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R F Derr  M Derr 《Life sciences》1985,36(8):763-767
An ethanol withdrawal syndrome was elicited by withholding ethanol from physically dependent, male Sprague-Dawley rats. Ethanol dependence had been induced by intragastric administration of ethanol at a dosage of 9 to 15 grams per kilogram per day over a four-day period. Oral administration of 3-hydroxybutyrate, a compound which is elevated in blood of ethanol dependent rats and is a substrate of both the cerebral small-pool and large-pool Krebs-cycle, was effective in suppressing the tremulous component of the ethanol withdrawal syndrome. 3-Hydroxybutyrate did not function as a central nervous system depressant at the dose levels employed.  相似文献   

R F Derr  K Draves  M Derr 《Life sciences》1983,32(22):2551-2554
Butyrate, lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, compounds which may be elevated in blood of ethanol dependent rats and substrates of the cerebral small-pool Krebs-cycle, were tested for their ability to suppress an ethanol withdrawal syndrome. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were rendered physically dependent on ethanol by intragastric administration of ethanol at a dosage of 9 to 15 grams per kilogram per day over a 4-day period. Oral administration of a mixture of butyrate, lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate was effective in suppressing the tremulous component of the ethanol withdrawal syndrome.  相似文献   

Calcium channel antagonists decrease the ethanol withdrawal syndrome   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
H J Little  S J Dolin  M J Halsey 《Life sciences》1986,39(22):2059-2065
Withdrawal from chronic ethanol intake results in a syndrome of tremor and hyperexcitability, which can progress to seizures and death. Drugs used therapeutically to alleviate the syndrome have sedative actions and dependence liability of their own. The basis of the syndrome is unclear, although ethanol affects many neuronal functions, including membrane calcium conductance. Calcium channel blocking drugs have been used in cardiovascular disorders; they bind to high affinity sites in the brain but have few overt actions on the central nervous system. We have tested the effects of four calcium channel antagonists on the ethanol withdrawal syndrome in rats. Nitrendipine and nimodipine abolished all spontaneous seizures and prevented or reduced seizures following an audiogenic stimulus, and mortality. Verapamil significantly decreased seizure incidence and both it and flunarizine lowered mortality. The dihydropyridines were considerably more effective than diazepam in the withdrawal syndrome but had little effect on pentylenetetrazol seizures, against which diazepam gave good protection. The calcium channel inhibitors showed no sedative activity in normal animals. The results provide evidence that alterations in calcium conductance may be involved in the ethanol withdrawal syndrome and offer possibilities for the development of non-sedative therapeutic treatment of this syndrome.  相似文献   

In this study, a model of the clonidine withdrawal syndrome in normotensive rats was used to investigate the mechanisms and sites of the cardiovascular responses associated with this withdrawal. Clonidine (400 micrograms.kg-1.day-1), an alpha 2-adrenergic receptor agonist, was administered to rats via indwelling osmotic minipumps for 7 days. Withdrawal was precipitated by an intravenous injection of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor antagonist yohimbine under alpha-chloralose anaesthesia, and the blood pressure and heart rate responses were recorded. Yohimbine (0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mg/kg i.v.) in clonidine-treated rats provoked an immediate rise in blood pressure and heart rate. Similar injections in saline-treated rats produced slight hypotension and modestly increased the heart rate. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) yohimbine injection (30 or 120 micrograms/kg in 10 microL volume) failed to elicit signs of withdrawal in clonidine-treated animals, but a subsequent intravenous injection of yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg) provoked brisk signs of withdrawal. hexamethonium (2 mg/kg) pretreatment did not abolish the increase in the heart rate, but it delayed the blood pressure increase. Pretreatment with atropine sulfate (1 mg/kg) did not block the yohimbine-induced increase in heart rate or blood pressure. This study demonstrates that yohimbine can effectively produce cardiovascular signs of withdrawal in rats chronically exposed to clonidine. The lack of i.c.v. yohimbine suggests that the antagonist-precipitated withdrawal may not have a central origin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although the neurochemical mechanisms contributing to alcohol withdrawal seizures are poorly understood, withdrawal seizures probably reflect neuronal hyperexcitability resulting from adaptation to chronic alcohol. Altered kappa-Opioid receptor (KOP-R) signaling has been observed in multiple seizure types; however, a role for this system in ethanol withdrawal seizures has not been systematically characterized. We hypothesized that pharmacological manipulations of the KOP-R would alter withdrawal in mice selectively bred for differences in ethanol withdrawal severity. Withdrawal Seizure-Prone (WSP) and Withdrawal Seizure-Resistant (WSR) mice were made physically dependent using chronic ethanol vapor inhalation, and the effects of the KOP-R antagonist nor-binaltorphimine or agonist U-50,488H on withdrawal severity were examined. Pretreatment with nor-binaltorphimine significantly increased handling-induced convulsion (HIC) severity in withdrawing WSR mice, with no observable effects in withdrawing WSP mice. In contrast, U-50,488H significantly decreased HIC severity in WSP mice, with no effects in WSR mice. During extended withdrawal (i.e. hours 12+), a rebound hyperexcitability was observed in WSP mice given agonist. Thus, administration of a KOP-R antagonist increased withdrawal severity in mice normally resistant to withdrawal seizures, while a KOP-R agonist reduced convulsion severity in animals susceptible to withdrawal seizures. These observations are consistent with differences in the KOP-R system observed in these lines at the molecular level, and suggest the KOP-R system may be a promising therapeutic target for management of ethanol withdrawal seizures. Finally, these findings underscore the importance of determining the potential for rebound increases in withdrawal severity during later withdrawal episodes.  相似文献   

