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The beta-complementary hexamer, beta-d[GTACGC], to the alpha-sequence, alpha-d[CATGCG], was synthesized by the phosphotriester method. The non-exchangeable proton assignments were obtained using 1D- and 2D-NMR techniques, including NOE, COSY and NOESY. The beta-strand exists as a random coil at 21 degrees C; however, at 4 degrees C, it forms an antiparallel self-recognition duplex annealing at positions 1-4. The beta-strand was annealed to the alpha-strand, and confirmation of complete annealing was obtained by detection and assignment of the six base pair imino protons in H2O/D2O solution at 21 degrees C. 1D-NOE experiments of the alpha, beta duplex d[alpha-(CATGCG) X beta-(GTACGC)] reveal that (i) it exists in aqueous solution in a conformation that belongs to the B family, (ii) it is 70 +/- 10% right-handed, (iii) the sugar-base orientations of the beta-strand are anti, and the deoxyribose units exist predominantly in the 2'-endo-3'-exo conformation. NOE measurements of the imino proton signals in the alpha, beta duplex reveal that the duplex exhibits parallel polarity.  相似文献   

The novel deoxyribonucleotide alpha-[d(CpCpTpTpCpC)] and its complement beta-[d(GpGpApApGpG)] were synthesized by the phosphotriester method. 1H-NMR-NOE examination of the alpha-hexamer revealed that the cytosine and thymine bases appear to adopt anti conformations in this strand. In addition the deoxyribose of the thymidine moieties may adopt average conformations approximating to C3'-endo while the cytidine furanose groups are close to C2'-endo conformations. Both hyperchromicity in thermal melting and detection of base paired imino protons in 1H-NMR studies in H2O provide evidence for the annealing of alpha-d[CCTTCC] with its complement beta-d[GGAAGG] in potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.1 containing 10 mM magnesium chloride. Under these conditions thermal melting begins at 38 degrees C and its complete at approximately 45 degrees C. NOE experiments do not permit a decision on the polarity of annealing (predicted to be parallel) for this particular pair of sequences.  相似文献   

The secondary structures of double-stranded poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] in films have been studied by IR spectroscopy with three different counterions (Na+, Cs+, and Ni2+) and a wide variety of water content conditions (relative humidity between 100 and 47%). In addition to the A-, B-, C-, and D-form spectra, a new IR spectrum has been obtained in the presence of nickel ions. The IR spectra of Ni2+-poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] films are analyzed by comparison with previously assigned IR spectra of left-handed poly[d(G-C)].poly[d(G-C)] and poly[d(A-C)].poly[d(G-T)], and it is possible to conclude that they reflect a Z-type structure for poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)]. The Z conformation has been favored by the high polynucleotide concentration, by the low water content of the films, and by specific interactions of the transition metal ions with the purine bases stabilized in a syn conformation. A structuration of the water hydration molecules around the double-stranded Ni2+-poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] is shown by the presence of a strong sharp water band at 1615 cm-1.  相似文献   

The two deoxyribonucleotides [d(CpGpApTpCpG)]2 and [d(CpGpCpG)]2 were synthesized by the phosphotriester method. Their duplex form under the conditions of the 1H-nmr experiments was proven by end 32P labeling with T4 polynucleotide kinase followed by butt end joining employing the absolute specificity of T4 ligase for double stranded DNA and analysis using gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Complete nmr assignment of the 1H chemical shifts and coupling constants was achieved. The assignments were secured using sequential decoupling, NOE difference measurements, and two-dimensional COSY and SECSY experiments. Spectrum simulation confirmed the experimental values of chemical shifts and coupling constants. The techniques for the assignment outlined together with 31P and 2-D heteronuclear shift correlation permit an approach to a systematic analysis of more complex single-strand and duplex oligodeoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

