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L C Wang  M L Jourdan  T F Lee 《Life sciences》1989,44(14):927-934
Previous studies showed that acute treatment with aminophylline (AMPY) significantly elevated maximum thermogenesis and improved cold tolerance in rats and man in severe cold. However, the exact mechanism by which AMPY enhances thermogenesis was unknown. Rats receiving enprofylline (ENPRO) (1.5 and 15 mg/kg, i.p.), a selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor, failed to show enhanced thermogenesis. In contrast, treatment with a selective adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-phenyltheophylline(8-PT; 2.5 to 10 mg/kg, i.p.), significantly increased (p less than 0.05) thermogenesis and cold tolerance. However, the maximal thermogenic effect by optimal dose of 8-PT (5 mg/kg) was significantly lower than that with optimal dose of AMPY (18.7 mg/kg, i.p.); the deficit could be eradicated by combining optimal 8-PT dose with a low dose of AMPY (1.25 mg/kg), but not with ENPRO. These results indicate that the thermogenic effect of AMPY is not by inhibition of phosphodiesterase but at least partially by antagonism of adenosine receptors. It is also apparent that older mechanisms in addition to adenosine antagonism are also involved in AMPY's thermogenic action.  相似文献   

In an attempt to further elucidate the mechanisms of fasting-depressed maximum thermogenesis and cold tolerance, norepinephrine (NE)-stimulated non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) in cold-acclimated rats was used as a functional index of possible alterations in adrenergic efficacy after fasting. Fasting decreased the magnitude of maximum NE-Stimulated NST by 18.2% [6.87±0.47 Kcal (Kg.75.min)?1 well-fed vs. 5.81±0.39 Kcal (Kg.75.min)?1 fasted], but the apparent adrenergic binding affinity was not affected [Ke=0.43 μg NE min?1 well-fed vs 0.55 μg NE min?1 fasted]. Pretreatment with aminophylline [15 mg Kg?1, i.p.], a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, restored the fasting-depressed NE-stimulated NST to the fed level. The results suggest that the depression of maximum thermogenesis after fasting is not due to changes in adrenergic binding characteristics but to alteration in cAMP production/degradation, resulting in decreased substrate mobilization for thermogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of repeated exposures to resting cold air (10°C) on the shivering and thermogenic responses of women to standard cold stress were investigated. Ten women, aged 18 to 34 years, were divided into two groups of five women each. One group, the acclimated (A) was exposed ten times within 2 weeks, the first and the last exposures being the pre-and post-tests respectively. The second group, the control (C) was exposed twice within 18 days. Measurements of rectal and skin temperatures, oxygen uptake, time to onset of shivering (TOS), and perceived cold were performed during all exposures. Shivering responses were evaluated by electromyography and visually. A significant (P<0.05), increase was seen in TOS (from 26.2 min to 55.6 min), and a significant decrease was seen in thermoregulatory heat production (from 14.78 kcal/h to –2.64 kcal/h) in group A; these changes were evident after about five exposures. It is concluded that the women became cold acclimated as a result of the repeated short-term resting cold air exposures.Research supported by Capes/Brazil, and by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/Brazil  相似文献   

Feeding preferences of a group of specialist and generalist chrysomelid beetles were examined using three test methods: whole plants, excised leaves and leaf discs. Method of testing had a very significant effect on relative preferences of the beetles for corn, bean and squash. In some cases the level of statistical significance for a particular preference was affected by test methodology and in other cases the direction of preference was reversed altogether. The feeding preferences of the specialist beetle species were less affected by test method than were the more generalist species. There was also a much greater effect of the difference in test method between the disc test and whole leaf test than between the whole leaf test and whole plant test.Chemical changes in plants induced by damage are probably quite widespread in plants and investigators should take this into account when designing and interpreting tests of insect feeding preference.
Résumé Les choix alimentaires d'un groupe de chrysoméles spécialistes ou généralistes a été étudié en utilisant 3 méthodes: plantes entières, feuilles coupées, rondelles de feuilles. Les méthodes utilisées out eu un effet très significatif sur les préférences relatives des chrysomèles du maïs, du haricot et de la courge. Dans quelques cas le seuil de signification statistique pour un choix particulier a été modifié par la méthode utilisée et dans d'autres cas l'ordre de préférence a été totalement inversé. Les choix alimentaires des spécialistes ont été moins affectés par la méthode utilisée que pour les espèces les plus généralistes. Il y a eu aussi un effet plus important des différences entre les méthodes rondelle de feuilles et feuille entière qu'entre feuille entière et plante entière.Les changements chimiques induits dans les plantes par les dégâts sont probablement très répandus et les chercheurs devraient en tenir compte quand ils programment et interprètent des expériences sur les préférences alimentaires.

