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Microcin 24 is an antimicrobial peptide secreted by uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Secretion of microcin 24 provides an antibacterial defense mechanism for E. coli. In a plasmid-based system using transformed Salmonella enterica, we found that resistance to microcin 24 could be seen in concert with a multiple-antibiotic resistance phenotype. This multidrug-resistant phenotype appeared when Salmonella was exposed to an E. coli strain expressing microcin 24. Therefore, it appears that multidrug-resistant Salmonella can arise as a result of an insult from other pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activity of several natural organic compounds alone or in combination with nisin against Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium. METHODS AND RESULTS: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of five natural organic compounds were determined, and the effect of their combinations with nisin was evaluated by the checkerboard assay using the Bioscreen C. As expected, nisin by itself showed no inhibition against either of the Gram-negative bacteria. Thymol was found to be the most effective with the lowest MIC values of 1.0 and 1.2 mmol 1-1 against Salm. Typhimurium and E. coli, respectively. After thymol, the antimicrobial order of the natural organic compounds was carvacrol > eugenol > cinnamic acid > diacetyl. However, the combination of nisin with the natural organic compounds did not result in the enhancement of their antimicrobial activities. On the contrary, combination of nisin with diacetyl against Salm. Typhimurium resulted in an antagonism of diacetyl activity. CONCLUSIONS: While the individual natural organic compounds showed inhibitory activity against the two Gram-negatives, their combinations with nisin showed no improvement of antimicrobial activity. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study shows the potential of the natural organic compounds to control E. coli and Salm. Typhimurium.  相似文献   

We developed a synthetic RNA approach to identify growth inhibition sequences by cloning random 24-nucleotide (nt) sequences into an arabinose-inducible expression vector. This vector expressed a small RNA (sRNA) of ∼140 nt containing a 24 nt random sequence insert. After transforming Escherichia coli with the vector, 10 out of 954 transformants showed strong growth defect phenotypes and two clones caused cell lysis. We then examined growth inhibition phenotypes in the Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 strain using the twelve sRNAs that exerted an inhibitory effect on E. coli growth. Three of these clones showed strong growth inhibition phenotypes in S. Typhimurium LT2. The most effective sRNA contained the same insert (N1) in both bacteria. The 24 nt random sequence insert of N1 was abundant in guanine residues (ten out of 24 nt), and other random sequences causing growth defects were also highly enriched for guanine (G) nucleotides. We, therefore, generated clones that express sRNAs containing a stretch of 16 to 24 continuous guanine sequences (poly-G16, -G18, -G20, -G22, and -G24). All of these clones induced growth inhibition in both liquid and agar plate media and the poly-G20 clone showed the strongest effect in E. coli. These results demonstrate that our sRNA expression system can be used to identify nucleotide sequences that are potential candidates for oligonucleotide antimicrobial drugs.  相似文献   

In this study, the chromosomally encoded disulphide oxidoreductase dsbA from Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and characterized. A survey of a number of serovars of Salmonella subspecies I showed that dsbA is highly conserved in most, but not all members of this subclass of Salmonella species. Using motility, beta-galactosidase, and alkaline phosphatase assays as indirect indicators of disulphide oxidoreductase activity, we demonstrated that DsbA from S. typhimurium LT2 can only partially complement an Escherichia coli dsbA-null strain. This is surprising considering the high degree of conservation between these two DsbA proteins (87% amino acid identity). To determine the contribution of DsbA to the proper folding and assembly of proteins of S. typhimurium, deletion mutants were created in the avirulent strain LT2 and in the virulent strain SL1344. These null alleles were constructed by partial deletion of the dsbA-coding region and then insertion of an antibiotic resistance marker in the gene. Mutants no longer expressing a functional disulphide oxidoreductase exhibit pleitropic effects, including an increase in colony mucoidy, a dramatic decrease in motility, and an increased susceptibility to the cationic peptide protamine sulphate. The disruption of disulphide bond formation was also shown to specifically affect the stability of several proteins secreted into the extracellular environment.  相似文献   

