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B Ahrén 《Life sciences》1990,47(21):1973-1977
Recently, thyroid follicular cells were shown to exhibit atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-like immunoreactivity and high affinity ANF receptors. In this study, we therefore examined the effects of synthetic rat ANF1-28 on basal and stimulated thyroid hormone secretion in the mouse, according to the McKenzie technique. Iodine deficient mice were pretreated with 125I and thyroxine. ANF (3 nmol/animal) was found to inhibit the increase in blood radioiodine levels that was induced by TSH or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Furthermore, ANF and norepinephrine additively inhibited the TSH-induced increase in blood radioiodine levels. It is concluded that ANF inhibits thyroid hormone secretion, which, therefore, might be locally regulated by intrathyroidal ANF.  相似文献   

Several investigations have demonstrated the regional heterogeneity of myocardial phenotype, and hypertrophy may also induce regionally disparate changes. We have utilized the direct DNA injection technique to study regional variations in overload-induced ANF expression. Pressure overload was induced by stenosis of the ascending aorta in canines. ANF promoter reporters were injected into the left ventricle; in different regions including the base, the midwall region, and the apex. Injections were made at different depths to include the epicardial and endocardial layers. The animals were sacrificed 7 days following surgery and the left ventricle harvested for tissue analysis. Under normotensive conditions, ANF reporter expression was similar throughout the heart. PO increased ANF expression and the increases were greater in the endocardium than in the epicardium. PO also significantly increased expression in the midwall and base regions, but not in the apex. It is unknown from these experiments, whether the greater increases in midwall expression are a function of greater wall stress, metabolic demand, or phenotypic differences in the midwall myocytes. These findings do indicate that regional differences in overload-induced changes in gene expression are evident and may be functionally important in determining myocardial response to increased functional demand.  相似文献   

Visualization of [125I]ANF binding sites in rat brain by an autoradiographic technique demonstrated that these sites are highly localized in areas such as the olfactory bulb, subfornical organ, area postrema and nucleus tractus solitarius. This distribution suggests that certain cardiovascular effects of ANF could be centrally mediated and that the existence of brain ANF-related peptides should be considered. Finally, moderate densities of [125I]ANF binding sites are found in the rat and guinea pig eye while low densities are seen in pituitary and pineal gland.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in rat atria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a solid phase radioimmunoassay for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and its application for measurement of this peptide in homogenates of rat atria. The method uses a synthetic 26 amino-acid fragment (8-33 ANF) of the native peptide. Sample (or standard) are incubated with the rabbit anti-8-33 ANF antiserum in peptide (8-33 ANF)-coated wells. Then an excess of I125 goat anti-rabbit IgG is added. The radioactivity bound is directly proportional to the amount of ANF present. The concentration of immunoreactive ANF has been found to be about 4 times higher in the right atrium than in the left atrium of the rat.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) binding sites in frog kidney and adrenal.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W Kloas  W Hanke 《Peptides》1992,13(2):297-303
Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) binding sites were localized and quantified in kidney and adrenal of the frog Rana temporaria by quantitative in vitro autoradiography. [125I]-rat ANF(99-126) binding was present in kidney glomeruli and in the outer layer of interrenal tissue in the adrenal gland. ANF binding exhibited positive cooperativity with a half-maximal binding concentration (EC50) of 102 +/- 16 pM in glomeruli and 93 +/- 19 pM in interrenal tissue (n = 8). The corresponding maximal binding capacities (Bmax) were 1.33 +/- 0.16 and 1.21 +/- 0.36 fmol/mm2. [125I]-Rat ANF(99-126) binding was competitively displaced by unlabeled ANF analogues with an intact disulfide bridge showing a lower affinity than the iodinated ligand. The presence of ANF binding in glomeruli and steroidogenic interrenal cells suggests physiological functions of ANF for the osmomineral regulation in the frog by influencing glomerular filtration rate and adrenal steroid secretion.  相似文献   

