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The avirulence genes Avr9 and Avr4 from the fungal tomato pathogen Cladosporium fulvum encode extracellular proteins that elicit a hypersensitive response when injected into leaves of tomato plants carrying the matching resistance genes, Cf-9 and Cf-4, respectively. We successfully expressed both Avr9 and Avr4 genes in tobacco with the Agrobacterium tumefaciens transient transformation assay (agroinfiltration). In addition, we expressed the matching resistance genes, Cf-9 and Cf-4, through agroinfiltration. By combining transient Cf gene expression with either transgenic plants expressing one of the gene partners, Potato virus X (PVX)-mediated Avr gene expression, or elicitor injections, we demonstrated that agroinfiltration is a reliable and versatile tool to study Avr/Cf-mediated recognition. Significantly, agroinfiltration can be used to quantify and compare Avr/Cf-induced responses. Comparison of different Avr/Cf-interactions within one tobacco leaf showed that Avr9/Cf-9-induced necrosis developed slower than necrosis induced by Avr4/Cf-4. Quantitative analysis demonstrated that this temporal difference was due to a difference in Avr gene activities. Transient expression of matching Avr/Cf gene pairs in a number of plant families indicated that the signal transduction pathway required for Avr/Cf-induced responses is conserved within solanaceous species. Most non-solanaceous species did not develop specific Avr/Cf-induced responses. However, co-expression of the Avr4/Cf-4 gene pair in lettuce resulted in necrosis, providing the first proof that a resistance (R) gene can function in a different plant family.  相似文献   

Nekrasov V  Ludwig AA  Jones JD 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4236-4241
Tomato Cf-9, a receptor-like protein (RLP), confers resistance to races of the fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum that express the Avr9 avirulence gene. CITRX (Cf-9-interacting thioredoxin) was previously identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen as a protein interacting with the cytoplasmic domain of Cf-9 and shown to be a negative regulator of the cell death induced after Cf-9/Avr9 interaction. ACIK1 is a Ser/Thr protein kinase that is specifically required for the Cf-9 and Cf-4 dependent defence response in tomato. In this paper we present data suggesting that CITRX may act as an adaptor recruiting the ACIK1 kinase to the cytoplasmic domain of Cf-9 upon elicitation with the Avr9 peptide. Interestingly, the catalytic activities of both CITRX and ACIK1 are not required for their interaction.  相似文献   

The tomato resistance genes Cf-4 and Cf-9 confer specific, hypersensitive response-associated recognition of Cladosporium carrying the avirulence genes Avr4 and Avr9, respectively. Cf-4 and Cf-9 encode type I transmembrane proteins with extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Compared with Cf-9, Cf-4 lacks two LRRs and differs in 78 amino acid residues. To investigate the relevance of these differences for specificity, we exchanged domains between Cf-4 and Cf-9, and mutant constructs were tested for mediating the hypersensitive response by transient coexpression with either Avr4 or Avr9. We show that the number of LRRs is essential for both Cf-4 and Cf-9 function. In addition, Cf-9 specificity resides entirely in the LRR domain and appears to be distributed over several distant LRRs. In contrast, Cf-4 specificity determinants reside in the N-terminal LRR-flanking domain and three amino acid residues in LRRs 13, 14, and 16. These residues are present at putative solvent-exposed positions, and all are required for full Cf-4 function. Finally, we show that Cf-9 carrying the specificity determinants of Cf-4 has recognitional specificity for AVR4. The data indicate that diversifying selection of solvent-exposed residues has been a more important factor in the generation of Cf-4 specificity than has sequence exchange between Cf-4 progenitor genes. The fact that most variant residues in Cf-4 are not essential for Cf-4 specificity indicates that the diverse decoration of R proteins is not fully adapted to confer recognition of a certain avirulence determinant but likely provides a basis for a versatile, adaptive recognition system.  相似文献   