beta-Ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III catalyzes the condensation of acetyl-CoA with malonyl-ACP in dissociated (Type II) fatty acid synthase systems. A synthase III mutant was used to localize the structural gene to the 24.5-min region of the Escherichia coli chromosome, and the defective synthase III allele was designated fabH1. The fabH gene was identified on a 1.3-kilobase NruI-HindIII chromosomal DNA fragment (plasmid pWO114) that complemented the enzymatic defect in fabH1 strains. The NruI-HindIII fragment was sequenced and contained a single open reading frame predicted to encode a 33,517-dalton protein with an isoelectric point of 4.85. The fabH sequence contained an Ala-Cys-Ala tripeptide characteristic of condensing enzyme active sites. A T7 expression system showed that the NruI-HindIII fragment directed the synthesis of a single 34,800-dalton protein. This protein was purified and the order of the amino-terminal 30 residues of the protein corresponded exactly to the amino acid structure predicted from the DNA sequence. The purified protein possessed both acetoacetyl-ACP synthase and acetyl-CoA:ACP transacylase activities, and cells harboring plasmid pWO114 overproduced the two activities, supporting the conclusion that a single protein carries out both reactions. Overproduction of synthase III resulted in a significant increase in shorter-chain fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids. These catalytic properties are consistent with the proposed role of synthase III in the initiation of fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Two single-base mutations in 16S rRNA conferring high-level resistance to spectinomycin were isolated on a plasmid-borne copy of the rrnD operon from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Neither of the mutations (C1066U and C1192U) had appreciable effects on cell growth, but each had differential effects on resistance to spectinomycin and fusidic acid. Both mutations also conferred resistance to spectinomycin in Escherichia coli strains containing deletions of all seven chromosomal rrn operons and expressing plasmid-encoded Salmonella rRNA exclusively. In contrast, when expressed in E. coli strains containing intact chromosomal rrn operons, the strains were sensitive to spectinomycin. However, chromosomal mutations arose that allowed expression of the rRNA-dependent spectinomycin resistance phenotype. It is proposed that in heterogeneous rRNA populations, the native E. coli rRNA out-competes the heterologous Salmonella rRNA for binding to ribosomal proteins, translation factors, or ribosome assembly, thus limiting entry of the antibiotic-resistant 30S subunits into the functioning ribosome pool.  相似文献   

Two single-base mutations in 16S rRNA conferring high-level resistance to spectinomycin were isolated on a plasmid-borne copy of the rrnD operon from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Neither of the mutations (C1066U and C1192U) had appreciable effects on cell growth, but each had differential effects on resistance to spectinomycin and fusidic acid. Both mutations also conferred resistance to spectinomycin in Escherichia coli strains containing deletions of all seven chromosomal rrn operons and expressing plasmid-encoded Salmonella rRNA exclusively. In contrast, when expressed in E. coli strains containing intact chromosomal rrn operons, the strains were sensitive to spectinomycin. However, chromosomal mutations arose that allowed expression of the rRNA-dependent spectinomycin resistance phenotype. It is proposed that in heterogeneous rRNA populations, the native E. coli rRNA out-competes the heterologous Salmonella rRNA for binding to ribosomal proteins, translation factors, or ribosome assembly, thus limiting entry of the antibiotic-resistant 30S subunits into the functioning ribosome pool. Received: 28 September 2001 / Accepted: 26 March 2002  相似文献   

Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium share high degrees of DNA and amino acid identity for 65% of the homologous genes shared by the two genomes. Yet, there are different phenotypes for null mutants in several genes that contribute to DNA condensation and nucleoid formation. The mutant R436-S form of the GyrB protein has a temperature-sensitive phenotype in Salmonella, showing disruption of supercoiling near the terminus and replicon failure at 42 degrees C. But this mutation in E. coli is lethal at the permissive temperature. A unifying hypothesis for why the same mutation in highly conserved homologous genes of different species leads to different physiologies focuses on homeotic supercoil control. During rapid growth in mid-log phase, E. coli generates 15% more negative supercoils in pBR322 DNA than Salmonella. Differences in compaction and torsional strain on chromosomal DNA explain a complex set of single-gene phenotypes and provide insight into how supercoiling may modulate epigenetic effects on chromosome structure and function and on prophage behavior in vivo.  相似文献   

