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Recent progress in neuroscience revealed diverse regions of the CNS which moderate autonomic and affective responses. The ventro-medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) plays a key role in these regulations. There is evidence that vmPFC activity is associated with cardiovascular changes during a motor task that are mediated by parasympathetic activity. Moreover, vmPFC activity makes important contributions to regulations of affective and stressful situations. This review selectively summarizes literature in which vmPFC activation was studied in healthy subjects as well as in patients with affective disorders. The reviewed literature suggests that vmPFC activity plays a pivotal role in biopsychosocial processes of disease. Activity in the vmPFC might link affective disorders, stressful environmental conditions, and immune function.  相似文献   

A high-density screen for linkage in multiple sclerosis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
To provide a definitive linkage map for multiple sclerosis, we have genotyped the Illumina BeadArray linkage mapping panel (version 4) in a data set of 730 multiplex families of Northern European descent. After the application of stringent quality thresholds, data from 4,506 markers in 2,692 individuals were included in the analysis. Multipoint nonparametric linkage analysis revealed highly significant linkage in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6p21 (maximum LOD score [MLS] 11.66) and suggestive linkage on chromosomes 17q23 (MLS 2.45) and 5q33 (MLS 2.18). This set of markers achieved a mean information extraction of 79.3% across the genome, with a Mendelian inconsistency rate of only 0.002%. Stratification based on carriage of the multiple sclerosis–associated DRB1*1501 allele failed to identify any other region of linkage with genomewide significance. However, ordered-subset analysis suggested that there may be an additional locus on chromosome 19p13 that acts independent of the main MHC locus. These data illustrate the substantial increase in power that can be achieved with use of the latest tools emerging from the Human Genome Project and indicate that future attempts to systematically identify susceptibility genes for multiple sclerosis will have to involve large sample sizes and an association-based methodology.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory, putatively autoimmune disease characterized by multifocal demyelination in the central nervous system. Two main strategies are used to identify genes influencing the susceptibility to multiple sclerosis: (i) elucidation of the role of a candidate gene chosen on the basis of the possible function of the encoded protein in etiology and/or pathogenesis of the disease, and (ii) complete genomic screen using a panel of anonymous genetic markers for identification of the chromosome regions involved in the disease development. The complete genomic search revealed multiple loci for multiple sclerosis on thirteen chromosomes, and analysis of the candidate genes added three more chromosomes to this list. The combined data prove the polygenic nature of this complex disease. Detection of individual genes responsible for susceptibility to multiple sclerosis is complicated by the genetic heterogeneity of analyzed populations and families, which is determined both by the ethnic heterogeneity and the peculiarity of clinical forms of the disease. However, it seems highly probable that HLA and non-HLA genes of the major histocompatibility complex, as well as some unidentified genes on chromosomes 5p and 17q, are involved in the disease development. In addition to HLA, some authors have also shown that a role in the disease development is played by the genes encoding other components of the trimolecular complex involved in antigen presentation: those of the T-cell receptor and the best studied autoantigen, the myelin basic protein. The most promising for further studies of the genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis are approaches that combine the candidate-gene strategy with the complete genomic search as well as distinguish the genetically differentiated forms of the disease.  相似文献   

Rapid and accurate diagnosis of any illness determines the success of treatment. The same applies to multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic, inflammatory, and neurodegenerative diseases (ND) of the central nervous system (CNS). Unfortunately, the definitive diagnosis of MS is prolonged and involves mainly clinical symptoms observation and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the CNS. However, as we previously reported, Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy shed new light on the minimally invasive, label-free, and rapid diagnosis of this illness through blood fraction. Herein we introduce Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometric analysis to provide more detailed information about the biochemical changes behind MS. This pilot study demonstrates that mentioned combination may provide a new diagnostic biomarker and bring closer to rapid MS diagnosis. It has been shown that Raman spectroscopy provides lipid and carotenoid molecules as useful biomarkers which may be applied for both diagnosis and treatment monitoring.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for rapidly screening representatives of all currently recognized species of the genus Staphylococcus for the presence of plasmid DNA. The isolated plasmid DNA is substantially free from contaminating chromosomal and relaxed plasmid DNA. The method will detect plasmids in strains grown on various types of solid or liquid culture media and is convenient enough for routine epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

