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Osteopontin (OPN), a major non-collagenous matrix protein of bone, is also found in tissue fluids and in the circulation. It is still not clear whether circulating OPN contributes to bone formation. To elucidate this question, rat OPN was tagged with dinitrophenol groups and administered to rats either intravenously or by infusion with an osmotic minipump through a "surgical window" in the bone of the hemimandible. Dinitrophenylated rat albumin (ALB) was used as a control. The presence and distribution of tagged proteins were revealed by immunogold labeling on sections of tibia and alveolar bone. Tagged molecules of OPN were found in mineralization foci, surfaces and interfaces, and matrix accumulations among calcified collagen fibrils. Even though dinitrophenylated ALB was administered at several-fold higher concentrations, it did not accumulate in these sites. These results show that circulating OPN can be incorporated into specific compartments of forming bone and suggest that such molecules may play a more important role than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Pollution by particulates has consistently been associated with increased cardiorespiratory morbidity and mortality. It has been suggested that ultrafine particles, of which diesel exhaust particles (DEP) are significant contributors, are able to translocate from the airways into the bloodstream in vivo. In the present study, we assessed the effect of systemic administration of DEP on cardiovascular and respiratory parameters. DEP were administered into the tail vein of rats, and heart rate, blood pressure, blood platelet activation, and lung inflammation were studied 24 h later. Doses of 0.02, 0.1, or 0.5 mg DEP/kg (8, 42, or 212 microg DEP/rat) induced a significant decrease of heart rate and blood pressure compared with saline-treated rats. Although the number of platelets was not affected, all the doses of DEP caused a shortening of the bleeding time. Similarly, in addition to triggering lung edema, the bronchoalveolar lavage analysis revealed the presence of neutrophil influx in DEP-treated rats in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that the presence of DEP in the systemic circulation leads not only to cardiovascular and haemostatic changes but it also triggers pulmonary inflammation.  相似文献   



Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a key player in systemic arthritis, involved in inflammation and joint destruction. IL-6 signalling has also been revealed in nerve cells. Recently, IL-6 and in particular IL-6 together with its soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) were shown to induce a long-lasting robust sensitization of joint nociceptors for mechanical stimuli which was difficult to reverse, suggesting that IL-6 signalling plays a significant role in the generation and maintenance of arthritic pain. Here we tested in a preclinical model of arthritis, antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) in the rat, whether systemic or local neutralization of IL-6/sIL-6R complexes with soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) alters arthritic pain and how sgp130 influences the inflammatory process in AIA.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the cellular mechanisms underlying the formation of associations between stimuli, as occurs during classical conditioning, requires an understanding of the non-associative effects of the individual stimuli. The siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia exhibits both non-associative and associative learning when a tactile stimulus to the siphon serves as a conditioned stimulus, and tail shock serves as an unconditioned stimulus. In this chapter we describe experiments which examine the non-associative effects of tail shock at three different levels of analysis. At a behavioural level we found that the magnitude, and even the sign of reflex modulation induced by tail shock depended critically on three parameters: (i) the state of the reflex (habituated or non-habituated); (ii) the strength of the tail shock, and (iii) the time of testing after tail shock. Specifically, when non-habituated responses produced by water jet stimuli to the siphon were examined, tail shock produced transient inhibition 90 s later; facilitation of non-habituated responses (sensitization) only emerged after a considerable delay of 20-30 min. When habituated responses were examined, tail shock produced immediate facilitation (dishabituation); the amount of facilitation was inversely related to the strength of tail shock, with stronger shock producing no dishabituation. At a cellular level it was found that the complex excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in siphon motor neurons produced by water jet stimuli to the siphon provides a reliable cellular correlate of several of the non-associative effects of tail shock that we observe behaviourally. When non-decremented complex EPSPS were examined, strong tail shock produced transient inhibition at a test 90 s after shock.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of bombesin (BBS) infusion or BBS injection on the plateau gastric secretion stimulated by pentagastrin (Pg) were compared in cats fitted with gastric fistula (GF) and Heidenhain pouch (HP). Injection of 81 pmol/kg of BBS inhibited Pg-stimulated acid secretion in both GF and HP by 47 +/- 5% and 37 +/- 5% (P less than 0.01), respectively. Infusion of 324 pmol/kg.h of BBS did not significantly modify acid secretion, but as soon as the infusion stopped, an inhibition appeared which lasted 1 h (37 +/- 5% in GF and 53 +/- 4% in HP P less than 0.01). The inhibition was reversed in GF by infusion of BBS 324 pmol/kg.h. In HP, reversion of inhibition required the addition in the Pg infusion of subthreshold dose of carbachol. We suggest that under non-steady state conditions (i.e. injection or after the end of the infusion) a concentration gradient of BBS is created which favors the response of D-cells over that of G-cells, whereas under steady-state conditions (i.e. during infusion) the effects of BBS on G- and D-cells are balanced. This finding argues for a physiological role of BBS in the regulation of gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   

