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This article is the second of a two-part series that describes and compares the essential features of nine "physical economy" approaches for mapping and quantifying the material demands of the human economy upon the natural environ-ment. These approaches are critical tools in the design and implementation of industrial ecology strategies for greater eco-efficiency and reduced environmental impacts of human economic activity. Part I of the series provided an overview, meth-odological classification, and comparison of a selected set of major materials flow analysis (MFA) and related techniques. This sequel includes a convenient reference and overview of the major metabolism measurement approaches in the form of a more detailed summary of the key specific analytical and other features of the approaches introduced in part I. The surveyed physical economy related environmental analysis ap-proaches include total material requirement and output mod-els, bulk MFA (IFF (Department of Social Ecology, Institute for Interdiscplinary Studies of Austrian Universities) material flow balance model variant), physical input-output tables, substance flow analysis, ecological footprint analysis, environmental space, material intensity per unit service, life-cycle assessment (LCA), the sustainable process index, and company-level MFA.  相似文献   

Modern environmental and sustainability policy that acknowledges the linkages between socioeconomic processes and environmental pressures and impacts, and designs policies to decouple economic activity from environmental pressures and impacts, requires a sophisticated and comprehensive knowledge base. The concept of industrial metabolism provides a sound conceptual base, and material flow accounting—including primary material inputs and outflows of waste and emissions—provides a well‐accepted operationalization. Studies presenting a comprehensive material flow account for a national economy are rare, especially for developing countries. Countries such as Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR or Laos) face dual objectives of improving the material standard of living of their people while managing natural resources sustainably and mitigating adverse environmental impacts from growing resource throughput. Our research fills a knowledge gap, presents a comprehensive account of material inputs and outflows of waste and emissions for the Lao PDR national economy, and applies the accounting approach for a low‐income economy in Asia. We present a material balance for the years 2000 and 2015. For this research, we used data from Lao PDR national statistics and the accounting guidelines of the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), which pioneered the use of material flow data as part of its official statistical reporting. We demonstrate the feasibility of the accounting approach and discuss the robustness of results using uncertainty analysis conducted with statistical approaches commonly used in the field of industrial ecology, including Gauss's law of error propagation and Monte Carlo simulation. We find that the fast‐changing scale and composition of Lao PDR material flows, waste, and emissions presents challenges to the existing policy capacity and will require investment into governance of changed patterns of material use, waste disposal, and emissions. We consider the data analysis sufficiently robust to inform such a change in policy direction.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development concerns not only the natural environment but also human societies and economies. The method of economy‐wide materials flow accounting and analysis (EW‐MFA) is internationally recognized as a valuable tool for studying the physical dimensions of economies. EW‐MFA has been carried out in many industrialized countries, but very little work has been done for developing China; this article can be regarded as one of the first attempts to study China's economy in terms of materials flows. In this article we have compiled materials flow accounts for China during the time series 1990 to 2002 and derived indicators associated with international comparison. Results show that the annual material consumption of China's economy continuously increased except for a slump around 1998, whereas the material efficiency exhibited a three‐phase trend reflecting different macropolicies of the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Five‐Year Plans implemented by the central government. Based on this experience with EW‐MFA for China, suggestions for methodology development and further research are given for improving EW‐MFA as a more effective tool for environmental management.  相似文献   