A prolonged infusion with ANF induced atrophy of zona glomerulosa cells of rat adrenals and lowering of plasma concentration of aldosterone, without provoking significant changes in PRA. It also notably reduced the rise in the aldosterone plasma level caused by the acute stimulation with angiotensin II. Zona fasciculata cells and the blood concentration of corticosterone did not display any significant change. These findings are interpreted to indicate that ANF exerts an inhibitory effect on the growth and secretory activity of rat zona glomerulosa.  相似文献   

Intra-abdominal heart-lung grafts were transplanted into 8 rats across a major histocompatibility barrier. Four of the 8 rats were treated with Cyclosporin A (CsA) to prevent rejection. Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) levels measured 6 days after transplantation revealed a significantly (p less than .005) higher mean ANF concentration in rats bearing a rejecting heart-lung allograft (642 +/- 148.0 pg/ml) compared to rats bearing a heart-lung allograft not undergoing rejection (200.8 +/- 13.07 pg/ml). ANF might be a useful noninvasive marker in the diagnosis of rejection in heart and heart-lung transplants.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that basal and stimulated aldosterone production in Brattleboro rat (DI) lacking hypothalamic arginine vasopressin is lower than that observed in control Long-Evans rat (LE). In the present study, we investigated the secretion under various experimental conditions, adrenal binding sites, and the aldosterone-inhibiting effect of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). In the conscious resting state, the plasma ANF concentration was similar between LE and DI rats. Pentobarbital anaesthesia (5 mg/100 g body wt.) reduced the plasma ANF concentration equally in both groups, with or without captopril pretreatment. Morphine (10 mg/100 g body wt.) increased ANF secretion dramatically and equally in the two groups of pentobarbital anaesthetized (2 mg/100 g body wt.) rats. In dexamethasone pretreated-pentobarbital anaesthetized rats, a concurrent i.v. ANF infusion (50 ng/min) did not change significantly the corticosterone response to ACTH (1-24) (1 mI.U./100 g body wt.) but steeply depressed ACTH-induced aldosterone production to a similar extent between DI and LE rats. A single class of adrenal ANF receptor sites was found with a similarity in high affinity and maximum binding capacity between the two groups of rats. Taken together, these results suggest that the reduced aldosterone production by Brattleboro rat adrenals is unlikely to be related to the inhibitory effect of ANF.  相似文献   

Methodologies developed for the dissociation and subsequent enrichment of muscle and nonmuscle cells from atrial myocardium were used to evaluate the contribution of these cell populations to the natriuretic, diuretic and vasoactive properties of crude atrial tissue extracts. Suspensions of single cells, which contained approximately 34% myocytes, were prepared from atrial tissue blocks with a collagenase-trypsin digestion followed by gentle mechanical disruption. Differential centrifugation and unit gravity sedimentation techniques were employed to enrich the 'muscle' and 'nonmuscle' cell suspensions to a purity of approximately 91 and 95%, respectively. Cell extracts were bioassayed for natriuretic activity in saline-expanded, pentobarbital-anesthetized, female rats. Extracts obtained from 'initial' and 'muscle' cell suspensions significantly enhanced sodium and chloride excretion as well as urine flow while extracts from 'nonmuscle' cell suspensions had no effect on renal function. Sodium excretion was dose-dependent and increased linearly with increasing numbers of extracted and infused myocytes. This simple two-step centrifugation and sedimentation protocol can be utilized to obtain enriched atrial myocyte populations for subsequent physiologic and biochemical studies.  相似文献   

The diuretic and natriuretic response of anesthetized rats to low doses of semi-purified atrial extracts or synthetic alpha-hANP was completely blocked by intravenous injection of 50 micrograms of haloperidol or chlorpromazine. Sulpiride or metoclopramide at the same doses did not show this effect. We conclude from these results that dopamine receptors, probably of the D1-type, are involved in the natriuretic effect of the atrial peptides.  相似文献   

The effect of hypoxia on the release of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) was studied in isolated, constant-flow perfused hearts of rats and rabbits. Effluent samples were frozen pending extraction and radioimmunoassay of ANF. Hypoxia (10 min) caused a 3.9-fold (rats) and 4.6-fold (rabbits) increase of ANF release over control values. ANF release returned to control levels within 8-11 min of reoxygenation. Prolonged (20 min) hypoxia evoked further ANF release. The increase in ANF release and decrease in ventricular pressure, heart rate and coronary perfusion pressure were fully reversible, suggesting that tissues were not damaged. These results demonstrate that hypoxia induces a massive release of ANF by an as yet unexplained mechanism.  相似文献   