A second-generation genomic screen for multiple sclerosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating neuroimmunological and neurodegenerative disorder. Despite substantial evidence for polygenic inheritance of the disease, the major histocompatibility complex is the only region that clearly and consistently demonstrates linkage and association in MS studies. The goal of this study was to identify additional chromosomal regions that harbor susceptibility genes for MS. With a panel of 390 microsatellite markers genotyped in 245 U.S. and French multiplex families (456 affected relative pairs), this is the largest genomic screen for MS conducted to date. Four regions met both of our primary criteria for further interest (heterogeneity LOD [HLOD] and Z scores >2.0): 1q (HLOD=2.17; Z=3.38), 6p (HLOD=4.21; Z=2.26), 9q (HLOD; Z=2.71), and 16p (HLOD=2.64; Z=2.05). Two additional regions met only the Z score criterion: 3q (Z=2.39) and 5q (Z=2.17). Further examination of the data by country (United States vs. France) identified one additional region demonstrating suggestive linkage in the U.S. subset (18p [HLOD=2.39]) and two additional regions generating suggestive linkage in the French subset (1p [HLOD=2.08] and 22q [HLOD=2.06]). Examination of the data by human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR2 stratification identified four additional regions demonstrating suggestive linkage: 2q (HLOD=3.09 in the U.S. DR2- families), 6q (HLOD=3.10 in the French DR2- families), 13q (HLOD=2.32 in all DR2+ families and HLOD=2.17 in the U.S. DR2+ families), and 16q (HLOD=2.32 in all DR2+ families and HLOD=2.13 in the U.S. DR2+ families). These data suggest several regions that warrant further investigation in the search for MS susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

A rapid hydroponic screening for aluminium tolerance in barley   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Selection and breeding of crops for aluminium (Al) tolerance is a useful approach to increase production on acid soils. This requires a rapid and reliable system to discriminate between Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive genotypes. A hydroponic system was developed to screen for Al tolerance in barley (t Hordeum vulgare L.) to overcome several problems encountered in previous screening methods. Four levels of Al (5, 10, 20, and 40 t M) in 1 mt M CaCl2 solution at pH 4.5 were used to rank lines for Al-tolerance. Each line was cultured in a different compartment to eliminate chemical and pH interactions among lines. To avoid changes in Al tolerance due to other factors such as the calcium (Ca) concentration of the solution, Al-tolerant (Atlas 66) and Al-sensitive (Scout 66) cultivars of wheat (t Triticum aestivum L.) were used as reference cultivars. Five ranks of Al tolerance from highly tolerant to highly sensitive were established by comparison with each reference. Eriochrome cyanine R staining was used for the rapid evaluation of Al tolerance. This screening system allowed classification of about 50 barley lines into five different Al tolerance groups within one week. Using this system, screening of ca. 600 barley lines from various regions of the world was conducted. Most lines were sensitive to Al, but ninety lines showed intermediate Al-tolerance. Thirty nine lines were highly sensitive to Al in solution.  相似文献   