This article is the first of a two-part series that describes and compares the essential features of nine existing "physical economy" approaches for quantifying the material demands of the human economy upon the natural environment. A range of material flow analysis (MFA) and related techniques is assessed and compared in terms of several major dimensions. These include the system boundary identification for material flow sources, extents, and the key socioinstitutional entities containing relevant driving forces, as well as the nature and detailing of system components and flow interconnections, and the comprehensiveness and types of flows and materials covered.
Shared conceptual themes of a new wave of physical economy approaches are described with a brief overview of the potential applications of this broad family of methodologies. The evolving and somewhat controversial nature of the characteristics and role that define MFA is examined. This review suggests the need to specify whether MFA is a general metabolic flow measurement procedure that can be applied from micro to macrolevels of economic activity, or a more specific methodology aimed primarily at economy-wide analyses that "map" the material relations between society and nature. Some alternative options for classifying MFA are introduced for discussion before a more detailed comparative summary of the key methodological features of each approach in the second part of this two-part article.
The review is presented (1) as a reference and resource for the increasing number of policy makers and practitioners involved in industrial ecology and the evaluation of the material basis of economies and the formulation of eco-efficiency strategies, and (2) to provoke discussion and ongoing dialogue to clarify the many existing areas of discordance in environmental accounting related to material flows, and help consolidate the methodological basis and application of MFA.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, China has experienced the most dynamic economic development lifting living standards and resulting in fast‐growing use of natural resources. In the past, the focus has been on national MFA accounts which do not do justice to the second largest economy, home to 19% of the world population and having 30% of global material use. In this research, we calculate material extraction for China at the regional level during 1995–2015 using the most recent available statistical data and applying the most up‐to‐date international calculation methods. In particular, we combine a bottom‐up and top‐down approach for constructing the dataset of China's economically used Domestic Extraction (DEU) in an integrated way. This approach also improves the Chinese national material flow accounts and allows us to present a reliable database of DE of materials for China to date. Our new dataset provides the basis for calculating material footprints and environmental impacts of China's regions. The dataset enables us to evaluate regional resource efficiency trends in China. We find that during the past two decades, China's material use has grown strongly from 11.7 billion tonnes in 1995 to 35.4 billion tonnes in 2015. Material use has accelerated between 2000 and 2010 but slowed down between 2010 and 2015 reflecting the economic contraction caused by the Global Financial Crisis which reduced the global demand for China's manufacturing and a reorientation of China's economic policy settings toward quality of growth. Unsurprisingly, different regions play different roles in the supply chain of materials, achieving different economic performances resulting in very diverse material efficiency outcomes. This information is important to allow for a targeted policy approach to increase resource efficiency, reduce environmental impacts of resource use, and grow wellbeing in China with large positive implications for global sustainability. This study provides the basis for the development of relevant resource management policies for different regions in the future.  相似文献   

Input-output mathematics, which allows a modeler to fully consider direct and indirect relationships among conserved flows in a system, has a long history in economics with prominent use dating to Leontief in the 1930s. Nearly all previous industrial applications of input-output analysis have been grounded in the monetary flows of an economy. Here however, because of the central nature of physical flows in the environmental impact of industry, we consider physical flows to be a fundamental component of an industrial economy. Hence, we propose an input-output based approach for modeling physical flows in industry independent of their monetary implications.
In this first part of a two-part article, a framework for using input-output mathematics to model material and energy flows is constructed from a foundation laid by previous research in nutrient and energy cycling in natural ecosystems. The mathematics of input-output flow analysis is presented from an ecological perspective, culminating in two core capabilities: tracing of flows with environs (investigated in this article) and characterizing system behavior with flow metrics (presented in the second article). We assert that environ analysis is an effective means for tracing flows through industrial systems while fully considering direct and indirect flow paths. We explore material flows of aluminum and five other metals in depth using environ analysis in this article.  相似文献   

Several tools exist for the analysis of the environmental impacts of chains or networks of processes. These relatively simple tools include materials flow accounting (MFA), substance flow analysis (SFA), life-cycle assessment (LCA), energy analysis, and environmentally extended input-output analysis (IOA), all based on fixed input-output relations. They are characterized by the nature of their flow objects, such as products, materials, energy, substances, or money flows, and by their spatial and temporal characteristics. These characteristics are insufficient for their methodological characterization, and sometimes lead to inappropriate use. More clarity is desirable, both for clearer guidance of applications and for a more consistent methodology development. In addition to the nature of the flow object and to spatial and temporal characteristics, another key feature concerns the way in which processes are included in a system to be analyzed.
The inclusion of processes can be done in two fundamentally different ways: according to a full mode of analysis, with the inclusion of all flows and related processes to their full extent as present in a region in a specific period of time; and according to an attribution mode, taking processes into account insofar as these are required for a given social demand, function, or activity, in principle whenever and wherever these processes take place. This distinction, which cuts across families of tools that traditionally belong together, appears to have significant methodological and practical implications. Thus the distinction between the two modes of analysis, however crucial it may be, strengthens the idea of one coherent family of tools for environmental systems analysis.  相似文献   

