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DNA packaging by large DNA viruses such as the tailed bacteriophages and the herpesviruses involves DNA translocation into a preformed protein shell, called the prohead. Translocation is driven by an ATP hydrolysis-powered DNA packaging motor. The bacteriophages encode a heterodimeric viral DNA packaging protein, called terminase. The terminases have an ATPase center located in the N terminus of the large subunit implicated in DNA translocation. In previous work with phage lambda, lethal mutations that changed ATP-reactive residues 46 and 84 of gpA, the large terminase subunit, were studied. These mutant enzymes retained the terminase endonuclease and helicase activities, but had severe defects in virion assembly, and lacked the terminase high-affinity ATPase activity. Surprisingly, in the work described here, we found that enzymes with the conservative gpA changes Y46F and Y46A had only mild packaging defects. These mild defects contrast with their profound virion assembly defects. Thus, these mutant enzymes have, in addition to the mild DNA packaging defects, a severe post-DNA packaging defect. In contrast, the gpA K84A enzyme had similar virion assembly and DNA packaging defects. The DNA packaging energy budget, i.e. DNA packaged/ATP hydrolyzed, was unchanged for the mutant enzymes, indicating that DNA translocation is tightly coupled to ATP hydrolysis. A model is proposed in which gpA residues 46 and 84 are important for terminase's high-affinity ATPase activity. Assembly of the translocation complex remodels this ATPase so that residues 46 and 84 are not crucial for the activated translocation ATPase. Changing gpA residues 46 and 84 primarily affects assembly, rather than the activity, of the translocation complex.  相似文献   

The biomolecular mechanism that the double-stranded DNA viruses employ to insert and package their genomic DNA into a preformed procapsid is still elusive. To better characterize this process, we investigated packaging of bacteriophage phi29 DNA with structural alterations. phi29 DNA was modified in vitro by nicking at random sites with DNase I, or at specific sites with nicking enzyme N.BbvC IA. Single-strand gaps were created by expanding site-specific nicks with T4 DNA polymerase. Packaging of modified phi29 DNA was studied in a completely defined in vitro system. Nicked DNA was packaged at full genome length and with the same efficiency as untreated DNA. Nicks were not repaired during packaging. Gapped DNA was packaged only as a fragment corresponding to the DNA between the genome terminus and gap. Thus the phi29 DNA packaging machinery tolerated nicks, but stopped at gaps. The packaging motor did not require a nick-free DNA backbone, but the presence of both DNA strands, for uninterrupted packaging.  相似文献   

The DNA packaging enzyme of bacteriophage lambda, terminase, is a heteromultimer composed of a small subunit, gpNu1, and a large subunit, gpA, products of the Nu1 and A genes, respectively. The role of terminase in the initial stages of packaging involving the site-specific binding and cutting of the DNA has been well characterized. While it is believed that terminase plays an active role in later post-cleavage stages of packaging, such as the translocation of DNA into the head shell, this has not been demonstrated. Accordingly, we undertook a generalized mutagenesis of lambda's A gene and found ten lethal mutations, nine of which cause post-cleavage packaging defects. All were located in the amino-terminal two-thirds of gpA, separate from the carboxy-terminal region where mutations affecting the protein's endonuclease activity have been found. The mutants fall into five groups according to their packaging phenotypes: (1) two mutants package part of the lambda chromosome, (2) one mutant packages the entire chromosome, but very slowly compared to wild-type, (3) two mutants do not package any DNA, (4) four mutants, though inviable, package the entire lambda chromosome, and (5) one mutant may be defective in both early and late stages of DNA packaging. These results indicate that gpA is actively involved in late stages of packaging, including DNA translocation, and that this enzyme contains separate functional domains for its early and late packaging activities.  相似文献   

