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Effects of the external Ca2+ concentration on the depolarization-induced transient inward Na+ current responsible for the Na+ spike in the dinoflagellate Noctiluca miliaris were examined. The peak value and the duration of the Na+ current increased when lowering the external Ca2+ concentration. The threshold potential level for activation and the reversal potential level of the current were not affected by the external Ca2+ concentration. The inactivation took place even in a solution containing EGTA with very low (<10–9 M) Ca2+ concentration. Voltage dependency of the inactivation was scarcely affected by the external Ca2+ concentration. It is concluded that inactivation of Na+ channels responsible for the current is dependent on membrane depolarization and that the external Ca2+ modulates the inactivation kinetics. Appearance of a Na+ spike in a solution with reduced Ca2+ concentration is caused by a lowered rate of inactivation of the Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Summary The volume regulatory response of the Ehrlich ascites tumor was studied in KCl-depleted, Na+-enriched cells. Subsequent incubation in K+-containing NaCl medium results in the reaccumulation of K+, Cl, water and the extrusion of Na+. The establishment of the physiological steady state is due primarily to the activity of 2 transport systems. One is the Na/K pump (K M for K 0 + =3.5mm;J max=30.1 mEq/kg dry min), which in these experiments was coupled 1K+/1 Na+. The second is the Cl-dependent (Na++K+) cotransport system (K M for K 0 + =6.8mm;J max=20.8 mEq/kg dry min) which mediates, in addition to net ion uptake in the ratio of 1K+1Na+2Cl, the exchange of K i + for K 0 + . The net passive driving force on the cotransport system is initially inwardly directed but does not decrease to zero at the steady state. This raises the possibility of the involvement of an additional source of energy. Although cell volume increases concomitant with net ion uptake, this change does not appear to be a major factor regulating the activity of the cotransport system.  相似文献   

Summary The Ehrlich tumor cell possesses and anion-cation cotransport system which operates as a bidirectional exchanger during the physiological steady state. This cotransport system, like that associated with the volume regulatory mechanism (i.e. coupled net uptake of Cl+Na+ and/or K+) is Cl-selective and furosemide-sensitive, suggesting the same mechanism operating in two different modes. Since Na+ has an important function in the volume regulatory response, its role in steady-state cotransport was investigated. In the absence of Na+, ouabain-insensitive K+ and DIDS-insensitive Cl transport (KCl cotransport) are low and equivalent to that found in 150mm Na+ medium containing furosemide. Increasing the [Na+] results in parallel increases in K+ and Cl transport. The maximum rate of each (18 to 20 meq/(kg dry wt)·min) is reached at about 20mm Na+ and is maintained up to 55mm. Thus, over the range 1 to 55mm Na+ the stoichiometry of KCl cotransport is 11. In contrast to K+ and Cl, furosemide-sensitive Na+ transport is undetectable until the [Na+] exceeds 50mm. From 50 to 150mm Na+, it progressively rises to 7 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, while K+ and Cl transport decrease to 9 and 16 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, respectively. Thus, at 150mm Na+ the stoichiometric relationship between Cl, Na+ and K+ is 211. These results are consistent with the proposal that the Cl-dependent cation cotransport system when operating during the steady state mediates the exchange of KCl for KCl or NaCl for NaCl; the relative proportion of each determined by the extracellular [Na+].  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle intracellular pH is maintained by the Na+/H+ and Cl/HCO 3 antiporters. The Na+/H+ exchanger is a major route of H+ extrusion in most eukaryotic cells and is present in vascular smooth muscle cells in a similar capacity. It extrudes H into the extracellular space in exchange for Na+. The Cl/HCO 3 exchanger plays an analogous role to lower the pH of vascular smooth muscle cells when increases in intracellular pH occur. Its activity has also been demonstrated in A7r5 and A10 vascular smooth muscle cells. The Na+/H+ exchanger is regulated by a number of agents which act through inositol trisphosphate/diacylglycerol, to stimulate the antiporter. Calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinase may also activate the antiporter in vivo. Phosphorylation of the Cl/HCO 3 exchanger has also been observed but its physiological role is not known. Both these antiporters exist in the plasma membrane as integral proteins with free acidic cytoplasmic termini. These regions may be important in sensing changes in intracellular pH, to which these antiporters respond.Abbreviations CaM Calmodulin - DCCD Dicylohexyl-Carbodiimide - DG Diacylglycerol - DIDS-4 4-Diisthiocyanostilbene-2,2-Disulfonic Acid - IP3 Inositol Trisphosphate - PKC protein Kinase C - SITS-4 4-Acetamido-4-Isothiocyanstilbene-2,2-Disulfonate - VSMC Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell  相似文献   