The Cf-9 gene encodes an extracytosolic leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein that is membrane anchored near its C-terminus. The protein confers resistance in tomato to races of the fungus Cladosporium fulvum expressing the corresponding avirulence gene Avr9. In Nicotiana tabacum the Cf-9 transgene confers sensitivity to the Avr9 elicitor, and leads on elicitation to a subset of defence responses qualitatively similar to those normally seen in the tomato host. One of the earliest responses, both in the native and transgenic hosts, results in K+ salt loss from the infected tissues. However, the mechanism(s) underlying this solute flux and its control is poorly understood. We have explored the actions of Avr9 on Cf-9 transgenic Nicotiana using guard cells as a model. Much detail of guard cell ion channels and their regulation is already known. Measurements were carried out on intact guard cells in epidermal peels, and the currents carried by inward- (IK,in) and outward-rectifying (IK,out) K+ channels were characterized under voltage clamp. Exposures to Avr9-containing extracts resulted in a 2.5- to 3-fold stimulation of IK,out and almost complete suppression of IK,in within 3-5 min. The K+ channel responses were irreversible. They were specific for the Avr9 elicitor, were not observed in guard cells of Nicotiana lacking the Cf-9 transgene and, from kinetic analyses, could be ascribed to changes in channel gating. Both K+ channel responses were found to be saturable functions of Avr9 concentration and were completely blocked in the presence of 0.5 microM staurosporine and 100 microM H7, both broad-range protein kinase antagonists. These results demonstrate the ability of the Cf-9 transgene to couple Avr9 elicitation specifically to a concerted action on two discrete K+ channels and they indicate a role for protein phosphorylation in Avr9/Cf-9 signal transduction leading to transport control.  相似文献   

The Cladosporium fulvum (Cf)-4 gene of tomato confers resistance to the fungus C. fulvum, expressing the corresponding avirulence (Avr)4 gene, which codes for an elicitor protein. Little is known about how such mechanisms work, but previous studies have shown that elicitor recognition activates Ca(2+) signalling and protein kinases, such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK). Here, we provide evidence that a new signalling component, the lipid second messenger phosphatidic acid (PA), is produced within a few minutes of AVR4/Cf-4 interaction. Using transgenic tobacco cells expressing the tomato Cf-4-resistance gene as a model system, phospholipid signalling pathways were studied by pre-labelling the cells with (32)P(i) and assaying for the formation of lipid signals after challenge with the fungal elicitor AVR4. A dramatic rapid response was an increase in (32)P-PA, together with its metabolic product diacylglycerol pyrophosphate (DGPP). AVR4 increased the levels of PA and DGPP in a Cf-4(+)-, time- and dose-dependent manner, while the non-matching elicitor AVR9 did not trigger any response. In general, PA signalling can be triggered by two different pathways: via phospholipase D (PLD), which generates PA directly by hydrolysing structural phospholipids like phosphatidylcholine (PC), or via PLC, which generates diacylglycerol (DAG) that is subsequently phosphorylated to PA by DAG kinase (DGK). To determine the origin of the AVR4-induced PA formation, a PLD-specific transphosphatidylation assay and a differential (32)P-labelling protocol were used. The results clearly demonstrated that most PA was produced via the phosphorylation of DAG. Neomycin and U73122, inhibitors of PLC activity, inhibited AVR4-induced PA accumulation, suggesting that the increase in DGK activity was because of increased PLC activity producing DAG. Lastly, evidence is provided that PLC signalling and, in particular, PA production could play a role in triggering responses, such as the AVR4-induced oxidative burst. For example, PLC inhibitors inhibited the oxidative burst, and when PA was added to cells, an oxidative burst was induced.  相似文献   

