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If the classical functional attribute of cortical GABAergic interneurons is to mediate synaptic inhibition in the adult cortex, it is becoming evident that their major task is instead to shape the spatio-temporal dynamics of the network oscillations that support most brain functions. This complex function involves a division of labour between morpho-physiologically diverse interneuron subtypes. Both the central network function and the bewildering heterogeneity of the interneuron population are especially emphasized during cortical development: at early postnatal stages, a single GABAergic neuron can efficiently pace the activity of hundreds of other cells, whereas some interneuron subtypes are still poorly developed. Given the role of coherent activity in brain development, this confers to GABAergic interneurons a major role in the proper maturation of cortical networks.  相似文献   

Neurons on the move: migration and lamination of cortical interneurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The modulation of cortical activity by GABAergic interneurons is required for normal brain function and is achieved through the immense level of heterogeneity within this neuronal population. Cortical interneurons share a common origin in the ventral telencephalon, yet during the maturation process diverse subtypes are generated that form the characteristic laminar arrangement observed in the adult brain. The long distance tangential and short-range radial migration into the cortical plate is regulated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic signalling mechanisms, and a great deal of progress has been made to understand these developmental events. In this review, we will summarize current findings regarding the molecular control of subtype specification and provide a detailed account of the migratory cues influencing interneuron migration and lamination. Furthermore, a dysfunctional GABAergic system is associated with a number of neurological and psychiatric conditions, and some of these may have a developmental aetiology with alterations in interneuron generation and migration. We will discuss the notion of additional sources of interneuron progenitors found in human and non-human primates and illustrate how the disruption of early developmental events can instigate a loss in GABAergic function.  相似文献   

GABAergic interneurons influence the development and function of the cerebral cortex through the actions of a variety of subtypes. Despite the relevance to cortical function and dysfunction, including seizure disorders and neuropsychiatric illnesses, the molecular determinants of interneuron fate remain largely unidentified. Challenges to this endeavor include the difficulty of studying fate determination of cells that even in rodents do not fully mature until weeks after their embryonic birth. However, in recent years a strong literature has grown on the temporal and spatial origins of distinct interneuron groups and types. Here we seek to highlight these findings, particularly in mice. Our goal is to lay the groundwork for future studies that use mouse genetics to study cortical interneuron fate determination and function.  相似文献   

A key obstacle to understanding neural circuits in the?cerebral cortex is that of unraveling the diversity of GABAergic interneurons. This diversity poses general questions for neural circuit analysis: how are these interneuron cell types generated and assembled into stereotyped local circuits and how do they differentially contribute to circuit operations that underlie cortical functions ranging from perception to cognition? Using genetic engineering in mice, we have generated and characterized approximately 20 Cre and inducible CreER knockin driver lines that reliably target major classes and lineages of GABAergic neurons. More select populations are captured by intersection of Cre and Flp drivers. Genetic targeting allows reliable identification, monitoring, and manipulation of cortical GABAergic neurons, thereby enabling a systematic and comprehensive analysis from cell fate specification, migration, and connectivity, to their functions in network dynamics and behavior. As such, this approach will accelerate the study of GABAergic circuits throughout the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

