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Cytochrome (cyt) c forms complexes, undergoes a conformational change and becomes partly reduced at interaction with membrane anchored alkaline phosphatase (AP), a glycoprotein which is released into the body fluid in forms differing in hydrophobicity. The proportion of products formed in the mixtures depends on pH, ionic strength, temperature and the buffer composition. The reaction terminates in an equilibrium between cyt c(FeII) and other cyt c conformers. Optimal conditions for the rate of the reaction are 100 mM glycine/NaOH, pH 9.7-9.9, at which 68-74% of cyt c is found in the reduced state. The interaction affects compactness of the haem cleft as shown by changes induced in CD spectra of the Soret region and changes in optical characteristics of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan residues. Differential scanning calorimetry of AP+cyt c mixtures revealed a creation of at least two types of complexes. A complex formed by non-coulombic binding prevails at substoichiometric AP/cyt c ratios, at higher ratios more electrostatic attraction is involved and at 1:1 molar ratio an apparent complexity of binding forces occurs. The rapid phase of the cyt c(FeII) formation depends on the presence of the hydrophobic alkylacylphosphoinositol (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) moiety, the protein part of the enzyme participates in an electrostatic and much slower phase of cyt c(FeII) creation. The results show that non-coulombic interaction may participate at interaction of cyt c with cellular proteins.  相似文献   

The E7 protein of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) transforms cultured cells and cooperates with the ras or fos oncogenes in the transformation of primary cells. In this study we have investigated the phosphorylation of E7. When we immunoprecipitated E7 from CaSki cells with a rabbit polyclonal antiserum to a bacterial fusion protein (trpE-E7), we found that E7 was phosphorylated at serine residues contained in five characteristic thermolysin peptides. Immunoprecipitated E7, and fusion proteins harboring the E7 protein from various HPV types, could all be specifically phosphorylated in vitro by the ubiquitous, growth factor-activated casein kinase II (CKII). Comparative peptide mapping showed that the sites of in vivo and in vitro phosphorylation are the same. CKII was shown previously to specifically phosphorylate serine or threonine residues within a cluster of acidic amino acids. The E7 protein contains such a sequence between amino acids 30 and 37. When a synthetic peptide corresponding to this region of E7 was phosphorylated by CKII in vitro, its thermolysin digestion products were the same as those in the phosphorylated E7 protein. We conclude that E7 is phosphorylated in vivo only at serines within the predicted CKII site and that CKII, or a CKII-like enzyme, participates in the reaction. Both the E1A and SV40 large T proteins contain similar CKII consensus sites proximal to the regions required for their associations with the retinoblastoma gene product (p105Rb). Thus it is conceivable that CKII phosphorylation can modulate the interaction between the transforming proteins and the retinoblastoma gene product.  相似文献   

High risk strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), such as HPV 16, cause human cervical carcinoma. The E6 protein of HPV 16 mediates the rapid degradation of the tumor suppressor p53, although this is not the only function of E6 and cannot completely explain its transforming potential. Previous work in our laboratory has demonstrated that E6 can protect cells from tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis by binding to the C-terminal end of tumor necrosis factor R1, thus blocking apoptotic signal transduction. In this study, E6 was shown to also protect cells from apoptosis induced via the Fas pathway. Furthermore, use of an inducible E6 expression system demonstrated that this protection is dose-dependent, with higher levels of E6 leading to greater protection. Although E6 suppresses activation of both caspase 3 and caspase 8, it does not affect apoptotic signaling through the mitochondrial pathway. Mammalian two-hybrid and in vitro pull-down assays were then used to demonstrate that E6 binds directly to the death effector domain of Fas-associated death domain (FADD), with deletion and site-directed mutants enabling the localization of the E6-binding site to the N-terminal end of the FADD death effector domain. E6 is produced in two forms as follows: a full-length version of approximately 16 kDa and a smaller version of about half that size corresponding to the N-terminal half of the full-length protein. Pull-down and functional assays demonstrated that the full-length version, but not the small version of E6, was able to bind to FADD and to protect cells from Fas-induced apoptosis. In addition, binding to E6 leads to degradation of FADD, with the loss of cellular FADD proportional to the amount of E6 expressed. These results support a model in which E6-mediated degradation of FADD prevents transmission of apoptotic signals via the Fas pathway.  相似文献   

