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The reversibility of the stepwise reduction of Compound I to the ferric state via Compound II was confirmed in horseradish peroxidases A2 and C. The values of E'o (compound I/Compound II) and E'O (Compound II/ferric) were measured from equilibrium data coupled with the K2IrCl6-K3IrCl6 system in a narrow region of pH near 6.3. The ferric enzymes were also oxidized by ferricyanide to Compound II at alkaline pH and the values of E'O (Compound II/ferric) were measured from the equilibrium data. The pH dependence of E'O (Compound II/ferric) was in accord with the equation: E'O = EO + 0.058 log (Kr[H+] + [H+]2)/(KO + [H+]), where Kr and KO are proton dissociation constants in the ferric enzyme and Compound II, respectively. The pH-E'O (Compound I/Compound II) curves were likewise obtained from the equation, E'O = EO + 0.058 log (Kr + [H+]), where Kr is the proton dissociation constant in Compound II. The forward and backward rate constants were measured in each of one-electron transfer reactions of the peroxidases with the K2IrCl6-K3IrCl6 system at various pH values. The E'O values calculated on the assumption that the ratio of the rate constants equals the equilibrium constant were compared with those obtained from the equilibrium data.  相似文献   

Proton NMR spectra at 270 MHz have been measured for horseradish peroxidase and turnip peroxidase isoenzymes (P1, P2, P3 and P7) in both their high spin ferric native states and as the low spin ferric cyanide complexes. Resonances of amino acids near the heme have been identified and used to investigate variations in the structure of the heme crevice amongst the enzymes. Ligand proton resonances have been resolved in spectra of the cyanide complexes of the peroxidases and these provide information on the heme electronic structure. The electronic structure of the heme and the tertiary structure of the heme crevice are essentially the same in the acidic turnip isoenzymes, P1, P2 and, to a lesser extent, P3 but differ in the basic turnip enzyme, P7. The heme electronic structure and nature of the iron ligands in peroxidases are discussed. Further evidence is presented for histidine as the proximal ligand. A heme-linked ionizable group with a pK of 6.5 has been detected by NMR in the cyanide complex of horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase will catalyze the chlorination of certain substrates by sodium chlorite through an intermediate known as compound X. A chlorite-derived chlorine atom is known to be retained by compound X and has been proposed to be located at the heme active site. Although several heme structures have been proposed for compound X, including an Fe(IV)-OCl group, preliminary data previously reported by our laboratory suggested that compound X contained a heme Fe(IV) = O group, based on the similarity of a compound X resonance Raman band at 788 cm-1 to resonance Raman Fe(IV) = O stretching vibrations recently identified for horseradish peroxidase compound II and ferryl myoglobin. Isotopic studies now confirm that the 788 cm-1 resonance Raman band of compound X is, in fact, due to a heme Fe(IV) = O group, with the oxygen atom derived from chlorite. The Fe(IV) = O frequency of compound X, of horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes B and C, undergoes a pH-induced frequency shift, with behavior which appears to be the same as that previously reported for compound II, formed from the same isoenzymes. These observations strongly suggest that compounds II and X have very similar, if not identical, heme structures. The chlorine atom thus appears not to be heme-bound and may rather be located on an amino acid residue. The studies on compound X reported here were done in a pH region above pH 8, where compound X is moderately stable. The present results do not necessarily apply to compound X below pH 8.  相似文献   