GABAergic cortical interneurons, derived from the embryonic medial and caudal ganglionic eminences (MGE and CGE), are functionally and morphologically diverse. Inroads have been made in understanding the roles of distinct cortical interneuron subgroups, however, there are still many mechanisms to be worked out that may contribute to the development and maturation of different types of GABAergic cells. Moreover, altered GABAergic signaling may contribute to phenotypes of autism, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Specific Cre-driver lines have begun to parcel out the functions of unique interneuron subgroups. Despite the advances in mouse models, it is often difficult to efficiently study GABAergic cortical interneuron progenitors with molecular approaches in vivo. One important technique used to study the cell autonomous programming of these cells is transplantation of MGE cells into host cortices. These transplanted cells migrate extensively, differentiate, and functionally integrate. In addition, MGE cells can be efficiently transduced with lentivirus immediately prior to transplantation, allowing for a multitude of molecular approaches. Here we detail a protocol to efficiently transduce MGE cells before transplantation for in vivo analysis, using available Cre-driver lines and Cre-dependent expression vectors. This approach is advantageous because it combines precise genetic manipulation with the ability of these cells to disperse after transplantation, permitting greater cell-type specific resolution in vivo.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that the ventral telencephalon is the primary source of GABAergic cortical interneurons in rodents, little is known about the specification of specific interneuron subtypes. It is also unclear whether the potential to achieve a given fate is established at their place of origin or by signals received during their migration to or during their maturation within the cerebral cortex. Using both in vivo and in vitro transplantation techniques, we find that two major interneuron subgroups have largely distinct origins within the MGE. Somatostatin (SST)-expressing interneurons are primarily generated within the dorsal MGE, while parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons primarily originate from the ventral MGE. In addition, we show that significant heterogeneity exists between gene expression patterns in the dorsal and ventral MGE. These results suggest that, like the spinal cord, neuronal fate determination in the ventral telencephalon is largely the result of spatially segregated, molecularly distinct microdomains arranged on the dorsal-ventral axis.  相似文献   

The progenitors of cerebellar GABAergic interneurons proliferate up to postnatal development in the prospective white matter, where they give rise to different neuronal subtypes, in defined quantities and according to precise spatiotemporal sequences. To investigate the mechanisms that regulate the specification of distinct interneuron phenotypes, we examined mice lacking the G1 phase-active cyclin D2. It has been reported that these mice show severe reduction of stellate cells, the last generated interneuron subtype. We found that loss of cyclin D2 actually impairs the whole process of interneuron genesis. In the mutant cerebella, progenitors of the prospective white matter show reduced proliferation rates and enhanced tendency to leave the cycle, whereas young postmitotic interneurons undergo severe delay of their maturation and migration. As a consequence, the progenitor pool is precociously exhausted and the number of interneurons is significantly reduced, although molecular layer interneurons are more affected than those of granular layer or deep nuclei. The characteristic inside-out sequence of interneuron placement in the cortical layers is also reversed, so that later born cells occupy deeper positions than earlier generated ones. Transplantation experiments show that the abnormalities of cyclin D2(-/-) interneurons are largely caused by cell-autonomous mechanisms. Therefore, cyclin D2 is not required for the specification of particular interneuron subtypes. Loss of this protein, however, disrupts regulatory mechanisms of cell cycle dynamics that are required to determine the numbers of interneurons of different types and impairs their rhythm of maturation and integration in the cerebellar circuitry.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) and their receptors (Fgfr) are expressed in the developing and adult CNS. Previous studies demonstrated a decrease in cortical interneurons and locomotor hyperactivity in mice with a conditional Fgfr1 deletion generated in radial glial cells during midneurogenesis (Fgfr1f/f;hGfapCre+). Here, we report earlier and more extensive inactivation of Fgfr1 in neuroepithelial cells of the CNS (Fgfr1f/f;NesCre+). Similar to findings in Fgfr1f/f;hGfapCre+ mice, parvalbumin positive (PV+) cortical interneurons are also decreased in the neocortex of Fgfr1f/f;NesCre+ mice when compared to control littermates (Fgfr1f/f). Fgfr1f/f;NesCre+ embryos do not differ from controls in the initial specification of GABAergic cells in the ganglionic eminence (GE) as assessed by in situ hybridization for Dlx2, Mash1 and Nkx2. Equal numbers of GABAergic neuron precursors genetically labeled with green fluorescent protein (GFP) were observed at P0 in Fgfr1f/f;hGfapCre+;Gad1-GFP mutant mice. However, fewer GFP+ and GFP+/PV+ interneurons were observed in these mutants at adulthood, indicating that a decrease in cortical interneuron markers is occurring postnatally. Fgfr1 is expressed in cortical astrocytes in the postnatal brain. To test whether the astrocytes of mice lacking Fgfr1 are less capable of supporting interneurons, we co-cultured wild type Gad1-GFP+ interneuron precursors isolated from the medial GE (MGE) with astrocytes from Fgfr1f/f control or Fgfr1f/f;hGfapCre+ mice. Interneurons grown on Fgfr1 deficient astrocytes had small soma size and fewer neurites per cell, but no differences in cell survival. Decreased soma size of Gad67 immunopositive interneurons was also observed in the cortex of adult Fgfr1f/f;NesCre+ mice. Our data indicate that astrocytes from Fgfr1 mutants are impaired in supporting the maturation of cortical GABAergic neurons in the postnatal period. This model may elucidate potential mechanisms of impaired PV interneuron maturation relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders that develop in childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