The carcinogenesis of human papillomaviruses type 16 (HPV-16) is mainly due to its two oncoproteins, E6 and E7. Their carcinogenic features in term of their relationship with Bcl-2 family are still unclear. We thus aimed to analyze the expression of Bcl-2 family members, Bcl-2, Bax, and Bak in laryngeal cancer cells transfected with the E6 or E7 and to determine the sensitivity of these cells to apoptotic stimuli. We employed two human laryngeal cancer cell lines, UMSCC12 and UMSCC11A in this study. These two cell lines were stably transfected with HPV16 E6, E7 or empty vector, pcDNA3.1. We found that E6 and E7 inhibited apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha/CHX in both UMSCC11A and UMSCC12 cells, enhanced the stability of Bcl-2 protein and increased the degradation of Bak protein. Furthermore, it was found that HPV-16 E7 statistically enhanced the expression of Bcl-2 in laryngeal cancer. The alteration of Bak by E6 and E7 was not through the influence on the Bak promoter, as the luciferase assay showed that neither E6 nor E7 changed the Bak promoter activity. We conclude that the evasion of apoptosis mediated by HPV-16 E6 and E7 is associated with increased Bcl-2 and decreased Bak in laryngeal carcinogenesis and that the decreased level of Bak by E6 and E7 is not caused by the regulation of the Bak promoter but by reducing its protein stability.  相似文献   

Production of human papillomavirus type 16 E7 protein in Lactococcus lactis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The E7 protein of human papillomavirus type 16 was produced in Lactococcus lactis. Secretion allowed higher production yields than cytoplasmic production. In stationary phase, amounts of cytoplasmic E7 were reduced, while amounts of secreted E7 increased, suggesting a phase-dependent intracellular proteolysis. Fusion of E7 to the staphylococcal nuclease, a stable protein, resulted in a highly stable cytoplasmic protein. This work provides new candidates for development of viral screening systems and for oral vaccine against cervical cancer.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E5 protein is a small, hydrophobic polypeptide that is expressed in virus-infected keratinocytes and alters receptor signaling pathways, apoptotic responses, and endosomal pH. Despite its ability to inhibit endosomal acidification, the HPV-16 E5 protein is found predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), suggesting that its effect may be indirect and perhaps global. To determine whether E5 alters the pHs of additional intracellular compartments, we transduced human keratinocytes with a codon-optimized E5 vector and then quantified endosomal and trans-Golgi pHs using sensitive, compartment-specific, ratiometric pHluorin constructs. E5 protein increased endosomal pH from 5.9 to 6.9 but did not affect the normal trans-Golgi pH of 6.3. Confirming the lack of alteration in trans-Golgi pH, we observed no alterations in the acidification-dependent processing of the proH3 protein. C-terminal deletions of E5, which retained normal expression and localization in the ER, were defective for endosomal alkalization. Thus, E5 does not uniformly alkalinize intracellular compartments, and its C-terminal 10 amino acids appear to mediate interactions with critical ER targets that modulate proton pump function and/or localization.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that introduction of the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) or HPV18 genome into human mammary epithelial cells induces their immortalization. These immortalized cells have reduced growth factor requirements. We report here that transfection with a single HPV16 gene E6 is sufficient to immortalize these cells and reduce their growth factor requirements. The RB protein is normal in these cells, but the p53 protein is sharply reduced, as shown by immunoprecipitation with anti-p53 antibody (pAB 421). We infer that the E6 protein reduces the p53 protein perhaps by signalling its destruction by the ubiquitin system. The HPV-transforming gene E7 was unable to immortalize human mammary epithelial cells. Thus, cell-specific factors may determine which viral oncogene plays a major role in oncogenesis.  相似文献   

M Conrad  V J Bubb    R Schlegel 《Journal of virology》1993,67(10):6170-6178
The human papillomavirus (HPV) E5 proteins are predicted from DNA sequence analysis to be small hydrophobic molecules, and the HPV type 6 (HPV-6) and HPV-11 E5 proteins share several structural similarities with the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) E5 protein. Also similar to the BPV-1 E5 protein, the HPV-6 and HPV-16 E5 proteins exhibit transforming activity when assayed on NIH 3T3 and C127 cells. In this study, we expressed epitope-tagged E5 proteins from both the "low-risk" HPV-6 and the "high-risk" HPV-16 in order to permit their immunologic identification and biochemical characterization. While the HPV-6 and HPV-16 E5 proteins fail to form disulfide-linked dimers and oligomers, they did resemble the BPV-1 E5 protein in their intracellular localization to the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and nuclear membranes. In addition, the HPV E5 proteins also bound to the 16-kDa pore-forming protein component of the vacuolar ATPase, a known characteristic of the BPV-1 E5 protein. These studies reveal a common intramembrane localization and potential cellular protein target for both the BPV and HPV E5 proteins.  相似文献   