The binding of propidium to poly(dA).poly(dT) [poly(dA.dT)] and to poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] [poly[d(A-T)2]] has been compared under a variety of solution conditions by viscometric titrations, binding studies, and kinetic experiments. The binding of propidium to poly[d(A-T)2] is quite similar to its binding to calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The interaction with poly(dA.dT), however, is quite unusual. The viscosity of a poly(dA.dT) solution first decreases and then increases in a titration with propidium at 18 degrees C. The viscosity of poly[d(A-T)2] shows no decrease in a similar titration. Scatchard plots for the interaction of propidium with poly(dA.dT) show the classical upward curvature for positive cooperativity. The curvature decreases as the temperature is increased in binding experiments. A van't Hoff plot of the observed binding constants yields an apparent positive enthalpy of approximately +6 kcal/mol for the propidium-poly(dA.dT) interaction. Propidium binding to poly[d(A-T)2] shows no evidence for positive cooperativity, and the enthalpy change for the reaction is approximately -9 kcal/mol. Both the magnitude of the dissociation constants and the effects of ionic strength are quite similar for the dissociation of propidium from poly(dA-T)2] and from poly[d(A-T)2], suggesting that the intercalated states are similar for the two complexes. The observed association reactions, under pseudo-first-order conditions, are quite different. Plots of the observed pseudo-first-order association rate constant vs. polymer concentration have much larger slopes for propidium binding to poly[d(A-T)2] than to poly(dA.dT).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


Complete 1H-nmr assignment has been achieved of the stoichiometric 1:1 complex of the antitumor agent mitoxantrone with the duplex oligomer [d(CpGpCpG)]2. The techniques used included 2D-COSY, 1D-NOE and 2D-HH-INADEQUATE. Comparisons of 1H and 13C chemical shift changes upon addition of drug suggest symmetrical intercalative binding to the center of the tetramer. NOE difference measurements and 31P studies suggest binding of the terminal OH groups of the side chains to the central phosphate groups such that the methylene groups are proximate to C(3)6, C(3)6 and G(4)8 base protons all in the major groove. The data suggest that the side chains bind to the neighboring base pairs from the intercalation site. This is in accord with independent evidence of G,C base preference for binding from spectroscopic and electron microscopy studies.  相似文献   

The complementary consensus acceptor exon:intron junction d(ApCpCpTpGpTpApG) has been synthesized by a modified phosphotriester method. The non self-complementary octamer exists in the random coil form in aqueous buffer at 20 degrees C as evidenced by temperature variable 1H-NMR and NOE measurements. The non-exchangeable proton assignments were secured using a combination of techniques including two-dimensional COSY, NOESY and 1H-1H-INADEQUATE. The octamer was annealed with the primary consensus sequence d(CpTpApCpApGpGpT). Confirmation of complete duplex formation was confirmed by detection and assignment of imino protons in D2O:H2O mixtures. Assignment of the non-exchangeable proton signals in the duplex consensus junction was then secured by a combination of two-dimensional COSY correlations, NOESY and NOE experiments. Determination of individual vicinal coupling constants in the component deoxyribose moieties permitted deduction of the population of S conformations in this sequence. It is concluded that the consensus acceptor junction exists in solution in a conformation belonging to the B family, and that the bases are oriented anti. In addition the deoxyribose moieties in the 5' regions exist predominantly in the S form (2'endo-3'exo) whereas those residues on or adjacent to the junction on the primary strand show more N character (2'exo-3'endo). The contiguous bases A5-G6 (adjacent to the junction) and A15-G16 are stacked more closely than the other neighbor bases in this duplex sequence. These subtle structural and conformational differences in the exon:intron junction may serve as recognition signals for these critical sites in the genome.  相似文献   

The conserved sequence element and branch site splice signal d(TpApCpTpApApC) has been synthesized by a solid phase procedure. All the non-exchangeable protons have been assigned using a combination of one-dimensional and two-dimensional 1H-NMR analytical procedures. On the basis of the low NOE intensities in the 1D-NOE and NOESY experiments, the heptamer exists in solution as a random coil. The deoxyribose rings towards the 5' terminus exist predominantly in the S form (2'-endo-3'-exo) while residues on or adjacent to the 2' branch site in the eventual lariat structure [A(6) of TACTAAC] show more N-character (3'endo-2'-exo). In addition unique propeller twisting at contiguous AT base pairs in the consensus 5'-splice site occurs in the region in which there is partial complementarity with the branch splice signal TACTAAC. These subtle structural features, if carried over to the corresponding RNA, may have significance either as a recognition signals or for stereochemical reasons in the formation of the lariat intermediate in the maturation process of mRNA.  相似文献   