Heme-linked ionizations in Compound I and II of horseradish peroxidases, the presence of which was suggested from kinetic data by H. B. Dunford and J. S. Stillman [(1976) Coordination Chem. Rev.19, 187], were detected from two independent experiments of spectrophotometric titration and proton balance. The values of pKa in Compound II were 6.9 for peroxidase A2 and 8.5 for peroxidase C. The kinetic results were accounted for by assuming that the alkaline forms of Compound II are inactive or very sluggish toward electron donors. It was concluded that the two ionizations occur in a functionally homologous position of the two isoenzymes, which is the distal group itself or closely related to it. A heme-linked ionization of pKa = ca. 5.4 in Compound I of peroxidase C could be detected from pH changes of the visible spectrum. Measuring proton balance in each step of reductions from Compound I to Compound II to the ferric enzyme, it was found that ionizations having similar pKa values of 5.1–5.4 are present in both Compound I and the ferric enzyme. The pKa group in the ferric enzyme was confirmed to correspond with that reported by H. Theorell and K. G. Paul [(1944) Arkiv Kemi Mineral. Geol.18A, No. 12]. A tentative model for the vicinity of heme-iron of peroxidase C is presented as a working hypothesis.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the structure and environment of the heme group in bovine liver catalase compound II. Both Soret- and Q-band excitation have been employed to observe and assign the skeletal stretching frequencies of the porphyrin ring. The oxidation state marker band v4 increases in frequency from 1373 cm-1 in ferricatalase to 1375 cm-1 in compound II, consistent with oxidation of the iron atom to the Fe(IV) state. Oxidation of five-coordinate, high-spin ferricatalase to compound II is accompanied by a marked increase of the porphyrin core marker frequencies that is consistent with a six-coordinate low-spin state with a contracted core. An Fe(IV) = O stretching band is observed at 775 cm-1 for compound II at neutral pH, indicating that there is an oxo ligand at the sixth site. At alkaline pH, the Fe(IV) = O stretching band shifts to 786 cm-1 in response to a heme-linked ionization that is attributed to the distal His-74 residue. Experiments carried out in H218O show that the oxo ligand of compound II exchanges with bulk water at neutral pH, but not at alkaline pH. This is essentially the same behavior exhibited by horseradish peroxidase compound II and the exchange reaction at neutral pH for both enzymes is attributed to acid/base catalysis by a distal His residue that is believed to be hydrogen-bonded to the oxo ligand. Thus, the structure and environment of the heme group of the compound II species of catalase and horseradish peroxidase are very similar. This indicates that the marked differences in their reactivities as oxidants are probably due to the manner in which the protein controls access of substrates to the heme group.  相似文献   

In the reaction between equimolar amounts of horseradish peroxidase and chlorite, the native enzyme is oxidized directly to Compound II (Hewson, W.D., and Hager, L.P. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 3175-3181). At acidic pH but not at alkaline values, this initial reaction is followed by oxidation of Compound II to Compound I. The highly pH-dependent chemistry of Compound II can be readily demonstrated by the reduction of Compound I, with ferrocyanide at acidic, neutral, and alkaline pH values. Titration at low pH yields very little Compound II, whereas at high pH, the yield is quantitative. Similarly, the reaction of horseradish peroxidase and chlorite at low pH yields Compound I while only Compound II is formed at high pH. At intermediate pH values both the ferrocyanide reduction and the chlorite reaction produce intermediate yields of Compound II. This behavior is explained in terms of acidic and basic forms of Compound II. The acidic form is reactive and unstable relative to the basic form. Compound II can be readily oxidized to Compound I by either chloride or chlorine dioxide in acidic solution. The oxidation does not occur in alkaline solution, nor will hydrogen peroxide cause the oxidation of Compound II, even at low pH.  相似文献   

Fe(IV)=O resonance Raman stretching vibrations were recently identified by this laboratory for horseradish peroxidase compound II and ferryl myoglobin. In the present report it is shown that Fe(IV)=O stretching frequency for horseradish peroxidase compound II will switch between two values depending on pH, with pKa values corresponding to the previously reported compound II heme-linked ionizations of pKa = 6.9 for isoenzyme A-2 and pKa = 8.5 for isoenzyme C. Similar pH-dependent shifts of the Fe(IV)=O frequency of ferryl myoglobin were not detected above pH 6. The Fe(IV)=O stretching frequencies of compound II of the horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes at pH values above the transition points were at a high value approaching the Fe(IV)=O stretching frequency of ferryl myoglobin. Below the transition points the horseradish peroxidase frequencies were found to be 10 cm-1 lower. Frequencies of the Fe(IV)=O stretching vibrations of horseradish peroxidase compound II for one set of isoenzymes were found to be sensitive to deuterium exchange below the transition point but not above. These results were interpreted to be indicative of an alkaline deprotonation of a distal amino acid group, probably histidine, which is hydrogen bonded to the oxyferryl group below the transition point. Deprotonation of this group at pH values above the pKa disrupts hydrogen bonding, raising the Fe(IV)=O stretching frequency, and is proposed to account for the lowering of compound II reactivity at alkaline pH. The high value of the Fe(IV)=O vibration of compound II above the transition point appears to be identical in frequency to what is believed to be the Fe(IV)=O vibration of compound X.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra have been obtained for Compound II of horseradish peroxidase. Its prophyrin vibrational frequencies are consistent with a planar low-spin heme containing Fe(IV). The oxidation-state marker band is found at the unprecedentedly high value of 1382 cm?1. This band was also observed in solutions of myoglobin and cytochrome c peroxidase to which H2O2 had been added. No evidence was found for an actual FeO double bond in Compound II.  相似文献   