The activation of glutamate receptors by kainic acid and domoic acid   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hampson DR  Manalo JL 《Natural toxins》1998,6(3-4):153-158
The neurotoxins kainic acid and domoic acid are potent agonists at the kainate and alphaamino-5-methyl-3-hydroxyisoxazolone-4-propionate (AMPA) subclasses of ionotropic glutamate receptors. Although it is well established that AMPA receptors mediate fast excitatory synaptic transmission at most excitatory synapses in the central nervous system, the role of the high affinity kainate receptors in synaptic transmission and neurotoxicity is not entirely clear. Kainate and domoate differ from the natural transmitter, L-glutamate, in their mode of activation of glutamate receptors; glutamate elicits rapidly desensitizing responses while the two neurotoxins elicit non-desensitizing or slowly desensitizing responses at AMPA receptors and some kainate receptors. The inability to produce desensitizing currents and the high affinity for AMPA and kainate receptors are undoubtedly important factors in kainate and domoate-mediated neurotoxicity. Mutagenesis studies on cloned glutamate receptors have provided insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for these unique properties of kainate and domoate.  相似文献   

Effect of the neurotoxin kainic acid to the food-procuring task were studied in Wistar rats. A single injection of the acid in subconvulsive dose (8 mg/kg) impaired the task performance within some weeks but not immediately after the treatment. Higher doses of kainic acid (10 mg/kg) impaired the task performance within a few hours after treatment for up to 10 days. The treatment did not prevent rat's learning of a new task in the same experimental chamber. The revealed deficit in the long-term memory retrieval might be explained by specific effects of kainic acid upon the hippocampal system.  相似文献   

The nature of progesterone (P4)'s neuroprotective effects is of interest. We investigated effects of P4 when administered before, or after, kainic acid, which produces ictal activity and damage to the hippocampus, to mediate effects on spatial performance. The hypothesis was that P4, compared with vehicle, would reduce decrements in Morris Water Maze performance induced by kainic acid. Experiment 1: We examined the effects of kainic acid on plasma stress hormone, corticosterone, and progestogen (P4 and its metabolites) levels in plasma and the hippocampus after subcutaneous (s.c.) P4 administration to ovariectomized rats. Rats administered kainic acid had the highest corticosterone levels immediately following injection. P4 is 5α‐reduced to dihydroprogesterone (DHP) and subsequently metabolized to 5α‐pregnan‐3α‐ol‐20‐one (3α,5α‐THP) by 3α‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. The regimen of P4 used produced circulating and hippocampal levels of P4, DHP, and 3α,5α‐THP within a physiological range, which declined at 14 hours postinjection and were not altered by kainic acid. Experiment 2: The physiological P4 regimen was administered to rats before, or after, kainic acid‐induced seizures, and later effects on water maze performance were compared with that of rats administered vehicle. Rats administered kainic acid had significantly poorer performance in the water maze (i.e., increased latencies and distances to the hidden platform) than did rats administered vehicle. Administration of P4 before, but not after, kainic acid prevented these performance deficits. Thus, these data suggest that a physiological regimen of P4 can prevent some of the deficits in water maze performance produced by kainic acid. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 71: 142‐152, 2011  相似文献   