A parametric scale for measuring BAEP latencies is set forth here for use in multiple sclerosis (MS) therapeutic trials and similar longitudinal studies. Derived constants are used to create a synthetic I–V interpeak interval, needed for cases where V (or other waves) are absent. Transitional peaks (peaks on the verge of disappearing) were studied in MS patients and used to determine appropriate values for the weighting constants. The resulting scale or index makes use of latencies to whichever peaks are still present. In theory such a scale is more sensitive to small changes than either a simple ordinal scale of which peaks remain or a parametric scale of I–V interpeak intervals excluding the 25–40% of MS records with absent wave V. To test this synthetic I–V index in practice, we studied it in 100 MS patients entering a therapeutic trial. It was found to correlate appropriately with patients' history, physical examination, and clinical scales at entry into the trial. Parametric statistical analysis of the derived scale was able to show a statistically significant drug effect during the therapeutic trial, whereas 3 other data analysis techniques showed at best a trend that did not quite reach significance.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome studies of 30 patients with multiple sclerosis and 30 controls have been made. The results show that there is no significant increase in the frequency of structural aberrations in the multiple sclerosis patients. It is suggested that previously reported differences may have been due to technical factors, the nature of which is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Bei 30 Patienten mit multipler Sklerose und 30 Kontrollen wurden die Chromosomen untersucht. Es fand sich bei den Patienten kein signifikanter Anstieg in der Häufigkeit struktureller Aberrationen. Vielleicht wurden früher mitgeteilte Unterschiede durch technische Faktoren, die im einzelnen diskutiert werden, vorgetäuscht.


Background and rationale

Motor fatigue and ambulation impairment are prominent clinical features of people with multiple sclerosis (pMS). We hypothesized that a multimodal and comparative assessment of walking speed on short and long distance would allow a better delineation and quantification of gait fatigability in pMS. Our objectives were to compare 4 walking paradigms: the timed 25-foot walk (T25FW), a corrected version of the T25FW with dynamic start (T25FW+), the timed 100-meter walk (T100MW) and the timed 500-meter walk (T500MW).


Thirty controls and 81 pMS performed the 4 walking tests in a single study visit.


The 4 walking tests were performed with a slower WS in pMS compared to controls even in subgroups with minimal disability. The finishing speed of the last 100-meter of the T500MW was the slowest measurable WS whereas the T25FW+ provided the fastest measurable WS. The ratio between such slowest and fastest WS (Deceleration Index, DI) was significantly lower only in pMS with EDSS 4.0–6.0, a pyramidal or cerebellar functional system score reaching 3 or a maximum reported walking distance ≤4000 m.


The motor fatigue which triggers gait deceleration over a sustained effort in pMS can be measured by the WS ratio between performances on a very short distance and the finishing pace on a longer more demanding task. The absolute walking speed is abnormal early in MS whatever the distance of effort when patients are unaware of ambulation impairment. In contrast, the DI-measured ambulation fatigability appears to take place later in the disease course.  相似文献   

A simple fluorescence-based assay was developed for the rapid screening of potential cytotoxic compounds generated by combinatorial chemistry. The assay is based on detection of nuclear green fluorescent protein (GFP) staining of a human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) carrying an integrated histone H2B-GFP fusion gene. Addition of a cytotoxic compound to the HeLa-GFP cells results in the eventual degradation of DNA and loss of the GFP nuclear fluorescence. Using this assay, we screened 11 distinct quinone derivatives and found that several of these compounds were cytotoxic. These compounds are structurally related to plumbagin an apoptosis-inducing naphthoquinone isolated from Black Walnut. In order to determine the mechanism by which cell death was induced, we performed additional experiments with the most cytotoxic quinones. These compounds were found to induce morphological changes (blebbing and nuclear condensation) consistent with induction of apoptosis. Additional tests revealed that the cytotoxic compounds induce both necrotic and apoptotic modes of death.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGs) are widely distributed enzymes that catalyze posttranslational modification of proteins by Ca(2+)-dependent cross-linking reactions. The family members of TGs participate in many significant processes of biological functions such as tissue regeneration, cell differentiation, apoptosis, and certain pathologies. A novel technique for TG activity assay was developed in this study. It was based on the rapid capturing, fluorescence quenching, and fast separation of the unreacted fluorescent molecules from the macromolecular product with magnetic dextran-coated charcoal. As few as 3 ng of guinea pig liver transglutaminase (gpTG) could be detected by the method; activities of 96 TG samples could be measured within an hour. The K(m) of gpTG determined by this method for monodansylcadaverine (dansyl-CAD) and N, N-dimethylcasein was 14 and 5 muM, respectively. A typical competitive inhibition pattern of cystamine on dansyl-CAD for gpTG activity was also demonstrated. The application of this technique is not limited to the use of dansyl-CAD as the fluorescent substrate of TG; other small fluor-labeled TG substrates may substitute dansyl-CAD. Finally, this method is rapid, highly sensitive, and inexpensive. It is suitable not only for high-throughput screening of enzymes or enzyme inhibitors but also for enzyme kinetic analysis.  相似文献   