Summary The experiments reported here evaluate the capability of isolated intestinal epithelial cells to accomplish net H+ transport in response to imposed ion gradients. In most cases, the membrane potential was kept constant by means of a K+ plus valinomycin voltage clamp in order to prevent electrical coupling of ion fluxes. Net H+ flux across the cellular membrane was examined at pH 6.0 (the physiological lumenal pH) and at pH 7.4 using methylamine distribution or recordings of changes in media pH. Results from both techniques suggest that the cells have an Na+/H+ exchange system in the plasma membrane that is capable of rapid and sustained changes in intracellular pH in response to an imposed Na+ gradient. The kinetics of the Na+/H+ exchange reaction at pH 6.0 [K t for Na+=57mm,V max=42 mmol H+/liter 3OMG (3-O-methylglucose) space/min] are dramatically different from those at pH 7.4 (K t for Na+=15mm,V max=1.7 mmol H+/liter 3OMG space/min). Experiments involving imposed K+ gradients suggest that these cells have negligible K+/H+ exchange capability. They exhibit limited but measurable H+ conductance. Anion exchange for base equivalents was not detected in experiments performed in media nominally free of bicarbonate.  相似文献   

TNF-alpha is believed to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases which have diarrhea as one of their symptoms. This work studies the effect of the cytokine on electrolyte and water movements in the rat distal colon using an intestinal perfusion technique and attempts to determine its underlying mechanism of action. TNF-alpha inhibited net water and chloride absorption, down-regulated in both surface and crypt colonocytes the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter, and reduced the protein expression and activity of the Na+-K+ ATPase. Indomethacin up-regulated the pump and the cotransporter in surface cells but not in crypt cells, and in its presence, TNF-alpha could not exert its effect, suggesting an involvement of PGE2 in the cytokine action. The effect of TNF-alpha on the pump and symporter was studied also in cultured Caco-2 cells in isolation of the effect of other cells and tissues, to test whether the cytokine acts directly on intestinal cells. In these cells, TNF-alpha and PGE2 had a similar effect on the pump expression and activity as that observed in crypt cells but were without any effect on the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter. It was concluded that the effect of the cytokine on colonocytes is mediated via PGE2. By inhibiting the Na+-K+ ATPase, it reduces the Na+ gradient needed for NaCl absorption, and by down-regulating the expression of the Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter, it reduces basolateral Cl- entry and luminal Cl- secretion. The inhibitory effect on absorption is more significant than the inhibitory effect on secretion resulting in a decrease in net electrolyte uptake and consequently in more water retention in the lumen.  相似文献   

Summary To study the possible role of intracellular Ca (Ca i ) in controlling the activities of the Na+–K+ pump, the Na+–K+ cotransport and the Na+/Li+ exchange system of human erythrocytes, a method was developed to measure the amount of Ca embodied within the red cell. For complete removal of Ca associated with the outer aspect of the membrane, it proved to be essential to wash the cells in buffers containing less than 20nm Ca. Ca was extracted by HClO4 in Teflon® vessels boiled in acid to avoid Ca contaminations and quantitated by flameless atomic absorption. Ca i of fresh human erythrocytes of apparently healthy donors ranged between 0.9 and 2.8 mol/liter cells. The mean value found in females was significantly higher than in males. The interindividual different Ca contents remained constant over periods of more than one year. Sixty to 90% of Ca i could be removed by incubation of the cells with A23187 and EGTA. The activities of the Na+–K+ pump, of Na+–K+ cotransport and Na+/Li+ exchange and the mean cellular hemoglobin content fell with rising Ca i ; the red cell Na+ and K+ contents rose with Ca i . Ca depletion by A23187 plus EGTA as well as chelation of intracellular Ca2+ by quin-2 did not significantly enhance the transport rates. It is concluded that the large scatter of the values of Ca i of normal human erythrocytes reported in the literature mainly results from a widely differing removal of Ca associated with the outer aspect of the membrane.  相似文献   

