还田、小麦-玉米秸秆翻压还田好于覆盖还田.  相似文献   

1. We used first‐order kinetic parameters of biological oxygen demand (BOD), the constant of aerobic decomposition (k) and the asymptotic value of BOD (BODult), to characterise the lability of organic carbon pools in six lakes of different trophic state: L. Naroch, L. Miastro and L. Batorino (Belarus), L. Kinneret (Israel), L. Ladoga (Russia) and L. Mendota (U.S.A.). The relative contributions of labile and refractory organic carbon fractions to the pool of total organic carbon (TOC) in these lakes were quantified. We also determined the amounts of labile organic carbon within the dissolved and particulate TOC pools in the three Belarus lakes. 2. Mean annual chlorophyll concentrations (used as a proxy for lake trophic state) ranged from 2.3 to 50.6 μg L−1, labile organic carbon (OCL = 0.3BODult) from 0.75 to 2.95 mg C L−1 and k from 0.044 to 0.14 day−1. 3. Our data showed that there were greater concentrations of OCL but lower k values in more productive lakes. 4. In all cases, the DOC fraction dominated the TOC pool. OCL was a minor component of the TOC pool averaging about 20%, irrespective of lake trophic state. 5. In all the lakes, most (c. 85%) of the DOC pool was refractory, corresponding with published data based on measurements of bacterial production and DOC depletion. In contrast, a larger fraction (27–55%) of the particulate organic carbon (POC) pool was labile. The relative amount of POC in the TOC pool tended to increase with increasing lake productivity. 6. Long‐term BOD incubations can be valuable in quantifying the rates of breakdown of the combined particulate and dissolved organic carbon pools and in characterising the relative proportions of the labile and recalcitrant fractions of these pools. If verified from a larger number of lakes our results could have important general implications.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地土壤磷形态转化动态   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用Hedley连续浸提法对三江平原湿地小叶章草甸土壤磷形态的季节动态进行研究,分析生长季土壤磷形态之间的相互转化及其可能的驱动机制。结果表明:小叶章草甸土壤有机磷(TPo)总量高于无机磷(TPi),NaOH溶液浸提的无机磷(NaOH-Pi)和有机磷形态(NaOH-Po)分别占总无机磷(TPi)和总有机磷(TPo)比重最大。各无机磷形态均有明显的季节变化,Resin-P和Conc.HCl-Pi季节变异性大,生长结束后含量较初期降低,其他形态无机磷含量有不同程度的升高。有机磷组分中NaOH-Po的季节波动最明显,生长季末期较初期含量降低,其他有机磷形态和Residual-P生长季初、末期含量变化不大,波动也相对较小。TP、TPo季节变化整体趋势相似,二者含量变化达到极显著相关。各无机磷形态变化主要受植物生长节律影响;水分、热量等环境条件也是磷的形态转化的重要驱动因子,并可能间接通过影响土壤动物、微生物等的活性推动土壤磷的循环。小叶章草甸土壤有机磷矿化释放的无机磷通常都首先被土壤金属氧化物固定,再经过无机磷之间的转化过程为生物利用,因此三江平原湿地土壤磷大量释放的可能性很小。  相似文献   

The microstratification of the metalimnetic community in Lake Cisó was followed through the diel cycle by means of a fine sampler with syringes spaced at 3 cm intervals. Populations were sharply stratified. The uppermost part of the metalimnion was occupied by the rotifer Anuraeopsis fissa. Next, layers of the ciliate Coleps hirtus and the flagellate Cryptomonas phaseolus were found. Finally, purple sulfur bacteria appeared at the bottom part of the metalimnion. Although in lower abundances, characteristic populations of ciliates were found at each depth: Strombidium inhabited zones with oxygen, while Plagiopyla and Metopus lived at depths with sulfide. Several members of the community moved vertically about 20 cm during the diel cycle. Cryptomonas performed larger vertical migrations of 40 cm. This organism concentrated at the upper metalimnion during the day, and dispersed through the lower metalimnion during the night. At night, Cryptomonas lived in an environment without oxygen and with sulfide concentrations up to 0.6 mM.  相似文献   