Four chromatographically distinct DNA-dependent ATPases, B, C1, C2, and C3, have been partially purified from mouse FM3A cell extracts. These ATPases are distinguished from each other by their physical and enzymological properties. DNA-dependent ATPases B, C1, C2, and C3 have sedimentation coefficients in 250 mM KCl of 5.5, 5.3, 7.3, and 3.4 S, respectively. ATPases B, C2, and C3 hydrolyze dATP as efficiently as ATP, whereas C1 does not. ATPase B hydrolyzes other ribonucleoside triphosphates with relatively high efficiency as compared to the other three enzymes. ATPase C3 prefers poly[d(A-T)] to poly(dT) as cofactor, whereas the other three enzymes prefer poly(dT) to poly[d(A-T)]. Among the four ATPases, ATPase C3 has been highly purified and characterized in detail. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the most purified fraction of ATPase C3 showed two major bands corresponding to molecular weights of 66 000 and 63 000. The Km values of the enzyme for ATP and dATP are 0.53 and 0.86 mM, respectively. As cofactor, poly[d(A-T)] is the most effective among the DNAs tested. Heat-denatured DNA and native DNA are also effective but used with less efficiency. Almost no or very little activity has been detected with ribohomopolymers and oligonucleotides. The activity attained with poly(dT) and poly(dA) is 11 and 6% of that with heat-denatured DNA, respectively. When both polymers were added at a molar ratio 1 to 1, very high activity was obtained with these polymers. On the other hand, little activity was observed by the combination of noncomplementary homopolymers such as poly(dT) and poly(dG).  相似文献   

UV thermal melting studies, CD and NMR spectroscopies were employed to assess the contribution of antipodal sugar conformations on the stability of the canonical B-DNA conformation of the Dickerson-Drew dodecamer duplex [[d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2, (ODN 1)]. Different oligodeoxynucleotide versions of ODN 1 were synthesized with modified thymidine units favoring distinct sugar conformations by using a 3'- endo (north) 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxyribofuranosyl thymine (1) or a 2'- endo (south) 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxyarabinofuranosyl thymine (2). The results showed that two south thymidines greatly stabilized the double helix, whereas two north thymidines destabilized it by inducing a more A-like conformation in the middle of the duplex. Use of combinations of north and south thymidine conformers in the same oligo destabilized the double helix even further, but without inducing a conformational change. The critical length for establishing a detectable A-like conformation in the middle of a B-DNA ODN appears to be 4 bp. Our results suggest that manipulation of the conformation of DNA in a sequence-independent manner is possible.  相似文献   

A self-complementary hexanucleotide consisting of thymidine and 2-amino-deoxyadenosine, d(TA')3, has been synthesized by a solid phase phosphotriester method. Melting studies show that the additional hydrogen bond afforded by the 2-amino group substantially stabilizes the duplex. Moreover, conformational analysis using circular dichroism shows that a salt-induced conformational transition occurs, similar to the B leads to Z transition observed for d(CG)n oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

All 1H-NMR resonances of d-[CATGGCCATG]2 and the 1:1 complex of lexitropsin 1 and the DNA were assigned by the NOE difference, COSY and NOESY methods. Addition of 1 causes the base and imino protons for the sequence 5'-CCAT to undergo the most marked drug-induced chemical shift changes, thereby indicating that 1 is located in this base pair sequence. NOEs confirmed the location and orientation of the drug in the 1:1 complex, with the amino terminus oriented to C(6). The van der Waals interaction between H12a,b of 1 and AH2(8) may be responsible for reading of the 3' A.T base pair in the 5'-CCAT sequence. Exchange NMR effects allow an estimate of approximately equal to 62 s-1 for the intramolecular "slide-swing" exchange of the lexitropsin between two equivalent binding sites with delta G = 58 +/- 5 kJ mol-1 at 301 degrees K.  相似文献   