Presence of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in human ascitic fluid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presence of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-like material was demonstrated by radioimmunoassay in ascitic fluid of 14 patients with cirrhosis of the liver. Immunoreactive ANF concentrations (M +/- SEM) were 2.4 +/- 0.5 fmol/ml in ascites, significantly lower (p less than 0.001) than the corresponding plasma concentrations of 15.5 +/- 2.6 fmol/ml. High performance gel permeation chromatography and reverse phase high performance chromatography of the ascitic ANF immunoreactivity showed correspondence to the alpha human ANF (99-126). ANF levels in ascites were significantly (p less than 0.01) correlated to levels in plasma (r = 0.66).  相似文献   

1. We have previously reported that atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) decreases neuronal norepinephrine (NE) release. The mechanism that mediates NE release from presynaptic membrane to synaptic cleft is a strongly calcium-dependent process. The modulator effect of ANF may be related to modifications in calcium influx at the presynaptic nerve ending by interaction with voltage-operated calcium channels (VOCCs).2. On this basis we investigated the effects of ANF on K+-induced 45Ca2+ uptake and evoked neuronal NE release in the presence of specific L-, N-, and P/Q-type calcium channel blockers in the rat hypothalamus.3. Results showed that ANF inhibited K+-induced 45Ca2+ uptake in a concentration-dependent fashion. Concentration–response curves to VOCC blockers nifedipine (NFD, L-type channel blocker), -conotoxin GVIA (CTX, N-type channel blocker), and -agatoxin IVA (AGA, P/Q-type channel blocker) showed that all the blockers decreased NE release. Incubation of ANF plus NFD showed an additive effect as compared to NFD or ANF alone. However, when the hypothalamic tissue was incubated in the presence of ANF plus CTX or AGA there were no differences in neuronal NE release as compared to calcium channel blockers or ANF alone.4. These results suggest that ANF decreases NE release by an L-type calcium channel independent mechanism by inhibiting N- and/or P/Q-type calcium channels at the neuronal presynaptic level. Thus, ANF modulates neuronal NE release through different mechanisms involving presynaptic calcium channel inhibition.  相似文献   

Low dose iv infusion (0.01 and 0.03 micrograms/kg per min, for 30 min each) of alpha-human atrial natriuretic factor (alpha-hANF) produced a significant increase (+300%) in urinary protein excretion in patients with essential hypertension but not in normotensive controls, when their renal function was normal. The major component of excreted proteins induced by alpha-hANF infusion was presumed to be albumin on the basis of molecular weight (69,000) analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Urine output and sodium and potassium excretion rates were increased dose-dependently by alpha-hANF infusion in the hypertensive patients in a similar fashion to those in the controls. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) remained unchanged in the controls but was slightly increased in the patients (+33%) during the infusion. These results suggest that besides its previously recognized physiological functions such as natriuresis and diuresis, ANF plays an important role in the regulation of renal handling of proteins in patients with essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) release was studied in isolated perfused atria prepared from rats. When the vein-atrial junction (VAJ) was distended with an inflatable balloon, ANF release into the perfusate was greater in intact atria than in appendectomized atria. It was concluded that distention of the VAJ causes ANF release from the atrial appendage. A cascade experiment was then prepared whereby buffer from one isolated atrium perfused a second atrium. Although the VAJ of the first atrium could be distended by balloon, the atrial appendage was ligated so ANF was not secreted into the perfusate. The second atrium was intact, but no balloon was inserted. Despite the fact that there were no changes in intraluminal pressure, ANF secretion from the second atrium increased when the VAJ of the first atrium was distended. This response was blocked by the endothelin (ET) A receptor antagonist BQ-123. However, no distention-induced changes in ET-1 levels could be found in the perfusate from the first atrium. It is proposed that, in response to changes in distention of the VAJ, ANF is released remotely from the atrial appendage. The mediator does not appear to be ET-1 itself, but rather some factor that stimulates ET-1-induced ANF release within the tissue of the atrial appendage.  相似文献   