To examine the biological properties of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV) and human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E5 genes, each was cloned separately into a retroviral expression vector and helper-free recombinant viruses were generated in packaging cell lines. The BPV E5 retroviruses efficiently caused morphologic and tumorigenic transformation of cultured lines of murine fibroblasts, whereas the HPV16 E5 viruses were inactive in these assays. In contrast, infection of the p117 established line of murine epidermal keratinocytes with either the BPV or the HPV16 E5 retrovirus resulted in the generation of tumorigenic cells. Pam212 murine keratinocytes were also transformed to tumorigenicity by the HPV16 E5 gene but not by the gene carrying a frameshift mutation. These results establish that the HPV16 E5 gene is a transforming gene in cells related to its normal host epithelial cells.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the E5 protein of the human papillomavirus type 16 modulates epidermal growth factor receptor downregulation in monolayer cultures of human keratinocytes and mouse fibroblasts. We have now analysed the effect of this protein on the expression, the distribution and the activation of EGF receptors in raft cultures derived from an E5-transfected human keratinocyte cell line. The epithelia generated in these cultures were stratified and exhibited suprabasal expression of cytokeratins 1 and 10, which are known markers of early epidermal differentiation. In situ hybridization with an antisense riboprobe to the human papilloma virus type 16 E5 protein revealed a homogeneous gene expression within the entire epithelium of E5-transfected but not empty vector-transfected control cultures. Treatment of serum-starved rafts with EGF for 48 hours led to a strong decrease of suprabasal EGF receptors in control cultures, but not in rafts of E5-expressing cells. Under these conditions, no activated receptors were observed in control cultures, but activated receptors were still present in E5-raft cultures. Our results indicate that human papilloma virus type 16 E5-mediated modulation of EGF receptor expression occurs in a time- and structure-dependent manner in epithelial equivalents of human keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E5 oncoprotein is embedded in membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope with its C terminus exposed to the cytoplasm. Among other activities, E5 cooperates with the HPV E6 oncoprotein to induce koilocytosis in human cervical cells and keratinocytes in vitro. The effect of E5 on infected cells may rely on its interactions with various cellular proteins. In this study we identify calpactin I, a heterotetrameric, Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-binding protein complex that regulates membrane fusion, as a new cellular target for E5. Both the annexin A2 and p11 subunits of calpactin I coimmunoprecipitate with E5 in COS cells and in human epithelial cell lines, and an intact E5 C terminus is required for binding. Moreover, E5-expressing cells exhibit a perinuclear redistribution of annexin A2 and p11 and show increased fusion of perinuclear membrane vesicles. The C terminus of E5 is required for both the perinuclear redistribution of calpactin I and increased formation of perinuclear vacuoles. These results support the hypothesis that the E5-induced relocalization of calpactin I to the perinuclear region promotes perinuclear membrane fusion, which may underlie the development of koilocytotic vacuoles.  相似文献   

The E5 proteins of human papillomavirus (HPV) are highly hydrophobic transmembrane proteins that display weak transforming activity. The HPV E5 proteins are localized largely to intracellular membranes, such as the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum, but also appear in the plasma membrane. Infection with HPV16 is the cause of over 90% of human cervical cancers. HPV E5 is known to interact with growth factor receptors and gap junction proteins and is believed to play a role during the initiation of neoplasia. The structure of HPV E5 and the mechanism of its interactions with growth factor receptors remain largely unknown. In the present studies, the E5 protein of HPV16 was cloned into the pBAD/TOPO vector fused to an N-terminal thioredoxin leader and a C-terminal His-tag, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The identity of the protein was confirmed by immunoblotting using antibodies against a V5-epitope tag engineered into the protein. Due to formation of high molecular mass superaggregates of the protein, two chromatography steps were employed for its purification: (1) gel filtration chromatography to separate the superaggregated protein from other soluble proteins and (2) Ni-chelate affinity chromatography in the presence of detergent. The superaggregates of the E5-fusion protein were broken down to monomers and various oligomers by sonication in the presence of 0.2% SDS. The purified E5-fusion protein was then reconstituted into lipid vesicles and initial structural analysis of the protein was performed using circular dichroism spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus (HPV) E1 empty set E4 protein is the most abundantly expressed viral protein in HPV-infected epithelia. It possesses diverse activities, including the ability to bind to the cytokeratin network and to DEAD-box proteins, and in some cases induces the collapse of the former. E1 empty set E4 is also able to prevent the progression of cells into mitosis by arresting them in the G(2) phase of the cell cycle. In spite of these intriguing properties, the role of this protein in the life cycle of the virus is not clear. Here we report that after binding to and collapsing the cytokeratin network, the HPV type 16 E1 empty set E4 protein binds to mitochondria. When cytokeratin is not present in the cell, E1 empty set E4 appears associated with mitochondria soon after its synthesis. The leucine cluster within the N-terminal portion of the E1 empty set E4 protein is pivotal in mediating this association. After the initial binding to mitochondria, the E1 empty set E4 protein induces the detachment of mitochondria from microtubules, causing the organelles to form a single large cluster adjacent to the nucleus. This is followed by a severe reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential and an induction of apoptosis. HPV DNA replication and virion production occur in terminally differentiating cells which are keratin-rich, rigid squamae that exfoliate after completion of the differentiation process. Perturbation of the cytokeratin network and the eventual induction of apoptotic properties are processes that could render these unyielding cells more fragile and ease the exit of newly synthesized HPVs for subsequent rounds of infection.  相似文献   