高敏雪 《生态学报》2020,40(2):402-415
基于已有研究和中国当前实践,对GEP的内涵和核算框架进行理论论证,以期为GEP的后续应用开发提供基本规范。(1)辨析当前GEP已有定义,提出了经过优化的GEP定义:特定时期内一区域生态系统为经济生产和人类其他活动提供的最终产出价值,具体包括生态供应品、生态调节服务和生态文化服务三个组成部分。(2)确定GEP在以下两个方面的应用价值:辅助GDP评价区域发展业绩;为区域生态补偿提供标准。(3)参照国内生产总值(GDP)核算原理,设计出一套生态系统供应品和服务供给表和使用表,在此基础上生成了规范的GEP核算表和核算方法。(4)将框架设计落实到GEP核算实施层面,提出了后续需要考虑的相关分类体系、关键节点、实物和价值核算方法设计等重要问题及解决思路。  相似文献   

This article presents an assessment of energy inputs of the European Union (the 15 countries before the 2004 enlargement, abbreviated EU‐15) for the period 1970–2001 and the United States for 1980–2000. The data are based on an energy flow analysis (EFA) that evaluates socioeconomic energy flows in a way that is conceptually consistent with current materials flow analysis (MFA) methods. EFA allows assessment of the total amount of energy required by a national economy; it yields measures of the size of economic systems in biophysical units. In contrast to conventional energy balances, which only include technically used energy, EFA also accounts for socioeconomic inputs of biomass; that is, it also considers food, feed, wood and other materials of biological origin. The energy flow accounts presented in this article do not include embodied energy. Energy flow analyses are relevant for comparisons across modes of subsistence (e.g., agrarian and industrial society) and also to detect interrelations between energy utilization and land use. In the EU‐15, domestic energy consumption (DEC = apparent consumption = domestic extraction plus import minus export) grew from 60 exajoules per year (1 EJ = 1018 J) in 1970 to 79 EJ/yr in 2001, thus exceeding its territory's net primary production (NPP, a measure of the energy throughput of ecosystems). In the United States, DEC increased from 102 EJ/yr in 1980 to 125 EJ/yr in 2000 and was thus slightly smaller than its NPP. Taken together, the EU‐15 and the United States accounted for about 38% of global technical energy use, 31% of humanity's energetic metabolism, but only 10% of global terrestrial NPP and 11% of world population in the early 1990s. Per capita DEC of the United States is more than twice that of the EU‐15. Calculated according to EFA methods, energy input in the EU and the United States was between one‐fifth and one‐third above the corresponding value reported in conventional energy balances. The article discusses implications of these results for sustainability, as well as future research needs.  相似文献   

Understanding how a circular economy (CE) can reduce environmental pressures from economic activities is crucial for policy and practice. Science provides a range of indicators to monitor and assess CE activities. However, common CE activities, such as recycling and eco‐design, are contested in terms of their contribution to environmental sustainability. This article assesses whether and to what extent current approaches to assess CE activities sufficiently capture environmental pressures to monitor progress toward environmental sustainability. Based on a material flow perspective, we show that most indicators do not capture environmental pressures related to the CE activities they address. Many focus on a single CE activity or process, which does not necessarily contribute to increased environmental sustainability overall. Based on these results, we suggest complementing CE management indicators with indicators capturing basic environmental pressures related to the respective CE activity. Given the conceptual linkage between CE activities, resource extraction, and waste flows, we suggest that a resource‐based footprint approach accounting for major environmental inputs and outputs is necessary—while not sufficient—to assess the environmental sustainability of CE activities. As footprint approaches can be used across scales, they could aid the challenging process of developing indicators for monitoring progress toward an environmentally sustainable CE at the European, national, and company levels.  相似文献   

