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The antagonist potencies of methylnaloxone and naloxone were measured for morphine in the isolated guinea pig ileum by the pA2 method and a potency ratio determined. A second potency ratio was determined by comparing the concentration of each antagonist required to produce abstinence-like contractures of ileal tissues from morphine-treated guinea pigs. If the latter response required penetration of the cell membrane lipid bilayer, one would expect methylnaloxone, a quaternary amine, to be significantly less potent than naloxone. Comparison of potency ratios for methylnaloxone and naloxone did not support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In vitro modulation of human T lymphocyte surface differentiation antigens T3, T8, and T4, by their respective monoclonal antibodies, was studied as a function of donor age. Kinetic studies performed on lymphocytes from young adults indicated that modulation is dependent on concentration of antibody used and duration of culture. OKT3 modulates T3 rapidly (maximum at less than 24 hr) and relatively completely (79% at the highest concentration of antibody used). By 48 hr, regeneration of the T3 antigen is apparent. T8 modulation by OKT8 is slower (continued modulation at 48 hr) and less complete than is T3 modulation by OKT3. OKT4 does not modulate the T4 antigen. In elderly individuals modulation of T3 by OKT3 is preserved whereas modulation of T8 by OKT8 is significantly reduced (24 +/- 8% at 48 hr vs 53 +/- 4% for young controls). These observations document further age-related changes in properties of human T suppressor cells.  相似文献   

A number of novel observations on ribosomal metabolism were made during gametic differentiation of Chlamydomonas reinhardi. Throughout the gametogenic process the amount of chloroplast and cytoplasmic ribosomes decreased steadily. The kinetics and extent of such decreases were different for each of the two ribosomal species. Comparable rRNA degradation accompanied this ribosome degradation. Concurrent with the substantial ribosome degradation was the synthesis of rRNA, ribosomal proteins and the assembly of new chloroplast and cytoplasmic ribosomes throughout gametogenesis. The newly synthesized chloroplast ribosomes exhibited distinctively faster turnover than their cytoplasmic counterpart. Cytoplasmic ribosomes, pulse-labeled in early gametogenic stages, retained label until differentiation was nearly complete even though a net decrease in the level of cytoplasmic ribosomes continued, indicating that the newly synthesized cytoplasmic ribosomes were preferentially retained during differentiation. Hence the regulation of ribosome metabolism during gametogenesis contrasts with the conservation of ribosomes obtained during vegetative growth of C. reinhardi and other organisms. This unique pattern of ribosome metabolism suggests that new ribosome synthesis is necessary during gametogenesis and that some specific structural or functional difference relating to the development stage of the life cycle might exist between degraded and newly synthesized ribosomes.  相似文献   

Mevalonic acid is capable of initiating DNA synthesis, morphologic transformation, and cell division in cultures of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Pure populations of lymphocytes respond poorly to mevalonic acid, but their response can be enhanced by peripheral blood neutrophils. Addition of cytochalasin B (0.5-1.0 micrograms/ml), but not cytochalasin A, to mixed neutrophil-lymphocyte cultures enhances the response of lymphocytes to both Con A and mevalonate, but the increment in mevalonate-induced DNA synthesis (+343%) far exceeds the enhancement which cytochalasin B produces in the Con A response (+24%). As a consequence, the DNA synthetic response in mevalonate (10(-2) M) containing cultures averages 39% of the response to an optimal dose of Con A. The cytochalasin B-enhanced response of mixed neutrophil-lymphocyte cultures to mevalonate is abolished by prior X irradiation of the lymphocytes, or their pretreatment with mitomycin C, as well as by the addition of hydroxyurea to the cultures but is not altered by prior X irradiation or mitomycin C pretreatment of the neutrophil helper population. These experiments suggest that the enhancing effect of cytochalasin B in the response of mixed neutrophil-lymphocyte cultures to mevalonic acid results from its ability to potentiate a time-dependent conditioning effect on lymphocytes which neutrophils exert. The conditioning effect of neutrophils cannot be achieved by cell-free neutrophil lysosomal enzymes released by exocytosis, and reactive oxygen species potentially generated by neutrophils are not involved. Attempts to demonstrate the production by neutrophils of a soluble mediator induced by mevalonate in the presence of cytochalasin B were without success. In the presence of cytochalasin B, only the metabolically active R(-) enantiomeric form of mevalonate is capable of initiating DNA synthesis in mixed neutrophil-lymphocyte cultures. The cytochalasin B-potentiated response of mixed neutrophil-lymphocyte cultures to mevalonic acid is preferentially displayed in cultures containing E-rosette-negative, as opposed to E-rosette-positive, lymphocytes. These observations add to the growing knowledge about the relationship between mevalonate metabolism, DNA synthesis, and cell replication.  相似文献   