In a comparative experiment the effect of cortisol and growth hormone (GH) on the hypo-osmoregulatory ability of a landlocked and an anadromous strain of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) was investigated. Cortisol and GH were implanted either alone or in combination, and the fish were exposed to a 24 h seawater challenge test (SWT) on days 14 and 28 after implantation. Hypo-osmoregulatory ability, measured as plasma osmolality and chloride concentration after the SWTs, was better in the anadromous than in the landlocked strain, irrespective of treatment. However, cortisol provided a strong stimulation of hypo-osmoregualtory ability in both strains, and this stimulation seemed to be potentiated by GH in an additive manner. Improved hypo-osmoregulatory ability in GH + cortisol treated anadromous Arctic charr was accompanied by increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and Na+–K+–2Cl cotransporter protein abundance, but no changes in gill Na+,K+-ATPase α1a and α1b mRNA levels. For landlocked charr the improved hypo-osmoregulatory ability in GH +cortisol treated fish was accompanied only with an increase in gill Na+–K+–2Cl cotransporter protein abundance. Hormone treatment caused an improvement of hypo-osmoregulatory ability that was of approximately the same magnitude in the landlocked as in the anadromous Arctic charr. This suggests that the lack of spontaneous development of hypo-osmoregulatory ability often seen in landlocked populations of Arctic charr may depend, at least partly, on a lack of the hormonal activation seen in anadromous populations.  相似文献   

Freshwater salmonids exposed to low environmental pH typically suffer a net loss of ions, primarily Na+ and Cl, across the gills, resulting in reduced plasma and tissue ion concentrations. However, in recent experiments in our laboratory, juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, fed a ration of 1% body weight d–1 or greater showed no ionoregulatory disturbance during chronic, sublethal acidification. This raised the possibility that these fish had acclimated to low pH in that they would be better able to withstand further, more severe acidification than fish that had no prior experience of acid conditions: previous studies had concluded that such acclimation does not occur. This hypothesis was tested by measuring unidirectional ion fluxes during a 24h acute acid challenge (pH 4.2) in juvenile rainbow trout that had previously been exposed to either ambient pH 6.2 (naive fish) or sublethal low pH 5.2 (acid pre-exposed fish) for 90 days, and fed a ration of either 1.0 or 0.25% d–1 (wet basis). No mortalities were observed during the acute acid challenge in the fish fed the higher ration and no differences between the two groups in the response of Na+ fluxes were observed. Sodium influx in both groups was significantly inhibited throughout the challenge and Na+ net flux was significantly stimulated over the first 6h. Prior to the acute acid challenge, the fish fed the lower ration that had previously been exposed to pH 5.2 had significantly lower plasma ion concentrations than those fish previously exposed to pH 6.2. Both groups suffered mortalities; those of the naive fish (22% by 24h) being markedly lower than those of the acid pre-exposed fish (68% by 24h). However, there were no significant differences in either Na+ or Cl fluxes between the two groups of fish during the acid challenge: both showed significant inhibition of ion influxes and significantly greater net ion losses, resulting in reduced plasma ion concentrations. These results indicate that rainbow trout are unable to acclimate to environmental acidification irrespective of the availability of dietary salts.  相似文献   