Projection neurons in the developing cerebral cortex of rodents are basically born near the ventricle and migrate radially to beneath the marginal zone, whereas their cortical interneurons are generated in the ventral telencephalon and migrate tangentially to the cortex. The origins and migratory profiles of each interneuron subtype have been studied extensively in the last decade, and an enormous effort has been made to clarify the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate interneuron migration. More recently, the interaction between projection neurons and migrating interneurons, including how they are incorporated into their proper layers, has begun to be analyzed. In this review, I outline the most recent findings in regard to these issues and discuss the mechanisms underlying the development of cortical cytoarchitecture.  相似文献   

Inhibition in the mammalian cerebral cortex is mediated by a small population of highly diverse GABAergic interneurons. These largely local neurons are interspersed among excitatory projection neurons and exert pivotal regulation on the formation and function of cortical circuits. We are beginning to understand the extent of GABAergic neuron diversity and how this is generated and shaped during brain development in mice and humans. In this review, we summarise recent findings and discuss how new technologies are being used to further advance our knowledge. Understanding how inhibitory neurons are generated in the embryo is an essential pre-requisite of stem cell therapy, an evolving area of research, aimed at correcting human disorders that result in inhibitory dysfunction.  相似文献   

Synaptogenesis has been extensively studied along with dendritic spine development in glutamatergic pyramidal neurons, however synapse development in cortical interneurons, which are largely aspiny, is comparatively less well understood. Dact1, one of 3 paralogous Dact (Dapper/Frodo) family members in mammals, is a scaffold protein implicated in both the Wnt/β-catenin and the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity pathways. We show here that Dact1 is expressed in immature cortical interneurons. Although Dact1 is first expressed in interneuron precursors during proliferative and migratory stages, constitutive Dact1 mutant mice have no major defects in numbers or migration of these neurons. However, cultured cortical interneurons derived from these mice have reduced numbers of excitatory synapses on their dendrites. We selectively eliminated Dact1 from mouse cortical interneurons using a conditional knock-out strategy with a Dlx-I12b enhancer-Cre allele, and thereby demonstrate a cell-autonomous role for Dact1 during postsynaptic development. Confirming this cell-autonomous role, we show that synapse numbers in Dact1 deficient cortical interneurons are rescued by virally-mediated re-expression of Dact1 specifically targeted to these cells. Synapse numbers in these neurons are also rescued by similarly targeted expression of the Dact1 binding partner Dishevelled-1, and partially rescued by expression of Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, a synaptic protein genetically implicated in susceptibility to several major mental illnesses. In sum, our results support a novel cell-autonomous postsynaptic role for Dact1, in cooperation with Dishevelled-1 and possibly Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, in the formation of synapses on cortical interneuron dendrites.  相似文献   