We present a simple, efficient system for preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The instrument features a novel sample collection assembly which is fitted directly onto the bottom of the gel cylinder. Buffer pumped uniformly upward through a porous plastic disk from the lower tray sweeps the emerging sample into a collection system with high efficiency. Measures which prevent the destruction of tryptophan residues and the blockage of α-amino groups observed in electrophoresed polypeptides are described.  相似文献   

The social interactions within groups of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) had a strong impact on the individual pattern of copulation which, in turn, affects sperm precedence and the probability of implantation in this species. Males alternated uninterrupted ejaculatory series, augmenting each others' copulatory investment. Females took turns mating after receiving an intromission, collectively potentiating the males' copulatory behaviour; increasing the number of oestrous females increased the number of intromissions and ejaculations achieved by each male but did not affect the amount of copulation experienced by each female. These turn-taking patterns within each sex provided the opportunity to change partners and permitted the emergence of different sex-typical patterns of copulation. Furthermore, the dominant male contributed more intromissions and tended to give each female more ejaculations than the subordinates did. Dominant males were also more likely to inhibit the subordinates' sperm transport. Females competed among themselves for the opportunity to mate with a male as he approached ejaculation and were likely to protect more of the dominant male's sperm transport than the subordinate male's.  相似文献   

The copulatory pattern of groups of rats (Rattus norvegicus) was studied in the laboratory in a seminatural environment. In a given mating session, every oestrous female copulated with each male; likewise, every male copulated with each oestrous female. While individual males and females experienced similar amounts of copulation, there were dramatic sex differences in sequence and temporal pattern. Males mated in a multiple intromission pattern and had more ejaculatory series when several females were in oestrus. In contrast, females received intromissions and ejaculations in a random order, not in the sequence of a male ejaculatory series. Males copulated at shorter intervals than females did, a temporal sex difference that was determined by the pattern of female solicitations and male approaches. These sex differences are used to discuss the different units of analysis that are appropriate for male and female sexual behaviour in this species. Furthermore, the sex differences in the temporal pattern of copulation which emerged during group mating parallel the known sex differences in the temporal parameters of the neuroendocrine reflexes which mediate successful reproduction in the domestic strain.  相似文献   

In vitro Ig secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) from old and young donors, in response to T-dependent (TD) [pokeweed mitogen (PWM)] and T-independent (TI) [Salmonella paratyphii B (SPB)] activation were compared. In older donors, the IgG and IgA responses to PWM were comparable to those of young donors; the IgM response was reduced in the elderly. With SPB activation, IgA response was again preserved, whereas IgG response was reduced and IgM secretion was markedly decreased. These data indicate class-specific changes in Ig responsiveness to both TD and TI cell activators with age. The reduction in TI-induced IgG and IgM responses in the elderly suggest that changes in B cells themselves have occurred. The preservation of the TD IgG response in concert with reduced TI response indicates that a decline in T-suppressor influences over B cells in the elderly coupled with reduced B-cell synthesizing capacity can result in apparent “preservation” of the final Ig response. In keeping with the above postulate, analysis of individual elderly donors' responses indicated that some of the old donors responded to PWM, but not SPB; none of the old donors responded to SPB and not PWM. In contrast, some young donors did respond to SPB, but not PWM. These results also suggest that nonresponse to PWM in young donors relates to an override of functionally intact B cells by T-regulator influences.  相似文献   

The biochemical mechanism of lymphocyte dysfunction with adenosine deaminase deficiency has been investigated using cultured phytohemagglutinin stimulated normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and the adenosine deaminase (ADA) inhibitor 2'-deoxycoformycin. The addition of deoxyadenosine to ADA-inhibited (but not to uninhibited) cells generated increased dATP pools (up to 50-fold greater than controls) and depressed the mitogen response. dATP Accumulation was accompanied by depletion of the other three deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pools (dTTP, dCTP, and dGTP). Suppression of the mitogen response could be prevented ("reversed") to 90% of control levels by the addition of deoxynucleoside precursors for the depleted dNTPs at the initiation of mitogen stimulation. "Reversal" restored the dTTP and possibly the dGTP pools. Thus the mechanism of toxicity in this model appears to be inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase by massive accumulation of dATP, resulting in starvation for the other three deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. "Reversibility" of this toxicity by providing sources for the missing three deoxynucleoside triphosphates argues for ribonucleotide reductase inhibition rather than other mechanisms of deoxyadenosine toxicity in this model.  相似文献   

