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An official organization responsible for ecological research and nature conservation was formed in 1949. This paper traces its development and vicissitudes, first as an independent Nature Conservancy, then as a part of the Natural Environment Research Council, and finally as the Nature Conservancy Council. Much has been achieved: ecology is now a household word; there is a strong voluntary tide for nature conservation in the country; and there have been notable achievements in practical conservation. But the dangers to nature in Britain have proved to be much greater than anticipated.  相似文献   

The status, ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe and Britain are reviewed, as a background to the National Trust's past and future contribution to British conservation. Britain has a poor butterfly fauna by European standards, the main areas of endemism and species richness being in the Alps and southern Europe. To date, the main declines among European butterfly populations have occurred across central-northern Europe, with slightly higher extinction rates in mainland countries than in Britain. The main causes of decline are biotope destruction, the loss of certain species' habitats within surviving semi-natural biotopes due to changed land management, and a failure by several species to track the patches of their habitat that are still being generated in modern fragmented landscapes. Until recently, most conservation programmes failed to take account of the latter two factors, resulting in many local extinctions of rare butterfly species even in conservation areas. Recent measures have been much more successful; many were first tested on National Trust properties.  相似文献   

物种编目及其科属系统排列是了解生物多样性的基础, 本文采用Flora of China使用的分类系统, 结合最新分子分类学研究成果以及近几年发表的新资料, 对中国石松类和蕨类植物多样性和地理分布数据进行了统计和分析。结果表明中国共有石松类和蕨类植物40科178属2,147种5个亚种118个变种, 其中特有种839个, 占总种数的39.08%。种数最多的5个科依次为鳞毛蕨科(505种, 含种下单位, 下同)、蹄盖蕨科(323种)、水龙骨科(280种)、凤尾蕨科(266种)和金星蕨科(209种); 种数最多的5个属依次为耳蕨属(Polystichum, 209种)、鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris, 176种)、蹄盖蕨属(Athyrium, 137种)、双盖蕨属(Diplazium, 98种)和凤尾蕨属(Pteris, 97种)。在地理分布上, 种数排名前5的省份为云南(1,365种)、四川(875种)、贵州(838种)、广西(785种)和台湾(779种)。含中国特有石松类和蕨类植物的科属中, 排前3位的科分别为鳞毛蕨科(257种)、蹄盖蕨科(169种)和凤尾蕨科(113种); 排前3位的属为耳蕨属(140种)、蹄盖蕨属(82种)和鳞毛蕨属(61种)。  相似文献   

目前世界上水獭数量的急剧下降已引起广泛关注.从水獭的分布、生境选择、食性以及种群动态方面综述了近年来世界有关水獭的生态学与保护研究进展,探讨了水獭的保护现状及存在的问题,并结合实际情况提出了对水獭保护的建议.  相似文献   

中国大陆沿海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙的重要停歇地,自然湿地丧失与退化已经严重威胁到水鸟生物多样性的稳定性,急需开展物种及其栖息地的保护工作。识别中国大陆沿海水鸟保护优先区,针对保护优先区进行保护优先等级划分,确定目前尚存的保护空缺,是针对性开展水鸟栖息地保护的前提。以中国大陆沿海11省、自治区、直辖市沿岸湿地为研究区,整合鸟类网站、水鸟调查报告和文献中的水鸟调查数据,采用热点分析方法,确定水鸟保护优先区,将每个地块上满足水鸟保护优先区识别标准的物种数量占所有地块中满足标准的物种数量最大值的比例划分成0.5≤Pi≤1、 0.25≤Pi<0.5、0i<0.25三个区间,确定对应的I类、II类和III类水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级;结合国家自然保护地名录,确定水鸟保护优先区保护空缺。结果显示:共有65块中国大陆沿海水鸟保护优先区,记录到满足热点分析标准的水鸟物种共76种,其中受胁物种18种。水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级属于I、II、III类的分别有8块、10块、47块,且水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级属于I...  相似文献   