Cortical interneuron dysfunction has been implicated in multiple human disorders including forms of epilepsy, mental retardation, and autism. Although significant advances have been made, understanding the biologic basis of these disorders will require a level of anatomic, molecular, and genetic detail of interneuron development that currently does not exist. To further delineate the pathways modulating interneuron development we performed fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACs) on genetically engineered mouse embryos that selectively express green fluorescent protein (GFP) in developing interneurons followed by whole genome microarray expression profiling on the isolated cells. Bioinformatics analysis revealed expression of both predicted and unexpected genes in developing cortical interneurons. Two unanticipated pathways discovered to be up regulated prior to interneurons differentiating in the cortex were ion channels/neurotransmitters and synaptic/vesicular related genes. A significant association of neurological disease related genes to the population of developing interneurons was found. These results have defined new and potentially important data on gene expression changes during the development of cortical interneurons. In addition, these data can be mined to uncover numerous novel genes involved in the generation of interneurons and may suggest genes/pathways potentially involved in a number of human neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Minhan Ka  Amanda L. Smith 《Autophagy》2017,13(8):1348-1363
Interneuron progenitors in the ganglionic eminence of the ventral telencephalon generate most cortical interneurons during brain development. However, the regulatory mechanism of interneuron progenitors remains poorly understood. Here, we show that MTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin [serine/threonine kinase]) regulates proliferation and macroautophagy/autophagy of interneuron progenitors in the developing ventral telencephalon. To investigate the role of MTOR in interneuron progenitors, we conditionally deleted the Mtor gene in mouse interneuron progenitors and their progeny by using Tg(mI56i-cre,EGFP)1Kc/Dlx5/6-Cre-IRES-EGFP and Nkx2–1-Cre drivers. We found that Mtor deletion markedly reduced the number of interneurons in the cerebral cortex. However, relative positioning of cortical interneurons was normal, suggesting that disruption of progenitor self-renewal caused the decreased number of cortical interneurons in the Mtor-deleted brain. Indeed, Mtor-deleted interneuron progenitors showed abnormal proliferation and cell cycle progression. Additionally, we detected a significant activation of autophagy in Mtor-deleted brain. Our findings suggest that MTOR plays a critical role in the regulation of cortical interneuron number and autophagy in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Cortical interneurons play a crucial role in the functioning of cortical microcircuitry as they provide inhibitory input to projection (pyramidal) neurons. Despite their involvement in various neurological and psychiatric disorders, our knowledge about their development in human cerebral cortex is still incomplete. Here we demonstrate that at the beginning of corticogenesis, at embryonic 5 gestation weeks (gw, Carnegie stage 16) in human, early neurons could be labeled with calretinin, calbindin, and GABA antibodies. These immunolabeled cells show a gradient from the ganglionic eminences (GE) toward the neocortex, suggesting that GE is a well conserved source of early born cortical interneurons from rodents to human. At mid-term (20 gw), however, a subset of calretinin(+) cells proliferates in the cortical subventricular zone (SVZ), suggesting a second set of interneuron progenitors that have neocortical origin. Neuropeptide Y, somatostatin, or parvalbumin cells are sparse in mid-term cerebral cortex. In addition to the early source of cortical interneurons in the GE and later in the neocortical SVZ, other regions, such as the subpial granular layer, may also contribute to the population of human cortical interneurons. In conclusion, our findings from cryosections and previous in vitro results suggest that cortical interneuron progenitor population is more complex in humans relative to rodents. The increased complexity of progenitors is probably evolutionary adaptation necessary for development of the higher brain functions characteristic to humans.  相似文献   

GABAergic inhibitory interneurons play a central role within neuronal circuits of the brain. Interneurons comprise a small subset of the neuronal population (10-20%), but show a high level of physiological, morphological, and neurochemical heterogeneity, reflecting their diverse functions. Therefore, investigation of interneurons provides important insights into the organization principles and function of neuronal circuits. This, however, requires an integrated physiological and neuroanatomical approach for the selection and identification of individual interneuron types. Whole-cell patch-clamp recording from acute brain slices of transgenic animals, expressing fluorescent proteins under the promoters of interneuron-specific markers, provides an efficient method to target and electrophysiologically characterize intrinsic and synaptic properties of specific interneuron types. Combined with intracellular dye labeling, this approach can be extended with post-hoc morphological and immunocytochemical analysis, enabling systematic identification of recorded neurons. These methods can be tailored to suit a broad range of scientific questions regarding functional properties of diverse types of cortical neurons.  相似文献   