Summary In rabbit gallbladder epithelium, a Na+/H+, Cl/HCO 3 double exchange and a Na+–Cl symport are both present, but experiments on intact tissue cannot resolve whether the two transport systems operate simultaneously. Thus, isolated apical plasma membrane vesicles were prepared. After preloading with Na+, injection into a sodium-free medium caused a stable intravesicular acidification (monitored with the acridine orange fluorescence quenching method) that was reversed by Na+ addition to the external solution. Although to a lesser extent, acidification took place also in experiments with an electric potential difference (PD) equal to 0. If a preset pH difference (pH) was imposed ([H+]in>[H+]out, PD=0), the addition of Na-gluconate to the external solution caused pH dissipation at a rate that followed saturation kinetics. Amiloride (10–4 m) reduced the pH dissipation rate. Taken together, these data indicate the presence of Na+ and H+ conductances in addition to an amiloride-sensitive, electroneutral Na+/H+ exchange.An inwardly directed [Cl] gradient (PD=0) did not induce intravesicular acidification. Therefore, in this preparation, there was no evidence for the presence of a Cl/OH exchange.When both [Na+] and [Cl] gradients (outwardly directed, PD=0) were present, fluorescence quenching reached a maximum 20–30 sec after vesicle injection and then quickly decreased. The decrease was not observed in the presence of a [Na+] gradient alone or the same [Na+] gradient with Cl at equal concentrations at both sides. Similarly, the decrease was abolished in the presence of both Na+ and Cl concentration gradients and hydrochlorothiazide (5×10–4 m). The decrease was not influenced by an inhibitor of Cl/OH exchange (10–4 m furosemide) or of Na+–K+–2Cl symport (10–5 m bumetanide).We conclude that a Na+/H+ exchange and a Na+–Cl symport are present and act simultaneously. This suggests that in intact tissue the Na+–Cl symport is also likely to work in parallel with the Na+/H+ exchange and does not represent an induced homeostatic reaction of the epithelium when Na+/H+ exchange is inhibited.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that when Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase has reduced access to its glycosphingolipid cofactor sulfogalactosyl ceramide (SGC), it is converted to a Na(+) uniporter. We recently showed that such segregation can occur within a single membrane when Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase is excluded from membrane microdomains or 'lipid rafts' enriched in SGC (D. Lingwood, G. Harauz, J.S. Ballantyne, J. Biol. Chem. 280, 36545-36550). Specifically we demonstrated that Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase localizes to SGC-enriched rafts in the gill basolateral membrane (BLM) of rainbow trout exposed to seawater (SW) but not freshwater (FW). We therefore proposed that since the freshwater gill Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase was separated from BLM SGC it should also transport Na(+) only, suggesting a new role for the pump in this epithelium. In this paper we discuss the biochemical evidence for SGC-based modulation of transport stoichiometry and highlight how a unique asparagine-lysine substitution in the FW pump isoform and FW gill transport energetics gear the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase to perform Na(+) uniport.  相似文献   

IRBIT (also called AHCYL1) was originally identified as a binding protein of the intracellular Ca2 + channel inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor and functions as an inhibitory regulator of this receptor. Unexpectedly, many functions have subsequently been identified for IRBIT including the activation of multiple ion channels and ion transporters, such as the Na+/HCO3 co-transporter NBCe1-B, the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3, the Cl channel cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), and the Cl/HCO3 exchanger Slc26a6. The characteristic serine-rich region in IRBIT plays a critical role in the functions of this protein. In this review, we describe the evolution, domain structure, expression pattern, and physiological roles of IRBIT and discuss the potential molecular mechanisms underlying the coordinated regulation of these diverse ion channels/transporters through IRBIT. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