申宇  程浩  刘国华  邓红兵  苏旭坤 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4507-4516
协同生物多样性保护和生态系统服务功能维持对制定系统性保护规划具有重要意义。研究以青藏高原为研究区,应用Maxent模型模拟了重点植物的空间分布,结合世界保护联盟(IUCN)重点动物空间分布数据和生态系统服务空间分布,利用Zonation模型依次识别了基于单一因素的保护优先区以及集成生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护优先区,评估了青藏高原现有自然保护地对保护优先区、重要物种及生态系统服务的保护状况和保护空缺。结果表明:(1)青藏高原保护优先区保护价值呈现由东南向西北递减趋势,优先区主要分布在青藏高原东南缘喜马拉雅山地、雅鲁藏布江中游河谷及横断山区等区域,生物多样性保护优先区和生态系统服务保护优先区分布略有差异,存在43.2%的空间重叠;(2)在重要物种保护上,自然保护地对两栖动物的保护率最高,平均保护了38.2%,哺乳动物次之(24%),爬行动物的保护率较低,仅为10.2%。对生态系统服务功能覆盖率分别是44.1%(防风固沙)、27.1%(水源涵养)、22.3%(土壤保持)、17.1%(碳固定)和16.6%(洪水调蓄);(3)自然保护地对研究识别的保护优先区存在保护空缺,仅覆盖了26.8%的集成保护优先区,Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级优先区保护空缺面积占青藏高原面积的7.2%、6.9%和7.7%。研究结果可为青藏高原以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系优化提供科学依据与理论支撑。  相似文献   

The study and practice of conservation biology is inherently interdisciplinary, addresses short and long time-scales and occurs within complex human–natural interfaces. Zoos and aquaria, in partnership with researchers, other non-government organizations, government, industry and educators, are combining knowledge of species and ecosystems with economics, psychology and law to create solutions for conserving biodiversity. From 22 to 25 May, the Conservation Forum of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria was a venue for discussing conservation research, education and interventions, from the scale of villages to global policy.  相似文献   

Robbie Ali 《EcoHealth》2006,3(3):195-203
This article describes a practicum experience developed between a conservation organization (The Nature Conservancy) and a medical school (The Faculty of Medicine at Mulawarman University in East Kalimantan). Through this practicum, groups of medical students from Mulawarman have assisted with baseline and follow-up community evaluations in remote villages along the Kelay River, Berau District. These evaluations were done in conjunction with the Kelay Conservation Health Program, a program designed to improve health and healthcare for local people, mostly former hunter–gatherers, in an area of rainforest that the conservation organization seeks to protect. Besides gaining experience in community health assessment, through this practicum medical students also gained field experience and knowledge in rural and remote area health and healthcare in Indonesia and had an opportunity to explore linkages between conservation and health. At the conclusion of their time with the program, participating students also presented individual problem-based reports on relevant topics to students and faculty at the Medical School and to the District Health Department. This partnership between a conservation agency and a medical school in a developing country is unusual, but has been very well received by all stakeholders involved. Because of this, Mulawarman is now planning to make Kelay into a formal training site for its students. This experience may serve as a model for other groups interested in promoting ecosystem health education to future health professionals in the developing world.  相似文献   

系统保护规划的理论、方法及关键问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张路  欧阳志云  徐卫华 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1284-1295
为了减缓生物多样性丧失的趋势、将有限的保护资源用于关键区域,Margules等提出了系统保护规划(Systematic Conservation Planning)概念和方法,目前该方法已成为国际主流保护规划方法。与传统基于专家决策的保护体系规划方法不同,系统保护规划拥有量化的保护目标、保护成本,并综合考虑保护体系连通性、人为干扰因素,使用优化算法计算,从而获得空间明晰的生物多样性保护体系。在阐述规划理念、规划流程与方法的基础上,重点评述了生物多样性替代指标的选择、保护规划成本的计算、保护目标的设置、规划结果的可靠性评估等关键问题,并结合我国的具体情况,探讨了该方法在我国的应用前景,以期为推进我国生物多样性与生态服务功能的保护做出贡献。  相似文献   

piRNAs are a class of noncoding RNAs that perform functions in epigenetic regulation and silencing of transposable elements, a mechanism conserved among most mammals. At present, there are more than 30,000 known piRNAs in humans, of which more than 80% are derived from intergenic regions, and approximately 20% are derived from the introns and exons of pre-mRNAs. It was observed that the expression of the piRNA profile is specific in several organs, suggesting that they play functional roles in different tissues. In addition, some studies suggest that changes in regions that encode piRNAs may have an impact on their function. To evaluate the conservation of these regions and explore the existence of a seed region, SNP and INDEL variant rates were investigated in several genomic regions and compared to piRNA region variant rates. Thus, data analysis, data collection, cleaning, treatment, and exploration were implemented using the R programming language with the help of the RStudio platform. We found that piRNA regions are highly conserved after considering INDELs and do not seem to present an identifiable seed region after considering SNPs and INDEL variants. These findings may contribute to future studies attempting to determine how polymorphisms in piRNA regions can impact diseases.  相似文献   