To further investigate the limiting effect of substrates on maximum thermogenesis in acute cold exposure, the present study examined the prevalence of this effect at different thermogenic capabilities consequent to cold- or warm-acclimation. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=11) were acclimated to 6, 16 and 26C, in succession, their thermogenic capabilities after each acclimation temperature were measured under helium-oxygen (21% oxygen, balance helium) at –10C after overnight fasting or feeding. Regardless of feeding conditions, both maximum and total heat production were significantly greater in 6>16>26C-acclimated conditions. In the fed state, the total heat production was significantly greater than that in the fasted state at all acclimating temperatures but the maximum thermogenesis was significant greater only in the 6 and 16C-acclimated states. The results indicate that the limiting effect of substrates on maximum and total thermogenesis is independent of the magnitude of thermogenic capability, suggesting a substrate-dependent component in restricting the effective expression of existing aerobic metabolic capability even under severe stress.  相似文献   

We designed experiments to evaluate changes in ventral medullary (VM) extracellular fluid (ECF) PCO2 and pH during hypoxemia-induced ventilatory depression (VD). Our aim was to investigate effects of aminophylline on VD and VM ECF acid-base variables. We used aminophylline because it inhibits adenosine, which is released within the brain during hypoxemia and could mediate VD. Experiments were performed in seven cats with acute bilateral denervation of carotid sinus nerves and vagi. Cats were anesthetized with chloralose-urethan and breathed spontaneously at a regulated and elevated arterial PCO2 (PaCO2). Measurements were made during normoxemia, hypoxemia, and recovery before (phase I) and after (phase II) aminophylline. By use of strict criteria for definition of VD, during phase II two kinds of responses were observed. Aminophylline prevented VD in five cats. In these cats in phase I, with mean arterial PO2 (PaO2) = 105 and PaCO2 = 42.2 Torr, VM ECF PCO2, [H+], and [HCO3-] were 59.5 +/- 8.6 Torr (mean +/- SD), 60.2 +/- 9.4 neq/l, and 23.1 +/- 3.7 meq/l, respectively. When mean PaO2 dropped to 49 Torr, ventilation decreased 21%, with only small changes in VM ECF acid-base variables. Studies were repeated 30 min after aminophylline (17 mg/kg iv). In phase II, during normoxemia (PaO2 = 110 Torr) VM ECF Pco2, [H+], and [HCO3-] were 55.4 +/- 8.1 Torr, 62.0 +/- 8.0 neq/l and 20.7 +/- 2.5 meq/l, respectively. During hypoxemia (PaO2 = 48 +/- 4 Torr) mean ventilation, VM ECF PCO2, [H+], and [HCO3-] did not change significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

为了解横断山地区大绒鼠对光照和温度两个因子的适应性特征,将大绒鼠分为4组,分别于5±1℃,6L:18D:5±1℃,18L:6D;30±1℃,6L:18D和30±1℃,18L:6D 4个条件下驯化28 d.分别测定了对照组(0 d)和驯化28 d后,每一个体的体重、体温和产热能力;并测定驯化28 d后4组大绒鼠个体的肝脏和褐色脂肪组织的产热活性变化.结果显示,在低温诱导下大绒鼠体重下降,体温降低,静止代谢率升高,非颤抖性产热能力增加,肝脏和褐色脂肪组织的产热活性也出现相应提升;在高温下出现与低温时相反的现象;但光照周期对大绒鼠的体重、体温、产热能力及肝脏和褐色脂肪组织的产热活性均没有显著影响.推测由于横断山的低纬度、高海拔特征可能导致大绒鼠在季节适应过程中对温度的敏感程度高于光照.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that aminophylline, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (thereby increasing intracellular cyclic AMP concentration) elicits supramaximal heat production and improves cold tolerance in rats acclimated to 22°C. To test whether aminophylline-stimulated supramaximal thermogenesis is independent of both the thermogenic capacity (i.e. aerobic fitness) and the mode of thermogenesis (shivering vs. non-shivering), rats (adult male Sprague-Dawley, approximately 400 g) of two different ages (4–11 month and 9–17 month, n=12 for each) were acclimated to 5, 15, and 25°C in succession and their thermogenic responses to aminophylline subsequently assessed. Aminophylline elicited supramaximal thermogenesis and improved cold tolerance regardless of age or acclimating temperatures. Further, the absolute net increase in heat production stimulated by aminophylline was also similar for all acclimating temperatures. After acclimating to 15°C, a single injection of aminophylline in the older rats elicited thermogenesis greater than that of the controls acclimated to 5°C; in the younger rats, aminophylline duplicated 46% of the increase in thermogenesis observed after acclimating to 5°C. These results indicated that the aminophylline-stimulated extra heat production is independent of both the thermogenic capacity and the mode of thermogenesis. It is possible that an enhanced substrate mobilization consequent to increased intracellular cyclic AMP concentration by aminophylline underlies the common mechanism via which supramaximal thermogenesis is elicited in temperature-acclimated rats.  相似文献   

Caffeine and aminophylline were potent inhibitors of adult development in the moth, Hyalophora cecropia, when administered prior to initiation of pharate adult development. A dose of 1 mg/g live weight was 100 per cent effective in bringing about this arrest. Cyasterone and α-ecdysone induced development in arrested animals and arrested dauer pupae. Brain transplant and perfusion experments indicated that synthesis or release of brain hormone was disrupted by these drugs. In addition, the effects of ecdysone and perfusion on arrested animals suggested that methylxanthines may also act at other sites in the sequence of events leading to adult development.  相似文献   