Adenoviral (Ad) infection typically poses little health risk for immunosufficient individuals. However, for immunocompromised individuals, such as AIDS patients and organ transplant recipients, especially pediatric heart transplant recipients, Ad infection is common and can be lethal. Ad DNA packaging is the process whereby the Ad genome becomes encapsulated by the viral capsid. Specific packaging is dependent upon the packaging sequence (PS), which is composed of seven repeated elements called A repeats. The Ad protein, IVa2, which is required for viral DNA packaging, has been shown to bind specifically to synthetic DNA probes containing A repeats I and II, however, the molecular details of this interaction have not been investigated. In this work we have studied the binding of a truncated form of the IVa2 protein, that has previously been shown to be sufficient for virus viability, to a DNA probe containing A repeats I and II. We find that the IVa2 protein exists as a monomer in solution, and that a single IVa2 monomer binds to this DNA with high affinity (Kd <  10 nM), and moderate specificity, and that the trIVa2 protein interacts in a fundamentally different way with DNA containing A repeats than it does with non-specific DNA. We also find that at elevated IVa2 concentrations, additional binding, beyond the singly ligated complex, is observed. When this reaction is modeled as representing the binding of a second IVa2 monomer to the singly ligated complex, the Kd is 1.4 ± 0.7 µM, implying a large degree of negative cooperativity exists for placing two IVa2 monomers on a DNA with adjacent A repeats.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage phi29 DNA packaging motor is a protein/RNA complex that can produce strong force to condense the linear-double-stranded DNA genome into a pre-formed protein capsid. The RNA component, called the packaging RNA (pRNA), utilizes magnesium-dependent inter-molecular base-pairing interactions to form ring-shaped complexes. The pRNA is a class of non-coding RNA, interacting with phi29 motor proteins to enable DNA packaging. Here, we report a two-piece chimeric pRNA construct that is fully competent in interacting with partner pRNA to form ring-shaped complexes, in packaging DNA via the motor, and in assembling infectious phi29 virions in vitro. This is the first example of a fully functional pRNA assembled using two non-covalently interacting fragments. The results support the notion of modular pRNA architecture in the phi29 packaging motor.  相似文献   

Tailed icosahedral bacteriophages and other viruses package their double-stranded DNA inside a preformed procapsid. In a large number of phages packaging is initiated by recognition and cleavage by a viral packaging ATPase (terminase) of the specific pac sequence (pac cleavage), which generates the first DNA end to be encapsidated. A sequence-independent cleavage (headful cleavage) terminates packaging, generating a new starting point for another round of packaging. The molecular mechanisms underlying headful packaging and its processivity remain poorly understood. A defined in vitro DNA packaging system for the headful double-stranded DNA bacteriophage SPP1 is reported. The in vitro system consists of DNA packaging reactions with highly purified terminase and SPP1 procapsids, coupled to a DNase protection assay. The high yield obtained enabled us to quantify directly the efficiency of DNA entry into the procapsids. We show that in vitro DNA packaging requires the presence of both terminase subunits. The SPP1 in vitro system is able to efficiently package mature SPP1 DNA as well as linear plasmid DNAs. In contrast, no DNA packaging could be detected with circular DNA, signifying that in vitro packaging requires free DNA extremities. Finally, we demonstrate that SPP1 in vitro DNA packaging is independent of the pac signal. These findings suggest that the formation of free DNA ends that are generated by pac cleavage in vivo is the rate-limiting step in processive headful DNA packaging.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in bacteriophages is driven by one of the most powerful force-generating molecular motors reported to date. The phage T4 motor is composed of the small terminase protein, gpl6 (18kDa), the large terminase protein, gp17 (70kDa), and the dodecameric portal protein gp20 (61kDa). gp16, which exists as an oligomer in solution, is involved in the recognition of the viral DNA substrate, the very first step in the DNA packaging pathway, and stimulates the ATPase and packaging activities associated with gp17. Sequence analyses using COILS2 revealed the presence of coiled coil motifs (CCMs) in gp16. Sixteen T4-family and numerous phage small terminases show CCMs in the corresponding region of the protein, suggesting a common structural and functional theme. Biochemical properties such as reversible thermal denaturation and analytical gel filtration data suggest that the central CCM-1 is critical for oligomerization of gp16. Mutations in CCM-1 that change the hydrophobicity of key residues, or pH 6.0, destabilized coiled coil interactions, resulting in a loss of gp16 oligomerization. The gp16 oligomers are in a dynamic equilibrium with lower M(r) intermediate species and monomer. Monomeric gp16 is unable to stimulate gp17-ATPase, an activity essential for DNA packaging, while conversion back into oligomeric form restored the activity. These data for the first time defined a CCM that is critical for structure and function of the small terminase. We postulate a packaging model in which the gp16 CCM is implicated in the regulation of packaging initiation and assembly of a supramolecular DNA packaging machine on the viral concatemer.  相似文献   