1. Interstitial bacterial abundance, production and ectoenzyme activity were investigated over an annual cycle in an Austrian river when infiltration of oligotrophic river water into a river-bank was artificially enhanced. These microbial parameters were related to porewater chemistry and the concentration of particulate (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).
2. Porewater chemistry reflected the hydrodynamic mixing of infiltrating river water with riparian groundwater. Seasonal fluctuations in the microbial parameters resulted mainly from changes in temperature and organic matter supply. Seasonal change in porewater chemistry in the river-bank was detectable laterally only within the first metre of the sediment and decreased rapidly with increasing distance from the sediment–water interface.
3. The DOC concentration decreased only slightly during lateral transport through the aquifer, while total organic carbon (TOC) concentration as well as abundance and activity of interstitial bacteria were reduced by up to one order of magnitude within the top metre of the sediment. Retention of incoming particulate matter structured the lateral distribution pattern of TOC concentration. The POC and not the DOC pool was the main source of carbon for interstitial bacteria and, therefore, the quality of POC determines the distribution of microbial metabolism within the riparian zone.  相似文献   

Rice (IR 42) was grown on two soils differing in zinc status for 30 days with and without Zn under submerged conditions in pots. The fate of soil zinc was characterized by extraction of the soil successively with copper acetate and sodium hypochlorite and by EUF extraction. Most of the applied zinc was extracted by copper acetate and represented as complexed fraction. There exists a close and significnat relation between Cu(OAc)2-extractable zinc and Zn extracted by EUF for 5 minutes at 50 volts (r=0.98). The EUF-extractable zinc and Cu(OAc)2-extractable zinc were significantly correlated with the zinc content in the plant (r=0.82). The data from this investigation suggest the possibility of Zn fractionation with the EUF technique and the fractions obtained agree closely to those determined by chemical methods. The results obtained indicate that Zn in soil is held by weak organic bonding and that the extractions by Cu(OAc)2 and/or EUF-5 minutes serve as a useful basis for extimating zinc availability in rice soils.  相似文献   

中国北方农牧交错带温性盐碱化草地土壤有机碳库对全球气候变暖的响应趋势存在较大不确定性。作为温性盐碱性草地的典型分布区,山西右玉农牧交错带是探索相关研究的理想生境。基于山西农业大学野外观测研究站开顶式气室模拟增温实验平台,通过采集生长旺季土壤样品,探索温性盐碱化草地不同土层有机碳、氮组分对模拟增温的响应与适应机制。结果表明:(1)不同增温处理对土壤有机碳(C)、总氮(N)、颗粒性有机碳(POM-C)和氮(POM-N)、矿物结合态有机碳(MAOM-C)和氮(MAOM-N)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)和氮(DON),以及微生物量碳(MBC)和氮(MBN)等组分无显著影响,但显著降低了MAOM-C/MBC的比值;(2)除土壤可溶性有机碳和微生物量碳外,土壤碳、氮各组分均随土层深度加深而呈现递减趋势,土壤碳、氮各组分之间的比值,除MAOM-N/N和MBC/C外,均随土层深度的增加而呈现显著上升趋势;(3)增温对POM-N/MBN和MAOM-N/MBN的影响与土层深度存在明显的交互效应;(4)不同土层氮组分比值对增温的响应与禾草丰度、杂类草丰度、凋落物量、土壤pH值及土壤含水量等因素有关。其中,凋落物...  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the abundance and size structure of phytoplankton and organic seston in relation to temperature, stratification and current patterns at Gascons on the north shore of Baie des Chaleurs, eastern Canada. Phytoplankton biomass showed a general decrease during the study (May to November 1989), except for a brief diatom bloom in late October. During most of the summer, a strong temperature driven stratification was present and <5 µm cells dominated the phytoplankton community. Particles measuring <5 µm also dominated the particulate organic matter (POC and PON) throughout the year. However, only 40% of these particles could be associated with phytoplankton cells. For both particulate matter and phytoplankton, the abundance of the <5 µm size fraction was positively correlated with the Brunt-Väilsälä index of stability of the water column. Inorganic nitrogen may have limited the phytoplankton growth, as generally reported for stratified environments. Most of the biomass was probably supported by nitrogen regenerated through microbial organisms. A large bacterioplankton community was suggested by the abundance of small (<5 µm) non-phytoplanktonic particles with a low and relatively uniform C/N ratio. Larger particles were only abundant at the beginning of the study (May–June) and on one date in October. Their C/N ratios indicated they were of varied origins.  相似文献   