段后浪  于秀波 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8663-8670
黄河流域为迁徙水鸟提供重要的繁殖地、越冬地和停歇地。然而,黄河流域正面临着农业开垦、城市化、水资源分布不均等一系列的生态安全问题,威胁迁徙水鸟种群及其栖息地稳定性。因此,识别黄河流域重要的水鸟栖息地分布区域,分析当前的保护现状对于开展水鸟及栖息地保护至关重要。以黄河流域为研究区,搜集整合来自国内外观鸟网站(eBird、全球生物多样性信息库(GBIF)和中国观鸟记录中心(BirdReport))、文献和水鸟调查报告中的水鸟调查数据,沿用三个国际上通用的水鸟重要栖息地识别标准,确定了黄河流域水鸟保护优先区。在此基础上,使用水鸟栖息地重要性指数确定水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级,结合国家自然保护地名录,分析水鸟保护优先区保护空缺状况。结果显示:黄河流域共有47个水鸟保护优先区,主要分布在黄河流域中游和下游,其中河南省和山东省水鸟保护优先区较多。满足水鸟保护优先区识别标准的水鸟共14种,其中,极危物种有2个,濒危物种有1个,易危物种有5个。水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级处于I、II和III类的分别有2个、8个和37个。有20个水鸟保护优先区处于保护空缺状态,占总数的42.55%,主要集中在黄河中游和下游,其中,水鸟保护优先等级处于I类或II类的地块有3个,建议将这些保护空缺地以自然保护区、保护小区或国家公园形式纳入湿地保护地体系,并加强长期监测。  相似文献   

云南省香格里拉大峡谷藏族神山在自然保护中的意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
位于云南省西北部迪庆藏族自治州境内的香格里拉大峡谷拥有独特的自然人文景观和丰富的生物多样性。藏族作为当地最重要的原住民族,他们的文化对当地的自然环境具有重要的影响。为了解藏族传统文化中的神山崇拜对香格里拉大峡谷地区自然环境的影响,本文应用民族生态学、植物生态学和文化人类学的研究方法,结合文献资料的分析,对香格里拉大峡谷的藏族神山进行了调查和研究,并对处于不同保护状态下(神山与非神山)的两个典型植物群落即高山松(Pinus densata)群落和云南黄果冷杉(Abies ernestii var. salouenensis)群落进行了比较。结果显示,在相同的样地面积内(20 m×20 m),神山植物群落在物种数量(20,14)和群落盖度(100%,85%)方面都明显高于非神山植物群落(11,2;70%,60%)。结合入户调查资料,发现广泛分布于香格里拉大峡谷的藏族神山构成了一个“自下而上”的乡土保护体系,它不仅在保护生物多样性、维护当地脆弱的生态环境等方面发挥着重要的作用,而且还可以提供多种非林产品,实现多种生态功能。文章探讨了发挥乡土保护体系的保护功效及应用传统文化知识以促进自然保护的重要性,建议应当尊重和保护原住民的传统文化,发掘其中优秀的自然保护知识和经验,引导其发挥更加有效的自然保护功能,使民族传统保护体系成为现代自然保护体系的有力补充。  相似文献   

尤溪县生物多样性保护优先地区分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
李迪强  林英华  陆军 《生态学报》2002,22(8):1315-1322
选择人类活动频繁的常绿阔叶林林区具有代表性的福建尤溪县进行了生物多样性保护的优先性分析。在多次实地调查基础上,利用野生动物野外实地样带调查数据,已有的珍稀淑危鸟,兽和植物物种的分布资料,同时结合利用地理信息系统软件ARC/INFO数字化1:10万林相图和1:5万地形图,建立了基于GIS的尤溪县生物多样性信息系统,然后根据物种多样性,珍稀濒危物种保护和生态系统保护目标,确立了保护优先性分析原则,即珍稀濒危物种尽可能包含在保护区和保护小区内,同时在优先保护区尽可能包含更多的其它物种,用最新的森林分布图及调查物种分布与生境关系,生态系统在保护物种与生态系统功能等方面的作用等,提出了生态系统的保护优先地区,将提出保护优先地区与已建保护小区和保护点分布图进行叠加分析表明,保护小区和保护点的方法是保护珍稀濒危物种的有效方法,但是需要考虑保护小区之间的联系,在对大型哺乳动物保护时需要建立面积较大的自然保护区,最后,提出了建立自然保护区规划。  相似文献   

原、异位保存东乡野生稻主要农艺性状的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解原、异位保存东乡野生稻主要农艺性状的变化,对庵家山普通野生稻原、异位群体进行了考察和比较分析。结果表明,原、异位保存的东乡野生稻在每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、结实率等方面存在较大的差异,如异位保存的东乡野生稻每穗总粒数平均为58.28粒,比原位多11.44粒,但其每穗实粒数却较少,为9.89粒,结实率降低了45.43%。从种植环境可以发现,异位保存圃的环境不适宜东乡野生稻的生长,应该选择与原生境相类似的种植环境,以便于东乡野生稻的保存、研究与利用。  相似文献   