Kruijt M  Brandwagt BF  de Wit PJ 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1655-1663
Cf resistance genes in tomato confer resistance to the fungal leaf pathogen Cladosporium fulvum. Both the well-characterized resistance gene Cf-9 and the related 9DC gene confer resistance to strains of C. fulvum that secrete the Avr9 protein and originate from the wild tomato species Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium. We show that 9DC and Cf-9 are allelic, and we have isolated and sequenced the complete 9DC cluster of L. pimpinellifolium LA1301. This 9DC cluster harbors five full-length Cf homologs, including orthologs of the most distal homologs of the Cf-9 cluster and three central 9DC genes. Two 9DC genes (9DC1 and 9DC2) have an identical coding sequence, whereas 9DC3 differs at its 3' terminus. From a detailed comparison of the 9DC and Cf-9 clusters, we conclude that the Cf-9 and Hcr9-9D genes from the Cf-9 cluster are ancestral to the first 9DC gene and that the three 9DC genes were generated by subsequent intra- and intergenic unequal recombination events. Thus, the 9DC cluster has undergone substantial rearrangements in the central region, but not at the ends. Using transient transformation assays, we show that all three 9DC genes confer Avr9 responsiveness, but that 9DC2 is likely the main determinant of Avr9 recognition in LA1301.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants with the Cf-4 resistance gene recognize strains of the pathogenic fungus Cladosporium fulvum that secrete the avirulence protein Avr4. Transgenic tomato seedlings coexpressing Cf-4 and Avr4 mount a hypersensitive response (HR) at 20 degrees C, which is suppressed at 33 degrees C. Within 120 min after a shift from 33 degrees C to 20 degrees C, tomato mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (LeMPK) activity increases in Cf-4/Avr4 seedlings. Searching tomato genome databases revealed at least 16 LeMPK sequences, including the sequence of LeMPK1, LeMPK2, and LeMPK3 that cluster with biotic stress-related MAP kinase orthologs from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). LeMPK1, LeMPK2, and LeMPK3 are simultaneously activated in Cf-4/Avr4 seedlings, and, to reveal whether they are functionally redundant or not, recombinant LeMPKs were incubated on PepChip Kinomics slides carrying peptides with potential phosphorylation sites. Phosphorylated peptides and motifs present in them discriminated between the phosphorylation specificities of LeMPK1, LeMPK2, and LeMPK3. LeMPK1, LeMPK2, or LeMPK3 activity was specifically suppressed in Cf-4-tomato by virus-induced gene silencing and leaflets were either injected with Avr4 or challenged with C. fulvum-secreting Avr4. The results of these experiments suggested that the LeMPKs have different but also overlapping roles with regard to HR and full resistance in tomato.  相似文献   

The Cladosporium fulvum Avr2 effector is a novel type of cysteine protease inhibitor with eight cysteine residues that are all involved in disulphide bonds. We have produced wild-type Avr2 protein in Pichia pastoris and determined its disulphide bond pattern. By site-directed mutagenesis of all eight cysteine residues, we show that three of the four disulphide bonds are required for Avr2 stability. The six C-terminal amino acid residues of Avr2 contain one disulphide bond that is not embedded in its overall structure. Avr2 is not processed by the tomato cysteine protease Rcr3 and is an uncompetitive inhibitor of Rcr3. We also produced mutant Avr2 proteins in which selected amino acid residues were individually replaced by alanine, and, in one mutant, all six C-terminal amino acid residues were deleted. We determined the inhibitory constant (K(i) ) of these mutants for Rcr3 and their ability to trigger a Cf-2-mediated hypersensitive response (HR) in tomato. We found that the two C-terminal cysteine residues and the six amino acid C-terminal tail of Avr2 are required for both Rcr3 inhibitory activity and the ability to trigger a Cf-2-mediated HR. Individual replacement of the lysine-17, lysine-20 or tyrosine-21 residue by alanine did not affect significantly the biological activity of Avr2. Overall, our data suggest that the affinity of the Avr2 mutants for Rcr3 correlates with their ability to trigger a Cf-2-mediated HR.  相似文献   

Wulff BB  Thomas CM  Parniske M  Jones JD 《Genetics》2004,167(1):459-470
The interaction between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and the leaf mold pathogen Cladosporium fulvum is an excellent model for investigating disease resistance gene evolution. The interaction is controlled in a gene-for-gene manner by Cf genes that encode type I transmembrane extracellular leucine-rich repeat glycoproteins that recognize their cognate fungal avirulence (Avr) proteins. Cf-4 from L. hirsutum and Cf-9 from L. pimpinellifolium are located at the same locus on the short arm of tomato chromosome 1 in an array of five paralogs. Molecular analysis has shown that one mechanism for generating sequence variation in Cf genes is intragenic sequence exchange through unequal crossing over or gene conversion. To investigate this we used a facile genetic selection to identify novel haplotypes in the progeny of Cf-4/Cf-9 trans-heterozygotes that lacked Cf-4 and Cf-9. This selection is based on the ability of Avr4 and Avr9 to induce Cf-4- or Cf-9-dependent seedling death. The crossovers were localized to the same intergenic region defining a recombination hotspot in this cross. As part of a structure-function analysis of Cf-9 and Cf-4, nine EMS-induced mutant alleles have been characterized. Most mutations result in single-amino-acid substitutions in their C terminus at residues that are conserved in other Cf proteins.  相似文献   

