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Acetylcholine (ACh) responses were elicited by ionophoresis from neurons, located in the medial pontine reticular formation, which were antidromically identified as having axons projecting in the reticulospinal tracts. Most neurons were silent at rest and could be caused to discharge at a regular, slow rate by a constant application of glutamate. ACh altered this slow rate of firing in 28 of 29 cells but showed three different patterns of effect: approximately one-third were excited, one-third were inhibited, and one-third showed biphasic inhibition-excitation. The ACh responses were not sensitive to atropine. These observations suggest that reticulospinal neurons have ACh receptors mediating both inhibition and excitation, perhaps located on different portions of the same neuron.  相似文献   

A role for acetylcholine receptors in the fusion of chick myoblasts   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The role of acetylcholine receptors in the control of chick myoblast fusion in culture has been explored. Spontaneous fusion of myoblasts was inhibited by the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists alpha-bungarotoxin, Naja naja toxin and monoclonal antibody mcAb 5.5. The muscarinic antagonists QNB and n-methyl scopolamine were without effect. Atropine had no effect below 1 microM, where it blocks muscarinic receptors; at higher concentrations, when it blocks nicotinic receptors also, atropine inhibited myoblast fusion. The inhibitions imposed by acetylcholine receptor antagonists lasted for approximately 12 h; fusion stimulated by other endogenous substances then took over. The inhibition was limited to myoblast fusion. The increases in cell number, DNA content, the level of creatine phosphokinase activity (both total and muscle-specific isozyme) and the appearance of heavy chain myosin, which accompany muscle differentiation, followed a normal time course. Pre-fusion myoblasts, fusing myoblasts, and young myotubes specifically bound labeled alpha-bungarotoxin, indicating the presence of acetylcholine receptors. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, carbachol, induced uptake of [14C]Guanidinium through the acetylcholine receptor. Myoblasts, aligned myoblasts and young myotubes expressed the synthetic enzyme Choline acetyltransferase and stained positively with antibodies against acetylcholine. The appearance of ChAT activity in myogenic cultures was prevented by treatment with BUDR; nonmyogenic cells in the cultures expressed ChAT at a level which was too low to account for the activity in myogenic cultures. We conclude that activation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is part of the mechanism controlling spontaneous myoblast fusion and that myoblasts synthesize an endogenous, fusion-inducing agent that activates the nicotinic ACh receptor.  相似文献   

Current methods utilized for serial blood collection in the young pig are limited due to the stress and/or discomfort to which the pig is exposed. Thus, we have developed a non-surgical, minimally invasive cannulation technique which allows jugular vein catheter placement in the young pig without causing extended discomfort or stress. The procedure described is rapid (approximately 8 min/pig) and relatively simple, requiring only minimal anaesthesia for immobilization of the pig during the procedure. Routinely, 2-week-old piglets are standing in their pens within 15-20 min from initiation of the procedure. Piglets recover rapidly from the procedure and display no clinical indications of pain or discomfort. Serum concentrations of cortisol, a standard indicator of stress and/or discomfort, are asymptomatic within 2 h of completing the procedure (k = 26.14+/-3.03 ng/ml). Stress is limited to the initial immobilization of the piglets. With this technique of cannulation, we routinely maintain catheter patency for 2 days, and often for as long as 5 days.  相似文献   

The presence of muscarinic (M) acetylcholine receptors in the noninnervated chick amnion makes it possible to analyze their functioning with presynaptic effects excluded. The M receptors of the amnion mediating its contraction were identified by testing with selective antagonists: pirenzepine for M1, methoctramine for M2, 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) for M3, and tropicamide for M4 receptor subtype. All antagonists acted as competitive inhibitors of M-acetylcholine receptors. With respect to cholinolytic activity estimated from the response to carbacholine (CBC) (-logIC50), the antagonists could be arranged in the following series: 4-DAMP (8.29) > tropicamide (6.97) > pirenzepine (5.85) > methoctramine (5.63). In addition, the effect of forskolin (5 μM), activator of adenylate cyclase (AC), was unidirectional with ?-adrenergic agonists; it blocked CBC-induced contractile activity of the amnion, whereas phospholipase C (1.25 U/ml) stimulated this activity. These data suggest that CBC-or acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contractile activity of the amnion is mediated by M3 acetylcholine receptors. Evaluation of contractile response to ACh by the tonic component usually revealed one pool of M3 acetylcholine receptors. One pool was also revealed after treatment with 4-DAMP, with the Hill coefficient being increased (ACh, n = 1.07; ACh against the 4-DAMP background, n = 1.48). It is possible to detect two pools of M3-acetylcholine receptors on the basis of either phase-frequency or tonic response, i.e., independently of the test parameter.  相似文献   