Wang H  Cronan JE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(37):11782-11789
The small genome of the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis IL1403 contains two genes that encode proteins annotated as homologues of Escherichia coli beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase. E. coli fabG encodes beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase, the enzyme responsible for the first reductive step of the fatty acid synthetic cycle. Both of the L. lactis genes are adjacent to (and predicted to be cotranscribed with) other genes that encode proteins having homology to known fatty acid synthetic enzymes. Such relationships have often been used to strengthen annotations based on sequence alignments. Annotation in the case of beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase is particularly problematic because the protein is a member of a vast protein family, the short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family. The recent isolation of an E. coli fabG mutant strain encoding a conditionally active beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase allowed physiological and biochemical testing of the putative L. lactishomologues. We report that expression of only one of the two L. lactis proteins (that annotated as FabG1) allows growth of the E. coli fabG strain under nonpermissive conditions and restores in vitro fatty acid synthetic ability to extracts of the mutant strain. Therefore, like E. coli, L. lactis has a single beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase active with substrates of all fatty acid chain lengths. The second protein (annotated as FabG2), although inactive in fatty acid synthesis both in vivo and in vitro, was highly active in reduction of the model substrate, beta-ketobutyryl-CoA. As expected from work on the E. coli enzyme, the FabG1 beta-ketobutyryl-CoA reductase activity was inhibited by ACP (which blocks access to the active site) whereas the activity of FabG2 was unaffected by the presence of ACP. These results seem to be an example of a gene duplication event followed by divergence of one copy of the gene to encode a protein having a new function.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis in bacteria is catalyzed by a set of individual enzymes collectively known as type II fatty-acid synthase. Each enzyme interacts with acyl carrier protein (ACP), which shuttles the pathway intermediates between the proteins. The type II enzymes do not possess primary sequence similarity that defines a common ACP-binding site, but rather are hypothesized to possess an electropositive/hydrophobic surface feature that interacts with the electronegative/hydrophobic residues along helix alpha2 of ACP (Zhang, Y.-M., Marrakchi, H., White, S. W., and Rock, C. O. (2003) J. Lipid Res. 44, 1-10). We tested this hypothesis by mutating two surface residues, Arg-129 and Arg-172, located in a hydrophobic patch adjacent to the active site entrance on beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase (FabG). Enzymatic analysis showed that the mutant enzymes were compromised in their ability to utilize ACP thioester substrates but were fully active in assays with a substrate analog. Direct binding assays and competitive inhibition experiments showed that the FabG mutant proteins had reduced affinities for ACP. Chemical shift perturbation protein NMR experiments showed that FabG-ACP interactions occurred along the length of ACP helix alpha2 and extended into the adjacent loop-2 region to involve Ile-54. These data confirm a role for the highly conserved electronegative/hydrophobic residues along ACP helix alpha2 in recognizing a constellation of Arg residues embedded in a hydrophobic patch on the surface of its partner enzymes, and reveal a role for the loop-2 region in the conformational change associated with ACP binding. The specific FabG-ACP interactions involve the most conserved ACP residues, which accounts for the ability of ACPs and the type II proteins from different species to function interchangeably.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ssrA encodes a small stable RNA molecule, tmRNA, that has many diverse functions, including tagging abnormal proteins for degradation, supporting phage growth, and modulating the activity of DNA binding proteins. Here we show that ssrA plays a role in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium pathogenesis and in the expression of several genes known to be induced during infection. Moreover, the phage-like attachment site, attL, encoded within ssrA, serves as the site of integration of a region of Salmonella-specific sequence; adjacent to the 5' end of ssrA is another region of Salmonella-specific sequence with extensive homology to predicted proteins encoded within the unlinked Salmonella pathogenicity island SPI4. S. enterica serovar Typhimurium ssrA mutants fail to support the growth of phage P22 and are delayed in their ability to form viable phage particles following induction of a phage P22 lysogen. These data indicate that ssrA plays a role in the pathogenesis of Salmonella, serves as an attachment site for Salmonella-specific sequences, and is required for the growth of phage P22.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium normally salvage nucleobases and nucleosides by the action of nucleoside phosphorylases and phosphoribosyltransferases. In contrast to Escherichia coli, which catabolizes xanthosine by xanthosine phosphorylase (xapA), Salmonella cannot grow on xanthosine as the sole carbon and energy source. By functional complementation, we have isolated a nucleoside hydrolase (rihC) that can complement a xapA deletion in E. coli and we have overexpressed, purified and characterized this hydrolase. RihC is a heat stable homotetrameric enzyme with a molecular weight of 135 kDa that can hydrolyze xanthosine, inosine, adenosine and uridine with similar catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/Km=1 to 4 x 10(4) M(-1)s(-1)). Cytidine and guanosine is hydrolyzed with approximately 10-fold lower efficiency (k(cat)/Km=0.7 to 1.2 x 10(3) M(-1)s(-1)) while RihC is unable to hydrolyze the deoxyribonucleosides thymidine and deoxyinosine. The Km for all nucleosides except adenosine is in the mM range. The pH optimum is different for inosine and xanthosine and the hydrolytic capacity (k(cat)/Km) is 5-fold higher for xanthosine than for inosine at pH 6.0 while they are similar at pH 7.2, indicating that RihC most likely prefers the neutral form of xanthosine.  相似文献   