The pea leaf chloroplastic and cytoplasmic forms of aldolase are very similar in structure. The subunit molecular weights determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate are approximately 37.000. Both aldolases appear to terminate in the same sequence, SerAlaTyrCOOH, and the amino-terminal sequence H2NGlySerTyrAla was obtained for each. The previously reported differences in kinetic properties and in isoelectric points of the two pea leaf enzymes probably are the consequence of minor differences in amino acid composition or conformation.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding xenoserum (xs) on cytolytic cell activity induced by parenteral injection was examined in C3H/N mice. Spleen cells were cultured with xs and then assayed for cytolytic activity against a panel of 51Cr-labeled YAC-1, AKR-A, or P815 target cells. Prior feeding resulted in significant suppression of responses stimulated by injection and culture. The induction of these responses was antigen specific for xs whereas the effector stage represented polyclonal activation of cytolytic cells. Some effector cells were lysed by either anti-Lyt 2 or anti-NK- 1.2 and complement and some were blocked by anti-Lyt 2 or anti-T200 in the cytotoxicity assay. Thus, both cytolytic T and NK-like cells were suppressed by antigen feeding. Activity of TH cell-derived factors which enhance cytolytic activity ("promoter" factor, interferon, and interleukin 2) also was diminished in culture supernatants of cells from mice fed soluble antigens. The conclusion that polyclonal cytolytic responses induced by soluble antigen can be regulated by prior enteric stimulation is made.  相似文献   

The ferric hemes of valence hybrid hemoglobins combine with imidazole in a manner analogous with the hemes of methemoglobin. Equilibrium studies show that imidazole binding to methemoglobin is minimally described by the sum of two independent processes (K1 = 200 M?1 and K2 = 37 M?1), both of which contribute equally to the observed difference spectrum. Using valance hybrid hemoglobins, which show single binding processes under similar conditions, it is possible to identify the high affinity sites in methemoglobin with the α chains and the low affinity sites with the β chains.Kinetic studies show that the valance hybrid hemoglobins react in a single exponential fashion with imidazole in contrast with methemoglobin which shows a biphasic reaction (k1 = 85 M?1 sec?1k2 = 25 M?1 sec?1). A comparison of the rates of reaction of the hybrids allows the assignment of the fast phase in methemoglobin to the β chains and the slow phase to the α chains.The heterogeneity of the imidazole reaction with methemoglobin occurs over the pH range 5.5–9.5 within which two ionization processes are discernable at pH 6.9 and 7.5.  相似文献   

Quantitation of myosin in muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amount of myosin per gram of cardiac and skeletal muscle was determined in sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized tissue homogenates by radioimmunoassay and by isotope dilution. In the rabbit ventricle, there was an average of 27 mg myosin/g wet wt of tissue. In chickens, the myosin content of typical "red" (anterior latissimus dorsi) and "white" (posterior latissimus dorsi) skeletal muscles was higher than that of ventricular muscle, averaging 36 and 48 mg/g of tissue, respectively. The stoichiometry of the heavy and light chains in cardiac myosin was also determined from the quantitative binding of 125I-labeled Coomassie blue to each subunit after separation of the subunits by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. With this procedure, we found that the combined light-chain subunits contributed 19% of the myosin mass. After adjustment for the light-chain contribution, the myosin heavy-chain content of the rabbit ventricle averaged 22 mg/g wet wt of tissue.  相似文献   

Carbon-13 spin-lattice relaxation times, T1, have been measured for aqueous solutions of L-aspartic acid, L-alanine, O-phospho-L-serine, and 2-mercapto-L-succinic acid in the presence of the paramagnetic metal ions, Cu2+ and Mn2+, and Mg2+ as a diamagnetic control, at ambient temperature and neutral pH. Nitrogen-15, oxygen-17 and proton relaxation times were also obtained for L-aspartic acid and phosphorus-31 relaxation times for O-phospho-L-serine under similar conditions. The structures of these complexes in solution were determined from the various metal ion-nuclei distances calculated from the paramagaetically-induced relaxation. These results indicate that the Cu2+ interaction with L-aspartic acid is through α-amino and β-carboxyl groups while Mn2+ coordinates most strongly through α-and β-carboxyl groups, with the possibility of a weak interaction through the amino group.An examination of the coordination of these divalent metal ions to an analog of L-aspartic acid in which the β-carboxyl group is replaced by a phosphate group (O-phospho-L-serine) indicated that Cu2+ coordination is now probably through the α-amino and phosphate groups, while this analog is a monodentate ligand for Mn2+ coordinating through the phosphate group. Removal of the β-carboxyl group (L-alanine) also results in Cu2+ coordination through the α-carboxyl and α-amino groups, and the same ligand interactions are observed with Mn2+. Replacement of the α-amino group of L-aspartic acid with an - SH group (2-mercapto-L-succinate) is sufficient to eliminate any specific coordination with either Cu2+ or Mn2+.  相似文献   