Specific binding site for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), a potent natriuretic and vasorelaxant polypeptide recently isolated from mammalian atria, was studied in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) of the rat aorta. Binding studies of 125I-labeled-synthetic alpha-human natriuretic peptide (alpha-hANP) revealed the presence of a non-interacting, single class of high affinity binding sites for alpha-hANP on VSMC in culture: the apparent dissociation constant (Kd) was approximately 1-2 X 10(-9)M and the number of maximal binding sites was approximately 200,000-300,000 sites/cell. A variety of vasoactive substances and other polypeptide hormones did not affect the binding of 125I-labeled-alpha-hANP to its binding sites. alpha-hANP significantly increased the concentrations of intracellular cyclic GMP in VSMC in a dose-dependent manner (3.2 X 10(-9)-1.6 X 10(-7)M). These data indicate that the specific receptor for ANF is present in VSMC and suggest that intracellular cyclic GMP may be involved in its vasorelaxant effect.  相似文献   

We have isolated the Xenopus orthologue of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) gene. Characterization of embryonic expression indicates that the ANF gene is initially expressed throughout the developing myocardium at the late heart tube stage (about stage 32). This is in contrast to all previously characterized Xenopus cardiac differentiation markers that are first expressed in the cardiogenic plate at approximately stage 27. ANF expression becomes restricted exclusively to the atrium at about stage 47, long after the commencement of beating and the original formation of the atrial and ventricular compartments, but shortly after septation of the single atrium into two distinct atria. Received: 5 May 2000 / Accepted: 3 August 2000  相似文献   

Summary Rats were injected either with synthetic125I-Arg 101-Tyr 126 atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) or with125I-ANF together with an excess of cold Arg 101-Tyr 126 ANF. Binding sites in various tissues were accepted depending on two criteria: displacement of radioactivity by cold ANF and absence of localization of silver grains on putative target cells in the presence of cold ANF. Binding sites were localized on zona glomerulosa cells and on adrenergic and noradrenergic cells of adrenal medulla, on hepatocytes, on the base of mature epithelial cells of villi in the small intestine, on smooth muscle cells of the muscularis layer of the colon and on the base of epithelial cells of the ciliary bodies. In addition, binding sites were localized in the vasculature of kidney, adrenal cortex, lung and liver. Binding sites were particularly numerous on renal glomerular endothelial cells. These results indicate that ANF may have important hemodynamic effects in kidney, lung, liver and adrenal cortex, may regulate water and ion transport in small intestine and ciliary bodies and may have metabolic effects in the liver. The presence of binding sites on the zona glomerulosa is in agreement with the important inhibitory effect of the peptide on aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

We previously reported that intravenously administered atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) induced no salivation but enhanced agonist-evoked secretion in submandibular glands. The gene expression of ANF and natriuretic peptide receptors (NPR) was later reported in the glands. In the present study we sought to establish the intracellular signalling mechanisms underlying ANF modulation of salivary secretion. Fasted rats were prepared with submandibular duct and femoral cannulation. Dose–response curves to methacholine (MC) and norepinephrine (NE) were performed in the presence of cANP (4–23 amide) (selective NPR-C agonist) and ANF. Local injection of the agonist or ANF-induced no salivation, but enhanced MC and NE-evoked secretion. ANF and cANP (4–23 amide) enhanced phosphoinositide turnover being the effect abolished by U73122 (PLC inhibitor). Further ANF and cANP (4–23 amide) decreased basal cAMP content but failed to affect isoproterenol or forskolin-evoked cAMP. ANF response was inhibited by pertussis toxin and mimicked by cANP (4–23 amide) strongly supporting NPR-C activation. ANF-induced cAMP reduction was abolished by PLC and PKC inhibitors. The content of cGMP was dose dependently stimulated by ANF but not modified by cANP (4–23 amide). These findings support that ANF through NPR-C receptors coupled to PLC activation and adenylyl cyclase inhibition interacts with sialogogic agonists in the submandibular gland to potentiate salivation.  相似文献   

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