Towards an Integrated Regional Materials Flow Accounting Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A key challenge in attaining regional sustainability is to reduce both the direct and the indirect environmental impacts associated with economic and household activity in the region. Knowing what these flows are and how they change over time is a prerequisite for this task.
This article describes the early development of an integrated regional materials flow accounting framework. The framework is based on a hybrid (material and economic) multiregional input-output model. Using readily available economic and materials data sets together with transport and logistics data, the framework attempts to provide estimates of household resource flows for any U.K. region at quite detailed levels of product and material disaggregation. It is also capable of disaggregating these flows according to specific socioeconomic criteria such as income level or occupation of the head of household. Allied to appropriate energy and life-cycle assessment data sets, the model could, in addition, be used to map both direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with these flows.
The benefits of such an approach are likely to be a considerable reduction of uncertainties in (1) our knowledge of the household metabolism, and hence our predictions of regional household waste generation; (2) our assessment of the impacts of contemplated changes in industrial process siting, and thereby on other aspects of local and regional planning; and (3) our understanding of the impacts of changes in the pattern of demand for different materials and products. It is concluded that the use of such an integrated assessment tool has much to contribute to the debate on regional sustainability.  相似文献   

Combined MFA-LCA for Analysis of Wastewater Pipeline Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oslo's wastewater pipeline network has an aging stock of concrete, steel, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipelines, which calls for a good portion of expenditures to be directed toward maintenance and investments in rehabilitation. The stock, as it is in 2008, is a direct consequence of the influx of pipelines of different sizes, lengths, and materials of construction into the system over the years. A material flow analysis (MFA) facilitates an analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, and retirement of the pipelines. The forecast of the future flows of materials—which, again, is highly interlinked with the historic flows—provides insight into the likely future environmental impacts. This will enable decision makers keen on alleviating such impacts to think along the lines of eco-friendlier processes and technologies or simply different ways of doing business. Needless to say, the operation and maintenance phase accounts for the major bulk of emissions and calls for energy-efficient approaches to this phase of the life cycle, even as manufacturers strive to make their processes energy-efficient and attempt to include captive renewable energy in their total energy consumption. This article focuses on the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the wastewater pipeline network in the city of Oslo.  相似文献   

生态系统核算研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石薇  李金昌 《生态学杂志》2017,28(8):2739-2748
生态系统核算的本质是通过对生态系统服务、生态系统资产的实物量和价值量进行计算,将生态系统的数量信息纳入国民经济核算体系,将生态系统的保护目标融入经济社会决策,以更好地实现生态环境与经济社会协调发展的战略构想.本文对生态系统核算基本问题、生态系统核算账户设计、生态系统估价方法等方面展开综述.首先,通过对生态系统服务理解的阐述和归类,立足于最终生态系统服务观阐明了生态系统的运行过程,扩展了国民账户体系(SNA)的生产范围.其次,梳理并设计了生态系统资产账户、生产账户和供给使用账户,就生产范围扩展方法对生产账户的不同影响进行对比.再次,区分了基于交换价值的核算方法和基于福利经济理论的核算方法,并指出基于交换价值的核算方法与SNA理论基础更为匹配.最后,对当前研究存在的不足进行分析,并对未来研究予以展望.  相似文献   

The Economic and Environmental Implications of Centralized Stock Keeping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent changes to the management of inventory and warehousing methods have created significant changes in business processes. These changes have produced economic savings to firms from reduced handling of supplies. The system-wide impacts of this shift in methods on overall cost and the environment are still unclear, however. Reductions in inventories can provide significant environmental savings. In this article, we analyze the changes in inventory control methods and assess the environmental and cost tradeoffs between increased trucking and more efficient centralized warehouses. We consider the case of consolidating the spare-parts inventory at U.S. Department of Defense warehouses and discuss similarities to other existing businesses. The case suggests large economic and environmental benefits due to reductions in warehousing expenses, despite higher transportation costs.  相似文献   