Ethanol grown Acetobacter aceti differed from acetate grown. In ethanol grown cells, acetate uptake, caused by the oxidation of acetate, was completely inhibited by ethanol, in acetate grown cells only to 20%. This was correlated with a 65-fold higher specific activity of the membrane bound NAD(P)-independent alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanol grown than in acetate grown cells. In comparison with ethanol grown cells, acetate grown cells showed a 3-fold higher acetate respiration rate and 3-fold higher specific activities of some tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes tested. Both adaptations were due to induction by the homologous and not to repression by the heterologous growth substrate. A. aceti showed a membrane bound NAD(P)-independent malate dehydrogenase and no activity of a soluble NAD(P)-dependent one, as was known before from A. xylinum. A hypothesis was proposed explaining the observed inhibition of malate dehydrogenase and of functioning of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the presence of ethanol or butanol or glucose by a competition of two electron currents for a common link in the convergent electron transport chains. The electrons coming from the quinoproteins, alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose dehydrogenase on the one side and those coming from the flavoproteins, malate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase via ubiquinonecytochrome c reductase on the other side are meeting at cytochrome c. Here the quinoproteins may be favoured by higher affinity and so inhibit the flavoproteins. Inhibition could be alleviated in the cell free system by increasing the oxygen supply.Dedicated to Professor Carl Martius on the occasion of his 80th birthday, March 1st 1986  相似文献   

The hypothesis is advanced that the ethanol withdrawal syndrome is a manifestation of dependence by a cerebral Krebs-cycle on substrates which are readily available during ethanol addiction but which are relatively unavailable during withdrawal.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J (B6) inbred mice are well known to drink large amounts of alcohol (ethanol) voluntarily and to have only modest ethanol-induced withdrawal under fixed dose conditions. In contrast, DBA/2J (D2) mice are ``teetotallers' and exhibit severe ethanol withdrawal. Speculation that an inverse genetic relationship existed between these two traits was substantiated by meta-analysis of existing data collected in multiple genetic models, including large panels of standard and recombinant inbred strains, their crosses, and selectively bred mouse lines. Despite methodological differences among laboratories in measurement of both preference drinking and withdrawal, a nearly universal finding was that genotypes consuming large amounts of 10% ethanol (calculated as g/kg/day) during two-bottle choice preference drinking were genetically predisposed to low withdrawal scores in independent studies after either acute or chronic ethanol treatment. Conversely, low-drinking genotypes had higher withdrawal severity scores. The genetic relationship appears to be strongest in populations derived from B6 and D2, where data from more genotypes (BXD RIs, B6D2F2s, BXD RI F1s, and B6D2F2-derived selectively bred lines) were available for analysis. Gene mapping studies in these populations identified four chromosome regions [on Chromosomes (Chrs) 1, 2, 4, and 15] where genes might potentially influence both traits. Among genotypes with greater genetic diversity (for example, a panel of standard inbred strains or selectively bred lines), the relationship was less pronounced. Thus, reduced susceptibility to the development of high alcohol use may be supported by increased genetic susceptibility to ethanol withdrawal symptoms. Received: 15 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

CB1R play a role in alcohol withdrawal and in some effects of acupuncture. Interestingly, acupuncture has been used to alleviate alcohol withdrawal. Here, we investigated electroacupuncture (EA) effects during ethanol withdrawal on CB1R immunoreactivity. Male Swiss mice were daily injected with ethanol (2g/kg, i.p) (EtOH group), for 21 days. EA was performed daily during 4 days of ethanol withdrawal. The stimuli of 2 or 100 Hz were provided in two acupoints combination: Ea1 [(ST-36/Zusanli) and (PC-6/Neiguan)] or Ea2 [(DU-14/Dazhui) and (DU-20/Baihui)]. The specificity of the acupoints were assessed by the inclusion of three additional groups, Ea3 [(ST 25/Tianshu - acupoints used to other non-related disorders)], Sham1 and Sham2 (transdermic stimulation nearly to the respective acupoints). EtOH group were only handled during withdrawal and Saline group was chronically treated with Saline and handled similarly to EtOH group. One day after withdrawal the animals were perfused and their brains processed for immunohistochemistry. There was an increase of CB1R in the prefrontal cortex, striatum, hippocampus, amygdala and ventral tegmental area. The procedures used in the 2HzEa1 and 100HzEa2 groups were the most effective and specific to inhibit this CB1R upregulation. Therefore, EA inhibits CB1R upregulation seen in ethanol withdrawn mice. The specificity of acupoints stimulation depends of the encephalic nuclei, acupoints association and frequency of stimulation.  相似文献   