宫立  刘国华  李宗善  叶鑫  王浩 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4696-4705
土壤碳氮沿海拔梯度变化及其耦合关系是山地生态系统碳氮循环研究的重要内容。为分析不同土层土壤有机碳,土壤全氮及有机碳活性组分在海拔梯度上的分布规律及相互之间的耦合关系,选取亚高山物种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)原始林为研究对象,以卧龙邓生野牛沟岷江冷杉原始林2920—3700 m的样地调查数据为基础,分析不同土层土壤碳氮及活性组分沿海拔的变化规律,总结土壤有机碳稳定性沿海拔主要规律,从土壤有机碳活性组分和碳氮关系的角度揭示其对土壤有机碳沿海拔变化的影响。结果表明:1)腐殖质层土壤有机碳(SOC)随海拔升高逐渐增加,与温度显著负相关,轻组有机碳(LFOC)及颗粒态有机碳(POC)随海拔上升均表现先增加后降低的趋势,土壤全氮(TN)随海拔变化不显著,但林线处LOFC、POC和TN均显著增加;0—10 cm土壤有机碳及全氮则表现为双峰特征,峰值分别在3089 m和3260 m处,与年均温度无显著关系。2)LFOC及POC在腐殖质层和0—10 cm土层中所占比例较大,是表征土壤有机碳含量沿海拔变化规律的主要活性组分,腐殖质层LFOC/SOC和POC/SOC随海拔上升逐渐增高,0—10 cm层则逐渐降低,暗示腐殖质层有机碳稳定性沿海拔逐渐降低,0—10 cm有机碳稳定性逐渐升高。3)SOC与TN显著正相关,SOC是影响TN的主要因子,但腐殖质层TN与有机碳活性组分无显著相关关系。4)土壤C/N和微生物量C/N在3177 m大于25:1,是引起土壤有机碳含量显著降低的主要因素。  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Seasonal distribution and morphological changes in two forms of Ceratium hirundinella in the shallow karstic Mediterranean lakes, Ponikve and Njivice, during 1997/98 and 2000/01,...  相似文献   

Åke Niemi 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):33-39
The water exchange between the brackish-water firth Pojoviken and the Baltic Sea is restricted by a shallow sill (6 m). An outflowing, oligohaline surface layer is isolated from the nutrient-rich mesohaline deep water by a pycnocline at a depth of 6–10 m. During the ice-free period phytoplankton production is chiefly regulated by the river discharge regime. Contrary to the situation in the outer archipelago and the sea zone, in Pojoviken phytoplankton production continues until late autumn, because the stable salinity stratification prevents the phytoplankton from sinking below the critical depth for production. The phytoplankton composition seems to be regulated chiefly by salinity. The salinity interval 2–2.5 is apparently the critical range where brackish-water phytoplankton changes to an assemblage composed of typical freshwater species.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林土壤有机碳组分对模拟酸雨的早期响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用人工模拟酸雨控制实验,探讨鼎湖山国家级自然保护区三种南亚热带主要植被类型(季风常绿阔叶林、针阔叶混交林和马尾松林)的土壤有机碳组分,包括土壤总有机碳(TOC)、土壤易氧化有机碳(ROC)、土壤不易氧化有机碳(NROC),在不同模拟酸雨处理梯度:对照CK(pH4.5的天然湖水)、pH4.0、pH3.5、pH3.0处理下的响应特征。结果表明:上层土壤(0~20cm)易氧化有机碳、不易氧化有机碳和总有机碳含量与森林类型密切相关,大小顺序均表现为混交林阔叶林马尾松林。经25个月模拟酸雨处理,鼎湖山森林土壤酸化有加剧的趋势;CK、pH4.0、pH3.5、pH3.0四个处理下土壤上层剖面易氧化有机碳含量分别为阔叶林(7.14、8.29、8.74、9.84g·kg-1)、混交林(8.58、8.53、10.28、10.36g·kg-1)和马尾松林(3.90、4.49、4.74、5.48g·kg-1),三个林型土壤易氧化有机碳含量呈现随模拟酸雨强度增加而升高的趋势;森林土壤总有机碳和不易氧化有机碳含量变化缓慢,在各酸梯度处理下差异不显著(P0.05)。研究结果显示,长期的酸雨作用使土壤酸化不断加剧,易氧化有机碳对酸雨的响应更敏感,但其在酸雨下积累的趋势不利于土壤总有机碳的存埋,但关于酸雨对土壤总有机碳的影响仍然需要长期的实验监测。  相似文献   

Births in Greene County, Alabama for the years 1980–1984 were examined and an overall seasonal trend was found with a peak from August through November. This trend was found to be most pronounced among women greater than 24 yeas old, and among multiparous women, and to be negatively correlated with seasonal variations in temperature and daylight. The phenomenon is likely multifactorial in origin, with sociocultural factors playing a considerable role. The influence of increasing maternal age and parity in the expression of the seasonal trend may be a function of age-related changes in families, with nuclear families acting as the most powerful potentiators of seasonality.  相似文献   

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