Soret-excited resonance Raman (RR) spectra are reported for the Mn(III) and Mn(IV)Cl derivatives of meso-tris(p-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)corrole, H(3)T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor, and the Mn(III) derivative of beta-octabromo-meso-tris(p-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)corrole, H(3)Br(8)T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor. Three high-frequency bands in the RR spectrum of Mn(III)[T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor] at 1465, 1524 and 1615 cm(-1) appear to upshift to 1486, 1528 and 1620 cm(-1) for Mn(IV)[T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor]Cl. This suggests that the electronic character of the corrole ligand is significantly different for these two compounds, which is consistent with electrochemical evidence for partial radical character of the corrole ligand for Mn(IV)[T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor]Cl but not for Mn(III)[T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor]. The observed upshifts are also consistent with DFT calculations showing a shortening of some of the relevant bonds in the Mn(IV)Cl derivative relative to the Mn(III) derivative. The results raise the possibility of an extensive parallelism between the electronic structures of high-valent metallocorroles and metalloporphyrins. Three high-frequency bands in the RR spectrum of Mn(III)[T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor] at 1331, 1465 and 1545 cm(-1) appear to downshift to 1320, 1457 and 1537 cm(-1) for Mn(III)[Br(8)T(p-CF(3)-P)Cor]. This is consistent with the suspected longer carbon-carbon bond lengths in the brominated corrole macrocycle.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra were obtained in H2O or D2O solution for the purple intermediates of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) with isotopically labeled substrates, i.e., [1-13C]-, [2-13C]-, [3-13C]-, [15N]-, and [3,3,3-D3]alanine; [carboxyl-13C]- and [15N]proline. RR spectra were also measured for the intermediates of DAO reconstituted with isotopically labeled FAD's, i.e., [4a-13C]-, [4,10a-13C2]-, [2-13C]-, [5-15N]-, and [1,3-15N2]FAD in D2O. The isotopic shift of the 1692 cm-1 band upon [15N]- or [2-13C]-substitution of alanine indicates that the band is due to the C = N stretching mode of an imino acid derived from D-alanine, i.e., alpha-iminopropionate. The 1658 cm-1 band with D-proline was also assigned to the C = N stretching mode of an imino acid derived from D-proline, i.e., delta 1-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylate, since the band shifts to 1633 cm-1 upon [15N]-substitution and its stretching frequency is generally found in this frequency region. Since the band shifts to low frequency in D2O, the imino acid should have a protonated imino group such as the C = N+1H form. The intense band at 1363 cm-1 with D-alanine was assigned to a mixing of the CO2- symmetric stretching and CH3 symmetric deformation modes in alpha-iminopropionate, based on the isotope effects. The 1359 cm-1 band with D-proline has probably contributions of CO2- symmetric stretching and CH2 wagging, considering the isotope effects with [carboxyl-13C]proline. The 1359 cm-1 band with D-proline was split into 1371 cm-1 and 1334 cm-1 bands in D2O. As this splitting of the 1359 cm-1 band with D-proline in D2O can not be interpreted only by the replacement of the C = N+1-H proton by deuterium, the carboxylate of the imino acid probably interacts with the enzyme through some proton(s) exchangeable by deuterium(s) in D2O. The bands around 1605 cm-1 which shift upon [4a-13C]- and [4,10a-13C2]-labeling of FAD are derived from a fully reduced flavin, because the isotopic shifts of the band are very different from those of the bands of oxidized or semiquinoid flavin observed near 1605 cm-1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