Two forms of beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthetase (designated I and II) have been identified in extracts of Escherichia coli. Synthetase I corresponds to the condensing enzyme that was studied earlier (GREENSPAN, M.D., ALBERTS, A.W., and VAGELOS, P.R. (1969) J. Biol. Chem. 244, 6477-6485); synthetase II represents a new form of the enzyme. Synthetase II was isolated as a homogeneous protein. It differs from synthetase I in having a higher molecular weight (76,999 versus 66,000), a lower pH optimum (5.5 to 6.1 versus 7.2), and a greater resistance to denaturation by heat. Synthetase II is similar to synthetase I in that both are inactivated by iodoacetamide, and prior incubation of the enzymes with fatty acyl thioesters prevents the inhibitory effect of iodoacetamide. Both also react with a fatty acyl thioester to form an acyl-enzyme intermediate, and the latter reacts with malonyl-ACP to form a beta-ketoacyl thioester. Specificity studies indicated that synthetase II, like synthetase I, has similar affinities with saturated and cis unsaturated fatty acyl thioesters of ACP that are intermediates in the synthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, respectively. The two synthetases differ only with respect to reactivity with palmitoleyl thioesters: synthetase II has a lower Km and higher Vmax than synthetase I with palmitoleyl-ACP. This finding suggests that synthetase II functions specifically in the elongation of palmitoleyl-ACP to form cis-vaccenyl-ACP. An investigation of synthetases I and II in two classes of unsaturated fatty acid auxotrophs revealed that synthetase I is absent in one class, fabB. Addition of wild type synthetase I to fabB fatty acid synthetase, which synthesizes only saturated fatty acids, permitted this fatty acid synthetase to synthesize unsaturated fatty acids. These experiments indicate that synthetase I plays a critical role in the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

In Enterobacteriaceae, the ProP protein, which takes up proline and glycine betaine, is subject to a post-translational control mechanism that increases its activity at high osmolarity. In order to investigate the osmoregulatory mechanism of the Salmonella enterica ProP, we devised a positive selection for mutations that conferred increased activity on this protein at low osmolarity. The selection involved the isolation of mutations in a proline auxotroph that resulted in increased accumulation of proline via the ProP system in the presence of glycine betaine, which is a competitive inhibitor of proline uptake by this permease. This selection was performed by first-year undergraduates in two semesters of a research-based laboratory course. The students generated sixteen mutations resulting in six different single amino acids substitutions. They determined the effects of the mutations on the growth rates of the cells in media of high and low osmolarity in the presence of low concentrations of proline or glycine betaine. Furthermore, they identified the mutations by DNA sequencing and displayed the mutated amino acids on a putative three-dimensional structure of the protein. This analysis suggested that all six amino acid substitutions are residues in trans-membrane helices that have been proposed to contribute to the formation of the transport pore, and, thus, may affect the substrate binding site of the protein.  相似文献   

Bovine manure, with or without added Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (three strains), was incorporated into silty clay loam (SCL) and loamy sand (LS) soil beds (53- by 114-cm surface area, 17.5 cm deep) and maintained in two controlled-environment chambers. The S. enterica serovar Typhimurium inoculum was 4 to 5 log CFU/g in manure-fertilized soil. The conditions in the two environmental chambers, each containing inoculated and uninoculated beds of manure-fertilized soil, simulated daily average Madison, Wis., weather conditions (hourly temperatures, rainfall, daylight, and humidity) for a 1 March or a 1 June manure application and subsequent vegetable growing seasons ending 9 August or 28 September, respectively. Core soil samples were taken biweekly from both inoculated and uninoculated soil beds in each chamber. Radishes, arugula, and carrots were planted in soil beds, thinned, and harvested. Soils, thinned vegetables, and harvested vegetables were analyzed for S. enterica serovar Typhimurium and Escherichia coli (indigenous in manure). After the 1 March manure application, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium was detected at low levels in both soils on 31 May, but not on vegetables planted 1 May and harvested 12 July from either soil. After the 1 June manure application, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium was detected in SCL soil on 7 September and on radishes and arugula planted in SCL soil on 15 August and harvested on 27 September. In LS soil, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium died at a similar rate (P >or= 0.05) after the 1 June manure application and was less often detected on arugula and radishes harvested from this soil compared to the SCL soil. Pathogen levels on vegetables were decreased by washing. Manure application in cool (daily average maximum temperature of <10 degrees C) spring conditions is recommended to ensure that harvested vegetables are not contaminated with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. Manure application under warmer (daily average maximum temperature >20 degrees C) summer conditions is not recommended when vegetable planting is done between the time of manure application and late summer. A late fall manure application will not increase the risk of contaminating vegetables planted the next spring, since further experiments showed that repeated freeze-thaw cycles were detrimental to the survival of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium and E. coli in manure-fertilized soil. The number of indigenous E. coli in soil was never significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium, suggesting its usefulness as an indicator organism for evaluating the risk of vegetable contamination with manure-borne S. enterica serovar Typhimurium.  相似文献   

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