Da Silva-Grigoletto, ME, de Hoyo, M, Sa?udo, B, Corrales, L, and García-Manso, JM. Determining the optimal whole-body vibration dose-response relationship for muscle performance. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3326-3333, 2011-The aim of this investigation was twofold: first, to determine the optimal duration of a single whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure (phase 1) and second to find out the ideal number of sets per intervention to maximize muscle performance (phase 2). All participants were young (age: 19.4 ± 1.6 years), healthy, physically active men. In both studies, a 30-Hz frequency and a 4-mm peak-to-peak displacement were used. In phase 1, subjects (n = 30) underwent 3 sets of different durations (30, 60, and 90 seconds), whereas in phase 2, subjects (n = 27) underwent 3 interventions where the duration remained fixed at 60 seconds, and the number of sets performed (3, 6, or 9) was modified. The recovery time between sets was set at 2 minutes. In all interventions, each set consisted of 1 isometric repetition in a squat position with knees flexed at 100°. Before and after each session, jump height (countermovement jump [CMJ] and squat jump [SJ]) and power output in half squat (90° knee flexion) were assessed. In phase 1, an improvement in jump ability and power output was observed after the 30- and 60-second intervention (p < 0.01), whereas the 90 second intervention, participants just experienced a decrease in SJ and CMJ (p < 0.05). When comparing the different protocols, the greatest response was achieved using 60 seconds (p < 0.05), which was therefore considered as the optimal duration to be used in phase 2. In the second phase, improvements in jump ability and power output were found with 3 and 6 sets (p < 0.05), whereas with 9 sets, participants actually experienced a decrease in these variables. Intergroup comparison showed a greater effect for the program of 6 sets (p < 0.05). In conclusion, a WBV intervention consisting of six 60-second sets produces improved muscle performance measured by SJ, CMJ, and power output.  相似文献   

Seven endurance-trained subjects [maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) 64 +/- 1 (SE) ml.min-1.kg-1] were subjected to three sequential hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamps 15 h after having performed their last training session (T). Results were compared with findings in seven untrained subjects (VO2max 44 +/- 2 ml.min-1.kg-1) studied both at rest (UT) and after 60 min of bicycle exercise at 150 W (UT-ex). In T and UT-ex compared with UT, sensitivity for insulin-mediated whole-body glucose uptake was higher [insulin concentrations eliciting half-maximal glucose uptake being 44 +/- 2 (T) and 43 +/- 4 (UT-ex) vs. 52 +/- 3 microU/ml (UT), P less than 0.05] and responsiveness was higher [13.4 +/- 1.2 (T) and 10.9 +/- 0.7 (UT-ex) vs. 9.5 +/- 0.7 mg.min-1.kg-1 (UT), P less than 0.05]. Furthermore, responsiveness was higher (P less than 0.05) in T than in UT-ex. Insulin-stimulated O2 uptake and maximal glucose oxidation rate were higher in T than in UT and UT-ex. Insulin-stimulated conversion or glucose to glycogen and muscle glycogen synthase was higher in T than in UT and UT-ex. However, glycogen storage in vastus lateralis muscle was found only in UT-ex. No change in any glucoregulatory hormone or metabolite could explain the increased insulin action in trained subjects. It is concluded that physical training induces an adaptive increase in insulin responsiveness of whole-body glucose uptake, which does not reflect increased glycogen deposition in muscle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dose-response relationship for decompression magnitude and venous gas emboli (VGE) formation in humans was examined. Pressure exposures of 138, 150, and 164 kPa (12, 16, and 20.5 ft of seawater gauge pressure) were conducted in an underwater habitat for 48 h. The 111 human male volunteer subjects then ascended directly to the surface in less than 5 min and were monitored for VGE with a continuous-wave Doppler ultrasound device over the precordium or the subclavian veins at regular intervals for a 24-h period. No signs or symptoms consistent with decompression sickness occurred. However, a large incidence of VGE detection was noted. These data were combined with those from our previously reported experiments at higher pressures, and the data were fit to a Hill dose-response equation with nonlinear least-squares or maximum likelihood routines. Highly significant fits of precordial VGE incidences were obtained with the Hill equation (saturation depth pressure at which there is a 50% probability of detectable VGE [D(VGE)50] = 150 +/- 1.2 kPa). Subclavian monitoring increased the sensitivity of VGE detection and resulted in a leftward shift [D(VGE)50 = 135 +/- 2 kPa] of the best-fit curve. We conclude that the reduction in pressure necessary to produce bubbles in humans is much less than was previously thought; 50% of humans can be expected to generate endogenous bubbles after decompression from a steady-state pressure exposure of only 135 kPa (11 ft of seawater). This may have significant implications for decompression schedule formulation and for altitude exposures that are currently considered benign. These results also imply that endogenous bubbles arise from preexisting gas collections.  相似文献   