A combined 1H-NMR and molecular mechanics study of [Cpp1, Sar7]AVP was performed in order to select the most probable conformations in DMSO solutions. The NMR constraints obtained were employed in the selection of starting conformations of the cyclic moiety of the analog. In particular, the diminished accessibility of the Asn5 NH proton to solvent and the close contact between Cpp1 and Cys6 C alpha H protons suggests a beta-turn conformation at the Phe3-Gln4 residues. Energy minimization was carried out both in the ECEPP/2 (rigid-valence geometry) and in the AMBER (flexible-valence geometry) force fields. Comparison of the experimental and calculated values of NMR characteristics has revealed that conformations containing type I, II, and III beta-turns at the Phe3-Gln4 residues are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data, with a dynamic equilibrium between the beta I (beta III) and beta II type structures of the cyclic part being the most probable. All of these conformations prefer the negative chirality of the disulfide bridge (theta 3 approximately -90 degrees). Five representative conformations were chosen for the acyclic tail: one with a beta I, one with a beta II'-turn at the Sar7-Arg8 residues, two extended-type conformations, and a conformation with a gamma-turn at Sar7. Because only high-energy extended conformations were in agreement with NMR data, it was concluded that the acyclic tail has considerable conformational flexibility in solution. The conformations obtained are discussed in terms of the structure-function relationship of the neurohypophyseal hormone analogs.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of the competitive angiotensin II antagonist sarmesin [Sar-Arg-Val-Tyr(Me)-His-Pro-Phe] and its heptapeptide analogue [des1]sarmesin in dimethylsulphoxide-d6 were investigated by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) enhancement studies. Assignment of all backbone and side-chain protons was possible by combining information from intraresidue NOE studies with two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY) studies. Saturation of the His C alpha proton of sarmesin produced essentially the same interresidue NOE enhancement of the two Pro C delta protons, illustrating the presence of the trans His-Pro bond. Saturation of the Sar N-methyl group caused enhancement of one of the His C beta protons, suggesting the presence of a turn in the N-terminal region of the molecule. Saturation of His C2 in sarmesin and [des1]sarmesin enhanced the Tyr(Me) methyl signal. Saturation of the Tyr(Me) methyl protons in [des1]sarmesin produced NOE enhancement of the His C2 and C4 protons, and saturation of the His C2 proton enhanced the Tyr(Me) meta and ortho proton signals. Interresidue interactions between the Tyr(Me) and His protons in sarmesin and [des1]sarmesin illustrate that these two side-chains remain in close proximity even in the absence of the postulated hydrogen bond between Tyr hydroxyl and the His imidazole ring in angiotensin II. The data suggest a preferred conformation for sarmesin in DMSO in which the peptide backbone is S-shaped and similar to that for angiotensin II.  相似文献   

We have replaced the pyridyl ring of trovirdine with an alicyclic cyclohexenyl, adamantyl or cis-myrtanyl ring. Only the cyclohexenyl-containing thiourea compound N-[2-(1-cyclohexenyl)ethyl]-N'-[2-(5-bromopyridyl)]- thiourea (HI-346) (as well as its chlorine-substituted derivative N-[2-(1-cyclohexenyl)ethyl]-N'-[2-(5-chloropyridyl)]- thiourea/HI-445) showed RT inhibitory activity. HI-346 and HI-445 effectively inhibited recombinant RT with better IC50 values than other anti-HIV agents tested. The ranking order of efficacy in cell-free RT inhibition assays was: HI-346 (IC50 = 0.4 microM) > HI-445 (IC50 = 0.5 microM) > trovirdine (IC50 = 0.8 microM) > MKC-442 (IC5 = 0.8 microM) = delavirdine (IC50 = 1.5 microM) > nevirapine (IC50 = 23 microM). In accord with this data, both compounds inhibited the replication of the drug-sensitive HIV-1 strain HTLV(IIIB) with better IC50 values than other anti-HIV agents tested. The ranking order of efficacy in cellular HIV-1 inhibition assays was: HI-445 = HI-346 (IC50 = 3 nM) > MKC-442 (IC50 = 4 nM) = AZT (IC50 = 4 nM) > trovirdine (IC50 = 7 nM) > delavirdine (IC50 = 9 nM) > nevirapine (IC50 = 34 nM). Surprisingly, the lead compounds HI-346 and HI-445 were 3-times more effective against the multidrug resistant HIV-1 strain RT-MDR with a V106A mutation (as well as additional mutations involving the RT residues 74V,41L, and 215Y) than they were against HTLV(IIIB) with wild-type RT. HI-346 and HI-445 were 20-times more potent than trovirdine, 200-times more potent than AZT, 300-times more potent than MKC-442, 400-times more potent than delavirdine, and 5000-times more potent than nevirapine against the multidrug resistant HIV-1 strain RT-MDR. HI-445 was also tested against the RT Y181C mutant A17 strain of HIV-1 and found to be >7-fold more effective than trovirdine and >1,400-fold more effective than nevirapine or delavirdine. Similarly, both HI-346 and HI-445 were more effective than trovirdine, nevirapine, and delavirdine against the problematic NNI-resistant HIV-1 strain A17-variant with both Y181C and K103N mutations in RT, although their activity was markedly reduced against this strain. Neither compound exhibited significant cytotoxicity at effective concentrations (CC50 >100 microM). These findings establish the lead compounds HI-346 and HI-445 as potent inhibitors of drug-sensitive as well as multidrug-resistant stains of HIV-1.  相似文献   