Rationale: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic. A classifier combining chest X-ray (CXR) with clinical features may serve as a rapid screening approach.Methods: The study included 512 patients with COVID-19 and 106 with influenza A/B pneumonia. A deep neural network (DNN) was applied, and deep features derived from CXR and clinical findings formed fused features for diagnosis prediction.Results: The clinical features of COVID-19 and influenza showed different patterns. Patients with COVID-19 experienced less fever, more diarrhea, and more salient hypercoagulability. Classifiers constructed using the clinical features or CXR had an area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) of 0.909 and 0.919, respectively. The diagnostic efficacy of the classifier combining the clinical features and CXR was dramatically improved and the AUC was 0.952 with 91.5% sensitivity and 81.2% specificity. Moreover, combined classifier was functional in both severe and non-serve COVID-19, with an AUC of 0.971 with 96.9% sensitivity in non-severe cases, which was on par with the computed tomography (CT)-based classifier, but had relatively inferior efficacy in severe cases compared to CT. In extension, we performed a reader study involving three experienced pulmonary physicians, artificial intelligence (AI) system demonstrated superiority in turn-around time and diagnostic accuracy compared with experienced pulmonary physicians.Conclusions: The classifier constructed using clinical and CXR features is efficient, economical, and radiation safe for distinguishing COVID-19 from influenza A/B pneumonia, serving as an ideal rapid screening tool during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

Interferon beta is widely used as first-line treatment for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Several products are marketed world-wide, and biosimilar products are emerging. Interferon beta reduces relapse rates by about 1/3, and reduces the appearance of new MRI lesions by about 2/3, and some studies have shown reduced disability progression, and reduced rates of brain atrophy. The mechanism of action of interferon beta in MS is poorly understood, partly due to the complex nature of the biological response to interferon injections. This mini-review succinctly summarizes clinical effects, possible mechanism of action, physiochemical properties of the different interferon products, issues related to immunogenicity, and biomarkers of the interferon beta response, and proposes important unresolved issues for future research.  相似文献   

Qin J  Li WQ  Zhang L  Chen F  Liang WH  Mao FF  Zhang XM  Lahn BT  Yu WH  Xiang AP 《PloS one》2010,5(9):e13014
Techniques for small molecule screening are widely used in biological mechanism study and drug discovery. Here, we reported a novel adipocyte differentiation assay for small molecule selection, based on human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) transduced with fluorescence reporter gene driven by adipogenic specific promoter--adipocyte Protein 2 (aP2; also namely Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, FABP4). During normal adipogenic induction as well as adipogenic inhibition by Ly294002, we confirmed that the intensity of green fluorescence protein corresponded well to the expression level of aP2 gene. Furthermore, this variation of green fluorescence protein intensity can be read simply through fluorescence spectrophotometer. By testing another two small molecules in adipogenesis--Troglitazone and CHIR99021, we proved that this is a simple and sensitive method, which could be applied in adipocyte biology, drug discovery and toxicological study in the future.  相似文献   

Li  Hui  Lian  Gaojian  Wang  Guang  Yin  Qianmei  Su  Zehong 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》2021,476(9):3261-3270
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system with a wide range of symptoms, like executive function...  相似文献   

A C Lai  Y Chu 《BioTechniques》1991,10(5):564-565
A rapid and small-scale method for screening vaccinia virus recombinants employing micrococcal nuclease is described. This protocol utilizes the differential sensitivity of cellular and viral DNA to the nuclease, which can be selectively activated by addition of Ca2+ and inactivated by elimination of Ca2+. Two to five micrograms of viral DNA can be obtained from one infected L cell plate (50 mm) after overnight incubation.  相似文献   

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