Because conventional markets value only certain goods or services in the ocean (e.g. fish), other services provided by coastal and marine ecosystems that are not priced, paid for, or stewarded tend to become degraded. In fact, the very capacity of an ecosystem to produce a valued good or service is often reduced because conventional markets value only certain goods and services, rather than the productive capacity. Coastal socio‐ecosystems are particularly susceptible to these market failures due to the lack of clear property rights, strong dependence on resource extraction, and other factors. Conservation strategies aimed at protecting unvalued coastal ecosystem services through regulation or spatial management (e.g. Marine Protected Areas) can be effective but often result in lost revenue and adverse social impacts, which, in turn, create conflict and opposition. Here, we describe ‘ecomarkets’ – markets and financial tools – that could, under the right conditions, generate value for broad portfolios of coastal ecosystem services while maintaining ecosystem structure and function by addressing the unique problems of the coastal zone, including the lack of clear management and exclusion rights. Just as coastal tenure and catch‐share systems generate meaningful conservation and economic outcomes, it is possible to imagine other market mechanisms that do the same with respect to a variety of other coastal ecosystem goods and services. Rather than solely relying on extracting goods, these approaches could allow communities to diversify ecosystem uses and focus on long‐term stewardship and conservation, while meeting development, food security, and human welfare goals. The creation of ecomarkets will be difficult in many cases, because rights and responsibilities must be devolved, new social contracts will be required, accountability systems must be created and enforced, and long‐term patterns of behaviour must change. We argue that efforts to overcome these obstacles are justified, because these deep changes will strongly complement policies and tools such as Marine Protected Areas, coastal spatial management, and regulation, thereby helping to bring coastal conservation to scale.  相似文献   

Sullivan SA  Landsman D 《Proteins》2003,52(3):454-465
The three-helix, approximately 65-residue histone fold domain is the most structurally conserved part of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. However, it evinces a notable degree of sequence variation within and between histone classes. We used two approaches to characterize sequence variation in these histone folds, toward elucidating their structure/function relationships and evolution. On the one hand we asked how much of the sequence variation seen in structure-based alignments of the folds maintains physicochemical properties at a position, and on the other, whether conservation correlates to structural importance, as measured by the number of residue-to-residue contacts a position makes. Strong physicochemical conservation or correlation of conservation to contacts would support the idea that functional constraints, rather than genetic drift, determines the observed range of variants at a given position. We used an 11-state table of physicochemical properties to classify each position in the core histone fold (CHF) alignments, and a public website (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/databases/cgi-bin/valdar/scorecons_server.pl) to score conservation. We found that, depending on histone class, from 38 to 77% of CHF positions are maximally conserved physicochemically, and that for H2B, H3, and H4 the degree to which a position is conserved correlates positively to the number of contacts made by the residue at that position in the crystal structure of the nucleosome core particle. We also examined the correlation between conservation and the type of contact (e.g., inter- or intrachain, histone-histone, or histone-DNA, etc.). For H2B, H3, and H4 we found a positive correlation between conservation and number of interchain protein contacts. No such correlation or statistical significance was found for DNA or intrachain contacts. This suggests that variations in the CHF sequences could be functionally constrained by requirements to make sufficient interchain histone contacts. We also suggest that inventory of histone residue variants can augment functional studies of histones. An example is presented for histone H3.  相似文献   

黄淮海地区湿地系统生物多样性保护格局构建   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
以黄淮海地区为研究对象,首先分析了区域现有湿地保护状况,再基于湿地类型、保护状况和目标保护物种分布,综合考虑GDP、人口密度等社会经济因素,以湿地生物多样性保护为目标,运用系统保护规划的理论和方法,以Marxan作为空间优化模型,进行多目标的湿地系统保护预案设计,构建区域湿地不同保护水平的保护空缺和不可替代性格局,确定合理的湿地系统保护格局。研究结果表明:现有的湿地保护体系仅覆盖了区域17%左右的湿地,尚有许多重要生境游离于现有保护区系统外。为完善黄淮海地区湿地保护体系,需要对黄海海区域内28个保护区进行功能区划调整或者保护等级提升,并在山东(5个县)和河北(4个县),河南、江苏和安徽(各3个县),北京和天津(各1个县)等20个县市内建立新的保护区,与现有湿地保护系统有机整合,最终形成一个黄淮海地区湿地生物保护网络合理格局。结果表明:同其他相关研究方法对比,系统保护规划方法在区域大尺度生物多样性保护方面更具有意义;同时也表明该方法在中国的应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

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