pH i recovery in acid-loaded Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and pH i maintenance at steady-state were studied using the fluorescent probe BCECF.Both in nominally HCO 3 -free media and at 25 mm HCO 3 , the measured pH i (7.26 and 7.82, respectively) was significantly more alkaline than the pH i . value calculated assuming the transmembrane HCO 3 gradient to be equal to the Cl gradient. Thus, pH i in these cells is not determined by the Cl gradient and by Cl/HCO 3 exchange.pH i recovery following acid loading by propionate exposure, NH 4 + withdrawal, or CO2 exposure is mediated by amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange in HCO3 free media, and in the presence of HCO 3 (25 mm) by DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange. A significant residual pH i recovery in the presence of both amiloride and DIDS suggests an additional role for a primary active H+ pump in pH i regulation. pH i maintenance at steady-state involves both Na+/H+ exchange and Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange.Acute removal of external Cl induces a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent alkalinization, taken to represent HCO 3 influx in exchange for cellular Cl. Measurements of 36Cl efflux into Cl-free gluconate media with and without Na+ and/or HCO 3 (10 mm) directly demonstrate a DIDS-sensitive, Na+ dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at slightly acidic pH i (pHo 6.8), and a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-independent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at alkaline pH i (pH o 8.2).The excellent technical assistance of Marianne Schiødt and Birgit B. Jørgensen is gratefully acknowledged. The work was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (B.K.) and by a grant from the Danish Natural Science Foundation (E.K.H. and L.O.S.).  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Na+ channels (VGSCs) are macromolecular protein complexes containing a pore-forming α subunit and smaller non-pore-forming β subunits. VGSCs are expressed in metastatic cells from a number of cancers. In these cells, Na+ current carried by α subunits enhances migration, invasion and metastasis in vivo. In contrast, the β subunits mediate cellular adhesion and process extension. The prevailing hypothesis is that VGSCs are upregulated in cancer, in general favoring an invasive/metastatic phenotype, although the mechanisms are still not fully clear. Expression of the Nav1.5 α subunit associates with poor prognosis in clinical breast cancer specimens, suggesting that VGSCs may have utility as prognostic markers for cancer progression. Furthermore, repurposing existing VGSC-blocking therapeutic drugs may provide a new strategy to improve outcomes in patients suffering from metastatic disease, which is the major cause of cancer-related deaths, and for which there is currently no cure.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Na+ channels (VGSCs) are macromolecular protein complexes containing a pore-forming α subunit and smaller non-pore-forming β subunits. VGSCs are expressed in metastatic cells from a number of cancers. In these cells, Na+ current carried by α subunits enhances migration, invasion and metastasis in vivo. In contrast, the β subunits mediate cellular adhesion and process extension. The prevailing hypothesis is that VGSCs are upregulated in cancer, in general favoring an invasive/metastatic phenotype, although the mechanisms are still not fully clear. Expression of the Nav1.5 α subunit associates with poor prognosis in clinical breast cancer specimens, suggesting that VGSCs may have utility as prognostic markers for cancer progression. Furthermore, repurposing existing VGSC-blocking therapeutic drugs may provide a new strategy to improve outcomes in patients suffering from metastatic disease, which is the major cause of cancer-related deaths, and for which there is currently no cure.  相似文献   

Summary The modulation of ion transport pathways in filtergrown monolayers of the Cl-secreting subclone (19A) of the human colon carcinoma cell line HT-29 by muscarinic stimulation was studied by combined Ussing chamber and microimpalement experiments.Basolateral addition of 10–4 m carbachol induced a complex poly-phasic change of the cell potential consisting of (i) a fast and short (30-sec) depolarization of 15±1 mV from a resting value of –52±1 mV and an increase of the fractional resistance of the apical membrane (first phase), (ii) a repolarization of 22±1 mV leading to a hyperpolarization of the cell (second phase), (iii) a depolarization of 11±1 mV and a decrease of the fractional resistance of the apical membrane (the third phase), (iv) and sometimes, a hyperpolarization of 6±1 mV and an increase of the fractional resistance of the apical membrane (fourth phase). The transepithelial potential increased with a peak value of 2.4±0.3 mV (basolateral side positive). The transepithelial PD started to increase (serosa positive), coinciding with the start of the second phase of the intracellular potential change, and continued to increase during the third phase. Ion replacements and electrical circuit analyses indicate that the first phase is caused by increase of the Cl conductance in the apical and basolateral membrane, the second phase by increased K+ conductance of the basolateral membrane, and the third phase and the fourth phase by increase and decrease, respectively, of an apical Cl conductance. The first and second phase of the carbachol effect could be elicited also by ionomycin. They were strongly reduced by EGTA. Phorbol dibutyrate (PDB) induced a sustained depolarization of the cell and a decrease of the apical fractional resistance. The results suggest that two different types of Cl channels are involved in the carbachol response: one Ca2+ dependent and a second which may be PKC sensitive.In the presence of a supramaximal concentration of forskolin, carbachol evoked a further increase of the apical Cl conductance.It is concluded that the short-lasting carbachol/Ca2+-dependent Cl conductance is different from the forskolin-activated conductance. The increase of the Cl conductance in the presence of forskolin by carbachol may be due to activation of different Cl channels or to modulation of the PKA-activated Cl channels by activated PKC.The authors are grateful to Drs. Laboisse and Augeron for providing the cell clone, and we thank Prof. Dr. F.H. Lopes da Silva for his comments. This work was supported by a grant from the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research, NWO.  相似文献   