Terminases are enzymes common to complex double-stranded DNA viruses and are required for packaging of viral DNA into a protective capsid. Bacteriophage lambda terminase holoenzyme is a hetero-oligomer composed of the A and Nu1 lambda gene products; however, the self-association properties of the holoenzyme have not been investigated systematically. Here, we report the results of sedimentation velocity, sedimentation equilibrium, and gel-filtration experiments studying the self-association properties of the holoenzyme. We find that purified, recombinant lambda terminase forms a homogeneous, heterotrimeric structure, consisting of one gpA molecule associated with two gpNu1 molecules (114.2 kDa). We further show that lambda terminase adopts a heterogeneous mixture of higher-order structures, with an average molecular mass of 528(+/-34) kDa. Both the heterotrimer and the higher-order species possess site-specific cos cleavage activity, as well as DNA packaging activity; however, the heterotrimer is dependent upon Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF) for these activities. Furthermore, the ATPase activity of the higher-order species is approximately 1000-fold greater than that of the heterotrimer. These data suggest that IHF bending of the duplex at the cos site in viral DNA promotes the assembly of the heterotrimer into a biologically active, higher-order packaging motor. We propose that a single, higher-order hetero-oligomer of gpA and gpNu1 functions throughout lambda development.  相似文献   

Terminase enzymes are common to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses and are responsible for packaging viral DNA into the confines of an empty capsid shell. In bacteriophage lambda the catalytic terminase subunit is gpA, which is responsible for maturation of the genome end prior to packaging and subsequent translocation of the matured DNA into the capsid. DNA packaging requires an ATPase catalytic site situated in the N terminus of the protein. A second ATPase catalytic site associated with the DNA maturation activities of the protein has been proposed; however, direct demonstration of this putative second site is lacking. Here we describe biochemical studies that define protease-resistant peptides of gpA and expression of these putative domains in Escherichia coli. Biochemical characterization of gpA-DeltaN179, a construct in which the N-terminal 179 residues of gpA have been deleted, indicates that this protein encompasses the DNA maturation domain of gpA. The construct is folded, soluble and possesses an ATP-dependent nuclease activity. Moreover, the construct binds and hydrolyzes ATP despite the fact that the DNA packaging ATPase site in the N terminus of gpA has been deleted. Mutation of lysine 497, which alters the conserved lysine in a predicted Walker A "P-loop" sequence, does not affect ATP binding but severely impairs ATP hydrolysis. Further, this mutation abrogates the ATP-dependent nuclease activity of the protein. These studies provide direct evidence for the elusive nucleotide-binding site in gpA that is directly associated with the DNA maturation activity of the protein. The implications of these results with respect to the two roles of the terminase holoenzyme, DNA maturation and DNA packaging, are discussed.  相似文献   