By using pulsed and continuous wave laser irradiation in the 350-450-nm region, we have characterized Raman scattering from horseradish peroxidase (HRP) compounds I and II and from iron porphyrin pi-cation radical model compounds. For compound II we support the suggestion [Terner, J., Sitter, A. J., & Reczek, C. M. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 828, 73-80; Proniewicz, L. M., Bajdor, K., & Nakamoto, K. (1986) J. Phys. Chem. 90, 1760-1766] that resonance enhancement of the FeIV = O vibration proceeds by way of a charge-transfer state. Our excitation profile data locate this state at approximately 400 nm. Compound I was prepared at neutral pH by rapid mixing of the resting enzyme with hydrogen peroxide. Each sample aliquot was excited by a single, 10-ns laser pulse to generate the Raman spectrum; optical spectroscopy following the Raman measurement confirmed that HRP-I was the principal product during the time scale of the measurement. The Raman spectrum of this species, however, is not characteristic of that which we observe from metalloporphyrin pi-cation radicals [Oertling, W. A., Salehi, A., Chung, Y., Leroi, G. E., Chang, C. K., & Babcock, G. T. (1987) J. Phys. Chem. 91, 5887-5898], including the iron porphyrin cation radicals reported here. Instead, the spectrum recorded for HRP-I at neutral pH is suggestive of an oxoferryl heme with the same geometric and electronic structure as that of HRP-II at high pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The chlorite product of horseradish peroxidase, compound X, is shown by magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy in the temperature range 1.6-50 K to have a very similar haem structure to compound II under the same conditions (pH 10.7). Both are concluded to contain the Fe(IV) = 0 group. The MCD spectrum also detects an unusual species, absorbing at wavelengths between 600 and 750 nm, that has magnetic properties different from those of the ferryl haem group. It is suggested that this is a species at the same oxidation level as ferryl haem but with the porphyrin ring having suffered a one-electron oxidation, i.e. [Fe(III) P.+].  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra were obtained for the purple complexes of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) with D-lysine or N-methylalanine. RR spectra of a complex of oxidized DAO with the oxidation product of D-lysine or D-proline were also measured. The isotope shifts of the observed bands of the purple complex with D-lysine upon 13C- or 15N-substitution of lysine indicate that the ligand is delta 1-piperideine-2-carboxylate. That the band at 1671 cm-1 for the purple intermediate with N-methylalanine shifts to 1666 cm-1 in D2O solution indicates that the imino acid, N-methyl-alpha-iminopropionate, has a protonated imino group. Many bands due to a ligand in the RR spectra of the complex of oxidized DAO with an oxidation product can be observed below 1000 cm-1, but no band for the purple complex is seen in this frequency region. The band associated with the CO2-symmetric stretching mode of the product, such as delta 1-piperideine-2-carboxylate or delta 1-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylate, complexed with the oxidized DAO shifts in D2O solution. This suggests that the product imino acid interacts with the enzyme through some proton(s).  相似文献   

Lignin and Mn peroxidases are two families of isozymes produced by the lignin-degrading fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium under nutrient nitrogen or carbon limitation. We purified to homogeneity the three major Mn peroxidase isozymes, H3 (pI = 4.9), H4 (pI = 4.5), and H5 (pI = 4.2). Amino-terminal sequencing of these isozymes demonstrates that they are encoded by different genes. We also analyzed the regulation of these isozymes in carbon- and nitrogen-limited cultures and found not only that the lignin and Mn peroxidases are differentially regulated but also that differential regulation occurs within the Mn peroxidase isozyme family. The isozyme profile and the time at which each isozyme appears in secondary metabolism differ in both nitrogen- and carbon-limited cultures. Each isozyme also responded differently to the addition of a putative inducer, divalent Mn. The stability of the Mn peroxidases in carbon- and nitrogen-limited cultures was also characterized after cycloheximide addition. The Mn peroxidases are more stable in carbon-limited cultures than in nitrogen-limited cultures. They are also more stable than the lignin peroxidases. These data collectively suggest that the Mn peroxidase isozymes serve different functions in lignin biodegradation.  相似文献   

Summary Phanerochaete chrysosporium (ME-446) mineralized 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) in high N medium and in malt extract medium in which lignin peroxidases (LIPs) and manganese peroxidases (MNPs) are not produced; furthermore,per mutant of ME-446, which lacks LIPs and MNPs, mineralized 2,4,5-T as well as the wild type. These results indicate that LIPs and MNPs are not required for 2,4,5-T degradation byP. chrysosporium.  相似文献   

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