In this paper a nonlinear model depending of one modifying factor to study the dependence of the PAPOVA virus reduction factor to the irradiant dose. In this model, least squares estimates of the parameters are obtained using the linearization method with the initial guesses values. An extension of the initial exponential model is proposed when the viral material is influenced by some modifying factors.  相似文献   

C R Piffer 《Acta anatomica》1979,105(2):121-133
The author studied the structure of the tissue components of the tunicae of the terminal segment of the sigmoid sinus, particularly at the level of the transition between the sigmoid sinus, the superior bulb of the jugular vein and the first portion of the human internal jugular vein; it was established that the transition between the sigmoid sinus and the first portion of the internal jugular vein occupies the whole extension of the superior bulb of the jugular vein up to the inferior third of the first portion of this vessel. These vascular walls exhibit a structure similar to that of the dura, i.e. the tunica adventitia is formed by fascicles of collagenic fibers which describe discontinuous spirals, more open proximal to the beginning of the first portion of the internal jugular vein. Approximately in the inferior third of the first portion of the internal jugular vein, there appear fascicles of smooth muscle fibers which are arranged similarly to those of the venous walls. The tunica intima of these vascular segments exhibits an endothelium resting on a network of elastic fibers which may play the role of an internal elastic lamina. From the bony border of the jugular foramen there originates a connective system whose fascicles of collagenic and elastic fibers incorporate to the wall of the internal jugular vein after describing a stretch in spiral around the vascular lumen.  相似文献   

Some of the muscarinic receptor-mediated effects of acetylcholine in early chick embryo cells at stages three-four by Hamburger and Hamilton were studied. Acetylcholine increased the intracellular level of cGMP about two-fold. Acetylcholine raised the intracellular level of free calcium from the basal level of 120 nM to 140 nM. Atropine, a muscarinic antagonist, blocked both the above-mentioned responses.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in chick limb bud during morphogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In the chick embryo a cholinesterase activity appears in various organ anlagen which has been correlated with morphogenetic movements (Drews 1975). The cholinesterase activity is present in the mesenchyme of the limb bud during aggregation of the central chondrogenic core. In the present study binding of tritium labelled quinuclidinyl benzilate ((3H)QNB), a muscarinic antagonist, to homogenates of chick limb buds was investigated by a filtration assay. In the homogenate of limb buds at Stage 24 specific binding of (3H)QNB was demonstrated. Determination of binding constants and inhibition of binding by agonists and antagonists was studied at Stage 25/26. Specific binding was defined by the difference in binding in the absence and presence of atropine (1 M). Specific binding of (3H)QNB reflected a muscarinic receptor. The Kd in two experiments was 0.11 nM and 0.16 nM, the binding capacity was 15.7 fmol (3H)QNB/mg protein and 12.0 fmol (3H)QNB/mg protein, respectively. Data on displacement of specific bound (3H)QNB by various nicotinic and muscarinic ligands confirmed the muscarinic nature of the receptor. Muscarinic ligands inhibited the (3H) QNB binding, whereas nicotinic ligands caused no inhibition at pharmacological concentrations. I conclude that a specific muscarinic acetylcholine receptor is part of the cholinergic system whose presence is indicated by cholinesterase activity in the chondrogenic core of the limb bud during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We have used the calmodulin antagonists, trifluoperazine (TFP) and calmidazolium, to study the potential role of this protein in the movement of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) to and from the myotube membrane, as well as in the formation of clusters of AChRs within the plasma membrane. Neither calmidazolium (up to 10(-6) M) nor TFP (10(-5) M) inhibited receptor degradation or the incorporation of new receptors (12 to 24 h). In addition, neither drug blocked the increased synthesis of receptors induced by chick brain extract, nor significantly affected AChR clusters already in the plane of the membrane at the time of drug addition. However, both drugs blocked new receptor clusters (induced by a basement membrane extract from Torpedo electric organ) from forming. These results indicate that receptors can move to and from the cell membrane in a calmodulin-independent fashion, but movement in the plane of the membrane to form a cluster requires the participation of calmodulin.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of a clinical trial of Hexabrix, a new radiopaque low osmolar agent, to be used in visceral catheterization translumbar angiography. Hexabrix was shown to reduce the frequency of side-effects by 40% as compared to triiodinated agents. The new agent causes no marked reactions in intraarterial administration even at a dose over 2 ml/kg. Hexabrix is an agent of choice to be used for patients at risk of angiographic investigation (allergy, advanced age, a severe general condition).  相似文献   

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