The growth of embryonic chick cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts in tissue culture was evaluated by the kinetics of nuclear labeling during continuous exposure to [3H]thymidine. The fraction of mitotically active cells, the mean intermitotic period and the population doubling times were determined in each cell type during 3 weeks in culture. After 24 hr in culture, 90% of the muscle cells were mitotically active with minimal population doubling times of 65 hr. By 17 days in culture only 5% of the myocytes continued to divide with population doubling times greater than 3000 hr. Primarily, the lengthening of doubling times was due to a withdrawal of cells from the mitotic cycle and much less to a lengthening of the intermitotic period. Growth of cardiac muscle cells from embryonic hearts from 4 to 10 days of development was also compared. Muscle cells from younger hearts displayed greater mitotic activity than those from older hearts at equivalent times in culture.  相似文献   

The binding of the gamma labeled neuroleptic, 77Br-p-bromosprioperidol, in the rat brain was examined in vivo. This binding parallels the binding of 3H-spiroperidol, in that binding is especially high in dopaminergically innervated areas, is saturable, and is displaced by high doses of unlabeled spiroperidol (1–5). Thus, 77Br-p-bromospiroperidol is a suitable ligand for use in gamma ray imaging techniques for in vivo monitoring of receptor binding.  相似文献   

Vibrational spectroscopic data were collected on the salt [C5H6N]2[Cl3FeOFeCl3] . C5H5N, which has previously been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The modes associated with the oxo bridge were identified by experiments on the 18O-containing species. Spectra for the mu-16O complex contain Raman bands at 870, 458, and 203 cm-1 that shift to 826, 440, and 198 cm-1 in the mu-18O complex. These are respectively assigned to the asymmetric, symmetric, and angle deformations of the bent Fe-O-Fe moiety. A normal mode vibration analysis based on a simple valence force field for the Fe-O-Fe portion of the molecule provides surprisingly good agreement with these experimental frequencies and their assignments. The vibrational data for this simple inorganic complex confirm the assignment of a resonance Raman band around 500 cm-1 in the oxygen-carrying protein hemerythrin and enzyme ribonucleotide reductase as the symmetric stretch of an oxo bridge between two iron(III) centers.  相似文献   

Hybridization saturation analyses of mitochondrial DNA from 11 petite clones genetically characterized with respect to chloramphenicol and erythromycin resistance markers, have been carried out with 11 individual mitochrondrial transfer RNAs. Mitochondrial tRNA cistrons were lost, retained, or amplified in different petite strains. In some cases hybridization levels corrected for kinetic complexity of the mtDNA3 were two- to threefold greater than that for grande mtDNA indicating selective amplification, or increased number of copies, of the segment of mtDNA containing that tRNA cistron. Hybridization levels corrected for reduced kinetic complexity of petite mtDNAs in many cases were only 1 to 10% of that for grande mtDNA suggesting a low level of intracellular molecular heterogeneity of mtDNA with respect to tRNA cistrons. Some petite clones that retained tRNA genes continued to transcribe mitochondrial tRNAs, since tRNA isolated from these strains could be aminoacylated with Escherichia, coli synthetases and hybridized with mtDNA. Hybridization data allow us to order several of the tRNA cistrons on the mitochondrial genome with respect to the chloramphenicol and erythromycin antibiotic resistance markers.  相似文献   

A study was made of the in vitro proliferative activity of thymus-derived lymphoid cells from cyclophosphamide-treated mice (Cy-mice) and the relationship between this and some in vivo immunological responses. The proliferative response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and allogeneic cells was depressed for up to 3 weeks after drug treatment in spleen and lymph node cells, responsiveness recovering more rapidly in lymph node cells. Cell concentration in culture was shown to be important in such measurements as cells from some Cy-mice were able to inhibit their own proliferation and that of normal lymph node cells. No stable soluble factor responsible for this effect could be isolated. It was shown that in vitro proliferative activity is not a good indicator of in vivo T-cell capability as indicated by the very rapid recovery of ability to reject skin grafts and the fairly rapid recovery of ability to produce cytotoxic cells compared to the slower recovery of in vitro T-cell activities.  相似文献   

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