Most GABAergic interneurons originate from the basal forebrain and migrate tangentially into the cortex. The migratory pathways and mode of interneuron migration within the developing cerebral cortex, however, previously was largely unknown. Time-lapse imaging and in vivo labelling with glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)67-green fluorescence protein (GFP) knock-in embryonic mice with expression of GFP in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons indicated that multidirectional tangential (MDT) migration of interneurons takes place in both the marginal zone (MZ) and the ventricular zone (VZ) of the cortex. Quantitative analysis of migrating interneurons showed that rostrocaudally migrating neurons outnumber those migrating mediolaterally in both of these zones. In vivo labelling with a lipophilic dye showed that the MDT migration in the MZ occurs throughout the cortex over distances of up to 3 mm during a period of a few days. These results indicate that MZ cortical interneurons undergo a second phase of tangential migration in all directions and over long distances, after reaching the cortex by dorsomedial tangential migration. The MDT migration in the MZ may disperse and intermix interneurons within the cortex, resulting in a balanced distribution of interneuron subtypes.  相似文献   



Although extensive research has demonstrated the importance of excitatory granule neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in normal learning and memory and in the pathogenesis of amnesia in Alzheimer''s disease (AD), the role of hilar GABAergic inhibitory interneurons, which control the granule neuron activity, remains unclear.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We explored the function of hilar GABAergic interneurons in spatial learning and memory by inhibiting their activity through Cre-dependent viral expression of enhanced halorhodopsin (eNpHR3.0)—a light-driven chloride pump. Hilar GABAergic interneuron-specific expression of eNpHR3.0 was achieved by bilaterally injecting adeno-associated virus containing a double-floxed inverted open-reading frame encoding eNpHR3.0 into the hilus of the dentate gyrus of mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of an enhancer specific for GABAergic interneurons. In vitro and in vivo illumination with a yellow laser elicited inhibition of hilar GABAergic interneurons and consequent activation of dentate granule neurons, without affecting pyramidal neurons in the CA3 and CA1 regions of the hippocampus. We found that optogenetic inhibition of hilar GABAergic interneuron activity impaired spatial learning and memory retrieval, without affecting memory retention, as determined in the Morris water maze test. Importantly, optogenetic inhibition of hilar GABAergic interneuron activity did not alter short-term working memory, motor coordination, or exploratory activity.

Conclusions and Significance

Our findings establish a critical role for hilar GABAergic interneuron activity in controlling spatial learning and memory retrieval and provide evidence for the potential contribution of GABAergic interneuron impairment to the pathogenesis of amnesia in AD.  相似文献   

Networks of specific inhibitory interneurons regulate principal cell firing in several forms of neocortical activity. Fast-spiking (FS) interneurons are potently self-inhibited by GABAergic autaptic transmission, allowing them to precisely control their own firing dynamics and timing. Here we show that in FS interneurons, high-frequency trains of action potentials can generate a delayed and prolonged GABAergic self-inhibition due to sustained asynchronous release at FS-cell autapses. Asynchronous release of GABA is simultaneously recorded in connected pyramidal (P) neurons. Asynchronous and synchronous autaptic release show differential presynaptic Ca2+ sensitivity, suggesting that they rely on different Ca2+ sensors and/or involve distinct pools of vesicles. In addition, asynchronous release is modulated by the endogenous Ca2+ buffer parvalbumin. Functionally, asynchronous release decreases FS-cell spike reliability and reduces the ability of P neurons to integrate incoming stimuli into precise firing. Since each FS cell contacts many P neurons, asynchronous release from a single interneuron may desynchronize a large portion of the local network and disrupt cortical information processing.  相似文献   

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