Galectin-9 is a β-galactoside-binding lectin expressed in various tissues. It binds various glycoconjugates and modulates a variety of biological functions in various cell types. Although galectin-9 is expressed in bone, its function in human osteoblasts remains unclear. We demonstrate that galectin-9 induces osteoblast differentiation through the CD44/Smad signaling pathway in the absence of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Galectin-9 increases alkaline phosphatase activities in human osteoblasts and induces the phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and translocation of Smad4 to the nucleus in the absence of BMPs. Galectin-9 also induces binding of Smad4 to the Id1 promoter and increases its activity. Anti-CD44 antibody inhibits Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation by galectin-9. Galectin-9 binds to CD44 and induces the formation of a CD44/BMP receptor complex. Because Smad1 is phosphorylated by BMP receptors, we propose that formation of the CD44/BMP receptor complex induced by galectin-9 may provide a trigger for the activation of Smads.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that tomato Cf-9 induces an Avr9-dependent hypersensitive response (HR) in Nicotiana tabacum and potato. We show here that Cf-4 also induces an Avr4-dependent HR in two tobacco species (N. tabacum and N. benthamiana). The HR induced by Cf-4 and Cf-9 was compared in stable tobacco transgenics by a seedling lethal assay and resistance to recombinant Potato virus X expressing Avr4 or Avr9. We also compared HR induction with Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression. The Cf-4/Avr4 combination induced a more rapid HR than Cf-9/Avr9. Sensitive assays for Cf-9 and Cf-4 function should prove useful for structure/function analyses of these resistance proteins in tobacco.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation play an important role in the regulation of growth factor and cytokine signal transduction to modulate cell proliferation, differentiation, survival, and apoptosis. In some cellular systems, the information suggests that EGFR, somatostatin receptors, SHP-1, Akt and PI3K can regulate carcinogenesis implied process through regulated the activity of NF-κB. Current patents related to signaling pathway that includes somatostatin receptors, phosphotyrosine phosphatases, tyrosine kinases, AKT/PKB and PI3K are focusing in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Many recent patented techniques include inhibition, antagonism or alternative therapeutic methods. Furthermore, it is necessary to deepen understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in cancer to develop other alternative therapies focusing not only on new inhibitors.  相似文献   

A role for the phosphorylation of hRad9 in checkpoint signaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The integrity of the human genome is preserved by signal transduction pathways called checkpoints, which delay progression through the cell cycle when DNA damage is present. Three checkpoint proteins, hRad9, hRad1, and hHus1, form a proliferating cell nuclear antigen-like, heterotrimeric complex that has been proposed to function in the initial detection of DNA structural abnormalities. hRad9 is highly modified by phosphorylation, in a constitutive manner and in response to both DNA damage and cell cycle position. Here we present evidence that Thr292 of hRad9 is subject to Cdc2-dependent phosphorylation in mitosis. Furthermore, our data are also consistent with four other hRad9 phosphorylation sites (Ser277, Ser328, Ser336, and Thr355) being regulated in part by Cdc2. We also identify Ser387 as a novel site of hRad9 constitutive phosphorylation and show that phosphorylation at Ser387 is a prerequisite for one form of DNA damage-induced hyperphosphorylation of hRad9. Characterization of nonphosphorylatable mutants has revealed that hRad9 phosphorylation plays a critical role in checkpoint signaling. Overexpression of these mutants blocks the interaction between hRad9 and the DNA damage-responsive protein TopBP1 and impairs the cellular response to DNA damage during S phase.  相似文献   

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