Summary The enantioselective synthesis of phosphonic analogue of kainic acid is described.  相似文献   

The histological, electroencephalographic, behavioral changes as well as the changes in the intensity threshold of stimulation necessary to induce contralateral turning were studied in 16 cats, in which kainic acid (KA) was injected locally into the pulvinar-lateralis posterior nucleus complex (P-LP). In 13 cats a stainless-steel tube with two attached electrodes was implanted in P-LP, and electrodes were also implanted in the ipsilateral dorsal hippocampus, the superior colliculus and the caudate nucleus. KA was injected through the tube using a 10 microliters Hamilton syringe. In other 3 cats, KA was injected stereotaxically through the needle of the Hamilton syringe and two electrodes were implanted in these areas after withdrawal of the syringe. The intensity thresholds of stimulation required to induce turning behavior were controlled before and after KA administration in the 13 cats with an implanted tube and only after KA injections in the three cats without a tube; in these instances the current threshold of the contralateral P-LP served as control. The histological results showed a moderate KA damage of the P-LP, with destruction of neuronal soma and gliosis and additional involvement, in all the experiments, of the dorsal hippocampus; however, passage fibers were spared by the lesions. A dose-dependent epileptic effect of KA was seen, which was slight with the 3 micrograms dose and intense with 6 micrograms. The EEG recording showed a prominent and almost simultaneous epileptic involvement of the hippocampus and the P-LP after KA, with less involvement of the other implanted structures. Turning behavior induced by electrical stimulation of the P-LP was suppressed when the electrode tip was located inside the lesioned area. When the electrode tip was placed inside a slight or moderate damaged tissue, a significative increase in current threshold was found, and finally when the tip of the electrode was outside the lesioned area no change in threshold was observed. These findings do not contradict our previous hypothesis of an intrinsic cholinergic mechanism involved in the turning response evoked by P-LP electrical stimulation, although it cannot be excluded that fibers coming presumably from the superior colliculus or pretectum may contribute to the response.  相似文献   

P G Aitken  D B Jaffe  J V Nadler 《Peptides》1991,12(1):127-129
We investigated the relationship between the effects of cholecystokinin (CCK) and kainic acid (KA) in the CA3 region of hippocampal slices from rats. As has been reported previously, KA in nanomolar concentrations caused spontaneous epileptiform discharges (bursts) and an excitatory shift of the input/output (I/O) curve. CCK octapeptide (100-200 nM) applied alone had no effect on spontaneous activity or I/O curves. Pretreatment of slices with sulfated CCK blocked the effect of KA on synaptic transmission, but had no effect on KA-induced bursting. Pretreatment with nonsulfated CCK had no effect.  相似文献   

A kainic acid receptor was purified from Triton X-100/digitonin-solubilized frog brain membranes. The purification was carried out in two steps: ion exchange chromatography using DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and affinity chromatography with domoic acid immobilized on Sepharose 4B. The specific binding activity of the affinity-purified receptor is 481-fold higher than that of the crude solubilized preparation and 1617-fold higher than that of the whole membrane fraction. Scatchard analyses of the affinity-purified receptor showed a curvilinear plot which fit a two-site model with dissociation constants of 5.5 and 34 nM and Bmax values of 1700 pmol/mg protein and 4400 pmol/mg protein for the high and low affinity components, respectively. The dissociation constants of the purified receptor are similar to those of the crude soluble preparation (4.8 and 39 nM). Inhibition constants for several kainic acid analogs were also similar for the purified and crude preparations. The active purified receptor migrated with a Mr = 570,000 on gel filtration analysis using Sepharose 6B. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the affinity-purified receptor showed a single broad band with silver stain, migrating with a Mr = 48,000.  相似文献   

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