First-generation AdV enables efficient gene transduction, although its immunogenicity is an important problem in vivo. Helper-dependent AdV (HD-AdV) is one possible solution to this problem. The construction of HD-AdV requires a helper virus, in which the viral packaging domain is flanked by two inserted loxP to hamper its packaging in Cre-expressing 293 cells. Here, we constructed 19L viruses containing loxP at 191 nt from the left end of the genome upstream of the packaging domain, 15L viruses bearing loxP at 143 nt, and a control ΔL virus lacking loxP at these positions. The 19L position is used worldwide, and the 15L position has been reported to result in a lower titer than that of 19L. When the titers were compared for six pairs of 19L and 15L AdV, the 19L AdV produced titers similar to, or sometimes lower than, the 15L and ΔL AdV, unlike the results of previous reports. We next chose one pair of 15L and 19L AdV that produced titers similar to that of ΔL and a competitor AdV lacking loxP for use in a competition assay. When a small amount of the competitor AdV was co-infected, both the 15L and the 19L AdV, but not ΔL, gradually became minority components during subsequent viral passages. Therefore, the loxP insertions at 143 nt and 191 nt decreased the viral packaging efficiency.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in icosahedral bacteriophages is driven by an ATPase-coupled packaging machine constituted by the portal protein and two non-structural packaging/terminase proteins assembled at the unique portal vertex of the empty viral capsid. Recent studies show that the N-terminal ATPase site of bacteriophage T4 large terminase protein gp17 is critically required for DNA packaging. It is likely that this is the DNA translocating ATPase that powers directional translocation of DNA into the viral capsid. Defining this ATPase center is therefore fundamentally important to understand the mechanism of ATP-driven DNA translocation in viruses. Using combinatorial mutagenesis and biochemical approaches, we have defined the catalytic carboxylate residue that is required for ATP hydrolysis. Although the original catalytic carboxylate hypothesis suggested the presence of a catalytic glutamate between the Walker A (SRQLGKT(161-167)) and Walker B (MIYID(251-255)) motifs, none of the four candidate glutamic acid residues, E198, E208, E220 and E227, is required for function. However, the E256 residue that is immediately adjacent to the putative Walker B aspartic acid residue (D255) exhibited a phenotypic pattern that is consistent with the catalytic carboxylate function. None of the amino acid substitutions, including the highly conservative D and Q, was tolerated. Biochemical analyses showed that the purified E256V, D, and Q mutant gp17s exhibited a complete loss of gp16-stimulated ATPase activity and in vitro DNA packaging activity, whereas their ATP binding and DNA cleavage functions remained intact. The data suggest that the E256 mutants are trapped in an ATP-bound conformation and are unable to catalyze the ATP hydrolysis-transduction cycle that powers DNA translocation. Thus, this study for the first time identified and characterized a catalytic glutamate residue that is involved in the energy transduction mechanism of a viral DNA packaging machine.  相似文献   

快速获取55型腺病毒基因组序列的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】建立快速获取55型腺病毒的全长基因组序列的方法。【方法】根据55型腺病毒的基因组特点,设计覆盖55型腺病毒基因组序列的12对引物,分别以55型腺病毒DNA为模板,扩增得到12个PCR产物,通过对12个PCR产物测序及序列拼接,获得55型腺病毒的全长基因组序列。【结果】从本院急性上呼吸道感染者咽拭子标本中分离得到一株55型腺病毒毒株SF04/SC/2016,以其DNA为模板扩增成功获得12个PCR产物,对其进行测序,并对12段序列进行拼接得到55型腺病毒的全长基因组序列,与已报到的各型腺病毒序列进行比对,采用邻位相连法构建系统发育进化树,所得序列与55型腺病毒处于同一分支,进一步确认该病原体为55型腺病毒。【结论】研究公布的序列和方法,能够实现更方便对腺病毒的快速测序,为揭示55型腺病毒的进化特点及制订疾病防控策略提供了有效手段。  相似文献   

The packaging RNA (pRNA) found in phi29 bacteriophage is an essential component of a molecular motor that packages the phage''s DNA genome. The pRNA forms higher-order multimers by intermolecular “kissing” interactions between identical molecules. The phi29 pRNA is a proven building block for nanotechnology and a model to explore the rare phenomenon of naturally occurring RNA self-association. Although the self-association properties of the phi29 pRNA have been extensively studied and this pRNA is used in nanotechnology, the characteristics of phylogenetically related pRNAs with divergent sequences are comparatively underexplored. These diverse pRNAs may lend new insight into both the rules governing RNA self-association and for RNA engineering. Therefore, we used a combination of biochemical and biophysical methods to resolve ambiguities in the proposed secondary structures of pRNAs from M2, GA1, SF5, and B103 phage, and to discover that different naturally occurring pRNAs form multimers of different stoichiometry and thermostability. Indeed, the M2 pRNA formed multimers that were particularly thermostable and may be more useful than phi29 pRNA for many applications. To determine if diverse pRNA behaviors are conferred by different kissing loop sequences, we designed and tested chimeric RNAs based on our revised secondary structural models. We found that although the kissing loops are essential for self-association, the critical determinant of multimer stability and stoichiometry is likely the diverse three-way junctions found in these RNAs. Using known features of RNA three-way junctions and solved structures of phi29 pRNA''s junction, we propose a model for how different junctions affect self-association.  相似文献   