Transition from low salt water to sea water of the euryhaline fish, Fundulus heteroclitus, involves a rapid signal that induces salt secretion by the gill chloride cells. An increase of 65 mOsm in plasma osmolarity was found during the transition. The isolated, chloridecell-rich opercular epithelium of sea-water-adapted Fundulus exposed to 50 mOsm mannitol on the basolateral side showed a 100% increase in chloride secretion, which was inhibited by bumetanide 10–4 m and 10–4 m DPC (N-Phenylanthranilic acid). No effect of these drugs was found on apical side exposure. A Na+/H+ exchanger, demonstrated by NH4Cl exposure, was inhibited by amiloride and its analogues and stimulated by IBMX, phorbol esters, and epithelial growth factor (EGF). Inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger blocks the chloride secretion increase due to basolateral hypertonicity. A Cl/HCO 3 exchanger was also found in the chloride cells, inhibited by 10–4 m DIDS but not involved in the hyperosmotic response. Ca2+ concentration in the medium was critical for the stimulation of Cl secretion to occur. Chloride cell volume shrinks in response to hypertonicity of the basolateral side in sea-water-adapted operculi; no effect was found on the apical side. Freshwater-adapted fish chloride cells show increased water permeability of the apical side. It is concluded that the rapid signal for adaptation to higher salinities is an increased tonicity of the plasma that induces chloride cell shrinkage, increased chloride secretion with activation of the Na+K+2Cl cotransporter, the Na+/H+ exchanger and opening of Cl channels.The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Research Grant EYO1340 to J.A.Z. Part of this research was performed while Dr. Zadunaisky was a Scholar In Residence at the Fogarty International Center of The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Ms. Dawn Roberts was a fellow of the Grass Foundation and Pew Foundation during this work. Grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health to the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory also provided assistance for this research.  相似文献   

Lotus tenuis (Wadst. & Kit.) is a perennial legume widely grown for pasture in the flood-prone and salt affected Pampa region of Argentina. The physiology of salt and waterlogging tolerance in L. tenuis (four cultivars) was evaluated, and compared with Lotus corniculatus (three cultivars); the most widely cultivated Lotus species. Overall, L. tenuis cultivars accumulated less Na+ and Cl, and more K+ in shoots than L. corniculatus cultivars, when exposed to 200 mM NaCl for 28 days in aerated or in stagnant solutions. Root porosity was higher in L. tenuis cultivars due to greater aerenchyma formation. In a NaCl dose–response experiment (0–400 mM NaCl in aerated solution), L. tenuis (cv. Chaja) accumulated half as much Cl in its shoots than L. corniculatus (cv. San Gabriel) at all external NaCl concentrations, and about 30% less shoot Na+ in treatments above 250 mM NaCl. Ion distributions in shoots were determined for plants at 200 mM NaCl. L. tenuis (cv. Chaja) again accumulated about half as much Cl in old leaves, young leaves and stems, compared with concentrations in L. corniculatus (cv. San Gabriel). There were not, however, significant differences between the two species for Na+ concentrations in the various shoot tissues. The higher root porosity, and maintenance of lower shoot Cl and Na+ concentrations in L. tenuis, compared with L. corniculatus, contributes to the greater tolerance to combined salt and waterlogging stress in L. tenuis. Moreover, significant variation for tolerance to combined salinity and waterlogging stress was identified within both L. tenuis and L. corniculatus.  相似文献   

The sublingual salt gland is the primary site of salt excretion in sea snakes; however, little is known about the mechanisms mediating ion excretion. Na+/K+–ATPase (NKA) and Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter (NKCC) are two proteins known to regulate membrane potential and drive salt secretion in most vertebrate secretory cells. We hypothesized that NKA and NKCC would localize to the basolateral membranes of the principal cells comprising the tubular epithelia of sea snake salt glands. Although there is evidence of NKA activity in salt glands from several species of sea snake, the localization of NKA and NKCC and other potential ion transporters remains unstudied. Using histology and immunohistochemistry, we localized NKA and NKCC in salt glands from three species of laticaudine sea snake: Laticauda semifasciata, L. laticaudata, and L. colubrina. Antibody specificity was confirmed using Western blots. The compound tubular glands of all three species were found to be composed of serous secretory epithelia, and NKA and NKCC were abundant in the basolateral membranes. These results are consistent with the morphology of secretory epithelia found in the rectal salt glands of marine elasmobranchs, the nasal glands of marine birds and the gills of teleost fishes, suggesting a similar function in regulating ion secretion.  相似文献   

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