Abstract: A general analytical model of materials flow analysis (MFA) incorporating physical waste input-output is proposed that is fully consistent with the mass balance principle. Exploiting the triangular nature of the matrix of input coefficients, which is obtained by rearranging the ordering of sectors according to degrees of fabrication, the material composition matrix is derived, which gives the material composition of products. A formal mathematical definition of materials (or the objects, the flow of which is to be accounted for by MFA) is also introduced, which excludes the occurrence of double accounting in economy-wide MFAs involving diverse inputs. By using the model, monetary input-output (IO) tables can easily be converted into a physical material flow account (or physical input-output tables [PIOT]) of an arbitrary number of materials, and the material composition of a product can be decomposed into its input origin. The first point represents substantial saving in the otherwise prohibitive cost that is associated with independent compilation of PIOT. The proposed methodology is applied to Japanese IO data for the flow of 11 base metals and their scrap (available as e-supplement on the JIE Web site).  相似文献   

The European Commission has established the Eco Management and Auditing Scheme (EMAS) to promote and institutionalize corporate environmental management and environmental audits. This article summarizes a study primarily concerned with the execution of an ecoaudit in a medium-sized furniture enterprise according to the rules of EMAS. Material flow accounting was used to assess and analyze the "gate-to-gate" and "cradle-to-grave" environmental impacts related to the firm's products and activities. A resource management strategy was developed that permits the determination of methods for firm-specific material flow management, product management, and ecological product design to improve environmental performance as seen from the vantage point of resource efficiency  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Life cycle assessment models typically use product-specific, plant-level or national aggregate data. However, many decisions by regional policy makers would be better informed by local or regional aggregate data. This research is intended to construct and apply a regional US economic input-output analysis-based life cycle assessment (REIO-LCA) model based upon publicly available datasets. The model uses Gross State Product (GSP) estimates to calculate regional economic multipliers and then link them to regional electricity and fuel use, and air emission factors. Target audiences are governmental decision makers, industry experts and researchers concerned with the regional economic and environmental effects of public and private decisions. Methods A regional version of the existing US EIO-LCA model was developed using regional economic multipliers and state environmental data. The national model is based on the US 491 by 491 economic input-output model, and uses sectoral energy consumption and emission factors to approximate the environmental effects of production and services. The proportion of the regional value added (Gross State Product) to the national value added for each sector was used to develop economic multipliers to allocate the output of industries to individual states and multi-state regions. Inter-sectoral transaction matrices were constructed for eight regions. Regional environmental emission and resource use factors were formed based upon publicly available data of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy. The Toxics Release Inventory include facility location parameters, enabling the estimation of sectoral toxic emissions for the regions. The national electricity and fuel use, air pollutants (CO, NOx, PM10, SO2 and VOC) and greenhouse gas emissions used by the EIO-LCA model were proportioned based upon state totals for each sector. Results A regional economic input-output model was created for US regions, and sectoral energy use and environmental emission factors were estimated for Pennsylvania, the Far West (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon and Washington) and the Mideast (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania) economic areas. The use of the framework for regional IO-LCA model is demonstrated through two case studies. Discussion As a validation exercise, the regional outputs of petroleum refineries were calculated using the regional input-output matrices and the outcomes were compared to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Petroleum State Profile data. The model results show that approximately 70% of the total national sectoral production takes place in three regions, i.e., South West, South East and Far West, which corresponds with the EIA statistics. The REIO-LCA model constructed for the Far West is used to conduct a second case study estimating the annual toxic air emissions of power plants in the region in 2003. The results are evaluated by comparison to data provided by the US EPA. The estimated pollutions do not differ significantly from those presented in the Toxics Release Inventory reports. Conclusions The usefulness of IO LCA models can be improved through the incorporation of local economic and environmental characteristics. Wiht the lack of US regional sectoral data, the allocation of national industrial production to regions can provide a framework to create smaller scale IO models. The results of case studies support the assumption that the GSP multipliers may be used to allocate the sectoral production to the regions, and show that the framework IO LCA model provides a reasonable approximation of supply chain economic activities and environmental effects caused by production and services. Recommendations and Perspectives The quality of data, e.g., age and level of aggregation, and the assumed linearity between sectoral outputs and environmental emissions represent the main sources of uncertainty in the model. The results show that the GSP estimates are appropriate to construct a framework for a regional economic input-output and environmental assessment model. However, further research is recommended to construct more specific state-level input-output matrices incorporating interstate commodity flows, and state environmental factors in order to mitigate the parameter uncertainties. Further, the model might be improved by updating it regularly, as more recent data become available.  相似文献   