We characterize the equilibrium thermodynamics of a thick polymer confined in a spherical region of space. This is used to gain insight into the DNA packaging process. The experimental reference system for the present study is the recent characterization of the loading process of the genome inside the phi29 bacteriophage capsid. Our emphasis is on the modelling of double-stranded DNA as a flexible thick polymer (tube) instead of a beads-and-springs chain. By using finite-size scaling to extrapolate our results to genome lengths appropriate for phi29, we find that the thickness-induced force may account for up to half the one measured experimentally at high packing densities. An analogous agreement is found for the total work that has to be spent in the packaging process. Remarkably, such agreement can be obtained in the absence of any tunable parameters and is a mere consequence of the DNA thickness. Furthermore, we provide a quantitative estimate of how the persistence length of a polymer depends on its thickness. The expression accounts for the significant difference in the persistence lengths of single and double-stranded DNA (again with the sole input of their respective sections and natural nucleotide/base-pair spacing).  相似文献   

Reovirus replication occurs in the cytoplasm of the host cell, in virally induced mini‐organelles called virus factories. On the basis of the serotype of the virus, the virus factories can manifest as filamentous (type 1 Lang strain) or globular structures (type 3 Dearing strain). The filamentous factories morphology is dependent on the microtubule cytoskeleton; however, the exact function of the microtubule network in virus replication remains unknown. Using a combination of fluorescent microscopy, electron microscopy, and tomography of high‐pressure frozen and freeze‐substituted cells, we determined the ultrastructural organisation of reovirus factories. Cells infected with the reovirus microtubule‐dependent strain display paracrystalline arrays of progeny virions resulting from their tiered organisation around microtubule filaments. On the contrary, in cells infected with the microtubule‐independent strain, progeny virions lacked organisation. Conversely to the microtubule‐dependent strain, around half of the viral particles present in these viral factories did not contain genomes (genome‐less particles). Complementarily, interference with the microtubule filaments in cells infected with the microtubule‐dependent strain resulted in a significant increase of genome‐less particle number. This decrease of genome packaging efficiency could be rescued by rerouting viral factories on the actin cytoskeleton. These findings demonstrate that the scaffolding properties of the microtubule, and not biochemical nature of tubulin, are critical determinants for reovirus efficient genome packaging. This work establishes, for the first time, a functional correlation between ultrastructural organisation of reovirus factories with genome packaging efficiency and provides novel information on how viruses coordinate assembly of progeny particles.  相似文献   

PRD1 is the type virus of the Tectiviridae family. Its linear double-stranded DNA genome has covalently attached terminal proteins and is surrounded by a membrane, which is further enclosed within an icosahedral protein capsid. Similar to tailed bacteriophages, PRD1 packages its DNA into a preformed procapsid. The PRD1 putative packaging ATPase P9 is a structural protein located at a unique vertex of the capsid. An in vitro system for packaging DNA into preformed empty procapsids was developed. The system uses cell extracts of overexpressed P9 protein and empty procapsids from a P9-deficient mutant virus infection and PRD1 DNA containing a LacZalpha-insert. The in vitro packaged virions produce distinctly blue plaques when plated on a suitable host. This is the first time that a viral genome is packaged in vitro into a membrane vesicle. Comparison of PRD1 P9 with putative packaging ATPase sequences from bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic viruses revealed a new packaging ATPase-specific motif. Surprisingly the viruses having this packaging ATPase motif, and thus considered to be related, were the same as those recently grouped together using the coat protein fold and virion architecture. Our finding here strongly supports the idea that all these viruses infecting hosts in all domains of life had a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of DNA molecules of Salmonella phage 22 which represent the molecular termini created by the terminase reaction have been cloned and sequenced. The terminase cleavage separates a headful-sized piece of DNA from the concatemeric precursor; by successful cloning strategy it was shown that the terminase produces blunt ends. The termini of 20 different phage DNA molecules fall into a region located between about 600 and 4000 bp from the pac signal and show a Gaussian distribution. The average terminal redundancy was calculated to be about 2230 by (=5.3%) and is therefore higher than was previously reported. A comparison of the nucleotides flanking the terminal bases of 20 different end clones does not support the suggestion that the terminase recognizes some specific sequence and/or structural information in determining the actual cleavage site.  相似文献   