Food quality and availability play an important role in an animal's life history. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of diet quality [high-fiber diet (HF) or low-fiber diet (LF)] on energy budgets and thermogenesis in Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys (Microtus) brandtii). Dry matter intake and gross energy intake increased and digestibility decreased in HF voles compared with LF voles, while the digestible energy intake was similar for both HF and LF voles. Nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) decreased in HF voles, while LF voles kept stable; no significant differences were detected in basal metabolic rate (BMR), BAT uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) content and the levels of serum thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) between HF and LF voles. Although there were no differences in body fat content and serum leptin concentrations between HF and LF voles, serum leptin concentrations in HF voles were reduced to nearly half as those seen in LF voles after 4-weeks acclimation. These results support the hypothesis that Brandt's voles can compensate the poor quality diet physiologically by the means of increasing food intake and decreasing thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Carotid blood flow was measured in rats by implanted transit-time ultrasonic flowprobes during hyperbaric experiments at up to 70 bar (7 MPa) using an helium-oxygen hyperoxic (partial pressure of O2 = 400 mbar) mixture. Before the hyperbaric experiment, an intracerebroventricular injection of phosphate saline buffered solution (PBS) or aminophylline, an adenosine receptor blocker, in PBS was given. Throughout the hyperbaric experiment carotid blood flow increased with ambient pressure in both PBS, i.e. control, and aminophylline treated rats. The increase in carotid blood flow was significantly attenuated in aminophylline treated rats. Additional experiments showed that the increased carotid blood flow was independent of hyperoxia as well as of temperature. The hypothesis that the hyperbaric dependent increase in carotid blood flow was mediated by brain adenosine receptors and its implication regarding a cerebral vasodilatation are discussed.  相似文献   

Walker JF  Kane CJ 《生理学报》2002,54(5):405-410
本研究的目的是在中年男子中观察禁食情况下吸烟后烟碱对安静时能量消失(resting energy expenditure,REE)和血浆儿茶酚胺浓度的影响,并且在正常体重(BMI≤25kg/m^2),和超重(BMI>25kig/m^2)吸烟者之间比较吸烟引起的REE和血浆儿茶酚胺的急性反应是否有差别,对32名禁食的男性吸烟者用间接测热法分别在吸烟前和吸2支含0.16mg烟碱(低烟碱)或2支含1.74mg烟碱(高烟碱)香烟30min后测定REE,同时测定血浆中烟碱和去甲肾上腺素浓度,正常体重组在吸低烟碱烟后和超重组不认在吸低烟碱烟或高烟碱烟后,REE和血浆儿茶酚胺均无明显改变,而在正常体重组中,吸高烟碱烟后血浆去甲肾上腺素浓度升,时REE增加7.2%,如果将血浆烟碱水平作为一个共变量进行分析,则吸烟后血浆去甲肾上腺素浓度和REE的改变也不明显,表明吸烟后的生热效应是因血浆烟碱浓度升高而引起的,体重对烟碱的生热效应能发生影响,在超重的吸烟者中烟碱的生热效应减弱,由此推测,正常体重的吸烟者在戒烟后,由于不再有吸烟引起的耗能生热,可能导致体重增加。  相似文献   

The effect of exercise training on brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis was studied by measuring cytochrome oxidase activity, as a marker of mitochondrial abundance, mitochondrial guanosine-5'-diphosphate (GDP) binding, as an indicator of thermogenic activity and oxygen consumption in BAT in ovariectomized (OVX) obese rats and sham-operated rats. Six-week exercise training significantly suppressed body weight gain in OVX rats to the level of sedentary control rats, although food intake in exercise trained OVX rats increased more than in the sedentary OVX rats. Exercise training increased cytochrome oxidase activity, mitochondrial GDP binding and oxygen consumption in BAT in OVX rats, which were reduced in a sedentary condition, as well as in the control rats. These results suggest that exercise training potentiates BAT thermogenesis, which may contribute to the reduction of body weight in OVX obese rats.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a major site of nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) during cold acclimation for most mammals. Repetitive nonthermal stress such as immobilization has been shown to enhance the capacity of NST as cold acclimation. In the present study, the effects of running training, another type of nonthermal stress, were investigated on in vitro thermogenesis and the cellularity of interscapular BAT in rats. The rats were subjected to treadmill running for 30 min daily at 30 m/min under 8° inclination for 4–5 weeks. In vitro thermogenesis was then measured in minced tissue blocks incubated in a Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer containing glucose and albumin at 37° C, using a Clark type oxygen electrode. The trained rats showed less body weight gain during the experiment. The weights of BAT and epididymal white adipose tissue were smaller in the trained rats. Noradrenaline- and glucagon-stimulated oxygen consumption were also significantly smaller in the trained rats. The tissue DNA level was greater in the trained rats, but the DNA content per tissue pad did not significantly differ. The results indicate that running training reduces BAT thermogenesis, possibly as an adaptation to conserve energy substrates for physical work.  相似文献   

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