The non-exchangeable and imino proton NMR resonances have been assigned of the 1:1 complex of an analogue 2 of Hoechst 33258 1 bound to the decadeoxyribonuycleotide d-[CATGGCCATG]2 by a combination of NOE difference, COSY and NOESYPH techniques. In contrast to Hoechst 33258 which recognizes 5'-AATT sequences exclusively, analogue 2 possesses structural features designed to permit the recognition of GC sites. The NOESY and 1D-NOE experiments place the drug in the minor groove and it is located on the 5'-CCAT sequence. The orientation of the drug in the groove is such as to place the N-methylpiperazine terminus at a GC site. Cross-correlation peaks in the NOESY experiment show that the DNA duplex retains its right-handed B form, similar to that in the free decamer. Specific NOEs locate the benzoxazole moiety on the 5'-CCAT and are consistent with the pyridine nitrogen forming a new hydrogen bond to G(4)-2NH2 at 5'-CCAT. The drug appears to undergo rotation around the C9-C10 bond, at a rate comparable with NMR time scale, even after binding. Variable temperature 1H-NMR studies established that the DNA is thermally stabilized as a result of the drug binding. The drug binding is a dynamic process involving exchange between the equivalent 5'-CCAT sites at approximately 60s-1 with delta G degree of 65 kJ mol-1 at 308K. The experimental evidence is in accord with a slide-swing mechanism for this process.  相似文献   

The solution structure of a rather unusual B-form duplex [d(ATGAGCGAATA)]2 has been determined using two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D-NMR) and distance geometry methods. This sequence forms a stable ten base-pair B-form duplex with 3' overhangs and two pairs of adjacent G:A mismatches paired via a sheared hydrogen-bonding scheme. All non-exchangeable protons, including the stereo-specific H-5'S/H-5'R of the 3G and 7G residues, were assigned by 2D-NMR. The phosphorus spectrum was assigned using heteronuclear correlation with H-3' and H-4' reasonances. The complete assignments reveal several unusual nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) and unusual chemical shifts for the neighboring G:A mismatch pairs and their adjacent nucleotides. Inter-proton distances were derived from time-dependent NOEs and used to generate initial structures, which were further refined by iterative back-calculation of the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra; 22 final structures were calculated from the refined distance bounds. All these final structures exhibit fully wound helical structures with small penalty values against the refined distance bounds and small pair-wise root-mean-square deviation values (typically 0.5 A to 0.9 A). The two helical strands exchange base stacking at both of the two G:A mismatch sites, resulting in base stacking down each side rather than down each strand of the twisted duplex. Very large twist angles (77 degrees) were found at the G:A mismatch steps. All the final structures were found to have BII phosphate conformations at the adjacent G:A mismatch sites, consistent with observed downfield 31P chemical shifts and Monte-Carlo conformational search results. Our results support the hypothesis that 31P chemical shifts are related to backbone torsion angles. These BII phosphate conformations in the adjacent G:A mismatch step suggest that hydrogen bonding of the G:A pair G-NH2 to a nearby phosphate oxygen atom is unlikely. The unusual structure of the duplex may be stabilized by strong interstrand base stacking as well as intrastrand stacking, as indicated by excellent base overlap within the mismatch stacks.  相似文献   

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