In a virus destabilization assay in vitro it was demonstrated that exposure of adenovirus to proteins will non-specifically protect the virus from being uncoated following transfer to low pH and hypotonic conditions. Such uncoating was also fully inhibited upon pretreatment of virus with 0.05% of the non-ionic detergent polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate (Tween 20). However, in the presence of low concentrations of Tween 20 it was shown that monospecific immunoglobulins, directed against the fiber antigen and polyspecific antibodies produced in response to intact virions, were able to overcome the detergent-protecting effect of uncoating. Immunoglobulins directed towards the remaining outer-capsid components, the hexon, the penton base and the protein IIIa, revealed no such effects. The antifiber-mediated uncoating was paralleled by an aggregation of the virions. The data suggest that the virion-stabilizing effect of salt is enhanced by the hydrophobic action of a non-ionic detergent. Under these conditions the interaction between antifiber antibodies and fibers of the virion will trigger a destabilization of the virion upon transfer to low pH and hypotonic conditions.  相似文献   

H-NS plays a role in condensing DNA in the bacterial nucleoid. This 136 amino acid protein comprises two functional domains separated by a flexible linker. High order structures formed by the N-terminal oligomerization domain (residues 1-89) constitute the basis of a protein scaffold that binds DNA via the C-terminal domain. Deletion of residues 57-89 or 64-89 of the oligomerization domain precludes high order structure formation, yielding a discrete dimer. This dimerization event represents the initial event in the formation of high order structure. The dimers thus constitute the basic building block of the protein scaffold. The three-dimensional solution structure of one of these units (residues 1-57) has been determined. Activity of these structural units is demonstrated by a dominant negative effect on high order structure formation on addition to the full length protein. Truncated and site-directed mutant forms of the N-terminal domain of H-NS reveal how the dimeric unit self-associates in a head-to-tail manner and demonstrate the importance of secondary structure in this interaction to form high order structures. A model is presented for the structural basis for DNA packaging in bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in bacteriophage T4 and other viruses occurs by translocation of DNA into an empty prohead by a packaging machine assembled at the portal vertex. Coordinated with this complex process is the cutting of concatemeric DNA to initiate and terminate DNA packaging and encapsidate one genome-length viral DNA. The catalytic site responsible for cutting, and the mechanisms by which cutting is precisely coordinated with DNA translocation remained as interesting open questions. Phage T4, unlike the phages with defined ends (e.g. lambda, T3, T7), packages DNA in a strictly headful manner, and exhibits no strict sequence specificity to initiate or terminate DNA packaging. Previous evidence suggests that the large terminase protein gp17, a key component of the T4 packaging machine, possesses a non-specific DNA cutting activity. A histidine-rich metal-binding motif, H382-X(2)-H385-X(16)-C402-X(8)-H411-X(2)-H414-X(15)-H430-X(5)-H436, in the C-terminal half of gp17 is thought to be involved in the terminase cleavage. Here, exhaustive site-directed mutagenesis revealed that none of the cysteine and histidine residues other than the H436 residue is critical for function. On the other hand, a cluster of conserved residues within this region, D401, E404, G405, and D409, are found to be critical for function. Biochemical analyses showed that the D401 mutants exhibited a novel phenotype, showing a loss of in vivo DNA cutting activity but not the DNA packaging activity. The functional nature of the critical residues and their disposition in the conserved loop region between two predicted beta-strands suggest that these residues are part of a metal-coordinated catalytic site that cleaves the phosphodiester bond of DNA substrate. The data suggest that the T4 terminase consists of at least two functional domains, an N-terminal DNA-translocating ATPase domain and a C-terminal DNA-cutting domain. Although the DNA recognition mechanisms may be distinct, it appears that T4 and other phage terminases employ a common catalytic paradigm for phosphodiester bond cleavage that is used by numerous nucleases.  相似文献   

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