Normal human epithelial cell cultures exhibit a limited (although different between tissues) lifespan in vitro. In previous studies, urothelial cell cultures were immortalized using retroviral transformation with human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 genes, in undefined culture systems containing serum or bovine pituitary extract. OBJECTIVE: Due to the variability of results in such systems, we instead developed a procedure for the immortalization of urothelial cells using a defined, serum-free culture system. METHOD AND RESULTS: Immortalization through retroviral transformation with human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 was successful, and transformation of urothelial cells conferred an extended over normal lifespan and restored telomerase activity. Transformed cells retained typical morphology and exhibited a similar growth rate, cytokeratin immunoreactivity pattern, and response to growth factors as observed in untransformed cells. Karyotype analysis revealed a gradual accumulation of genetic mutations that are consistent with previously reported mutations in epithelial cells transformed with human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7. CONCLUSION: The ability to extend the in vitro lifespan of cells holds the potential to reduce the continuous need for tissue samples and to enable complete investigations with one cell line.  相似文献   

A decrease in gap junction-mediated cell-to-cell communication has previously been observed in monolayer cultures of human keratinocytes (HaCaT cells) expressing the human papillomavirus type 16 E5 (HPV16 E5) gene and attributed to the reduced phosphorylation of connexin 43, the most abundant connexin in HaCaT cells. In line with this observation, we have now analyzed the effect of HPV16 E5 on connexin 43 expression in raft cultures produced by transfected HaCaT cells. These keratinocytes transcribe HPV16 E5 under the control of a dexamethasone-inducible promoter. Our results show that treatment with dexamethasone leads to an almost complete disappearance of connexin 43 in rafts expressing the E5 gene but not in control rafts. In our study we discuss the possible effects of this downregulation on cell-cell communication and cellular malignant transformation.  相似文献   

A point mutational analysis of human papillomavirus type 16 E7 protein.   总被引:44,自引:23,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
The E7 open reading frame of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) has been shown to be selectively retained in cervical tumors and to encode both transforming and trans-activating functions in murine cells, supporting the notion that expression of E7 contributes towards the progression of premalignant cervical lesions. A comparison among E7 sequences of different HPV types reveals some homology at the amino acid level. Of particular interest are two regions, one which contains significant homology to a region of adenovirus E1a and simian virus 40 large T (LT), and a second region which contains two conserved Cys-X-X-Cys motifs. To determine the importance of these domains to the function of the E7 protein, a series of mutants carrying substitutions at amino acids in the region of E1a-LT homology and at the Cys-X-X-Cys motifs were constructed. The mutated E7 sequences were placed under the control of a strong heterologous promoter (Moloney long terminal repeat), and the activity of the mutants was assayed in NIH 3T3 cells, a cell line in which both the transforming function and the trans-activating function of E7 could be determined. A single amino acid substitution analogous to a mutation in E1a which destroys the transforming ability of this protein abolished both transformation and trans-activation by E7. Mutations at the Cys-X-X-Cys motifs demonstrated that this region contributes to the transforming potential of E7, although proteins in which both motifs were interrupted retained a low level of transforming activity. Mutations in the region of E1a-LT homology which occur within a recognition sequence for casein kinase II did not markedly affect transforming activity of E7 but severely reduced trans-activating ability. This indicates that efficient trans-activation is not required for transformation by HPV16 E7 in these cells.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus type 16 E5 oncoprotein possesses mitogenic activity that acts synergistically with epidermal growth factor (EGF) in human keratinocytes and inhibits the degradation of the EGF receptor in endosomal compartments after ligand-stimulated endocytosis. One potential explanation for these observations is that E5 inhibits the acidification of endosomes. This may be mediated through the 16-kDa component of the vacuolar proton-ATPase, since animal and human papillomavirus E5 proteins bind this subunit protein. Using a ratio-imaging technique to determine endosomal pH, we found that the acidification of endosomes in E5-expressing keratinocytes was delayed at least fourfold compared with normal human keratinocytes and endosomes in some cells never completely acidified. Furthermore, E5 expression increased the resistance of keratinocytes to protein synthesis inhibition by diphtheria toxin, a process dependent on efficient endosomal acidification. Finally, artificially inhibiting endosomal acidification with chloroquine during the endocytosis of EGF receptors in keratinocytes demonstrated many of the same effects as the expression of human papillomavirus type 16 E5, including prolonged retention of undegraded EGF receptors in intracellular vesicles.  相似文献   

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