Ethanol withdrawal increases nociception after the injection of formalin into the rat's temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Little is known about the neurological basis for hyperalgesia induced by ethanol withdrawal, but it has been reported that ethanol can potentiate the response of transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) in superficial tissues. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that peripheral TRPV1 could be involved on nociceptive behavioral responses induced by the injection of formalin into the TMJ region of rats exposed to chronic ethanol administration and ethanol withdrawal. Behavioral hyperalgesia was verified 12 h after ethanol withdrawal in rats that drank an ethanol solution (6.5%) for 10 days. In another group submitted to the same ethanol regimen, the selective vanilloid receptor antagonist capsazepine (300, 600 or 1200 microg/25 microl) or an equal volume of vehicle were injected into the TMJ regions 30 min before the TMJ formalin test. The local injections of capsazepine reduced the increased nociceptive responses induced by ethanol withdrawal. The effect of capsazepine on rats that did not drink ethanol was not significant. These results indicate that the peripheral TRPV1 can contribute to the hyperalgesia induced by ethanol withdrawal on deep pain conditions.  相似文献   

The conversion of ethanol to ethyl acetate has an advantage as a method of ethanol recovery since ethyl acetate is amenable to simple solvent extraction. The potential of Candida utilis in this conversion was studied. The kinetics of accumulation of ethanol and ethyl acetate in glucose-grown C. utilis showed that ester formation resulted from ethanol utilization under appropriate aeration and was inhibited by Fe(3+) supplementation. Candida utilis converted ethanol to ethyl acetate optimally at pH 5.0-7.0. The five-hour rate of ester production increased as the ethanol concentration increased to 10 g/L, and rapidly declined to zero at concentrations exceeding 35 g/L. Thus, C. utilis has potential to recover dilute ethanol in the form of ethyl acetate.  相似文献   

A two-stage process for the enzymatic conversion of cellulose to ethanol is proposed as an alternative to currently incomplete and relatively slow enzymatic conversion processes employing natural insoluble cellulose. This alternative approach is designed to promote faster and more complete conversion of cellulose to fermentable sugars through the use of a homogeneous enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. Cellulose is chemically dissolved in the first stage to form water-soluble cellulose acetate (WSCA). The WSCA is then converted to ethanol in a simultaneous saccharification-fermentation with Pestal-otiopsis westerdijkii enzymes (containing cellulolytic and acetyl esterase components) and yeast.Water-soluble cellulose acetate was successfully prepared from purified wood cellulose (Solka Floe) and chemical reagents. Enzyme pretreatment of WSCAto form metabolizable sugars was a necessary step in achieving practical conversion of WSCA to ethanol using yeast. The results showed that WSCA has a low enzyme requirement and a high convertibility to reducing sugars with enzymes from P. westerdijkii fungus. Pestalotiopsis westerdijkii enzymes were found to be superior to enzymes from Trichoderma viride in producing metabolizable glucose from WSCA. The yeast utilized 55-70% of the hydrolyzate sugars that were produced by P. westerrlijkii enzymes on WSCA and produced ethanol. The acetate that was liberated into solution by the action of acetyl esterase enzymes on WSCA was found to have a stimulatory effect on ethanol production in yeast. This is an important feature that can be used to advantage in manipulating the conversion to maximize the production of ethanol. Hence, the simultaneous saccharification-fermentation of WSCA to ethanol using P. westerdijkii enzymes and yeast has features that are highly desirable for developing an economical cellulose conversion process.  相似文献   

We systematically paired auditory, olfactory, and social stimuli with each injection of morphine in rats. We found that, when morphine was kept constant at a low dose, the external stimuli acquired the property of a conditional stimulus (CS) to cause hyperthermia which was antagonized by naloxone. In rats in which morphine doses were regularly increased to cause morphine dependence, the CS presented during withdrawal, caused reduction in withdrawal signs (wet shakes, hypothermia, aggression) and produced hyperglycemia as well as elevation of striatal homovanillic acid. CS-induced alleviation of withdrawal hypothermia was blocked by mecamylamine, phenoxybenzamine, haloperidol, benztropine or naloxone but not by cyproheptadine or propranolol.  相似文献   

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