Environmental problems are closely related to society' processing of materials through the entire economy. Because neither traditional environmental nor economic analytical methods can provide sufficient insight into the physical dimension of economies, this article presents an integrated methodology, combining a substance flow analysis (SFA) approach and an ecological restructuring analysis. This approach is applied to phosphorus (P) in China, one of the most rapidly growing industrializing economies, in order to better understand of the economy's material use and its change over time. A static national SFA model is developed with statistical data from 1996. By tracking the national economy's P flows from origins to destinations, the critical P flows with respect to environmental impacts are identified. Based on the regime of national P flows, this article analyzes the degree of ecological restructuring by dynamically describing the structural changes of related critical P flows over the last two decades with a set of ecological restructuring indicators (ERIs). Finally, some potential and desired changes are discussed, with the goal of ecologizing the national P flow regime; that is, reducing the ecological impact of the national P flow regime. The methodology of this article illustrates its applicability and value for presenting an overall insight into the physical dimensions of national economies.  相似文献   

经济系统物质流分析研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余亚东  陈定江  胡山鹰  朱兵 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7274-7285
作为研究经济系统物质代谢的重要方法,经济系统物质流分析方法近年来在资源与环境管理领域得到了广泛的应用,理论发展非常迅速。对经济系统物质流分析进行了系统综述,以期为更深入的理论研究提供参考。系统回顾了经济系统物质流分析的发展历史,介绍了其核算框架和指标体系。重点对经济系统物质流分析的研究现状进行了总结和述评,研究表明:(1)在经济系统物质流分析指标的核算研究方面:国家层面的核算研究多、方法较为成熟,而区域层面的核算研究尚未形成成熟的核算框架;针对直接流指标的核算研究多,而包含间接流或隐藏流的综合指标的核算方法研究不足;(2)在经济系统物质流分析指标的变化原因研究方面,目前的研究较少,研究方法包括分解分析法和回归分析法:前者多基于IPAT方程的直接分解法,难以考察经济系统内部的结构和技术的变化对经济系统物质流分析指标的影响,而后者则在所识别的经济系统物质流分析指标的影响因素方面具有较大差异。提出了经济系统物质流分析的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Abstract: In an article on the role of temporal information in life-cycle assessment in this journal, Field and colleagues argued that frequently it is not the single product but the "fleet" (or cohort) of products that "is the appropriate unit of analysis," and that in focusing on the fleet one "explicitly introduces the notion of time as a critical element of comparative life-cycle assessments. …" Major transitions, such as replacement of one fleet of products by an alternative fleet, correspond to a system in a transient rather than steady state, and explicit consideration of time is central to transient analysis.
One tool increasingly used as part of life-cycle assessment, economic input-output (EIO) analysis, at best deals with time in an implicit fashion. This article illustrates how the sequential interindustry model (SIM), a formulation of the EIOmodel that explicitly represents time, might be utilized in life-cycle assessment. SIM introduces this temporal component by explicitly accounting for the time required by production activities and the resulting sequencing of the inputs. This can be thought of as engineering rather than accounting information. The data demands of such a model are not likely to be met at present or at any time in the near future. Even so, simulation methods and the use of so-called synthetic data have a history of productive use in a number of fields, including the social sciences.
SIM also utilizes the contribution of Joshi on the application of the EIO model to environmental impact and the inclusion of the use as well as the production phases of a product in EIO analysis. The possibility of accounting for discounting of future events, with its impact on decision making, is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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